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Mod up for Grabs

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Hello all, Haven't been around here for a while, but with the release of TEW08, the editing bug always bites me. Unfortunately I simply don't have the time to work on my June 1998 mod "Monday Night Wars." So I can pass it on to someone who fancies taking a go at it. As far as I remember there are around 600 workers (mostly completed) with titles/histories/events/relationships all included. If someone would like to take over please reply here. "By the people, For the people."
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Can you please up this, or email. If you will email then pm me and I will pm back my add. I have been working on a 96 mod for a while, but keeping getting 'moders block'. I think uping it here will be best, give everyone the chance to share and work as a community project. Cheers
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