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A Change In History:WWF vs WCW

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[IMG]http://pwinsider.com/images/logo.gif[/IMG] WWE News and Notes - Apparently Hulk Hogan has been bragging around to his best friends that he's going to be a major part of the new era in the WWE and even says that McMahon told him that he will win the Royal Rumble. Only time will tell about his return - Not everything in the WWE is peaches and cream as apparently the Women's Division are all upset about not being properly used. Some of them are even threating to quit very soon. - We can confirm that WWE have signed three new superstars over the past week, these signings were Nelson "Visera" Knight , Knight had a contract with the WWE but was released for unknown reasons. He has been sent to development to train on his character. WWE's second signing is Dalip Sinigh. Sinigh was scouted by WWE officals while they were touring India and has apparently signed for 5 years! We have no more word on this except the fact that Sinigh has signed for sure. Finally, WWE have continued theit trend of signing MMA Fighters and have signed Bob Sapp to a contract. Sapp, who is 30-years old signed last week, he also has been sent to OVW. RAW should be up some time this week. Feedback needed.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[SIZE="4"]WWE Monday Night RAW card[/SIZE] [CENTER][QUOTE][FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Red"] WWE Monday Night RAW comes to you live at The Palace in Auburn Hills and what a RAW it's scheduled to be. After Stone Cold and The Rock thought that they finally got a win over the Alliance, Heyman once again tries to screw them over tonight when The Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin take on Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Samoa Joe, Ken Shamrock, and Vader in a 2 on 5 Handicap match. Will the dream team of Austin and Rocky beat the Alliance or will the Alliance continue their tyrantal ways? On WWE.com Lita made a challenge to Trish Stratus to defend here WWE Women's Championship. Lita will be in action as she takes on newcomer Gail Kim. Could Kim score the biggest upset of her career or will Lita prove that she deserves the Women's Championship? Three Royal Rumble qualifying match have been announced for RAW. The first will put the World's Greatest Tag Team up against Essa Rios and Super Crazy. Can the crazy latinos win or will The Worlds Greatest Tag Team just show there greatness. The second match will put Christian up against Nathan Jones. Will Christian finally get what he wants or will he be manhandled by the monster known as Nathan Jones? The final match will put Spike Dudley up against The Sandman in a Hardcore Match. Will Spike Dudley get into the Royal Rumble? Only way to find out is by watching WWE Monday Night RAW live at 9:00 eST only on the USA Network! [/COLOR] [U][B]Prediction Key:[/B][/U] Spike Dudley vs The Sandman The World's Greatest Tag Team vs Super Crazy and Essa Rios Christian vs Nathan Jones Lita vs Gail Kim [B][U]Main Event:[/U][/B] The Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Samoa Joe, Vader, and Ken Shamrock[/FONT][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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If you have intentions to keep this diary going for a long time to come then this could turn out to be very good as long as you don't get bored with it like a lot of others tend to do with their diarys, I hate when I start to get into one and then the owner of the diary just gets bored with it and stops posting. I'm liking how you are starting your diary building up to Wrestlemania as it will really get your diary going. I've never really read a diary from the moment it was created so I'm going to stick with this one, hopefully you will too lol as this could be pretty good. Looking forward to the Royal Rumble.
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[QUOTE=Rhudipoo;471261]If you have intentions to keep this diary going for a long time to come then this could turn out to be very good as long as you don't get bored with it like a lot of others tend to do with their diarys, I hate when I start to get into one and then the owner of the diary just gets bored with it and stops posting. I'm liking how you are starting your diary building up to Wrestlemania as it will really get your diary going. I've never really read a diary from the moment it was created so I'm going to stick with this one, hopefully you will too lol as this could be pretty good. Looking forward to the Royal Rumble.[/QUOTE] Thanks that means alot. I will be sticking to this one because I have tons of ideas. Anyways RAW should be up in a couple days
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I'm only commenting on what I've seen, I haven't yet read all the substance of your diary, but it's really annoying to have to scroll through 16(!!) embedded youtube video in a single show. I think it's cool to introduce your show with one, and maybe if a big returning superstar shows up or it hasn't been shown, but right now it's difficult to read because the page is so cluttered with entrance videos for absolutely everyone. Also, a cursory reading of Raw tells me maybe you should spell check your post in a word processor before posting, as there's some really obvious mistakes. On the positive side, I think this is a creative idea, as I really like alternate histories, and I think the period you're describing probably would've been better if there was real competition. You've also succeeded in making me hate the "what?" catchphrase more than I already did. Is that really how he used it?
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;471322]I'm only commenting on what I've seen, I haven't yet read all the substance of your diary, but it's really annoying to have to scroll through 16(!!) embedded youtube video in a single show. I think it's cool to introduce your show with one, and maybe if a big returning superstar shows up or it hasn't been shown, but right now it's difficult to read because the page is so cluttered with entrance videos for absolutely everyone. Also, a cursory reading of Raw tells me maybe you should spell check your post in a word processor before posting, as there's some really obvious mistakes. On the positive side, I think this is a creative idea, as I really like alternate histories, and I think the period you're describing probably would've been better if there was real competition. You've also succeeded in making me hate the "what?" catchphrase more than I already did. Is that really how he used it?[/QUOTE] I hate the WHAT? thing just as much as anyone but I had no idea of what to put in that space so I decided to jus do a generic Austin promo. But thanks for the constructive critism.
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Due to the fact that I've lost all files of everything thatI have written I will do summaries of the months until WrestleMania. I will post the Royal Rumble, SNME, NWO, and WrestleMania as complete shows. Thanks for your continuing support.
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[SIZE="4"]WWE Monday Night RAW live at the Palace in Auburn Hills in Detroit, MI Attendance: 15,000(SOLD OUT)[/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"] {The fans are on there feet yet again for Monday Night RAW. The camera pans around to see signs such as "Get The F' Back In", "HBK", and of course "Rodney Mack>The World". The camera then switches to "Good Ol' Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler. [B]J.R.:[/B] Ladies and Ge- {J.R. is cut off when Kurt Angle's theme hits the P.A.. The fans give Angle huge amounts of heel heat. Angle comes out with the WWE Championship on his shoulder. He enters the ring but is not in a good mood. A huge chant of You Suck erupts.} [B]Angle:[/B] SHUT UP! {The fans boo.} [B]Angle:[/B] What happend on SmackDown was disgusting. A role model like myself gets assaulted by two of the biggest scumbags in wrestling history! {The heel heat continues.} [B]Angle:[/B] So now they have too pay for there consequneses. And Austin, when I beat you at Thre Royal Rumble and be crowned - {All of a sudden, 'Here Comes The Pain' hits the P.A. as the fans give a huge mixed reaction to Brock Lesnar. Lesnar comes out menacing as ever. He grabs a mic as he's walking down the ring.} [B]Lesnar:[/B] Kurt, I'm getting sick and tired of you. You're not the only one in the f**king Alliance that is WWE Championship material. {Lesnar enters the ring and stares down Angle.} [B]Kurt:[/B] Look man I don't want to argue b- [B]Lesnar:[/B] LISTEN UP CLOSE ANGLE! {The crowd is silent at this intense moment as Kurt looks on at a state of shock.} [B]Lesnar:[/B] Ever since you've won that title, I've taken the back seat. Well If you even think about screwing me over, I will leave you in a body bag. That goes for anyone else! {Lesnar leaves to a shocked audience and Kurt Angle as we go into our first commericial break.} {We go backstage to where Josh Matthews is stood by with Christian. [B]Matthews:[/B] “Well Christian, on Thursday night you were complaining about not getting an opportunity noow that you've finally gotten one…” {Suddenly Matthews stops, as into the picture steps Edge comes into the frame to a huge pop.He gives a big smile on his face as he walks over and pats his Intercontinetal Title which is resting on his shoulder.} [B]Edge:[/B] “Hey…‘bro’. How are things since you decided that you could do better things rather than be in a stupid tag team with me?” [B]Christian:[/B] “Oh Edge, that’s what I love about you. You always were a c*cky little b*tch. Good to see you haven’t changed a bit…” {Christian goes to walk off, but Edge grabs him by the arm and stops him. The two stare at each other, until Edge releases the arm and walks off smiling. } {The scene then switches to Lillian Garcia who has a mic in hand.} [B]Lillian:[/B] The following contest is scheduled for one fall! {'Highway to Hell by AC/DC hits as Spike Dudley walks out to cheers from the crowd. He brings with him a trash can filled with wepons which include a kendo stick, a couple stop signs, a trash can lid, a cheese grater and more.} [B]Lillian Garcia:[/B] Making his way to the ring, from Dudleyville, weighting tonight at 155 pounds, Spike Dudley! {Dudley enters the ring and slides in the trash can filled with wepons.} [B]Lillian:[/B] And his opponent! {The light go out as 'Enter Sandman' hits the P.A. system. The fans give a mild pop to The Sandman. Sandman comes out with a beer in one hand and a singapore cane in the other. He throws a beer bash here and there before entering the ring to start off this match!} [B][U]The Sandman vs Spike Dudley:[/U][/B] This match was a good ol' fashion hardcore brawl. The Sandman started off controling the match but Sandman missed an opportunity which allowed Spike Dudley to hit sandman over the head with a steel chair. Dudley decided to unfold both chairs and set them face to face with each other. Dudley hits Sandman with the Dudley Dog which dents the seats., the crowd is chanting "HOLY ****!" as Spike gets the three count. Winner by pinfall: Spike Dudley in 8:55 {Dudley escapes, almost in shock at his win and how it came about, as The Sandman is still knocked out.} [B]JR:[/B] “Spike Dudley has qualifiyed to go to the Royal Rumble! He really proved that he can hang with the big boys.” [B]King:[/B] “Well, I will give him that one. What a match” The Sandman finally leaves as we go backstage, into the parking lot. {It seems the parking lot is pretty quiet, as we see The Coach walking around, waiting for someone to interview. Suddenly the camera shot is blinded out by a bright shine of a pair of headlights, as suddenly a vehicle speeds into the parking lot. It pulls up, and we see it’s Steve Austin’s pick-up truck! Austin storms out and brushes right past Coach walking into the arena.} [B]JR:[/B] “Austin has arrived! Oh all hell is set to break loose!” {Commerical Break.} {When we come back from the commericial break we see Nathan Jones punching a punching bag. He sees that the camera was looking into his direction, snarls, and pushes the camera out the way as he leaves his locker room.} {The scene then switches to Al Snow who is talking to Head. Before we can here what they are saying, Hardcore Holly assaults Al Snow. He grabs Snow by the head and throws him into some lead pipes. He finally picks up Snow and Alabama Slams Snow onto the concrete floor he signals for a referee and gets the pin. Hardcore Holly is your NEW Hardcore Champion.} J.R. and Jerry Lawler are shown standing by in the commentary area. [B]J.R.:[/B] “Coming up next will be Nathan Jones up against "The Candian Charisma" Christian in a Royal Rumble Qualifiying Match.” Lawler: “But will Christian prevail and be qualifiyed to go to the Royal Rumble or will Nathan Jones snap Christian like a twig?" {Commericial Break.} {At the end of the video it says SNME Returns!} [B]J.R:[/B] I personally can't wait for the return of the 3 Hour special of Saturday Night's Main Event. [B]King:[/B] Me either J.R.! {Lillian is in the ring with a mic.} [B]Lillian:[/B] The following contest is scheduled for one fall! {'Wait and Bleed' by Slipknot hits the P.A. system as the fans give Nathan Jones a mixed reaction. Nathan goes to the ring and waits for his opponent.} [B]Lillian:[/B] And his opponent! {'Just Close your Eyes' by Waterproof Blonde hits the P.A. as Christian is greeted with boos from the Detroit crowd. Christian is scared to come into the ring but Nathan Jones is not waisting anytime as he goes to assault Christian before Christian could even enter.} [B][U]Christian vs Nathan Jones:[/U][/B] This match was dominated at first by Nathan Jones until Christian hit a low blow on Nathan. Then it was all Christian until Nathan got a sudden boost of momentum and was about to beat Christian when out of nowhere Goldust distracts Jones which allowed Christian to get the roll up. Winner by pinfall: Christian in 10:22 {After the match, Christian celebrates into the ring. Goldust slides in and trys to hug Christian but Christian just pushes him away Goldust is still celebrating when Nathan Jones wakes up. He goes on a full rampage on Christian. Goldust runs away when he sees this obviously not looking to stick around. Meanwhille, Nathan grabs a hold of Christian and powerbombs him through the announcer's table. Jones is happy at the destrution and leaves to a mixed reaction from the crowd.} [B]J.R:[/B] BY GAWD! THE CARNAGE OF NATHAN JONES! [B]King:[/B] I know J.R. I'm shocked too! {Backstage, Paul Heyman is shown arriving under the protection of his bodyguard, Samoa Joe. Mean Gene Okerlund approaches them with a microphone.} [B]Heyman,[/B] “Ah, Mean Gene, you’re just the person I wanted to speak to. You see, I’ve got some special announcements to make regarding the show. Firstly, Vader and Shamrock has arrived and they are warming up for there match with Austin and Rocky later on tonight. So Austin and Rocky, you better get ready for the fight of your life. Shamrock, Vader, Joe, Angle, and Lesnar aren’t going to be playing games or messing around tonight. they’ve gotten direct orders from me, the commissioner, to take you two out!” [B]Mean Gene,[/B] “Aside from the main event, we should be expecting the Alliance in action in various other matches.” [B]Heyman,[/B] “Eddie Gurreruo had his brains scrambled last week by Chris Jericho and Samoa Joe when he agreed to that match . But if you ask me, Eddie provoked Jericho.” [B]Mean Gene,[/B] “Well that’s a completely outrageous allegation to make. If you look at footage of those men signing the document then you will clearly see Chris Jericho throwing the first punch.” [B]Heyman,[/B] “Mean Gene, I hold all the stroke around here. I’m the chairman. Now, I saw Y2J's brawl with Eddie but that was in self defence. So as punishment for Eddie starting that fight last week, he’s going to step into the ring tonight with Big Show .” [B]Mean Gene,[/B] “That’s unfair! Eddie was screwed over last week and now you want him...” [B]Heyman,[/B] “Shut the hell up, Mean Gene. I’m running the show, not you. I decide who wrestles who. As far as you’re concerned and as far as everyone else in WWE is concerned...I AM GOD!!” Mean Gene backs down as Vince Russo glares at him. Samoa Joe takes the microphone and scares of Mean Gene before holding it to Heyman’s mouth. [B]Heyman,[/B] “Also this Thursday, in a Mixed Tag Team Match we’ll see Edge and Trish Stratus take on Kane and Lita. The Undertaker and HBK will be in the house and The Alliance will be out in force. But the biggest match of the night has to be the Tag Team Championship Match. The Hardyz are going to take on the A.P.A....” {Kaientai approach Paul Heyman, yelling in Japanese. Samoa Joe tries to hold them back but they won’t shut up for a second. Paul Heyman backs up away from Kaientai but the Worlds Greatest Tag Team, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas approach him from behind. They start to yell at Paul Heyman as well.} [B]Heyman,[/B] “Okay everybody calm down! I think it’s safe to assume that you’re yelling at me because you’re not in the Tag Team Match. Well you still might be. This Thursday it’ll be Kaientai taking on the World's Greatest Tag Team and the winning team will go on to face A.P.A and the Hardy Boyz in a 3-Way Tag Team Match with the titles on the line. Now get out of my sight.” The WGTT and Kaientai leave as Heyman straightens his jacket. [B]Heyman,[/B] “I’ve got stars dropping out, I’ve got men yelling at me backstage...I’m Paul Heyman and I’m meant to be the most powerful man in World Wrestling Entertainment. Who the hell do these people think they are, talking to me like that? The time for change is coming. As of now consider WWE to be under the control of a dictatorship. I want to see Alliance logos and posters on every wall in the arena. I want people to address me as ‘sir’. I want to wipe my ass with silk bog rolls and I want the wages of anyone who pisses me off to pay for it. This means no more Mr Nice Guy!” Heyman storms off down a corridor followed by his bodyguard, Samoa Joe Meanwhile backstage Gail Kim is warming up for her big match tonight. She does some streches when there's a knock on her door. [B]Gail:[/B] Come in! {The person who comes in is no other than Trish Stratus who gets a huge pop from the crowd.} [B]Gail:[/B] Oh hey Trish! Trish: Hey Gail. I'm here to wish you good luck and I can't wait to see you kick Lita's teeth down her throat! [B]Gail:[/B] Thanks Trish that really means alot. {Trish Stratus leaves as Gail stretches some more.} [B]J.R.:[/B] Well we are going to see a slobber knocker of a match between Gail Kim and Lita. [B]King:[/B] More importantly, puppies! If I was 20 years younger I would f... {The King's perverted statement was cut off by 'World's Greatest' by R.Kelly as the World's Greatest Tag Team comes out to boos from the crowd. They waste no time and they slide into the ring waiting for there opponents.} {'El Loco' hits the P.A. system as Super Crazy and Essa Rios come out to a mild pop. They run into the ring not wanting to waste any time either. [B][U]Super Crazy and Essa Rios vs WGTT[/U][/B] This was a good tag team match with Super Crazy and Essa Rios showing that they have good chemistry together as a tag team. The match ended sometime around the fourteen minute mark when Benjamin and Haas finshed off Rios with the World's Greatest Finsher for the pin. Winner by pinfall: The Worlds Greatest Tag Team in 14:35 {Terri Runnels is shown backstage in front of a locker room door, without a name plate on it.} [B]Terri Runnels:[/B] “Well, Hello. I am standing by, because my sources have told me, that The Rock, is inside that locker room. If I can, I’ll recieve a word with him...” {She is interrupted by the arrival of Maven to the scene.} [B]Maven:[/B] “Hi Terri, nice outfit, might as well put a damn sign over your head that says, I'm a cheap prostitute, wanna do me!!” {Terri is shocked and disgusted and she slaps Maven’s lights out!} [B]Terri:[/B] “Dont you ever talk to me that way, young man. What has gotten into you!?” [B]Maven:[/B] “Nothing compared to EVERYTHING that has gotten into YOU! You see you little b*tch, you are probably waiting for The Rock, so you can give him a free ride, huh!? Why dont you pack your bags and get out of my way, because you just slapped your NEW 2003 Royal Rumble winner and I dont think, that was a smart move, missy!” {Terri Runnels appears to be very offended as she leaves the scene with her hands covering her face. Maven continues to walk by as the crowd inside the arena, are heard giving Maven a TON of heat. JR and The King are at the announce table.} [B]JR,[/B] “What has gottan into Maven, dammit!? That is no way, to treat a lady!” [B]King,[/B] “Maven is just pathetic, he is looking for a ass kicking and If I see him act that way again, I'm gonna be the one to kick his ass!!” [B]JR,[/B] “And to think, he will be one of the participants in the Royal Rumble!” {Meanwhile backstage we see Hardcore Holly walk down witha 2x4 in hand lokking around. All of a sudden.GORE! Rhyno just Gored Hardcore straight though a table as the fans cheer.Rhyno just looks down at his victim before getting the pin. Rhyno is your NEW Hardcore Champion!} [B]J.R.:[/B] Oh my god! Rhyno is your new Hardcore Champion! [B]King:[/B] Rhyno is truely a dominant force in the WWE! [B]J.R.:[/B] Well up next Lita verus Gail Kim. {Commercial Break.} *He's Coming at the Royal Rumble and he's bringing back EXTREME! * {When we come back from the commericial break, Lillian is in the ring with a mic in hand.} [B]Lillian:[/B] The following contest is scheduled for one fall! {'Through These Eyes' hits the P.A. system as Gail Kim comes out to cheers from the crowd. She hurries upand slides into the ring.} [B]Lillian:[/B] And her opponent! {'Lust for More' hits as the fans give Lita huge heel heat. She just smirks and heads to the ring.} [B][U]Lita vs Gail Kim:[/U][/B] The ladies of the WWE have proven that they canput on entertaining matches just like the men in this company. Gail Kim has proven that she can be a fixture in the Women's Division. The match ended around the ten minute mark after Lita smacked Kim with a Steel Chair. Winner by DQ: Gail Kim in 10:34 {After the match it seems as though that Lita is going to do more damage when 'Time to Rock and Roll' by Lil' Kim hits on the P.A. system and Trish runs into the ring but Lita slides out the ring much to the displeasure of the crowd.} [B]J.R:[/B] Lita is dispicable King! King: Lita has made a statement! {The scene then switches to The Coach who is with The Big Show.} [B]Coach:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, I am The Coach and here with me is The Big Show. Now Show there are rumors going around that you will be defecting to The Alliance is... [B]Big Show:[/B] Let me put it to you like this. I don't give a damn about these fans. I don't give a damn about Heyman and I SURELY don't give a damn about his little Alliance. {The crowd gives a mixed reaction to this.} [B]Big Show:[/B] The only thing I give a damn about is the WWE Championship which WILL come back to me. So anyone that stands in my way of that I will DESTROY YOU! That starts with tonight with Eddie Gurreruo! {Big Show leaves} [B]J.R.:[/B] It's gonna be The Big Show vs Eddie Gurreruo and it's up next! {Commericial Break.} {In our return, the camera focuses on the ring where four star lightheavyweights have assembled. Psicosis, Kid Kash, Dean Malenko, and L.A. Park. (Heyman comes over the Jumbotron) } Heyman: “Oh, what a sight to see, all you great superstars in the ring at once, well I’m sorry to say, only one of you will come out a winner this Thursday. Because you 4 will be competing in an elimination match to decide who will face Jody Fleish at the Royal Rumble for the Lightheavyweight Title, now you boys have fun!” {The scene switches to Lillian Garcia who has the mic.} [B]Lillian:[/B] The following contest is scheduled for one fall! {Lie, Cheat, and Steal' hits the P.A. sytem as the fans give a huge pop to Eddie Gurreruo who comes out driving his low rider. He slap a couple hands before rolling into the ring.} [B]Lillian:[/B] And his opponent! {WWEEELLLLL IT'S THE BIG SHOWW! 'Crank It Up' hits the P.A. as the fans give a huge mixed reaction to the big man. Big Show is focused before stepping over the rope. He does his hand taunt before looking at Eddie. He simply laughs before he gets ready.} [B][U]Eddie Gurerruo vs The Big Show:[/U][/B] This match was your usual David vs Goalith match. The crowd was into the match. This match ended sometime around the fifteen minute mark when Eddie rolled up The Big Show for the win. Winner by pinfall: Eddie Gurerruo in 15:09 {After the match Eddie celebrates on the outside with an angry Big Show looking on.} {The scene then switches to the backstage area where Shawn Micheals is shown busted open and laid out. EMT's are everywhere and load HBK in the ambulance.} [B]J.R.:[/B] Oh my god! Who would do such a henious act? [B]King:[/B] I have to agree with you for once. This is just dispicable. {The scene then switches to where The Rock is warming up for his match when Austin walks in.} [B]Rock:[/B] What in the bluest of blue hell are you doing here? [B]Austin:[/B] Listen up Rocky. You don't give a damn about me and I sure as hell don't give a damn about you. But we are tag team partners tonight and I want you to know that Stone Cold's got your back. {The fans give a huge pop at this.} [B]Austin:[/B] Now, I'm doing this for the WWE cuz' I don't wanna see that stupid son of a bi*ch Heyman nor his stupid son of a b*tch cronies. I'm doing this for the WWE! {The fans pop at this.} [B]Austin:[/B] Now let's go. {The Rock also agrees as they leave and head to the ring.} [B]J.R.:[/B] Well the main event is up next! {Final Break.} {When we come back Lillian is in the ring with a mic.} [B]Lillian:[/B] The following contest is scheduled for one fall! {The Alliance's theme hits the P.A. as the fans give the biggest heat of the night. Out comes Vader, Ken Shamrock, Samoa Joe, Brock Lesnar, WWE Champion Kurt Angle and Paul Heyman. They enter the ring.} [B]Lillian:[/B] And their opponents {IF YA SMEELLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING! After that you here the infamous glass shattering as Stone Cold and The Rock come out to the biggest pop of the night. They slide into the ring to get the main event started.} Stone Cold and The Rock vs The Alliance w/ Paul Heyman: A decent main event with the crowd red hot for the match. Anyways the match ended sometime around the nineteen minute mark after both Kurt Angle and Ken Shamrock locked in a double Ankle Lock on The Rock and Heyman told the officials to ring the bell and that The Allaiance won by submission. Your Winner by submission: The Alliance in 19:47 {Afterwards it seemed as thought the Alliance were ggoing to do a beatdown when all of a sudden, The Undertaker, Shane McMahon, Edge, and The Hardyz came down to fend them off with The Alliance running with their tail in between their legs.} [B]J.R.:[/B] Well folks that all the time we have! [/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
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[SIZE="4"]Breaking News: Shawn Micheals Injured From WWE.com:[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][CENTER] After WWE RAW was over we found out that Shawn Micheals has a concussion and will be out for 2 weeks which means he can make it to the Royal Rumble but doctors advise not to wrestle for a month. When WWE CEO Linda McMahon was informed she was very upset she told us that she is very angry with Paul Heyman's lack of care for his superstars well beings and she says that the Board of Director's will be informed about this. Paul Heyman was unavalible for coment.[/CENTER][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][B]WWF Presents:[/B] [B]The Royal Rumble[/B] sponsered by Dr. Pepper [B]Official Theme Song:[/B] Smooth Criminal By Alien Ant Farm {Poster to come soon} *Card Subject To Change* Lita vs Trish Stratus© [B]WWE Women's Championship[/B] Jody Fleisch© w/William Regal vs ??? [B]WWE Light Heavyweight Championship[/B] Kurt Angle© vs. Brock Lesnar vs "Stone Cold" Steve Austin [B]WWE Championship[/B] The Hardy Boys© vs. The New Age Outlaws [B]WWE Tag Team Championships[/B] [B][U]Royal Rumble Match:[/U][/B] Chris Jericho vs. Eddy Guerruo vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Vader vs.The Undertaker vs. The Big Show vs. HBK vs HHH vs Jushin Lyger vs A Train vs Christian vs Edge vs Kane vs Goldust vs Spike Dudley vs Charlie Haas vs Sean Morely vs Andrew Martin vs The Rock vs Samoa Joe vs Tommy Dreamer vs Rhyno vs Maven vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="2"][FONT="Arial"]{I was grogery and tired as I entered the conference room. I looked around to see who was here. Everyone was. I was late. I had just came from the SmackDown tapings last night and now they wanted me here the next morning. Boy being head booker was tougher than I thought in the WWE. Again I wasn't surprized to see that prick Hunter here.} [B]Me:[/B] Thank you all for being here so promtly. Now we have a LOT of stuff to cover. First off how are we finiacially? {A young man named Henry Maverick stands up to answer.} [B]Henry:[/B] We have gained some money and have had an extremly successful month compared to prior months. But we still are in the red. If all of our Pay Per View's sell out than we can make a complete U-Turn. {I was OK with this news but I know that Creative and myself are going to have to work twice as hard.} [B]Me:[/B] OK people this is a sign. This sign is saying that we can't slackoff again. We can't ever, even for a second get lazy. We have to make sure that our promotion is #1 even if there's no other compittion. Now how about the status of OVW? [B]Dusty:[/B] Everaboda' as impruved but I bellievah dat a yun' man by da nam of Austin Aries is a standout of da rosta. He is da Oh- Vee -Dubyah TV Champun and could be da next big thang. He is often compared to da Macho Man. {I was intrigued by this as I've never really checked out Austin's work.} [B]Me:[/B] Thats good to know. Next the drug test. I want to let you all know that TEN of our superstars failed the drug test. We didn't even test the whole roster! Those ten names are as followed: X-Pac, William Regal, Ron Simmons, The Sandman, Randy Orton, Vader, Dave Batista, John Cena, Road Dogg, and Billy Gunn. Everyone except for Dave Batista are getting aa 30 Day Suspension and fined $10,000. batista however has been released because quite frankly putting him in OVW would not help him expand his moveset and we really didn't have anything for the guy. Orton and Sandman are already serving there supension. The rest will serve there's after the Royal Rumble due to the fact that they already are in the Rumble. {The people in the metting are in agreement except for Stephanine & Hunter who show there disgust for me.} [B]Me:[/B] Anyone injured? {Dr.Bones McCoy answers that one for us.} [B]Bones:[/B] Nah. [B]Me:[/B] Ok well that went quicker than I imagined. Oh before we go. Any backstage incidents? [B]Shane:[/B] Two. The first one was between John Bradshaw and Ken Shamrock. It seems as though Bradshaw was being well Bradshaw and was bullying one of the Light Heavweights. Shamrock stepped in and an exchage of names came in until Bradshaw went for a swing. They were brawling for a little bit until they were separted. I took the liberty in fining Bradshaw and Shamrock both $10,000 dollars. The second is not really an incident but apparently nathan Jones was going around telling people that he's leaving the WWE for the NWA. [B]Me:[/B] OK well I'll talk to Nathan about it. This meeting is dismissed. {Everyone left. Boy why the hell did I join this dump? Oh yeah. Health insurance.} [/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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