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What if Nemesis were to open a company of his own....

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So, push comes to shove... I'm starting to think that I'm going to have to create a promotion of my own to get the kind of product that I want. With that being said, I was looking around the cornellverse database and it dawned on me... What if Nemesis would open his own company? He is no longer in DAVE... Has been touted as "a great wrestling mind" and would have the kind of industry "claut" to pull in some investors. It's an actual do-able idea (as I would only want to bring in a promotion that would seem like a logical fit with the cornellverse). With that being said.... Here are a Few Q's I thought I would ask to gauge what you would think is respectable for this new promotion: 1) What would the companies size be? (I'm thinking Regional... based in the Tri-State Area? He was huge with DAVE there and it could be the most logical place for him to open the company. If not that, I guess you could say he "resides" elsewhere and that's where the promotion is based out of) 2) How much money would it have? (Nemesis has a big name in the industry and is really respected by many.... So, you would think landing investors would not be a real problem. I'm thinking maybe 500,000?) 3) What would it's prestige level be? (Quite low I would guess since it's relatively new.. however, Nemesis is respected) 4) What would he name it? (Something that would go along with the theme of the cornellverse names. I was thinking of creating this promotion as a "rebel" company... One that is kind of like a fusion of Sports Entertainment & The Cult-DaVe Kind of feel... So, the beloved "Attitude Era"... Yes, gold in many peoples eyes). I Just thought i'd ask since there are a lot of great Cornellverse minds out there who could put their 2 cents in. Cheers!
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I was thinking along the same lines. DAVE going for me as spoilt the game for me. I checked the future feds and seen Phoenix Wrestling Company. Claiming to be "rising from the ashes of the East Coast war", Phoenix Wrestling Company comes out of Philly, and offers a Hardcore product aimed squarely at the 18-30 male demographic, just like their predecessors like XFW and RPW. Whether it can replicate the success of the winner of the East Coast war, DAVE, is questionable, but there is certainly never a shortage of hardcore fans in the Philly area who are ready to come and see wrestling. So I am thinking about starting with this fed and maybe changing a little few things. I am looking to do the same product as you. I would just like someone to make me some belts to go with the fed. PWC World Champion, PWC TV Champion, PWC Tag Team Champions and PWC Womens Champion etc.
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[QUOTE]I was thinking along the same lines. DAVE going for me as spoilt the game for me. I checked the future feds and seen Phoenix Wrestling Company. Claiming to be "rising from the ashes of the East Coast war", Phoenix Wrestling Company comes out of Philly, and offers a Hardcore product aimed squarely at the 18-30 male demographic, just like their predecessors like XFW and RPW. Whether it can replicate the success of the winner of the East Coast war, DAVE, is questionable, but there is certainly never a shortage of hardcore fans in the Philly area who are ready to come and see wrestling. So I am thinking about starting with this fed and maybe changing a little few things. I am looking to do the same product as you. I would just like someone to make me some belts to go with the fed. PWC World Champion, PWC TV Champion, PWC Tag Team Champions and PWC Womens Champion etc.[/QUOTE] Yea I've seen the company in the database. It seems like a carbon copy of what is there with PSW right now though. I was thinking the company I was going to create with Nemesis (with the help and input of all of you fellow Cornellverse thinkers) would be a little more SE than DaVe (or PSW or PWC for that matter) as Nemesis would have seen that a "true hardcore" company was unable to really survive. So, instead.. Nemesis would develop a product that would be still close to his "hardcore" roots... but with a spin of Sports Entertainment that would allow the company to possibly obtain sponsors... TV time.... etc.
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The thing is try state already has a traditional style promotion (NYCW) and a hardcore promotion (PSW) as well as another close traditional product in (MAW) and the looming giant SE fed (SWF) I think a brilliant mind like Nemesis would try to find a niche that isn't being show in the area. With his son being a cruiserweight anyway I think he might try for a high flying fed. Something with a little bit more of a mainstream than the cult CZCW but something that still takes wrestling in account more than overness, as all the other feds in the area look at overness over skill.
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;437332]So, push comes to shove... I'm starting to think that I'm going to have to create a promotion of my own to get the kind of product that I want. With that being said, I was looking around the cornellverse database and it dawned on me... What if Nemesis would open his own company? He is no longer in DAVE... Has been touted as "a great wrestling mind" and would have the kind of industry "claut" to pull in some investors. It's an actual do-able idea (as I would only want to bring in a promotion that would seem like a logical fit with the cornellverse). With that being said.... Here are a Few Q's I thought I would ask to gauge what you would think is respectable for this new promotion: 1) What would the companies size be? (I'm thinking Regional... based in the Tri-State Area? He was huge with DAVE there and it could be the most logical place for him to open the company. If not that, I guess you could say he "resides" elsewhere and that's where the promotion is based out of) 2) How much money would it have? (Nemesis has a big name in the industry and is really respected by many.... So, you would think landing investors would not be a real problem. I'm thinking maybe 500,000?) 3) What would it's prestige level be? (Quite low I would guess since it's relatively new.. however, Nemesis is respected) 4) What would he name it? (Something that would go along with the theme of the cornellverse names. I was thinking of creating this promotion as a "rebel" company... One that is kind of like a fusion of Sports Entertainment & The Cult-DaVe Kind of feel... So, the beloved "Attitude Era"... Yes, gold in many peoples eyes). I Just thought i'd ask since there are a lot of great Cornellverse minds out there who could put their 2 cents in. Cheers![/QUOTE] 1.) I'd say anywhere from high small to low cult size. You can really put it anywhere and make it work (Nemesis retired in Hawaii, lol), but we all know how important the Tri State region is. 2.) $100,000 to $500,000 3.) I think when you start a promotion at a particular size, a certain amount of prestige is automatically given to it, so I'd just go with that. Now, onto my thoughts. Well, personal opinion really. By closing DAVE the way he did, Adam created a unique situation in the C-Verse where you can go in any direction with this idea. What do I mean by this? Originally, DAVE was the hardcore fed it was is because Nemesis was fired by a P.O.'d Richard Eisen from SWF for a super hardcore match with a young Tommy Cornell on national television without Rich's approval (more details at the cornellverse website). So DAVE folded in April 2007, and really, Nemesis can think: "I've been stewing at home for X # months, and as much as I hate his guts, Rich Eisen's sports entertainment might be the way to go...I'll fight fire with fire!" Or "I've been stewing at home for X # months, and DAVE's product was successful, goshdarnit! We just had a string of bad luck! But I've learned from my mistakes, and now I'm taking my new promotion to the top. DAVE lives again!" I guess my point is is that as long as you "frame it" correctly, any product idea can work. Some of the hybrid ideas presented here have been really cool. I like cyberkitten's idea. In the end, you should go with a product that [B]you'd[/B] enjoy booking.
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Thank you all for your insight! I'm really pumped to get the ball rolling on this promotion... I may even create a Diary about it (my first one).. But I'm not totally sure If I'd go that far since those things can be quite time consuming and I'm already swamped as it is. All in all, I thought I would ask you all as well (or for others who want to chime in along with the other Q"s that I've thrown out there)... Who do you think would be people who for sure would be initial roster members? Only people who you think would actually jump in with Nemesis. For sure his son would probably be part of it, but is there any others who you think would really want to test the waters with Nemesis? I think It's going to end up being a more Mainstream product that DaVe was, but offering still a hint of that hardcore persona that the company had. Bringing Risque/hardcore wrestling to the masses in a more "toned down" manor. EDIT: I think I've decided on a "product" for the company. This is what it looks like: Key Feature: Traditional Heavy: Cult, Risque Medium: Mainstream, Comedy, Modern Low: Realism, Hardcore, Daredevil This way it's still an entertainment based company, however, a little less Mainstream than lets say the SWF. All in all, It was my thought that Nemesis would want to create a company that he felt could appeal to the masses in some senses (seeing the falters of DAVE), however, still giving the audience a more thought out TV show than Family Friendly wrestling (He is a master mind in pro wrestling... So he would end up creating characters & booking much like Paul Heyman did with ECW back in the day). This way the company is prone for sponsorship... Can be played on some TV stations in Prime Time (not all though) and can deliver a more "in-depth" development process of superstars rather than just throwing the quintessential "Old School Face" gimmick on them.
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After a little browse of workers with some popularity in the Tri State area, they're all either ex-Dave and middle aged, or their working TCW or SWF.. I doubt many people would make the jump from the big time to work Nemesis' small promotion. I'd recommend picking some midcarders from TCW and SWF who have potential but could believably be stuck midcarding there, and then that would lay the groundwork. I'd pick a big Japanese star to have on a written contract as an added "Woah!" factor, something you'd be unable to do in-game until hitting at least National
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I've been thinking about this also, in all my games so far I've hired Nemesis for an Authority Figure, trying to bring back DAVE. Who knows, Adam could release an expansion pack (few months into the future) where DAVE's closing was nothing but a fad, a publicity stunt, so that DAVE members could infiltrate top feds (and lower feds), do some networking and cause trouble, then jump back! With a TV deal waiting, new staff, new friends, huge buzz. It'd be a hit! Instant three way war for America's top spot. ;) Or if Adam were to take inspiration from real life Nemesis and Tommy Cornell could team up, creating a DAVE brand in TCW. Would it be the Cornellverse's first brand split? Ahwell, there's all my diary ideas gone. :(
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[QUOTE]Personally, i would base the promotion in Texas. Texas has always been a decent place for a brawling fed in my eyes.[/QUOTE] I was thinking of putting the company in Texas. The mid south is such a large area without really any promotions based out of there. Plus, it would work well with the "Brash Brawl Violence" that would come from a Nemesis run company. Not to mention Modern may do decently well since it's close to the border and it may somewhat resemble luchador wrestling to those in the area. All in all, I came to the idea of calling the promotion "Radical Championship Wrestling" and am awaiting a possible logo render in the MOD forum. I'm not sure if I'm going to edit the current contracts of others to "build a small roster".. Or if I will just lay the ground work with Nemesis and myself and then spend the time searching out talent and building them up from there. I'm not really sure. I was thinking of possibly creating a superstar who use to be a MMA fighter now mixed over into Pro Wrestling as my "initial big star". Give him like a C or C+ in popularity and have him a newbie to pro wrestling... but a name that people would recognize enough to tune in? Not 100% though.
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I think you should create maybe 5 guys who fit the style you want with 0% popularity. They could be guys Nemesis has either been training or he had someone hand pick them for his new promotion. I also think you should get a Japanese hardcore worker, and possibly bring in a few good wrestlers from cult feds on PPA. Maybe bring in Donnie J and James Prudence? Maybe he could see them as holding similiar roles to Sammy Bach and Teddy Powell. Then also bring in his son on a PPA deal but with his son having loyalty to this promotion. I would love for you to do a diary of this explaining how Nemesis has spent his time away from wrestling.
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[QUOTE]I think you should create maybe 5 guys who fit the style you want with 0% popularity. They could be guys Nemesis has either been training or he had someone hand pick them for his new promotion. I also think you should get a Japanese hardcore worker, and possibly bring in a few good wrestlers from cult feds on PPA. Maybe bring in Donnie J and James Prudence? Maybe he could see them as holding similiar roles to Sammy Bach and Teddy Powell. Then also bring in his son on a PPA deal but with his son having loyalty to this promotion.[/QUOTE] That's a great idea. I may create a few wrestlers that are relative unknowns... nothing to "spectacular" but some people with some specific abilities at least. Especially since I created a "Wrestling School" developed by Nemesis in my database anyways so I could have them as graduates of that school. Good call. [QUOTE]I would love for you to do a diary of this explaining how Nemesis has spent his time away from wrestling.[/QUOTE] I've tossed around the idea of creating a Diary based upon this new company... What his mindset was for creating this new promotion & what his overall vision for the state of Pro Wrestling... However, I'm not sure how much time I'd really be able to put forth. Most people write out the results with big long formats and stuff like that & I'm already quite busy. It's still an idea I may do though.
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[QUOTE]I hate the idea of making DaVE into a brand. Its not interesting in WWE with ECW and I think it tarnish's the name of DaVE.[/QUOTE] yea, I agree in a way. I like how the Cornellverse can kind of take after what has happened in real life (WCW vs. WWF war/TCW vs. SWF & ECW/DAVE).. However, It would seem too much like the real world data to go ahead and do that.
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If you want to do a diary do it. Results can be done in many differnt ways. Besides I think the bigger drawing power to this diary would be the backstage story and what Nemesis been doing and how he runs his new company. The actuall shows would just need to progress storylines.
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[QUOTE]I think Richard Eisen would declare war on that promotion in about 30 seconds. The booker of SWF would get a new goal... You must steal at least 1 worker from Nemesis' promotion every month.[/QUOTE] haha. That would be a good goal to have. I have Nemesis's company at only regional right now, D- in two regions and the rest at E+ (now since to get to cult you only need D's in to regions). So, I'm not that much of a threat yet.... but that's saying.... yet. haha
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