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Reggie Jensen Has More C's Than You

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Allow me to introduce myself -- my name's Reggie Jensen. I've been in the wrestling business for ten years. After college, I got a job as George DeColt's personal assistant, which I eventually parlayed into a spot on CGC's writing staff. I held that job for three years before receiving a comparable offer from TCW. This was right after Tommy Cornell bought the company, and they were looking to accomplish a complete re-branding, so they brought in a few new writers. I was one of them. It was a pretty great job -- unlike CGC, you could tell that the people at TCW had real ambition, they were always trying to innovate. Nothing against CGC, mind you, but honestly, every day at that job was pretty much the same. "Somebody tries messing with one or more of the DeColt brothers, so then the rest of the DeColt brothers stop him from doing that. Repeat." It started to wear on you after a while. Still, I guess it's better than accounting or whatever. Anyway, I was looking to branch out. I had done some announcing work at TCW -- house shows, mostly -- and that went well, but things were pretty much blocked up in their ranks. They had Azaria, they had Rhodes, and then they hired Shawn Doakes and Jasmine Saunders. They're a big company; they don't need a combination writer/announcer. So when I got an offer from 4C, I was intrigued. 4C is a smaller company, and they work mostly a hardcore/modern style. They're based in Toronto, maybe a hundred miles from my home town. It seems they've been trying to make a move lately; after DAVE shut down, there's a bit of a void in the market, and they're looking to fill that void. So they decided they needed a full-time head booker. (They were using this guy Joey Poison, who's a wrestler for them, but he was struggling to manage working and booking at the same time.) Troy Winner, the owner of the promotion -- he's around four feet tall -- hired this guy McGhee, who's been a manager on the indy circuit. McGhee is even shorter than Winner. I guess the decision to hire him was based on some kind of bizarre midget solidarity or something. Turns out McGhee is a total drunk with no booking skill whatsoever. Utter disaster. So they fire him two months later, and who do they call in to pick up the pieces? Me. All right, I say, but I want to be the promotion's lead announcer. Fair enough, they respond. I give my notice to TCW -- no hard feelings between us, by the way, they understand I had to pursue the opportunity -- and I pack up for Canada. I'm home, and I've got a job to do.
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[B]January 15, 2008 -- Welcome To Toronto[/B] I headed for 4C's offices as soon as I got out of the airport. I'd been pulling some strings behind the scenes, making inquiries, but I hadn't been able to get to the office itself until now. The office looked pretty typical -- one central room with four or five cubicles, two small individual offices along the back wall, a conference room off to the side. It was on the third floor of a kind of ratty downtown building. Troy greeted me, but he looked a bit upset. [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/troywinner.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Reggie, we need to talk"[/COLOR], he said. He didn't look happy... a small man with bad news. "Is something wrong?" [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Just got word from Devine. He signed with SWF." [/COLOR] Damn. This wasn't as bad as I had feared, but it wasn't good. Darryl Devine was our top star -- a versatile worker with charisma to spare. Granted, we all knew he was going eventually; TCW had been scouting him for months while I was there. But I was at least expecting him to stick around until I got into the country. "Anyone else jump ship while I was on the plane?" [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"No. CGC signed Jett, and CZCW signed Newton -- neither one exclusive. But you knew that."[/COLOR] "Yeah, know that, have no problem with it. Heck, anything that gets Jett more exposure in Canada is fine by me. You mind if we sit down?" [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Sure thing -- Joey's in the conference room."[/COLOR] Joey Poison... now, there's a complication to this whole deal. If you'll remember, Joey was 4C's booker before the whole McGhee debacle. As far as I know, Winner's claim that he voluntarily stepped down is legitimate; he really did want to focus on his wrestling. But at this point, he's the third member of the booking team, and he can't have been happy with the McGhee situation. At this point, I still hadn't talked with him; this was, of course, a concern. I really hoped there wouldn't be any conflicts.
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[B]January 15 (part II) -- Meet Mr. Poison; The First Card[/B] We stepped into the conference room, and I shook Joey Poison's hand. He was a solidly built man of around 220 pounds, whose steady gaze belied his ragged T-shirt and multi-colored hair. "Johnny Oliver", I said. "Nice to meet you." [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/joeypoison.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Same to you. Call me Joe. You heard about Darryl? Tough break there."[/COLOR] "Not for him", I said. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Well, for us. At least he wasn't booked for next week. Speaking of which..."[/COLOR] "Yeah. You got my e-mail, right? The list of new hires? I feel like this month has to be about the new guys. We've signed six new guys -- let's bring 'em in, right?" [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Sure, fair enough. I'm looking at the list here... you plan to push which ones? I assume Zeus and... Marlowe?"[/COLOR] "Yeah, Zeus and Marlowe are definitely the most ready for a push. Not sure if we want Marlowe involved with the title, but we need to build him up as a legit main eventer. As for Zeus... I was thinking of trying him in a tag team. We only have one heel tag team right now, and three faces. Might need to add a lower-level heel tag as well, but for now, this seems like the way to bring in Zeus." [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Okay... who we teaming him with? One of the new guys, or someone already here?"[/COLOR] "I was thinking one of the new guys... probably Umaga. Sound fair?" [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Fair to me."[/COLOR] "Mr. Winner?" The boss was sitting at the head of the table. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Makes no difference to me, Johnny. I stay out of these decisions -- I'm just here to resolve disagreements and make sure things don't get out of hand."[/COLOR] "All right. Now, I don't see a push for Casey or Sanders to start out -- I basically hired them because they're local, they've got skills, and we've got rookies to train. Which leaves Patterson. You familiar with his story?" [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"He's the big British guy, right?"[/COLOR] "You got it. I've been watching that guy since CGC. I could never convince the DeColts to bring him in, and then when I was with TCW, he was injured. He's kind of a pet project of mine -- I really think he's as good as any worker his size today, including Khoklov. Of course, he has no name recognition in Canada, so we'll need to build him up." [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"So... standard monster heel push?"[/COLOR] "Yeah, I was thinking that. Work him up from the bottom." [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"The whole thing's kind of sports-entertainment, though, isn't it?" [/COLOR] "What do you mean?" [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"This whole 'look at this giant man, he can obliterate the whole world' kind of thing."[/COLOR] "Well, he's not a giant. We're not presenting him as a Jack and the Beanstalk guy. We're just saying, look, this man is a lot larger than these other guys, and that makes him tough to beat in a fight. That's realistic -- I don't think it's a problem. Especially because he's got actual fighting skills; he knows how to throw a punch, and he understands psychology. He looks legit out there, trust me." [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Troy. What do you think?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"What do I know? You're all giant men to me." [/COLOR] Winner laughed. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Seriously, Joe, let the man do his job. If Patterson doesn't work out, or the fans don't accept him, we'll stop booking him. But we'll worry about that then. For now, my only issue with the guy is the cost of flying him in from England." [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"All right, all right. I'll give him a shot. So, anyway -- the show..."[/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]4C Presents Cage Rage[/B] at Toronto's Twin Elm Park Sayeed (c) vs. Barry Kingman in a cage match for the 4C Championship Phenomenal Excess (c) vs. Zeus Maxmillion and Rhino Umaga in a cage match for the 4C Tag Team Championship Frankie Dee vs. Joey Poison in a cage match Slim V vs. Jack Marlowe in a cage match Jason Thunder vs. Davis Wayne Newton Canadian Dragon vs. Too Hot in a tables match DARK MATCH: Hardcore Killah vs. Cal Sanders DARK MATCH: Chris Flynn vs. Eric Blackley DARK MATCH: Danny Patterson vs. TJ Bailey Plus the debut of new 4C announcer Reggie Jensen![/QUOTE] Show forthcoming. I would wait for predictions, but it's a new diary...
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[B][SIZE="4"]4C Cage Rage 2008[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/dannypatterson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/tjbailey.jpg[/IMG] [B]DARK MATCH: Danny Patterson (0-0 in 2008) vs. TJ Bailey (0-0)[/B] In a problematic situation, neither one of these guys appeared to be at his full strength tonight. Understandable, perhaps, for Patterson, who was making his North American debut... but Bailey really should've done better. In addition, the fans just aren't buying Bailey's underdog gimmick... maybe they don't like the visor. I don't blame them -- the visor makes him look like a jerk. So this was a bad way to start the show, even if it doesn't officially start the show. As for the in-ring action, Patterson predictably dominated, hitting a choke-slam for the win. [B]Danny Patterson over TJ Bailey by pinfall in 3:54 (E-)[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/ericblackley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/chrisflynn.jpg[/IMG] [B]DARK MATCH: Eric Blackley (0-0) vs. Chris Flynn (0-0)[/B] This by contrast... ugh. Both of these guys were on their game, which would be great if either of them had a game to be on. This is a problem we're facing; we have a lot of these kind of scrubby rookies on the roster, and Winner is committed to training them, but they're really not ready at all. Flynn takes the win after he manages to not blow a spot. [B]Chris Flynn over Eric Blackley by pinfall in 3:43 (F+)[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/fredzeppelin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/hardcorekillah.jpg[/IMG] [B]DARK MATCH: Fred Zeppelin (0-0) vs. Hardcore Killah (0-0)[/B] Our second debut of the night sees Fred Zeppelin -- the former Cal Sanders in a metalhead gimmick -- dispatching tag team member Hardcore Killah. Killah's skills are as limited as Sanders' acting range, but he's got decent fundamentals, and this was a solid match. Zeppelin locks his submission finisher, the Figure IV, on Killah for the win, and we're ready to kick off the evening. [B]Fred Zeppelin over Hardcore Killah iby submission in 5:53 (E+)[/B] Which brings us to the event itself. The team of Reggie Jensen and Ted Ross is standing by at ringside. [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/reggiejensen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/tedross.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]"Good evening, I'm Reggie Jensen, and this is my partner Ted Ross. Welcome to 4C Cage Rage!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Yes, sir -- we've got an insane lineup for you tonight. Tell them about it, Reggie!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Well, we've got a tag title match between Phenomenal Excess and the newcomers known as Mythic Powers."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Yes, Mythic Powers, they've been making waves in the last couple weeks, with some very bold proclamations, and in their debut, they've already been granted a tag title shot in a cage match, against the champions Phenomenal Excess."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"We've also got another newcomer in Jack Marlowe -- he'll be facing off against Slim V, and Frankie Dee tries to step up against a man who is definitely no rookie to 4C, Joey Poison. Both in cage matches, of course. And of course, we have our main event -- 4C Champion Sayeed takes on Barry Kingman, a man who has held the title twice before, in a cage match, and it should be an awesome battle, yes indeed."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I think we've got Sayeed in the ring right now. Sayeed?"[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/sayeed.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Yeah, you listen up, people! I'm Sayeed, and I'm from the streets! You got this dude Kingman, he ain't never had to fight the way I had to fight. I was fightin' as a kid, fightin' all day just to eat! You know how Kingman grew up? His dad was the Crippler! Crippler Ray Kingman! So you know his deal -- he's just in the family business. So he goes all out there, like, 'uh, yes, I am a professional wrestler, and allow me to exhibit my wrestling talent'. And you [I]know[/I] he never had to fight for bread. You go to the Kingman house, the walls are just lined with bread. They got, like, whole cabinets full of bread. How can that dude know what it's like to fight?"[/COLOR] Suddenly, the PA kicks in -- it's Rush's "Subdivisions", Barry Kingman's entrance music. Kingman appears at the head of the entrance ramp. [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/barrykingman.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DimGray"]"Sayeed!"[/COLOR], he says. [COLOR="DimGray"]"Don't give me any of this nonsense. And don't you dare criticize my father, eh?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Hey, man," [/COLOR]says Sayeed. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I'm not criticizing nobody. Your father was a good man. Your father made a good life for you. You never had to fight for anything. You never had to fight for your position in this company. And I'm saying you don't know [I]how [/I]to fight!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"]"Listen, Sayeed. We all know how you got that belt. You got it by fighting dirty and cheating relentlessly."[/COLOR] Kingman has moved to ringside by now. [COLOR="DarkGreen"] "I got it by [I]trying[/I], man! I was out there every day, testing myself with the best fighters on the street, while you were sitting on your ass in a house with bread on the walls! And I'm gonna put you back on that ass right now!" [/COLOR] He makes a threatening move toward the apron where Kingman is standing. [COLOR="DimGray"]"Hey there, guy. Save it for the cage. I know how you operate, and I'll be damned if I let you attack me before the match begins."[/COLOR] Kingman walks back up the ramp, as Sayeed shouts after him. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Damn [I]right[/I] you don't want to start anything. You can't hide, Kingman! You can't hide!"[/COLOR] [B]In-ring confrontation between Sayeed and Barry Kingman. Rating: D-.[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/canadiandragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/toohot.jpg[/IMG] [B]MATCH 1: Canadian Dragon (0-0) vs. Too Hot (0-0)[/B] I'm still feeling some of this out. For example, these two -- on paper, all I know is that they're lightweights with some high-flying ability. Dragon wears a mask, and I was expecting that he would show some lucha or super-junior influence in his style, but no, he's just a regular cruiserweight. That confuses me, and it appears to confuse the fans as well -- I can tell they're just not connecting with him. Meanwhile, Too Hot is all about connecting with the fans -- he does kind of a party-guy gimmick, dancing around in a Gilligan's Island hat, and people seem to be okay with it. But nobody thinks of him as much of a big deal; he's in a tag team with TJ Bailey, who's an opener. If this match is any indication, his problem is with blowing spots -- he missed a couple pretty big ones. All in all, the match didn't tell me too much about either of them, but it did suggest that both of them have issues to resolve before moving up the card. [B]Canadian Dragon defeated Too Hot in 7:46 when Too Hot was put through a table. (E+)[/B] Jack Marlowe comes out to a smattering of applause. [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/jackmarlowe.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DimGray"]"Good evening, Toronto! My name's Jack Marlowe. I'm going to be wrestling tonight against Slim V, and I thought I would introduce myself. I've been wrestling for ten years, during which time I've held titles on four continents. I've wrestled under the names of Jungle Jack"[/COLOR] -- a bit of applause here, as a few fans know Jungle Jack --[COLOR="DimGray"] "as well as John Fury, Hercules Hinshaw, Doctor Wrestling, Oso Furioso, and of course my own name, Jack Marlowe. During my travels, I've learned from the best wrestlers across the globe, and I put those skills to work in the ring. Or, as the case may be, in the cage. I'm glad to be in 4C, and I hope you'll enjoy my matches. Thank you."[/COLOR] [B]Jack Marlowe politely introduces himself. (E)[/B] [B]Match 2: Jason Thunder (0-0) w/Faith vs. Davis Wayne Newton (0-0)[/B] Another of the rookies, Jason Thunder, takes on one of 4C's brightest future hopes in Newton. The ending's pretty predictable -- Newton makes Thunder tap with a STF after a pretty lopsided match -- which probably hurts the crowd's interest. But there are some bright spots; Thunder definitely learned some things from this match, and it was another impressive showing from Thunder's valet Faith. [B]Davis Wayne Newton defeated Jason Thunder by submission in 6:56. (E+)[/B] Ted Ross says, [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Another impressive victory by Newton." [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Indeed, indeed. The kid's really been on a hot streak lately."[/COLOR] Newton, climbing out of the ring, rips the mic from Jensen's hands. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"That's no hot streak. This is a normal streak for me -- I'm winning because I'm better than my opponents. That's how it works. When will you people realize this? I'm stronger than anyone, I know more about wrestling than anyone, and if you're going to try to trick me, yeah, I got you. In fact -- can I say something?"[/COLOR] Jensen, not having a mic, really has no say in the matter. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I challenge any wrestler in 4C to a match. You've all been ducking and dodging me, let's see who has the guts to put his reputation on the line. I want you to [I]try [/I]and test me. See if I get tested. You know you don't have enough."[/COLOR] He throws the mic down and walks off. Ross chuckles. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Apparently, Reggie, you don't have enough."[/COLOR] Jensen, possessed of neither the mic nor a wrestling career, just shrugs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton makes an open challenge. (D)[/B] The cage is being set up for the last four matches of the evening. As Jensen retrieves his mic, a couple of promo videos recap the events of the pre-show, including videos introducing both Danny Patterson and Fred Zeppelin to the fans. (F+, F-) We then go to the backstage feed, where the Mythic Powers are waiting to cut a promo. [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/zeus.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/shiva.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"We are the Mythic Powers! I'm Zeus, the man with the plan and the excellent tan, and this here is my business associate, Shiva the Destroyer."[/COLOR] Shiva says, [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I burn with the fury of a thousand suns!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"And you know... that's a lotta suns! Whereas I don't burn, I tan. And we are on a mission, to defeat all our rivals and come out as the number one tag team this side of anywhere. And you'll see that tonight, when we beat Phenomenal Excess and win the title. We hit 'em hard, and then we bring it back and hit 'em again in case they missed it the first time."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"None shall stand before me!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Yeah, that's right -- you won't know what hit you!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"It is us! We will hit you!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Well, now you know, I guess. Way to spoil the surprise. Settle down, Shiva." [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I am unable to rest! The desire to destroy pulses within me!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Let me tell you -- this guy? Always on! Always talking about destroying! Bad for his dating life, good in the wrestling ring. But, you know, just means more ladies for me. Anyway, check it -- if you need us, we'll be in the ring. I'm Zeus, this is Shiva, and we're the Mythic Powers."[/COLOR] [B]The Mythic Powers cut a promo. (E+)[/B] We return to Reggie and Ted in the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]"Well, here we are -- there is a fifteen-foot steel cage in the ring, and we are ready for our last four matches. Now coming to the ring is the world traveler Jack Marlowe, making his 4C debut..."[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/jackmarlowe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/slimv.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Marlowe (0-0) vs. Slim V (0-0) in a steel cage match[/B] Marlowe looked a little jittery out there -- which is a bit surprising. I mean, he's hardly exaggerating his international experience. The man's fought for at least 15-20 different promotions over the last decade. But it really looked like a case of debut nerves. At one point, he just got locked into throwing nothing but European uppercuts for 90 seconds or so. He picked up the win over Slim V in this match, taking the pinfall with a jumping piledriver. [B]Jack Marlowe defeats Slim V via pinfall in 11:36. (D-)[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"An impressive debut for the man they call Jack Marlowe. Or Jungle Jack, or Oso Furioso..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Let me tell you, Ted, this is a man who's had success all over the world, it's no surprise he's having success here in 4C as he defeats Thug Life's Slim V. Next up is Joey Poison vs. Frankie Dee -- Dee, of course, another relative newcomer to the scene, with maybe six months of experience in the ring. He's looked impressive so far, with a strong martial arts influence, but he faces a tough test in Joey Poison. Let's go to the ring."[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/frankiedee.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/joeypoison.jpg[/IMG] [B]"The White Angel" Frankie Dee (0-0) vs. Joey Poison (0-0) in a steel cage match[/B] The match begins tentatively, with Dee using his powerful kicking game to keep Poison at a distance. Three minutes in, Joey lunges for Dee, only to be nailed by a kick to the jaw. Dee tries to scramble up the cage, but Joey recovers, catches Frankie by the leg, and throws him down. When it comes to mat wrestling, Poison clearly has the upper hand, putting a few painful-looking submission holds on Dee. Not sure why he didn't target Dee's legs, given the situation; will have to ask him about that later. Dee manages to get to his feet, and the standoff begins anew until Poison catches onto his leg. He takes Poison down and locks on the Antidote Web. Dee looks ready to submit -- but Poison wrenches his leg a couple inches further and lets go. Poison's climbing the cage, and Dee is struggling to stand up, let alone go after him. Poison goes over and wins the fight. [B]Joey Poison defeats Frankie Dee by escaping the cage in 12:49 (D)[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/phenomenale.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/duberryexcess.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/zeus.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/shiva.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mythic Powers (0-0) vs. Phenomenal Excess (0-0) in a tag team match for the 4C Tag Championship[/B] Good heavens, this was bad. This was bad, bad, bad. Of course, the idea for the Mythic Powers involved them being a little mismatched -- the arrogant, charismatic Zeus teaming with the intense Rhino/Shiva -- but unfortunately, that disconnect carried over to the ring. These guys didn't appear to be on the same page at one point during the whole match. Of course, it didn't help that Phenomenal Excess aren't suited to the cage match style -- neither one's a brawler. But at least they're a real tag team. Unfortunately, they're not the ones who won. Yes, we've just put the tag titles on a pair of wrestlers who have absolutely no chemistry together. And it happened in telling fashion... this was the debut of the Powers' tag finisher, the Divine Hammer. The way it's supposed to work is that Shiva suplexes the opponent to the mat in front of Zeus, who leaps off the top rope and delivers an elbow drop to his chest as he's rebounding off the mat. The way it did work... well, I'm not sure if Shiva dropped Excess in the wrong place, or Zeus jumped wrong, and maybe the fact that they didn't test the move in a cage situation was an issue. But the fact remained, Zeus jumped way long, and sort of hit Excess in the stomach with his leg. Excess sold it, though, and Zeus covered for the win. [B]Mythic Powers over Phenomenal Excess in 15:53 by pinfall (E) Mythic Powers win the 4C Tag Championship[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"An impressive debut for the Mythic Powers"[/COLOR], Ross says, trying desperately to sell the match. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"They take the tag title on their first appearance. And next month, we'll be seeing some impressive matches as well. Reggie?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Yes, indeed! Joey Poison returns to action, taking on The Amazing Jacob Jett in a high-stakes ladder match. And another winner from tonight, Jack Marlowe, will take on Hardcore Champion Brett Fraser in a non-title match. That's next month at X-Factor, right here at Twin Elm Park. And now, ladies and gentlemen... our main event."[/COLOR] [B]Two match announcements. (D- for Poison-Jett, E- for Marlowe-Fraser)[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/sayeed.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/barrykingman.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sayeed (0-0) vs. Barry Kingman (0-0) in a cage match for the 4C Championship[/B] And the match is on. These two have a history together; Sayeed's debut was part of a post-match beatdown angle in late 2006. Kingman, who held the 4C Championship at the time, had just finished defeating Hardcore Killah, and was attacked by Slim V and Sayeed on the way out of the ring. The plan had been for Sayeed to operate in a ringside bodyguard role for Thug Life while gaining experience, but it turned out he was already better than either member of the tag team, so he was moved up the card. This is the third time he's faced Kingman in a match -- he lost in February 2007, but won in July. Of course, neither of those was a title match. Sayeed said that Kingman's success is largely due to his famous father, and that he doesn't have the drive necessary to be great. Of course, that's kayfabe talking; still, it might not be wholly inaccurate. I don't see anything from him in this match that looks any different from his non-title matches of the past year. Of course, that's the storyline; he might be holding back in order to put over Sayeed as a guy who's dangerous due to superior intensity. For whatever reason, though, this match never caught fire. It was good, but the fans were expecting a little more. It was a long match by 4C standards -- over 18 minutes. Kingman looked like he had the title locked up when he locked in the sharpshooter, but Sayeed managed to escape. He threw Kingman off, grabbed him, and hit the GBH driver before climbing out of the cage. Kingman still wasn't getting up. Sayeed walked nonchalantly up the entrance ramp as the medics rushed in to check on Kingman. [B]Sayeed over Barry Kingman by cage escape in 18:11 (D+) Sayeed retains the 4C Championship[/B] Total D-
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Thanks, Astil -- too bad in-ring chemistry doesn't agree with you... [SIZE="4"][B]February 2008 -- Pre-Show[/B][/SIZE] Not a lot happened to 4C in February. Naturally, we were disappointed with the results of my first show. But if Winner or Poison were upset with me personally, they didn't let on. We had more important things to worry about -- like the news from SWF. Yes, Richard Eisen's long-rumored northward expansion began in earnest this month, as he reached a deal with Canada On-Air to air Supreme TV through the end of the year. Now, this was obviously a bigger deal for the Stones and the DeColts than it was for us. SWF was already bigger than us in Canada. TCW was also bigger than us in Canada. In fact, USPW was about as big as us in Canada, despite the fact that [I]their promotion's name contains the name of another country[/I]. Anyway, here's my point -- we're not competing with any of those guys anyway. Our fans fall into two groups: a) people who already watch NOTBPW and/or CGC, and also watch us, and b) people who don't care about those promotions. Now, the latter group probably has no interest in SWF, and the former group aren't going to give us up for SWF. They see us as different from the "Big Two" -- we're a different kind of thing, a local thing, a thing they go out to watch live every month. SWF isn't going to fill that role in their wrestling fandom. So we're safe. At least, that's what we decided. We hope it's true... [QUOTE]4C Presents X Factor at Twin Elm Park in Toronto Jacob Jett vs. Joey Poison in a Ladder Match Jack Marlowe vs. Brent Fraser in a Texas Death Match (non-title) Fred Zeppelin vs. Zeus in a tables match Phenomenal E vs. Davis Wayne Newton Tag match: Thunder and Lightning vs. Thug Life Four-way match: Bob Casey, Duberry Excess, Too Hot, and Shiva the Destroyer Chris Flynn vs. Danny Patterson in a hardcore match DARK MATCH: Frankie Dee vs. TJ Bailey DARK MATCH: Canadian Crusher vs. Canadian Dragon[/QUOTE] Note that I'm putting the faces before the heels in this list, to keep from tipping anyone off as to the winners' identities. If there are multiple faces/heels in a match, I'm going alphabetically.
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4C Presents X Factor at Twin Elm Park in Toronto Jacob Jett vs. [B]Joey Poison[/B] in a Ladder Match [I]I'm guessing the winner of this match gets a 4C Title Shot, both of them are faces at this moment in time and the champion is heel. Really this could go either way, I'll go with personal preference and go for the more well rounded Joey Poison, over the athletically gifted but spotty Jett.[/I] [B]Jack Marlowe[/B] vs. Brent Fraser in a Texas Death Match (non-title) [I]I don't know why these two are already fighting in a Texas Death Match, but Fraser is a talent free hack and Marlowe already has the experience and name value to be immediately built up as a contender for the 4C Title.[/I] Fred Zeppelin vs. [B]Zeus [/B]in a tables match [I]I know he had bad chemistry with his partner, but Zeus is one half of your Tag Champs and should be kept strong. Besides Cal Sanders, is still Cal Sanders no matter how he's been repackaged. In other words he's still reliable job fodder. [/I] Phenomenal E vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [I]I know that Phenomenal E has more experience and is more established, but DWN is a prodigious talent and should be pushed immediately. You've also implied that DWN is running with a 'I know I'm good and you don't need to tell me' sort of gimmick, so I see him going on a win streak that fuels his ego until he gets a comeuppance against a savvy veteran.[/I] Tag match: Thunder and Lightning vs. [B]Thug Life[/B] [I]The veterans go over, Thunder and Lighnting are rookie job fodder at the moment.[/I] Four-way match: Bob Casey, Duberry Excess, Too Hot, and [B]Shiva the Destroyer[/B] [I]Simple really Shiva (Umaga) holds a title and needs to be kept strong, the other don't.[/I] Chris Flynn vs. [B]Danny Patterson[/B] in a hardcore match [I]The classic feed the monster heel, lightweight jobbers build.[/I] DARK MATCH: [B]Frankie Dee[/B] vs. TJ Bailey [I]In a promotion like 4C, Dee would be taken more seriously as a threat. Until Bailey gets a gimmick change, he always be fun babyface job fodder.[/I] DARK MATCH: Canadian Crusher vs. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] [I]Not that aware of Crusher, but you don't exactly seem to be that high on Dragon either. I'll go with the competitor I know a bit more about.[/I]
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Hmm. Just saw this diary today. It's really good - I like the writing style and the booking. Jacob Jett vs. [B]Joey Poison[/B] in a Ladder Match [B]Jack Marlowe[/B] vs. Brent Fraser in a Texas Death Match (non-title) Fred Zeppelin vs. [B]Zeus [/B]in a tables match [B]Phenomenal E[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Tag match: Thunder and Lightning vs. [B]Thug Life[/B] Four-way match: Bob Casey, Duberry Excess, Too Hot, and [B]Shiva the Destroyer[/B] Chris Flynn vs.[B] Danny Patterson[/B] in a hardcore match DARK MATCH: Frankie Dee vs. [B]TJ Bailey[/B] DARK MATCH: [B]Canadian Crusher[/B] vs. Canadian Dragon Some are shots in the dark there, others I feel pretty good about (like Poison, Marlowe, Zeus, Patterson and Shiva).
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X Factor 2008 [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/canadiandragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/canadiancrusher.jpg[/IMG] [B]DARK MATCH: Canadian Dragon vs. Canadian Crusher[/B] After last month's horrific dark matches, we thought it might be a good idea to change our tactics a little. Too many rookie vs. rookie match-ups meant death to our momentum. So we decided to throw some midcarders into the pre-show slots, both to give the kids more useful practice and to keep things from getting out of hand. In this case, we pitted Canadian Dragon against Canadian Crusher. This was a heel vs. heel match, but given that Dragon doesn't have much of an established character and nobody knows or cares who Crusher is at this point, we didn't mind. Crusher's a bit problematic. He's obviously trying to be a monster heel, which is a problem on several levels. First of all, he's just not big enough. He's 6'6", 270 -- which, don't get me wrong, is big, but it's not big enough to be fearsome in and of itself. Second problem is, he can't wrestle well enough to be credible as a winner. He's good enough to job, but we can't give a monster heel push to a guy who has to job all the time. Third problem, of course: we already have a monster heel in the lower card. We have Danny Patterson. So Crusher isn't getting that push... and tonight's match is evidence of that fact, as Dragon defeats him handily. [B] Canadian Dragon defeated Canadian Crusher in 4:34 by pinfall with a Northern Neckbreaker. (E-)[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/frankiedee.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/tjbailey.jpg[/IMG] [B]DARK MATCH: Frankie Dee vs. TJ Bailey[/B] I guess the rookies we have fall into two categories. First you have guys like Crusher, Chris Flynn, Eric Blackley, and so forth -- raw, untrained rookies who may or may not possess any talent, but we'll just have to wait and see. Then you have guys like Frankie Dee, Slim V, Davis Wayne Newton... you could even stretch and include Sayeed and Jacob Jett in there. They're all very young, but they already have some talent -- some have massive amounts. They've been working for a year or two, for the most part, and they have some overness. They fit into the main roster; the other guys don't. TJ Bailey, as near as I can tell, falls between the two categories. At 24, he's older than any of the guys I just mentioned, and his skills are pretty solid, though nothing special. He's spent a few years cycling between a decent indy career and occasional jobbing for TCW. Last year he surfaced in 4C, wearing a visor of uncertain origin. To be honest, I worked for TCW, and I didn't remember the guy. I looked him up when I took the job; TCW's records on Bailey say that he was a reliable worker, his fundamentals were solid, but at 180 lbs., he was just too small and non-threatening. The faces looked like bullies for beating him. The heels... well, they were supposed to look like bullies, but the fact remains, defeating a guy Bailey's size just wasn't impressive. Of course, that's not a problem for 4C, where half the workers are Bailey's size. The question remains, though: what is to be done with him? Poison had him teaming up with Too Hot. Now, I concede that Too Hot will probably never be champion -- but he's still way higher on the card than Bailey. Moreover, if Bailey's a jobber, he can't play the light-hearted dancing face character he's adopted alongside Too Hot. Nobody wants to see that guy squashed repeatedly. (Well, sometimes they do, but that usually means it's not going over well.) Anyway, jobbing may or may not be Bailey's long-term destiny, but in the short term, that's what happened. Dee, who's got a few problems of his own but is generally sorted out better than Bailey, gets the win. Bailey did show some improvement over last show, so you have to give him that. [B]Frankie Dee defeated TJ Bailey in 6:30 by submission with a Dragon Sleeper. E.[/B] ---------- [B] [SIZE="4"]4C PRESENTS X FACTOR[/SIZE] at Twin Elm Park in Toronto[/B] The 511 fans in attendance are cheering as the show officially starts. We're live with announce team Reggie Jensen and Ted Ross. [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/reggiejensen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/tedross.jpg[/IMG] Reggie Jensen: [COLOR="Blue"]"Well, folks, it's time for another night of 4C action! Tonight's main event sees Joey Poison taking on Jacob Jett in a battle of two of Canada's most exciting wrestlers." [/COLOR] Ted Ross: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Yes, sir, it should be a brilliant match between these two former champions, both of whom are trying to get another shot at the belt." [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"We've also got Jack Marlowe taking on Brett Fraser in a match conducted under Manitoba Rules."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Marlowe has traveled the world, but you have to wonder if he's ever seen a wrestler like Fraser. He'll be sure to test Marlowe, who has never fought a match conducted under Manitoba Rules, to the limit. Meanwhile in the ring, we have our first match, as Danny Patterson makes his 4C debut against the Graduate, Chris Flynn." [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/chrisflynn.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/dannypatterson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Flynn vs. Danny Patterson[/B] In retrospect, it might not have made much sense to put Flynn and Patterson on the main show after employing two workers with some overness in dark matches -- but we felt we had to give Patterson a proper debut at some point. The jury's still out on him; this was not a good match. Still, one must concede that he got a better rating out of Flynn than Eric Blackley did last month. This was a predictable squash; Patterson hurled Flynn across the ring for around three and a half minutes before hitting a choke slam for the three-count. [B]Danny Patterson defeated Chris Flynn in 3:43 by pinfall with a Choke Slam. E-[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/katiecameron.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/jacobjett.jpg[/IMG] Katie Cameron is in the ring with her client (and boyfriend) Jacob Jett. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Joey Poison, how dare you? How dare you challenge Jacob Jett again? He beat you the last time you fought, ending your reign of terror. And he'll beat you this time. All you're doing is making a nuisance of yourself. You're not the champion any more -- give it up!"[/COLOR] Jett: [COLOR="DimGray"]"Your time is over, Poison. The fans of 4C, your fellow wrestlers -- we can see past your tricks. Nobody likes you any more, and nobody trusts you. You're a sad, desperate, insane man, and there's no way I'll feed your delusions by treating you as anything else tonight."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"It's our mission to put you away once and for all tonight. Jacob has bigger threats to deal with in this town -- he can't be bothered with you any more. Tonight this ends -- once and for all."[/COLOR] [B]Katie Cameron and Jacob Jett vow to defeat Joey Poison. (D-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"] "A determined Jacob Jett vows to stop Joey Poison in his tracks, in a match which may well have title shot implications. What do you think, Ted?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Well, Reggie, it may have title implications for Joey Poison, but if Jett gets another title shot, it's a disgrace. Sayeed beat him in November, and he beat him again in December -- the guy clearly has his number, and has earned the right not to waste his time with a third rematch so soon." [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/duberryexcess.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/bobcasey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/toohot.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/shiva.jpg[/IMG] [B]4-Way Match: Duberry Excess vs. Bob Casey vs. Too Hot vs. Shiva the Destroyer[/B] This match was kind of an afterthought -- given how short most of our matches are, and how much of the show we have to fill up, I've found myself stuck with gaps like this. In this case, I just sort of shoveled some midcarders into a 4-way match, with even-worse-than-expected results. Shiva, being the one with the current title push, goes over -- the basic storyline being that the three faces didn't want to be seen as ganging up on Shiva, so they left him alone too much. In related news, we have to figure out what to do with Duberry Excess; he's got enough talent that he should be good for something, but his mat-based style seems an odd fit for the promotion, and his character is grievously ill-defined. He mostly operates as a straight man for his tag partner Phenomenal E, which works in context, but handicaps him in non-tag situations. The other two faces have no such trouble; Too Hot has more or less found his level as a goofy midcarder, and Bob Casey was born to get pinned. He fulfills his destiny following a monstrous Fury Charge by Shiva. [B]Shiva the Destroyer defeated Bob Casey, Duberry Excess and Too Hot in 9:53 when Shiva the Destroyer defeated Bob Casey by pinfall with a Fury Charge. (E)[/B] As the crowd files out of the ring, Phenomenal E is on the mic. [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/phenomenale.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Hey guys, what's happening? I've been hearing a lot of tough-guy boasting from that one guy Davis Wayne Newton. He showed up, beat three or four guys, now he thinks he's the King of Wrestletown. But you have to ask yourself, where's Wrestletown? Is that even a place? Is he making that up -- a town named after wrestling? And why does it have a king? It's one town! It should have a mayor or something! Is it in Canada? I want to visit Wrestletown! I bet there's a lot of wrestling going on there! I bet there's wrestling all day! I bet if you're in Wrestletown, and you're a wrestler, and you're the champion, that's kind of a big thing! Also, I'm going to beat Davis Wayne Newton. I'm a guy called Phenomenal E!"[/COLOR] [B]Phenomenal E cuts a promo. E+[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/zeus.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/shiva.jpg[/IMG] The Mythic Powers enter the ring, grab the mic, and shove E aside. E shouts [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Hey, now!"[/COLOR], but doesn't stick around to make an issue of it. As usual, Zeus speaks first. [COLOR="Teal"]"Okay, okay. Testing one two, testing one two five. We've seen a lot in this ring tonight, and we'll see a lot more, but you know what's not going on in this ring? Title talk! Nobody wants to challenge us, because they saw us, and they know we're the best! This yutz is a guy we just beat. He's talking about the king, he sounds like a queen, his partner is a jackass, but we're a pair of aces!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Dare you come to Shiva in pairs? Three men cannot stand before my unchecked fury!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]"Men -- what men? Are we not men? We're gods on earth, and manly gods at that! My skin is bronze, these belts are silver, and the Mythic Powers are pure gold!" [/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"I will dash you all to the ground, writhing in anguish!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]"Yeah, I'll do what he said too! Listen -- this is a tag match coming up, and we say the winner has to face us next month at Final Fight. And what we say goes, because you can't stop us!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"I hunger for destruction!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]"Yeah, yeah, I hunger for a sandwich. But I'll be back later to face some chump called Fred Zeppelin -- can you believe that name? I'm watching you, Thug Life. I'm watching you, Thunder and Lightning. Next month! I'm Zeus, this is Shiva, and we're the Mythic Powers!"[/COLOR] [B]Zeus and Shiva challenge the winner of the upcoming tag match. (D-)[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/jasonthunder.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/lightninglomas.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/hardcorekillah.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/slimv.jpg[/IMG] [B]Thunder and Lightning vs. Thug Life[/B] The tag team division is problematic, mostly because it's so small. Thug Life needed an appearance on the show before their title match with the Mythic Powers. But we didn't want to weaken Duberry and E by having them lose two months straight, and we didn't want to weaken the only other halfway viable tag team on the roster in Too Sweet. So Thunder and Lightning, a pair of rookies, end up way higher on the card than they should be. The results are predictable: Thug Life wins, Slim V gets the pin, and the match sucks. Alas! [B]Thug Life defeated Thunder & Lightning in 10:43 when Slim V defeated Lightning Lomas by pinfall with a Murder One. E-[/B] The monitor above the entrance ramp comes to life, as a flickering, creepy image of Joey Poison speaks. [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/joeypoison.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Hi there, Jake. It's me. Me, Joey Poison. I heard what your stupid girlfriend said about me -- about my 'reign of terror'? About how my 'reign of terror' is 'over'? That was... amusing. I mean, I know your girlfriend's not smart -- after all, she is dating a guy with a rainbow shaved into the side of his head. But even by her standards, that was just stupid. Do you know how long I've been here? Does she know? I'm guessing she doesn't know; why didn't you tell her? Did you know what Barry Kingman said when he got lucky enough to take the title? He said the same thing... and then I took it back. Do you know what Warren Technique said? Do you even remember Warren Technique? Tell your stupid girlfriend about Warren Technique. I took the title back from him, and I kept it. He's done, and Kingman's done. I'm not done. But at least those guys held onto the title until I reclaimed my rightful place. You? You lost it. You lost it to Sayeed. You couldn't even keep the title until I took it from you. That's a bad sign for your future, Jake. I've been here before, and let me tell you, I survive. You? I think you have a lot to learn." [/COLOR] [B]Joey Poison taunts Jacob Jett, and reveals himself to be thoroughly creepy. (D+)[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"A lot of bad blood between these two, and we may see them shed some more in tonight's main event. Before that, though, young Davis Wayne Newton faces off against Phenomenal E."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Indeed -- it's a step up for the controversial kid Newton, who has made a lot of enemies. Some say he thinks he's bigger than 4C, that he hasn't proven enough to be this arrogant."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"You know what they say, Reggie -- it's not his job to prove it, it's his opponents' job to disprove it. Let's go to the ring."[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/phenomenale.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/daviswaynenewton.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phenomenal E vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] The match opens with E's typical exuberant attack. He takes the fight to Newton with a series of jumping kicks and similarly flashy moves, only to be pushed back brutally and efficiently. When E has gotten a bit winded, Newton responds, moving efficiently and clinically, focusing his attacks on E's oft-injured back. Among Newton's many gifts is the ability to make his attacks look simultaneously controlled and exciting -- he's not generally flashy in big ways, but he's fascinating to watch nonetheless. There is one point around seven minutes in where E recovers and hits a couple top-rope attacks, but it's all just a distraction from the inevitable, as Newton hits the Fisherman's Suplex for the win. [B]Davis Wayne Newton defeated Phenomenal E in 10:03 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. D-[/B] Newton shrugs as if to say "all in a day's work", and hops out of the ring before the PA finishes announcing his victory. [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/fredzeppelin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/zeus.jpg[/IMG] [B]Fred Zeppelin vs. Zeus in a tables match[/B] The tag champion struts to the ring ahead of his opponent Zeppelin, who enters to the strains of "Achilles' Last Stand". The early going of the match is fairly even, as Zeppelin looks to weaken Zeus' legs, while the larger man seems concentrated on striking his foe. Oddly enough, they don't quite seem to click, but it's a well-designed match, so it's not a disaster. Still, I'm beginning to worry about Zeus. He's cut some pretty great promos so far, and of course he has a lot of skill in the ring, but this is the second time we've seen him not quite fit with another worker. It could just be bad luck, and I could be overreacting to a couple of bad nights, but it could be something about his mannerisms. He used to be known as a guy who could work with anyone -- some insiders compared him to Steve Flash. But is it possible that his time with the cartoonish CGC has left him better suited to a broader, more sports-entertainment style of wrestling? As I said, I could be overreacting -- he doesn't look weird out there, except in comparison to Zeppelin, who's a really prosaic-looking worker anyway. Zeus gets the win, knocking Zeppelin onto a table and hitting a Thunderbolt from the top rope. [B]Zeus beats Fred Zeppelin via table break at 10:03 (D-)[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/jackmarlowe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/brettfraser.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Marlowe vs. Brett Fraser in a Manitoba Rules match (non-hardcore, non-title)[/B] Nobody embodies the cult-following aspect of 4C more than Brett "Moosehead" Fraser. A decent but limited hardcore brawler with poor mic skills and sloppy technique, Fraser has become massively over based largely on the strength of an impressive array of gimmickry. Where to begin? Probably with the eponymous moose head. Yes, Fraser's not named after the beer -- his gimmick is that he's "a moose hunter from Flin Flon, Manitoba". I'm not even sure if "moose hunter" is a real job -- I know animal control sometimes deals with moose, and of course there are plenty of hobbyists who shoot them, But is it a career? Is there a moose industry out there, waiting for intrepid hunting-men to bring in moose parts? That's not a real thing. So he brings a taxidermied moose head on a plaque to the ring with him. It's a prop, kind of like Spencer Marks' bullwhip or "Bandsaw" Joe Doogan's famous 2x4 -- though unlike those two, it's not much of a weapon. Still, the fans mark out for that moose head -- it's more over than half the wrestlers in the promotion. They call it "Murray". If that wasn't enough, Fraser insists on conducting all matches by "Manitoba rules". This part of the gimmick came about when he lost his Hardcore Title in March 2007. Phenomenal E pinned him, and he thought the count was too quick. So he insisted that all his matches require a ten-count from here on in -- "if you can still get up, you ain't whipped", he said. For reasons which apparently made sense at the time, this request was granted him, so all his matches require a ten-count for either competitor. (Unlike the traditional Texas Death Match which it resembles, a Manitoba Rules match allows submissions, as well as DQs -- by interference under all circumstances, or for illegal moves if the match isn't designated as hardcore.) Anyway, all that explanation aside, this is the continuation of a mini-storyline in which Fraser went on a winning streak using his new rules. Marlowe pinned him for a seven-count at the eight-minute mark, but he got back up, only to succumb to an Around the World Suplex -- Marlowe's new finisher, a devastating-looking rotation suplex -- near the twelve-minute mark. So there goes the streak, and Marlowe gets the credit Fraser looked awfully tired at the end -- why did they pin a gimmick on him that involved lengthening his matches? [B]Jack Marlowe defeated Brett Fraser in 11:38 when Brett Fraser was pinned with an Around the World Suplex and could not beat a ten count. (D) [/B] The crowd is applauding wildly, except for a small faction of Fraser die-hards, sitting in their designated cheering section with fake antlers and whatnot. [COLOR="Blue"] "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is that. Fraser is down for the count! An impressive start indeed for Jack Marlowe's career in 4C, winning two consecutive matches and ending Brett Fraser's winning streak!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"That was a non-title match, Reggie. Remember that -- Fraser's Hardcore Championship was not on the line tonight, and he retains it. And now for our main event."[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/jacobjett.jpg[/IMG] Jacob Jett walks down to the center of the ring, Katie Cameron by his side. He stands pensively in his corner, head raised, eyes closed. He touches his left index finger to the target shaved into his scalp, holding the pose for several seconds, before slowly looking up at the brass ring suspended in the air. He points solemnly at the ring, as if to emphasize the similarities between the ring and his hair. Meanwhile, Poison is walking down to the ring, a similarly serene look on his face, marred only by a wicked-looking smirk. [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/joeypoison.jpg[/IMG] "These two competitors are facing this rematch with the utmost seriousness -- you know how important this is to them. You know they hate each other, you know this rematch has been in the works for almost a year now. You know Jett took Poison's title, you know Poison retaliated, you know Poison defeated Jett's best friend Frankie Dee. Now Poison gets another shot at Jett in the ring, in a ladder match, and both men's careers hang in the balance. The winner has to be considered the number one title contender in 4C, and the loser -- well, the loser goes back to the drawing board." [B]Ladder Match: Jacob Jett vs. Joey Poison[/B] Jett and Poison have been planning this match out behind the scenes for months. They've learned new moves for it; they've mapped it out blow by blow; they are as prepared as any two wrestlers can be. Which is why it's so disappointing that the match just isn't that good. Here's the thing -- neither one of these workers was born with an innate sense of psychology. They're both supremely gifted physically, with impressive moves and strong fundamentals. But neither one of them has quite grasped that they need to make a wrestling match look like a fight. So when they work really hard on a match like this, they mostly just end up making it look more staged. Jett's better off in the long run, I think -- he's a little too much in love with flashy moves, but flashy moves are part of his character. His technique is solid, and he's not bad at selling, and a wrestler with good fundamentals can get a great match out of him just by being there to keep things in check. I'm going to try to get him to work a bit more of a gritty brawling style into his performances, and I think once that happens, he'll be just fine. He reminds me a lot of Darryl Devine, another wrestler who learned psychology. Poison's situation is a little more problematic, and not just because he's a decade older. Poison oversells dramatically -- you'll see him flipping backwards at the slightest provocation. But then he doesn't keep selling that -- he'll hop right up as if nothing happened. What makes it worse is his impeccable grasp of psychology out of the ring. He understands stories enough to be a booker, and his promos are genuinely unnerving. But he can't translate that to the ring. It's really frustrating, and I'm not sure it'll ever get better. I haven't told him this yet, of course. Anyway, this match saw both wrestlers draw blood. At the nineteenth minute, Jett hits a shooting star plancha on Poison, who's lying on the apron. He climbs into the ring and starts scaling the ladder. But Poison has gotten up, and is charging the ring. Jett is two-thirds of the way up the ladder, and Poison tackles it out from under him. Jett leaps up -- it must be three and a half feet -- and grabs the ring before falling fifteen-plus feet to the mat. He lies on the ground, battered but victorious. [B]Jacob Jett defeated Joey Poison in a 1 vs 1 Ladder match in 20:08 when Jacob Jett retrieved the brass ring. (D)[/B] Suddenly, the sound cuts out in the arena. A familiar tune fills the air: Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA". [COLOR="DarkRed"]"What's this, Reggie? What's this? Could it be?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"It is indeed! Ladies and gentleman, the legendary Johnny Martin!"[/COLOR] Yes, the hardcore legend is coming to the ring, flanked by JD Morgan and Vin Tanner. [COLOR="Blue"]"What's this? Martin's accompanied by Vin Tanner and JD Morgan, two of his long-time enemies!"[/COLOR] The victorious Jett and the defeated Poison both look up, weary, bloodied, and confused. Martin enters the ring. Jett rises slowly on his shaky legs to greet the champion. Martin responds by grabbing Jett and dashing him to the mat. The crowd's applaus turns to boos in a second. [COLOR="Blue"]"The Twist on the Rocks! Johnny Martin has come into this building unannounced, and he is attacking a wounded Jacob Jett! What is happening?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"]"I'll tell you what's happening"[/COLOR], says Martin. [COLOR="DimGray"]"We came here to shut this operation down. Look at us -- for fifteen years we've earned glory through blood, muscle, and bone. You know us! You all know us! And we paid for it -- beaten down by life so that our names would live on. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"]And now that we're down, look what happens -- these punks, these Canadians, are defacing our legacy. They're acting tough, with their silly gymnastics-class moves and their asymmetrical haircuts. We gave everything for this one thing, and they're set on destroying it. Well, we're not going to take that. We'll destroy them first."[/COLOR] Meanwhile, JD Morgan has applied the Cross Atlantic Stretch to Jett. Joey Poison is nowhere to be seen; he must have sneaked out during the commotion. Vin Tanner speaks. [COLOR="Olive"]"Look at me. Look at me! Look at me, and see all the suffering I've endured for wrestling. I didn't even get the glory, and you know that. I fought for the cause -- the cause of wrestling. And it just kills me inside to see these fashion-model kids claiming to be like us. They'll learn respect! We'll teach them respect!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"]"Don't think this is a one-time thing, either! We are here to stay! We are going to stay on you until this is over! We are set on your utter destruction, one man at a time. First is you, Jacob Jett -- not because you're worse than the rest, though you're certainly as bad as they are. No, you're first because you claim to be better than them. Because of your foolish martyr complex, because you seem to believe that your false wrestling is somehow better than that of others. You wear that target on your head like a badge of honor -- you say you put yourself in danger for a cause, that people are out to get you because of the things you stand for. Well, the things you stand for are the danger, and we will eradicate you. Tanner! Morgan! Let's go..."[/COLOR] [B]The trio of Johnny Martin, JD Morgan, and Vin Tanner make a shocking debut, mercilessly beating on Jacob Jett and threatening to destroy 4C. (D-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]"Ted Ross, do you believe what you just saw? Three of the biggest names in hardcore wrestling in this very ring, brutally attacking former champion Jacob Jett just minutes after a spectacular victory in his ladder match with Joey Poison, and threatening to destroy 4C?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"And nobody backstage so much as challenged them. It's a dark day for this here promotion. Come back next month -- 4C presents Final Fight! Johnny Martin faces off against Jacob Jett! JD Morgan takes on former champion Barry Kingman! The tag championship match between Every single one of these matches will go on until the last man is standing! Next month! March 23! Right here! This has been 4C X Factor -- goodnight!"[/COLOR] [B]Match announcements -- Martin-Jett E+, Morgan-Kingman E. [SIZE="3"]Total grade: D-[/SIZE][/B]
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Post-show thoughts (OOC): Sorry this is going so slowly -- I suspect the writing will come a lot faster once I actually figure out what I'm doing. This show was a good start -- I managed to debut Martin's faction, and got a much stronger handle on what exactly Jacob Jett and Joey Poison were about in this world. (Not to mention "Moosehead" and Phenomenal E.) I feel like I've got at least a basic notion of how to write for all the main eventers and [I]almost[/I] all of the upper midcard -- I'm looking at [B]you[/B], Duberry Excess -- which is a pretty good start. I've got the next few months of storylines roughly planned out -- including a couple of structural changes to the schedule, designed in part to boost these questionable ratings. But I'm not playing more than one show ahead for a couple reasons -- first of all, I don't want to be in October 2009 and trying to remember June 2008 in order to write about it. And of course, what I do in October 2009 should be dependent on the reactions I get in June 2008 (and the 16 months between the two) -- not just in the game, but here. Perhaps most importantly, I don't want to cheat; if I start a storyline and, midway through it, someone gets signed away/injured/etc., I don't want to be in a position where I know it's happening several shows in advance and can rewrite the lead-in shows wholesale. I do, however, run shows before I list their lineups... that's another kind of not cheating. (d_w_w got six out of nine right this time, and Tigerkinney got all but the main event right.) So March's Final Fight lineup will be out tomorrow... well, half of it is out already in the February write-up. Feel free to let me know what's up and what should be up!
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In national news, the biggest story is not a good one for Canadian wrestling: NOTBPW and CGC have both lost their TV slots. It's going to be tough for them to keep up with SWF's aggressive tactics without Championship Wrestling to rely on. Things are even worse for the DeColts, whose position was already somewhat precarious. Meanwhile, SWF continues to expand, snatching up CGC's Eric Tyler, plus Matt Sparrow, Grandmaster Phunk, and Fabulous Frank. On the home front, there are three new stories. First of all, Lightning Lomas was re-signed -- he has nine more months to prove himself worthy of a roster spot. Second, Jacob Jett has signed up for a two-month tour of Japan with WLW. This is a mixed blessing; he'll be gone for two months, but will most likely get some much-needed experience out of the deal. Third, and most important... well, let's just fast-forward to March 9. I came into the office, and found Troy Winner standing there with an elderly man. [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/jacksonandrews.jpg[/IMG] "Hello", said the man. "I'm Jackson Andrews." "The Canadian Superstar?" "Yes... yes, I was the Canadian Superstar." "And now, you... run some sort of dojo, right?" "Yes. Winnipeg Superstar Wrestling. We're the third-largest wrestling dojo in Canada, and the largest in Manitoba. Which is what I've come to talk to you about." "You want us to hire one of your wrestlers?" "Well, no, not exactly. We actually want to employ your expertise -- you see, we're getting more and more young men who want to learn aerial maneuvers. Now, I don't know aerial maneuvers, and my assistant Biff doesn't know aerial maneuvers. So we were hoping you could bring a few of your workers down to teach a few classes a month." "Fair enough. So... what can you offer in return?" "Well, we have a small auditorium. If you'd like to run, say, a monthly show there, we'd be glad to rent it to you for free. And of course, you'd have the first shot at any wrestlers we produced." So we agreed. I decided that this offshoot of the main production would serve a quasi-developmental purpose, to give our younger workers valuable experience without forcing them onto the main 4C stage. We'd hold the shows monthly, on the second Monday of the month, starting in April. [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/biffthebruiser.jpg[/IMG] We also hired Biff the Bruiser, the assistant trainer at WSW; we had considered him for a job earlier, but decided that his brawling ability and uncanny resemblance to Brett Fraser were offset by his poor grasp of psychology and his advancing age. Given that he was willing to work the Winnipeg shows for free (as part of his instructor job at the dojo), and that Jett's pending tour left us short a face for the next couple months, we reversed that decision and brought him into the fold. Oh, yes, and also we planned a show. [QUOTE][B]4C Presents Final Fight[/B] At Concordia Hall in Montreal Jacob Jett vs. Johnny Martin in a Last Man Standing Match Frankie Dee vs. Brett Fraser (c) in a Manitoba Rules Hardcore match for the Hardcore Championship Barry Kingman vs. JD Morgan in a Last Man Standing match Mythic Powers (c) vs. Thug Life in a tag match for the Tag Title Phenomenal E vs. Vin Tanner in a Last Man Standing match Jack Marlowe vs. Canadian Dragon in a Last Man Standing match DARK MATCH: TJ Bailey vs. Fred Zeppelin vs. Eric Blackley DARK MATCH: Danny Patterson vs. Bob Casey [/QUOTE] Fire away, folks!
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Jacob Jett vs. [B]Johnny Martin[/B] in a Last Man Standing Match [I]Martin has just arrived in 4C with his former DaVE buddies, making a major statement by beating Jett to a pulp. I fully expect that to carry on here, as I don't think you'll want to kill Martin and the DaVE gangs momentum. Plus with Jett due to go on tour with WLW, you can get Jett to sell an injury angle.[/I] [B]Frankie Dee[/B] vs. Brett Fraser (c) in a Manitoba Rules Hardcore match for the Hardcore Championship [I]Fraser's winning run has come to an end, and I expect this to be the start of a losing streak, for the man in the moosehat.[/I] Barry Kingman vs.[B] JD Morgan[/B] in a Last Man Standing match [I]What I said about Martin, pretty much applies for Morgan in this match.[/I] [B]Mythic Powers (c)[/B] vs. Thug Life in a tag match for the Tag Title [I]In a paralell Cornellverse Thug Life are getting a major push in 4C, but they don't appear to be getting much of one here. Mythic Powers might not have great chemistry as a team, but going on their promos from the last show, you seem to be having a bit of fun with that.[/I] Phenomenal E vs. [B]Vin Tanner[/B] in a Last Man Standing match [I]Maybe a bit of overkill with all the Last Man Standing Matches, anyway the ex DaVE guy goes over again here, to further ram home the fact, that they are big bullies and will be a major threat to the rest of 4C.[/I] [B]Jack Marlowe[/B] vs. Canadian Dragon in a Last Man Standing match [I]Definite overkill now on the Last Man Standing matches, the DaVE member one's I can understand in the context of the storyline, but did I miss something about these two really hating each other ? Anyway Marlowe goes over, because Canadian Dragon is just about the most mediocre masked cruiserweight in the Cornellverse.[/I] DARK MATCH: [B]TJ Bailey[/B] vs. Fred Zeppelin vs. Eric Blackley [I]Stick a pin in a name and hope for the best, there all jobbers at this moment in time, and whoever wins isn't necessarily in line for a push.[/I] DARK MATCH[B]: Danny Patterson[/B] vs. Bob Casey [I]Another victim for Patterson as he gets the gradual Monster heel push.[/I]
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Hmm, a very different route for 4C, with some interesting names in there. I'm in. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Johnny Martin in a Last Man Standing Match [I]I'd like to see Martin get the win, but will call it a DQ victory for Jett - then he gets destroyed.[/I] Frankie Dee vs. [B]Brett Fraser[/B] (c) in a Manitoba Rules Hardcore match for the Hardcore Championship [I]I've just broken the number one rule of 4C - never bet on Brett Fraser. However, with Phenomenal Excess losing their title, I think Fraser should at least make one defence.[/I] Barry Kingman vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] in a Last Man Standing match [I]Number One rule of 4C - Barry Kingman gets lost in the shuffle. I'll go with this rule.[/I] [B]Mythic Powers [/B](c) vs. Thug Life in a tag match for the Tag Title [I]Really tough one to call, as you don't want bad chemistry to hold back Mystic Powers, but could probably get away with singles matches to lengthen the reign. On the other hand, you probably don't want Hardcore Killah to hold a title. The Powers for now.[/I] [B]Phenomenal E[/B] vs. Vin Tanner in a Last Man Standing match I'm probably way out here, but it reestablishes E as a strong face. [B]Jack Marlowe[/B] vs. Canadian Dragon in a Last Man Standing match [I]Did I ever tell you I was a big Jack fan?[/I] [B]Patterson [/B]and... I'll go for [B]Zepplin [/B]in the dark.
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So, which one is the #1 rule of 4C -- Kingman gets lost, or don't bet on Fraser? Remember that Last Man Standing matches = no DQ... not meaning to imply anything one way or the other. And if the preponderance of them bothers you, just think of them as hardcore matches that happen to have a mandatory ten-count. 4C has a lot of event names that seem to suggest "themed" shows -- for example, Cage Rage. In that case, I only put the cage up for the last 4 matches, because of all the mandatory set-up time... which doesn't make a lot of sense in context, given that the cage probably just stays up between fights, but the system says a cage match adds 5 minutes. In this case, I interpreted "Final Fight" as a night of Last Man Standing matches, which I guess it doesn't have to be (unlike "Cage Rage", which pretty much dictates a cage will be involved at SOME point)... and given that these are all pretty serious matches, and it's not like I've got jobbers involved, I didn't think it was TOO ridiculous to have all the main-card bouts be like that. (Except the tag title, but that's just because there is no tag LMS in the database.) But I don't know -- is this unrealistic? My wrestling knowledge is pretty limited; is this a thing I should ease up on in the future, maybe limit it to 3 or so themed matches? (Meanwhile, I'm still writing. Got the dark matches and two opening promos finished, plan to sit down tomorrow/the weekend to hash the rt of it out...)
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[quote=Oregano Jensen;451345] Remember that Last Man Standing matches = no DQ... not meaning to imply anything one way or the other. And if the preponderance of them bothers you, just think of them as hardcore matches that happen to have a mandatory ten-count. 4C has a lot of event names that seem to suggest "themed" shows -- for example, Cage Rage. In that case, I only put the cage up for the last 4 matches, because of all the mandatory set-up time... which doesn't make a lot of sense in context, given that the cage probably just stays up between fights, but the system says a cage match adds 5 minutes. In this case, I interpreted "Final Fight" as a night of Last Man Standing matches....... But I don't know -- is this unrealistic? My wrestling knowledge is pretty limited; is this a thing I should ease up on in the future, maybe limit it to 3 or so themed matches? [/quote] Using some real world comparison- if you follow TNA's logic of putting on an entire show of gimmick matches, then I suppose it's not unrealisitic but they've become heavily criticised for putting on lots of gimmick matches for no rhyme or reason, other than the fact that they can come up with lots of whacky gimmick matches. Whilst what you're booking isn't quite the same, the matches that have the Last Man Standing stip involved haven't really built up enough emotional investment in my opinion for them to require such a stipulation. That being said I wouldn't have batted an eyelid if say the Jacob Jett- Johnny Martin match alone had that stipulation attached, because the ex DaVE invaders attack on Jett, sets up an instant blood feud between Jett and the DaVE crew. As for the other matches involving the LSM stip there isn't really much emotional investment for me as a 'fan' for the stip to be attached, especially the Marlowe vs Can-Drag match up. In conclusion, there's nothing wrong with the quality of this diary in terms of your writing style/presentation etc [I](otherwise I wouldn't care enough to leave these comments)[/I] but if you want to perhaps portray a slightly more realistic product, I'd cut back on the gimmick matches, unless of course you take Vince Russo as your inspiration :D ;)
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[QUOTE=Oregano Jensen;451345]So, which one is the #1 rule of 4C -- Kingman gets lost, or don't bet on Fraser?)[/QUOTE] Damned it - Fraser's the Number One rule of 4C - Kingman was meant to be the Number One rule of the Cornellverse! Hmm, and didn't notice they were all Last Man Standing matches - hopefully that means Martin will get the win instead. About the gimmick matches - 4C certainly make suggestions about match types with their event names, and I'm glad that you're sticking with these. Whether you're over doing it remains to be seen... I'd say yes, but a larger real life company does it once a year, so what do I know?
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Hey, folks! I just finished the third show, and will be posting it soon. (Still got to do the images and whatnot.) Sorry for the delays... I'm beginning to think I'm going to have to either shorten the write-ups, or learn to be okay with a pace of around one show a week. (Probably the latter? I feel like pretty much all my favorite dynasties -- Monkeypox's DAVE, J Silver's USPW, NoNeck's SWF, etc. -- tend to sacrifice show quantity for detail...) I almost wish I had waited a few weeks to launch this... built up a backlog, etc. It's tough to find readers in a climate like this, where everyone's starting something... thanks to the people who have been following. By the way, was wondering -- how do you think I should handle these Winnipeg shows? The idea is to have them as kind of a B show/developmental territory with some veteran workers every month... I mean, the Winnipeg shows will still be part of 4C continuity, but I don't expect to be doing THAT much with them... I was toying with the idea of not doing a full write-up of them. (Maybe recapping the main matches via a video feature in the main show?) Not only would it save time, I'm picking up some rookie-type workers, and I don't want to be tied to the idea of writing them up until/unless I know what role if any they're going to play in the main lineup... Anyway, show forthcoming probably tonight/tomorrow!
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[quote=Oregano Jensen;454948]Hey, folks! I just finished the third show, and will be posting it soon. (Still got to do the images and whatnot.) Sorry for the delays... I'm beginning to think I'm going to have to either shorten the write-ups, or learn to be okay with a pace of around one show a week. (Probably the latter? I feel like pretty much all my favorite dynasties -- Monkeypox's DAVE, J Silver's USPW, NoNeck's SWF, etc. -- tend to sacrifice show quantity for detail...) I almost wish I had waited a few weeks to launch this... built up a backlog, etc. It's tough to find readers in a climate like this, where everyone's starting something... thanks to the people who have been following. By the way, was wondering -- how do you think I should handle these Winnipeg shows? The idea is to have them as kind of a B show/developmental territory with some veteran workers every month... I mean, the Winnipeg shows will still be part of 4C continuity, but I don't expect to be doing THAT much with them... I was toying with the idea of not doing a full write-up of them. (Maybe recapping the main matches via a video feature in the main show?) Not only would it save time, I'm picking up some rookie-type workers, and I don't want to be tied to the idea of writing them up until/unless I know what role if any they're going to play in the main lineup... Anyway, show forthcoming probably tonight/tomorrow![/quote] If you want your diary to be the definitive 4C Diary (much like all the others are the Epitome of Writing for their promotions), don't be afraid to space out the shows. Don't burn yourself out, that's the important thing. And the Winnipeg shows should just be quick results unless something stands out. I think anyway. But you've got a reader in me O.J
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Thanks, guys! And now, on with the show... [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/bobcasey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/dannypatterson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bob Casey vs. Danny Patterson in a dark match[/B] And the Danny Patterson E-minus squash train makes its way to Quebec. To be honest, we're not too worried about Patterson -- he's getting over gradually, and while the match grades aren't good, that fact has little to do with the matches themselves, which are solid. If he's got more than an F overness somewhere, and he's still pulling the E-minus? Well, then we can talk. This is a little longer than most of his squashes, because we had the time, so why not? [B]Danny Patterson defeated Bob Casey in 8:06 by pinfall with a Choke Slam. E-[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/tjbailey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/fredzeppelin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/ericblackley.jpg[/IMG] [B]TJ Bailey vs. Fred Zeppelin vs. Eric Blackley in a dark match[/B] I guess we never hired Cal Sanders to be a charismatic figure. We knew he didn't have a lot of in-ring presence. Still, is it too much to expect him to convincingly play a guy who likes Led Zeppelin? Making his failure to sell this character even more baffling, I'm pretty sure he DOES like Led Zeppelin. Of course, I'm also pretty sure he's one of our better cruiserweights, whereas Bailey is... not. As for Blackley, he might have a future; he looks better than he did last match. But for now, Zeppelin's the guy who needs to be strong. [B]Fred Zeppelin defeated TJ Bailey and Eric Blackley in 7:33 when Fred Zeppelin defeated TJ Bailey by submission with a Figure IV. (E)[/B] --- [B]4C FINAL FIGHT[/B] at Concordia Hall, Quebec, before a sellout crowd of 300 [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/reggiejensen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/tedross.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"] "Good evening, everyone, and welcome to this year's edition of 4C Final Fight. I'm Reggie Jensen, and I'm here with Ted Ross. As you know, all of tonight's matches will be contested under last man standing rules; wrestlers will be given a ten-count in order to recover, and there will be no disqualifications. Ted, what do we have to look forward to tonight?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"We've got a lot to look forward to, Reggie. Of course, the story on everyone's mind is the shocking appearance of Johnny Martin. Martin, the former DAVE champion and one of the true legends of modern wrestling, appeared on the scene after last month's main event. Aided by his fellow DAVE stars Vin Tanner and JD Morgan, Martin administered a brutal beating to no. 1 contender Jacob Jett. Martin faces Jett tonight, and his associates also have matches -- Morgan against Barry Kingman, and Tanner against Phenomenal E. Also, the Mythic Powers make their first tag title defense against Thug Life, and Jack Marlowe squares off against Canadian Dragon."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Sounds like an eventful show. In the ring right now we have Katie Cameron, Jacob Jett's manager -- but Jacob Jett is nowhere to be seen. What's going on, Katie?"[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/katiecameron.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Purple"]"Good evening, Reggie -- good evening, Ted. You'll hear more about Jacob and his fight later tonight, but right now, I'm here with my newest client, the man they call the White Angel. Ladies and gentlemen, Frankie Dee!"[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/frankiedee.jpg[/IMG] Frankie Dee comes out to moderate applause. [COLOR="Purple"]"Frankie is of course a longtime friend of Jacob's and mine, and I'm glad to announce that I'm now officially representing him. Our first goal is to capture the 4C Hardcore Title. It's currently in the hands of Brett Fraser. I understand Mr. Fraser's in the arena tonight?"[/COLOR] Fraser is in the arena tonight, and he enters from the backstage area, Murray the moose head in tow, to the strains of Bachmann-Turner Overdrive's "Takin' Care of Business". The crowd chants, "Moose! Moose! Moose!" [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/brettfraser.jpg[/IMG] The music fades out as Fraser enters the ring. He fixes a threatening glare on Katie. [COLOR="Green"]"Yeah, whaddayawant?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"We're making a formal challenge for the hardcore championship."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Zat so? Which one of ya's gonna fight me?" [/COLOR] Fraser lets out a short, harsh laugh. Frankie speaks up. [COLOR="Sienna"]"Sir. I believe I deserve a shot at your title."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Don't 'sir' me, ya Karate Kid wannabe bastard. Yeah, I'll fight ya, and I'm gonna formally kick yer ass too. Ya okay with Manitoba rules?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Manitoba rules?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Yer damn right it does. Now shut up -- ya got a beating to get ready for." [/COLOR] Dee approaches Fraser for a handshake, and Fraser clocks him with the base of the moose head, knocking him to one knee. [COLOR="Green"]"F***in' handshakes, kid? Eh, f*** off." [/COLOR] As Frankie regains his balance, Fraser's already walking back up the aisle. [B] Frankie Dee (with new manager Katie Cameron) earns a title shot and gets hit with some taxidermy. (D-)[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/phenomenale.jpg[/IMG] Before anything else happens, we see Phenomenal E, who has leapt into the ring unannounced to cut a promo. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"Hey, guys, what's happening? I've got some words for you, Vin Tanner. You've challenged a guy... a guy called Phenomenal E! That was silly of you -- you're overmatched by my speed! You don't bring a knife to a gunfight! Actually, why are you going to a gunfight in the first place? That's a stupid thing to go to. Don't you know you might be shot? I mean, if you're at a place, and some guys have guns, and a gunfight starts, okay, maybe you're stuck there. But if you're not at a gunfight, and you're deliberately planning to go to the gunfight, to the point that you're gathering knives and things, you're pretty stupid! Also, you're going to be late! The gunfight's already going to be over when you get there anyway! Gunfights are way short! Anyway, what I'm saying is, don't go to that gunfight you were planning to go to, guy! Stick around and wrestle me instead. I'll beat you, but at least I won't shoot you! Yeah!"[/COLOR] [B]Phenomenal E expresses his opposition to Vin Tanner (and gunfights). (E-)[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/jackmarlowe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/canadiandragon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Marlowe vs. Canadian Dragon in a Last Man Standing match[/B] This was a strong opening match; both Marlowe and Dragon have worked in several different countries, and despite their differing ring styles, it's clear they have a lot in common. Marlowe tried some Japanese-influenced moves, and Dragon clearly knew how to take them; in return, Dragon ran some lucha-style offense at Marlowe. This was an interesting development; I had noted earlier that, despite his international pedigree and mask, Dragon's ring work was fairly generically North American. But then again, he was facing Too Hot, who is -- let's face it -- pretty limited. Maybe facing a more experienced guy like Marlowe freed him up to vary his style a bit, because he really seemed like a different wrestler in this match. Anyway, the outcome of this match wasn't in much doubt; Marlowe hit a huge Around the World Suplex on Dragon, who sold it for the ten-count. Still, their good chemistry is noted, and while Marlowe is certainly getting a bigger push than Dragon, we may need to fit another match between the two into the plan somewhere down the line. [B]Jack Marlowe defeated Canadian Dragon in 13:50 when Canadian Dragon could not beat a ten count. (D)[/B] Marlowe helps his fallen opponent up, and the two shake hands. As he's returning backstage, he's approached by JD Morgan. [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/jdmorgan.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Good work there, Marlowe."[/COLOR] Marlowe acknowledges the older man nervously. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I said, good work. You're a talented wrestler."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Thanks. Please... I have to go."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Listen, Marlowe. We know you. We know you're better than these fools. Why are you here in this federation?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"I'm here to wrestle... please stop talking to me."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Why? You have something against me?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"As a matter of fact, I do. I don't like you, and I don't trust you. I didn't like your attack on Jacob Jett last month, and I didn't like Martin's little speech. Seemed... self-righteous."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Ah, I see. Don't worry about us, Jack. We've got no quarrel with you."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Hm?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Well, you know... work with us, you'll be spared."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"'Spared'? Like hell I will. Don't try to flatter me; I'm not going to condone your actions just because you flatter me. You talk about tradition, but three guys ambushing a tired man and trying to tear down a federation don't sound like any of the wrestling traditions I know. And I know a lot of traditions. So if you're going to keep at it with this garbage, you're going to have to go through me first."[/COLOR] Morgan smirks at Marlowe. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Well, gosh... if I didn't know better, I'd say that was a challenge."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] "You don't know better, and that is a challenge. This time, next month. Oh, and one more thing."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"That Cross-Atlantic Stretch... that's a great hold. I don't agree with what you're doing at all, but I've got a lot of respect for you as a wrestler. Just thought I'd say that now, before we fight."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Thanks. And if you reconsider... well, let me know. I have to go watch Mr. Tanner's match."[/COLOR] [B] JD Morgan attempts to garner Marlowe's support for Martin's faction. He does not succeed. (E)[/B] And with that, we're back to Reggie and Ted at the announce table. [COLOR="Blue"]"And we're ready for our second match... Phenomenal E takes on 'The V Man' Vin Tanner. E is talking to the ref... apparently he's concerned with the presence of Tanner's cohorts Johnny Martin and JD Morgan at ringside." [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"'Cohorts' is a little strong, Reggie... they're here to support their friend. And the ref agrees -- he's letting them stay."[/COLOR] [B]Morgan and Martin are watching Tanner's match intently. (E)[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/phenomenale.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/vintanner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phenomenal E vs. Vin Tanner in a Last Man Standing match[/B] And so it begins. Phenomenal E did a good job of selling his concern at the presence of Morgan and Martin near the ring. Tanner, meanwhile, was game, using low-risk attacks and never really pressing his advantage. E's erratic attacks appeared to wear Tanner down -- he hit a fairly strong piledriver around the eight-minute mark, but E got up at a 6-count. Eleven and a half minutes in, E stuns Tanner with a roundhouse kick, then climbs the turnbuckles nervously. He glances over to Morgan and Martin. Morgan and Martin both remain seated, almost eerily motionless, as Tanner lies on the mat, breathing heavily... E leaps high for the Tumbleweed Legdrop. He hits -- Tanner is out! The ref counts... "1... 2... 3..." Neither Morgan nor Martin makes a move. "...8... 9... 10." Phenomenal E has defeated Tanner! [B]Phenomenal E defeated Vin Tanner in 11:40 when Vin Tanner could not beat a ten count after a Tumbleweed Legdrop. D-[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Phenomenal E pulls the upset!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] "Indeed, Ted -- the DAVE stars' assault on 4C has had an uneventful start, as Phenomenal E takes down Vin Tanner."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"] "But you have to notice, neither Martin nor Morgan interfered with the match. This could be a sign that, after their asault on Jett attracted so much attention, these folks are going to play by the rules. Oh, and here's a man who I bet won't believe that -- Jacob Jett!"[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/jacobjett.jpg[/IMG] Jett is on the big screen. [COLOR="Blue"]"Ladies and gentlemen, know this: tonight's main event is the most important match in the history of Canadian Charisma Championship Combat. There have been underhanded attacks in the past -- consider just last year, when the 187s attacked Barry Kingman, or Joey Poison's backstage assault against Warren Technique. But all these attacks were personal -- they were designed to raise the standing of the attacker, or lower that of the victim. This time, that is not the case. Martin and his goons intend to destroy 4C wholesale. I have no intention of letting that happen. The fact is, the defence of this federation has already begun. I was the first wrestler attacked; I intend to be the first to strike back. Phenomenal E has already defeated Vin Tanner, and my fellow champion Barry Kingman will take on JD Morgan tonight. But it falls to me to take on the ringleader, Johnny Martin. I accept that responsibility -- but I can't do it alone. Who knows what these people are planning? Johnny Martin is a ruthless man -- he was ruthless when he was the hero of Danger and Violence Extreme, and he was ruthless when he attacked me last month. I am his target now; I intend to be a moving target. And if you don't want to be next, you'd better keep moving like I am."[/COLOR] [B]Jacob Jett cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Johnny Martin. D+[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/zeus.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/shiva.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/slimv.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/hardcorekillah.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mythic Powers vs. Thug Life for Mythic Powers' 4C Tag Team Championship[/B] This bout was actually a bit better than Mythic Powers' first match in 4C. They still seemed mismatched in the ring; it still wasn't a good match. But that was as much down to Thug Life's lackluster performance -- Hardcore Killah was winded throughout the second half of the match, and Slim V missed a couple pretty easy moves -- as to their chemistry problems. They were, as you might expect, pretty solid individually. And they hit their finisher right this time. I realize that's setting the bar low, but at least they cleared it. [B]Mythic Powers defeated Thug Life in 12:46; Mythic Powers make defence number 1 of their 4C Tag Team Championship titles. E+[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"The Mythic Powers prove that their title victory wasn't a fluke, Reggie -- they were clearly the better of the two teams in that match. Next up, it's another former DAVE star, JD Morgan, taking on Barry Kingman."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Kingman was the last fighter to get a shot at the 4C title -- he lost to Sayeed. The next contender, Jacob Jett, will fight in the main event against Johnny Martin. And here's Martin right now, watching the match with Vin Tanner. You have to wonder..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"No, you don't."[/COLOR] [B]Johnny Martin and Vin Tanner are shown sitting in the crowd watching the show. E[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/barrykingman.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/jdmorgan.jpg[/IMG] [B]Barry Kingman vs. JD Morgan in a Last Man Standing match[/B] Now, this was a match! Kingman gets kind of overlooked by a lot of fans; he's not as flashy as Jett, or as physically imposing as Marlowe and Sayeed. His charisma is kind of lacking. And his gimmick involves the strong suspicion that his success is largely based on his famous father's name -- even though he's a face. But there's a reason he's a main eventer and former title holder in this promotion -- he gets the job done in the ring. In this case, he had another technically minded, underrated veteran to contend with in Morgan, and the results were excellent. As before, the duo of Tanner and Martin sat silently and ominously in the front row, At one point, Kingman had Morgan locked pretty tightly in a Boston crab; Tanner stood up, but made no further move. Morgan escaped. Ultimately, Morgan locked the Cross-Atlantic Stretch on Kingman. Unable to tap out, Kingman had to endure as Morgan mercilessly pushed the hold to excruciating lengths. Morgan hit a vertical suplex on the helpless Kingman for good measure, pinning him at 14:01. [B]JD Morgan defeated Barry Kingman in 14:01 when Barry Kingman could not beat a ten count. D+[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]"JD Morgan with the clean win over Barry Kingman!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Come on, Reggie... 'clean win'? You act like you were expecting him to cheat!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Listen, Ted... I'm just acknowledging the possibility."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"] "Yeah, how about you acknowledge the possibility that the man's a great wrestler, a legend on two continents?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"I acknowledge that -- it was a clean win."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Next up is a more local legend -- the man from Flin Flon, Manitoba. Moosehead Brett Fraser defends his title against Frankie Dee. Here he comes right now... Moose! Moose! Moose!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Don't encourage him, Ted."[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/brettfraser.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/frankiedee.jpg[/IMG] [B]Brett Fraser vs. Frankie Dee in a Manitoba Rules Hardcore Match for Fraser's 4C Hardcore Championship[/B] Fraser props up his moosehead in the corner of the ring, then goes after Frankie. A couple big kicks to the knee and a slam put the White Angel down, and Fraser is already out of the ring, in search of a chair. Katie Cameron tries to get in Fraser's way, but Fraser shoves her aside and picks up a folding chair. He proceeds to hit Frankie several times before turning away, playing to the crowd. Frankie gathers himself and goes in for a spinning kick, but Fraser blocks the kick with his chair. A series of spots follow in which Frankie tries to get some offense in -- mostly martial arts kicks and punches -- but Fraser uses the chair as a shield to deflect the attacks, and then counters with a power move. I know Brett and Frankie were working pretty extensively with Grant Truman on this sequence, but the end result wasn't great... I'm pretty sure all but the biggest marks in the crowd were thinking, "oh, look, this is where they put together some spots with a chair." And granted, some of them were probably also thinking, "hey, those chair spots were pretty cool", because some of them [I]were[/I] pretty cool. Still, disbelief was not suspended enough. Anyway, Fraser keeps laughing off the attacks, but cracks start to show in Frankie's resolve. He grows increasingly desperate, and starts attacking recklessly. At one point, he manages to knock Fraser down to one knee; Fraser is playing up his fatigue. To a guy like Frankie, that can mean one thing and one thing only: the Shining Wizard. A thin trickle of blood running from his forehead, his face is cast in a rigid mask of resolve as he approaches the popular moose hunter. But as Frankie approaches, Fraser suddenly springs into action. He drops his knee and holds up the steel chair. Frankie's knee collides with the chair, and he's down in an awkward heap. Fraser batters his prone opponent with the chair a few times for good measure, then picks him up and hits the double arm DDT. He runs to his corner and retrieves Murray before returning to get the ten count, one foot perched on the unconscious Dee, moosehead aloft. I don't know; it was definitely a match that told a story, and it had its share of moments, but it just didn't quite hold together. A mild disappointment, I suppose. [B]Brett Fraser defeated Frankie Dee in 11:32 when Frankie Dee was pinned with a Double Arm DDT and could not beat a ten count. Brett Fraser makes defence number 1 of his 4C Hardcore Championship title. (D-)[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Brett Fraser, bouncing back from his loss to Jack Marlowe with an easy win against young Frankie Dee! And there he goes... settling down in the Moose Hoose, his cheering section, and cracking open a beer."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Indeed, Ted -- a well-earned rest for Fraser. And now for our main event... a newcomer to 4C, but hardly new to the wrestling world... flanked by his allies JD Morgan and Vin Tanner, it's Johnny Martin!"[/COLOR] The crowd boos; Ted says, [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Well, you hate to see that. I don't care what you think about his actions last month, this man is a legend, and if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be here today. He deserves respect."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"And in this corner -- you saw him earlier tonight, the no. 1 contender for the 4C title, 'The Moving Target' -- Jacob Jett!"[/COLOR] Jett approaches the ring to the cheers of the crowd, as Tanner and Morgan settle in ringside. [B] Introductions for the grudge match between Jett and Martin. Vin Tanner and JD Morgan are shown sitting in the crowd watching the show. (E) [/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/jacobjett.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/johnnymartin.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jacob Jett vs. Johnny Martin in a Last Man Standing match[/B] The action is fierce from the beginning. Martin's method is evident from the beginning -- he slaps several choke holds on Jett, trying to tire him. But Jett wriggles free, and hits some graceful-looking punches and a dropkick from the second rope. Martin then turns to weapons, pulling out a chair from under the ring. But Jett proves more elusive than his friend Frankie Dee was, largely managing to elude the punishing furniture. In one spectacular spot, Jacob leaps from the turnbuckle, over Martin's head. Martin holds up the chair, only to have it snatched from his hands midair by Jett, who wheels and clobbers the DAVE veteran in the back of the head. And now Martin's allies are in action -- Tanner goes up to ringside and hands Martin a chair of his own. Cameron's crying foul, but the ref will allow it. They engage in a chair-swinging duel for a while, wth Jett's agility giving him the upper hand, before Martin decides to drop the weapon and wade in. Martin charges in like a bull, absorbing a direct hit before taking Jett down with a spinebuster. The chair opened up a cut under Martin's eye -- he wears it proudly. The chairs momentarily forgotten, they get back down to some old-fashioned fisticuffs. Jett also starts bleeding, from a cut on his nose, but he seems to be gaining the upper hand. Jett gets behind Martin ad dives at his knees, bringing Martin to the canvas face-first. He heads for the top rope. But there's a commotion in the stands. Vin Tanner and Brett Fraser are jawing at each other in the stands, and Fraser has attacked Tanner. Hell has broken loose in the Moose Hoose! Tanner's getting the worst of it; Fraser just smashed a beer bottle over his head. The ref leaves the ring to break it up before anyone gets hurt. Jett smells blood, though -- and not just from the cut on his nose. He's all set to hit a top-rope move on Martin, and at this point it's probably a match-ender. He calls the ref -- the ref doesn't hear. He steadies himself on the turnbuckle. He launches himself -- and JD Morgan climbs up from ringside to grab his ankle! Jett pitches forward, flying crazily through the air, spinning uncontrollably. He lands all wrong on his left shoulder. Martin's up! He hauls Jett, who's writhing in pain, to his feet, and hits the Twist on the Rocks! Then he does it again! A third time, Martin hits the Twist on Jett! The ref is back in the ring, and he counts! 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10! This match is over, and the fans are furious! [B]Johnny Martin defeated Jacob Jett in 16:52 when Jacob Jett could not beat a ten count following a Twist On The Rocks. C-[/B] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm83/4cjensen/johnnymartin.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]"Yeah, that's right,"[/COLOR] Martin says. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] "Someone call a stretcher -- I beat down that pretty boy Jett. You call that a title contender? Maybe if someone beats on him for five or ten years, he'll have paid his dues. And believe me, I'm looking forward to the challenge. But I'm not going to take his place. This chump federation doesn't deserve a champ like me -- I'd just lend you guys credibility. And the last thing I want is people thinking I believe in what you idiots stand for. Let that be a lesson to you -- all of you. None of you'll ever be safe again -- keep lying to yourself, and I will expose you for the frauds you know you are. We're the hardcore watchmen; we're not going to let this pass. Seriously, call an ambulance on this kid. Why didn't you have an ambulance ready? You know how we operate."[/COLOR] As he speaks, standing over the prone body of Jacob Jett, Tanner and Morgan assume their places by his sides. Katie Cameron is at ringside, trying desperately to make a phone call to the paramedics. Blood is streaming down Tanner's face, the result of his altercation with Fraser, who is nowhere in sight -- he must have gone backstage when the ref broke up the fight. [B] Jacob Jett is being stretchered out, having just suffered a defeat. Johnny Martin taunts Jacob Jett, knowing that he is in no condition to fight back. (D)[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"My God, Reggie, what a bloodbath! What chaos in this arena tonight! Have you ever seen such rampant carnage?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"I told you, Ted. Why don't you listen to me -- I told you this would happen. I told you they were going to do something, and they did when it matters most -- either taking the opportunity of a disturbance ringside, or creating that opportunity, as Vin Tanner and Brett Fraser got into it. The ref looked away, and Morgan interfered with the match. The intruders, the "hardcore watchmen" as Martin said, have claimed their first victim -- Jacob Jett is down, maybe seriously injured, definitely no longer the no. 1 contender. And Martin has refused the title shot -- so, Ted, who gets it?" [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Well,"[/COLOR] says Ted, [COLOR="DarkRed"]"that's a good question. And the answer is, the title shot in these instances automatically goes to the man Jett beat to become the no. 1 contender. Ladies and gentlemen, your next challenger for the 4C Championship, Joey Poison!" [/COLOR] The fans boo heartily -- Sayeed's not a popular champ, obviously, but Poison is hated more than any other worker in 4C, with the possible exception of Martin. [COLOR="Blue"]"And that's an unpopular decision -- the fans are letting Joey Poison hear it. Joey Poison, of course, not in the building tonight..."[/COLOR] The fans' disapproval is not greatly diminished by this observation. [COLOR="Blue"]"Poison lost last month, and yet he gets the shot anyway. He'd better be sending Christmas cards to Johnny Martin and his minions. Speaking of whom, JD Morgan faces off against Jack Marlowe. And Duberry Excess takes his turn at the Hardcore Championship, against Brett Fraser."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"You have to wonder how a technician like Excess will adapt to the hardcore style of Brett Fraser. All that and more next month, back in Toronto. Goodnight, folks!"[/COLOR] [B] Match announcements and show ending. (D- for Poison-Sayeed, E- for Morgan-Marlowe, E for Excess-Fraser.)[/B] [B]Final Rating: D[/B] Bolstered by a strong main event and a couple other solid matches, this is our best card yet. Things are still coming together, but it's clear they're coming together.
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Good show! How much didja drop the match ratio by? My only fault (if ya don't mind a little criticism) is due to all the hiring so fast and all at once I have alittle trouble getting into a couple of characters, but besides that I am enjoying very much. I don't even mind all the LMS matches! :D Gimmicked matches are one of the reason to play the 4! Great great diary man!
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