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[QUOTE=petecrimson00;441410]how do you book them cuz my extreme eye is telling me to?[/QUOTE] As long as you have a match in the month with the title on the line that fufils that need. The tournament is just all in your head. So set up your own 4, 8, 16, 32 man/team/trio tournament and run it on the show. You'll have the title on the line in the last match and bam your tournament is done. If your tournament is big have it spread out over a few shows. Edit: My other advice is you posted within ten minutes of asking the question. You need to wait a bit be patient som eone like me will come along sooner or later and answer your question.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;441423]As long as you have a match in the month with the title on the line that fufils that need. The tournament is just all in your head. So set up your own 4, 8, 16, 32 man/team/trio tournament and run it on the show. You'll have the title on the line in the last match and bam your tournament is done. If your tournament is big have it spread out over a few shows. Edit: My other advice is you posted within ten minutes of asking the question. You need to wait a bit be patient som eone like me will come along sooner or later and answer your question.[/QUOTE] sorry. it just got passed by like three forums so just makin sure
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