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Hey man look at me rocking out....


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IM ON THE RADIO!!! Well, sort of..... As from tomorrow night, I have a 2 hour DJ set with Evo Radio, who mainly broadcast to players of City Of Heroes (you dont have to play to listen). The set starts at 10pm GMT on Monday 9th June and finishes at midnight. If you want to listen, go to [url]http://evoradio.co.uk/[/url] click on TUNE IN then choose whichever way you want to listen (Web-based player is prob best for ease) I shall be playing mainly a mix of Indie / Alt tunes but may throw in some stuff. I will be taking requests, so if theres anything you want me to play within reason then just leave it on here and I'll see if I can fit it in....... And PLEASE LISTEN!!! (btw there is a limit of 50 listeners so sorry if you cant get on)
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Well, just done my debut.... it went pretty well. Had a few people from Thewrestlinggame listen in, plus the usuals from CoH. So did anyone here tune in? If so, what did you think? I shall be on again, next Monday, 10pm-12 GMT
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