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So I'm not understanding the new location overness system.

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I'm PSW. I've raised to Regional, and dropped to Small, over 9 times in the past 7 months. How did I do this? By getting positive show rankings, apparently. That's it. And I have no clue why I'm dropping and raising every single week. Could someone possibly shed some light? I've only been running shows in Tri-State.
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[QUOTE=Von Dozier;435936]I'm PSW. I've raised to Regional, and dropped to Small, over 9 times in the past 7 months. How did I do this? By getting positive show rankings, apparently. That's it. And I have no clue why I'm dropping and raising every single week. Could someone possibly shed some light? I've only been running shows in Tri-State.[/QUOTE] How are you doing on the regional battles. You might be putting on good enough shows to interest your fans, but any other Regional or Small promotions in the Tri-state area will be compared to you. If they are putting on better shows. they will cause your overness to drop.
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