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The Expansion Promotions

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Hey, I had an idea for something that I think would be cool. Not everyone is into modding on a heavy duty basis (Any given 1997 mod, DotT, etc., for example). I am not one with the attention span to do such a thing myself... However, I'm sure most of use are pretty good on the short term! There have been many mods proposed and worked on for the TEW games, and lots have never been finished. I presume the reason is that getting all of the stuff done and trying to work it out is tedious! So, here's my idea: I, and anyone who wants to, can and will make "Expansion Promotions". Basically, that means stand-alone promotions that can be imported into any given mod or the standard CVerse without hassle. As promotions made grow in numbers, people can gather a group together and make a mod from that by simply importing the feds into one database! In other words, this is like the Lego version of modding. Anyone can toss in their own bricks, and people can reach into the pile and grab what they want and build their own structure for it. If no one else is interested, I'll still be making stuff based on this idea. To start, I plan on making a series of video game based feds as they'd blend well together (Mushroom Kingdom Wrestling, Earthrealm Kombat Wrestling, etc. :D). If anyone [I]is[/I] interested or even if you have just ideas, this thread will be for announcements, releases, and suggestions. I'll update my next post as things are created. (Note: It would probably be a good idea to create free agents along with fed so if feds strictly made for this are bundled together, the game world won't be barren!)
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[B][U]Feds Under Construction:[/U][/B] [B]Mushroom Kingdom Wrestling[/B] ([I]by mjdgoldeneye[/I]) [U]Category:[/U] Pre-existing Fictional [U]Progress:[/U] Promotion framework laid down, 2 workers finished. [B]Earthrealm Kombat Wrestling[/B] ([I]by mjdgoldeneye[/I]) [U]Category:[/U] Pre-existing Fictional [U]Progress:[/U] n/a [B][U]Feds Suggested:[/U][/B]
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I think it's a pretty great idea.. even if just as an area where incomplete mods could be salvaged for their finished bits for the greater good of the world. Contemporary Real World data and any time fictional (as in original fictional) would probably be the most useful, but then even if there was very time or genre specific "mod pieces" released here, with the amounts of mods that people come up with it's likely that someone would be able to import it into their own venture (eg. someone wants to do a 1995 real world mod, then praises lord gazza because one whole federation is already there, saving said modder oodles of time :)) If this does take off, I'd suggest that the first post get regularly edited to list and link all the pieces put up. Possibly noted with creator, and what sorta gameworld the piece fits in with. Best of luck. If my mod fails you can take all my stuff :)
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[QUOTE=crayon;445464] If this does take off, I'd suggest that the first post get regularly edited to list and link all the pieces put up. Possibly noted with creator, and what sorta gameworld the piece fits in with. [/QUOTE] That is the plan as it stands... I figure fictional stuff would work the best for this, BTW, but anything made would be useful to someone... I want to see a couple versions of WWE/WWF made from different time periods so they can be mashed together! The only trouble is birth dates would have to be messed with or everyone will be the same age as their counterparts...!
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