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USPW: Keeping Butts in Seats and the Wrestling Fan Friendly

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OOC: I started a USPW dynasty a year ago but literally picked the worst time to start it, as I abandoned it before I could get it off the ground. Anyway, with TEW2008 released, I figured I'd give my favorite fed another shot. [B]December 31, 2007[/B] 3.... 2.... 1.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!! The shouts and clanking glasses were impossible to filter, even though I was trying my best to lay low. The New Year's party at the USPW offices had a few traditions. Sam was going to make a drunken, five minute toast and thank God the company broke even. Redwood was going to make sure he successfully hit on every woman (save for Sam's daughter) in the surrounding area, and with the women's division being represented tonight, he must've felt like a kid in a candy store. I, however was in a office room alone, re-watching clips of last week's USPW American Wrestling. Sam wanted to end the year with a bang, and he got his wish. Though I am sure any fan with half a brain expected it, Bruce the Giant turned on James Justice and joined the Sneer Corporation. Sam wanted a big money feud to start the year, and hopefully a Justice-Giant rematch would get the fan's interest. I watched Bruce deliver a choke slam to Justice on the title belt, finishing my notes of the event. I had known for a few weeks now that my responsibilities were going to increase in 2008. As I went to put the tape away, there was a knock at the door. It was Sam, disheveled, tie undone, and wreaking of the finest whiskey sour money can buy. [COLOR=Blue] "Hey kid, I'm doing a toast. Get your ass out here."[/COLOR] I had worked for Sam for four years now. He still called me 'kid'. Even though I had moved up from office intern to my newest role, he still couldn't call me by my name. [COLOR=Red] "Sorry Sam, I was just taking some more notes of last week's show."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue] "The ball drops and you're still working? C'mon kid, get your butt out here!"[/COLOR] It's hard to say 'no' to Sam. He usually gets his way. I wonder if Shane ever had any moments when he wanted to strangle him during creative meetings. I followed Sam outside and listened to his rambling speech. It was the same speech he gave the last three times I had to listen. He talked about the successes of the company and then toasted some specific people. [COLOR=Blue] "To Liberty..."[/COLOR] Liberty, a.k.a. James Justice, flashed Sam back a smile. Clad in designer sunglasses and a thirty-something girl wrapped around each arm, James knew he was quite the savior of this company. Arriving just months ago, he turned down an offer to extend his deal with TCW to join us. Since then, he's been drawing power that we desperately need. [COLOR=Blue] "To Bruce..."[/COLOR] Bruce the Giant might be slow and have the endurance of my grandfather, but he did a hell of a job holding the title for most of the year. He's always going to be over with the fans and he is a big reason this company still exists. [COLOR=Blue] "To Chris..."[/COLOR] Chris Caulfield was another big name that joined us this year. Loyal to the end and willing to do whatever is asked, Chris is a great addition to the team. The fans love him and he'll play a big role in 2008. [COLOR=Blue] "To my daughter, Alicia..."[/COLOR] 2007 was also the birth of the women's division. As Sam's daughter finally made her debut, he decided to give her some competition. Her matches with Cherry Bomb have been fun to watch. [COLOR=Blue] "To my best friend, Peter Valentine..."[/COLOR] I can imagine how hard it must've been for people not to roll their eyes at that comment. Next to Bruce, Peter has the ability to draw massive heat from the fans. The other boys in the locker room hate him, too. I'm not sure why Sam likes him, but I am not looking forward to having to deal with Peter in the near future. [COLOR=Blue] "I cannot forget the amazing work of Micky, Danny and Shane..."[/COLOR] Micky Starr is at every show, giving Sam notes and providing valuable leadership in the locker room. Danny, of course, is the one behind this company and does a great job announcing. Shane Sneer was the booker of this company until a few weeks ago. He had held that position before I was hired back in 2004. I use 'was', because Sam replaced him. With me. I'm sure everyone in the room knows about his decision. Sam probably told Peter and Peter told anyone he could find. Maybe that's why Sam isn't going to toast me, it might make things awkward. Sam never told me why Shane was asked to step down as the booker. Rumor has it Shane had it out with one of the wrestlers and things got physical. The whole situation is pretty air tight because nobody knows the exact details. Obviously the two must still be on decent terms, as I was told Shane will still focus as the on-screen manager as his stable. I'm sure, however, he's bitter about losing his position of power. The two of us still haven't talked about it. Shane and I lock eyes from across the room as Sam finishes his speech. [COLOR=Blue] "And to everyone else, you're all an asset to this company, and let 2008 be even greater than last year!"[/COLOR] I watch as everyone raises and wine glass and cheers. Likely, I will be the only one at work tomorrow. But there's a lot of work to be done as we have a show in four days. This is the position I've been asked to take on and I am ready. Ready to prove myself to this company.
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Cool start, with some nice wit and interesting foreshadowing. Piece of Advice for you though: TURN BRUCE HEEL. A bruce/Justic feud has money all over it, and unlike Valentine or Rex Bruce has extremely good fundamentals.
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[CENTER][U][B]First Meeting with Sam[/B][/U] [/CENTER] I had a pretty restless right, trying to find the right way in my head to pitch some future storylines to Sam. The meeting went pretty well, he explained the extent of my new position in USPW. Of course he had a few restrictions he wanted to place: 1. [B]USPW must not fall below Cult size at any point.[/B] Sam was being more than fair here. If the company took a hit, I deserved to be fired. 2. [B]Peter Valentine must be kept above C+ grade momentum.[/B] Ugh. As much as I didn't want to, Peter had to be quite a major factor in the federation. He was Sam's friend, so the request made since. Figuring out how to keep his sub-par wrestling skills from ruining important matches was going to be a tough task. 3. [B]Bruce the Giant must be kept above B- overall popularity in America.[/B] Fair enough. I didn't have many problems with this. 4. [B]You can't hire any wrestler who is classed as being an MMA Crossover.[/B] Uhhh, wasn't really planning on it, Sam. I'm sure they'd be turned off by the slow-paced matches, anyway. 5. [B]You can't hire any wrestle who is classed as a Spot Monkey.[/B] In Sam's words, "no guys that do just flippy crap." I could work around this. 6. You cannot hire to extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than a C- in Charisma. Sam slammed the table, "we need more guys that can talk! That's the damn problem these days, nobody can talk! WE NEED TALKERS!" I had some guys in mind that weren't exactly entertaining behind the mic, and hopefully I could, uh, sneak it by Sam. After Sam and I met, I decided to make some phone calls. I was able to get in touch with representatives from NOTBPW, TCW, and PSW, as they accepted my requests for a [B]working agreement[/B]. Somehow, I also managed to get in contact with Rich Eisen himself. After five minutes of begging, he somehow agreed to a [B]non-aggression pact[/B]. I had previous fears that SWF would try to pick off USPW talent, so this made my life easier. I took a look over our current, active roster. Sam, doing a decent job as a business man, had most of our roster committed to long-term written/verbal deals: [CENTER][U]Main Event ([COLOR=Blue]Face[/COLOR], [COLOR=Red]Heel[/COLOR])[/U] [COLOR=Red]Bruce the Giant[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Chris Caulfield[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]James Justice[/COLOR] (USPW World Champion) [COLOR=Red]Peter Valentine [U][COLOR=Black]Upper Midcard [/COLOR][/U][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red]Giant Redwood[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Jim Force[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Jumbo Jackson[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]T-Rex [U][COLOR=Black]Midcard [/COLOR][/U][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red]Anger[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Captain USA[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Darryl Devine[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Des Davids[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Java[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Mick Muscles[/COLOR] (USPW Tag Team Champion) [COLOR=Blue]Nicky Champion[/COLOR] (USPW Television Champion) [U]Lower Midcard[/U] [COLOR=Blue]Al the Hillbilly[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Danny Rushmore [/COLOR](USPW Tag Team Champion) [COLOR=Red]Tribal Warrior [U][COLOR=Black]Opener [/COLOR][/U][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red]Lex Appeal[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Pete the Hillbilly [COLOR=Black][U]Enhancement Talent [/U] [COLOR=Red]Eric the Bull[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Happy Elwood [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [U]Women's Division[/U] [COLOR=Blue] Alicia Strong[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Cherry Bomb Nadia Snow Stephanie Wade [U][COLOR=Black]Injured[/COLOR][/U] [COLOR=Blue]Freddie Datsun[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=Black]Managers [/COLOR][/U][COLOR=Red] Shane Sneer [/COLOR][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red]Sheik Mustafa [COLOR=Blue]Seduction [U][COLOR=Black] Authority Figure[/COLOR][/U] [COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red]Commissioner Doom[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][LEFT][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black] Yikes. I think the average age of a USPW worker had to be around 40. This company needs future stars, and I think Sam knows it, but is afraid to admit that the guys that once carried this company are getting older and older. I promised Sam and everyone in the company that I wasn't going to recommend any swift firings. However, I need to make some future stars, and they need to be made quickly. I started scribbling down some booking notes for this week's show. It was going to be a new era in USPW. Hopefully. [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/USPW-2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3] T[/SIZE][SIZE=3]HIS WEEK ON USPW AMERICAN WRESTLING! [/SIZE][/B][LEFT][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]After last week's shocking incident, [B]James Justice[/B] has promised to speak out against [B]Bruce the Giant[/B]. What does the champion plan to say to the largest athlete in the world? Also, [B]Shane Sneer [/B]has promised that his newest client will have some words to say as well! [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][SIZE=2]As a result of last week's events, [B]Commissioner Doom[/B] has ordered that Justice and Bruce will be in action tonight in singles matches. Justice will meet the monster [B]T-Rex[/B], while Bruce will step into the ring against the three time former world champion, [B]Jim Force[/B]![/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][SIZE=2][B]Peter Valentine[/B] and [B]Giant Redwood[/B] have been getting involved in each other's matches lately. Will this new found friendship help Peter get a victory over the young [B]Darryl Devine[/B]?[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][SIZE=2]Speaking of Giant Redwood, he'll be stepping into the ring against 'The Hardcore American', [B]Chris Caulfield[/B]![/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][SIZE=2]We'll have some tag team action as [B]Mick Muscles[/B] and [B]Danny Rushmore[/B] meet [B]The Hillbillys[/B] in a non-title match.[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][SIZE=2]Also in action, [B]Nicky Champion[/B] defends his USPW Television title against the Sneer Corporation's [B]Tribal Warrior[/B]![/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][SIZE=2]Plus, we have women's action as [B]Alicia Strong[/B] battles [B]Stephanie Wade[/B]. Will Cherry Bomb make an appearance to scout her top rival?[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][SIZE=2]Finally, [B]Des Davids[/B] continues his rise to the top as he meets [B]Anger[/B] one on one. Will Davids score another win, or will Anger show the youngster that you cannot fool a veteran? Tune in this week to find out! [/SIZE][/SIZE][CENTER][U]The All American Predictions Form (Sponsored by Billy's Texarkana Freedom Fries) [/U]James Justice vs. T-Rex Bruce the Giant vs. Jim Force Peter Valentine vs. Darryl Devine Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys [U][B]USPW Television Title[/B][/U]: Nicky Champion vs. Tribal Warrior Alicia Strong vs. Stephanie Wade Des Davids vs. Anger [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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I can't shake my love for USPW diaries. It's like a dirty, evil addiction. [B]James Justice[/B] vs. T-Rex [B]Bruce the Giant[/B] vs. Jim Force [I]I'm calling booking 101 on the Justice and Bruce. Need them to both go into the big event looking strong. [/I] [B]Peter Valentine[/B] vs. Darryl Devine [I]Saddens me to see Valentine win, but that's what Strong wants, and Darrly is still young and low on the card...[/I] Giant Redwood vs. [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] [I]You signed the non-aggression pact, so Caulfield is yours for now. He's way too good and way too over to lose to Redwood.[/I] [B]The Towers of Power[/B] vs. The Hillbillys [I]The Hillbillys are bad. Real bad...[/I] USPW Television Title: [B]Nicky Champion[/B] vs. Tribal Warrior [I]While I think that there is actually some mileage in using Tribal and Java, Nicky is a far better prospect. [/I] [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Stephanie Wade [I]Building up for the Cherry Bomb - Strong match.[/I] [B]Des Davids[/B] vs. Anger [I]I picked Valentine of Devine, so I figure I shoudl balance the universe out by picking Des over Anger. It just wouldn't be right for all of the USPW's young talent to lose in one week. [/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/USPW-2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=4]USPW AMERICAN WRESTLING! [SIZE=2]Wednesday, Week 1, January 2008 Live at The Den, Attendance: 2000 (Sell out) Commentators: Danny Jillefski and Sam Strong Pre- Show Dark Match: [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][LEFT][SIZE=4][SIZE=2]Jumbo Jackson defeated Happy Elwood in 3:48 by pinfall with a Jumbo Avalanche. Rating: [COLOR=Red]D- [/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE][CENTER][B]Main Show: [/B][LEFT]The show opens up with some All-American pyro, and [B]James Justice's[/B] theme music immediately begins to blare. He enters the ring to a nice crowd reaction, because, you know, he's the champion. Justice grabs the mic from the ring announcer: [COLOR=Blue]"Last week, you all saw how that backstabber Bruce the Giant attacked me after our tag team match. Right where I am standing, I was choke slammed on my own title belt. I thought you were better than that, Bruce. Better than that group of Shane Sneer and his group of goons. If you had wanted a rematch, all you had to do was ask. Instead, I see that idiot Sneer got in your ear. Well, James Justice isn't taking this sitting down. I beat you once and I will definitely beat you again. We have a little event called Stars, Stripes and Slams coming up. I'm calling you out. Once I get my hands on you and your new little manager, trust me Bruce, there will be ... Justice ... for all."[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR=Red]B- [/COLOR][/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Des Davids vs. Anger [/B][/U][LEFT]I made sure not to book this match too long, but it felt like the longest five minutes of my life. Not surprisingly, Anger was completely off his game. Davids dominated the first three and half minutes of the match, using impressive slams while trying to protect the ancient Anger. However, [B]Peter Valentine[/B] made his way down to ringside and attacked Davids from behind while the referee was distracted with Anger's antics. Anger took advantage of this and finished Davids off with a weak looking Demon Slam. As Davids was in the ring recovering, the camera panned to Valentine, who had a huge grin on his face. Anger defeated Des Davids in 4:40 by pinfall with a Demon Slam following interference from Peter Valentine. Rating: [COLOR=Red]E [/COLOR][/LEFT] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/AliciaStrong.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/StephanieWade.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Alicia Strong vs. Stephanie Wade [/B][/U][LEFT]This was a decent performance (at least for television) by both ladies, who have become familiar with each other's styles since the division began last year. After an even few minutes, Strong took over and finished Wade off with an Angel Driver. Alicia Strong defeated Stephanie Wade in 6:44 by pinfall with an Angel Driver. Rating: [COLOR=Red]D [COLOR=Black]Post match, [B]Cherry Bomb [/B]comes down to the ring and challenges Alicia Strong to a title match at Stars, Stripes and Slams, because hey, Alicia is the top contender out there (in a division consisting of four wrestlers). Alicia, of course, accepts Cherry's challenge. Thankfully, both ladies are decent talkers, so the fans got into this segment. Rating: [COLOR=Red]C [COLOR=Black]The camera cuts to backstage where Shane Sneer is standing next to his newest client, Bruce the Giant. [COLOR=Blue]"How did it feel, James? How did it feel to be choke slammed by the largest athlete in the game today? You see, Bruce came to me a few weeks ago. He was tired. Tired of being second fiddle to James Justice. When you got that fluke win over Bruce in October, Bruce was insulted that you didn't offer an immediate rematch yourself. He knew he wasn't going to get anywhere without some professional guidance. That's why he let me buy out his contract. Bruce is part of my corporation now, and our mission statement is to get his world title back. James Justice, we'll accept your challenge for Stars, Stripes and Slams and we hope you enjoyed keeping the belt warm for this six hundred pound, Australian monster."[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR=Red]C+ [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/MickMuscles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG] vs. [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/PeteTheHillbilly.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/AlTheHillbilly.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys [/B][/U][LEFT]I don't like to talk a lot of smack about the boys in the company, but it's beyond me that the Hillbillys are still employed. They're dull and both terrible in the ring. I used this as a squash match to keep the Towers strong, and thankfully the ended this match quickly, via an assisted powerbomb. The Towers Of Power defeated The Hillbillys in 2:54 when Mick Muscles defeated Al The Hillbilly by pinfall. Rating: [COLOR=Red]E [COLOR=Black]After the match, the Towers ranted about the lack of competition in USPW and challenged any tag team in the USA to meet them at Stars, Stripes and Slams. Rating: [COLOR=Red]D- [COLOR=Black]We cut again backstage to Peter Valentine. [COLOR=Blue]"Tonight I have a match with Darryl Devine. I hate you Darryl. You know why? Because you're young and have no respect for this business. Same goes for Des Davids. That's why I attacked you Des, so you could be taught a lesson. Guys like me, Giant Redwood and Anger have made this business what it is today. We put butts in seats, and we've been doing it before you and Des were little dribbles in your daddy's hoo-hah. Tonight Darryl, I'm gonna break your heart in front of all of this fans. You see Darryl, your time is never going to come. You think you can defeat a WRESTLING GOD? Think again. You will never have the inherent talent that I have been blessed with. I am the most talented wrestler in USPW. Tonight, this man is going to take a boy to school!"[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR=Red]D [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/PeterValentine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Peter Valentine vs. Darryl Devine [/B][/U][LEFT]Yeah, neither of these guys click in the ring. Which is too bad, because Valentine's flaws were quite exposed here. Devine tried his best to get the crowd into the match, but they weren't having it. Valentine locked in about three billion rest holds before Devine seemed to take the advantage with a decent looking dropkick from the top rope. Of course, [B]Giant Redwood[/B], Valentine's new best friend, came down to the ring and tripped up Devine while the referee wasn't looking. This allowed Valentine to get an opening and land the Heart Breaker for the three count. Peter Valentine defeated Darryl Devine in 8:31 by pinfall with a Heart Breaker following interference from Giant Redwood. Rating: [COLOR=Red]D- [/COLOR] [/LEFT] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/TomE.Hawk.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/TribalWarrior.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]USPW Television Title: Nicky Champion (c) vs. Tribal Warrior w/Sheik Mustafa [/B][/U] [LEFT]Peter did a great job of killing the crowd, because they were quite silent for this title match. Champion bumped around the ring and made Warrior look like a legitimate threat for his title. Warrior landed a sloppy military press slam for a two count midway through the match, but Champion took over from there. Nicky bounced off the ropes and landed the Hawkeye Hammer (running forearm). Before he could get the three count, [B]Java [/B]ran down to ringside and broke up the pinfall, drawing an immediate DQ. Nicky Champion defeated Tribal Warrior in 6:50 when Tribal Warrior was disqualified when Java ran in and attacked Nicky Champion. Nicky Champion makes defence number 1 of his USPW Television title. Rating: [COLOR=Red]D- [COLOR=Black]Java and a recovered Tribal Warrior proceeded to beat Champion down for the next minute, getting some minor heat. Rating: [COLOR=Red]E+ [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield [/B][/U][LEFT]Of course neither of these two clicked at all in the ring. Caulfield spent the first two minutes being slammed around the ring by the slow, massive Redwood. As Redwood looked to end it quickly with a splash, an angry [B]Darryl Devine [/B]came down to ringside and distracted him with the power of verbal insults. Redwood, not being very bright, diverted his attention, just long enough for Chris to land the Danger Drop and get the win. Chris Caulfield defeated Giant Redwood in 3:49 by pinfall with a Danger Drop after a distraction from Darryl Devine. Rating: [COLOR=Red]D- [COLOR=Black]The camera goes backstage, once again, to Jim Force. [COLOR=Blue]"Bruce the Giant, what you did to James Justice last week was unacceptable to Jim Force and the other Force-in-ites in the audience. James Justice is a good man who represents the best elements of America. Jim Force feels as if you choke slammed James because you are jealous. Jealous that you are not the champion and jealous that you are ... [I]not American[/I]. Tonight, you made a big mistake facing Jim Force in the ring. Jim Force has held the world title many times before ... Jim Force is a triple crown winner in USPW. Jim Force will make you crumble tonight and show the world that the giant is nothing more than a coward." [/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR=Red]B- [COLOR=Black](Thankfully Force is a good talker) [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Bruce the Giant w/Shane Sneer vs. Jim Force [/U][/B][LEFT]Bruce must've heard Jim's comments, because he came to the ring looking pissed. He spent the first few minutes throwing Force around the ring like a rag doll. Jim, however, gets right back up and lands several FORCE PUNCHES and FORCE KICKS! Bruce is staggered and looking already tired, though we're barely five minutes into the match. Force seems to notice and lands a flying shoulder block, taking the Giant off his feet. Force covers ... 1... 2... And the Giant kicks out, causing Force to go briefly airborne. Force staggers back up, but Bruce is up to his feet first. Force runs at Bruce, but is grabbed, hoisted up in the hair, and choke slammed to the mat. The ref counts to three, and Force is finished. Bruce The Giant defeated Jim Force in 6:52 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam. Rating: [COLOR=Red]D+ [/COLOR] [/LEFT] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/TRex.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]James Justice vs. T-Rex [/B][/U][LEFT][COLOR=Black]Despite T-Rex being completely off his game, Justice turned this into a good, television-quality match. The two being by trading punches and headlocks. Justice runs off the ropes and is caught by T-Rex, who lands a power slam. He turns Justice over and locks in the Jurassic Crush! Justice however, is able to get to the ropes quickly and force the hold to be broken. T-Rex immediately gets up and stomps away on Justice. Finally, picking Justice up, T-Rex whips him off the ropes and lands a lariat for a two count. Annoyed, T-Rex jaws for the referee before lifting his opponent up again. An Extinction attempt is blocked by Justice, who whips T-Rex off the ropes and lands a knee lift. Justice lands a pair of body slams, and atomic drop and snap suplex, finally cover for a two count. T-Rex staggers to is feet, is whipped off of the ropes and finally falls victim to a Liberation Slam (side slam) to end a short, but competitive match. James Justice defeated T-Rex in 5:56 by pinfall with a Liberation Slam. Rating: [COLOR=Red]C+[/COLOR] Just as James begins to celebrate, Bruce the Giant and his newest ally, Jumbo Jackson come down the aisle and applaud mockingly. James immediately gets in Bruce's face and both start jawing at one another. Chris Caulfield immediately sprints down to ringside to even up the score. After the two trade insults, Bruce and James start to brawl, which is quickly broken up by both wrestlers and security. As Bruce is grabbed to the outside, he watches as Justice lifts his title and points, which is the final image we get as the camera fades to black. Rating: [COLOR=Red]B- [/COLOR][/COLOR][CENTER][B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4]Final Rating: [COLOR=Red]C [/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][LEFT][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4][COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black][I]I think overall the show went down pretty well, Sam was happy with my first effort. Honestly, it wasn't as good as the last few shows that we've had, but it was better than the efforts we were putting in at this point last year. [/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][CENTER][U][B]Current Confirmed Card for Stars, Stripes and Slams [/B][/U][LEFT][B]USPW World Title:[/B] James Justice (c) vs. Bruce the Giant [B]USPW Women's Title:[/B] Cherry Bomb (c) vs. Alicia Strong [B]USPW World Tag Team Titles:[/B] The Towers of Power (c) vs. TBA [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][LEFT]([I]Congrats d_w_w for going 7/8 on the picks, you will get a free Lex Appeal shirt in the mail soon.)[/I] I was pleased with the first show. Considering the limitations of most of our roster, the fans seemed to connect with a good majority of the action. Sam was happy for me, hell, most of the people in the office seemed happy for me. Well, maybe not Shane, but what can you do? I did a lot of wheeling and dealing over the phone this week as well. I arranged for USPW to get a PPV agreement with U-Demand, the same company that carries TCW's big events. Hopefully, we can get some more exposure and money as a result. Also, I came to some agreements with several wrestlers to join our roster. Thankfully, they're all under the age of 50 and have more endurance than Redwood. I also had to deal with some backstage problems right off the bat. You see, I guess after the show, Peter Valentine thought it would be amusing if he took a crap in Happy Elwood's gym bag. Of course, this just pissed off the entire locker room and I was told by Micky Starr to take care of the situation. I had to try my best to not raise my voice to Sam Strong's best friend, trying to act stern while getting my point across. Peter seems to have lived in some era (read: the 80's) where this kind of stuff was routine, but I as I explained to him, this kind of stuff doesn't fly anymore. He apologized, but I wondered if my point had really gotten across... [/LEFT] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/USPW-2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3] T[/SIZE][SIZE=3]HIS WEEK ON USPW AMERICAN WRESTLING! [/SIZE][/B][LEFT]Similar to last week, [B]Commissioner Doom [/B]has ordered both [B]James Justice[/B] and [B]Bruce the Giant[/B] to wrestle in separate singles action. Both men will face former USPW world champions: Justice will meet current tag team champion, [B]Mick Muscles[/B], while Bruce will meet [B]Captain USA[/B]. After last week's brawl, you know that Muscles and Bruce are going to have more words for one another. In tag team action, we'll see good friends [B]Peter Valentine [/B]and [B]Giant Redwood [/B]join forces to meet [B]Chris Caulfield [/B]and [B]Des Davids[/B]. Davids is one of the "young guns" that Valentine expressed his hatred for last week, inexplicably causing the powerhouse a loss. Meanwhile, Redwood is likely looking for a way to avenge last week's loss to Caulfield. [B]Nicky Champion [/B]will defend his television title against the man who ran in and attacked him last week, [B]Java[/B]. Can the Sneer Corporation pick up some gold, or will Nicky find a way to beat a member of Savage Fury for the second week in a row? [B]James Jumbo[/B], the enforcer of the Sneer Corporation will go one on one with the always exciting [B]Jim Force[/B]. Force has expressed his hatred for all things involved with Shane Sneer, so expect some major fireworks. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] will meet up against [B]Anger. [/B]Can Anger win two in a row against USPW's youngest superstars or will The Devine One rack up a victory and gain some much needed momentum? We'll have some women's action, as [B]Cherry Bomb[/B] will have a tune up against [B]Nadia Snow[/B]. Can Snow cause a major upset or will Cherry Bomb continue her reign of dominance? Also, will [B]Alicia Strong [/B]make an appearance? [B]T-Rex[/B] will also see some singles action against a newcomer in USPW, Ben Williams. Also, we'll hear from [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] for the first time in months, giving us the current status of his knee injury. Tune in this week to catch all of the action! [CENTER][U]The All American Predictions Form (Sponsored by Billy's Texarkana Freedom Fries)[/U] James Justice vs. Mick Muscles Bruce the Giant vs. Captain USA Des Davids and Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine and Giant Redwood [U][B]USPW Television Title[/B][/U]: Nicky Champion vs. Java Jim Force vs. James Jumbo Anger vs. Darryl Devine Cherry Bomb vs. Nadia Snow T-Rex vs. Ben Williams [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/USPW-2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=4]USPW AMERICAN WRESTLING! [SIZE=2]Wednesday, Week 2, January 2008 Live at Perry Hall, Attendance: 2000 (Sell out) Commentators: Danny Jillefski and Sam Strong Pre-Show Dark Matches: [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][LEFT][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black][SIZE=2][B]Eric The Bull defeated Al The Hillbilly in 2:31 by pinfall with a Pancake Maker.[/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]F+ [COLOR=Black][B]Kirk Jameson defeated Lex Appeal in 3:41 by pinfall with The Bullseye.[/B] Rating [COLOR=Red]E- [/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][CENTER][LEFT]([I]This was a try-out match for Kirk, whom I had heard good things about from a friend in Puerto Rico. He did a decent job of carrying Lex Appeal, and will likely be signed to a contract.) [/I][/LEFT] [B]Main Show: [/B][LEFT]We get some All-American pyro, and the announcers go over what we'll see tonight: James Justice meets former world champion Mick Muscles and Bruce the Giant also meets another former world champion in Captain USA. [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]Plus, Chris Caulfield and Des Davids team up to take on Giant Redwood and Peter Valentine.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/TRex.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/BenWilliams.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]T-Rex vs. Ben Williams [/B][/U][LEFT][COLOR=Black]Ben is already standing in the ring, looking bright-eyed and nervous for his first match in USPW. Sadly for him, his first opponent was T-Rex, looking pissed off over last week's defeat. Ben tries to land some punches early, but his offense is completely no sold. T-Rex throws him around the ring for a minute or so before ending the squash with an Extinction. [B]T-Rex defeated Ben Williams in 1:49 by pinfall with The Extinction.[/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]D-[/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=Red] [COLOR=Black]The camera goes backstage to Cherry Bomb, who has a microphone: [COLOR=Blue]"Back in August, the USPW started up its women's division. I received a phone call asking if I wanted an opportunity at gold, and well, I couldn't turn it down. I know damn well why this division was created, and it wasn't because of USPW's new found appreciation of female wrestling. It was because of YOU, Alicia Strong and your daddy. Your dad wanted somebody to lie down so you could win your little problem, but there was a chance of plans. Ever since then, you've been looking for another opportunity. Come Stars, Stripes and Slams, you're going to get your second chance, but I hope you Dad has a good supply of tissues, because you're going to be crying on his shoulder after I power bomb you into oblivion!" [COLOR=Black]Rating: [COLOR=Red]D+[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR][/LEFT] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/CherryBomb.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/NadiaSnow.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Cherry Bomb vs. Nadia Snow [/B][/U][LEFT]Cherry Bomb gave a steady beat down to the younger Snow, who looked quite off her game tonight. I know I didn't do either any favors by pitting two heels against one another, and the crowd's lack of reaction showed the consequences. After playing around with her opponent, a Cherry Bomb finally ended the contest. [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][B]Cherry Bomb defeated Nadia Snow in 5:45 by pinfall with a Cherry Bomb.[/B] Rating: [/COLOR]E+ [COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red] [COLOR=Black]The camera cuts to backstage where Peter Valentine is standing next to Giant Redwood. [COLOR=Blue]"Tonight, me and Redwood have to take care of a couple of goons who have a real thorn in our side lately. The All-American loser, Chris Caulfield and another young reject known as Des Davids. Des, I know you must be real mad after I screwed you last week. Well, my friend, your new emotion might as well be sadness, because I guarantee I'm going to ... break your heart in the ring tonight. As for you, Chris Caulfield, I am sure this monster right next to me will take care of you. Look at him. You're a monster, right Redwood?" [COLOR=Red] "Yes..." [/COLOR]"You're angry, aren't you?" [COLOR=Red]"Yes..." [COLOR=Blue]"You're ... old, too?" [COLOR=Red]"Very..." [COLOR=Blue]"That's right. These two old SOB's are going to show everyone who really runs this place tonight!"[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR=Red]C [COLOR=black]We then move back ringside, where Sam Strong is standing next to a face that is quite familiar to USPW fans: [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][CENTER][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][COLOR=black][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][LEFT][COLOR=Blue]"Ladies and gentleman, I am here with a man who has entertained you fans many times in the past in a USPW ring. In case you forgotten, this man suffered a terrible knee injury last September, but he's here to say some words and to thank you for sending in those 'get well soon' cards in support." [COLOR=Red]"Thanks, Sam. I just wanted to tell you that I appreciated all of the cards I got in the mail while I was in the hospital months ago. You fans are the best. I have been working hard at rehabbing my knee and hopefully I will be back in the ring in a few---" [COLOR=Black]Before Freddie can finish his sentence, [B]Bruce the Giant [/B]and [B]Shane Sneer [/B]have appeared ring behind him. As Freddie turns around to react, Bruce's massive paw clutches his throat. Bruce hoists Datsun into the air and proceeds to choke slam him onto the entrance ramp. The crowd is briefly silent before booing Bruce out of the arena. Barely able to speak over the booing of the crowd, Shane Sneer takes the microphone and walks over to the prone body of Freddie Datsun: [COLOR=DarkGreen]"You're a friend of James Justice, right? Can you do me a big favor? Tell him that the pain you're right now ... it's going to be nothing to the pain Justice is going to feel after Bruce destroys him at the pay per view. Thanks, Freddie. Hope the knee heals." [COLOR=Black]Bruce and Shane exit to the back, drawing some of the loudest boos I have ever heard in a USPW arena. Rating: [COLOR=Red]B- [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Darryl Devine vs. Anger [/B][/U][LEFT]Anger tried to make it two in a row against USPW prospects, but Devine made sure that wasn't going to happen. I was a little disappointed with Darryl's performance (as I have actual expectations for him, unlike Anger). He didn't take too long putting Anger away with a Devine Dream Drop. [B]Darryl Devine defeated Anger in 4:33 by pinfall with a Devine Dream Drop.[/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]E+[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red] [COLOR=Black]The USPW cameras are backstage, with the camera focused on Ben Williams, who is being taped up by the trainer. He looks depressed, and rightfully so. However, he is greeted by a man ... a man known as [B]Jim Force[/B]: [COLOR=Blue]"I saw you wrestle out there, Ben." [COLOR=Red]"Yeah, I got my butt kicked." [COLOR=Blue]"There's no shame, it was your first match. I saw you try hard out there." [COLOR=Red]"You did?" [COLOR=Blue]"Yeah ... you reminded me of somebody I know quite well." [COLOR=Red]"Who?" [COLOR=Blue]"Me. I like what I see in you. I saw focus, I saw intensity. I saw ... Force. Come with me, Ben. Let me teach you the secrets." [COLOR=Red]"Uh ... sure... okay..." [COLOR=Black] The two walk off together, as Force seems to have found somebody to mentor. [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR=Red]D+ [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/USPW_Television.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4][COLOR=Red] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/TomE.Hawk.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Black]vs.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/Java.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][U][B]USPW Television Title: Nicky Champion (c) vs. Java [/B][/U][LEFT]For the second week in a row, Champion had to wrestle a member of Savage Fury. The match was even throughout, with Java landing some impact moves and Champion hitting his high spots. The theme of the match was similar to the entire theme of Champion's title reign: Nicky being able to find a way to win. Seemingly out of nowhere, Champion landed a Hawkeye Hammer to pick up the win. [B][COLOR=Black] Nicky Champion defeated Java in 8:36 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer. Nicky Champion makes defence number 2 of his USPW Television title. [/COLOR][/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]D- [/COLOR] The camera is backstage, focused on [B]Alicia Strong [/B]having a chat with a backstage member. Out of nowhere, [B]Cherry Bomb[/B] appears on the scene, attacking Strong from behind. Bomb lifts Strong into the air and power bombs her on the concrete before storming off. Rating: [COLOR=Red]D [COLOR=Black]We shift gears, and the crowd roars as the camera goes to James Justice. Clad in his traditional sun-glasses and tie dye shirt, he begins to speak: [COLOR=Blue]"I always like to make sure I watch the entire show, you know, scout the other wrestlers. That's what a champion does, I like to stack up my competition. Mick Muscles, I saw you last week complaining about the lack of competition in the tag team division. And I agree, you're a good [I]tag team[/I] wrestler, head and shoulders above the other teams here in USPW. However, tonight is a [I]singles [/I]match. If you think for one second that I'm thinking ahead to my match with Bruce, you're mistaken. You've held world title gold before, Mick, and my gut tells me you wouldn't mind holding it again. Sorry to tell you, but that's not going to happen. I saw what Bruce did to my friend Freddie Datsun and trust me, I've full of a long of anger man, full of totally bad vibes. When I get done with you tonight, Mick, there will be justice ... for all!" [COLOR=Black]Rating: [COLOR=Red]C- [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][CENTER][B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4][COLOR=Red] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/JumboJackson.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Black]vs.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][U][B]Jumbo Jackson w/Shane Sneer vs. Jim Force [/B][/U][LEFT]This started off as a decent slugfest between two power houses. Force got control during the middle of the match with his traditional array of punches and kicks, which caused Sneer to panic and call for help in the back. Not surprisingly, [B]Tribal Warrior [/B]and [B]Java [/B]came running ringside. As Java distracted the referee, Force found himself tripped up by Tribal Warrior. Force diverted his attention, which allowed Jackson to sneek up with a low blow. As Force fell to the canvas. Jackson bounced off the ropes and landed the Jumbo Avalanche for the three count. Jackson celebrated on the outside with the Savage Fury as Force winced in the ring with a look of anger. [B]Jumbo Jackson defeated Jim Force in 6:53 by pinfall with a Jumbo Avalanche following interference from Tribal Warrior. [/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]D- [/COLOR][CENTER][B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4][COLOR=Red][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Black]vs.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4][COLOR=Red][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/CaptainUSA.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [U][B]Bruce the Giant vs. Captain USA [/B][/U][LEFT]Bruce entered to a chorus of boos, of course. The crowd didn't react as loudly as I would've liked to Captain USA, most likely because the knew he didn't have much of a chance. Though USA gave it his all, Bruce dominated the entire match, throwing around the veteran with absolute ease. I just wished the two clicked even a little bit, but Bruce at least got the show on the road quickly and ended things with a choke slam. [B]Bruce The Giant defeated Captain USA in 3:01 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam.[/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]D [COLOR=Black]Bruce goes to celebrate for a bit, but notices Captain USA is starting to get up again. The giant decides to choke slam his opponent one more time, just because he's a jerk. This time, the crowd reacts with more booing. Rating: [COLOR=Red]C+ [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][CENTER][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Black]vs. [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/PeterValentine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][U][B]Chris Caulfield and Des Davids vs. Peter Valentine and Giant Redwood [/B][/U][LEFT]As much as I'd like to make the semi-main event a little more epic, Valentine and Redwood don't have any endurance in the ring, so these kind of matches need to be short and sweet. The action is event until [B]T-Rex [/B]([I]Peter seems to have a lot of friends)[/I] waddles his way down and attacks both Davids and Caulfield. Just seconds later, [B]Darryl Devine [/B]runs down the ramp to even the score, focusing most of his attack on Giant Redwood, the man who cost him a win last week. As the six men brawl, the ref throws out the match. [B]Chris Caulfield and Des Davids drew with Peter Valentine and Giant Redwood in 4:40 following a double disqualification. [/B] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black] Rating: [COLOR=Red]D [/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]The brawl is suddenly interrupted by [B]Commissioner Doom, [/B]who implores the men to stop brawling. [COLOR=Blue]"Hey, hey, hey! I am not going to have you guys destroy each other in the ring. Not right now. Won't happen. I'll make this short and sweet. Next week, six man tag, Chris Caulfield, Des Davids and Darryl Devine against Peter Valentine, Giant Redwood and T-Rex. By the way, Darryl, since you like to attack Giant Redwood so much, you'll be meeting him at Stars, Stripes and Slams. Good luck." [COLOR=Black] Rating: [COLOR=Red]C- [COLOR=Black]Before our main event gets underway, [B]Bruce the Giant [/B]comes down to ringside to take a seat, as if he is scouting James Justice. This really pisses off the fans, as security has to hold a few overzealous drunks from jumping the rail. Rating: [COLOR=Red]A [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][CENTER][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Black]vs.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/MickMuscles.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][U][B]James Justice vs. Mick Muscles [/B][/U][LEFT] Justice comes out and the crowd get right into the match. Muscles is able to jump on Justice early, nearly making him submit with a nice looking full nelson in the middle of the ring. Per usual, Justice is able to recharge later into the match and sends Muscles reeling with a back body drop and an super atomic drop. As Muscles gets back to his feet, Justice is sure to point at Bruce, who is watching intently, before putting Muscles away with a Liberation Slam. [B]James Justice defeated Mick Muscles in 10:30 by pinfall with a Liberation Slam.[/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]C [COLOR=Black]Immediately after Justice picks up the win, [B]Jumbo Jackson[/B], Sneer's other monster, runs into the ring and goes on the attack. Justice is able to briefly fight him off, but Bruce comes into the ring to make it two on one. The two commence a beat down until, [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] runs down with a kendo stick to even the fight. Both of Sneer's men book it out of the ring (Caulfield is able to land one kendo stick shot on Jumbo's back before he makes it out). Justice is helped to his feet and both men stare down Sneer's powerhouses to end the show. Rating: [COLOR=Red]B[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4]Final Rating: [COLOR=Red]C- [/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][LEFT][I]Another decent effort, but Sam and I agreed the show could've been a bit better. The top of the card seems to be the weak point, so hopefully with some work, the fans will get into our shows from start to finish.[/I] [CENTER][U][B]Current Confirmed Card for Stars, Stripes and Slams [/B][/U] [CENTER][B]USPW World Title:[/B] James Justice (c) vs. Bruce the Giant [B]USPW Women's Title:[/B] Cherry Bomb (c) vs. Alicia Strong [B]USPW World Tag Team Titles:[/B] The Towers of Power (c) vs. TBA Darryl Devine vs. Giant Redwood [/CENTER] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/USPW-2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=4]USPW AMERICAN WRESTLING! [SIZE=2]Wednesday, Week 3, January 2008 Live at Grissom Auditorium, Attendance: 2000 (Sell out) Commentators: Danny Jillefski and Sam Strong Pre-Show Dark Match: [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][LEFT][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black][SIZE=2][B]Remmy Skye defeated Lex Appeal in 4:40 by pinfall with a Skye Diver. [/B][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black] Rating: [COLOR=Red]E [/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][CENTER][LEFT]([I]Another try-out match this week, this time for Remmy Skye. He did well in front of a limited crowd, enough to be offered a full time deal.) [/I][/LEFT] [B]Main Show: [/B][LEFT]We get some traditional All-American Pyro to start off our show, and the theme music of [B]James Justice [/B]begins to blare on the spot, bringing the crowd to a frenzy. He comes to the ring with a smirk and waits for the crowd to quiet down before he speaks: [COLOR=Blue]"Two weeks until now, Bruce. Can you feel it? I've watched you turn into a mean dude during these last few weeks. You've been choke slamming people left and right. You attacked my friend, Freddie Datsun, last week. I know why you've been acting like this. You're [I]scared[/I]. Desperate. You haven't rattled me Bruce, and come Stars, Stripes and Slams, you're going to be 0 and 2 versus James Justice!" [COLOR=Black]The crowd cheers, but before Justice can speak again, [B]Commissioner Doom [/B]comes out to the ramp to speak. [COLOR=Red]"Well, James, as usual you've gotten these fans fired up. If you were as good of a thinker as you are an orator, you'd be in the back studying tapes of your opponent for the pay per view. However, I think you need another warm up tonight. Yes. How about you, tonight, one on one versus a member of the Sneer Corporation ... Jumbo Jackson. Good luck James, you're going to need it."[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]Rating: [COLOR=Red]C+[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR][/LEFT] [/CENTER] After a commercial break, we are joined in the ring by a new face in USPW: [B]Joss Thompson.[/B] [COLOR=Blue] "Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Joss Thompson. And let me say, that *snicker* I hate America. I really do. I've been blessed to have been able to live in Europe all my life and learn the British system of wrestling. I've dominated everyone that can be dominated in a wrestling ring in my country. I've gotten bored. So I decided to take my business elsewhere and come to the United States. Let's make this perfectly clear, I don't wrestle for you people. I wrestle for Joss Thompson, the best technical wrestler in the game today. How confident am I in my abilities. Well, I want to challenge any former title holder in USPW to a match right now. Not just any match, a five minute match. If I cannot win within five minutes I will admit defeat. Now, does anybody want to answer my challenge." [/COLOR] Sure enough, Thompson's challenge is indeed answered as former tag champion [B]Al the Hillbilly [/B]comes to the ring. Rating: [COLOR=Red]E+[/COLOR] [/LEFT] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/JossThompson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/AlTheHillbilly.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]5 Minute Challenge: Joss Thompson vs. Al the Hillbilly [/B][/U][LEFT][COLOR=Black]Joss starts out quickly, with swift kicks and ring movement, as he easily avoids any of Al's attempts to lock up. Once the wrestlers do engage, Thompson takes control and easily dominates his larger opponent. Al falls victim to a Clean Cutter in the middle of the ring, and Joss is able to cover his opponent for the pin with plenty of time to spare. [B]Joss Thompson defeated Al The Hillbilly in 2:52 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.[/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]E- [COLOR=Black][I](I think the 'E' is for E-gad that match sucked) [/I]Post match, Joss decides to continue to beat down Al until [B]Pete the Hillbilly [/B]runs down to ringside to stop the beating. Rating: [COLOR=Red]F+[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=Red] [COLOR=Black]The camera goes to the locker room where [B]Chris Caulfield [/B]is warming up for his six man tag match tonight. As Caulfield finishes putting on his ring boots, he is attacked out of nowhere by [B]Jumbo Jackson[/B]. Jackson delivers several punches and bodyslams Caulfield onto a bench. As Chris lies prone, [B]Shane Sneer [/B]walks over to him. [COLOR=Blue] "You want to get involved in business that isn't yours? This is a warning: stay out of James Justice's matches or you will continue to get hurt. Got it? Good. Jumbo, let's get the hell out of here."[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]Rating:[/COLOR] C[/COLOR][CENTER][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/AliciaStrong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] vs. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/NadiaSnow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/StephanieWade.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [U][B]Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez vs. Nadia Snow and Stephanie Wade [/B][/U][LEFT]Strong entered first and waited a moment to introduce her tag team partner, another new face to USPW: Joanne Rodriguez. Jennifer got a decent reaction from the crowd, likely from the select few who are aware of women's wrestling outside of America. The ladies put on a decent performance, with Joanne playing the face in peril. After Alicia got the hot tag, she easily dominated both of her opponents and put Nadia away with an Angel Driver. [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Black][B]Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez defeated Nadia Snow and Stephanie Wade in 7:22 when Alicia Strong defeated Nadia Snow by pinfall with an Angel Driver.[/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]D-[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black] Alicia immediate grabs a microphone after the match. [COLOR=Blue]"Cherry Bomb, after you decided to be a coward and attack me backstage, I decided it would make sense to find somebody who would be willing to watch my back for our title match. Joanne and I go back a long ways, as we trained together when I was learning how to wrestle. So Cherry Bomb, what's the point of waiting until the pay per view? How about next week, me and Joanne against you and a partner of your choice? Hope you can find somebody!" [COLOR=Black]Rating: [COLOR=Red]D+[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/ChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Black]vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/FoxMask_alt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/KirkJameson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/BullWrecker.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Winner Gets a Television Title Shot at Stars, Stripes and Slams: Champagne Lover vs. White Fox vs. Kirk Jameson w/Dharma Gregg vs. Eric the Bull w/Sheik Mustafa [/B][/U] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red] [COLOR=Black]This match marked the television debuts of Champagne Lover, Kirk Jameson and White Fox. Champagne Lover's entrance was easily the most over-the-top of the as he entered with a full mariachi band playing behind him as he threw roses into the crowd, drawing a wonderful chorus of boos from the crowd. Kirk entered with the gorgeous Dharma Gregg by his side while White Fox is, you know, a dude with a fox mask. With a title shot on the line, all four wrestlers went all-out, though possibly due to the fact this was the first match in USPW for White Fox and Champagne Lover, there wasn't a whole lot of flow. The ending came as Kirk Jameson dove to the outside and took Eric the Bull out with a plancha, leaving Champagne Lover and White Fox in the ring. With both men on the outside not moving, Lover was able to put Fox away for a three count with The Lover's Kiss (sitout facebuster). [B]Champagne Lover defeated Eric The Bull, White Fox and Kirk Jameson in 8:33 when Champagne Lover defeated White Fox by pinfall with a Lover's Kiss.[/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]E+[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]The camera cuts to backstage where Peter Valentine is standing alone. [COLOR=Blue] [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Blue]"Tonight, I'm part of a six man tag match with my friends, Giant Redwood and T-Rex. But to me, this six man tag match isn't good enough. There's one man I want in the ring, one on one, and that's you, Des Davids. I don't care how man quarterbacks you've sacked or touchdowns you've scored, you're in my ring and you've been disrespecting it. That's why I went to Commission Doom, a good man, a man who understands how I think. He made a match for Stars, Stripes and Slams. Peter Valentine ... versus Des Davids. Des, make sure you bring your family to ringside, because I want you to see their faces after Peter Valentine breaks their hearts!"[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR=Red]C-[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [CENTER][LEFT][CENTER][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]vs.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/PeterValentine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/TRex.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [U][B]Chris Caulfield, Des Davids and Darryl Devine vs. Peter Valentine, Giant Redwood and T-Rex[/B][/U] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black] Caulfield is able to accompany his team to the ring, though he is sporting a set of taped ribs. Like any match that features Redwood and T-Rex, the action is short and sweet, though both guys were clearly out of gas by the time the match ended. Davids almost took Valentine's head off with a tackle on the outside while Caulfield took advantage of a one-on-one situation in the ring and was able to impressively lift T-Rex and pin him with the Danger Drop. [B]Chris Caulfield, Darryl Devine and Des Davids defeated Peter Valentine, T-Rex and Giant Redwood in 6:49 when Chris Caulfield defeated T-Rex by pinfall with a Danger Drop.[/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]D-[/COLOR] The USPW cameras shift ringside[/COLOR][COLOR=Black], and [B]Bruce the Giant [/B]and [B]Shane Sneer [/B]make their way to the ring to a loud chorus of boos. Giant, rather than Sneer, takes the microphone: [COLOR=Blue] "James Justice, mate, you've been doing a lot of talking these last few weeks. I'm afraid of you? No ... clearly you're afraid of me. You're a weak bloke and that's why I went to this man right next to me to get me a rematch for my world title. However, you got another monster to deal with tonight, and I am sure Jumbo is going to do this job---"[/COLOR] Sadly, we are spared further words of wisdom from Bruce as he is interrupted by [B]Commissioner Doom.[/B] [COLOR=Red]"Now, now, Bruce I don't think it would be fair if I had James Justice wrestle and give you the night off." [/COLOR] Bruce frowns as Doom continues. [COLOR=Red] "That's right, you'll be in singles action tonight. In fact, you'll be wrestling ... right now!"[/COLOR] The crowd cheers as Bruce looks angrier. [COLOR=Red]"And here is your opponent."[/COLOR] Unfamiliar music hits and Bruce's expression goes from livid to barely keeping a straight face, as down the aisle sprints a special man. A man known as [B]Ben Force[/B]. [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][CENTER][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/BenWilliams_alt5.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Bruce the Giant w/Shane Sneer vs. Ben Force [/B][/U][LEFT]Ben jumps into the ring and starts yelling and shaking the ropes, doing a perfect impression of his mentor. Clearly not having heard the bell run, Ben takes his sweet time to face Bruce, who immediately lifts Force in the air with ease and choke slams him for an easy three count, drawing more booing from the crowd. [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black] [B]Bruce The Giant defeated Ben Force in 0:52 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam.[/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]D[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][CENTER][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/Java.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Jim Force vs. Java w/Sheik Mustafa[/B][/U] [LEFT]Jim's entrance is one hundred times more hilarious this time around because it is almost motion-for-motion the exact same as Ben's from the previous match. Once Force gets control of the match with his Force punches and the token flying tackle, Tribal Warrior jumps into the ring to draw the DQ, with the crowd going mild. [B][COLOR=Black] Jim Force defeated Java in 5:51 when Java was disqualified when Tribal Warrior ran in and attacked Jim Force. [/COLOR][/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]E+[/COLOR] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red] Post match, both members of Savage Fury beat force down until [B]Captain USA[/B] jogs to the ring and clears out the heels. Force, barely getting to his feet, is handed a microphone: [COLOR=Blue] "Savage Fury ... you represent a corporation that I despise ... I want you two ... Stars, Stripes and Slams ... against me and The Captain." [/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][B]The Sheik[/B] yells back, "you're on!", and we have another match set. Rating: [/COLOR][COLOR=Red]E+[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/USPW_Television.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4][COLOR=Red] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/TomE.Hawk.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Black]vs.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][U][B]USPW Television Title: Nicky Champion (c) vs. Danny Rushmore [/B][/U][LEFT][COLOR=Black]Per usual, Champion found himself at a size disadvantage, but was able to use his speed early on to outwrestle Rushmore. A flying cross body press gave the champion a two count before Rushmore was able to slow down the pace to his liking. However, after a sleeper hold and a full nelson applied by the challenge in seperate instances were unsuccessful, the champ was back in control with a Russian legsweep and an elbow drop from the top rope. However, before Champion could set up the Hawkeye Hammer, Mick Muscles came down to break up the match, causing Champion to win the match via a DQ. [/COLOR][B][COLOR=Black]Nicky Champion defeated Danny Rushmore in 7:47 when Danny Rushmore was disqualified when Mick Muscles ran in and attacked Nicky Champion. Nicky Champion makes defence number 3 of his USPW Television title. [/COLOR][/B] Rating: [COLOR=Red]D [/COLOR] Before Muscles and Rushmore are able to double team Champion, the sound of a motorcycle revving is heard from the top of the ramp. [CENTER][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/LeadBelly.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG] [LEFT][B]Lead Belly[/B] and [B]Grease Hog [/B]are on a pair of motorcycles and they have arrived in USPW! Lead Belly has a microphone: [COLOR=Blue] "Boys, we heard that you two had an open challenge for your titles at Stars, Stripes and Slams. If you're looking for a fight, look no further than these two SOB's standing right here. We're coming to take your titles, so you've been warned!"[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR=Red]E+[/COLOR] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] [COLOR=Black]The camera goes backstage to James Justice, who appears to have just finished his pre match warmup: [COLOR=Blue] "James Jumbo, before tonight you were just another faceless giant dude who worked for this company. Then, man, you decided to make things personal. You attacked Chris Caulfield, the hardest working man in this business, and buddy, you've busted my vibe now. I'm not happy, and once I get my hand's on you, for Chris's sake, there is going to be justice ... for all!" [COLOR=Black]Rating: [COLOR=Red]C+ [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][CENTER][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4][COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black]vs.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4][COLOR=Red] [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Jedgrey/USPW/JumboJackson.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][U][B]James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson w/Shane Sneer [/B][/U][LEFT]I think I can safely say that this was the best match so far under my tenure as head booker for USPW. I told Justice to try his best to make Jackson look like a beast, and he did quite a good job. Jackson spend most of the match throwing Justice around like a rag doll. After a pair of powerslams resulted in only in two counts, Jackson took his eyes of his opponents to yell at the ref. This allowed Justice to recover and 'Strong up', taking control of the match and getting a three count with the Liberation Slam, sending the crowd home happy. Rating: [COLOR=Red]C+[/COLOR] [CENTER][LEFT][CENTER][LEFT][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black] However, the celebration is short lived, as the other four members of the Sneer corporation (Bruce the Giant, Java, Tribal Warrior and Eric the Bull) come down and beat Justice down to the mat. Bruce picks up Justice's limp body and gives him a choke slam on the world title, a carbon copy ending of the last show of 2007. Bruce then picks up the title and lifts it over his head, resulting in massive jeering from the audience. Rating: [COLOR=Red]C[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4]Final Rating: [COLOR=Red]C [/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][LEFT][I]I can't say enough how much of a life saver Justice is when it comes to the ring segments. Bruce also does a good job of getting crowd reactions, but in terms of wrestling, Justice is carrying this company on his back, as this show was passable only because of him. The wrestling on the top of the show really needs a lot of work, and hopefully these shows will improve all-around in quality soon. [/I] [CENTER][U][B]Current Confirmed Card for Stars, Stripes and Slams [/B][/U] [CENTER][B]USPW World Title:[/B] James Justice (c) vs. Bruce the Giant [B]USPW Women's Title:[/B] Cherry Bomb (c) vs. Alicia Strong [B]USPW World Tag Team Titles:[/B] The Towers of Power (c) vs. The Dirty White Boys [B]USPW Television Title:[/B] Nicky Champion (c) vs. Champagne Lover Darryl Devine vs. Giant Redwood Peter Valentine vs. Des Davids Jim Force and Captain USA vs. Savage Fury [/CENTER] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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I really like what you're doing here bro. As DDW knows I've been trying to get a game up and running with USPW and I've been having a lot of similar matches. Of course with the size of the roster that's not too hard:) You diary kind of puts a little more life to some of these characters making it easier for me to relate to them. Its hard for me to use Cornellverse and this actually helps me. Keep up the good work. I love what your doing with Bruce's heel turn.
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I hope this diary continues soon, I'm very interested in where you're going with a heel Bruce the Giant at the top of the card. I'm running a game thats very different from yours so its fun to come in here and see just how different the C Verse can allow us to play this game. Fun stuff man keep up the good work.
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