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Not sure if i shud bump this thread or start a new one but what should i look for in a authority figure role? I was thinking of flying over Doctor Insane for TCW in my more entertainment based company to be my GM. He has ace entertainment stats and a bit of respect but nothing else really would it work or his lack of popularity&star look make me look silly?
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Authority Figures will need lots of Popularity (as Popularity is important in Entertainment feds, and if it's not an entertainment fed it probably won't have an authority figure in the first place), Charisma and Microphone skills. They're essentially managers, in terms of skills needed.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;437079]so what determines if they're a personality or an authority figure? Popularity?[/QUOTE] Promotion type primarily. ROF or INSPIRE won't have an auto push for an authority figure but SWF definitely would. Has to have a good deal of entertainment basis in its product (so mainstream, cult, etc).
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