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a BIG problem

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[COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]And now the disclamer[/CENTER] first:- this diary was my own personal attempt to write something others might like. It predates [U][COLOR="Blue"]When Writers strike: NBC wrestling[/COLOR][/U] and as such many of the ideas from this diary where part of creating that diary. Second:- As such this diary has many familiar themes, it is not that i am not creative, or fixated on Hollywood, both these diaries came from a more general idea, that to be honest even affected, [COLOR="Blue"][U]What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas![/U][/COLOR] Third:- As stated above this was my first attempt at writing an actual diary, and was not originaly meant for mass public consumption. but as time has petered away to work on the other project, and Grey Dog was down, i reread and re-edit what was already written, so I'm choosing to share. [CENTER] The follwing is the original header:-[/CENTER][/COLOR] Using tzone 1.1 with every federation in the us or Japan I had never heard of removed. Everything here is complete fan fiction and in no way represents reality either past present or future. I am going to play as TNA. I am going to spend every dollar I can get my hands on, and at the end of the day we will be as big as the WWE, or we will strike out swinging for the fences. Sorry to mix sporting metaphors. [COLOR="White"]I am not sure this is going to be what you all want to read. I am not sure it is what I want to read, but it is what I want to write. Constructive criticism is welcome, but please don’t tell me my vision is wrong. It may be totally unoriginal, But hey like I said it’s what I wanted to see. I don’t like long match write ups, and I will freely mix in front of the camera and behind the scenes as if this was a blog from the real owner and booker of TNA.[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkRed"]redacted[/COLOR] I do hope some enjoy reading this, as much as I have enjoyed writing this.
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]ME, [INDENT][indent]My name is Bigsby Jones, But you can call me BIG. You probably have seen my blockbuster films, used my personal line of toiletries or clothing. I am a multimillionaire, but I’ve worked hard every day of my life to get where I am. I really had no love for the sport of wrestling until I retired from movie making and found a little time on my hands. And unlike some people who will remain nameless I did not feel like running fro the Governor of anything. I saw this sport and said to myself, BIG you can show these boys what it is like to really reach a billion fans a year and touch their life with real total non-stop action. So I put my money where my mouth was and bought 51% of TNA. That was the day I landed at the top Of VM’s **** list. We have lived in silent loathing ever since. I envy the power he wields in this sport. And he the number of his fans that flock through my doors instead of his every time I hold a show in the same town as his beloved E.[/INDENT][/indent][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]December, 28 2006 New Year’s eve, [INDENT][INDENT]OK, I took a look at my roster, and made some calls. Maybe, just maybe I can use my Hollywood pull to get some bigger names in here. Then I can do a little more to get the names of my current stars elevated in the eyes of the fans. Half of wrestling is good matches, the other is half is great marketing. I talked with some of my existing talent. Turns out serotonin is pissed at being held down and Raven thinks it’s abyss’s fault, I told them to go settle it in the ring. James Mitchell told raven he could help him keep the flock focused on destroying abyss. Not sure I like 5 and ½ on 1, but abyss is a big boy so I will let him handle his business before I stick my nose in there. The Dudleys stormed into my board meeting telling me that just because they are the worlds greatest living tag team. Doesn’t mean they can rest on their laurels, they want to be remembered as the greatest tag team of all time. And to do that they will need the best tag team division possible to preside over. I said great, their first title defense would be against BG and Kip. But that I thought that damaja and tomoko would make a great warm up to open the very first impact I would preside over. They walked out glad that we saw eye to eye. The board discussed the position of Aj Styles, we agreed unanimously to turn him, this of coursed pissed off the founding member of TNA Jeff Jarrett. I see a double turn coming. And I don’t think Jeff and I are going to see eye to eye on too many things for a while. Christian Cage had asked for 5 minutes to discuss his concerns with the board. I thought it might be amusing so I scheduled his crap fest for the last 5 minutes of the day. Double C, or Captain Crap as I like to call him, did not disappoint. He claimed that the Main Event was just not Showcasing the X division the way it should, so he was removing his name from the list of Heavy weight belt contenders and setting his sites on the X-division title. Translation, I am tired of having all those guys from The E follow me over here and continue to whoop up on me. Good thing I had a note on my desk from Samoa Joe, that said where ever we pigeon holed Christian during our roster rework, he would like to be right behind him kicking the crap back down his throat. Our final decision before breaking up the board room meeting until the next PPV meeting was who should be in our ME with the title currently vacant. Sting, Kurt and Rhino I said. Something tells me the dark side is courting Sting, and some very bad things may begin to happen to any one who stands between the stinger and his Belt. We broke with the understanding that I would address any concerns that arose between now and our next board meeting. [/INDENT][/INDENT] [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday January 1, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]We opened the show with the promised [U]3-d match[/U]. But Tomko called out. Ok we put them against the Latin American exchange. And let them take their rage our on the unfortunate south of the border crowd. Kip ran in and attacked 3-d half way through, opps, that just made the boys mad. [B](C)[/B] We cut back stage to me, The BIG, talking to Kurt Angle about his chances at winning the first 3-way title match under my watch, when out of no where a baseball bat almost took off Kurt’s head. Damn, that Sting can get mad. I guess he is just tired of every ones trash talking. He want to show TNA why he was the only man the NWO feared.[B] (C+)[/B] (Sting heel turn a success) After the Commercial break we came back to another tag match. [U]Aj Styles & Jeff Jarret vs BIG and Eric young[/U]. Aj and Jeff were handing us our back sides until Jeff felt that BIG had kicked out one to many times and went for the guitar to take care of things. Ping, that was the first Guitar crack that BIG has ever taken. Let me tell you! Fake or not it still stings. The Ref called for the Bell giving me my first win in Pro Wrestling, but not the way I would have preferred it though.[B] (C-)[/B] After the match Jeff pulled out another guitar and grounded AJ Styles next. He put a few more Boots to him, before taking the microphone and telling the crowd that he was not going to cow tow to the new managements view of TNA, TNA is Jeff Jerret, and “nothing and no one is gonna change that!” [B](C) [/B](Jeff Jarrett heel turn a success, Aj's Face turn a success) Main event [U]Kurt Angle vs Brother Runt[/U], well it was mainly a beat down. Kurt beat on Brother Runt. Who got in a lucky huricarana at which point Alex Shelly jumped in the ring and hit a DDT on Runt. Kurt rolled back in the ring and dished out the usual amount of angle slams and finished Runt with and angle lock that Runt was in no position to resist. [B](C+)[/B] The show itself got at [B]D+[/B], the exit polls told us our fans did not like all the wrestling, they wanted more talk and skits, Crap people this is TOTAL NON STOP ACTION WRESTLING. Not a soap opera. But you know what, if I want to go to the top, that means I have to give the people what they want! [/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Tuesday January 2, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Conference call, I swear these investors think I don’t like my own money. They just wanted to make sure that I knew that I only had 1 season left on Spike and Bravo. That’s great, but the studio heads have already told me in no uncertain terms they only negotiate 3 times a years, durring the month right before each new season starts. I told the investors that my money was on the line right next to theirs, and that I would get those contracts extended, if I had to buy the space as infomercial time.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday January 4, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]I’ve owned TNA for less than a full week and I think this company is giving me ulcers already. The fast over nights came in this morning. A 4.63, last time I appeared on TV was a walk on shot for Will and Grace and their numbers when up 5 points for the week. So by my math, with out me this show must have been pulling negative viewership. But the accountants and attorneys told me that for what we spent producing the show the number was workable.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday January 8, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Damn, these two are getting on my nerves! The James brothers are back in the ring complaining to the crowd how they are closer to brothers than 3-d will ever be. [COLOR="blue"]“If BIG thinks fake brothers make great Champs we can be the fakest brothers ever”[/COLOR], with that Kip pulls out a blond wig and throws it on. [COLOR="Blue"]“Crap we can be fake brother and sister and make better champs than 3-d”[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] (Just behind the stage curtain the Dudley’s are fuming pushing each other and pointing at the screen, while telling the screen what they are going to do to the James brothers when they get a chance. I walked up and said well then get out there and do it.) 3-D charges the ring and lay the smack down on the James brothers. Throw up a table or two and put kip and BG through one each. Then lay out a third and put BG on top then throws kip into a 3-d and they both go through the table.[B] (C+)[/B] Our first match is announced. [U]Alex Shelly vs. Brother Runt[/U]. Brother Runt dominates for the win [B](D+)[/B] After the less than pretty finish to the last match we cut to back stage where Christian Cage is looking at himself in a mirror, he notices the camera on him and turns around. Then commences to tell the camera how bad the x-division is with out some one of his caliber, and how awesome it will be when he faces Samoa Joe to defend the title, he is about to go out there and take off of Sabin. [B](C+)[/B] [U]Ultimate X match, Christian Cage vs. Sabin[/U] Christian’s music hits, and Sabin faces the ramp waiting for the Cap’n to show his face, but Christian does not appear at the top of the ramp, but the bell rings and Sabin starts looking around. All of a sudden the crowd goes crazy, a rope ladder has come down from the ceiling and Christian is climbing down, right into the middle of the x, where the belt is hung. Sabin starts climbing the railing, but it is pointless Christian has descended the ladder, unhooked the belt and rolled out of the ring before Sabin even got out onto the cables. Christian Cage is your new X-division champ. ([B]C+) [/B] Back stage Samoa Joe is standing with JB. Jeremy asks how Joe feels about meeting Christian at final destination. “[COLOR="Blue"]Well Jb, I’ll tell ya. I’m glad that I don’t have to face Captin Crap in an ultimate x match[/COLOR]”. Joe went on to let Christian know how he will treat any funny stuff, by stuffing Christian into a body bag. [B](B-)[/B] A commotion to the side caused the camera to pivot, we see Raven and James Mitchell beating down Bob Backlund, The announcers let us know that Bob is helping Abyss get in touch with his inner wrestling supper star, in hopes Abyss will hold his head up high with his mask off. [B](C-)[/B] We come back from commercial to see [U]Abyss[/U] charging the ring, we see [U]Machete[/U] hit with a cloths line, Abyss pulls him to his feet. Sends him to the ropes and then black holes slam him down. But something inside Abyss has snapped, and rather than pinning Machete, he continues the beat down. Raven runs in to intervene and takes a black hole slam for sticking his nose in, the rest of Serotonin backs off, Abyss stalks around the ring keeping them all at bay, as the ref count to 10 and declares Abyss the winner. [B](D-)[/B] Over all Show [B](D+)[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT] [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday morning January 11, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]The fast overnights showed a slight improvement in viewership 4.65, that a .02 improvement. I guess calling my Grandmother and telling her to have her prayer circle watch must have worked. I wonder if they will tune in again next week? Next Tuesday is the board meeting for final destination. Monday, we will see Aj styles vs. JJ, and Christian Cage vs. Jay Lethal in a non title X division match.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Monday January 15, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Impact opens almost exactly where it left off last week. [U]Abyss[/U] is laying it all down on [U]Martyr[/U] this time. Raven and Machete make it into the ring this time, to try and triple team Abyss. Abyss deals out black hole slams for all, and rolls every one out of the ring, the Ref runs a 10 count. Abyss wins by count out again. [B](C)[/B] Seratonin, regroups on the ramp, James Mitchell comes in from behind and lays his cane across the back of Abyss’s skull. Abyss turns around, bad idea, with his back turned, serotonin rushes the ring and lays Abyss out while Raven sits in the corner laughing his head off. [B] (D-)[/B] We come back from the break to see Sting wringing his hands looking at his feet, I am holding a Microphone up waiting for my cue. Sting, “[COLOR="Blue"]no offence BIG, but it’s Sting’s time to shine, my hour to control my own future. The heavy weight title is vacant, but after Final destination, it will sit nicely right here[/COLOR]”, he motions to his waist. Sting goes on to rant about how Kurt Angle wants to be sting. And Rhino is just another also ran WWe reject. [B](A)[/B] We see the ring entrance of [U]Christian Cage[/U], as he slaps the X-division title. [U]Jay Lethal[/U] is already bouncing around the ring. It is another ultimate X match, it’s nice to see Christian does not plan to come in from the ceiling this time. But why should he, the title is not on the line. He walks in and plants a boot in low blow territory. The ref warns him but with Lethal bent over, Christian has him perfectly positioned for an Unprettier. Double C climbs out of the ring, grabs a step ladder and throws it into the ring. Plants it into the back of Jay, and plants him with a second unprettier. Up the ladder to grab the X. Christianwalks away patting his x-division title, leaving Jay to grow a fresh set of purple bruises. [B](B-)[/B] Commercial breaks are a great time to attack your enemies. The James brothers used said opportunity. Unfortunately it back fired and by the time the cameras catch up to the action 3-d is bringing the beat down back to James gang. There are some nice tables set with chips and other snacks, oops, not any more Bg Takes a spear through one. Next Kip gets a 3-d through the other. 3-d walks away shaking their heads.[B] (B-)[/B] We go out to the floor. The announcers hype the 3 way dance for the Heavy weight title at final destination. [B](B+)[/B] Samoa Joe comes out and tells the announcers how Christian is going to pay for abusing the no limits clause in the X-division this Sunday at final Destination.[B] (C+)[/B] [U]Main event, Aj Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett.[/U] Jeff opens the match with a guitar shot. But after a few minutes Aj swings the match his way with the peyley. The momentum never shifts back to Jarrett and Aj wins clean with the styles clash. Don West “[COLOR="Blue"]We will see if Aj can make it look that easy this Sunday. We will see you all at Final Destination Folks[/COLOR]” [B](C-)[/B] Show Rating: [B]C[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Tuesday January 16, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Jeff Jarrett stormed in before we could even call the board meeting to order. “[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Damn-it BIG![/COLOR]” He exploded to the shock of all gathered. “[COLOR="SeaGreen"]This is my Federation, I am TNA, and you let the tadpole styles beat me! Well I Just want to let you know, it won’t happen at the PPV. I will turn this into a Montreal screw job if you try and put that boy over me again[/COLOR]”. I am BIG, but I am also rich and famous, and I could buy and sell this little man several times a day, and he wants to talk to me that way. “[COLOR="DimGray"]Well, Mr. TNA, if you don’t play nice at Final Destination, then I will job you out to every opener in this company, and then decide how to burry your career.[/COLOR]” With that security escorted the still steaming Double J out of the Board room. We got down to business and Hammered out the following order for the First Pay per view under my reign. 7 matches have been announced and 1 more will probably be added to the card before Sunday night, as either dark matches or show openers. The card [INDENT]Chris Sabin vs. jay lethal will open the show Alex Shelly vs. Brother Runt Jeff Jarrett vs. Aj Styles guitar match Backlund & Abyss vs. Raven & Mitchell Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage for the x-division title 3-D vs. James Gang for the tag team title 3 way Sting, Angle, Rhino for the vacated heavy weight title[/INDENT] The board judged my performance so far to be average but acceptable. We adjourned after agreeing who should win the main event, and deciding that Christian Cage's insolent behavior would have to stop. While we had OK’d his winning of the X-division title, we were not happy with the way he was burying his fellow athletes.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday January 19, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]The over nights for Impact were in. but before we get to those, we said fair well to Alex Shelly as he moved on to WWE, so Sunday night runt will face rick Steiner. The ratings had rocketed up to a 5.0 that’s a .35 increase over last week, and defiantly a move in the right direction.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Sunday January 21, 2007 [CENTER][B]Welcome to Final Resolution.[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT]Our dark match was weak, but it was the debut of two new workers, and two new tag teams. [U]Tomko and Damaja are the Carnage Connection and Vincent Robins and Teddy Hart are Hart’s Thieves[/U]. The match was a crap fest, with Tomko pinning Robins after he and Damaja finished pushing the two younger smaller men around. [B](D-)[/B] The pyro hits, and we are welcomed to Final Resolution, what is being resolved? Why nothing short of who should take up the currently vacant heavy weight title. [B](D-)[/B] We then catch crap a crap vid about Lethal and Sabin (forgot we had to restart the feud because of scabbed talent)[B] (F+) [/B] Opening match of the pay per view was [U]Chris Sabin vs. Jay Lethal[/U], Well fought with Sabin taking the Victory. [B](D-)[/B] Kurt Angle bumps into BIG in the back. “[COLOR="Blue"]You know what BIG? I am Kurt Angle and that title belongs to me. If Sting or Rhino screw me out of it I am going to hold you responsible[/COLOR]” the crowd pop “[COLOR="Blue"]It’s true, It’s Damn True[/COLOR]” and he storms off [B](B)[/B] As Kurt walks off the Camera stops following him when it lands on Abyss and Backlund shaking hands. We over hear the two laying the game plan for tonight’s match and making their alliance official with a hand shake. [B](C-)[/B] Match two,[U] Brother Runt Vs Rick Steiner Brother Runt[/U] proves he is willing to take anything anyone is willing to deal out, and give it right back. Senshi interferes in the match, and Rick Steiner is DQ’d giving Runt the victory. [B](C-)[/B] Senshi continues the beat down, the announcers let us know that Senshi feels that Brother Runt is simply riding the coat tails of his larger brothers to greatness in TNA, and Senshi will not let that stand. [B](D-)[/B] The Announce team Goes on to detail how there will be one winner, one loser, and one pissed off guy in tonight’s three way, because you don’t have to be pinned in a 3 way to lose out on the title [B](B-) [/B] (Why do fans love having their intelligence insulted?) We Get a video of Jeff Jarrett’s demand to the board of directors. That he better not lose to AJ Styles tonight. [B](E+)[/B] We go from the video to the ring entrances for both [U]Jarret and Styles[/U]. The match is hard fought on both sides. Once Jarret gets frustrated, Aj ducks the obligatory guitar shot from Jarret. Jeff pulls pack for a second shot, when Styles hits the peyley catching the guitar, and smashing both his foot and guitar through the back of Jarrets head. Jarret gets a styles clash and Aj wins again [B](D+)[/B] Jarret kicks out at 4, frustrated he pushes the ref, grabs styles and nails him to the floor, with a DDT.[B] (E+)[/B] The action moves to the back where we see Carnage Connection has Laid out 3-d, and the James brothers are laughing at the site [B](D+)[/B] The next match of the evening is [U]Raven & James Mitchell vs. Abyss & Bob Backlund[/U]. It Sucked about as bad as it looked on paper. Raven used Mitchell’s cane, on Backlund. Machete and Martyr distracted Abyss and Mitchell covered for the win [B](D+)[/B] Rhino Comes out to the announce table, picks up a mic and tell Kurt and Sting that he is ready to gore both of them tonight. He walks off still clutching the mic screaming gore into it. The guys out in the truck cut the mic feed after he moves out of sight. [B](C+)[/B] BIG is in the back reading Christian Cage the riot act. “[COLOR="Blue"]Look here you pompous Ass, you can do what ever you want out there, as long as the match is clean. But if I see one more low blow or rope ladder to embrace the X-division wrestlers. You’re going to have to answer to BIG![/COLOR]” [B](B+)[/B] [U]Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe[/U] was not quite as good as I would have expected. But it could have something to do with the Christian opening the match by blowing powder in Joe’s eyes. To his credit Joe blocked the Unprettier and took control of the match. But in the end, if you can’t see your opponent, it’s hard to beat them. Christian picked up another X-division victory and his first successful defense of the title. [B](C+)[/B] No sooner than the ring clears of cage and Joe, The James Gang takes up the rings, with mics in hands. [U]The James gang[/U] lets 3-D know that if they can’t wrestle after that sever beating at the hands of the Carnage Connection, The James gang understands, and they will take the count out victory. They signal the ref to ring the bell to start the match and to start counting. [B](C+)[/B] [U]The Dudley[/U] Charge the rings, dropping the Belts half way down the ramp. The battle rages with all four men in the ring for quite some time before, the ref restores order, and we get a pretty good match. Then just as 3-d is about to win we see Carnage Connection coming through the crowd. The Dudleys hit the 3-d on Kip, before CC gets to the ring. Bg rolls Kip out of the ring, and they retreat up the ramp as ref counts out the James gang, Carnage Connection goes to work on the Dudleys. Dudleys win and retain the tag titles. [B](C)[/B] Devon puts a boot to Damaja. And Ray drops Tomko with a spear. And things quickly get worse for Carnage Connection as 3-d turns the beat down around [B](D+)[/B] Back stage Sting lets BIG know that TNA is about to change, and the Reign of the stinger will be longer and darker than any other period in TNA’s history. In fact once he wins the title will only be defended under Sting’s Reign rules. BIG asks what those are, and Sting says that information is on a need to know basis. BIG looks stunned as sting makes his way to the ring. [B](B+) [/B] Three way match for the title. [U]Kurt Angle vs. Sting vs. Rhino[/U]. It was a main event caliber match if not the most memorable ever. The finish left a bad taste in my mouth though, Angle had Sting down in the angle lock when Rhino half unconscious managed to gore Angle into the ring post. Sting hit the Stinger splash on both of them. Angle dropped to the floor gasping for air, while Sting locked the scorpion death lock on Rhino, who in no condition to fight back, tapped out. Your winner and new heavy weight champion: [B]STING (B-)[/B] Over all [B]C-[/B] with [B]7000+[/B] in attendance and a [B]2.64[/B] buy rate The payperview was not as well paced as we had expected. But some of that was that feuds had been restarted after loosing 3 mid carders to the E. I am going to have to return that favor to VM. Next some of the great matches on paper had not worked out that way. Tomorrow is Impact taping and next Sunday will be the Board‘s February planning Meeting.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday January 22, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]The pyro Hit, the crowed popped, and we were out of the gate, for my First Impact taping the day after Final Resolution. Sting was standing in the center of the ring as the smoke cleared, the title around his waist and the sparkle in his eyes. “[COLOR="Blue"]Ladies and Gentleman, fortune favors the prepared. And unlike my opponents I was prepared to pull any dirty trick necessary to win this title.[/COLOR]” He kept rambling for several minutes, letting us know that he was sure Kurt would have a problem with the finish, and Rhino would want to prove that Sting didn’t really beat him, and demand a one on one. “[COLOR="Blue"]And while all that may or may not be true, I’ll tell you people one thing, this belt will never leave my waist while being defended under a Sting’s Reign rules match[/COLOR]” [B](A)[/B] (ladies and gentleman I still don’t know what it is, but is scares me -BIG-) Our first match of the night is an x-division match up. [U]Ron Killings vs. Petey Williams[/U]. The match is the no limits stuff the x-division is so proud of, but the fans just didn’t get into it. And I think they did not buy the Canadian destroyer on Ron Killings, that gave Petey the win. [B](D-)[/B] Post match Carnage Connection came out and beat down Ron Killings and Petey Williams. The Two x-division stars were left laid out by the much larger and unstable duo of CC. [B](D-)[/B] “[COLOR="Blue"]This crap will not happen in my company[/COLOR]” the crowd cheered. “[COLOR="Blue"]Carnage Connection, you want to prove your selves? Do it in the ring, or get out of my company! Next week, right here on impact, Killings and Williams will show you how the No Limits crowd Rolls, It will be TLC to Even the odds in Killings\Williams vs. Carnage Connection[/COLOR]” [B](C)[/B] We came back from commercial to the announce team telling us about the main event, and how awesome it is going to be to See Rhino Vs Angle one on one. “[COLOR="Blue"]Maybe the winner will be considered number one contender.[/COLOR]” Then the noncommittal, “[COLOR="Blue"]Not if the loser has anything to say about it, all that coming up in just a few moments but first….[/COLOR]” [B](B+) [/B] (I will never understand how fans can take such pleasure in listening to fluff; I want the facts -BIG-) [U]Aj Styles vs. Scot Steiner[/U], Scot Steiner Dominated the early Goings of the match. An ultiere motive seemed to be pressing him as rather than going for the pin, he seemed to be trying inflict as much harm to Styles as possible. The ref kept having to pull Steiner off Styles as he applied one illegal hold after another. Finally a thoroughly exhausted Styles Pulled the Peyley out of his bag of tricks, followed it up with some superior wrestling, and ended Scot Steiner’s night with a Styles Clash. [B](C-)[/B] BIG Met up with Kurt Angle Back stage. “[COLOR="Blue"]Look here BIG, I was screwed at final Resolution, In fact there was no Resolution at all! That title was mine and you know it! It’s true, it’s damn True[/COLOR]” He then Let me know how He should not have to wrestle Rhino Tonight; he should get to face Sting one on One for the Title. “[COLOR="Blue"]Oh and by the way, what the HELL is a Sting’s Reign rules match?[/COLOR]” All I could do is shrug, as Angle made his way to the ring. [B](B+)[/B] [U]Angle Vs Rhino[/U]. The two Juggernauts gave it all they had, but in the end they had to concede to a time limit draw, as neither could force a pin or submission for the other. [B](C+)[/B] Show Rating: [B]C[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday January 26, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT] I think some one uncorked the Champaign a little prematurely. Raw was pulling a 29.83 on the USA net work. We had just pulled 5.83 on Spike TV. Granted that was a .83 increase, or 16 percent increase over last week and a 26 percent increase over my first show just 4 weeks ago. But was it sustainable? And can we keep pulling these kinds of increases, or will we level out?[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Sunday January 28, 2007 The Board’s February Planning Meeting. [INDENT][INDENT]The first Issue tabled was rick Steiner wanted another shot at Brother Runt. No one Present Disagreed, the match would be announced in our Monday press release. “[COLOR="Green"]Big we have some concerns with the treatment of our established Talent.[/COLOR]” The speaker was a minority stake holder even among the minority stake holders, I was sure he was a plant, and then he proved it. “[COLOR="Green"]We, that is myself and many others who are just not willing to put themselves out there, Believe that Jeff Jarret should one, be avenged of his two grievous losses to Aj Styles, and Two, be quickly returned to either the Heavy Weight Champ or at the very least Number one contender![/COLOR]” To be Honest folks it is not polite to laugh in anyone’s face at a board meeting. But I had to do it. Dixie carter and the panda reps seems a little put off, but I did not see anyone standing up to side with this schmuck. “[COLOR="DimGray"]No I don’t thinks so, in fact tell Jeff that he will be part of a 4 way X-division match Monday night, we are going to see how much losing he can handle.[/COLOR]” All schmuck could do was glare back at me. Next we need to discuss, Christian Cage’s antics, at Final Resolution. What can we do to bring this guy under control? The consensus was not much as long as he remained this over with the fans, even as a bad guys abusing wrestlers half his size, the fans just wanted to see what Double C would come up with next. It was agreed that the Dudleys versus the James Gang was going well and should continue. Though we were not sure how much Carnage connection was bringing to the table. We would reevaluate next month and decide whether or not to keep CC as part of the Feud. We addressed Hiring and Firing, It was decided that by next month each of the 8 of us with voting power on the board should table 2 members of the current staff who maybe acting as dead weight, and 1 new worker who might be worth talking too. The Final Topic of the night was something none of us had an answer to. What was a Sting’s Reign Rules match? Could we sanction it? How risky was it? And was it rigged so that truly only sting could win it? We decided that no latter than Monday night on impact sting would need to answer this question or face the stripping of his newly won title. With that we adjourned, it was nice not having the wrestlers barge in to try and affect our decisions. I found out latter several security guards were injured trying to keep Jeff Jarret out of the room when I had put his puppet back in his place. Oh Well.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Monday February 1, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]From Final Resolution to against all odds, the playing field has entirely changed. Christian Cage is running the X-division. Sting is Stalking the back Hallways threatening every one with a chance at his Sting’s Reign match. And the Dudley’s are putting Kip and BG through every table I buy. We open with Kurt approaching me back stage. “[COLOR="Blue"]You’re going to give me a match with Sting, for the World Heavy Weight title, it’s true, it’s damn true[/COLOR]”. All I could do was return his stone gaze “[COLOR="DimGray"]Look here Mr. Angle, the best I can do for you is a number one contenders match at against all odds.[/COLOR]” [B](B)[/B] Tomko passed us up for his commitments in Japan. So we let Kevin Nash Cover, “[COLOR="Blue"]My good friend Tomko has the flu, so tonight for one night only Carnage Connection is going to feature Kevin Nash.[/COLOR]” [B](C)[/B] Carnage Connection featuring Kevin Nash, had a go at Petey Williams and Ron Killings. Petey and Ron’s heart just were not in the match, as Kevin had nothing to do with last weeks beat down. Though he played the Part of Indestructible Tomko quite well. [B](D-) [/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Christian Cage[/COLOR] came down to the ring and whined about how Joe wouldn’t let him have two minutes of peace to enjoy being the world Champ again. In fact, he might have to go talk to his Buddy Sting about Taking care of Joe. [B](B) [/B] Jeff Jarret vs. Aj Styles vs. Senshi Vs Brother Runt, in a 4 way Ultimate X match. Jeff Jarret was totally out of his depth, as the X-division supper stars put on a High Risk stunt show that Made Double J look old and Slow. In Ultimate X power just is no substitute for Speed and Agility. JJ finally went for his Guitar, which he was rewarded with by having Runt spear him, leaving Double J laid out with his guitar on his Chest. Senshi obliged by performing the Warriors way, through the guitar onto Jeff’s chest. The momentum swung Aj’s way, after a back flip off the post taking all 3 competitors out, and he climbed the scaffolding to obtain the Victory.[B](D+)[/B] We come back from commercial to see a model of the six sided ring with Sting standing behind it. “[COLOR="Blue"]You want to know what Stings Reign rules are? What kind of match I brewed up that only the stinger can win? Well, first we surround the ring area with a steel cage[/COLOR]” the arena, including the concrete out side of the ring is enclosed in a steel cage 25 feet tall with enclosing roof. “[COLOR="Blue"]Next, the only way in is to repel down to the ring below, and the only way out is for your opponent to Give up, or pass out. That’s right submission or Knock out decision only. Next the only weapon available comes in under this cloak[/COLOR]” he pulls out his patented baseball bat and point at the camera.[B] (A)[/B] Sting then makes his way out to Arena floor where we see the Sting’s Reign Match has been set up; Abyss has already descended down to the ring. Sting makes his way in and immediately pulls out his bat. Abyss has no chance. Already put off by his repelling into the cage, a bat wielding Sting is just not a force to be stood up too, and Sting locks on the Scorpion Death Lock for the win [B](B-)[/B] Show Rating: [B]C+[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Friday, February 5, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Every once in a while, when the phone rings and you answer it, the person on the other end says something that you actually want to hear. I dread Friday phone calls because inevitably somebody gets the over nights faster than I do, and they call to give me both the news and how they could have done it better. Or to tell me what it is I did wrong. This was not one of those days, the phone rang, it was the schmuck guy from the last board meeting, calling to eat crow. We pulled a 7.21 on Spike TV. That’s better than a 1 point gain, a 23.7 percent spike in our ratings. I was sitting on cloud 9 and 1/2 , I was so thrilled.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [/SIZE][/FONT]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Sunday, February 7, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Last weeks numbers were great. But now it was time to turn my attention to the build up to against all odds, and maintaining the kind of numbers I had just proven TNA was capable of. On the Block was the main event, Sting needed to defend his title, but their was no clear number one contender. So the main event will be Kurt vs. Rhino to give us a number one contender. That will put sting in need of a match. How about the beginning of an alliance between my two heel champs, sting and Christian. Vs Joe and some random guy to make Joe look that much stronger. The Dudleys would meet carnage connection, and Aj would get his revenge shot at Scot Steiner. How would we set this all up though, we would have to start this Monday. How about Aj proving himself, then the Dudley down play the Impact of Carnage connection, on TNA’s tag scene. The Christian cage invite sting to tag with him, to help him “improve” the image of the x-division, but it is really to get out of having to defend his title at Against All Odds.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday February 8, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]We held our first ever Dark match, we wanted to keep [U]Eric Young[/U] improving, at least in our live audiences mind. [U]Kurt[/U] got the angle lock victory, that was a pretty good dark match. [B](C)[/B] We had a dark segment to balance our dark match, in which Kurt revealed that one way or another, he was going to take the title off of stings waist. [B](B+)[/B] We opened the show with clips of your press conference that had been held live on the internet. We had revealed that the main event for Against All Odds, here is the run down of the matches that were announced. [B](B+)[/B] [INDENT][INDENT]Runt Vs Rick Steiner in as first blood rematch Carnage Connection Vs Dudleys for the Tag Titles Abyss Vs Raven & Machete & Martyr in a 30 lashes match Aj Styles Vs Scot Steiner in a grudge match Sting & Christian vs. Samoa Joe and Ron Killings Stings Reign rules at stake. Kurt Angle Vs Rhino a chance at stings title[/INDENT][/INDENT] [U]Aj Styles defeated Lance Hoyt[/U], after winning with the styles clash, he took the mic and let Scot Steiner know “[COLOR="Blue"]this is how I treat big men, like the little problems they are![/COLOR]”[B](D)[/B] “[COLOR="Blue"]BIG, look here, you don’t understand the Dudley’s very well at all. We like to face our problems head on. And right now our problem is with the James gang, why would your feeble mind think it’s good idea to give us The CC’s[/COLOR] (pronounced sissy’s) [COLOR="Blue"]at Against All Odds, we want the James gang[/COLOR]” then of course Devon gave up “[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Oh my Brother Testify[/COLOR]” [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Christian[/COLOR] was out in the ring bewailing how bad the X-division is, and how he is the only shining ray of hope in the dark night that is the X-division. In fact there is not even any one worth defending the title against, so he would be glad to team up with Sting to show Joe and Ron Killings what real wrestling is. [B](A)[/B] [U]James Gang destroys Harts Thieves[/U], not much else to say [B](D+)[/B] We come back from commercial to see Sting standing over a prone Rhino Black bat still in hand. Kurt runs out and lays a fore-arm across Sting's back, but Sting is the one with the ball bat, and soon Kurt is lying prone next to Rhino. Sting looks at the camera and tells [COLOR="DarkRed"]Christian[/COLOR] he is glad he does not have a title match either, because he agrees there is no one in TNA that is currently worth a title match. [B](B+)(B+)(A) [/B] Our Main Event of the night served a two fold purpose, show [U]Ron Killings[/U] is Main Event Material, and two show[U] Raven[/U] is better than at least one main event caliber guy. It worked like a charm. The match went over 10 minutes. And the crowd came out of their seats with T N A chants several times. A Killing's Top Rope Dive took, Mitchell, Martyr and Machete out of the match early. But a Wicked DDT out of no where showed how Raven is always one move away from the three counts. [B](B-) [/B] Show Rating:[B] C+[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday February 12, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]I learned the hard way that the fans are both fickle and demanding. We put on a great show, but we had failed to preannounce who would be on the show Monday evening. The house was packed, but the viewers didn’t show up. A 6.64, was our first drop. A -8% was a correction in the market, after so many weeks of running our numbers up, but it still hurt.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Monday February 15, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]The night started off on a positive note, Rhino Hyped his own dark match. And the truth is the match he was about to have lived up to the hype considering it was with a relative nobody. [B](B) [/B] [U]Rhino[/U] defeated the young [U]Ted Hart[/U] with a gore. Ted showed some real maturity in taking a very career enhancing loss. [B](C+)[/B] The pyro hit and the boys welcome us to Impact. They no sooner get through their greeting then Samoa Joe hits the ramp microphone in hand, Joe opens his mouth to launch into a tirade, when Christian Cage blind sides him and beats the crap out of him. Unprettiers him into the ramp and walks off dusting his hands off. [B](B-)[/B] Order is restored as [U]Brother Runt and Senshi[/U] give us some great X-division style wrestling in the ring. Runt again proves why he is a star on the rise despite his size. [B](C)[/B] BIG, is tired of Christian’s antics. At Against All Odds Christian and Sting will be partners in order to secure the rights to sting’s reign matches. But tonight the two of them will have to face each other. BIG warns them both any nonsense and he will simply declare Samoa Joe the winner of the Against All Odds match, here tonight, on the DAMN spot! [B](B)[/B] [U]Jeff Jarrett and Raven vs. Samoa Joe and Abyss[/U], Raven gets the win after James Mitchell interferes. Jeff and Raven parade around the ring like they have truly accomplished something as Joe and Abyss retreat up the ramp in the face of serotonin and Jeff Jarrett all wielding Double J guitars. [B](C)[/B] Back stage Kurt is letting me know how there is no Odds at all on Rhino at Against All Odds. “[COLOR="Blue"]Rhino will have no choice but to tap out at Against All Odds, It’s True, it’s Damn True[/COLOR]”. True or not you just can’t hold Kurt at fault for the confidence of his convictions. [B](B+)[/B] Sting follows Kurt’s words with his own in ring promo, about his own match at Against All Odds as well as the number one contender’s match in which he predicts a loser, and bigger loser will be produced. No One can defeat Sting in a Sting’s Reign match, no one. And this Sunday Sting will obtain the rights to defend his title exclusively under Sting’s Reign Rules. [B](A*)[/B] [U]Sting vs. Christian[/U] went back and forth. It was not just the best match of the night but possibly the best match since I had come to TNA. Neither competitor seemed compelled to give an inch. While this Sunday they would be partners, tonight each had to prove they brought more to this partnership than just words. Sting finally locked the Scorpion death lock on Christian for the submission, Christian tapped out right as the show faded to black, see you at Against ALL Odds flashed across the screen and we were out for the night.[B] (B)[/B] Show rating: [B]B[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Friday February 19 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]I set in my office Chair, Half in fear half in hope. It was the best event we had help produce to date. But would the Television audience show up to see the show stopping performance of Sting and Christian Cage. Would they see how good of a show we had produced? And would they deem it worthy of Forking out the money for the PPV that it was setting up so well? The phone rang; it was the lead analyst of Panda Energy. 7.40, we had pulled an 11.4% increase. Market correction my butt, we were on our way up the ladder once again.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [/SIZE][/FONT]
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