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NYCW - "Redefining Tradition"

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[center][SIZE="5"]"[COLOR="Blue"]NYCW[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Red"]Redefining Tradition[/COLOR]"[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]A diary by: [b]R0CKSTAR[/b][/SIZE][/center] [B]As I sat inside the small, cramped office of the professional wrestling veteran and owner of New York City Wrestling, The Stomper, I noticed my surroundings. It wasn't much of an office, located in a tiny run down gym in New York. The walls were cracking and the space reeked, smelling of sweat and mold. There was no computer, no phone... well, not even a window. Only a desk, two chairs, a notepad, and a pencil. The area was lit by a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. I knew I had hit the big time. I was about to have an interview to become a booker in the major leagues of wrestling. [end sarcasm]. I saw a few pictures on the wall. The Stomper holding various title belts, looking towards the camera proudly during his heyday. But time had not been to kind on this man, and he was now a shell of his former self trying to grasp on to the "good old days" with his final bit of strength. It was obvious in how he run his promotion, from the strict focus on slow, technical old school style action to the lack of padding on the floor outside of the ring. There were no fancy smoke machines or strobe lights in NYCW, folks. And the company had obviously fallen behind the times. Stomper obviously recognised this, or else I wouldn't be sitting in this chair, interviewing for Black Hat Bailey's job. Not to disrespect Bailey or The Stomper. They had done a fine job of running the company their way. But it was obviously time for a change. I was a young man, fresh out of college, in love with the sport, and full of new ideas. The Stomper opened the door to his office and came walking in. I stood up to shake his hand. [/B] [B]Me[/B]: [I]It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.[/I] [B]The Stomper[/B]: [I]Same here. When my secretary recommended using that "internet" thing to find a new booker, needless to say I was a tad worried. You look like a top class young man. Sit back down, we have some talking to do, son.[/I] [B]I sat back down, respectfully. The Stomper took his seat as well on the other side of the desk and opened up a drawer, taking a sheet of paper out of it. The paper had my resume on it. Yes, I had a college degree in broadcasting and writing, but experience in the professional wrestling industry was nowhere to be found. Stomper looked puzzled and glanced over at me, still observing my resume.[/B] [B]The Stomper[/B]: [I]Son, you have no experience in this industry. Sure, you may have went to school for this and that, but you have no track record to prove that you're worthy of this job. NYCW is my life. I can't trust it in the hands of just anybody.[/I] [B]Me[/B]: [I]I fullheartedly understand your concerns, sir. But rest assured, I love this business. I know what the fans these days want, and I have enough ideas to fuel this company for years. Both you and I know a change is needed around here, or else I wouldn't be sitting in this seat talking to you right now. Just give me a chance. That's all I'm asking for. Give me three months. If you're not satisfied with my performance, I'll kick my own ass right out of the door.[/I] [B]The Stomper sighed and continued to read the rest of the writing on my resume. He looked back up at me and pondered for a few minutes, rubbing his bearded chin in contemplation. He then got up from his seat and extended his hand.[/B] [B]The Stomper[/B]: [I]Alright. Three months. It's not like anyone else applied for this job, anyways. But if the fans aren't showing me that they're pleased with the direction you're taking this company in... you're out of here, do you hear me?[/I] [B]Me[/B]: [I]You have a deal, sir...[/I] [B]I jumped up from my seat and shook the veteran's hand proudly. Little did he know that once I was done his company would never be the same again... wheter that was a good or bad thing had yet to be seen.[/B]
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[center][SIZE="5"][b]DAY TWO[/b] - "[COLOR="Red"][i]The Gameplan[/i][/COLOR]"[/SIZE][/center] [B]Yesterday I was given my first job in the business. Unfortunately, me gaining that job came with the cost of Black Hat Bailey losing it. Bailey was another veteran of the sport, and a man I respected as well. I grew up watching him on SWF TV as a kid, and although he never became a huge star by any means, I did sort of idolize him and admired how effectively he could always pull off the heel bully gimmick. But I was now sitting in The Stomper's office for the second day in a row. Only this time there was an extra chair sitting inside the small office. It was right beside me. And sitting in it was none other than Black Hat Bailey himself, the man I had just replaced as Head Booker of New York City Wrestling. Needless to say, Bailey was none too pleased with the latest developments in the company and stared at me with a sort of hatred in his eyes. It was an uncomfortable and silent 10 minutes until The Stomper finally entered his office. I don't know what it was with The Stomper. It seems like he always loves to keep you waiting. The Stomper realised the tense situation, and saw the look Bailey was giving me. He shook his head and took his seat at the other side of the desk.[/B] [B]The Stomper[/B]: [I]Bailey, I know you're none too pleased. And to be honest, I can't blame you one bit. This kid here is what I feel we need in this company at the moment, however. We need youth as a booking team, and we need fresh ideas. He's full of those ideas. BUT... I want it to be known that this company's vision as a whole will NOT be radically changing. I will not sit by and let you turn my company upside down and change the way we present professional wrestling completely, Alexander. That's why Black Hat Bailey here will be your assistant. To keep an eye on everything you do, and to make sure things don't get too out of hand. I don't want to wake up in the morning and hear that you've fired all of my boys and are turning NYCW into a lucha promotion or some B.S. like that, you know?[/I] [B]I nodded my head in agreement and Black Hat Bailey smiled a little bit. Deep down I must admit I was a tad dissapointed. There was no way I was going to be able to radically change the direction of this old school style, behind the times promotion now. But I was still determined to make small steps towards turning it into the hottest promotion in the United States every day.[/B] [B]The Stomper[/B]: [I]But that's not the only thing I wanted you two here for. Alexander, I want to hear any ideas you have for the promotion regarding the immediate future. I consider NYCW a team. And no team can win without a good gameplan. [/I] [B]Me[/B]: [I]Well sir, I noticed we do not have a website. That's a critical advertising tool in this day and age. I suggest we get a .com immediately.[/I] [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: [I]A dot com? A dot com? Hell, we don't need no fancy computer programs in this company, boy. We've been doing just fine running this company the way we've been doing it for the past two years I've been here. We're still turning a profit, if you weren't aware. Hiring someone to make this website will put an end to profits. It'll probably cost thousands![/I] [B]Me[/B]: [I]Not exactly. HTML is not that complicated, and I'm quite familiar with it. With your blessings, Stomper, I can have a website for the company up tonight and I can start promoting Rush Hour all over the internet. Free advertising at that. You won't have to pay anyone anything, well, besides registering the dot com and paying small fees for a hosting service.[/I] [B]The Stomper[/B]: [I]Sounds good. Get my secretary to write you out a check for the money you need for that. I also want you to be aware, Bailey, that our new booker here will be replacing Herb Stately on color commentary. He's fresh out of college and broadcasting classes, he has tons of charisma, and he knows a little about the business. That's a decent and FREE color commentator.[/I] [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: [I]So you mean to tell me that we're firing Herb Stately? You've got to be kidding me. The guy's a competent mouthpiece. And a fundamental part of the tradition we present every month![/I] [B]The Stomper[/B]: [I]Calm down. I completely agree. We're not firing him. He's going to be your manager, infact.[/I] [B]Bailey pauses for a minute, and smiles. He seems to like that idea. I chime in with another opinion.[/B] [B]Me[/B]: [I]Well, since firings were brought up... Marv Earnest doesn't really have a spot in the promotion. Rock Downpour should be considered the voice of NYCW, and it's not like it would really hurt Marv. He has a steady gig in MAW anyways, correct? We have to conserve resources.[/I] [B]The Stomper[/B]: [I]*sigh* Well, I guess you're right. Marv is a good guy and I hate to let him go, but he doesn't really have a spot, you're right. I'll give him a phone call when we're done here. I just hope he doesn't take it too personally.[/I] [B]Me[/B]: [I]And who knows, maybe with the extra resources I can go out and find a couple of young studs to contribute to the future of the company? I have a couple of wrestlers that I have my eye on.[/I] [B]The Stomper[/B]: [I]I knew this was coming. Okay, you can hire TWO wrestlers. No more. And I want you to run them by me before any contracts are signed and consult with Bailey here before you even talk to them. Again, we have to stick to the true nature of the company. I don't want any spot monkeys on my roster. If they ain't got any psychology and can't string together a coherent and compelling contest, I don't want them. Understood?[/I] [B]Me[/B]: [I]Understood.[/I] [B]The Stomper then looks through his notepad, seeing the card I have booked for Rush Hour so far. He nods in agreement.[/B] [B]The Stomper[/B]: This card looks good so far, by the way. Should be some exciting matches in there. When you sign your two new boys, slap them on here somewhere and send me the final card so we can get those fliers made, alright? [B]Me[/B]: [I]No problem, Stomper. And I'll post the card on NYCWrestling.com once I get it up and running as well. We're going to pack the house out![/I] [B]The Stomper[/B]: [I]For your sake I hope we do.[/I] [b]The Stomper gets up from his seat and walks out of the office, Black Hat Bailey following behind. I get up shortly after, pondering who my two signings should be. I walk out of the building and get into my car, whipping out my cell phone, ready to call a few numbers on my Address Book...[/b]
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[center][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]NYCWRESTLING.COM[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="5"][B]- newswire -[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="royalblue"][B][SIZE="4"]Welcome to NYCWrestling.com![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT] Long overdue, it's finally here! New York City Wrestling has hit the internet and this is now your number one destination for all things NYCW! News, rumors, event information, and ticket sales can all be found here on NYCWrestling.com! [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="royalblue"][B][SIZE="4"]NYCW parts ways with Marv Earnest[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT] Today NYCW announced that they have severed their relationship with announcer Marv Earnest. We here at NYCWrestling.com wish Marv the best with all of his future endeavors. [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="royalblue"][B][SIZE="4"]NYCW parts ways with Fern Hathaway[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT] Today NYCW announced that they have severed their relationship with manager Fern Hathaway. Never considered to have much talent and always seen as a potential backstage problem, management has decided to finally part ways with the young and attractive blonde. As always, we wish her as well the best with all future endeavors. [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="royalblue"][B][SIZE="4"]Two new faces to the roster?[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT] As people go, people come. Two young, bright futured talents signed on the dotted line today to join the NYCW roster. CZCW sensation [b]Frankie Perez[/b] and relative rookie to the business, [b]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/b], both look like two potential impact players for the company and we couldn't be happier to have them onboard! [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="royalblue"][B][SIZE="4"]"RUSH HOUR" CARD ANNOUNCED![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT] This Saturday we will be bringing you Rush Hour 2008 LIVE from The Weston Gymnasium in New Jersey and below is the card for the show! Remember, tickets are on sale NOW on site at Weston Gym, or you can simply click on the "Tickets" link here on the site. We hope to see you at Rush Hour! The matches are as follows... [b]"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith[/b] debuts as he goes up against... [b]Roger Dodger[/b] A four way dance for the Tri-State Regional title as [b]Lee Wright[/b] (c) defends his belt against [b]The New York Doll[/b] [b]Sammy The Shark[/b] and crowd favorite [b]Dazzling Dave Diamond[/b]! We see another debut as CZCW superstar [b]Frankie Perez[/b] comes to Jersey to face off against [b]American Machine[/b] The tag titles are on the line as [b]Old School Principals[/b] (c) defend their belts against [b]Wiley Coyote[/b] [b]Whistler[/b] goes up against [b]Honest Frank[/b] And in the main event, NYCW Empire champion [b]Steve Flash[/b] defends his title against [b]Grandmaster Phunk[/b] [/center]
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[center][b][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]NYCW[/COLOR] presents... [COLOR="Red"]Rush Hour 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/b] [FONT="Courier New"][b]Saturday, Week 2, January 2008[/b][/FONT] [FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="4"][b]LIVE from The Weston Gymnasium in New Jersey in front of a packed crowd of 300![/b][/SIZE][/FONT] [b]--------------------------------------[/b] We join Roger Dodger in the backstage area. He is asked what he thinks about the debuting Bulldozer Brandon Smith and if he is worried about the match he has with him coming up next. Dodger degrades Smith, insulting his intelligence and assuring us he will walk out of the ring tonight the victor. [b]RATING[/b]: D- [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]ROGER DODGER VS. BULLDOZER BRANDON SMITH[/b] After getting destroyed by the young and powerful Brandon Smith for the better part of the match, the sneaky Dodger grabbed a handful of tights to win the match. After the 3 count, Dodger quickly jumped out of the ring getting out of the way of the upset Smith who was trying to point out to the ref what had happened. Dodger, with a smile on his face, walked to the back. [b]WINNER[/b]: Roger Dodger [b]RATING[/b]: E+ [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]LEE WRIGHT (C) VS. THE NEW YORK DOLL VS. SAMMY THE SHARK VS. DAZZLING DAVE DIAMOND FOR THE NYCW TRI-STATE REGIONAL TITLE[/b] After catching Dazzling Dave Diamond in the middle of the ring with The Wright Stuff, Wright got the pin on Diamond to win the 4 way dance and retain his Tri-State Regional Title. [b]WINNER AND STILL CHAMPION[/b]: Lee Wright [b]RATING[/b]: E+ [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]--------------------------------------[/b] After the match, Wright grabbed his title and taunted the layed out Diamond with it, rubbing the belt in his face and proclaiming that Diamond would never touch the belt as long as he was around. [b]RATING[/b]: E+ [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]--------------------------------------[/b] Frankie Perez is in the backstage area with Jon Alexander, who has a microphone in hand to interview the debuting Perez. Perez goes total heel telling us that he's ashamed to be here and that NYCW and the disgusting fans are nowhere near his level and this is just a stepping stone for him to the big time. [b]RATING[/b]: D (Not bad at all!) [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]FRANKIE PEREZ VS. AMERICAN MACHINE[/b] After a back and forth match between the two, American Machine came out of nowhere with a flash pin to get a quick 3 count. Perez was left in the ring looking stunned as the fans rejoiced and cheered for American Machine. [b]WINNER[/b]: American Machine [b]RATING[/b]: D (Again, not bad at all. Actually can't believe Perez carried American Machine to this good of a match. Perez may be my MVP for the show.) [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]OLD SCHOOL PRINCIPALS (Rick Sanders and The Masked Mauler) (c) Vs. WILEY COYOTE (Wiley Stein and Coyote Dynamite) FOR THE NYCW TAG TEAM TITLES[/b] Sanders forced Dynamite to submit to a Figure Four leglock with a little leverage help from the ropes at 11:50 in to the match to retain the Tag Titles for himself and The Masked Mauler. [b]WINNERS AND STILL CHAMPIONS[/b]: Old School Principals [b]RATING[/b]: E+ [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]--------------------------------------[/b] Honest Frank came out to the ring to insult the fans while letting us know how great he is until he was interrupted by Whistler's music. The fans popped, the american flags were waved, and Whistler jumped on Frank to make an inpromptu match! [b]RATING[/b]: D+ [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]HONEST FRANK VS. WHISTLER[/b] Whistler hit the Rebel Yell at 14:33 to take home the win and put an end to a dissapointing match, as both men were off their game for the night. [b]WINNER[/b]: Whistler [b]RATING[/b]:E+ [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]--------------------------------------[/b] Grandmaster Phunk was in the back in his locker room, preparing for his main event title shot up next. He slipped on his pimp hat and let us know he was about to go take a trip to Mt. Smackahoe. [b]RATING[/b]: C+ [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]STEVE FLASH (C) VS. GRANDMASTER PHUNK FOR THE NYCW EMPIRE TITLE[/b] This was an awesome match as the two men really proved why they are in the main event. After a grueling contest of back and forth action it was Flash who prevailed to retain his title at 20:27 with a Flash Bang. [b]WINNER AND STILL CHAMPION[/b]: Steve Flash [b]RATING[/b]: C- [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [b]--------------------------------------[/b] As Flash was in the ring, standing with his Empire title held high victorius, out came Black Hat Bailey with new manager Herb Stately. Bailey clocked Flash from behind over the back of the head with his walking cane and grabbed the Empire title, standing tall over the unconcious Steve Flash with the champion's belt in his hand. [b]RATING[/b]: C- [b]--------------------------------------[/b] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"][B][COLOR="royalblue"]RUSH HOUR 2008 MVP: Frankie Perez[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"][B][COLOR="Red"]OVERALL SHOW RATING: D+[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [/center]
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[center][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]NYCWRESTLING.COM[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="5"][B]- newswire -[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="royalblue"][B][SIZE="4"]Rush Hour Aftermath[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT] Rush Hour 2008 has come and gone, and what a show it was! The Weston Gymnasium was packed out as 300 NYCW fans crammed into the small venue to witness the first New York City Wrestling event of the new year, and nearly 100 were turned down at the gate due to seating restrictions. We saw two new faces to the promotion debut only to both fall to their opponents in back and forth matches, Lee Wright retain his Tri-State regional title in a four way dance, The Old School Principals hold on to the Tag Straps thanks to a little old school trickery, Whistler excite the crowd with a win over the hated Honest Frank, and Steve Flash retain the Empire Championship in an awesome match that pitted him against the Stylin' One, Grandmaster Phunk! The champion cannot be resting easy however, and is probably a little upset regarding what happened at the end of the show when Black Hat Bailey Pearl Harbored him with a stiff shot from his cane. More on that story follows... [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="royalblue"][B][SIZE="4"]Steve Flash demands granted![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT] Immediately following Rush Hour, it is said that Steve Flash barged into the office of NYCW management and demanded that he be granted a match with none other than Black Hat Bailey. Frustrated by being attacked, he told management that he'd even put the title on the line, he just had to get his hands on Bailey. Management, already intrigued by the possibilities of the match, immediately agreed and the contest has been scheduled for our show for next month, "Riot Act"! [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="royalblue"][B][SIZE="4"]Roger Dodger signs with USPW![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT] Reports have told us that our very own Roger Dodger has signed a pay per appearance contract with USPW. Don't rejoice just yet however, NYPW fans. He will continue to work with us and drive you guys up a wall every month. [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="royalblue"][B][SIZE="4"]Financial Report[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT] Thanks to the success of Rush Hour 2008, we made a small, yet welcome profit for the month of January raking in a little over two thousand dollars after all bills were paid. While not a huge profit, any profit at all is welcome and vital to our growth. Here's hoping the same for Febuary! [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="royalblue"][B][SIZE="4"]"Riot Act" Card[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT] Expect the card for Riot Act to be posted in a couple of days. You can go ahead and pre-order your tickets now at our "Tickets" page, as always. [/center]
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