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[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Sunday February 21, 2007 [CENTER][B]Against All Odds[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT]To warm the crowd up we sent Samoa Joe out to talk about his place in the penultimate match, and how he and Ron Killings make a good pairing. With a balance of speed, strength and agility, Sting and Christian will have a hard time coming out with the victory. [B](C)[/B] For a dark match we fed [U]Rick Roode to Eric Young[/U], it was an uninspiring match. Hopefully we have saved the best for the pay per view. [B](D)[/B] We go into the final prep before the show swings into action, with Jb on the mic reminding everyone of the 1 vs. 3 match starring Abyss, that is coming up in just a few minutes.[B] (E+) [/B] Ladies and Gentleman welcome to Against All Odds, tonight will the balance of power shift? Will someone walk away with the upset of year? Decade? Or Century? The Deck has been stacked in favor of almost every out come and every contest tonight is almost certainly predetermined, and so I ask, is there anyone who can stand Against All Odds? The Pyro Hits, and we focus in on the ring,[U] Abyss[/U] is already pacing like a caged animal, [U]Seratonin with James Mitchell[/U] are making their way to the ring. 3 on 1 though Backlund is in Abyss corner, his arm is in a sling, and he is in no shape to actually take part in the match. Machete and Martyr double team Abyss to open the match. Abyss eventually takes them out first with a double clothes line, and then deals out black hole slams. Raven comes in sensing that Abyss is sufficiently weakened. But even with James Mitchell’s help Raven can not salvage a win, when a wild eyed Backlund chases Raven back from ringside. Abyss deals out the third Black Hole slam of the evening and covers for the 3 count. Abyss Survived the Odds. [B](D+)[/B] Out in the parking lot, our roving camera crew cuts to Sting taking a ball bat to Rhino, again. Once more Angle comes out for the save, and again is left yet another victim of Sting’s bat. [B](B+)(B+) [/B] Back inside Christian applauds Stings actions, and warns Samoa Joe and Ron Killings that their fate will be the same as Rhino and Kurt Angle's just were. [B](B+)[/B] After four separate ring entrances, we finally get to our next match, [U]Jay Lethal vs. Petey Williams Vs Chris Sabin vs. Ted Hart[/U] in an Ultimate X match. Sabin got caught on the wrong end of a Canadian destroyer, and Petey took a wicked top rope drop kick to the face from Lethal, who pushed off to much and ended up rolling in pain on the concrete outside of the ring. This let a barely moving Ted Hart Capitalize and for the second time tonight against all odds lived up to its name as the under dog won. [B](D)[/B] We go back stage to JB who is about to start his interview with Aj Styles when *WHAP* guitar splinters every where and Aj falls to one knee, and Jeff Jarrett steps into the picture “[COLOR="Blue"]Stay down you slap Nuts”. Aj doesn’t listen and comes back firing lefts and rights into Double J’s midsection, eventually leaving Jeff in the fetal position on the floor, exiting stage left with out giving Jb his interview. [B](D)[/B] Kurt Steps over Jeff’s fallen body, and runs smack into BIG taking the mic out of a stunned Jb’s hands. “[COLOR="Blue"]Do you know what Sting did to me? Well after I am done with Rhino tonight, I am going to return the favor. It’s true, it’s damn true[/COLOR]” I let Kurt know that the board was taking Stings recent actions under consideration just like we were taking Christian Cages antics very seriously. [B](A)[/B] We return to the ring for the announcement and ring entrances of [U]Brother Runt and Rick Steiner[/U], in a first blood match. Against All Odds, the smaller Brother Runt laid hard into Rick Steiner finally busting him wide open in the middle of the ring with a wicked chair shot from the top turn buckle. [B](C+)[/B] Back stage Team 3-D congratulates their little brother on in impressive win, but they have a match of their own in just a few minutes. They are facing Carnage Connection, and the Dudley’s don’t care how the odds have been going all night. Carnage Connection has no chance at all of winning tonight. [B](B)[/B] As the camera pans away we see Christian opening his locker, inside he finds a duffle bag with Sting's logo on it. Captain Charisma pulls a wad of hundreds out it and smiles, then he notices the camera man a runs him off. [B](B+)[/B] Back in the ring we get [U]AJ’s ring entrance Scot Steiner[/U] is already waiting for him. The match almost immediately swings to the big man Scot Steiner. And before long Aj is putting everything he’s got into not tapping out to the Steiner recliner. A rope break and peyley latter and Aj is in command of the match. They trade the lead off several more times before a Styles clash leads to the three count and Aj’s victory celebration [B](C+)[/B] I, BIG corner Christian back stage “[COLOR="Blue"]Look Captain Carp, I know you think you’re the ****, but It’s reached eye level, and I am not swimming in this crap. So one, Just one wrong move tonight, and I am going to smack you back to the stone age.[/COLOR]” Christian just smiles at me and walks away. [B](B+)[/B] As I watch Christian walk away, I start to Call after him when Jeff Jarrett floors me with a guitar, the camera cuts away with me out cold on the concrete floor. [B](B-)[/B] We go back to the action in the ring. [U]Team 3-d vs. Carnage Connection[/U]. Tomoko and Damaja probably aren’t ready for the big time yet, but the Dudley Brothers can make almost anyone look at least adequate. The match was the first time of the night the clear odds on favorite walked away with an easy win. [B](C) [/B] Sting scattered the Brothers from the ring and pulled a microphone from his belt. He let the whole place know how tonight’s tag match will go down. As well he let every one know that Rhino or Angle, the outcome will be the same, under Sting’s Reign rules, no one will take the belt off of stings waist. And tonight he will secure the right to defend his belt exclusively under those rules. [B](A)[/B] Back stage I find Jeff Abusing one of the stage hands. A few seconds latter Jeff meets my Friends Left and Right hook. Rolling on the floor away from me, Jeff Scampers off. I want the boys to see there is a reason to fear and Respect the BIG man. I pull a ref from the food service table and tell him, that right here, right now he is officiating the match, [U]BIG Vs Double J[/U]. I Stalk after Jeff, who has made his way to the ring, and embarrass him in a shoot fight. Jeff Takes a BIG drop kick, followed by a top rope BIG elbow drop. Then one two three, your winner of this impromptu match BIG! [B](B)[/B] We get a small vid hyping the main event. [B](B-)[/B] Raven is in the ring demanding a shot, one on one tomorrow night, at Abyss. And he will even put the brand new Darkness title on the line. [B](B+) [/B] Samoa Joe’s Music hits and [U]Joe and Ron[/U] do the Samoan dance, Ron bringing some street flair to the ancient traditional dance. The party is brought short as [U]Sting[/U] repels into the ring, and [U]Captain Charisma[/U] comes in through the crowd and slides into the ring. Joe and Ron charge the ring and the fight is on. Back and forth. Truth flies over the top rope. Samoa Joe even manages to hit the muscle buster. Sting and Christian battle back though. Finally the Ref is forced to call for the bell, Sting and Christian are out side the ring swinging ball bats up through the ropes when Rhino and Angle storm the ring and lay them both out. The ref calls for the bell, and reluctantly awards the victory to Sting and Christian.[B] (B-)[/B] Sting takes the chance to again take up the mic and let BIG know that if he ever tries with Sting what he did to Jeff Jarrett tonight, Sting won’t stop short of tearing this federation to the ground. [B](A)[/B] The main event starts only after Rhino has chased Sting from the ring. Kurt comes out to his usual fan fare. And the violence is escalated to a new level. Kurt bringing tactics and wrestling skill to the battle. Rhino brings blunt force trauma when surgeon’s skill is called for. The match rages both in and out of the ring. Rhino’s hard core past being tested, as he takes 3 full angle slams on the metal ramp. In the end the man beast had to given into the Angle Lock. Kurt Angle is your number one contender. [B](B)[/B] Show Rating: [B]B[/B] sold out [B]10,000[/B] in attendance and a [B]3.21[/B] buy rate[/INDENT][/INDENT][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Monday morning February 22, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]The fall out from last night was raining thickly all about. It had been a show stopper of an event. Everyone was going to have to sit up and take notice of what we put together last night. The B show going into a B pay-per-view. More than a few heads were going to turn at the product we were producing. And even more good news Sting had been reasonable and seen the light and signed a one year contract extension with out asking for another dime. I think even he could see the truth of what we were doing here. Jeff Jarrett burst into my office. “[COLOR="Green"]Look here you slap happy moron that was uncalled for![/COLOR]” “[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Mr. Jarrett I promise you this, any man who blind sides me will pay. And you are by no means worthy of an exception to that policy![/COLOR]” Jeff shot me that I will get you look, “[COLOR="Green"]look here you washed up Hollywood nobody, I will quit if you keep doing these things to me. I demand you give me a win over Aj Styles or I am walking out of here[/COLOR]” “[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well I will meet you half way. At destination X it will be Jeff Jarrett vs. Aj styles in an Ultimate X match, with the winner getting a shot a Sting the next night on impact.[/COLOR]” Jarrett, “[COLOR="Green"]I swear if you screw me out of that title shot, or even that title win you won’t live to regret it![/COLOR]” With that the he stormed out of my office.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Monday February 22, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]There is never enough time in the show, so an absolutely great shoot promo by rhino, on Ron the truth regarding their match went unseen by the general viewing audience, but the live crowd ate it up. [B](B+)[/B] In the dark match Runt showed Damaja how the main event level guys handle their business round these parts. [B](C)[/B] Sting opened the show, coming down and telling Tenay to shut up when he tried to welcome every one to tonight’s broadcast. That he and the fans were tired of all the talk and no action. So Sting was going to stop the talk and tonight put his belt on the line against Jeff Jarrett in a Stings reign match. [B](B)[/B] We get our intro montage and when the show returns The Dudley are talking to BIG, “We don’t just claim to be the best tag team ever, we are! So we are demanding that we get a chance to prove our greatness. At Destination X, you’re going to let us face the James Gang!” Devon added “Oh my brother Testify” BIG never one to be upstaged let both men know that he was fine with that, but leading up to Destination X, they would both be in singles competition, the winner’s of each match getting to set 1 stipulation each on the match up. [B](C)[/B] The First match of the night was [U]Raven Vs Abyss[/U] to decide who would walk away with the new darkness title. The Darkness Fell to Abyss when he black hole slammed Raven onto a folding chair, that was folded out, and covered in tacks. Even the member of Seratonin cringed at the impact. [B](C)[/B] Gail Kim came out any hyped herself to the crowd [B](C)[/B] Back stage I ran into Kurt Angle and he told me he wanted to make sure a few things were clear. “[COLOR="Blue"]I am going to take Sting apart at Destination X, even if you force me to participate in the Sting Reign match. It true, it’s damn true.[/COLOR]” He went on to tell me that if Rhino interfered, it would be the end of Rhino. [B](A)[/B] [U]The Rhino vs. Ron Killings[/U] match was a gore fest pun intended. Ron out maneuvered Rhino for a few minutes but once Rhino locked on, Ron had little that could hold up to the power of the man beast. [B](C-)[/B] Christian Cage and Sting solidified their union, coming out and railing on Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and Rhino. Christian called this the beginning of an era; Sting corrected him and said it was more like the end of one, smiling evilly. Christina didn’t seem to want to correct Sting and went with it. [B](B+)[/B] [U]Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett[/U] in a stings reign’s match. Both competitors entered the structure, and Sting commenced to beating on Jeff. Double J, showing his usual yellow streak spent most of his time staying as far from the painted nightmare as possible. When all seemed lost Rhino and Kurt showed up at ring side with wire cutters and cut their way into the cage. Rhino nailed Sting with the gore, and Kurt snapped on the angle lock. When neither man would leave the cage, the ref was force to rule the match a DQ in favor of Sting, as neither man had so much as laid a finger on Jeff. The show closed with sting battling back to his feet and the 3 brawling with each other. (C+) Show Rating: [B]C+[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday February 26, 2007 [INDENT]My desk, my solitude, my fortress. I think People expected miracles; I can’t say I didn’t expect them too. I mean my name alone in Hollywood meant box office gold. But the truth is no one man, or group of men, even with the best booking can carry a federation to stardom in two months. WWE’s RAW is pulling four times our numbers, and Smackdown is running at two to two and a half times better. This week we pulled a 7.21, a -2.6% change. Not bad considering the drop in quality our fans reported. We would have to strive to keep the product fresh. The only good news was Raw seemed to be dropping viewers by the week, and though smack down vacillated from week to week, their best show was still the first week of this year, so maybe my shows were raising the bar of what the wrestling fans expected. [/INDENT] [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday morning March 1, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]I should never stay out late celebrating. I hadn’t gotten drunk, but often exhaustion feels just like a hang over. I doubt I would have been prepared for this news even if I was well rested though. Sting had come into my office, suit, tie and all business. “Mr. Jones” any conversation with your main eventer that starts with him addressing you by your last name just can’t be good. “[COLOR="DarkGreen"]I know we just came to terms on one additional year together, but I’m sorry, there are some things going on at home, and I am afraid I am going to have to use the escape clause and retire from wrestling” ….. ”NO I promise that it is not you, I am just getting to old, and the schedule is picking back up as we gain traction, I really hope the best for you and all the rest, but for now I am going to have to sit it out for a while.[/COLOR]” Shock just doesn’t explain it, even if Vince had poached him maybe, but we had just hammered out one more year on his contract, and now this! Oh well guess our plans for Destination-X were going to have to change. But the Icon would not become my whipping boy on his way out, I just had to much respect for the man, to do that to him.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday March 1, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]I may not be sand bagging Sting on his way out the door, but I was sure going to give some of my undercards the match up of their early careers, to see how much the old man could pass along on his way out. [U]Sting put Ted Hard[/U] through a wrestling clinic, finally forcing him to tap to the scorpion death lock [B](C+)[/B] In the ring before the camera’s started rolling the James gang came out and let BIG know how grateful they were that they were going to get a chance to take the titles off of 3-d, under their rules, since their was no way a Dudley could beat a James one on one. [B](C+)[/B] Don West with Mike Teney open the show. “[COLOR="Blue"]Tonight Sting is claiming he has announcement that will change the face of wrestling. I can’t wait to find out what the Stinger has to say[/COLOR]” Raven comes out, “[COLOR="Green"]I don’t care what you two slouches want to know about how to kiss Sting’s @$$ , what about Raven, what about me? The darkness title on Abyss’s shoulder?, who darker than raven, no one[/COLOR]” he spent some more time mourning his condition.[B] (B-)[/B] Gail Kim and Kristi Hemi came out firing t-shirts to lift the crowd’s spirits and to shut Raven up. [B](C) [/B] Our first match of the night was [U]BIG vs. Rick Steiner[/U]. Rick came at me from all directions. But in the end, I blocked a low blow, and dealt him the BIG hand, flowed by the BIG slam, for the big win. [B](B+)[/B] Coming back from commercial Sting was standing in the center of the ring, the spot light shinning on him, all other lights turned out. “[COLOR="Blue"]The darkness is appropriate. It is a Dark day, the Day the Stinger turned on the fans and set out for glory with out their support. That was the day that marked the end of Sting's greatness. I have to apologize to you fans, it has been a great run and we truly together have reached the end of an Era, March 28th will mark the death of Sting the Icon, and the birth of Sting the Legend![/COLOR]”, he also let the crowd know that the he would allow Rhino the Title shot next week that he had failed to earn at Against All Odds, just to be fair. [B](A*)[/B] [U]Rhino[/U] comes out for his match Humbled by Stings news; [U]Abyss[/U] is putting his newly one Darkness Title on the line. Rhino is taking full advantage, and even manages to gore Abyss through a table, when out of no where Raven descends and starts bludgeoning Abyss, and hits him with an even flow ddt. Then Raven moved into the ring and attacked Rhino insight of the ref, who gave rhino the dq victory having not seen Raven man handling Abyss. [B](B)[/B] Captain Charisma talks about how the loss of Sting stings, but how as a fellow champion he understands the burden of the belt. But he can’t understand why a legend like sting would kiss up to fans like that in the final hours of his greatness. [B](A*)[/B] Our final match featured [U]Kurt Angle vs. Raven[/U]. Raven tried to take the match in a hard core direction. But Kurt kept pulling him back in the ring and beating on him the old fashion way. A three pack of Angle slams lead to the Angle Lock, and Kurt’s victory. [B](C)[/B] Show rating: [B]B-[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday March 5, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]In life there are few things as certain as Death and Taxes. But your ratings never being good enough seems to run right up there. We had turned in a good Card, and a great show on Monday, and it seemed that at leasts this week the fans appreciated our efforts. A 7.44 rating, 3.2% better than last week, and our best show yet. Sting maybe leaving, but before he goes we are going to get every ratings point we can out of him.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday March 8, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]With everything planned out through Destination-X I am anxious to see what the fans think of all of our hard planning. To show them our commitment to excellence we give them a Sting retirement dark match. Putting [U]Sting over Damaja[/U] [B](B-) [/B] Rhino comes out and lets the crowd know that though we promised a Sting rhino match here tonight he has got the flu so it has been rescheduled for next weeks main event. (the truth is we just didn’t want to waste that main event, and in fact had not billed it locally) [B](A)[/B] The pyro hit and the crowd went wild. Don West and Mike Tenay welcomed us to Impact. Sting comes out Telling the Truck to cut the music. “[COLOR="Blue"]At Destination-X it’s going to be destination dead end for Angles title hopes, Sting is going into retirement with that belt on his shoulder.[/COLOR]” , then “[COLOR="Blue"]Next week rhino, you have no shot at all, because if you couldn’t get it done in the three way with Angle's help there is no way you are going to beat me on your own[/COLOR]” [B](B+)(B+)[/B] Our first match of the Evening was [U]Abyss over Jeff Jarrett[/U] to retain the Darkness Title. [B](D+)[/B] We come back from break to see the camera man running through the cars. The James gang is putting the boots to 3-d who are trying to use the cars for cover and get away from the chasing James Gang. [B](C)[/B] The James gang chases the Dudleys all the way into arena, and we kick off our second match of the night. [U]Brother Devon vs. Kip James[/U], the ref has to call down help to restore order and make this look more like a wrestling match than the street brawl it started as. Kip James pick up the win while Brother Ray is arguing with the ref. BG rolls in and smacks Devon upside the head with a chair, and then rolls back out of the ring for the ref to count the 3. The James gang pick up the right to decide the first Stipulation for the Tag Title bout at Destination X. [B](C+)[/B] Kurt Angle is back stage telling BIG how it’s going to work at Destination-X. “[COLOR="Blue"]That title is not going out on the arm of a retired bag of bones like Sting, it’s true, it’s damn true[/COLOR]” [B](A)[/B] Christian is in the ring letting the crowd know how much of a disappointment Sting is to the coalition of Champions. And Kurt how Christian is about to become both the Heavy weight and x-division champ. How TNA is about to experience the first NO limits Heavy weight champ. [B](B+)[/B] [U]Kurt Angle and Christian Cage[/U] left it all in the ring. It is probably the best match of my tenure, and definitely the best match of the night. Neither man showing an ounce of weakness or leaving a single opening. Angle hits the hat trick of Angle slams, and locks on the Angle lock. The show fades to black right as Christian Cage taps out. [B](A)[/B] Show rating:[B] B[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT] [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday March 12, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]I would sing the hills are alive with the sound of music, but that always seems to disturb my secretary to see a 250 lbs guy showing so much Broadway flair. But it’s just week after week on the upside, maybe people like watching me run a wrestling federation. Either way this week we turned in a 7.63 rating up 2.6%. At the board meeting after Destination X I think I am due a little more respect.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday March 15, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]The last impact before Destination X and my last chance to convince any fan sitting on the fence that this is a pay-per-view is worth buying. As a treat I give the in house fans a 3 on 3 dark match. [U]Samoa Joe with carnage connection vs. Raven and Serotonin[/U]. Samoa Joe picking up the three count. [B](D)[/B] The Dark angle was Raven telling the Fans that Abyss and the Darkness title are not worth his time. He is thinking it is time he turned his sights to the X-division. No limits Indeed, what about Raven, what about me? You think your no limits, well hard core is beyond no limits, it no rules, no fear, no Doubt. So Raven should have no problem in the x-division and this Sunday I will get my first shot in the four way title match.[B](C)[/B] I was one of the stars in the opening match of the evening. Don West and Mike Tenay welcomed us to impact, the action already under way. [U]Ted Hart[/U] used a low blow when I took him up for the [U]BIG[/U] ride, to swing the momentum in his favor. A bull dog and some top rope high flying led him to a nice upset victory. [B](C+)[/B] Rhino sat down with me back stage, I was still looking a little worse for wear, and Rhino commented on it being a tough loss when your opponent cheats for the win. I said any loss is tough no matter how your opponent wins. Rhino said that tonight he did not have to worry about that, as he would beat sting, for the world heavy weight championship and then Abyss this Sunday for the Darkness title.[B] (A)[/B] In the Ring Joe is standing ready to start talking when Christian runs down the ramp and beats him to a pulp, Christian then rolls Samoa Joe out of the ring and delivers some information of his own. The X-division title is his and nothing is going to change that this Sunday. [B](B-)(B+)[/B] This week’s match [U]Brother Ray vs. Bg James[/U] started on a more traditional note. And though Kip did manage a run in Brother Ray still managed to win the match. Giving the Dudleys the right to the second Stipulation for the Tag title Match at Destination X. [B](C-)[/B] Sting out in the ring tells rhino not to bother coming out tonight he is just going to embarrass him. Sting then let Kurt know that Sunday maybe Sting's last PPV but it is going to be Kurt’s last match ever, Sting is bringing that much pain with him to the ring. [B](B+)[/B] Kurt back stage levels his response at sting. “[COLOR="Blue"]I Am the World Heavy Weight Champ, the record books just don’t know it yet, it’s true, it’s damn true![/COLOR]” [B](B+)[/B] [U]Sting went over Rhino[/U] in a Brutal slow match, the highlight truly being when Angle came in and attacked Sting giving him the DQ victory. The whole thing devolved into a street fight as we ended the show. [B](C+)[/B] Show Rating: [B]C+[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday March 19, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]I was definitely in need of Tums this morning. Monday had not gone anywhere near plan, and so I was afraid of how many viewer might have tuned out. But our recent history seems stronger than our slight bump in the road. The Ratings cam in at 7.94, up 4.1% and in a surprising turn of events USA canceled RAW, might it have something to do with me pulling the rights to show my movies from their network? Nah. That was Tuesday, this morning I got more great news, ECW is cut from every channel except sci-fi, and Smackdown has been cut from every channel except global and j-sports.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Saturday March 20, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]WWE prestige has dropped to an E rating, I had poll crews out on the street, and the word of mouth is that even though we are cult level and the E is global, here in America we have the best reputation, and the biggest average per show weekly audience. ECW is now the E’s biggest brand![/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Sunday March 21, 2007 Destination X [INDENT][INDENT]This was my third Pay-Per-View in the captains chair and if I can say so myself, things could be going a lot worse. We are showing weekly positive growth on TV, our balance sheets are healthy and Jeff Jarrett has limited his presence in my office to only once a week or so. But enough about how I think tonight will go, let’s get to the Dark Match, [U]Chris Harris over Shane Douglas[/U].[B] (C)[/B] Just as the show is about to start, the techs are doing their final camera test back stage, when the camera catches Senshi trying to blind side brother runt. Runt ducks the attack and lands a text book huricarana on Senshi sending him sprawling across the concrete floor. [B](D+)[/B] The show's pyro hits, and we get an open video hyping the main event, “[COLOR="Blue"]The road has been long, and Final Resolution offered no solution as to who should be the champion, though Sting walked away with the title belt[/COLOR] (the video show rhino hitting the gore on Kurt Angle, but Sting using the scorpion deathlock on Angle to secure the title).[COLOR="Blue"] At Against All Odds Rhino again brought everything he had, but still could not rise to the occasion.[/COLOR] (The video shows Rhino taping out to the Angle lock). [COLOR="Blue"]Tonight the icon will either leave the champion he will always be, or we will see the beginning of two era’s at once, the ascension of Sting from Icon to Legend, and Rise of Kurt angle to Worlds Champion. Either way X marks the spot on our road to Destination X[/COLOR]” [B](B+)[/B] “[COLOR="Blue"]I’m Don West and this is my partner Mike Tenay. Welcome to Destination X, tonight’s we have a great card for you, but as great as every match on the schedule is, my money is on the show stopper of the Decade, Sting vs. Kurt Angle.[/COLOR]” We get more pointless jack jawing. [B](C+)[/B] We open the show with both Team 3-d and The James gang meeting me in the ring. Big, “[COLOR="Blue"]Since Kip picked up the first victory, stipulation one comes from the James gang. Kip what will it be?[/COLOR]” Kip chooses best of 3 falls match, since the record is split one each, a three falls match will ensure the best team wins. The Dudley nod at this decision and both teams exit relatively peacefully. [B](B-) [/B] The first bout of the night was [U]Carnage Connection vs. Serotonin[/U]. The match was very one sided as the two monsters Tyson Tomko and Damaja beat relentlessly on the much quicker but smaller Machete and Martyr. [B](D-)[/B] Raven whom had been at ring side with serotonin though not interfered in the match takes the mic and climbs into the ring. He tells the crowd that though he is not happy about not wearing the darkness title, that is just how things shake out. Tonight he has a chance to win the X-division title, but he is sure someone will screw up his chance. “[COLOR="Blue"]So I am going to take this opportunity right here and now to challenge the person who screws me out of the title tonight to a match on impact this Thursday![/COLOR]”[B](B)[/B] Samoa Joe comes to the top of the ramp and says that, raven getting a shot first would not be fair, the X-division title belongs on the shoulder of Mr. No Limits himself Samoa Joe. [B](B-) [/B] Our next match gets underway, [U]Ted Hart vs. Petey Williams[/U], in an ultimate X match. The two fly like only two X-division stars can, Petey goes for the Canadian Destroyer, and Hart blocks it. A quick reverse finds Petey in the sharp shooter and Ted Hart pulls another upset win, as he climbs the Scaffolding while Williams clutches his legs. [B](E+)[/B] Back stage the Camera man finds me, I let him know how I am not afraid of big sexy. Indeed I find Kevin Nash neither Big nor Sexy. And tonight Kevin will take a BIG ride, to dream land. But I guess I did not know what I was bargaining for when I ran my mouth. Big sexy floored me with a chair and walked off in disgust, leaving the camera man to check and see if I was still breathing. [B](B+)(B) [/B] [U]Brother Runt & Eric Young vs. the Steiner Brothers[/U]. The match started out as lopsided as it sounds. Eric young hit an accidental power slam when Scot Steiner tried to prove he could still perform the Frankensteiner. This led to some great offense by runt, and a Dudley Dog and Huricarana then ended the match with a Brother Runt win. [B](C-)[/B] Big, [U]3-d and the James Gang[/U] all find themselves back in the ring again. BIG, “[COLOR="Blue"]Well brother Ray, you defeated BG in the second match so what have you thought up for stipulation two?[/COLOR]” Brother Ray told the crowd that best of 3 falls was greats, but he thinks instead of falls it should be tables. So we are going to have a best of 3 falls tables match for the Tag titles right here, right now! [B](B-) [/B] The match kicks off before BIG can even get out of the ring. The battle rages on, and I am not sure we will get to one fall before these guys tear each other apart, let alone three! Finally 3-d gets a table set up, but Kip manages to power bomb Devon through it before Ray can put Bg through it. Falls two and three occurred at the same time, kip and Bg were laid out on a table each in the middle of the ring. Devon and Ray came off the top ropes to put them both through their tables, and retain the tag titles. [B](C-)[/B] Back stage Rhino talks about this being the end of Sting Reign, and about how tomorrow night, no matter who wins tonight, there will be a three way between Sting, Rhino and Kurt. If Rhino doesn’t win, he is not going to look for another title shot right away. He is going to regroup get stronger, and then come looking to be the next heavy weight camp once he know he is ready. [B](A) [/B] X-division title bout, and I think Joe is the only really no limits star of the bunch. [U] Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe vs. Ron Killings vs. Raven[/U]. The match almost immediately went hard core as Raven pulled out tacks and hit the even flow DDT on Ron Killings. Joe took command of Christian Cage, while Raven continued to punish Ron. A double floor dive by Cage and killings dramatically change the course of the match though, Christian missed and Ron connected with both Joe and Raven. Ron then Drilled Raven into is pile of tacks and planted Joe with the double leg kick. With everyone Down Ron pulled Raven up and delivered the superman slam to pick up the win, and become your new X-division Champion. [B](C+)[/B] Christian still Clutching his back pulls himself back into the ring, and delivers the unprettier to the still celebrating Ron Killings. “[COLOR="Blue"]Enough of this no limits horse *!*!, I am tired of dealing with these low level nobody titles. I want my shot, so at the first impact taping of April, I will meet who ever walks out of here tonight the champion![/COLOR]” He walks out of the ring kicking at the tacks and muttering, no limits bull****. [B](A)[/B] As Christian returns to the back I enter the ring form the other ramp and let big sexy [U]Kevin Nash[/U] know it is time for him to get down here and face me [U](BIG)[/U]. The match is not that long and basically one sided. Nash is just not ready for some he thinks is a Hollywood type to take him apart with smart mat wrestling. In the end BIG Hits the BIG ride for the win. [B](C+)[/B] Sting back stage is giving a final sit down interview. “[COLOR="Blue"]Tonight, I will exit Icon and enter Legend, with this Leather strap to write my mythology on. Kurt is a great wrestler, but he doesn’t have enough in his tank to go with an icon the likes of Sting. Rhino is a great competitor, but just a road bump in Sting's current title reign and not even one I had to slow down to drive over.[/color] [B](A)[/B] Our next match is [U]Rhino vs. Abyss[/U] for the Darkness title. Raven interferes late in the match, right after Abyss has black holed Rhino into yet more tacks. But Raven attacks Rhino rather than Abyss, giving Rhino the win. [B](B-)[/B] Kurt is back stage hyping his match with sting. “[COLOR="Blue"]Tonight I am the World Champion, the ref just hasn’t let sting know that yet. It’s true, it’s damn true.[/COLOR]” [B](A)[/B] Stings final Pay-per-view match, [U]Sting vs. Kurt Angle[/U] for the World Heavy Weight Title. A war is often won in the first moments, it just takes years to work out the terms of the treaty. Sting came with every thing he had, but the Olympic champion just outlasted him. Kurt took all the punishment Sting could deal, thrice using the ropes to breaks Sting’s Scorpion Death lock. When Sting had meted out all he had, Kurt Delivered the Angle Slam, and Sting was forced to tap out to the Angle Lock. Kurt Angle became our new champ. [B](A) [/B] Show Rating: [B]B+[/B] buy rate: [B]3.42[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday Morning, March 22, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Ok that was a great PPV, the buy rate was up. What’s this two urgent voicemails? Bomb Shell just wasn’t the right word, Vince may have lost almost all of his TV air time, but I just lost my PPV deals, both of them. I started calling every contact I had ever made, setting up meetings with anyone who would take my call. We had to replace our PPV, it was our primary source of income. The other stuff was nice, but something had to offset our payroll and huge production cost. Needless to say, I needed time, so rather than tonight being the debut of new story lines, it was a Sting memorial. If he wasn’t dead by the end of the night, he would deserve the retirement.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday March 22, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]The Monday after a great pay-per-view is never a bad thing, even if you suddenly find out next months PPV is in jeopardy. And because I am in such a good mood, I book [U]Ted Hart vs. Eric Young[/U] for our dark match. The two youngsters did not disappoint. I am beginning to think Ted Hart can have a fairly decent match with almost anyone. [B](C)[/B] Christian Cage comes out and talks to the arena audience. “[COLOR="Blue"]I need to level with you, my peeps, one on one before they turn on the cameras. Samoa Joe needs to get a new hobby always following me around like some lost puppy, it’s pathetic, really.[/COLOR]” (A) The pyro hits, the announcers talk and we go straight into the first match. [U]Ron Killins first X-division title defense vs. Raven[/U]. I think Raven should have kept his mouth shut last night, After DDTing Ron into the Tacks Killings has come looking for pay back. Ron picks up the win with a wicked repeat performance of last nights superman slam. [B](D+)[/B] After the match serotonin floods into the ring, with Raven leading the disassembly of the champion. [B](E)[/B] Rhino storms the ring and clears every one out. “[COLOR="Blue"]Why can’t we all just get along?[/COLOR]” he intones into the microphone as he helps Ron to his feet. [B](B+)[/B] We come back from commercial as sting makes his way to the ring for his first of two bouts tonight. The first Match is the Icon vs. Icon match, [U]Sting the Icon of wrestling vs. Christian Cage the desktop icon[/U] . The match is give and take neither man finding more than a few moments of offense before returning to defense, when Samoa Joe storms the ring and flattens the Captain. Christian Cage picks up the win by DQ. [B](B-) [/B] Back stage Kurt is ready to give his two cents on his Title win and Destination X. “[COLOR="Blue"]I know, you know BIG, and all the fans know, this is where this title has always belonged, right next to Olympic gold! It’s true, it’s damn true![/COLOR]” He also tells Sting and Rhino that tonight the angle lock will speak for itself. [B](A*) [/B] Just as Angle is finishing his spiel he gets doubled over by a ball bat to the gut. And Sting begins to kick the crap out of him. Rhino runs in to break it up, but ends up eating ball bat too, and gets laid out on the concrete. Sting wipes his hands and heads for the ring. [B](B+)[/B] In the ring, Sting takes a mic, and taunts his two opponents. “[COLOR="Blue"]Well if you can’t make it to the ring, I guess I will take the W in my column, to bad I won’t get to take my title with me though.[/COLOR]” He smiles evilly, and goes on to say he won’t miss the bumps, but he will miss getting paid to kick the butts of morons like Kurt and Rhino on a regular basis. [B](A*)[/B] [U]Kurt[/U] charges into the ring to break up the gloat fest, [U]Rhino[/U] right on his heels and the match is on before the ref can even get into the ring. We have a 3 way non-title match. [U]Sting[/U] takes a beating, both because he is worn down from his first match, and because he has attacked both of these men, here tonight, with a base ball bat, and they are looking for payback. Rhino wins the match with a gore to sting, who is in the middle of applying the Scorpion death lock to Angle. [B](B+)[/B] Show Rating: [B]B[/B] [/INDENT][/INDENT] [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday March 26, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Some times a month goes all right and all wrong at the same time. We picked up Ratings of 8.23 a 3.7% increase over last week. The loss of our PPV Contracts had led to a new deal, so we wouldn’t miss a beat. In other news WWE has fallen to cult level after poor smackdown and ECW tapings, smackdown has been canceled from all networks. We might just take TNA to the top, right now the biggest promotions in the world are in Japan, and ECW still out scores us in the ratings by an average of 4 points a week, but that is so much better than raw, which was pulling 20 or more points better than us per week.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Sunday March 28, 2007 Board meeting [INDENT][INDENT]Let me preface the following by saying I HATE BOARD MEETINGS. Thank you, it feels good to have that out of my system. My name is BIG, I invested a fortune in TNA, I do not wish to see my money pissed down the drain, my name run through the mud, or to have my intelligence insulted. Panda Energy, Dixie Carter and the rest of the minority share holders used a loop hole in the by laws to throw a huge wet blanket over my plans. “[COLOR="DarkRed"]If all minority share holders together make up 40% or greater of the company, and 100% of the minority votes are in accord they may elect a single representative to the board who shall have equal rights in the running of the company as the Chairman of the Board. These powers shall only exclude the area of replacing the majority Chair and the company’s financial dealings.[/COLOR]” They elected Sting to be my co-chairman of the board. Jeff Jarrett was so proud of his coo that he could not wipe the smirk off his face. So down to business, my new silent partner disagrees with just about everything I have to say. He has placed himself as the third member of our announce table, and has instructed that all match request also clear his desk. Oh and we are about to re-arrange the current story line, but that is what this board meeting was about anyway, so. Abyss and Rhino would feud over the darkness title. While the World Heavy Weight title would be Kurt angle, Christian Cage and Samoa Joe. Sting said that was fine, but he was adding Chris Harris and James storm to the Darkness title hunt, he said they wanted to take and rename it to the Texas title if either of them won it. Because a state of Texas’s size needs a title of it’s own to represent it. Sting also wanted to see some real talent get a shot at the world title, and too that effect would be adding Rick and Scot Steiner to the short list of contenders. Sting went onto say as far as he was concerned the only contender for the x-division title was Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett setting in the back of the room was beaming from ear to ear at this pronouncement. I said it was great if Jeff wanted to join the no limits x-division, but that the contenders would also include Aj Styles and Raven. If Raven thought that he was no limits, then I would let him live the no limits life style for awhile, but the hard core crap was out, or else. We all, including Sting, agreed the Tag division should stay as is for a while. The under card Runt, Senshi, Ted Hart, Jay Lethal, Petey Williams and Jerry Lynn would take a more active roll in representing the high flyers early in each show. With that the board adjourned. To say I was pissed at this turn of events is beyond an understatement.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday April 1, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Tonight was going to change the rules. Wrestling has always been about the execution of one booker’s dreams becoming the shared reality of millions of fans. Tonight every decision I am making, with my own company will be second guessed by the minority share holders right hand man, Sting welcome to Sting vs. BIG booking. We opened the night with [U]Ted Hart over Senshi[/U] dark match, it was the only match I did not have an argument, to get on the card. [B](D+)[/B] Before the pyro hit Samoa Joe came out and told the crowd how lousy it is the Christian Cage was getting a shot at the X-division title before he was. [B](C+)[/B] The pyro hit and the first match of the night was announced. I had booked [U]3-d vs. some nobodies[/U] to play up their strength. Sting sent the [U]Stieners[/U] down the ramp instead. It was a head to head battle, but I don’t think either pairs heart was in it. [B](D+)[/B] After the match the Stieners took up mics and said they would not be pawn in the back stage war. Until further notice they both considered themselves neutral independent parties, and were in the hunt for the world heavy weight title.[B] (C-)[/B] The camera cut back stage and we saw Raven and Serotonin beating down Ron Killings. Raven stops when he notices the camera, turns putting Ron’s x-division title over his shoulder. “[COLOR="Blue"]We were just demonstrating to Ron what a real beat down feels like. When is someone here in TNA going to step up to Ravens level of no-limits? What about Raven getting his fair shot at this title?[/COLOR]” he pats the x-division title then drops it on Ron’s prone from as he and his cronies make their way down the hall. [B](D-)(C+)[/B] We come back from commercial to our second match of the evening. [U]Aj Styles defeating Jeff Jarrett[/U], by catching Jeff with the peyley and then styles clashing him onto his own guitar. [B](D+) [/B] When the match is over Sting makes his way into the center of ring. “[COLOR="Green"]Look at this disgrace, Aj Styles can’t hold a candle to a man the caliber of Jeff Jarrett, yet week after week we see him selling out and taking the loss. Jeff is a beaten man, Mr. Big just can’t see talent when it’s slapping him in the face[/COLOR]” he goes on to tell the crow that after Lockdown, things are really going to change around here. [B](A) [/B] Back stage Kurt tells me how Christian Cage is just title hungry, and he should go look for his title meal some where else, because Christian couldn’t beat Sting for the title and Kurt did. So what makes Christian thinks he has a shot at winning the World Heavy Weight Title now? [B](A)[/B] [U]Kurt Angle beats Christian Cage[/U] in a last man standing 10 count match for the World Title. Christian hit the unprettier and twice Kurt answered the 10 count at 9 and a half. In the end Kurt nailed the hat trick of Angle Slams and Locked the angle lock in so tight Christian passed out for a 10 count.[B] (A) [/B] Show Rating: [B]B[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday April 5, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]To say it was uncomfortable was putting it mildly. Sting was sharing the office with me this morning waiting for the overnight to come back on our Thursday night, Spike TV performance. Rating 8.27, even essentially with last week. The first week at least, of the joint rain had not negatively affected the ratings. Sting got up and left with out saying a word. I am not sure whether he was happy or sad he had not sunk my battle ship with his first attempt.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday April 8, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]If Wrestling is nothing with out controversy, then we just exploded on to the map. This week our Dark match was scheduled [U]Samoa Joe vs. a nobody[/U]. But again Sting sent [U]the Stieners[/U] to do his bidding despite the pervious week’s plea that they were neutral parties. Samoa Joes beat Rick Steiner [B](D+)[/B] Rick called his brother down and they commenced to stomp a hole in Joe. [B](D+)[/B] Afterwards when Joe refused to stay down the two retreated up the ramp and paused at the top to challenge Samoa Joe to a handicap match next week. All this before the Camera’s even started rolling [B](C-)[/B] The Pyro hit, and Captain Charisma himself walked to the top of the ramp through all the sparks. He let everyone in the impact Zone know that Christian Cage would once again be your X-division Champ, just as soon as he took the title off of the wanna be Ron Killings [B](C+)[/B] [U]Ron Killings vs. Christian Cage vs. Jeff Jarrett for the X-division title[/U]. The whole match was a one sided as Christian had claimed it would be. Captain Charisma was handing out punishment like candy to children on Halloween. Jeff Jarrett finally became so frustrated at his lack of control in the match that he went for the guitar shot on CC. But Christian ducked and Ron got a head full of music right in front of the ref, who called for the bell and awarded the win to Ron “the Truth” Killings.[B] (C+)[/B] Back stage Rhino is beefing to BIG on how out of Rhino’s league the young Chris Harris is. “[COLOR="Blue"]If I hit the GORE on that twig, I will snap him in half. I am not responsible if that boy can’t make it back out of the ring if he chooses to step into it tonight. GORE, GORE, GORE….[/COLOR]” (B) The camera pans over and we see Damaja trying to bring the hurt to 3-d. Brother Ray and Brother Devon, quickly take control of the ill plotted attack and 3-D Damaja through a service table containing a bunch of coiled TV cable. [B](C-)[/B] When we return from break,[U] Rhino[/U] is making his way to the ring. [U]Chris Harris[/U] is already in the six-sided ring waiting his crack at Rhino. Rhino controls most of the match, but Chris Harris avoids a wicked gore, and Rhino runs into the ring post. Chris takes the opportunity to try a quick roll up and walks away with a win over Rhino [B](B-) [/B] After the Rhino and Chris clear out of the ring, Kurt angle comes down and talks about how he is tired of Christian Cages whining. If Christian can’t put up a Victory at Lockdown, then Kurt is locking him out of consideration for another title shot. [B](B+)[/B] Sting comes out and announces tonight’s main event. If Sting was going to suffer weekly beating because that is how BIG booked it, then BIG could do the same. Tonight would be BIG vs. Sting’s young protégé Rick Roode. [B](B+)[/B] [U]BIG vs. Rick Roode[/U] was a better match than I think most of the impact zone was expecting. But it was still no Sting vs. Angle, or Rhino vs. Cage. In the end BIG hit the BIG moment and rolled Rick up for the three count [B](C+)[/B] Show Rating: [B]B-[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday April 12, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Some times things just don’t go your way. Monday was an off day, and after the first week of the new system leveled us off, this week the show saw its’ quality drop and the numbers reflected it. A 7.93, a negative -4.1% correction. Sting kept the same somber look as he exited my office. I swear he was smiling and frowning at the same time if that is possible.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday April 15, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Sting was no where to be seen when I started handing out assignments for tonight’s card. I don’t know whether to take that as good or bad sign. For the dark match I sent out [U]Abyss to face Chris Harris[/U]. The match merely highlighted the streak of disappointing matches Abyss has been having. He still picked up the victory with a wicked black hole slam. [B](D+) [/B] Raven came out to warm up the crowd after the dreary start to the night. Raven told the crowd how sorry Ron Killings was going to be that he ever considered him self No Limits, once Raven was done with him, Ron killings was going to need No limits medical care. [B](C+) [/B] The pyro hit, and crowd went nuts, but it was not the announcers welcoming us to impact. It was sting “[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Welcome to Impact, I’m Sting, and my broadcast partner who hasn’t bothered to make his way to the ring yet tonight is . . . BIG!, you may know him from such box office flops as ****** and ******![/COLOR]” OMG, I ran for the ring, Sting was hijacking the show. It turned out Sting was not Hijacking the show but announcing Christian Cage would face the Stieners in a 3 way match at LockDown, to prove they were not his lackeys. [B](B+)[/B] We then got the interview I had set up to open the show. Rhino talking about tagging with the wild cat Chris Harris vs. Abyss and James Storm this Sunday on Lockdown. [B](B+)[/B] The first match of the night was last weeks revenge match [U]Samoa Joe vs. the Stieners in a handicap match[/U]. Joe unleashed his inner demons all over the Stieners and walked away with a big win over two much larger wrestlers. [B](D+)[/B] Christian Cage continued his campaign to have the main event at Lockdown Changed from Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle to Cage vs. angle. [B](B+) [/B] 3-d invaded the ring and held up the show. They let the Audience know that it was unfair that 3-d should have to face the James Gang and Carnage Connection again. How many times where they going to have to drive these four guys into the mat before they got it through their heads that they are not even in the same league as 3-d? [B](C+) [/B] In a warm up match for Sunday. [U]3-d put the James gang[/U] through their paces and blasted them through a table to win the match. [B](C-)[/B] Kurt Angle back stage talked to me about Sunday, Christian Cage and Samoa Joe. “[COLOR="Blue"]I saw the Samoan submission machine tonight. And I have to admit that it was impressive to watch him walk all over the Stieners like that. But I am Kurt Angle, the Olympic gold medalist and I am so much more than two ex-Michigan wolverine wash outs. It’s true, it’s damn true.[/COLOR]” [B](B+)[/B] Back stage Sting and I came face to face. His continued meddling in my show was not sitting well and I told him so. He challenged me to do something about it. If several wrestlers had not been there to hold us apart I am sure we would have come to blows. [B](B+) [/B] Our Main event started as the Sting and I were hauled in different directions. [U]Kurt Angle and Aj Styles vs. Raven and Christian Cage.[/U] On paper it sounded like a great match, but Raven kept trying to go hard core, and none of the other competitors wished to eat a bag full of tacks, so in the end, Kurt got the pin after Ravens own partner Christian hit the unprettier to stop Ravens shenanigans. [B](C+)[/B] Show rating: [B]C+[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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