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[quote=takertitan;437053]What have you done with APW? Any hints/tips? Any signings?[/quote] Francis Burke and Cody Cook. Hire them and team them. It'll give another high-flying team. And get rid of Trehawke Phillips. Waste of space if you ask me. You really have to wait for the new workers to debut to gain talent though.
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what i have fround so far(starting 3rd month, got a TV show by the end of the second month with a small/cult station) is that because its a cult based promotion, half your roster is going to piss off the crowd. Guys like Nathan, Big Dad, Trehawke, DOA basically kill any segment they are in. I most of them have been working there way through the roster trying to find some good chemistry. Should i keep this going, maintaining there overness, job them out, or push them so hard Brock Lesnar would be jelous? Also, anyone else having problems with the rosters being stacked with 80% heels?
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