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AAA:Hard Candy

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/9918/aaaln7.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][SIZE="3"]It was New Years Eve, the sound of revelers could be heard from outside the apartment of Gail Ferguson…better known in the world of wrestling as Anne Stardust, apart from the company of a bottle of wine Anne found herself alone as 2008 was only minutes away from beginning. This was by choice, Anne had been doing a lot of thinking lately and she could think of no better time to make an important decision than at the end of a year just as a new one was about to begin. Anne Stardust was the promoter of the female wrestling promotion “Angel Athletic Association” an organization she had started back in 1996, throughout the years Anne has been totally driven in succeeding in her mission to put Women’s Wrestling on the map in America as something that can be looked at and respected, the mission, Anne’s dream…it began all those years ago, currently the company runs at a regional level, known in the mid and north west but pretty much absent from the radar out of those regions….but people can criticize Anne all they want, while other promotions have come and gone over the years…her Women’s Wrestling promotion, which many critics did not think would last for 12 months is still alive 12 years after its inception! As well as being admired for her drive, some have criticized Anne for her selfishness over the years, but she knew in her heart as she could hear people count down the seconds to the New Year outside that while the AAA would live on into the New Year…it would also be reborn! It was time to at least partially hand her baby over to somebody with fresh ideas…and a brand new vision, and she knew just the person, it would be one of the positive lights in her world darkened by clouds of inner negativity, it would be one of the few people she could truly trust and open up to, one of the few people in the world that knew the real woman lurking behind the public mask she wore to hide her insecurity, a person who could look past the persona of Anne Stardust and ease the well hidden and very real fragile mentality of Gail Ferguson, Her lover…Kate Avatar![/SIZE] [/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Magenta"]10........ 9........ 8........ 7........ 6........ 5........ 4........ 3........ 2........ 1........ HAPPY NEW YEAR and WELCOME TO THE REBIRTH!!!![/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/9918/aaaln7.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B]Dear Journal, (Tuesday, Week 1, January 2008)[/B] How can I describe this? I guess that the best way I can put it is that I can feel a race track within my heart and it’s like two cars representing both shock and love race around it continually. Anne called me around to her apartment yesterday and like usual she seemed to be in a serious mood. She gave me some preparation on the phone by telling me she had something big to tell me but nothing could prepare me for the bombshell she was about to drop on me. She told me that she trusts me more than anybody else in her life right now and she can see a drive and passion within my eyes that she used to see in herself years ago, She then told me that she is giving me a shot at booking the next AAA show by myself and if she likes the job I do it could become a permanent position for me. I just can’t get over the shock and take all of this in right now, In the brief time I have known Anne we have shared a great deal together in the time she has been training me, both emotionally and otherwise, I have seen a side to this woman that I am sure few others have seen in her fifty years on this earth, I am honored that she would choose to share her heart with a 22 year old woman like me and I am even more honored that she would choose to put so much trust in me. I don’t know where I stand with Anne as far as the future goes, there is a big age gap between the two of us and I am not sure if I want to resume the type of relationship we have had in the past, I think Anne knows that what we have now cannot last forever…but one thing I do know, Anne will always be my best friend if nothing else, I am dedicated to making her proud and running her company in a way that will take it to new heights. The first show of 2008 is tonight, it is called “Pretty Amazing” and I have some big matches planned for the card. I just hope I can focus on making this show work and put my excitement to one side. It is time to show Anne that her faith in me is worth her while and that I can be the professional creative force this company needs; I need to be the fresh mind to take this company in a new direction. I know that if I mess this up I will never get my hands on the book again, As close as I am to Anne I know that nothing comes between her and her baby the AAA, this company is her #1 love, it has been since 1996 and nothing comes in the way of that…not even me. Ok, I think I have got some of the excitement out of my system, it is time to compose myself and go and make the arrangements needed for tonight’s show. Oh how could I forget? Happy New Year my amazing Journal, and what an amazing start to it! [B]Yours, Kate Avatar xxx[/B] [IMG]http://img363.imageshack.us/img363/9094/kateavatarkz9.jpg[/IMG] [/QUOTE] [B]AAA Pretty Amazing preview[/B] [B]AAA Femme Fatale Championship match Wanda Fish © vs. Catherine Quine[/B] [IMG]http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/4230/match1bannerjj8.jpg[/IMG] Catherine Quine is very much the thorn in the side of Wanda Fish, indeed it can be said that “Fish the Dish” has had nobody pose more of a threat to her since winning the Femme Fatale Championship from Raven Nightfall in November. Despite the fact that Wanda wears the gold it has not stopped many of our fans viewing the fan friendly Catherine as the franchise player of the AAA and you can be sure that this has infuriated the champion. Tonight at the first AAA show of 2008 these two competitors shall meet and the Femme Fatale Championship will be on the line! [B]Six Woman tag match Black Widow and Wild Times vs. Suzanne Brazzle and the Brendon Sisters[/B] [IMG]http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/8614/match3bannerar1.png[/IMG] Black Widow and her group the Darkness have made there impression felt throughout the time they have been in the AAA but they have made no secret that they want to take things to a whole new level in 2008. Tonight Black Widow teams up with two of her followers Vixxen and the Devil’s Daughter and it is no coincidence that there three opponents tonight all hold AAA Championship gold, Suzanne Brazzle is the holder of the Top Contenders Championship, this is a championship that the Black Widow has been vocal about saying she wishes to personally attain it. As for the tag team titles you have to recall that it was Wild Times who the Brendon Sisters defeated to win the gold back in October so these two teams already have unsettled issues boiling over, This match could see the settling of some scores or it could just lead to further desires for revenge and Championship Gold, Taste the intensity in the air tonight! [B]Grace Harper vs. Raven Nightfall[/B] [IMG]http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/874/match2bannerdj7.jpg[/IMG] Ever since losing the Femme Fatale Championship back in November the focus of Raven Nightfall has been on getting back to the status that she once enjoyed, she does not just want to regain the Championship, she needs it, but competition in the AAA is intense and there is always somebody who wants what you want and probably just as badly, Grace Harper fits into this category, She is a former NOTBPW Woman’s Champion but she has never held gold within this promotion and she wants to do so a great deal as her improvement and climb up the ranks in the last 12 months has shown, Grace is arguably the most focused she has ever been in her career. This match promises to be a great one as we have two women fueled by the flame of inner desire, one woman wants to get back to the Golden levels of the AAA and the other wants to get there for the very first time. Something has GOT to give! [B]Also on the card... Steph Blake vs. Katherine Goodlooks Kristabel Plum vs. Miss Mexico Jaime Quine vs. Kate Lilly PLUS….The Debut of Kate Kandy, and other surprises. [/B] You have seen shows that are good, even shows that are great, but tonight you shall witness AAA action and it promises to be…[B]PRETTY AMAZING![/B] [/CENTER] [I]First show will go up tonight, Predictions welcome[/I]
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Ooh, an AAA diary! Nice start too, hope you do well. [B]Wanda Fish ©[/B] vs. Catherine Quine [I]Mainly personal preference, I'm waiting for Wanda to feud with J-Ro or Raven for the title.[/I] [B]Black Widow and Wild Times[/B] vs. Suzanne Brazzle and the Brendon Sisters [I]I'm seeing them cheating to beat the champions, leading to title matches next month.[/I] Grace Harper vs. [B]Raven Nightfall[/B] [I]Hmm, is Raven heel or face here? Anyway, I'll pick her over Grace any day [COLOR="Red"]<3[/COLOR][/I] [B]Steph Blake[/B] vs. Katherine Goodlooks [B]Kristabel Plum[/B] vs. Miss Mexico [B]Jaime Quine[/B] vs. Kate Lilly [I]I'm picking the singles wrestlers over tag team wrestlers here, and Plum over Miss Mexico just 'cause I don't like Miss Mexico :D Jaime Quine should be pushed anyway.[/I] The question remains, though... [B]where is J-Ro???[/B]
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Thanks for the feedback Dansc, Do not worry about J-Ro as she has not been forgotten, Some members of the roster wont be on the first show but she is the biggest name to be missing, her absence from the first show is by my deliberate intention as it will fit in better with what I have planned for her on the second show, She will be a massive part of that show and barring any problems regarding her contract she should be a big part of the AAA's future in this dynasty, but you never know what TEW is going to throw your way so nothing is for sure :D, Anyway this is my first ever Cornellverse related dynasty and so far I am having fun with it and I have some fun ideas for the future, I hope others enjoy reading it. On with the first show :) [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/9918/aaaln7.jpg[/IMG] [B]AAA presents PRETTY AMAZING 2008 Tuesday, Week 1, January[/B] We have a SOLD OUT crowd in the Portland Center in the North West, 1,000 fans are in the building tonight….Lets kick 2008 off with a bang and show the world why AAA is above good, it is better than great…it is PRETTY AMAZING![/QUOTE] [B]Pre Show[/B] [QUOTE] [IMG]http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/3986/pabanner1ng4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Helen Bach defeated Missy Masterson (7:48)[/B] [B]Notes:[/B] Helen Bach picked up the win via pinfall following a Bronx Buster. The goal of the match was to warm the crowd up while people still arrived for the main show, Some fans grew impatient as they wanted the main show to begin. [B]Rating – E+[/B][/QUOTE] [B]The Show[/B] [QUOTE] [IMG]http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/2598/match2bannerfm4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kristabel Plum defeated Miss Mexico (10:18)[/B] [B]Notes:[/B] Kristabel won this opening contest to the main show by pinfall following her finishing maneuver the Plum Trucker. The match went down well and both women showed improvement as Kristabel gained new performance skills and despite her loss Miss Mexico showed off some new technical ability. [B]Rating – D+ [/B][/QUOTE] The fans began to boo as the music of the AAA Femme Fatale Champion Wanda Fish unexpectedly kicked in on the sound system; she stepped into the ring with a microphone in hand and seemingly had some things she wanted to get off her chest before her title defense later on in the evening. [IMG]http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/9025/wandafishfg1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Wanda Fish:[/B] [I]In life, they say nothing stops the same for….[/I] Wanda stops speaking for a moment as chants of “The Cat” begin to grow in the crowd; her facial expressions make it quite clear that these chants agitate her. She waits for a moment before continuing to speak… [B]Wanda Fish:[/B] [I]You people need to sit back and shut up and listen to a Superstar speak, then maybe…Just maybe, some of my greatness will reflect on some of you and help you better your miserable existences.[/I] This comment is met with loud boo’s from the crowd. [B]Wanda Fish:[/B] [I]Now as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, in life they say nothing stops the same forever, Things change in all aspects of life, the AAA is no different, but there is one exception to the rule…ME! I am the one consistency within this company. I am a five time AAA Femme Fatale Champion and I am going to let you all in on a little tip, if you people paid money in the pathetic hope of seeing me lose my Championship to Catherine Quine tonight I have a suggestion for you, Get up off your fat butts and go ask for your refunds now in order to avoid disappointment.. Oh yeah, and by the stench of some of you slobs in the audience I would leave the arena and hit the nearest store and go and buy a can of something that could help better your lives, It is a radical new invention they call deodorant![/I] A faint chant of “J-Ro” starts up in the crowd, Wanda takes notice of this. [B]Wanda Fish:[/B] [I]Oh, and don’t waste your breathe chanting for her either, I hear she is not even here tonight, but I will let all of you people know that Joanne Rodriguez is nothing but a stepping stone that I used on my path to further greatness, I defeated her back in 2006 for one of my many title reigns, I have nothing to prove by facing her again. She may be good, but I am great. She is not in my league![/I] Wanda Fish struts around the ring and looks at the fans in disgust as they shout abuse in her direction. [B]Wanda Fish:[/B][I] but tonight the only thing that matters is Catherine Quine, I know you are listening backstage so let me tell you, You are not somebody I am going to underestimate Cat but you best believe that I am going to cut your claws and expose these people to the truth tonight. The truth is you are just a grain of sand and I am the whole desert! I am the Franchise player in this company and after tonight nobody will be able to doubt me, Nobody![/I] [B](D+)[/B] Wanda Fish drops the microphone and heads towards the backstage area, as she does this she crosses paths with Jaime Quine the younger step sister of Catherine Quine who is coming down to ringside as she has a match scheduled next. The two women exchange in a brief stare down and some inaudible words are exchanged between the two. The Stare down ends when Wanda Fish arrogantly waves Jaime Quine off and continues her walk to the backstage area with her Femme Fatale championship raised high in the air, Jaime Quine then continues her walk to the ring. [QUOTE] [IMG]http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/7183/match3bannercv1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kate Lilly defeated Jaime Quine (5:52)[/B] [B]Notes:[/B] Kate Lilly won this match via underhanded tactics when her tag team partner Debbie Rose interfered and provided enough of a distraction to allow Kate to pick up the cheap win. The outcome of the match seemed to bring the mood of the crowd down, Kate Lilly showed improvement in her Technical skills and Jaime Quine showed some noticeable improvement in her aerial attacks. [B]Rating – E+[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [IMG]http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/3373/match4banneryo4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Katherine Goodlooks defeated Steph Blake (9:32)[/B] [B]Notes:[/B] Katherine won the match via pinfall after hitting the Pretty Fly. The two women failed to really click and it led to some awkward moments in the match, on the bright side though Katherine Goodlooks showed improvement in her Rumble skills. [B]Rating – D-[/B][/QUOTE] After the bout Katherine Goodlooks is celebrating her win with the crowd only to be interrupted as the song “Barbie Girl” by Aqua kicks in on the sound system, The fans are then treated to the sight of a good looking redheaded woman who they have never seen in the AAA before heading down to ringside, She is carrying a clipboard and wearing a business suit and she has a big smile on her face as she grabs a microphone and steps into the ring and stands face to face with a confused Katherine Goodlooks. She then begins to speak…. [IMG]http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/9088/kateavatarwq8.jpg[/IMG] [I]“Fans of the Angel Athletic Association allow me to introduce myself, my name is Kate Kandy and my daddy is one of the owners of this very building the Portland Center!”[/I] The fans cheer [B]Kate Kandy:[/B] [I]Thank you, I just want to say that I have been a wrestling fan for as long as I can remember and I have actually trained to wrestle myself because I love it so much.[/I] The fans start a chant of “Kandy” [B]Kate Kandy:[/B] [I]Thanks again, now let me get down to business; my arrival at this moment in time is not a coincidence. Katherine Goodlooks I want to talk to you sweetie.[/I] [B]Katherine Goodlooks:[/B] [I]what’s up?[/I] [B]Kate Kandy:[/B] [I]Well first off, congratulations on that impressive victory just now. These people appreciate your efforts.[/I] The fans begin to chant the name of Katherine Goodlooks to show that they do indeed appreciate her efforts. [B]Kate Kandy:[/B] [I]See, they do appreciate you, but I know that a beautiful woman like yourself could get the appreciation of these people in less harmful ways.[/I] [B]Katherine Goodlooks:[/B] [I]Huh?[/I] [B]Kate Kandy:[/B] [I]Well Katherine, You have such a beautiful body. You are gorgeous, it saddens me to see you potentially damaging that body and destroying your beauty by fighting so hard in this ring on every show. You can still get the adoration of these people without coming to any physical harm, After all sweetie, you are a good looking woman and you have a body that these people would enjoy seeing.[/I] [B]Katherine Goodlooks:[/B] [I]What are you trying to say?[/I] [B]Kate Kandy:[/B] [I]What I am trying to say is that I was just like you once Kate. I used to have the desire to prove myself as a competitor and do my bit to show that women’s wrestling is something to be respected and that we are just as good as any male wrestlers out there, but then…well, I smartened up to how this business works, I smartened up to these people.[/I] The fans begin to boo, Kate Kandy looks taken aback. [B]Kate Kandy:[/B] [I]Oh don’t deny it, You people will never look at female wrestling as equal and deep down you still just want the T’n’A, So being a good looking woman myself I thought to myself why try to fight it? Why should I cause myself physical harm when I can get more of reaction by taking off my top and flaunting my assets as I can by doing a snap suplex?[/I] The fans don’t take kindly to Kate Kandy’s words [B]Kate Kandy:[/B] [I]So I quit my wrestling training, now I am helping my daddy out. You see, with all due respect, the AAA would not have become what it is today without the support of this building, my daddy’s building. I feel that I am in touch with what the wrestling fans want, So being who I am I feel the AAA should listen to my input.[/I] Katherine Goodlooks takes the microphone from Kate Kandy in an aggressive manner. [B]Katherine Goodlooks:[/B] [I]I have heard enough, it is true that there is an audience out there that is open to the approach to women’s wrestling you speak of, but this isn’t the place. In the AAA we are about WRESTLING! So with all due respect why don’t you take your ideas to somebody who wants them? [/I] The fans cheer as Katherine throws the microphone back into the hands of Kate Kandy. The smile on the face of Kate turns to a look of anger but she composes herself quickly and puts on a forced smile. [B]Kate Kandy:[/B][I]Ha Ha, Alright sweetie, if that is the way you want to play it, in time I am confident that you will wise up and face reality, I just hope you still have that pretty looking face of yours in the same condition when that time comes, I didn’t want it to come to this but this is my daddy’s building and what makes my daddy happy is what makes me happy, and do you know what would make me happy right now Katherine? It would be to see you face…GORGON! So unless you want me to go and talk to Daddy and get him to cut this show short by kicking all of you wrestlers out of HIS building then that is exactly what you shall do![/I] Katherine Goodlooks is visually taken aback as the unadvertised monstrous member of the Darkness stable Gorgon makes her way down to the ringside area for this unadvertised bout. [B]Kate Kandy:[/B] [I]You see, this is the way it is going to be from now on, if the AAA is going to continue to run in my daddy’s building it shall do so via the vision that makes my daddy happy, because he is happy when I am happy and what makes me happy in the long run is either an AAA that shows Women as the objects of lust we are meant to be…or no AAA at all![/I] Gorgon steps into the ring and stares down Katherine Goodlooks who refuses to back down or give in to intimidation. The referee calls for the bell and Kate Kandy steps outside the ring and begins to make notes on her clipboard throughout the match. [B](D+)[/B] [QUOTE] [IMG]http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/8813/match5bannercp7.jpg[/IMG] [B]Katherine Goodlooks defeated Gorgon (4:39)[/B] [B]Notes:[/B] Gorgon dominated the match against a tired and unprepared Katherine Goodlooks which made it even more shocking when Katherine managed to pull out a pinfall victory with a quick cradle that came out of nowhere. Gorgon and Katherine failed to click which led to an awkward match, during the bout Gorgon showed improvement in her performance skills. [B]Rating – E+[/B][/QUOTE] Immediately following the bout Gorgon is joined by her Darkness stable mates Black Widow, Vixxen and the Devil’s Daughter and they join Gorgon in a post match beat down on poor Katherine Goodlooks. Kate Kandy then steps into the ring and stands over the fallen Katherine with a microphone in hand… [B]Kate Kandy:[/B] [I]Remember this sweetie, Good looks and sexuality sells….an ugly battered and beaten bitch does not! [/I] Kate Kandy drops her microphone on the fallen body of Goodlooks before turning to Black Widow the leader of the Darkness and offering her a handshake, Black Widow looks unsure of whether to shake hands and we never find out what she would have done as the Top Contenders Champion Suzanne Brazzle and the Tag Team Champions the Brendon Sisters run down to ringside to the aid of Katherine Goodlooks, They engage in a brawl with the Darkness and Kate Kandy picks this time to quickly leave the ringside area and retreat backstage, Security help Katherine out of the ring while a referee enters and eventually gets the brawl between the Darkness and Brazzle and the Brendon Sisters to end and get some order by sending Gorgon to the backstage before ringing the bell to start there scheduled six woman tag match. [B](E)[/B] [QUOTE] [IMG]http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/8614/match3bannerar1.png[/IMG] [B]Black Widow and Wild Times defeated Suzanne Brazzle and the Brendon Sisters (19:54)[/B] [B]Notes:[/B] Black Widow and Wild Times picked up the victory when Black Widow scored a pinfall victory over Suzanne Brazzle after hitting the Spider’s Kiss. All of the women seemed tired at the conclusion of the bout but all of them delivered, especially Suzanne Brazzle who looked particularly impressive out there. The Devil’s Daughter also gained a lot from this match by showing improvement in both her Technical and Performance skills. [B]Rating: D[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [IMG]http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/2303/match6bannerpp1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Raven Nightfall defeated Grace Harper (14:54)[/B] [B]Notes:[/B] Raven Nightfall defeated Grace Harper via pinfall following a Night Faller. Both ladies failed to click and it showed in the performances. [B]Rating: D[/B][/QUOTE] [B]DVD EXCLUSIVE[/B] Backstage Katherine Goodlooks is sat holding an ice pack to her head following the beating she endured at the hands of the Darkness earlier in the evening, She is approached by her tag team partner Jessica Bunny who seems very concerned. [B]Jessica Bunny:[/B] [I]Oh my, what happened to you? Are you alright?[/I] Katherine Goodlooks gets up to her feet and throws the ice pack to the floor in anger, She gets in the face of her partner and does not seem happy with her. [B]Katherine Goodlooks:[/B] [I]I was getting my butt kicked out there by the Darkness, Suzanne Brazzle came down to help me, and so did the Brendon Sisters, but you my tag team partner, You were not anywhere to be seen, So I have one question to ask, Where were you?[/I] [B]Jessica Bunny:[/B] [I]I am sorry Kathy but I stopped on the road for something to eat and when I returned to my car the tires were flat, somebody had tampered with it or something, I don’t know.[/I] Katherine calms herself down and returns to her seat. [B]Katherine Goodlooks:[/B] [I]It was probably the Darkness, or that tramp Kate Kandy.[/I] [B]Jessica Bunny:[/B] [I]Kate Kandy? Who’s that?[/I] [B]Katherine Goodlooks:[/B] [I]I’ve got a lot to fill you in on.[/I] [B]Jessica Bunny:[/B] [I]Okay, I’m here now for you, you sit back and relax and I’ll go and get you some more ice, then you can tell me all about it.[/I] [B](E+)[/B] [B]Back to the ringside area…and now it is time for our AAA Femme Fatale title match![/B] [QUOTE][B]AAA Femme Fatale title match[/B] [IMG]http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/4230/match1bannerjj8.jpg[/IMG] [B]Catherine Quine defeated Wanda Fish (15:27)[/B] [B]Notes: [/B]Catherine Quine defeated Wanda Fish with the Cat’s Cradle to become the new AAA Femme Fatale Champion. During the bout Catherine showed improvement in her performance skills. [B]Rating – C[/B][/QUOTE] Following the bout the defeated Wanda Fish is on her knees with a shocked look in her eyes like she cannot believe she has lost her title, she then looks up to Catherine Quine who stands triumphantly with the AAA Femme Fatale Championship raised in the air. Wanda gets up to her feet and stares down the new champion for a few moments. Catherine Quine extends a hand to Wanda in a show of respect but Wanda gains the anger of the fans by refusing the handshake and rolling out of the ring and heading to the backstage area. The celebration of the new champion continues as the fans cheer Catherine Quine on. 2008 in the AAA has begun and so has the reign of the Cat! [B](C)[/B] [QUOTE][B]Overall Show Rating – D+ The fans enjoyed the show, it was a success and it should have increased our popularity. The only complaint was that some fans felt that Tracy Brendon was used a little too much.[/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/9918/aaaln7.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B]Dear Journal, (Wednesday, Week 1, January 2008)[/B] To say that I was over the moon with how my first show with the book went would be an understatement. I tried to keep my cool throughout the hours leading up to the event but I would be a liar if I told you that the pressure did not get to me in the final hours running up to show time, but seeing the look on the face of Anne backstage when I asked her how I did made it all worth while. She was proud of me, she approved of my decisions and her approval was all I needed to settle my nerves and give myself a pat on the back and tell myself that I did well. Unfortunately though I was quick to learn a lesson in the moments after the show that even when the matches are over and all the fans have gone home you will still sometimes have backstage drama to contend with, one of our backstage assistants ran over to me in a panic… “Kate I think you are needed, something is going on between Wanda Fish and Sophie Blake.” I was a tad confused as to why I was the person approached, after all this is not my company; I have only booked one show. I consulted Anne and she quickly informed me that she wanted me to deal with this incident. “I have seen that you can handle the book” she said with confidence “Now I want to see if you can handle the talent and all the drama they may bring, So much that you are capable of running every aspect of a show, This includes what goes on behind the scenes, Make me proud” After taking in Anne’s words I quickly rushed to the scene of the reported incident not knowing what to expect and at first I saw Wanda looking very upset with Sophie Blake standing beside her seemingly trying to calm her down, well at least they were not rolling around the floor tearing each others hair out like I had quickly mentally pictured when thinking of worse case scenarios. I asked them what the problem was and Wanda explained that she was the victim of a prank perpetrated by Sophie which involved print outs of some of Wanda’s at least once private photographs being circulated around the dressing room. “Come on Wanda” said Sophie “Can’t you take a joke?” “There is jokes and then there is what you did” yelled Wanda “You crossed the line you thoughtless bitch” I quickly stepped in “Calm down ladies, Wanda I will handle this now. Sophie I agree with Wanda, what you did was mean spirited and a complete invasion of privacy. I won’t accept this kind of conduct in the locker room and if it happens again it will be for the last time in this company because you will no longer be working for us, do I make myself clear?” “Loud and clear” said Sophie “I never meant to upset anybody but it was a thoughtless thing to do and it won’t happen again.” I convinced the two women to shake hands and everything seemed to be settled between them, for now at least. Apart from that incident I have nothing to be unhappy about; Anne has told me that she wants me to continue booking on a permanent basis and the next show scheduled is More Than Meets the Eye in February. I have already formulated plans in my head going into this show and barring any changes some of the talent that did not feature on the first show of my booking reign will get the chance to shine, I also look forward to further developing my Kate Kandy character, I think a character who is very pro T’n’A and anti serious women’s wrestling could cause havoc in the AAA and hopefully it should lead to some fun things in the future. It was a tough decision to book the Femme Fatale loss of Wanda Fish and give Catherine Quine a run with the gold as Wanda made such a fantastic champion, but I know Cat will make a fine Champion in her own right, she has been there before and just like Wanda she can carry the ball. Anyway that is enough from me for one day; I am off to get some much needed rest. [B]Yours, Kate Avatar xxx[/B] [IMG]http://img363.imageshack.us/img363/9094/kateavatarkz9.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/9918/aaaln7.jpg[/IMG] [B][I]The card for AAA More Than Meets the Eye has been announced and it is loaded, with not one, not two… but THREE HUGE TITLE MATCHES! Get a load of this action…[/I][/B] [QUOTE][B]AAA Femme Fatale title match Catherine Quine © vs. Raven Nightfall[/B] [IMG]http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/3153/match1zf1.jpg[/IMG] After an impressive victory over Grace Harper last month at Pretty Amazing, Raven Nightfall is the current #1 contender for the AAA Femme Fatale title held by Catherine Quine. Fans are not going to have to wait long to see these two fan favorites do battle as we can officially confirm that this match has been signed to take place at More Than Meets the Eye. The challenger Raven Nightfall had some comments for AAA.com about her upcoming shot at the Championship… [QUOTE][I] [B]“Catherine Quine, I am not going to take anything away from you. You are the current Femme Fatale Champion and it is a Championship you deserve, but unfortunately you are soon to get a reminder that you don’t always get what you deserve in life, and even if you are lucky enough to get it.. as you were, that does not always mean you are going to keep it. Take me for example Catherine, I didn’t deserve to lose my title back in November to Wanda Fish, but that is what happened! When we meet Catherine, You probably won’t deserve losing your title in your very first defense against the Angel of Darkness, but that is what is going to happen!”[/B] [/I][/QUOTE] The Champion Catherine Quine also had some comments for AAA.com [QUOTE][I] [B]“At Pretty Amazing I defeated Wanda Fish to begin my fourth reign as the Femme Fatale Champion, Some people may think that it was just another title win, after all I have been in this position three times before, but those people would be wrong because the buzz of winning this title that means everything to me always remains in tact and it grows stronger as time goes on. Every day I hold this title is a day in which I am blessed, because I can look in the mirror and be proud of myself and tell myself that all of the sacrifice and dedication to proving myself in this business has been worthwhile. Raven Nightfall I welcome your challenge to my title, but you need to understand that just as hungry as I was to win the gold for a fourth time, I am even hungrier when it comes to keeping it. Raven Nightfall…this title is not leaving my waist for a long time, Sorry to break that to you but I guess you’re just going to have to deal with it, Because Gold makes this Cat purr!”[/B] [/I][/QUOTE][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Joanne Rodriquez vs. Suzue Katayama[/B] [IMG]http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/9938/match2ap3.jpg[/IMG] Joanne Rodriguez was quick to make it clear to AAA matchmakers that she wanted a match with Wanda Fish at our next event after getting word of the comments that the former AAA Femme Fatale Champion made about her at the Pretty Amazing event in January, Unfortunately for Joanne and AAA fans nobody has heard word from Wanda Fish since she lost her title to Catherine Quine. Some people are even going as far as to speculate that Wanda may have left the AAA and wrestling all together but that will remain to be seen. J-Ro won’t get to face Wanda any time soon but at More Than Meets the Eye she will face off with the Japanese veteran Suzue Katayama. Suzue is an associate of Wanda Fish as together they make up the tag team “Glorious Power” and she is also a former Femme Fatale champion in her own right. Upon hearing word of this match Joanne Rodriquez had some comments for AAA.com… [QUOTE][I] [B]“Nothing would be better for me than getting my hands on Wanda and shutting her evil spewing mouth once and for all but if I cannot have that this month then I guess her partner in crime and in spouting slime is the next best thing. Suzue Katayama I am putting you on notice, I am going to give you the beating that your partner hasn’t got the guts to show up and receive!” [/B][/I][/QUOTE][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]AAA Top Contenders title match Suzanne Brazzle © vs. Black Widow[/B] [IMG]http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/9011/match3kg2.jpg[/IMG] In a six woman’s tag match last month Black Widow gained a victory by pinning Suzanne Brazzle, Will she be able to do the same in one on one action with the AAA Top Contenders title on the line? The AAA Top Contenders Champion Suzanne Brazzle had some comments for us concerning her upcoming title defense… [QUOTE][I] [B]“I’ll admit it Black Widow, At Pretty Amazing you got me. I hope you enjoyed that moment because I promise you that will be the last time you ever get the better of this Miracle Blonde, and speaking of Miracles I know I wont need any when it comes to defeating you, All I am going to need is the skills I have relied on to keep this title around my waist since last June!” [/B][/I][/QUOTE] We also asked the challenger Black Widow if she had any comments for AAA.com but the leader of the Darkness would only tell us that she would let her actions do the talking for her at the show![/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Three way tag team action for the AAA Tag Team Championship The Brendon Sisters © vs. Wild Times vs. Good Lookin’ Bunny[/B] [IMG]http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/5070/tagboutbanner1mtmtemn1.png[/IMG] When you look at this match you also have to think of the intertwining factors that come into the mix following events that occurred at our last show. In a six woman tag team match Wild Times along with there leader in the Darkness stable Black Widow defeated the tag team champions the Brendon Sisters and their partner Suzanne Brazzle. After this win Wild Times requested a match with the Brendon Sisters with the tag team titles they have been so eager to regain since losing them in October on the line, they got there wish…but the team of Good Lookin’ Bunny have also been thrown into the mix, Good Lookin’ Bunny have a score to settle with the Darkness as Katherine Goodlooks was the victim of a beat down at the hands of the group in January, and speaking of that beat down we cannot help but mention Kate Kandy who played a role in instigating it. Why did Kate Kandy target Katherine Goodlooks and what is her association, if any, with the Darkness? Will this question be answered at the show?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Lilly and Rose vs. Jaime Quine and ???[/B] Last month Kate Lilly got a win over Jaime Quine thanks to interference from her tag team partner Debbie Rose, This has led to Jaime Quine requesting a tag team match with the two women which has been granted, Jaime has been telling anybody who will listen that she will find herself a tag team partner and she will go on to get revenge for the events of last month.[/QUOTE] [B]Also on the card… Grace Harper vs. Sara Marie York, and MUCH more! [/B] [I]Predictions welcome[/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/9918/aaaln7.jpg[/IMG] [B]AAA presents MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE 2008 Tuesday, Week 1, February [/B] [B]Another month and another sold out crowd of 1,000 strong in the Portland Center, They are all ready for what promises to be another exhilarating night of AAA action so lets not keep them waiting any longer, lets get down to ringside and get the action underway… [/B][/QUOTE] [B]The Show[/B] [QUOTE][B]Jaime Quine and Kristabel Plum defeated Lilly & Rose (6:40)[/B] [IMG]http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/9075/openertagbanneraaabe8.jpg[/IMG] [B]Notes:[/B] Prior to the match Jaime Quine announced that her choice for a tag team partner was none other than Kristabel Plum, Quine’s choice in partner was a wise one as the two managed to defeat Lilly & Rose in 6:40 when Jaime Quine defeated Kate Lilly by pinfall with a K.O. Kick. Jaime Quine not only got revenge for last month with this victory but she also showed improvement in her Rumble skills, During the match Debbie Rose also showed a marked improvement in her Performance skill. [B]Rating – E [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Following this match Grace Harper hit the ringside area with a microphone in hand, she seemed to be in a foul mood and eager to speak out on just what was causing it… [IMG]http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/924/graceharperee6.jpg[/IMG] [B][I]"You know, it seems like everywhere I have been today I have heard fans talking about the upcoming AAA Femme Fatale title match between Catherine Quine and Raven Nightfall, Some say that Raven Nightfall will walk out tonight as the new Champion, Others are saying Cat will retain, Some say she is the best while others say Raven is….Oh yeah, everybody is talking alright, but nobody is talking about the real deal here in AAA and because you’ve all seemingly forgotten I am going to remind you, I am the real deal!"[/I][/B] The fans started a chant of ‘Harper sucks’ which only appeared to cause her further agitation. [B][I]"Let me give you people some facts, Raven Nightfall only got the title shot she has tonight by defeating me last month, She’s not better than me, she got lucky that’s all. I am sick of it, everybody seems to overlook me or doubt me for one reason or another, for a long time people used to say I wasn’t focused, So I got focused and then they found other reasons to look over my talents, Some critics say I have never been a Champion in this company, This is true but they also look over the fact that I am a former Women’s Champion in NOTBPW, I have all it takes to be Champion in this company and mark my words when I tell you that I will be. I will go through anybody I have to, starting with my opponent tonight!"[/I][/B] [B](C-)[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Grace Harper defeated Sara Marie York (7:55)[/B] [IMG]http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/9242/matchbannerharperuv3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Notes:[/B] Grace Harper defeated Sara Marie York in 7:55 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. [B]Rating: D[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Wendy Anderson took to the ring for the next match which was an unadvertised bonus match, The fans were shocked when the music of her opponent hits and it is the monstrous member of the Darkness stable Gorgon! Unfortunately for Wendy she appeared to be just as shocked as the fans in attendance at the sight of the opponent that stood before her. [B]Gorgon defeated Wendy Anderson[/B] (5:43) [IMG]http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/5672/bannergorgondq2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Notes:[/B] Gorgon defeated Wendy Anderson in 5:43 by pinfall with a Hydra Bomb [B]Rating – D-[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Following the match Gorgon is joined in the ring by her Darkness stable mates Vixxen and the Devil’s Daughter and the leader of the group Black Widow, On the outside of the ring a worried looking Jim Lou Freebush, the ring announcer of the AAA gets up the courage to get into the ring with a microphone in hand, It seems he has some questions for the Darkness. [B]Jim Lou Freebush:[/B] [I]Alright, Black Widow, I know you are a woman of few words but I know that many of our AAA fans have some questions that they need answering, I’ll start with the question concerning both the AAA Top Contenders Title and the AAA Tag Team Championship, Tonight there is a chance that those titles could be in the hands of the Darkness.[/I] Gorgon stands behind the Black Widow with her head bowed while Vixxen and the Devil’s Daughter fall to there knees and kneel before her in some strange ritual. Black Widow then gives Jim Lou Freebush a look that can only be described as nightmarish before she slowly takes the microphone from his grasp, She then opens her mouth slightly and a blood like substance starts to ooze down her chin, her eyes then roll back and she begins to speak… [B]Black Widow:[/B] [I]Last month Suzanne Brazzle and the Brendon Sisters tasted defeat as I lead my family members Vixxen and the Devil’s Daughter as well as myself to victory, Tonight it is destined for those three mortal beings to taste defeat again, but the strongest taste of them all will be a taste that will be enjoyed, a taste reserved for me and my family members, my sisters in the unity of the Darkness….the taste of blood! The taste of loss, the taste of pain and suffering, but there life source will not be wasted; it shall only serve to give the Darkness further life…and lead us to our destined immortality.[/I] Jim Lou Freebush looks seriously creeped out but he keeps his composure and continues with his questioning… [B]Jim Lou Freebush:[/B] [I]Okay….and what about Kate Kandy? [/I] Black Widow looks confused [B]Black Widow:[/B] [I]What of this mortal you speak of?[/I] [B]Jim Lou Freebush:[/B] [I]Well last month the Darkness aided her by attacking Katherine Goodlooks of the Good Lookin’ Bunny tag team, at one point it even looked like you were going to shake her hand. So come on, tell us Black Widow, what is the relationship between Kate Kandy and yourself, is there some kind of alliance with the two of you?[/I] Black Widow pauses and seems to consider her answer… [B]Black Widow:[/B] [I]All you need to know about the mortal you call Kate Kandy and myself is that there is more than meets the eye, things that you will never know as your weak mind would not be able to comprehend them. Did I lead my Darkness family into helping her last month with her own personal crusade..a crusade that I should add that the Darkness does not share or believe in? Possibly! Did we help ourselves and make our desired impact, most certainly! At the end of the day when the illusion of light and the reality of the dark sets in, me and my sisters only have one alliance, We are aligned with the unmatchable power of the Darkness and the black magic that is before the very eyes of nearly every mortal who walks this Earth yet they are too mentally blind to see it.[/I] [B]Jim Lou Freebush:[/B] [I]Okay Black Widow, I am not sure you answered my questions, In fact you may have left the fans of the AAA with even more questions than they had to begin with, but nonetheless I thank you for your time.[/I] [B](E+)[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]AAA Tag Team title Match[/B] [IMG]http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/5070/tagboutbanner1mtmtemn1.png[/IMG] [B]Wild Times defeated The Brendon Sisters © and Good Lookin' Bunny (7:26)[/B] [B]Notes:[/B] Wild Times (Vixxen and Devil’s Daughter) defeated The Brendon Sisters and Good Lookin' Bunny in 7:56 to become the new AAA Tag Team Champions; the order of elimination was The Brendon Sisters first and finally Good Lookin' Bunny. Wild Times win the AAA Tag Team titles. Katherine Goodlooks was off her game in this match but she still managed to show some improvement in her performance skills, Michelle Brendon showed some technical improvement also. [B]Rating – D-[/B] After the bout the new tag team champions Wild Times celebrated in the entrance way and quickly left the ringside area as the fans booed them all the way to the back. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Meanwhile in the ring Jessica Bunny helped her fallen partner Katherine Goodlooks to her feet as the fans cheered them on in respect of their efforts even in defeat, then unexpectedly “Barbie Girl” by Aqua kicked in on the sound system and Kate Kandy arrogantly strutted down to ringside with a microphone in hand, Good Lookin’ Bunny stood in the ring together and welcomed Kate into it as they both appeared eager to attack her... [IMG]http://img363.imageshack.us/img363/9094/kateavatarkz9.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kate Kandy:[/B] [I]Katherine Goodlooks I have to say I am disappointed with you sweetie. I really thought that between the last show and now you would have seen sense and realized my way is the right way, but I guess you just go to prove the dumb blonde sterotype as being correct, at least in some cases…but not in all, as you are sadly about to find out…[/I] Just as the words left Kate’s mouth the fans were left shocked as Katherine Goodlooks was jumped from behind by her tag team partner Jessica Bunny and beaten down mercilessly with some brutal stomps to the midsection. Kate Kandy laughed manically as she stepped into the ring and hugged the turncoat Jessica Bunny, Kate then joined Jessica in laying the boots into poor Katherine Goodlooks. [B]Kate Kandy:[/B] [I]You see Katherine; your tag team partner realized the truth. She understands that beauty is to be admired and kept pristine; she is no longer going to tarnish herself…especially not by carrying the likes of you![/I] Kate Kandy raises Katherine Goodlooks to her feet while Jessica Bunny takes off one of her wrestling boots, in a sickening display she then smacks the boot into the face of her defenseless former partner. [B]Kate Kandy:[/B] [I]Ohhhhh, nice shot Jessica; maybe it will knock some sense into her! [/I] Unfortunately this was not the end for Katherine Goodlooks as the biggest embarrassment was yet to come. As the fans booed in genuine disgust Kate and Jessica continued there evil acts by tearing off her wrestling attire until she was left laying in her bra and panties. This was not the type of display that AAA fans wanted to see and it was one of the most disrespectful moments in the company’s history. Some fans even went as far as throwing trash into the ring in outrage. Kate Kandy and her new partner in crime Jessica Bunny hugged once again before leaving the ringside area; Katherine Goodlooks is left lying, beaten and humiliated. Referees and medical crew rushed onto the scene to tend to her and help her out of the ring. [B](D+ Rating….The turn of Jessica Bunny was a complete success)[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]AAA Top Contenders Title match[/B] [B]Suzanne Brazzle © went to a double count out with Black Widow (9:50)[/B] [IMG]http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/9011/match3kg2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Notes:[/B] What started out as a traditional wrestling contest soon degenerated into an aggressive fight due to anger of the women growing throughout the match, the match spilled outside the ring and following a clothesline from Black Widow to Suzanne Brazzle which sent both women tumbling over a barricade and at the feet of members of the audience the referee had no choice but to end the match after both women failed to get back into the ring by the count of ten. Suzanne Brazzle retains her AAA Top Contenders Title. [B]Rating – D+[/B] After the match it seemed like Suzanne Brazzle and Black Widow still wanted to fight each other but the referee as well as members of security got between the two quickly to prevent any post match violence.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Joanne Rodriguez defeated Suzue Katayama (14:53)[/B] [IMG]http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/9938/match2ap3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Notes:[/B] Joanne Rodriguez defeated Suzue Katayama in 14:53 by pinfall with a J-Rocker. Despite her loss Suzue Katayama showed improvement in both her Technical and performance skills. [B]Rating – C-[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The fans give a fairly hostile reaction to Steph Blake as she unexpectedly makes her way down to the ringside area with a microphone in hand; she wastes no time in getting to whatever she came out to say… [IMG]http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/3160/stephblakerh4.jpg[/IMG] [I][B]"During my time in the AAA I know that I have not won over many of you people, some of you love me, most of you hate me, I can deal with that…Your approval of me has never been my concern, it never will be!"[/B][/I] The fans boo [B][I]"Hold on, listen up…my concern has been doing my bit to be a female wrestler that you can look on and respect, I hope people can look at me and say at the very least that I am not an embarrassment to women’s wrestling, I am an asset to women’s wrestling, get the key word there? WRESTLING!"[/I][/B] The boo’s in the crowd can still be heard but they are also joined by cheers which soon overwhelm them. [B][I]"Win or lose I come into this AAA ring month after month here in the Portland Center and I bust my butt and give it my all, Last month I lost to Katherine Goodlooks, a woman who I don’t like very much, I wont lie."[/I][/B] The cheers once again turn to boo’s [B][I]"but I respect Katherine Goodlooks as a competitor, as a wrestler! I saw what happened to her earlier tonight and I don’t like it, Now I am not going to get involved in Katherine Goodlooks and her former tag partners little dispute, that’s there issue….The woman I am calling out is the instigator of this whole bs….KATE KANDY, I am talking to your ass!"[/I][/B] The fans cheer [B][I]"Kate Kandy, I don’t like anything you stand for. I don’t care who your daddy is and I sure as hell don’t care who you are. All I care about is erasing anybody who degrades the reputation of women in this sport, Ever since this company was formed by Anne Stardust back in 1996 women have worked hard to build respect for themselves and this company, I am not going to let you send us all back to the dark ages, no way, So I am putting you on notice Kate, Next time I see you I promise you that you will find out why they call me the Master of the DDT!"[/I][/B] [B](E+)[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]AAA Femme Fatale title match Catherine Quine © went to a double DQ with Raven Nightfall (24:43)[/B] [IMG]http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/3153/match1zf1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Notes: [/B]What was shaping up to be a classic match between two of the most popular women in the AAA was sabotaged due to outside interference. The first aspect of outside interference was a run in from Grace Harper who attacked Raven Nightfall in what can only be guessed to be an act of revenge in her mind over her loss to her last month. The second act of interference was more shocking as while the referee was distracted trying to get Grace Harper removed from ringside the ring was left open for the surprise appearance of former Champion Wanda Fish who had not been seen or heard from in the past month. Wanda had a steel chair in hand and wasted no time in laying out both Catherine and Raven with it, as the referee turned around to see Wanda Fish stood over the fallen bodies of the competitors with the steel chair still in her hands he had no choice but to call an end to the match, Much to the anger of the fans. [B]Rating – C-[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Wanda Fish reveled in the anger she had generated from the fans, she then grabbed a microphone from ringside and began to speak…. [IMG]http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/9025/wandafishfg1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Wanda Fish:[/B] [I]Did any of you people honestly think I was just going to go away? No chance in hell of that, in fact you are going to be seeing more of me than ever.[/I] Wanda Fish walks over to Raven Nightfall who is still down on the canvas… [B]Wanda Fish:[/B] I [I]guess you were in the wrong place at the wrong time Raven Nightfall, but I was never going to let anybody get a chance at taking what is mine from Catherine before me….and one chance is all I will need.[/I] Wanda then walked over to Catherine Quine who was now slouched in the corner and trying to regain her composure. [B]Wanda Fish:[/B] [I]Catherine Quine, in my contract I have a rematch clause and I am using that clause next month, So I hope you are ready because you’re gonna need to be, Nothing is going to stop me taking back what is rightfully mine, the AAA Femme Fatale title![/I] Wanda Fish walked outside the ring and grabbed the AAA Femme Fatale title of Catherine Quine from the timekeeper, she then re entered the ring and arrogantly stood over the Champion while raising her title in the air as if it was her own, The rematch between these two next month with the title on the line will be one that no AAA fan can afford to miss. [B](D+)[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Final Show Rating – D+ [/B][/CENTER] [I]This may be the last show I post for a week or so as I am in the process of changing computers, getting this one up alone has been a nightmare, but this dynasty will be back. I am only just getting started![/I]
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