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Strangest Person you've got over(2008 edition)

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I noticed a thread on the 2007 one and i wanted to know what weird unlikely guys(or girls) everyone has gotten over in 2008. I'm just about to run my 3rd PPV on TCW(know i aint exactly miles in) and I've sort of by accident got Koshiro Ino into B+pop and A momentum and is gonna main event against Tommy Cornell altho he will have to lose as Tommy is A* pop and Kosh aint that good a wrestler. Whats everyones strangest over guys this year planned or unplanned!
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well I'm running MAW right now and for some odd reason I decided from the very start that I was going to make Jefferson Stardust into the next HBK! Don't ask me why LOL! I turned JS and his manager Kristen Pearce face at the first show and now have him about to complete a 'Losing Streak' storyline and so far it's working pretty good.
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