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Not Enough Hot Storylines

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So I'm running as SWF, and two shows in a row now, I've gotten a note that I'm not having enough hot storylines, and it's hurt my popularity. So after the second, I went through, and took note of my storylines and their current ratings. I have 10 storylines running. The best two are both B ratings; I have 4 storylines at B-, one each at C, C-, D+, and D. So my question is this--does anyone know what the breaking point is on that note? Do I have to get them to A ratings? Another one up to a B or a B to a B+? Any help?
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It looks like you have way too many storylines and it's dragging you down. If you have one really solid storyline and 9 crappy ones it's going to bring you down. I would stick to maybe 5 storylines and really focus on making those hot.
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No that's not it. So long as you have enough good ones you can have as many as you want. I wonder though, does a story with low heat actually have an adverse effect on seg ratings? And how much of a benefit does being in stories give angles and workers?
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Thanks everyone for the advice. I figured I'd get a slightly more varied response than I did...I might have to try killing a few of the lower-rated storylines. And I've already been trying to get the top ones more momentum.
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One thing that seems to help me is have your lower stoylines piggyback on the more popular ones. The Angle Face off but no contact is a great example. 2 rated workers 6 non rated workers. equels 4 storylines getting a good rating if you use your top 2 workers as the rated ones that is.
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