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Rick Roll


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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;437096]At least they covered it up so it didn't actually say S*it on TV.. I think it's pretty sweet so far.. sucks for the chick that won $2.[/QUOTE] They didn't have to dump it, as the FCC doesn't have any say in what goes on cable television. Shows on cable usually follow FCC regulations to keep sponsors. And they covered it up because they are a delay.
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I am the first to bad mouth Vince... But I did buy tickets for Night of Champions. So there's answer. And Deal or No Deal...terrible show. But I watch it sometimes hoping they make a bad deal. Same thing goes for those dance shows. Terrible, but I watch them, hoping they f up.
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It has to be a work. I thought it was funny... Never gonna give, never gonna give... give you up...never gonna say never gonna say...say goodbye... It's like believing Earthquake was randomly picked out of a crowd all those years ago... Rest in peace big man :-(
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;437189]I watch Deal or No Deal cuz Howie Mandel is the MAN!.. Not really .. I just watch it cuz it's so ridiculous.[/QUOTE]Howie Mandel.. Nah Noel Edmonds is THE MAN!!! He kill the other guy with his JUMPERS OF DOOM!!
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