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big prob with my promotion

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Ok I have a rating problem I can't understand please help. I have created a fed.(using hurrymod) in quebec im in war with MWF and IWS. The prob is my worker dosen't draw good match ratings. But IWS Workers does. Me, IWS and MWF only run 1 show a Month(well i do run sometime 2 ). IWS has: PCO vs Justin White with B+ rating. I do same match i have D- or E+. MWF has Alex Price vs Justin white with B+ rating. I do the same match and have E-. Plus, I have Steve Corino, Sylvain grenier, renee dupree and some ROH wrestler. My roster is way superior as the 2 other fed. but i can't draw a good match rating(best I had was C-) whats the problem ? is it my product or??? Please help
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Its already been discussed that the AI gets better grades for running the same matches. If you resigned as headbooker and simmed out 2 shows, you'd notice they were now getting A's and B's as well. Hopefully its fixed soon.
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No it's not. This all has been very well discussed here multiple times. Remember to book your shows correctly: The rollercoaster ride towards the main event. Also, there could a good chemisty when the AI booked that one, we'll never know. Take notice on how the cards of the AI turn out, and notice how they place their segments. :)
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[QUOTE=pat666;440287]is there any topic of how to book a good show?. I'm kinda not good at booking show and putting some midcarders vs main eventers ect... :S:S[/QUOTE] There isn't really but here's what's working for me. The last two matches of the show are your bread and butter. You want your main event to be your best match if your running an SE fed that means the workers should be top rated, If you're running a fed based on skill then they should be your best skilled main event or upper midcarder guys. Usually if your secondary main event is lower than your main event it will drag the final show product down one letter grade. If it's too far below it might go so far as brining it down two letter grades. As an example here was my first MPWF show E+ E+ E+ E+ C- B- Overall: C So even with the horrifically bad opening show I still managed to pull a decent overall card by having a good main event.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;440280]No it's not. This all has been very well discussed here multiple times. Remember to book your shows correctly: The rollercoaster ride towards the main event. Also, there could a good chemisty when the AI booked that one, we'll never know. Take notice on how the cards of the AI turn out, and notice how they place their segments. :)[/QUOTE] you can literally copy a show the AI set up and it'll receive at least a letter grade lower.
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[QUOTE=Gigas;440344]you can literally copy a show the AI set up and it'll receive at least a letter grade lower.[/QUOTE] Let's say you start a game and look at CZCW's first show. Then you start a game and run the same show as CCZCW yourself. Here's why your show will be different. Chemistry Workers being off Assorted road agent notes (work crowd, all out, script, in ring, ect...) Time matches ran There are just to many variables to say that you are running the same show as the AI. You could run the same show three days in a row and get different ratings. in other owrds no you cannot "literally copy a show the AI set up" it's nigh impossible.
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[QUOTE=pat666;440366]I never put "Road agent" note. (only the victor) Can this cause my "****ty letter grade[/QUOTE] Yes If you have two workers with sucky psychology or even one good one and one sucky one you may want to use scripted because the one with low psychology needs the structure to help the match go better. Have a great opening bout want it to help it get your fans riled up for next few matches have them work the crowd. Have a good worker with great skill,(psychology, consistency, selling and basics) going against some one who definitely sucks use the protect note it'll make your good worker try to hide the flaws of the poor worker. You've had a decent show and your up to your main event and now you really want to blow your crowd away have the workers go all out giving it their all. Road agent notes are very important.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;440389] If you have two workers with sucky psychology or even one good one and one sucky one you may want to use scripted because the one with low psychology needs the structure to help the match go better.[/QUOTE] What's the cutoff again for workers who would need a scripted note and workers who'd need a call in-ring?
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[QUOTE=Von Dozier;440421]What's the cutoff again for workers who would need a scripted note and workers who'd need a call in-ring?[/QUOTE] Any cut off is purely speculative on a players part. The only definitive is that if both workers have under a C (C- or lower) they will lack the psychology to hold the match together. As long as one person has over a C psych he can carry the other person in the match. What are my cut offs: If at least one worker has under a C I scripted the match. If both workers have between C and B I leave it blank I figure that means the make a basic plan but will change in ring if they have to. If both have over a B I let them call it in the ring. Some people never let them call it in the ring unless both workers have a higher psych then their Road Agent, I don't subscribe to this theory.
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[QUOTE=pat666;440447]Ok i'Ve tryed with road agent note. and this was my worst card with a D+......[/QUOTE] It's a matter of using the right road agent notes at the right time. I don't have TEW handy but if you tell me what your card is maybe I could suggest what to use. Although I am by no means the authority on this though some one like Remi or Derek_B have put in a lot more time but I've managed to pull off a few good shows in my day.
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Abdrian O ryan def Alex dynamite Brent albright def Steve douglas PCO def sunjay dutt Jimmy jacobs def. Super dragon Pat Skillz(me) def.Steve corino Alex price def. Sexxxy eddy renee dupree def. sylvain grenier.
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Your using a real world database if that's the case I would have no clue. I usually find that data so skewed that making it work within the confines of the game is just too much for me. If you're lucky you'll get some one who uses real world DBs to figure out what they would do.
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[QUOTE=Von Dozier;440421]What's the cutoff again for workers who would need a scripted note and workers who'd need a call in-ring?[/QUOTE] every person is different on this. I usually let anyone with at least B- psychology do a "call in ring" for all their matches. it varies though. I've seen 2 C+ psych workers with good chemstiry do fine.. I've seen matches between a B and a D flop whe called in the ring. its kind of a learning experience, especially since basics and consistency will also factor in.
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[QUOTE=pat666;440474]btw I was before "fans are going to base match more on performance than popularity" so I switch for "egal" is this one reason why my card sucked?[/QUOTE] There is so much information missing from your post. Especially since you aren't using hte CornellVerse which many of the more friendly posters know well. Each real world Mod is unique and except for the maker its hard to find someone who knows the exact stats of each worker and the fan base in each area. However, if you have equal between performance and popularity, and the computer is using a performance heavy rating, that might explain the difference.
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[QUOTE]Have a good worker with great skill,(psychology, consistency, selling and basics) going against some one who definitely sucks use the protect note it'll make your good worker try to hide the flaws of the poor worker.[/QUOTE] Oh wow, so that's how that works. Yeah, i usually just toss road agents notes around like candy since i don't really know the mechanics of how they work :)
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