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I am playing as USPW and have a PPV deal with PPV 4-U (who suck b/c you can only do very low content risk) and I receive no revenue eventhough the deal is set so I can 20% I downloaded the latest patch (1.1) and receive TV revenue. I thought maybe my show costs out weighed the profits but I find it very convenient that it would equal out to 0. Am I doing something wrong or is this a common thing right now?
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idk if you are or not quite frankly but I have the same problem with USPW at least, with TCW I seem to get PPV revenue just it doesn't seem to follow any certain consistency. One month I made like 475,000$ from it then the very next i made only 100,000$ and the ratings were a 1.69 and a 1.63. So my guess would be that this feature is buggy right now.
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