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Pure Fiction (Multiplayer Cornellverse game)

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In an alternate universe, wrestling has gone a bit.. wrong. Four promotions sprung up out of nothing, and ran a free draft for the workers available in the world. Three set up in the US, and one in Japan. Welcome to the most ambitious multiplayer game ever! -- This is a 4 player multiplayer game played in the Cornellverse - but with all federations deleted and four new ones created. We have done a draft and will be posting updates for how it's going here. Each promotion has a TV and PPV deal, and is at National size to make keeping workers a bit easier. We hope you enjoy it! -- A promotion run down: [B] North American Pro Wrestling: (USA)[/B] Run by: Kobe1724. Notable stars: Sean McFly, Angry Gilmore, Jack DeColt, Alicia Strong, Mainstream Hernandez. Product: Risque, with heavy comedy. "Adult Entertainment" apparently. [B]Fruity Booty Wrestling: (USA)[/B] Run by: Ghetto Anthony. Notable stars: Tommy Cornell, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, Rick Law, Dan Stone. Product: Modern, with heavy mainstream and medium comedy features. [B]Big Bumps Incorporated: (USA)[/B] Run by: Rathen4. Notable stars: Wolf Hawkins, Big Cat Brandon, Tyson Baine, Edd Stone, Rip Chord. Product: Mainstream/Modern with medium comedy and traditional. [B]Strong Style Theatre: (Japan)[/B] Run by: .SVA. Notable stars: Bryan Vessey, Hell Monkey, Hairuki Kudo, Nobuatsu Tatsuko, Yoshimi Mushashibo Product: Traditional, with heavy realism and medium modern ideas - including low elements of hyper realism and puro. -- Please see [URL=""]this thread[/URL] for the draft process. Enjoy!
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