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Non-Wrestler Contracts

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Just a quick question: non-wrestlers that are already contracted to a fed have a different set of quick view skills - Color, Manager, Personality, Ref etc. as opposed to the skill based quick view of active wrestlers. When I hire someone - Nemesis for example, or Phil Vibert - who I want to fulfill a non-wrestling role, there quick view is that of an active wrestler. Is there a way of changing that or is there something I should have done when negotiating his contract? Thank you in advance for any help you guys can give me!
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I reported this as a bug in the Tech Support forum a few days ago - so I would imagine if you download the newest patch it wouldn't happen again. I'm guessing the problem is something to do with them being on hiatus when you sign them. In your current game - just go into the In-Game editor and change their role from active wrestler to non-wrestler - then you will get the manager/ annonuncer etc stats.
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