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[right][b]Pro Wrestling DESIRE presents… Burning DESIRE SUNDAY 13TH JULY 2008[/b][/right]Wrestling fans around the country are in for a very special treat as the new revolution in professional wrestling takes its first step into the daylight. Pro Wrestling DESIRE runs its inaugural show in less than two weeks with twelve of American wrestling’s biggest and best stars. [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Fire_Ant.jpg[/img][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Soldier_Ant.jpg[/img][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Worker_Ant.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Jimmy_Olsen.jpg[/img][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Rhett_Titus.jpg[/img][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Gavin_Quest.jpg[/img] [b]THE COLONY versus JIMMY OLSEN, RHETT TITUS & GAVIN QUEST[/b][/right]For the firs time ever, the most cohesive unit in professional wrestling will clash horns with three well-groomed individuals. The Cutie Pies, Rhett Titus and Gavin Quest will join forces with Jimmy Olsen to take on CHIKARA’s very own Colony. Fresh off his Young Lions Cup victory last month, Fire Ant is on something of a roll while Worker Ant is returning from an injury at the hands of banned Vin Gerrard in a match that will no doubt set pulses racing for a plethora of great reasons. [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Ace_Steel.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Nick_Nemeth.jpg[/img] [b]ACE STEEL versus NICKY NEMETH[/b][/right]In singles action, two of the best young wrestlers in the country will square off as Ace Steel of RoH fame clashes former World Tag Team Champion “The Natural” Nic Nemeth. With DESIRE in its early days, this is a chance for both men to really lay down a marker on their intentions in this soon-to-be-great federation and send out a warning to the rest of the roster. [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/The_Patriot.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Aaron_Stevens.jpg[/img] [b]THE PATRIOT versus AARON STEVENS[/b][/right]Young meets experience in the semi-main event as “America’s Own” Patriot clashes with “The Idol” Aaron Stevens in a match that could make or break either man’s DESIRE tenure. Will the young ****y hotshot prove he is set to be a leading light in DESIRE or can the experienced and well-travelled Patriot prove that he still has something to offer in the twilight of his wrestling career? [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Xavier.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Steve_Blackman.jpg[/img] [b]MAIN EVENT: XAVIER versus STEVE BLACKMAN[/b][/right]And in the show’s man event, former Ring of Honor World Champion Xavier will take on hardcore legend Steve Blackman in a real class of styles and personalities. The hard-hitting Blackman is well-known for his serious, focused demeanour in the ring while high-flying Xavier has previously made sure to get the crowd riled up while he is competing. It’s going to be an interesting affair to say the least with the two generations clashing in the first DESIRE main event. [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/C_DeCesare.jpg[/img][/right]Plus, we are set for a massive announcement from Pro Wrestling DESIRE’s Commissioner, [b]CARMELLA DECESARE[/b]!
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[right][b]Pro Wrestling DESIRE presents… Burning DESIRE SUNDAY 13TH JULY 2008[/b][/right] The unofficial word is that there is roughly one hundred fans in the small school hall for the show as [b]The Colony[/b] headed out to hang out with everyone before the show. Chatting and making small-talk [b]Worker Ant [/b]seemed happy to relax with the fans knowing the show was already running fifteen minutes late while [b]Fire Ant[/b] just posed with the Young Lions Cup and took photos with some of the kids. [b]Solider Ant[/b], as usual, simply stood in the corner and saluted, never moving no matter who or what was passed in front of his face. It was all in good fun and actually caused a lot of the fans to forget that things were thirty minutes late when the show actually got started and the lights went dim. [i][size=1](44%)[/size][/i] [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/C_DeCesare.jpg[/img][/right][b]Carmella DeCesare[/b] was the first person out to the ring and she received a warm welcome from the red-blooded males who made sure to wolf-whistle at her on her way into the hall, and then into the ring. [b]The DESIRE Commissioner[/b] started with the usual spiel and thanked everyone for coming to the historic show before reminding everyone of the line-up that has been promised for the show. Unsurprisingly after their little warm-up bit, The Colony got the strongest reaction from everyone in attendance although Aaron Stevens and Steve Blackman seemed to have their own sections of followers as well, receiving decent cheers as DeCesare rattled through the four match line-up. Moving on, Carmella then addressed her “big announcement” which was the news that next month at [b]“Breakthrough”[/b] on August 17th the first [b]Pro Wrestling DESIRE Champion[/b] will be crowned in a one-night eight-man tournament, featuring the eight men that impress the most during the night’s show and everyone should check it out. Plus half-price tickets for the show would be on sale as the show ended tonight which seemed to do the trick and the entire audience seem interested, and guaranteed they will be back. Bidding farewell with a plea for everyone to enjoy the show Carmella headed backstage to another chorus of whistling. [size=1][i](57%)[/i][/size] [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Rhett_Titus.jpg[/img][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Gavin_Quest.jpg[/img][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Jimmy_Olsen.jpg[/img][/right]And the wolf-whistles were quickly stopped as the flamboyant pairing of [b]Rhett Titus[/b] and [b]Gavin Quest[/b] swaggered to the ring for the first match of the night. They were quickly followed by [b]Jimmy Olsen[/b] who was trying to “glam it up” in a similar fashion to [b]The Cutie Pies[/b] but failed miserably as he simply looked like a cheap Val Venis knock-off with a wet towel on his shoulders. The trio had a quick conference in the centre of the ring with Jimmy Jam actually stealing Rhett’s feather-boa so he could show off to the crowd a little before [b]The Colony[/b] made their triumphant entrance. The little fan interaction at the start of the show really paid off as they got the reaction of the night, marching to the ring in a line and then marching around their opponents twice before pairing off for the initial brawl; with Rhett and [b]Solider Ant[/b] remaining in the ring to get the Trios match officially underway. [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Soldier_Ant.jpg[/img][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Fire_Ant.jpg[/img][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Worker_Ant.jpg[/img][/right]Quick tags, jumping lariats and some nice tandem moves were the order of the day for both teams, with Jimmy Jam and Gavin Q both suffering an Ant Hill from The Colony trio on separate occasions while The Cutie Pies hit an interesting dual diving elbow on [b]Fire Ant[/b] almost squashing his head together as he stood in the centre of the ring while Jimmy continued to struggle to get on the same page as his partners, failing with every double team move that he was involved in. Although Jimmy Jam did get the last hurrah in the match as he was the one that scored the pinfall in the end, as he ducked underneath [b]Worker Ant’s[/b] Antziguri to hit something close to an Olsen Slam, before resting his feet on the bottom rope to keep him down. Practically jumping straight from his lying position on the mat into the air, Jimmy Olsen is rather excited by his victory, although he struggles to really break the bond of The Cutie Pies as they embrace all the way backstage with Jimmy Jam trying awkwardly to jump in between them, on their shoulders. [size=1][i](33%)[/i][/size] [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Nick_Nemeth.jpg[/img][/right]As The Colony picked themselves up from defeat, and Fire Ant made sure he had the Young Lions Cup with him they started to make their way backstage although they were quickly shrugged past by [b]“The Natural” Nic Nemeth[/b], who beelines into the ring and then demands a microphone. Taking a second to “take in” the school hall the show is being held in, and give it the once over Nemeth paces around the ring with a ****y strut. [color="#FF0000"][b]“The Natural” Nic Nemeth:[/b] I’m the kind of guy that likes to shoot from the hip. No B-S; it’s not my style. I say things however I see them, and right now… I’m disappointed. In fact I’m really, really, really disappointed with myself. I’m better than this. I’m better than a ****ty, run-down no-good school hall. I’m too good to be standing in front of less than one hundred people. Hell, I’m too good to be standing in front of less than ten thousand people. I’m a star; a natural crowd-pleaser. I should be headlining Madison Square Garden… but, as you can see I’m not. Instead, I’m stuck here with you losers and all because I allowed myself to rely on others. I tried to make friends, form alliances and generally be an all-round, stand-up guy. But the all-round, stand-up guy isn’t going to get himself to the top as quickly as he deserves. No, no… The all-round, stand-up guy ends up on the internet posting videos when his best friend screws him over royally. No, no… The all-round, stand-up guy tries to work through the pain, takes the recommended pills and then… he… snaps. No… The all-round, stand-up guy doesn’t make it to the top, so I’m no longer an all-round, stand-up guy… I’m in this for myself![/color] [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Ace_Steel.jpg[/img][/right]On cue, the music of [b]Ace Steel[/b] interrupts Nemeth; whose face has started to glow an incredible shade of red. “The Natural” is really ready to go as Steel slides into the ring and then gets right into the face of Nemeth. The pair exchanges words that the microphone can’t pick up on until Ace breaks and slaps the microphone from Nic’s hand. Nic retaliates by tackling his opponent for the evening to the canvas and the match is on. [i][size=1](59%)[/size][/i] The clashing pair roll around on the ring canvas throwing fists at each other for a few initial seconds before Steel is able to push Nemeth away and collect himself; although they both quickly throw abandon to the wind again and charge at each other for another flurry of punches with neither man securing an apparent advantage before they back away again and then tie up in a test of strength. There is little to choose between the pair in the opening minute or two as they seem to come up even on everything that they try until “The Natural” kicks out while tied up in Ace’s arms, kicking him in the midsection and causing him to double over. Of course, referee Nate Pelley stepped in to tell him off but the damage was done as Ace Steel crouched on his knees only to receive a knee in the face by Nemeth who started to capitalise on the opening with considerable effect. Utilising every trick he could to keep Ace Steel down, Nemeth seemed happy to wear aware at the back and shoulder of his opponent, with stiff punches and kicks as well an old-school offence of tosses and suplexes that landed Steel on his neck from a variety of angles and heights but when Nemeth locked Steel into a standing sleeper hold, it was clear that a spirited comeback was on the way. Refusing to let his hand fall for the third time, Steel powered himself from a kneeling position to standing upright and then after three swift elbows to Nemeth’s mid-section, the comeback was on and he levelled him with a lariat, a diving lariat and then slammed him to the mat with an impressive stalled suplex that had “The Natural” hanging in the air for at least ten seconds before bringing him crashing to the mat. Although just as it seemed Steel was getting back into the match, he gave himself a huge hindrance and levelled referee Pelley with a missed cross-body. That gave Nemeth the moment he needed to kick Steel between the legs and not only cut his chances of having children dramatically but also the chance of him winning. Obliging the struggling Steel with a Powerslam that he made sure to jump in, Nemeth took his time to wake up Nate before completing his debut victory with a remarkable Standing Moonsault to secure the count of three, much to the disgust of the hundred-strong crowd who booed him on his “victory lap” around the ring. [size=1][i](63%)[/i][/size] [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/The_Patriot.jpg[/img][/right]With the ring cleared of both men from the singles match, the stage was set for [b]The Patriot[/b] to head to the ring waving an American flag. “The Pride of America” gave the crowd their second ‘honest comment’ of the night as The Patriot admitted that he was becoming disillusioned with a lot of the American people. He said that he felt that during President Bush’s reign, a lot of America had lost their love of their country and a lot of their pride; something he wanted to reignite in all of America. The Patriot then tired to get everyone in the hall to join with him and sing the national anthem, and while most were singing with him few belted it out with the passion of the man in the ring, leaving him to flirt desperately with the line of good and evil as he threw down the microphone in a mood and waited on his opponent. [size=1][i](39%)[/i][/size] [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Aaron_Stevens.jpg[/img][/right][b]Aaron “The Idol” Stevens’[/b] welcome from the crowd put The Patriot’s cheers to shame as the former WWE star pranced to the ring before getting the match underway with a quick arm-drag, catching The Patriot off balance; setting something of a tone for the match. Every time The Patriot tried to get Stevens to “front up” and start slugging it out, the wily youngster wriggled free of the American Hero or simply tossed him to the mat with a lightning quick move that The Patriot could never keep up with, causing The Patriot to grow more and more frustrated with the match as he couldn’t get a hold of Stevens to draw him close while “The Idol” seemed happy to hit and run, helping The Patriot right towards a disqualification for using a closed far too many times. DESIRE’s female referee Anne Gogolok gave The Patriot quite a few warnings as he grew frustrated with his opponent’s superior speed, before eventually throwing the match out and awarding it to Stevens, much to the overall delight of the crowd even if “The Idol” had been underhand with a lot of his tactics. The Patriot was a little shocked by the result and insisted on giving Anne a piece of his mind before heading backstage, while Stevens was already gone; making sure to celebrate the victory as he went, regardless of how it had came about. [size=1][i](57%)[/i][/size] [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Xavier.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Steve_Blackman.jpg[/img][/right]With the ring clear of the grumpy Patriot, the scene was set for the main event of the evening but before it could get underway [b]Steve Blackman[/b] made sure to give himself the biggest of advantages by interrupting [b]Xavier[/b]. With the former Ring of Honor World Champion walking towards the ring, he was unaware of Blackman approaching until it was too late as he was slain by a vicious Kendo Stick shot across the back that were followed by many, many, many more. The fans that were only feet from the attack struggled to watch as the attack continued with Xavier trying to crawl his way towards the ring, only for “The Lethal Weapon” to follow him with the Kendo Stick increasing the rate of the hits. [i][size=1](47%)[/size][/i] Eventually, the damage was most certainly done as Steve Blackman rolled Xavier into the ring and allowed the contest to get properly underway. Senior official CJ Washington was less than convinced with Blackman, and maybe on a different would have refused to let the match began as “The Lethal Weapon” stalked his opponent. The match lasted two minutes, which was too long as Blackman made sure to showcase the sheer brutality of his un-weapon-assisted attacks flooring Xavier with a spinning heel kick, an European Uppercut and a sweep kick before claiming the match victory with his own take on the classic ending to the Karate Kid movie; sending Xavier completely onto his back with a thundering left foot before being awarded the match victory by knock-out. The fans were disgusted with Blackman, who managed to raise a smile as he stood victorious in the ring until the very last fan left the school hall. [i][size=1](63%)[/size][/i] [b][right]SHOW RATING: 52%[/right][/b]
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[quote][b][u]Blackman ruled out of DESIRE Championship Tournament[/u] Monday 14th July 2008[/b] Less than twenty-four hours removed from the first Pro Wrestling DESIRE show, DESIRE Commissioner Carmella DeCesare has issued a statement with the backing of the DESIRE Board of Directors that has banned Steve Blackman from the DESIRE Championship Tournament at Breakthrough on August 17th. “When we said we wanted to crown a DESIRE Champion,” explained Carmella, “we said we wanted someone with the desire and passion to improve not only themselves but the perception of our fine promotion. The DESIRE Champion will be an ambassador for the company and after Steve Blackman’s actions last night, he is clearly someone we do want representing our company.” DeCesare did confirm Blackman’s contract with Pro Wrestling DESIRE would not be terminated, but he would not be involved in any future DESIRE Championship matches until he proved himself. “The Lethal Weapon” could not be reached for a comment.[/quote] [quote][b][u]Fire Ant ruled out; Worker Ant get first place[/u] Friday 18th July 2008[/b] With news filtering from CHIKARApro.com that Fire Ant will miss the next eight months with a serious neck injury, DESIRE Commissioner Carmella DeCesare has announced the first entrant in the Breakthrough Tournament. “While originally we had planned to give the spot to the Young Lions Cup holder Fire Ant due to his injury, I can confirmed that the first entrant in the tournament will be Colony brethren, Worker Ant.”[/quote] [quote][b][u]Breakthrough Tournament Details Announced[/u] Saturday 19th July 2008[/b] Following on from the announcement that Worker Ant had earned the first place in the tournament from the injured Fire Ant, Pro Wrestling DESIRE confirmed the format of the tournament. Following four singles matches between the eight entrants, the four winners will face in an elimination match to crown the first Pro Wrestling DESIRE Champion.[/quote] [quote][b][u]“The New Bulldog” in the Breakthrough Tournament[/u] Tuesday 22nd July 2008[/b] Harry Smith, son of wrestling legend Davey Boy Smith, has not only confirmed his debut in Pro Wrestling DESIRE but also his involvement in the Breakthrough Tournament as the second entrant. “The New Bulldog” released by the WWE earlier in the year has been appearing for Blood, Sweat and Ears for the past couple of months but has posted on his FaceSpace that he is very excited about the chance of being an inaugural Champion.[/quote] [quote][b][u]Three More Names Entered; First Match-Up Confirmed[/u] Friday 25th July 2008[/b] Gavin Quest, Rhett Titus and Sterling James Keenan have been added to the Breakthrough Tournament on August 17th. The Cutie Pies have been added to opening round matches one and two respectively, having apparently jumped above their partner from Burning DESIRE Jimmy Olsen in the peaking order, while NWA East Champion Keenan will be the opponent of Worker Ant during the one night tournament.[/quote] [quote][b][u]Second Match Completed; First Non-Tournament Match Announced[/u] Sunday 27th July 2008[/b] Aaron “The Idol” Stevens will be the opponent of debutant Harry Smith during the Breakthrough Tournament on August 17th. Stevens confirmed the match on his FaceSpace before ProWrestlingDESIRE.com announced the match. Plus, “The Lethal Weapon” Steve Blackman will take on The Patriot in non-tournament action on August 17.[/quote] [quote][b][u]Two More Non-Tournament Matches Announced[/u] Wednesday 30th July 2008[/b] Solider Ant will take on Jimmy Olsen in one of two non-tournament matches announced today. The two CHIKARA students will do battle having been apparently over-looked for the Breakthrough tournament, and will no doubt be out to prove themselves to the DESIRE Board of Directors. The other match scheduled saw “The Natural” Nic Nemeth throwing out an open challenge to any legend of the ring. Nemeth apparently received news that he wasn’t to take part in the Breakthrough tournament so has told any legend of the ring that still thinks they “can go” to show up to the show and face him. Rumours of The Rock, Sting, Tully Blanchard and Hulk Hogan lining up to take him on were all Nemeth’s doing.[/quote] [quote][b][u]Breakthrough Line-Up Completed![/u] Sunday 3rd August 2008[/b] With two weeks to go until Pro Wrestling DESIRE’s second and so far, biggest show, the tournament to crown the first Pro Wrestling DESIRE Champion was completed with the news Ace Steel and Arik Cannon will take the last two spots opposite Gavin Quest and Rhett Titus. Steel, who was beaten by the non-competing Nic Nemeth at Burning DESIRE, will take on Quest, leaving the debuting Ark Cannon, well-known throughout a range of American wrestling promotions will take on RoH Wrestling School graduate Rhett Titus.[/quote] [b][right]Pro Wrestling DESIRE: BREAKTHROUGH SUNDAY 17TH AUGUST 2008 [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Worker_Ant.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/James_Keenan.jpg[/img] BREAKTHROUGH OPENING ROUND: WORKET ANT versus STERLING JAMES KEENAN[/right][/b]NWA East Champion Sterling James Keenan starts off his DESIRE career with a chance to his current title with a difficult first match against Worker Ant. The “Perennial Ant of the Year Candidate” is said to have been gutted he missed on the Young Lions Cup through injury so is looking to prove himself in the Breakthrough Tournament. [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Harry_Smith.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Aaron_Stevens.jpg[/img] [b]BREAKTHROUGH OPENING ROUND: HARRY SMITH versus AARON STEVENS[/b][/right]Despite sending some time together under contract with the WWE, Harry Smith and Aaron Stevens have never stood on opposite sides of the ring from each other; giving you a DESIRE exclusive. With a place in the main event on the line, it’s easy to assume that both of the young stars will be giving everything they can for victory. [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Gavin_Quest.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Ace_Steel.jpg[/img] [b]BREAKTHROUGH OPENING ROUND: GAVIN QUEST versus ACE STEEL[/b][/right]Despite neither man securing an actual fall on Burning DESIRE, it seems the DESIRE Board of Directors were impressed enough to put them in the Breakthrough opening round. Both men have the skills to lead Pro Wrestling DESIRE, but due they have the passion to see themselves through to the end; that is the question. [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Rhett_Titus.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Arik_Cannon.jpg[/img] [b]BREAKTHROUGH OPENING ROUND: RHETT TITUS versus ARIK CANNON[/b][/right]Debuting star and independent traveller Arik Cannon has a chance to start another chapter of his story in Pro Wrestling DESIRE by claiming the first DESIRE Championship. Standing in his way is one of the best RoH Wrestling School graduates Rhett Titus who has came into his own in the last year. No doubt with Gavin Quest and probably Jimmy Olsen backing him up, Titus could surprise Cannon to make into the main event and even further. [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Steve_Blackman.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/The_Patriot.jpg[/img] [b]STEVE BLACKMAN versus THE PATRIOT[/b][/right]Excluded from the Breakthrough Tournament for their poor behaviour on Burning DESIRE, “The Lethal Weapon” Steve Blackman and The Patriot will surely be out to prove themselves to the DESIRE Board of Directors. Both men didn’t exactly endear themselves to the fans at last month’s event so hopefully progress a little better this month. [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Soldier_Ant.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Jimmy_Olsen.jpg[/img] [b]SOLIDER ANT versus JIMMY OLSEN[/b][/right]Over-looked by the Board of Directors who went for debuting stars instead, Soldier Ant and Jimmy Olsen will need a big victory to throw them into title contention. The CHIKARA students have apparently been furiously training this month to make sure they are in prime condition for the crucial match. [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Nick_Nemeth.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Unknown.jpg[/img] [b]NIC NEMETH versus ???[/b][/right]Absolutely fuming with the news that he had been left out of the Breakthrough Tournament, “The Natural” Nic Nemeth has vowed to also prove himself as a title contender. In a “Natural Challenge” Nemeth has called on any and all wrestling legends to turn up to the show so he can prove himself to be better than them. If that means twenty opponents turn up, Nic has promised to face them all. [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Unknown.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Unknown.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Unknown.jpg[/img] [img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Unknown.jpg[/img] [b]MAIN EVENT; BREAKTHROUGH FINAL; [color="#FF0000"]PRO WRESTLING DESIRE CHAMPIONSHIP[/color][/b][/right]And then we shall arrive at the Breakthrough Final to crown the Pro Wrestling DESIRE Champion. The line-up will be all kinds of awesome so make sure you are at the live show to enjoy it!
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[right][b]Pro Wrestling DESIRE: BREAKTHROUGH SUNDAY 17TH AUGUST 2008[/b][/right] Much like Burning DESIRE, BREAKTHROUGH got underway with [b]DESIRE commissioner Carmella DeCesare[/b] heading to the ring to welcome the fans to the show. In between the wolf-whistles that interrupted her speech, Carmella said it was nice to see new faces at the show even if the attendance in the West Virginia looked oddly similar to the first show. Carmella then approached the subject of the entrants to the Breakthrough tournament, quickly dispelling a notion that win-loss records matter to the DESIRE Board of Directors. “Pro Wrestling DESIRE needs to create a brand for itself right now, so we need a Champion to define that brand and the eight men that will battle it out to prove themselves worthy of the DESIRE Championship are definite brand-setters.” The explanation seemed to appease the few fans that had given Carmella a frosty reception on her way to the ring, as she was cheered from the ring before [b]Worker Ant[/b] and debutant [b]Sterling James Keenan[/b] fought it out for the first place in the Breakthrough final. Starting sharply, NWA East Champion Sterling James gave the fans an impressive introduction to him, before he turned it sour by employing bad-boy tactics to slow any fight from Worker. Holding onto sleeper holds even when the Colony member was holding the ropes and poking him in the eyes through the mask, really grated on the DESIRE fans as well as Worker Ant who was desperate to fight his way into the match, and eventually he did, forcing Keenan onto the back foot with a diving lariat after jumping over Keenan’s apparent hunched over set-up. Feeding off the injection of enthusiasm from the crowd, Worker Ant pushed against Sterling James and was slowly turning the match in his favour after a poor start with a number of near-falls forcing Keenan to use his energy to say in the match before a moment of hesitation almost cost Worker Ant as he struggled to complete a sunset flip. With Keenan still standing and Worker Ant on the canvas, the “Perennial Ant of the Year Candidate” kicked his legs frantically to give him that extra ounce of momentum only for the NWA East Champion to drop to his knees almost pinning Worker Ant for the three, although he did manage to toss him away at the last moment. That left the match rather evenly poised, although James Keenan responded better and started to once again work over the neck of Worker Ant, trying to make things easier for his devastating Piledriver although he wasn’t to be for the debutant as Worker Ant pulled his running Hurricanrana out of absolutely no-where to advance to the final. Bouncing off the ropes after Sterling James had whipped him into it ready to tie him into another standing sleeper hold, Worker Ant went for the crushing move and it came off before he quickly scooped the Pro Wrestling eXpress star into a bundle for the three and a rather unexpected victory. [size=1][i](45%)[/i][/size] Following a celebration that saw Worker Ant apparently needing to high-five everyone in the audience as they applauded Sterling James Keenan for an impressive debut, as well as a nice moment with Solider Ant refusing to high-five his Colony brethren and instead salute him, the ring was readied for the second match of the night. [b]“Stunning” Gavin Quest[/b] was the first man out to the ring, followed quickly by an all business [b]Ace Steel[/b] who was quickly put off by Quest insisting on wearing his feather-boa during the encounter, something Steel just as quickly exploited by trying to tighten it around his neck. Although their seemed to be method behind Gavin’s madness as after knocking Steel to the floor with a perfect dropkick, he started to “Camp Up” with his feather boa and waited for Ace to return to the ring, before levelling him with the campest roundhouse kick in wrestling before missing with a “Camped Up” Legdrop as Steel rolled out of the way of what was surely a match clincher. That interaction seemed to draw some of the momentum from the match with both men seemingly starting again although Quest quickly flipped it back into his favour by forcing Steel towards one set of ropes and then whipping him into a waiting elbow as he tried to turn the screw on Steel, who was not going to give up. Eventually ducking under Quest’s offence before springing off the ropes with a desperate lariat, Steel managed to buy himself some time to recover. Standing up at the same time, Quest and Steel seemed to burst towards each other in unison only for Gavin to duck under his opponent’s flailing, “The Stunning One” pulled Ace to the mat with a backslide pin and tucking his right foot onto the second rope for leverage had enough power in his legs to advance to the tournament final with a huge sigh of relief. Unsurprisingly Steel was not happy with the match result and just as quickly as he was pinned, he was planted on Quest’s torso raining down a series of punches on him but before the beating could get “ugly” a couple of referees thundered to the ring to drag him away, with Quest leaving the ring, struggling but under his own power. [size=1][i](54%)[/i][/size] Quest was greeted on his way backstage by his tag team partner, [b]Rhett Titus[/b] who was headed out for his qualifier for the final. The pair had a brief conversation that involved Titus trying to get GQ to back him up against [b]Arik Cannon[/b] but ultimately failing as Gavin had the final to prepare for. That left Rhett by himself against the independent veteran, who after a brief spate where both men belittled the others fashion sense, ripped right into the “Cutie Pie.” The second debutant was given the same chance as Sterling James Keenan in the first match, to showcase himself in the early action as he battled with Titus standing up, on the mat and even in the air, as he sprang off the second rope before the RoH Graduate started to work Cannon over by ducking under a lariat and bending the rules somewhat with a kick to the groin. Slowing the pace of the match greatly, Rhett did RoH trainers CM Punk and Bryan Danielson proud as he threw out some vicious kicks, mixed in with some bounding submission holds as he focused on the right shoulder of “The Anarchist” preparing it for his Heartbreaker, until the former Young Lions Cup holder began to mount a comeback. In true fan-favourite fashion, Cannon powered out of an arm-bar with a few elbows before delivering a number of crushing moves including a rotating Samoan Drop, then a stalled suplex before completing the incredible comeback with the Anarchist Hammer to book his place in the first DESIRE Championship match. [size=1][i](38%)[/i][/size] That left one place in the tournament final and it was filled, just about, by [b]Aaron Stevens[/b] who scraped through the final opening round match with [b]Harry Smith[/b] by the skin of his teeth, with Smith left fuming and “The Idol” dashing from the ring to avoid the wrath of his opponent. With both men starting brightly, the fans knew they were in for a treat with the two former WWE talents clashing as both went right for the jugular and tried to end the contest early with some frantic near-falls raising the volume levels ten-fold before Smith harnessed the spirit of his late, great father using a multitude of arm drags and a seated chinlock to slow the ****y Stevens down. “The Idol” however, was never going to over-run in the match and after a rather adventurous kick to get out of the chinlock that stunned the cheering fans, the flashy star tried to turn the screw on Harry while still keeping his sunglasses on. Keeping Harry moving, Stevens tired to make every impact count as he threw “The New Bulldog” to the mat with a collection of hip-tosses and back-drops but as Stevens went for a Hurricanrana, Smith managed to hold him in a Powerslam position. Steadying himself on his feet, Harry Smith tried to plant the family Running Powerslam on Stevens but as he leapt forward “The Idol” managed to rotate the move further and actually planted Smith with a shuddering DDT that was quickly squeezed into a pinfall as the un-sun-glassed Stevens booked his way into the tournament final, and quickly fled the ring before Harry Smith could come round and realise the chance that had slipped through his fingers. [i][size=1](58%)[/size][/i] With the opening round of the Breakthrough Tournament done and dusted, it turned to those not in the tournament to try and prove to the DESIRE Board of Directors that a mistake had been made with the towelled [b]Jimmy Olsen[/b] clashing with one third of The Colony in a fast-paced desperate affair. Both Olsen and [b]Solider Ant[/b] were keen to impress and suggest that they were just as likely to be “brand leaders” for Pro Wrestling DESIRE as they gave everything in an up-and-down match that really could have gone either way. They were quick falls and frantic scrambles on the mat as they jostled for position before Soldier Ant missed a running Elbow Smash in the corner and bounced off the turnbuckle into the waiting arms of Olsen, who scooped him up for an Olsen Slam to record his second straight pinfall in DESIRE. [size=1][i](34%)[/i][/size] The open challenge of [b]“The Natural” Nic Nemeth[/b] was answered in the next match as [b]Koko B. Ware[/b] came up short against the extremely confident wrestlers. Surprised at first by Koko B. Ware’s flurry of punches that opened the match, Nemeth remained in control of the veteran once he exerted himself on the match and while the former WWE star did struggle with the fact that Frankie IV remained perched on B. Ware’s shoulder for the entire match he was in far from sentimental mood as he claimed victory with a Standing Moonsault that followed a Stalled Powerslam; although Nemeth didn’t get a chance to enjoy his victory as he was quickly challenged for the next DESIRE show, Green With Envy. With “The Natural” on the second rope celebrating, he didn’t notice a third body in the ring until the swelling of noise from the crowd gave it away. Standing across the ring from the victor was [b]Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake[/b]. Brutus promptly and to the delight of the many older fans in the crowd warned that next month if Nemeth got a little too ****y, he’d make sure to put him in the Barber’s Chair. [size=1][i](59%)[/i][/size] Leaving the ring swiftly, Nemeth allowed Koko B. Ware and Brutus to enjoy something of a standing ovation from the crowd before they were joined by [b]The Patriot[/b]. The trio stood together and had something of a conference before The Patriot’s opponent for the night headed to the ring. Deciding to hang around at ringside, Koko and Beefcake were distraught at the beating they witnessed as [b]“The Lethal Weapon” Steve Blackman[/b] continued from where he had left off against Xavier in last month’s main event. Without care or abandon, Blackman unleashed a sickening chain of stiff kicks and punches that The Patriot had no answer to as he was forced into a corner and then into a sitting position. Brutus watched as his friend’s head bounced off the second rope turnbuckle limping on three separate occasions from Blackman kicks before jumping into the ring to stop the fight. With Blackman finally relenting his savage attack on The Patriot to level Beefcake with an Uppercut allowed referee Nate Pelley to check on the American Hero. After a brief check-up, it was clear to everyone in the hall that he had been knocked out, handing a victory to the savage Blackman who didn’t even hang around to celebrate, shrugging off the jeers of the kids in the crowd as he headed backstage, bypassed by the medical team that were quickly on the scene to help The Patriot from the ring.[i] [size=1](59%)[/size][/i] Finally arrived at the main event of the evening, the ring was cleared of The Patriot, Brutus Beefcake and Koko B. Ware to allow the four DESIRE Championship hopefuls to enjoy the full attention of the crowd. The four men entered in the same manner that they had qualified meaning crowd favourite [b]Worker Ant[/b] was the first to the ring, followed by [b]Gavin Quest[/b], [b]Arik Cannon[/b] and then [b]Aaron Stevens[/b] completed the line-up. Referees Nate Pelley and CJ Washington were dispatched from backstage to officiate the match together just in case two pins were attempted at the same time in the elimination match that swiftly descended into a mass-brawl with arms flailing everywhere until the ring cleared of two men. Arik Cannon and Gavin Quest were dumped out different sides of the ring as Aaron Stevens and Worker Ant got underway in the ring with a quick exchange while the duo on the outside of the ring happily slugged it out next to the fans, with that set-up proving quite popular for the match as every time someone was tossed from the ring, someone “fresh” would enter from another side leaving the action in the legal area for pinfalls and submissions rather interesting. Naturally, it wasn’t for everyone and after tossing Gavin Quest out one side of the ring, Arik Cannon quickly threw himself out the opposite side with a suicide Moonsault taking out “The Idol” and Worker Ant who had been exchanging punches but were knocked over in the blink of an eye. And it was that decision that lead to Cannon being the first man eliminated from the match as he seemingly hurt his neck on landing on Worker Ant and Stevens, and upon returning to the ring, his clothesline attempt on Gavin Quest was reversed into a desperate neckbreaker that in hindsight was hit at exactly the right moment, as “The Stunning” Gavin Quest chalked up an elimination by quickly rolling on top of “The Anarchist.” With Quest trying to really impose himself on the match he started to beckon Worker Ant and Aaron Stevens into the ring, although he didn’t look over excited with matters when both men headed into the ring with the sole focus on The Cutie Pie. Combining briefly, Stevens and Worker Ant hit a double back drop on Quest that saw him flying over the top rope and onto the hall floor before “The Idol” quickly turned on Worker Ant and clubbed him on the neck to give the control to him; although it was Stevens that was bumped out of the match in the elimination and it was Quest that pinned him as he snuck back into the ring as Aaron focused on putting Worker Ant in the Idol Lock. With both men on the mat, Quest started to “Camp Up” for the fans having dragged his feather boa back into the ring before delivering his Leg Drop across the neck of Stevens’ who had tired to force a submission out of Worker Ant but instead was removed from the match himself thanks to Quest, who was surely the favourite for the match with Worker Ant barely able to stand. The Colony member pulled himself up on the ropes unaware that Gavin Quest was stalking him, all the while wearing his feather boa. Steadying himself on his feet, Worker Ant turned to face Quest and quickly ducked under a lariat attempt and shoved The Cutie Pie from the ring to buy him some time. And the retreating tactics continued for another couple of minutes as Worker Ant tried to restore the power to his legs before he took on Quest up-front, first hitting an Antziguri before delighting the entire hall by wriggling out of a G.Q. Driver attempt to hit the Aleta and send the hundred strong attendance into raptures. The three count couldn’t have came any sooner for Worker Ant nor the adoring fans who gave him the biggest cheer of the two DESIRE shows, as he jumped up and down in delight. Bouncing around the ring following victory, Worker Ant was thrilled to be joined by Soldier Ant who saluted the first DESIRE Champion as they waited Carmella DeCesare who would be presenting him with the title. (48%) [i][color="#0000FF"]“Whoa, whoa, whoa…”[/color][/i] The voice of [b]DESIRE Commissioner Carmella DeCesare[/b] stopped the celebration in its tracks as she stepped out from backstage with a microphone in her hands. [color="#0000FF"][b]Carmella DeCesare:[/b] “Congratulations Worker Ant on winning the Breakthrough Tournament but before you start thinking that you have just become the first DESIRE Champion in the history of Pro Wrestling DESIRE, I’m going to set you straight. You’re not the Champion.”[/color] I don’t really need to tell you the reaction of the crowd, do I? Of course not; they were fuming at the announcement. And The Colony weren’t much different. [color="#0000FF"][b]Carmella DeCesare:[/b] “Come on, come on… I never promised the winner of the Breakthrough Tournament would be the first DESIRE Champion; did I? No… I said that we were holding the tournament to see who deserved to be crowned the first DESIRE Champion. Along with the Board of Directors, I sat and watched the entire on a little monitor to see who impressed and now I can reveal that NO-ONE impressed us enough to be considered the DESIRE Champion.”[/color] Again, the announcement from Carmella, which to be fair could have been done without a microphone, given the size of the hall, caused the fans and The Colony to get rather upset. The DESIRE Commissioner hadn’t moved far from the entrance curtain, obviously fearing the irate Colony in the ring. [color="#0000FF"][b]Carmella DeCesare:[/b] “But luckily… we have a back-up. Just in case no-one impressed us in the tournament, I made sure that we had someone at the show that would impress with the title around his waist… Ladies and gentlemen… please welcome the very first Pro Wrestling DESIRE Champion… [right][img]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/desire/Paul_Burchill.jpg[/img][/right] …PAUL BIRCHALL!!!”[/color] Stepping out from behind the curtains with the shiny DESIRE Championship around his waist, [b]Paul Birchall[/b] received a rather mixed reaction from the crowd. There were those that were just excited to see the star in Pro Wrestling DESIRE cheering the apparent “Champ,” while the majority were backing Worker Ant who was already beckoning for the belt to be around his waist. Birchall flashed a smug grin at the fans and waved, while The Colony tried to work everyone into a frenzy as the second show in DESIRE’s history ended in another unfavourable fashion. (68%) [right][b]SHOW RATING: 54%[/b][/right]
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