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I Have A Whole New Respect For Mod Makers

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Seriously, to all you guys that make MODS, God bless you all. It took me 4 hours (including cigarette breaks) just to convert and update WWE to fit my last game in 2007. Contracts, personality, race, overness, title history. Everything. I still haven't even done ROH and TNA (the only two I am even bothering with) So kudos to those who take the time to make MODS for us lesser talented people. May 72 virgins await you all in Heaven someday.
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Yeah. I'm just converting and updating. I can't imagine what the guys that start from scratch go through on a regular basis. It will be worth the hard work when I can pick up my game from a similar point that I left off in 2007.
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To me it's 10 times harder then what you guys are hinting at... A good mod FROM SCRATCH could take litterally months... If your really trying to make it as realistic (for just your particular glitch) as possible. Just watching a good mod being put together by a great crew, and it being an update, not from scratch.. can take months. A real life mod (or even a fictional mod) done by one person can take a year easy. You can easily tell which one's were "thrown" together in comparison of one's that were tested, changed, made to work as intended, etc. Picture's are the least of my concern. Mainly because a quick google search can get you a Pic, and if your smart enough to pick one that is similar (in width/height), will work no matter how big or small it is (will be shrunk to fit). So I'll throw my hat in this for sure. THANKYOU TO ALL MOD MAKERS!
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Even though I haven't played any mods since TEW05 because I got so hooked on the CornellVerse - I truly thank all of you for the work you put into these things. :) I may be changing my ways and starting a multiplayer game with a buddy of mine using a real world mod. He wants to use TNA and I plan to use FIP because I love Roderick Strong. :cool:
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I had thought about doing an E-fed mod...then got bored after making 10 characters. Now I think if I do any modding I'm just going to go through my list of E-fed chars I collected and add the ones I really like to the CornellVerse. I believe I had searched and searched the net for unique E-wrestling char names and promotions to use (without permission of course) and compiled a huge list and started putting people into promotions that I had worked with, and so forth. When it came to the actual TEW creation that dream died rather quickly. I too give props to the mod makers. I don't have the patience or ability to spend hours upon hours on creating a database. Maybe when I have a real job that allows me to pay bills and support myself where I'll be able to waste free time, but not right now lol.
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