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I thought my company was making a giant amount of money, but at the end of the month I was down over $83,000. I had over $98,000 of expenses in the "Misc." column... What would those costs be? I just created a promotion on easy, and I just set up a TV show and a PPV contract. I ran 1 PPV in the month in question. I did not run any drug tests. Do travel expenses count as Misc costs? Well over half of my roster has me paying them... If so, should I just request negotiations and pay for relocation? If that's not it, what's the problem?
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What you need to do to avoid travelling costs, merchandise shares, etc. is offer more ppa money. This is assuming you're running a small fed as I play as MAW, CZCW, or a self created fed, so not sure if this strategy works for larger feds or more over workers...I'm guessing not. Basically, let's say you want Cal Sanders. It looks like he will accept $100, but when you offer it, he says he also wants travel expenses and/or a merchandise share. Try offering him $150 or $200. 9 out of 10 times the worker will sign for the higher amount and forget about the travel and merchadise extras.
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[quote=mjdgoldeneye;439311]I'll try just a larger amount of money first... If, for any reason, that doesn't work, I can just pay for relocation once and that'll stop me from having to pay transportation costs for that worker, right?[/quote] If you're running a small promotion with little finance, DO NOT DO THIS! I remember Adam saying relocation was a standard $25,000 for any worker. To pay travel it could be up to $2,500 - stick to paying travel expenses. One thing I've learned is after there contract runs up and you re-negotiate, most of the people that wanted me to pay for there travel no longer want me to.
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Well, Misc. is your administration and finance department, along with your legal department costs. Go under your Business section and look at "Other departments". That'll tell you how much each is costing you. For myself, administration and finance costs me $1,000 and legal costs me $500 and that's monthly. I just became a Regional promotion recently.
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Wow... Admin. & Finance Dept. costs $50,000 and legal is $25,000... Also, there's over $23,000 unaccounted for... (The Misc actually cost $98,000 last month...) I'll try to see what I can do about cutting costs. I'm still confused at why I'm paying so much...
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[quote=Gigas;439439]and once you hit cult, those misc. charges jump drastically.[/quote] I would imagine so. When I jumped from Small to Regional - I went from receiving about $16,000 a month in sponsorships to $40,000 that I receive now. On an interesting note; I made $22 in Misc. last month and I'm not sure what happened. Did I auction off Fearless Blue's hair-dye? :D
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