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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday April 19, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]I had a migraine, it had to be a migraine, it was that or a stroke. First Sting retired, now he was throwing monkey wrenches into the show on a weekly basis. We had to put on a good Lockdown and an amazing impact the next night. Because these numbers where on the verge of proving I was a one trick pony. Viewership Thursday night had fallen too 7.71 a -2.8% growth rate. First Sunday’s PPV, on only one carrier, then Monday’s aftermath. After that we were going to have to reassess how we wanted to handle May.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Sunday April 21, 2007 [CENTER]Lockdown[/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT]The crowd starts its preshow warm up with Joe, talking smack about his shot at the World Heavy Weight title. How if it was a cage match in Lockdown tradition, Kurt would have no place to run and hide, and thus Joe would Relieve him of the world title. But as it is, Joe is sure Angle will find some way to weasel away with the title [B](C+) [/B] Our dark match was a show case of new talent. [U]Cruzz [/U]our new heavy weight took it to one half of the new dragons,[U] Retail Dragon[/U]. He ended the match with his patented finisher, the Cruzz Missile drop kick. [B](D+)[/B] To finish the Dark Period off the announcers did their best to Hype tonight’s Main Event Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe. [B](B+) [/B] The pyro hits and music plays. The announce team welcomes us to Lockdown, and do a quick run through of tonight’s card. Then Stings music hits and he comes to the top of the ramp. “[COLOR="Green"]I know you all came here for the great wrestling action that has become TNA’s trade mark. Well I am sorry to disappoint you but the Big flop is still in charge, so there will be precious little of that here tonight.[/COLOR]” Sting goes on running BIG down, in the end he challenges BIG to a match at this Thursday’s Impact. [B](B)[/B] We get right into our first match of the night as Sting returns back stage. [U]Aj Styles vs. Raven[/U]. The match is hard fought with both men bleeding before it is over. Twice the Ref tries to call the match when Serotonin interferes, but Aj talks him out of it and the match goes on. In the end the Peyley on Raven as he tries to mount the turn buckle and a Style’s Clash give AJ the victory. [B](C)[/B] The Camera’s cut back stage where 3-d is blind siding the James gang, who wind up going through tables. [B](C+)[/B] Back stage BIG runs into Raven. Raven stops BIG and starts to complain, that tonight’s match was bogus, Aj kept interfering with the ref’s decision, and on top of that the ref was biased to begin with. Raven demands that BIG give Raven a rematch and make things right, And by the way why not assign a member of serotonin as ref to ensure Raven gets treated fairly. [B](B-)[/B] The next match of the night is our ultimate-X match. [U]Petey Williams vs. Senshi vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Jay Lethal[/U]. The four high flyers bring everything they have. The high light of the match is when Petey Williams is sitting atop the X where the cables cross trying to secure victory when Jay Lethal springs up onto the cable and walks it like a tight rope and drop kicks Williams back to to the mat. Petey manages to hold onto the x and tear it free, as the drop kick back flips him off the cables and he wins the match but is knocked out cold. The fans begin to chant of T-N-A. [B](D+)[/B] Back stage BIG confronts 3-d about attacking the James gang earlier. 3-d rather than answer the charges directly, counters that Carnage Connection is not in the same league as 3-D, and so Brother Ray had thought it only fair, that at least one of the two teams appear on Carnage Connections level. [B](B)[/B] The X-division title match once again looked more like battle of the heavy weight undercard. Jeff Jarrett pulled out everything in his bag of tricks, including a guitar shot to Ron Killings’ Head. How ever in the end it was the sun tanned supper man with the second rope suplex on Jeff to pick up the win. [B](C)[/B] Christian Cage clears the ring of the celebrating Ron Killings. Christian tells the audience that the burden of being the heavy weight champion is a great and terrible thing, and that Christian would not wish on his worst enemy. With that said, Samoa Joe is not up to the task, and the main event should be switched to Christian Cage vs Kurt Angle, not because Christian wants it to be, but to be merciful on Joe, who would not be up to the task of being champion. [B](A) [/B] In the surprise match of the night, both for outcome and quality, we featured [U]Ted Hart vs Brother Runt[/U]. Brother Runt took control of the match early. But some great aerial work by Ted Hart, and a botched Dudley dog put Ted in control. A beautiful Hart attack, leads to the Ted Hart victory. [B](B-)[/B] Backstage, Big stops to talk to Rhino. As a true contender for the Heavy Weight title, why is Rhino so dead set on defeating Abyss for the darkness title? Rhino insists that in a quest to prove you are the best, you have to go out and find challenges, to be better than you already are, and that right now Abyss, and the darkness title are that challenge. [B](B+)[/B] As the interview ends, the camera pans to an open dressing room door. Inside Both Stieners are seen arguing with Sting. [B](C+)[/B] [U] Rhino and Chris Harris defeat Abyss and James storm[/U]. Abyss and James storm took over the match early, and a wicked clothes line to Rhino from Abyss and boot to the face from James Storm to Chris Harris made it look like the match would end early. Abyss and Storm how ever where unable to decide who should go for the pin, with each man pulling the other off of his respective victim. In the end Rhino regained his feet and a gore evened things up, and eventually lead to a Rhino three count over James storm. [B](B-) [/B] Kurt angle came out and addressed tonight’s main event. Samoa Joe is an admirable wrestler for TNA, and he brings a lot to the organization, but does anyone expect Joe to have a shot tonight? Even Christian Cage was out here tonight worried about the young man’s safety. But if Joe wants his @$$ kicked, well Kurt feels obliged to give it to him and the fans. [B](A)[/B] Our premier tag match of the night followed Kurts words. T[U]eam 3-D vs. The James gang vs. Carnage Connection[/U] for the Tag Team Titles. 3-d pulled Victory from the jaws of Defeat. The James gang had Carnage connection dead to rights and both on the canvass, the ref had counted 2 and nine tenths when Ray and dDevon dove in to break up the count. The pulled Kip and Bg out in turned and put them both through tables. Brother Ray then mounted the top turn buckle and added some extra punishment to Carnage Connection, before picking up the three count. [B](C+)[/B] Back stage Sting tells the folks how things are going to change drastically. Sting is the fans advocate, and will be setting right all the things that BIG has messed up. If the fans loved Sting’s last reign as champ, they are going to be thrilled with the Sting Reign era of management. [B](A)[/B] [U]Christian Cage vs. Scot Stiener vs. Rick Stieners[/U]. What ever pretense this match was booked under, that it was a three way contest and not a handicap match, evaporated seconds after the bell rang. Rick distracted the ref while Scot tried a low blow and an illegal submission hold. BIG seem to be prepared for this though, and a second ref trotted down to the ring to help keep things above board. A double ref bump left the Stieners calling for a third ref when they had Christian down and beat. By the time the third ref got down to the ring, Christian managed to kick out at two and a half. The tide then seemed to shift as both Stieners missed high risk moves, and Christian managed to plant one and then the other Stiener with the unprettier. Christian then covered both men in shear exhaustion. And the two original refs counted three in unison. [B](B-) [/B] Both Stieners kicked out just after the 3 count. Making their way to their feet, they pulled Christian up and drilled him with kicks that sent him back to the canvass. Rhino ran in for the save. [B](C) [/B] After the Stieners had cleared the ramp Rhino called for the microphone. He talked about the tag match tonight, how he has respect for Abyss despite his loosing the match and can’t wait to face him one on one for the Darkness Title. [B](B+) [/B] We switch back stage to BIG talking. BIG answers Stings Lockdown Opening Challenge, yes at this weeks Impact the two will indeed come face to face. Sting is still the minority representative, and BIG doesn’t see that or anything else changing too drastically around here and Sting is going to have to come to grips with that. [B](A*) [/B] Our Main Event for the Evening, we get [U]Samoa Joe[/U]’s ring entry followed by [U]Kurt Angle[/U]’s Entry. The Match goes back and Forth; I doubt most fans thought the match would remain this close for this long. No man could mange to hold much of an advantage for long. As Joe finally managed to turn the match in his favor, Sting stormed the ring, dropping Kurt with a bat shot to the gut first, and then taking a full swing that Joe caught in his lower back. The Ref had no choice but to call for the bell and award the match to Angle as he was the first to be attacked. [B](C+) [/B] Show rating: [B]B-[/B] Buy rate: [B]1.55[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT] [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday April 22, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]With Lockdown behind us, the threat that Sting has posed looms large over this Impact Taping. Our dark match featured [U]Raven over Retail Dragon[/U]. The match was passable and the fans seemed to get behind a Raven win. [B](C-)[/B] After the match Raven takes up the mic and tells the fans how unfairly he was treated at Lockdown. If management can’t see fit to give Raven a fair shot at Aj Styles, Raven would take a title shot at Ron Killins as consolation. [B](C)[/B] The Show opens with Pyro and the usual montage, but we are not greeted by Don West with Mike Tenay. Instead the familiar tones of Sting's voice welcome us to Sting’s Thursday night Impact and Sting's Reign. Scot Stiener and Rick Stiener are backing Sting up as he reveals that the Stieners will be the enforcers of Stings new court.[B] (C+) [/B] We go from Sting’s Revelation right into our first match. Brother [U]Runt getting a rematch Victory over Ted Hart[/U]. Ted puts up another great showing, but Brother Runt and the Dudley dog prevail this time. [B](C+) [/B] Backstage Rhino runs into BIG. Rhino Tells Big he wants a match with Abyss here tonight. Lockdown, was a great match and tonight Rhino wants a shot at the Darkness Title. BIG says that sounds great, in fact tonight it will be a four way for the darkness title, featuring the four contenders from Sunday’s tag match. oh, and the match is next so Rhino better get out there. [B](B+)[/B] [U]Rhino vs Abyss vs Chris Harris vs. James Storm[/U]. The match was physical in all directions. With all four competitors trying to show why they are championship material. In the end though, Abyss and Rhino stood tall, Rhino hitting the gore on Storm at almost the exact moment Abyss scored the black hole on Harris. The ref dropped down to deliver the three count. Rhino rose to his feat in victory, but the referee raised Abyss's hand, he had been counting Abyss’s fall and not Rhino’s. [B](C)[/B] BIG Comes out to the ring, and starts to lay down the law for Sting. BIG tells the crowd, that "[COLOR="Blue"]No matter how much Sting talks about this being Sting’s Reign. BIG is still big dog around here, that BIG is owner and head booker. Sting in all his glory is just a puppet of the minority share holders and he need to remember that.[/COLOR]" [B](B+)[/B] Mid speech Sting’s music hits and Sting is accompanied to the ring by both Stieners. The words start flowing between the two, and the Stieners end up having to hold Sting back and pull him away from an altercation. [B](B+)[/B] Backstage Kurt Angle and Christian Cage are making the last minute preperations for their match tonight. Sting and BIG, maybe meeting in the ring to argue. But to settle their score in the ring, Sting is Sending out the Stieners, and BIG is sending out Christian Cage and Kurt Angle. [B](B+)[/B] [U] Kurt Angle and Christian Cage vs The Stieners[/U]. Botched interference by Sting, leads to an unprettier by cage and the pin. Christian Celebrates the win by pushing Kurt and telling Angle that Cage Deserves another title shot and tonight’s win proves it. [B](C+)[/B] Show rating: [B]B-[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday April 26, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]A Strong Pay-Per-View followed by a strong Impact taping, I was definitely riding a nice high Friday morning. On top of all of that Sting had decided that he would be better served taking the rating numbers via conference call from his new office down the hall rather than hanging around mine. The phone call gave us some positive news. The Ratings had climbed back to 8.23 a 6.3% increase. It did not set any records but it put us back in the ratings area we were aiming for and was a step in the right direction, after almost a month of declining numbers.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Sunday April 28, 2007 Sacrifice planning meeting [INDENT][INDENT]The board room came to order, but that wasn’t difficult considering. Before I chaired a board of eleven other investors, now Dixie Carter sat on a couch off to the sides, and only Sting and I sat at the board room table. At opposite ends of the long ovular structure. “[COLOR="Blue"]Let’s start easy,[/COLOR]” Sting just glared. “[COLOR="Blue"]I was thinking we open with Ultimate X. Senshi, Lethal and Williams as our competitors.[/COLOR]” No response for the other end of the table. “[COLOR="Blue"]We will follow that with a last chance match, the james gang vs Carnage Connection. Winner gets a title shot at the following PPV.[/COLOR]” Sting arched his brow but sill remained silent. “[COLOR="Blue"]Brother Runt in a rematch against Ted hart, the fans seemed to like that match up[/COLOR]” at this point Sting stopped me with a hand, and then slid a prepared note down the table to me. I read it. “[COLOR="Blue"]that’s fine, brother runt with eric young vs Ted Hart and Robert Roode.[/COLOR]” “[COLOR="Blue"]But since you feel the need to meddle in perfectly good matches, to keep the Stieners occupied, I think Scot vs rick, in a BIG’s power match would work nicely[/COLOR]” Sting just smiled back and nodded. “[COLOR="Blue"]and while we are on big men, I am going to give Rhino his one on one Darkness Title shot with Abyss.[/COLOR]” “[COLOR="Blue"]As for the rest of the titles, I think Ron Killings will need to defend his X-division title, against a true no limits super star so I am booking Aj Styles into that match.[/COLOR]” “[COLOR="Blue"]Finally Kurt angle will have to face Christian Cage, as long as Christian can show he is worth the shot during the coming weeks.[/COLOR]” Sting lack of response was beginning to unnerve me. “[COLOR="Blue"]Well if you have nothing further to add, I move we adjourn this meeting.[/COLOR]” “[COLOR="Green"]One more match.[/COLOR]” Sting said “[COLOR="Green"]You vs. Jeff Jarrett, it a Sting’s Proposition match, and you’ll find out that night what my proposition is![/COLOR]” With that Sting arose and left. All Dixie and I could do was stare at each other, I could tell she was not necessarily confident in her proxy’s actions.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday May 1, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Team 3-D was going to have a scaled back presence for the next couple of weeks, which is great news for the dark match audiences. This week Team [U]3-D helped Establish our newest Tag team the Young Dragons[/U]. The dragons did well for themselves and despite losing; I think the Dudleys made them look like a legitimate threat. [B](C)[/B] After Picking up the W the Dudley’s picked up a pair of microphones, and started ripping into the James Gang and Carnage Connection, and how no matter which team wins at sacrifice, 3-D has beaten both teams so often, it just isn’t right that they should give either team another shot at the tag titles. [B](B)[/B] The show opens with the usual sparks music and Announcer Buzz. Then we cut to BIG in the Center of the Ring. “[COLOR="Blue"]After taking into account the news that the Stieners are Sting’s Special enforcers. I have decided to Book them in a very Special match at Sacrifice. I have decided to use my authority and put them in a match against each other.[/COLOR]” The crowd went crazy, and we have a great match booked for Sacrifice. [B](C)[/B] Big Continued to let the folks know that Sting’s Reign will no go unopposed. [B](A)[/B] Sting walked to the top of the ramp, mic in hand. “[COLOR="Green"]So you want to mess with Sting’s Reign. You want to pretend to be the BIG man and throw your weight around. Well handle this, at Sacrifice you’re the one who will need to man up. BIG vs Jeff Jarrett, at Sacrifice in a Sting’s Proposition match. Oh, and I’ll tell you at Sacrifice exactly what it is I’m proposing![/COLOR]” [B](B+) [/B] With that Sting waved the Stieners toward the ring and our first match of the evening was an impromptu Handicap match. [U]The Steiners Vs BIG[/U], BIG managed to over come the odds for the roll up victory [B](C)[/B] We come back from break to see Ted Hart blind siding Brother Runt. In the end Ted eats concrete from a Dudley dog for his efforts. [B](D+)[/B] In the Ring Christian comes out and talks about how winning the tag match with Kurt vs the Stieners should entitle Cage to a title shot. It proves that Christian is better than Angle, or else angle would have walked away with the pin. [B](B+)[/B] [U]Abyss[/U] then comes out to the ring to defend the darkness title [U]against Christian Cage[/U]. Cage wins the match, but it is by DQ when Rhino storms the ring and nails the gore on Abyss behind the refs back. When Christian cuts off Rhino’s exit from the ring, the ref sees Rhino gore Christian, and award Cage the DQ. [B](B-)[/B] Angle comes to the top of the ramp, “[COLOR="Blue"]Christian, only winners deserve a shot at the title, and after what I saw tonight, it looks like your lucky, but lucky won’t get you a title shot. I only face true winners! It’s true, it’s damn true![/COLOR]” [B](B+)[/B] The final match of the night is [U]Angle vs Rhino[/U], but the match ends in a double DQ, when Abyss and Cage both rush the ring to deal with the insults and injuries handed out moments before. The show goes off the air after Angle and Rhino have both rolled out of the ring and run for the hills. [B](B)[/B] Show Rating: [B]B[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday May 5, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Good Mondays, seem to make good Fridays. Monday had been a good show, and the phone call Friday morning, while not earth moving confirmed we were moving in the right direction. Ratings up to 8.39, a 1.9% improvement in the show. Now if could keep the positive roll up next week, maybe we could set another high mark.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday May 8, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Riding on last weeks high, we warmed the crowd up once again with a [U]Team 3-D victory over the young dragons[/U]. [B](C-)[/B] After the match the Dudleys picked up a pair of microphones and started preaching to the crowd. “[COLOR="Blue"]you all know we are the greatest tag team in TNA, and probably the world! We’ve proved we can take out the James gang and Carnage Connect, nothing’s changed and don’t get me wrong we never get tired of kicking butt, we would just like some new challenges![/COLOR]” “[COLOR="DarkRed"]OH, my brother testify![/COLOR]” [B](B-)[/B] We kick off the night with our introduction to Impact and join a match between [U]BIG and Abyss[/U] already in progress. I deal out the BIG slam, and a BIG boot to Abyss’s head, but after a run in by Sting, the momentum of the match swings over to Abyss and after a devastating black hole slam Abyss walks away with the win. [B](B)[/B] After the match, Sting and his new cronies the Stieners swarm into the ring, and lay a beating on me. I manage to roll out of the ring before they can finish the job, but I picked up a bruise or two for my troubles. [B](C+)[/B] After the Stieners have chased me up the ramp, Sting Pulls out a microphone and starts to jawing. He tells the crowd how much of a coward I am, how BIG is really a little man, and bad for both TNA, and wrestling in general. Sting tells the crowd I should take my money and go back to Hollywood. In fact, at Sacrifice Jeff Jarrett might just make me wish I already had. [B](A)[/B] Back stage Rhino is waiting to tell the world how at Sacrifice he will become the Darkness Title holder, but here tonight, he is going to relieve Kurt Angle of the World Championship. [B](B+) [/B] Our next match of the night was [U]Christian Cage over Samoa Joe[/U]. Samoa Joe was dominating the match, until Angle stuck his head in the ring, when Joe charged Angle, Christian took advantage with a low blow that led to an Unprettier and the victory. [B](B+)[/B] Back Stage BIG is pacing, when he notices that the camera is following him back and forth, he turns and address it. “[COLOR="Blue"]You know what Sting? I do wish I was back in Hollywood, because if I was I know I could pay a couple of cops to turn their heads while I beat the snot out of you.[/COLOR]” BIG went on to run down the Sacrifice card, and taunt the Stieners as to their one on one match up. [B](B+)[/B] Back in the Ring, Kurt has taken position in the center. Microphone in hand, Angle lays into Christian. If Christian can not manage to beat the likes of Samoa Joe with out Kurt’s Help, then why should Angle give him a title shot at Sacrifice? [B](B+)[/B] [U]Rhino[/U] Storms down to the ring before, [U]Angle[/U] can finish taunting Captain Charisma. The momentum starts on Rhino’s side, having caught Kurt off guard. But by the end, Rhino has taken the Angle Slam ride three times and is tapping out to the Angle lock. We fade to black with Kurt dancing around the ring like a fool. [B](B-)[/B] Show Rating: [B]B[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday May 12, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]To say Monday was good is fair, but it was not unbelievable, or our best show ever by any means. So the news I heard from the ratings board left me speechless. I think my secretary out in the hall heard my jaw hit the desk. Rating 9.89 a 17.9% increase. Even if this number was not reachable next week, we had set a milestone I don’t think any of us had been aiming for with that performance.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday May 15, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]We’ve been on such a great roll I tried to vary the match up and put the [U]James gang over the Young Dragons[/U] in our Dark match. Retail dragon and Super Dragon continue to impress. [B](C-)[/B] After the match the Dudleys ran the James gang out of the ring and took up microphones. No matter who wins at sacrifice it is the Dudleys that loose because they yet again have to put their titles on the line against teams that just don’t deserve another shot. [B](C)[/B] The show kicks off a usual with sparks and an intro from the announce team. Big comes out and tells the crowd that at Sacrifice BIG is up to the challenge of Jeff Jarrett in a stipulation match. But that the Stieners better watch out because BIG is going to make sure they both came to fight. [B](A)[/B] [U]Jeff Jarrett[/U] storms out to the ring, but BIG has abandoned it and [U]Raven[/U] is coming down the ramp the other way. We have our first match of the night. Jeff Jarrett seems totally unprepared and after just a few minutes an even flow DDT, end the match with a Raven Victory. [B](D+)[/B] As we return from commercial, Rhino has inhabited the ring. Rhino talks about how much he deserves the Darkness title, and how abyss will be a great opponent, but in the end the title will belong to rhino. [B](B+)[/B] Back stage Kurt delivers his prepared remarks on tonight’s match and Christian Cage. If the Stieners want to take on BIG tonight, Angle is happy to tag with the man in charge, but BIG better bring his A game if he plans to tag with Angle. Christian better win clean tonight, or Angle will cancel their match for Sacrifice right here tonight. [B](A)[/B] [U] Kurt[/U] then makes his way out to the ring, where the [U]Stieners[/U] are already waiting inside, and [U]BIG[/U] is standing at the bottom of the ramp. Big and Kurt bring the pain, and though sting interferes late in the match, and an Angle slam and Angle lock make the out come inevitable. [B](C)[/B] Back Stage Christian Cage talks about how tonight’s win is academic. Samoa Joe is a great athlete, but compared to Captain Charisma, Joe is just a Guppy in a shark tank. Angle needs to worry more about Sacrifice and defending his title, than about whether or not Christian can defeat Joe cleanly. [B](B+)[/B] Sting assumes the ring, and the threats begin to fly again. Sting tells the crowd how he is their voice in TNA, accompanied by boos. Sting then tells BIG that at Sacrifice after Jeff wins, BIG will have few choices left, the stipulations will see to that! [B](B+)[/B] The Main event of the night is a return match from last week. [U]Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe[/U]. The match just like the week before Joe dominates in the early going. A dive between the ropes to catch Christian on the floor back fires and puts Christian in the drivers seat. Angle comes behind the refs back and hits the Angle slam on Christian, how ever this fails to leave Christian down and out, and an Unprettier latter, Cage has his clean victory. [B](C+)[/B] Show Rating: [B]C+[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday May 19, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Monday’s exit polls had not been as great as we expected. We had much higher expectation for Kurt and Big vs the Stieners, and the Christian vs Samoa Joe match had been a disaster compared to last week, down a full letter grade. The phone call seemed to come in slow motion. We were down, and big time, but not nearly as far as we had thought we would fall. Rating 9.31 a -5.9% decrease, but manageable any way you cut it.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Sunday May 21, 2007 [CENTER]Sacrifice [/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT]The crowd warmed up to a 4 team tag match. [U]3-d vs LAX vs Young Dragons vs Raven and Lance Hoyt[/U]. It was almost an apology match to some great names who just hadn’t made the main card due to their story lines. So much for an apology, the Young Dragons won after 3-d put Lance Hoyt through a table in the middle of the ring. Raven came in to break up the 3 count and Retail Dragon stole the win while 3-d was tied up with Raven. [B](C)[/B] After the match 3-D ran the celebrating Young Dragons out of the ring and took up their mics. 3-D again talked about no matter who wins the number one contenders match tonight, neither team really deserves another shot at the tag title. [B](B-)(B-)[/B] We open Sacrifice with a brand new theme music and pyro show. “[COLOR="Blue"]I’m Don west and this is my partner Mike Taney, we know it’s been a busy week so we hope your ready to Sacrifice the next three hours to some great wrestling action.[/COLOR]”, “[COLOR="DarkRed"]Don that pun was just not funny, Hello Folks and Welcome to Sacrifice, what a great main event we have for you folks hear tonight.[/COLOR]” With that Mike and Don run down the card and hype the Main Event. [B](B-)[/B] As the announcers finish up their spiel we get straight into our first match, [U]Petey Williams defeats Jay Lethal and Senshi in Ultimate X[/U]. the high light of the match was when Senshi went for the warriors way from the top of the cable, and missed. [B](C-) [/B] After the match, Big made his way to the ring and addressed the issue of the Stiener vs Stiener match up tonight. “[COLOR="Blue"]I am sure the Stieners along with Sting have some grand plan to simply come out here and go through the motions rather than giving the fans a great match. In order to side step this I am adding two features to tonight’s match. One, the match will be in a steal cage so that the Stieners will have no place to run off to when they’re tired of beating on each other. Second, the match will go until the ref has decided both participants have given it their all, until that point no pin attempt will be counted.[/COLOR]” [B](A)[/B] [U]Aj Styles and Ron Killings[/U] have our first title match of the night, [U]for the X-division title[/U]. The match is a high flying no limits showcase. Ron showing why he is known as the sun tan superman repeatedly takes to the air. Aj, hits the peyley and the Styles clash, but Ron manages to kick out. That is about where the match ends though, Raven with serotonin in tow hits the ring and begins to beat on everyone including the ref, who is forced to call a double DQ and flee the ring.[B] (C-)[/B] After the referee flees the ring, Seratonin throws a Chair into Raven and the beating on Aj and Ron continues. [B](D+)[/B] Back stage Christian is talking with BIG, Captain Crap insists that tonight he will be the new heavy weight champion. But Christian wants to know from BIG what this crap about Kurt canceling the match is all about? If BIG is in control, then who does Kurt Angle think he is that he can tell big what to do? At this point Christian pokes Big in the chest, the glare BIG turns on Christian could freeze salt water. Christian realizing he has over stepped his bounds, and hastily beats a retreat. [B](B+) [/B] Just as we think the Camera is going to fade Samoa Joe enters the Picture and stands behind BIG arms crossed. “[COLOR="DarkRed"]ehem[/COLOR]”, BIG turns, “[COLOR="DarkRed"]What do you thing the BIG idea is?[/COLOR]” Joe asks sarcastically. “[COLOR="Blue"]Excuse me?[/COLOR]”, BIG replies the icy glare given to Cage now focused on Joe. Joe “[COLOR="DarkRed"]Where’s my match BIG![/COLOR]”, at this point BIG puts his hand in the Camera and the picture fades out.[B](B-) [/B] Our next match is the[U] Stiener vs Steiner in a Cage match[/U], no falls counted until the ref says so. Sting standing at ring side watching the proceedings in the cage, and twice he tries to cut the lock on the door and has to be warned off by the ref. By the end of the match the two brothers have broken ranks each mad that the other has taken a better shot than they were expecting. Sibling rivalry kicks in, and in the end we get a real fight and Rick Steiner manages to get the victory after surviving a brutal Steiner recliner. [B](C-) [/B] Once the cage has opened, Sting scrambles into the ring to restore order, as the Stieners are now pushing each other, their game plan clearly having fallen to crap. Sting pulls a microphone from his suit Jacket, and address’s the crowd. “[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Don’t you people see how he is tearing this sport down? Brother vs Brother? And all for what, so he can be poked by the number one contender, and bullied by a Super Snot? Once I am in control things are going to get straightened out around here.[/COLOR]” [B](B-)[/B] Back Stage we See Jeff Jarrett and BIG glaring at each other, words have clearly just failed the situation, and both men are daring the other with their eyes to make the first move. Finally Jarrett takes the bait and lunges for BIG. Abyss and Rhino rush into the scene and pull the two apart before any real damage can be done. [B](B)[/B] Aj styles is standing with JB to talk about tonight’s double DQ match between himself and Ron Killings. Aj talks about how Raven had no right to interfere, and if he hadn’t there would have been a new X-division champ here tonight. [B](C)[/B] Our next match was [U]Brother Runt and Eric young vs Ted Hart and Robert Roode[/U]. The match swung back and forth, but finally ended when Eric got the better of Robert Roode. Ted and Brother Runt were battling on the ramp so neither could make it back for a save. [B](D+)[/B] Sting more dignified that Earlier takes his place in the center of the ring, once again wielding a microphone. He tells the crowd about the ‘stipulation’ he has come up with for the BIG vs Jarrett match tonight. In fact if BIG loses, Sting wins and if BIG wins Sting wins. If Jeff wins tonight then BIG must agree to turn over just 2% of his power to Sting, and since Sting with the backing of the minority share holders currently controls 49% of the power, that would make Sting the new Supreme Authority of TNA. And if BIG loses? Well then Sting still got to watch BIG get the hell beat out of him. [B](A)[/B] Back stage a very agitated looking BIG is talking to Rhino. Rhino talks about how great of a competitor Abyss is, and how long Rhino has waited for a true one on one match up for the Darkness title. He then starts Screaming GORE, GORE, GORE as he makes his way off stage. [B](A)[/B] We next move to our tag team number one contenders match up. [U]The James Gang beats up on Carnage Connection[/U]. Damaja and Tomko are two huge men, but neither can read the other mans thoughts the way the James gang can, and in the end that spells doom and James gang takes the win. [B](C-)[/B] Even as the three is being counted, team 3-d rolls into the ring and commences to beat on the James gang. Once the James Gang has bailed from the arena the Dudleys pull out microphones. “[COLOR="Blue"]They say to the winners go the spoils.[/COLOR]” With this 3-d hold up their titles. “[COLOR="Blue"]well we keep winning but I’m tired of facing these two spoiled teams, so once we beat them again, team 3-D is refusing to face the James gang or Carnage Connection until we feel like there might be something in it for us.[/COLOR]” [B](C+)(B-) [/B] [U]Jeff Jarrett[/U] makes his way to the ring sting at his side. [U]BIG[/U] comes out next, the Steiners take up watch at the top of both ramps. The whole situation looks like a set up. The match Starts, and even with Stings interference the whole thing is one sided. BIG beats on Jeff, fends off sting and hits the BIG slam, BIG boot, and BIG kitchen sink, or it seems like it any way. The winner is BIG, and I don’t think Sting got any joy out of the match at all.[B](B-)[/B] After the Victory BIG talks to the crowd about how much he loves being in TNA BIG tells the fans he hopes they are enjoying their night, and that now that the crap match for the night is out of the way BIG hopes the fans will enjoy the last two title matches of the night. BIG also apologizes for the antics of Sting’s Reign, and promises he will not let Sting take over TNA. [B](A)[/B] Back stage as BIG is finishing he speech we see Sting’s Reign get a little stronger. Sting and Jeff Jarrett shake hands, and Jeff Jarrett officially joins Sting, Scot and Rick Stiener as members of Stings Reign. Scott and Rick are the enforcers. Jeff will be Stings First Knight. [B](B-) [/B] [U]Our second title match of the night is for the Darkness Title, and will be defend by a one fall no disqualification match up, the champion Abyss vs Rhino[/U]. Rhino pulls out early, hitting a gore, and vertical suplex on the monster Abyss. Rhino then runs into a boot and misses a top rope dive and the match turns back in Abyss favor. In the end it is a last second desperation Black Hole slam that puts Abyss over Rhino for the Win. [B](B+) [/B] Back stage in final warm ups for the main event Kurt address the issues of Christian Cage and Samoa Joe. “[COLOR="Blue"]Christian Cage can’t get a clean win, but since I’m such a nice guy, I’m going to over look that fact, and I’ll tell you what I won’t even beat Christian so badly he can’t move tomorrow. As for Samoa Joe if I had faced him at the Olympics I probably would have killed him by accident. I am just that good. It’s true, it’s damn true![/COLOR]” [B](B)(B+)[/B] Our main event for the Evening is [U]Kurt angle vs Christian Cage for the World Heavy Weight Championship[/U]. The match starts off strong, Kurt and Christian both showing they are at the top of their game. A Top rope arm drag, and a sunset flip, put Christian in control of the match, but while the ref is busy arguing with Kurt over not breaking an Angle Lock when told, Samoa Joe makes his way ring side and clocks Christian Cage. Neither Angle nor the Ref see Joe, but when Angle notices Cage swooning on the other side of the ring, he takes advantage with an Angle slam, and reapplies the Angle lock to pick up the win. [B](A) [/B] Show rating: [B]B+[/B], buy rate 1.89[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday May 22, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Fresh off of a great PPV we put the [U]young dragons[/U] back in action this time they take their training from the [U]wrecking crew[/U]. Basham and Damaja reunited!. The young dragons continue to show that they can put on a good match. [B](D+)[/B] The James gang comes out after the match and comments on how the dragons are developing quickly, but they should not let one win go to their heads, they are still low men on the totem pole. [B](B-)[/B] Team 3-d comes to the top of the ramp like they are going to address the James gang, because we know the team 3-d does not approve of the fact that the James gang won another title shot. But before the Dudleys can open their mouths, they are jumped from behind by the Steiners, and forced to retreat back stage. [B](C-)[/B] Our pyro hits and the announcers welcome us to impact, as the [U]Stiener brothers[/U] make their way down to the ring, the [U]James gang[/U] ready to take them and we have our first televised match of the night. The Steiners in fighting form give us a clinic of suplexes and holds and in the end the James gang just can’t hang and rick Steiner picks up the three count [B](C)[/B] After the match, team 3-d takes the opportunity to run in and clear the ring, and take a load off their chest. Talking about how the Stieners will pay for tonight’s unprovoked attack, and how tonight proves the James Gang does not deserve another title shot. [B](C)(B) [/B] Back stage sting takes the mic. Last night was a great night; the Stieners showed how great they both are in singles action against each other. And though Jeff Jarrett did not defeat BIG, it is only because BIG cheated. Sting says that with Jeff Jarrett now part of his court, it is just a matter of time before the balance of power swings in the direction of Sting’s Reign. [B](B+) [/B] Our next match of the night is the first match of [U]Jeff Jarrett [/U]as a knight of Sting’s court (this not being WWE, it is a title only, don’t picture Jarrett actually dressed like a knight ridding a wooden horse between his legs to the ring or any other such non-sense.) The match is awarded to [U]Christian[/U] when, Jeff draws out his “Lance” and plants the guitar squarely across Christian’s head. [B](B-)[/B] Sting then enters the ring, and there is a general beat down on Christian cage. [B](B+)[/B] Back stage Kurt angle has cornered BIG, and commences to point out Christian Cages faults. Look yet another victory for captain crap, that he absolutely did not earn. And then rather the roll out of the ring, and take his stolen victory like the coward he is, he stands his ground and gets beaten down by the likes of Jeff Jarrett and Sting! [B](B+)[/B] BIG glowers at Kurt and then responds with a diatribe of his own. Sting, and his reign are a load, and BIG will deal with this all in due course but for now, BIG is just letting Sting expend his own energy and wear himself down. [B](A)[/B] [U]BIG then goes out to the ring for his match with samoa joe[/U]. Joe was doing fine with out any ones help, but a run in by Sting while the ref was distracted left the out come a mere formality and Samoa Joe picked up the win. [B](B)[/B] Show Rating: [B]B[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday May 26, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]We had a great PPV, Monday’s follow up taping was one of our strongest Impacts to date and so I was expecting big numbers and boy did things work out in my direction. 10.00 a 7.4% increase and the board was beginning to come around. Maybe at some point this whole Sting fiasco would become a great angle instead of the Thorn in my side it actually was, playing out right in front of the fans.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Sunday May 28, 2007 June planning meeting [INDENT][INDENT]The board meeting was Empty, even Dixie Carter had chosen not to try and set through this ice fest. Sting sat opposite me along the board room table. The temperature must have fallen 10 degrees since we both sat down and began icily glaring back and forth. I began. “[COLOR="Blue"]Let’s settle the Title Belts first, and then move onto the undercard for the next ppvs[/COLOR]” “[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Fine[/COLOR]” "[COLOR="Blue"]The x-division should be a rematch Ron Killins vs Aj Styles.[/COLOR]" Sting looked at me, “[COLOR="DarkGreen"]That’s boring, I think Raven should have his final shot at the title at the same time.[/COLOR]” I nodded my head thoughtfully, no reason to start arguing this early. “[COLOR="Blue"]That will work for me. And while we are at it who should we add to the Abyss vs Rhino match?[/COLOR]” I could tell my presumption was irking him. He responded that "[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Jeff Jarrett should get his title shot since he beat me so thoroughly at sacrifice. I held my tongue again and conceded the point.[/COLOR]" The tag titles are easy; they were set up by the James gang win over carnage connection and would be team 3-d vs the James gang as advertised since before Sacrifice. [COLOR="Blue"]"What about the World Title?"[/COLOR], I asked trying to keep things in shape. Sting sneered, “[COLOR="DarkGreen"]You do, what you want, with your measly title.[/COLOR]” So I scheduled Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage. At this point he interrupted, "[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Now that we have run down your stupid title list, I want to address the matches the fans actually want to see. My boys the Stieners vs the Wrecking Crew. And my man Kevin Nash will show up vs the little thing you hired called Cruzz. He sneered. And you will face Tomko[/COLOR]", he looked meaningfully at me like I should be scared. I simply smiled back. I said the final match should be Petey Williams vs Senshi vs Ted hart vs Brother Runt in ultimate X. And with that we broke, I doubt we were in agreement but at least we had a plan for the coming month.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Monday June 1, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Do you know the feeling when everything seems to be going right, and then you round the corner and get into the worst accident of your life or some one calls and tells you that your grandma just died. I am at the moment that moment right now, and it is not something going wrong I dread. What I dread is that what goes wrong will be something worse than I can even imagine, and that’s pretty horrible. Our opening match features the [U]Steiners yet again show casing how good the young dragons[/U] come across. Both teams look good, and the Steiners with some wicked shots pick up the not so easy win. [B](C-)[/B] After the match team 3-d comes out and complains yet again about how tired they are of having to face sub standard teams like the James gang. Hell facing a team like the young dragons is better than that, because at least the dragons learn from the beating they take! [B](C+)[/B] The pyro hit, the announcers welcome us to another impact, and we head straight to the ring for our opening bout. But Sting interjects himself into the mix before we can get started and tells the crowd there is something he feels he needs to get off of his chest. “[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Christian Cage I am so sorry for the misunderstanding last week! We were informed you were just another lackey of BIG, and we needed to use you to send a message to him. How ever after further investigation, we found out you are not in BIG’s pocket, so again we apologize. Now we still need to find a way to send that message to BIG, so if you want to stop by my office maybe we can discuss your bright future here in TNA, under Sting’s Reign[/COLOR]” [B](B+)[/B] As Sting exits the ring[U] Ron Killings[/U] pulls himself back in and[U] Raven [/U]makes his way to the ring. The match is contested [U]under no DQ rules[/U]. Killings title is not on the line, and it is a good thing, since under no Dq Raven has almost no equal and Ron never stood a chance. After a few foreign objects to the head, and an even flow Raven is your winner. [B](C)[/B] After Raven rolls Ron out of the ring he takes up a mic and starts running his mouth. Why doesn’t Raven have a title? He certainly has the wins, and he is better than all these current shlubs that call themselves champions. [B](C)[/B] Back stage I swear the sound guy lost a box of mics and every one with an axe to pick found the box and kept one for themselves. Rhino is standing telling anyone that will listen he wants another shot at abyss, that his first loss was a fluke and that with the GORE, GORE, GORE, rhino will be your new darkness champion [B](C)[/B] We go to the ring where [U]3-D is about to give the James gang[/U] their final shot at the titles. The James gang was owning 3-D in fact when the tables came into play it was the Dudley brothers that ate wood. But as BG was about to go for the pin, The Stieners ran into the ring and floored all four men, the Ref called for the bell, and ruled a double Dq this match will have to be restarted a some other point. [B](C) [/B] Kurt angle talks about how pointless it is for Samoa Joe to try to beat the likes of Kurt Angle. Angle can out wrestle, our brawl and just plain out last Samoa Joe. In fact if Joe were smart he would retire right now and save himself the beating that is headed his way.[B] (A)[/B] Back stage BIG states the 3-d vs James gang rematch will take place at Slamiversery. If Sting wants to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong fine, then at Slamiversery the Steiners will face the wrecking Crew of Basham and Damaja. And Jeff Jarrett can be part of the Rhino vs Abyss match for the Darkness title. Why? Because if Sting won’t step in the ring to take his beatings like a man, BIG will deal the punishment out to his proxies.[B] (B)[/B] [U] BIG vs Kurt Angle[/U] is our main event. BIG puts up a good fight, but in the end the truth is the Hollywood actor is no Olympic wrestler, and just can’t keep up with the fast paced action that Kurt Angle brings. Kurt forces BIG to tap to the Angle Lock after a hat trick of Angle Slams. [B](B+)[/B] Show Rating: [B]B[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT] [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Friday June 5, 2007 [INDENT][INDENT]Another week like that and I might think we had plans to become the biggest company in professional wrestling. Sting was still a thorn in my side, but the First week of June looked like we might be building to a classic in Slamiversery. The ratings 10.34 a 3.4% increase.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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Thus Ends the string of Prewritten TNA action. there is one more show that was run and not written up that I might get to. but unless there is a ready out there beside DSE81 I think i will let this slip by and concentrate on my AAA journal, and possibly the two shows I still need to finish for NBC wrestling.
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