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A question worthy of answering

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In TEW07 I was using a real world mod with The Rock who was also set to on hiatus, however one day (I believe at the start of the month) I recieved a message that he had randomly decided to come back to the business. Not sure if this is the same case in 08, but it seems people can change their minds and make a return, without any need to edit anything.
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Damn can't you lot chill out? I was in a rush about to leave for work. That means I had no time to scan the boards. And when people like the above comment like that, it is kidn of disrespectful. 'Some people...' a bit rude eh? From now onwards I just won't bother asking anything, seeing as I only get answered by jackasses.
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;442288]For title lineages I imagine[/QUOTE] you don't need people in the database for title lineages. You leave the dropdown at none, and set their name in the text box. I've done this with 07 for deceased folks and people too old to do anything with in the game. Keeps titles in tact, and yet removes the "excess baggage" of the worker file.
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