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[I]I'm not going to bore you with some backstory about me winning the lotery and starting a company or something. This just follows the story of a new eastcoast US indy company.[/I] The U.S indy scene is always seeing new companies come and go. Very few in the country have been around since before the year 2000. The east coast in perticular is flooded with fantastic shows. It takes a lot to stand out. TIGER Pro is looking to stand out. TIGER is the brainchild of Steven Richards, and no not the one from ECW. A lifelong wrestling fan he's taking a huge gamble financially to run his own promotion. He's booked ROH and CHIKARA regulars and being in their home turf might prove to be problematic but it's a risk worth taking. The era of TIGER begins now. Sent out to wrestling websites and messageboards: [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] The buzz started to grow. Word of mouth spread like wildfire. What was TIGER Pro? Fans were slowly given more information about the company and pre sale tickets sold out. The event was booked perfectly, on a weekend where the major promotions in the tri state area weren't running. An unopposed weekend. Pre sale tickets sold out. -------------------- THIS WEEKEND: TIGER PRO PRESENTS CROWNING A CHAMPION. A TWO NIGHT EVENT AT THE MANHATTEN CENTER IN NEW YORK CITY. OPENING ROUND MATCHES ON FRIDAY NIGHT, SEMI FINALS TO FINALS ON SATURDAY NIGHT. ALSO FEATURED ON FRIDAY NIGHT A NON TOURNAMENT TAG TEAM MATCHUP BETWEEN THE NAPTOWN DRAGONS OF DUSTIN LEE AND SCOTTY VORTEKZ. TOURNAMENT MATCHES ARE 1 VS. 1 OPENING ROUND, 1 VS. 1 VS. 1 SECOND ROUND, AND 1 VS. 1 ALL REMAINING ROUNDS. TITLE CEREMONY TO TAKE PLACE AFTER TOURNAMENT FINALS. ALSO SIGNED FOR SATURDAY NIGHT THE WINNERS OF THE FRIDAY NIGHT TAG MATCH WILL CHALLANGE THE NWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS LOS LUCHAS IN A TITLE MATCH. ([I]Night one up later today. Night two to follow this weekend. Also, as a side note not everyone on the tournament will be a regular, so if you don't like the super-indy kind of promotion don't worry. I'll be using a mix of names already out there, up and comers, and hopefully some home grown talent.[/I])
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The Manhatten Center is paacked tonight. Fans start filing in and finding their seats. The ring is white with orange trim, the TIGER logo in the middle. The entrance way has a proper set up with full lighting rigs. The lights go out and the fans start applauding. It's time to begin. [B]Opening Round Match[/B] [B]"The King Of Old School" Steve Corino vs. Ace Steel[/B] [QUOTE]Corino came out looking good, for many fans it was their first time seeing him since his time in ROH. For some it was the first time since his ECW days. Ace Steel looked to be in great shape. This is his first return to the indy's since being released by the WWE and he's looking to make good on it. The match started out with both men feeling each other out, not sure of what the other was looking to do. A great series of reversals ended in Steel hitting a big german suplex on Corino getting 2 and 7/8ths on the count. Corino got his momentum back though hitting a big [B]leg lariat[/B]. Couldn't pick up the win there but kept the pace up hitting a big lariat which lead to the [B]Old School Explusion[/B]. Cover gets the 3 and Steve Corino moves on to the second round.[/QUOTE] [B]Opening Round Match[/B] [B]"The Pukka One" Darren Burridge vs. Kevin Steen[/B] [QUOTE]Kevin Steen is looking at TIGER as his opportunity to really make a splash by winning the TIGER Championship. Darren Burridge is looking to make a name for himself in America, a territory new to him. The fans got a good taste of what he's capable in this match. Steen though had a blazing intensity all throughout the match hitting a big powerbomb into the turnbuckles. Burridge was able to hit a big second rope shoulderblock but that was his biggest moment of offense. Steen takes the match decisively with the [B]Package Piledriver[/B].[/QUOTE] [I]The camera cuts to Roderick Strong in the back getting ready for his match.[/I] [QUOTE]Tonight I've got to wrestle someone I've never heard of. He has no idea whats in store for him. Tonight is just the first step to my reign as champion in this company. So Brodie Lee, get ready to lose.[/QUOTE] [B]Opening Round Match "Big Rig" Brodie Lee vs. Roderick Strong[/B] [QUOTE]Lee is becoming a hot commodity on the indy scene and wants to add more fuel to his fire with a good showing in this tournament. Roderick Strong has the chance to prove himself as a true singles star this weekend. Strong had difficulty hitting his signature backbreakers on Lee due to his size. This match saw some brawling on the outside including a nasty looking moment when Lee pressed Strong up and released him to crash ribs first on the guardrail. After dragging Strong back into the ring and nailing a massive [B]boot to the face[/B] Lee tries to put him away. Strong kicks out at two and Lee lets his temper get the best of him and argues with referee Bryce Remsburg. Strong uses this to [B]roll up[/B] Lee and grab the victory.[/QUOTE] [B]Opening Round Match Ricochet vs. "The Human Torture Device" Doug Williams[/B] [QUOTE]Ricochet didn't stand a chance in this one. Williams is on a mission and Ricochet ended up being a tiny obstacle in his way. Williams abused his opponent with his stiff knee strikes. Ricochet tried to get something going after hitting a beautiful springboard dropkick that rearranged Williams face. In the end though it wasn't enough as Williams chickenwinged Ricochet and bent his back over his knee, a move he calls the [B]Iron Maiden[/B], to get the submission. Williams [B]refuses to break the hold[/B] and referee Bryce Remsberg is physically trying to separate the two men. Williams finally throws Ricochet to the mat and proceeds to deliver kicks to the back of his head.[/QUOTE] [I]Tyler Black is getting himself ready for his upcoming match[/I] [QUOTE]New York, tonight you get to see a revolution unfold before your eyes. This is a new day. The perfect time to strike and take advantage of the opportunity in front of me. Tonight you see the rise of Tyler Black to greatness. When everything is said and done and you look back on what TIGER was founded on, you'll see that it was Tyler Black that put this company on his shoulders. No one is going to stand in my way so Hawx, sorry to say you don't stand a chance.[/QUOTE] [I]Oren Hawx is sitting down backstage.[/I] [QUOTE]Tyler Black we got back a long way. We've worked all over this country. I've beaten you before and I can beat you again. This is my chance to step up and I'm not going to screw it up. I've never gotten a fair chance before so now that this tournament is in front of me, I plan on running through it. And that means running through you. These fans can cheer you all the want, but it'll just be set up for disappointment.[/QUOTE] [B]Opening Round Match Tyler Black vs. "The Southern Saint" Oren Hawx[/B] [QUOTE]Tyler Black is a man who's star is rising fast in the world of wrestling. Already putting on some amazing matches in his short career. Oren Hawx has been around a while and has never really gotten past the glass ceiling if you will. These two know each other from the WSX days. Black started out the match by attacking fast and hard, working Hawx into the corner and delivering chops that echoed throughout the arena. Hawx was able to slow things down by locking in an [B]STF[/B] after a big dropkick. Black got to the ropes and slid out of the ring to catch his breath. After some more back and forth action Hawx went to the top rope to finish Black off. Hawx dives off the top rope but Black catches him... cradles him... and hits the [B]God's Last Gift[/B] for the pin.[/QUOTE] [B]Opening Round Match "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush vs. Josh Abercrombie[/B] [QUOTE]Josh Abercrombie came out looking pissed off. Gone were the moustache and brightly colored trunks. Instead stood a bearded angry man fed up with a lack of respect. Quackenbush made his way to the ring in fine form. Having recovered nicely from back surgery. This was a back and forth match that had fans on the edge of their seats. A "lets go Quack" chant broke out during the match as he nailed Abercrombie on the outside with a swanton suicide dive. The [B]lightning lock[/B] gave the match some great drama as Abercrombie was able to hold off tapping out. Quack broke the lock and attempted to hit the Quackendriver but Abercrombie countered by shoving Quack into the corner. Some strikes followed and Abercrombie tried for the [B]Taliban Backpack[/B]. Quack slips out and under, kick to the gut, and DRILLS Abercrombie with the [B]Quackendriver III[/B]. After Quackenbush gets his hand raised Abercrombie snaps and hits a [B]super kick[/B] to the back of Quacks head. Abercrombie leaves looking satisfied in exacting a bit of revenge.[/QUOTE] [B]Opening Round Match El Generico vs. Matt Cross[/B] [QUOTE]Matt Cross the man formerly known as M-Dogg 20 is coming off a somewhat successful stint in ROH as a member of the now disbanded Resilience stable. El Generico of course you all know, a fan favorite everywhere he goes. Standing in the ring getting ready to lead the crowd in a big OLE! when Coss strikes from behind. He stomps away at Generico before picking him up, sending him to the ropes and executing a picture perfect headscissors takedown. Generico lands outside after the move and tries to collect himself but is soon blasted by Cross diving over the ropes from a distance no human should be able to and hitting a cartwheel to [B]corkscrew plancha[/B]. The fans pop hard for that one. Back in the ring a little later on and Generico and Cross are trading blows in the center of the ring. Cross tries to hit a standing tornado DDT but Generico pushes him off. As Cross turns back around to his opponent Generico kills him with a [B]Yakuza kick[/B]. Generio grabs cross off the floor, lifts him up and drives him back down with a [B]brainbuster[/B]. Cover and gets the three. Cross does not look happy as he gets back to his feet after the match. He jaws with the fans on his way to the back.[/QUOTE] [B]Opening Round Match Arik Cannon vs. "The Impact Bully" Brandon Thomaselli[/B] [QUOTE]Both of these men now their way around the American Indy's. Cannon has been able to wrestle in Japan and work regularly around the U.S. Thomaselli is starting to impress fans with his high impact style which lead to his nickname of The Impact Bully. The match begin with the two trading blows and trading smaller moves like arm drags and headlock takeovers. Both jockeying for position to get something started. During the match a fan yelled out "YOU LOOK LIKE A GARBAGE BAG" at Cannon which seemed to enrage him. Following a stiff kick to the head of Thomaselli, Cannon brings him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Later on in the match we see Thomaselli in control when he butterflies Cannon's arms and flips him like a tiger driver only for Cannon to [B]land hard on both of Thomasellis knees[/B]. The cover only gets a two though. Thomaselli goes back to cannon hoping to hit his finish to pick up the win but Cannon counters and hits a release [B]german suplex[/B]. Thomaselli hits so hard his momentum rolls him back and brings him to his knees and it's then it's Cannon running toward to hit the [B]Glimmering Warlock[/B] for the victory.[/QUOTE] [B]Opening Round Match "The Russian Bear" Alex Koslov vs. Davey Richards[/B] [QUOTE]Kozlov has been making a name for himself down in Mexico but he wants break into the U.S. He's gotten some exposure with TNA but that's only short term. Richards many feel is the guy to make waves in 2008. He's been getting better and better every time he steps into the ring. This was a stiff affair between the two between Richards kicks and Koslov's elbows and forearms. Richards attacked the legs to slow the Russian down. Davey was able to hit some quick kicks to the mid section of Koslov to soften him up for the [B]DR Driver[/B]. Richards follows it with a cover to grab the victory.[/QUOTE] [B]Opening Round Match Chris Hero vs. Kenny Omega[/B] [QUOTE]Omega is a top prospect from Canada hoping to get his name out in the states. Hero on the other hand is a favorite to take this whole thing. After a breakout year in 2007 he's been more focused than ever. Hero really didn't have a problem with Omega in this match though he did have some difficulty early on as Omega is quicker and a hard striker. hero was able to lock into the [B]Hangmans Clutch[/B] and force Omega to tap out for the victory.[/QUOTE] [I]After the match Hero grabs the mic.[/I] [QUOTE]Chris Hero has come to TIGER with one goal in mind. To get to the top and stay there. I've been a champion everywhere I've been and this won't be any different. I've been loved and I've been hated but none of that is going to cloud my vision when that belt is in my sight. If I have to go through Danielson, KENTA, whoever to reach my goal so be it. I won't lose, that's a promise.[/QUOTE] [I]Bryan Danielson grabs a camera guy and tells him he has something to say[/I] [QUOTE]The Best In The World continues to dominate tonight. Toss all the nobodies you want at me and they'll all tap out. You don't become the greatest wrestler in the world without backing it up. For years I've been the most dominant wrestler wherever I've been. I've been a world champion and taken that belt all over this planet. Tomorrow night, that belt is mine.[/QUOTE] [B]Opening Round Match "The Self Proclaimed Best In The World" Bryan Danielson vs. Sterling James Keenan[/B] [QUOTE]The always ****y self proclaimed best in the world Bryan Danielson has one goal and one goal only, dominate every opponent in is way en route to the title. Keenan is a guy that feels he hasn't really gotten a shot in North America. He's worked some dark matches for the WWE but a promotion has really never given him a chance. He has found success in England though and that's certainly boosted his confidence. Dragon really controlled the pace of the match hitting a lot of smaller moves that lead up to him really unleashing on Keenan. Keenen hit a dropkick to the knees of Danielson that put him down. Kenned followed that up with a [B]brutal dropkick to the face[/B]. He picks him up and yells out [B]MK ULTRA[/B]! Danielson is able to make him look like a fool though by using his body weight to stumble Keenan to the ropes. Kennen though does not lose his grip on Danielson and runs forward only for danielson to break out at the last second. High kick by Danielson sends Kennen down... [B]ELBOWS... ELBOWS... ELBOWS...[/B] Kennan taps out. Danielson picks up the victory with his signature side mount elbow strikes.[/QUOTE] [B]Non Tournament Match The Naptown Dragons vs. Cheech and Cloudy[/B] [QUOTE]Good match up between these two exciting teams. Preview for what the tag division in TIGER will hold. Both teams got offense in and hit nice double team spots. The Naptown Dragons of Dustin Lee and Scotty Vortekz picked up the win when Lee hit a [B]double stomp[/B] to the face of Cheech followed up with Vortekz hitting a [B]moonsault[/B] for the pin.[/QUOTE] [B]Opening Round Match KENTA vs. Chuck Taylor[/B] [QUOTE]Taylor came out hoping to make every kid in the crowd pee their pants. Unable to find any he begrudgingly made his way into the ring. KENTA came out to a huge pop. These two stared each other down to start the match. Towards the middle of the match both men found themselves on the outside as Taylor hit a [B]springboard plancha[/B] over the top rope onto KENTA. Back in the ring they trade forearms and chops, KENTA gets the advantage and sends Taylor into the ropes only to deliver a high kick that knocks him down. KENTA hits his signature rush which sets up Taylor to eat a big [B]busaiku knee kick[/B] to his face. KENTA can't get the win after the knee. Taylor shifts the match back in his favor and drills KENTA with the [B]Omega Driver[/B]. Cover 1... 2... 3 NO, KENTA kicks out. Taylor climbs to the top rope to finish him off but KENTA catches him... [B]OH BABY GO TO SLEEP...[/B] 1 2 3. KENTA grabs the win.[/QUOTE] CATCH TIGER TOMARROW AS WE CROWN OUR FIRST CHAMPION. YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS IT! IN NON TOURNAMENT MATCHES THE NAPTOWN DRAGONS TAKE ON THE NWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS LOS LUCHAS IN A TITLE MATCH. JOSH ABERCROMBIE SAYS HE HAS A MESSAGE FOR EVERYONE. AND FINALLY THE RUSSIAN BEAR ALEX KOZLOV TAKES ON CHUCK TAYLOR.
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NIGHT TWO: The Manhatten Center is at capacity again tonight as the tournament will end. When tonight ends, we will have our first champion. The lights dim and we begin. [I]Bryan Danielson makes his way to the ring microphone in hand.[/I] [QUOTE]In a few hours you all get to see the crowning of the first champion in this company, and he's standing right here in this ring. Last night I had to wrestle garbage, pure garbage. It's no different tonight. I've said it before and I'll say it until the day I die, I'm the best in this company, I'm the best in this country, I am the best in the world.[/QUOTE] [B]NWA World Tag Team Championship Match The Naptown Dragons vs. Los Luchas (CHAMPIONS)[/B] [QUOTE]Last night we witness the birth of TIGER Pro and the beginning of the tournament to crown our first champion. Before we get to the tournament we have a big tag match for you. Last night Dustin Lee and Scotty Vortekx the Naptown Dragons beat Cheech and Cloudy to earn their match tonight. They're facing the NWA World Tag Team Champions Los Luchas, Zokre and Pheonix Star. In a few weeks when TIGER holds it's tag team championship tournament you know the Naptown Dragons will be looking to take home the gold. Anything less would certainly be a disappointment for the duo. To the ring with our announcer Steven Richards. "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 30 minute time limit. It is seen under the advisement of the National Wrestling Alliance and TIGER Pro. It is for the NWA World Tag Team Championship. In charge, TIGER Head Referee Bryce Remsburg." "Standing to my left, the challengers. They weigh in at a combined weight of 353lbs, from Indianapolis Indiana... Diehard Dustin Lee and Scotty Vortekz the NAP..TOWN...DRAGONS. Standing to my right, the champions. They weigh in at a combined weight of 361lbs, from Mexico... Zokre...Pheonix Star... LOS LUCHAS." These two teams took to the air a lot. This was certainly a match where if you blinked you would miss something big. Los Luchas had a big moment when stereo headscissor takedowns sent the Dragons to the floor. Los Luchas waited for the right moment and took flight hitting [B]dual suicide planchas[/B]. The crowd was really getting into the match as all four men were in the ring going at it. Pheonix Star and Diehard end up on the outside. Zokre takes flight with a [B]springboard dragonrana[/B] and locks up the victory for his team. Los Luchas successfully defend their titles. [/QUOTE] [I]Kevin Steen is in the back lacing up his boots.[/I] [QUOTE]Are you kidding me? Are you ****ing kidding me? I have to wrestle a has been washed up dinosaur and Roderick "Boring" Strong. This is going to be like stealing from a blind guy. If anyone has any plans of beating Kevin Steen in this tournament, bring a gun because you'll have to ****ing kill me.[/QUOTE] [B]Second Round Match "The King Of Old School" Steve Corino vs. Roderick Strong vs. Kevin Steen[/B] [QUOTE]Talk about a hard hitting match. Steen and Strong decided they would try to punch each others heads off. Corino being the kind of guy he is sat back, putting his feet up on the ropes watching his opponents beat the tar out of each other. Finally Steen and Strong realized Corino wasn't laying low and ran after him. Corino now wide-eyed dove out of the ring and ran around it before going underneath it. He crawls out the other side and ends up behind Steen. He shoves Steens face [B]into the ring post[/B] knocking him down and out. Back in the ring Corino and Strong are going at it. Trading blows before Strong cuts him off with a knee to the midsection. Steen is crawling back into the ring now only to be met by boots to the back. fast forward a little and strong hits a massive [B]butterfly backbreaker[/B] on Steen that's sends him outside. Corino uses this to hit a high knee to the back of Strong's head pushing him chest first into the corner. Corino presses forward gaining momentum and [B]rolls back[/B] using his body weight to keep Strong down for the victory.[/QUOTE] [B]Second Round Match [QUOTE]"The Human Torture Device" Doug Williams vs. "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush vs. Tyler Black[/B] Talk about a styles clash in this one. Quack was able to use his agility and slick style to bob and weave through the moves of Williams and Black. Tyler Black really showed off his resilience in this match as he kicked out from both a [B]sitout powerbomb[/B] from Williams and a [B]Quackendriver II[/B] from Quackenbush. Williams stretched Quack to his limits with a stretch plum. While in the move Black came from nowhere to hit Williams with a flying forearm. Black looked like he had the win when he tied up Quack with a [B]hurricanrana[/B] but couldn't get it done. The end of the match saw Quack waist lock Black looking to hit a german suplex when Williams ran forward waist locking Quack [B]suplexing the both of them[/B]. Williams covers Quack for the victory.[/QUOTE] [I]Arik Cannon is getting ready for his match in the locker room.[/I] [QUOTE]I've been through hell and back in my career. I've wrestles all over this world against some of the very best. This is my first chance at glory. I've always been overlooked, thought of as someone who could carry a company. Oh Arik Cannon can't wrestle, he can't cut promos, he's not a legitimate champion. That all ends now.[/QUOTE] [B]Second Round Match El Generico vs. Arik Cannon vs. "The Self Proclaimed Best In The World" Bryan Danielson[/B] [QUOTE]This match didn't last as long as one would hope for with three extremely talented workers involved in it. Though it had lots of highlights. Cannon hit a glimmering warlock on Generico but Danielson stood behind stalking him and nailed a [B]dragon suplex[/B]. Instead of going for the cover he hit another one. And another one. Absolutely decimating Arik Cannon. Cannon rolled out of the ring and was attended to by the medical staff on hand. Generico fought back against the overly aggressive Danielson. Looking like he was going to hit the Brainbustaaaaaah but couldn't. Danielson hit an avalanche belly to belly from the turnbuckle and locked in [B]Cattle Mutilation[/B]. Generico taps.[/QUOTE] [I]After the match Generico is regaining his composure when Matt Cross and Josh Abercrombie hit the ring from the crowd. They put the boots to Generico and Abercrombie nails him with the Tom Selleck Driver and Cross hits a shoot star press to keep him down. Abercrombie grabs a mic.[/I] [QUOTE]Take a look at what you see in this ring. A beaten man laying at our feet. El Generico, you're the first of what's to come. You tell Kevin Steen that if he even thinks about going after the tag titles with you, they'll be hell to pay. You may be hotshots elsewhere but this is our company. This is our time. The New Wave has risen.[/QUOTE] [B]Second Round Match Chris Hero vs. KENTA vs. Davey Richards[/B] [QUOTE]A great match took place though not a long one. KENTA was feeling the effects of his first night match as was Richards. Hero used this to his advantage and took control of the match mid way through it. KENTA was able to hit an avalance [B]falcon arrow[/B] on Richards that put him out of the rest of the match. Hero dove to break up the pink and was able to pull a [B]Hero's Welcome[/B] out of nowhere for the victory.[/QUOTE] [B]Third Round Match "The King Of Old School" Steve Corino vs. "The Human Torture Device" Doug Williams[/B] [QUOTE]Both of these men are veterans of the business. Both are wold class workers and former world champions. The atmosphere in the Manhattan Center heated up for these two. The fans knew they were in for something special. Things got going after the initial trading of hammerlocks and wristlocks. Really working a methodical chain wrestling style. The first big move came when Corino ducked a Williams [B]lariat[/B] to hit one of his own. From then on it was one big thing after another. Leg lariat from Corino sent Williams down. Corino locks in a [B]figure four[/B] right in the middle of the ring. Corino is really working the hold, delivering hammer blows to the knee of Williams. Williams is starting to come back, a look of rage across his face. He's trying to rock Corino over onto his stomach reversing the flow of the hold. Williams stops that stratagy and lifts himself up on his elbows. Staring into the face of Corino he lunges forward and punches Corino [B]straight in the jaw[/B]. That one looked horrifically brutal. The lock was broken as Corino checks to see how many teeth he lost. Williams favoring his leg is trying to shake the feeling back into it. He grabs hold of Corino and tosses him overhead with a belly to belly suplex. Diving knee to the chest of Corino by Williams drives the air out of his lungs. Corino never seemed to recover from that suplex and eventually fell victim to Williams new [B]Iron Maiden[/B] submission move. Much the same as last night Williams refused to release the hold until long after the bell rings. Williams moves into the finals of the tournament. Will he be the first TIGER champion?[/QUOTE] [I]The camera catches Williams as he enters the backstage area.[/I] [QUOTE]After what you've just seen there shouldn't be any questions. I am the most ruthless, vicious, and brutal wrestler in this company. I'll do whatever it takes, whatever it takes. If I have to maim people, break their limbs, end their careers I will. I have no problem eliminating any and all threats. The Human Torture Device does not show mercy.[/QUOTE] [B]Third Round Match "The Self Proclaimed Best Wrestler In The World" Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Hero[/B] [QUOTE]Two of the very best in the world are going at it right here. Hero's conditioning is certainly going to help him as he's gone as far as 90+ minutes in a match. Danielson is no slouch though with 60 minute matches under his belt. Hero and Danielson met in the middle of the ring, foreheads touching yelling back and forth at each other. The tension finally rises too much as Hero hits a big elbow, Danielson answers back. At least 10 each from the two men find their way to the others face. Danielson finally seperates the two with a big [B]roaring[/B] elbow. Both Hero and Danielson collapse to the mat after brutalizing each other. Later on in the match Danielson has [B]Cattle Mutilation[/B] locked in but Hero rolls out. Danielson catches him and starts hitting [B]elbows[/B]. Again Hero slips out. Danielson has the arms locked again bu Hero rolls over for the cover. Danielson lets go in order not to get pinned. Both men back to their feet and Hero slams his [B]boot into the face[/B] of Danielson. [B]Hangmans clutch[/B] follows but Danielson reaches the ropes. More back and forth action ends with Hero hitting the [B]Hero's Welcome[/B]. Cover. 1... 2... 3... Hero moves on to the finals where he'll meet Doug Williams. Will he be the first TIGER champion.[/QUOTE] [B]Non Tournament Match "The Russian Bear" Alex Koslov vs. Chuck Taylor[/B] [QUOTE]These men lost tough matches last night and want to get on the right track in TIGER. Neither wants to start 0-2. Chuck Taylor made a three year old girl cry to start the match off. He seemed very proud of himself. A big mistake though was to take his eyes off of Koslov who ran and hit a HUGE [B]lariat[/B] and almost got the win right then and there. Taylor was able to regroup himself and take the fight to Koslov. Taylor did seem to be feeling the effects of his big match with KENTA from last night. Koslov hit a nice [B]piledriver[/B] to keep Taylor down long enough to get to the top rope. Splash attempt misses and taylor [B]rolls him up[/B] tight to get the win. Taylor celebrates like he just won the Superbowl and on his way to the back knocks popcorn out of a kids hand.[/QUOTE] [B]Tournament Finals for the TIGER Championship Chris Hero vs. "The Human Torture Device" Doug Williams[/B] [QUOTE]Our ring announcer Steven Richards steps into the ring with Bryce Remsberg. Richards is holding a bag in his hand. Remsburg holds out his hands and the bag is placed in them. Out comes the TIGER Championship belt. Richards holds it as Hero and Williams make their way to the ring. "The following match is your main event and the finals of the Crowning A Champion Tournament. This match is scheduled for one fall with a 60 minute time limit and is sanctioned by the TIGER Championship Committee and it is for the TIGER Pro Championship." Bryce Remsburg takes the belt and presents it to both Williams and Hero before presenting it to the four sides of the crowd. Both Hero and Williams come forward as a picture is taken to celebrate this historic moment. "Standing to my left from Reading, Berkshire England. He stands at an even six feet tall and weighs in tonight at 225lbs. He is the Human Torture Device Doooouuuuuggggg Willllllliams. And standing to my right from Metropolis. He stand at six feet five inches tall and weighs in tonight at 240lbs. He is Chrissssssss Heeeeeroooooooo." The bell rings and the match is on. Hero offers his hand for a handshake and Williams just slaps it around. You can here Hero say "so it's going to be like that". A look of intensity sweeps over his face. This isn't the comedic funny Hero we've seen over the years. This is a focused driven man on a mission. Williams though matches Hero's intensity. The two lock up and begin a series of chain wrestling that couldn't have been executed better. Both students of the British style they seem to have a counter for whatever the other can come up with. Williams finally figures out a way to get an advantage by taking the legs of Hero out from other him. Hero is going to have to use his height to out work Williams if he wants to keep trying to go for arm holds. Hero cartwheels out of a hammerlock and hits a big elbow that knocks Williams for a loop. Williams shakes the cobwebs out and starts trading open hand slaps, forearms, and knee lifts with Hero. Eventually Williams is dominating Hero and slaps down a [B]DDT[/B]. He climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a double knee drop across Hero's midsection. Williams grabs a hold of Hero and locks in the [B]Iron Maiden[/B] submission. No one has escaped this yet and he has it locked in tight in the middle of the ring. Hero will not tap though. Ref Remsburg is almost pleading with Hero to tap out but he isn't hearing any of it. Williams is doing everything he can to obtain more leverage and [B]drive the knee further[/B] into the spine of Hero to add to the punishment. [B]Blood starts to trickle out of the mouth of Hero[/B] and Remsburg wants to stop the match. Hero screams out [B]"DONT STOP THE ****ING MATCH"[/B]. The crowd is hotter than ever at this moment. "Lets go Hero" chants are deafaning. Hero is squirming around trying to free himself. He leans down and kicks his legs up in the air hitting Williams in the head. The hold is broken. Williams keeps on Hero though and pushes him to the corner. Waistlock. HERE... IT... COMES. [B]CHAOS THEORY[/B]. instead of bridging on the german suplex he releases Hero and he lands with a sickening thud. Williams drags his body away from the ropes and covers him. 1... 2... NO! HERO GETS AN ARM UP! The crowd is losing their mind. Hero is fighting back, blows to the mid section back Williams away. Hero to his feet, fighting for his life. Rights, lefts, elbows. ROARING ELBOW AND WILLIAMS IS DOWN! [B]HANGMANS CLUTCH[/B]... WILLIAMS TAPS! WILLIAMS TAPS! CHRIS HERO IS THE FIRST EVER TIGER PRO CHAMPION! [I]Chris Hero is still laying on the mat as some of the locker room spills out to come congratulate them lead by friend Mike Quackenbush. Doug Williams rolls out of the ring not wanting to stick around, he also doesn't shake Hero's hand. Steven Richards brings the title belt into the ring and has a mic. "Chris Hero, you have given us an epic performance this weekend. You beat some of the best in the world and you deserve this title without a doubt. So everyone please welcome your new TIGER Pro champion CHRIS HERO." The fans burst into applause and a "Chris is awesome" chant. The guys around him in the ring all congratulate him and Quack gives him a hug. Richards passes the mic to him.[/I] "Thank you. Really. This as been one of the toughest two nights I've ever..." Hero is cut off as Bryan Danielson has run down to the ring and shoves three guys out of his way and tackles Hero. Danielson is punching away at Hero as guys start trying to break it up. Quack gets a boot in the mouth for his efforts and Tyler Black gets elbowed hard in the face. Richards gets pushed through the ropes out to the floor and hits hard. Danielson is still punching away when finally he's restrained by security. As he's being dragged away you can here him yell out "THAT TITLE WILL BE MINE.". Our show ends with Hero on the mat beaten but still clutching the title.[/QUOTE]
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket [SIZE="5"]FALL OUT FROM CROWNING A CHAMPION, CORINO INJURY UPDATE, TIGER II CARD, AND MORE[/SIZE] Last night we saw Chris Hero capture the TIGER Pro Championship, becoming the first to ever hold it. His celebration was interrupted though as Bryan Danielson saw fit to attack Hero after his brutal match with Doug Williams. Due to his action Danielson has been placed on a 90 controlled probation. Danielson cannot challange for a title during this time frame and will be paying a fine. He also cannot interfere with any match. If he voids that stipulation he will be in violation of his contract. When we asked Chris Hero his thoughts on the situation he simply stated that when the time is right he'll respond to Danielson's actions. A big question coming out of last night is what are Matt Cross's and Josh Abercrombie's plans? The duo calling themselves the New Wave attacked El Generico after his second round match and made it clear that if he and Kevin Steen plan on going after the tag titles they'll have to get through them first. With the tournament to crown our first ever tag team champions next month this could make for an explosive course of actions. We tried to get a hold of Steen and Generico but neither would comment on the situation. Our next card is TIGER II in two weeks time. That action will be taking place in Dayton, Ohio. Main eventing card will be the hometown hero, Chris Hero defending his title against the Japanese superstar KENTA. These two faced eachother in the second round in the championship tournament. It's going to be a fnatastic match between these two world class wrestlers. Also on the card will be "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush and Bryan Danielson. Danielson is on thin ice so this match will be vital to his bid for a title shot after his probation. Doug Williams will be in action taking on Tyler Black. Black showed he can take a massive amount of punishment this past weekend and Williams as certainly shown that he can dish out massive amounts of punishment. More maches will be announced soon, but you can believe there will be some sort of confrontation between Matt Cross and Josh abercrombie and Steen and Generico. One member of the roster won't be at TIGER II and that's Steve Corino. In his match against Doug Williams last night he took a solid punch to the jaw. Corino was sent to the hospital to get it checked out and they confirmed he had a crack in his jaw bone. Corino will be out for a few weeks but should be ready to go by next month. Will he seek revenge on Doug Williams? TIGER had a special guest last night, the Executive Director of the NWA Robert Trobich was in attendance. He was said to have been very pleased with the TIGER poduct and looks forward to seeing more of we do here in the future. Finally, TIGER Pro would like to announce a partnership with SmartMarkVideo. SmartMarkVideo will be releasing all of the TIGER shows on DVD starting with our first show, Crowning A Champion as a special DVD that has both nights of the action on it. Look for it soon at [url]www.smartmarkvideo.com[/url].
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[I]From tigerpro.com[/I] Photobucket [B]ALSO SIGNED:[/B] Roderick Strong, Tyler Black, Oren Hawx, Chuck Taylor, Kevin Steen and El Generico, Josh Abercrombie and Matt Cross, The Naptown Dragons, Ace Steel, Brandon Thomaselli, and more. Prepare for TIGER II: Hero vs. KENTA.
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Thanks man. Im going to start writing the next show tomarrow. Over the next few shows you'll start to see feuds develop. The tag tournament show will probably be similar to the first two shows in it'll be mainly focused on the tag teams. After that I'll get into the swing of things with regular shows with promos and angles.
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Photobucket [B]FINAL NEWSBLOG BEFORE TIGER II[/B] This Sunday's card is loaded top to bottom with great matches. Already announced were: Chris Hero vs. KENTA for the TIGER Championship, Mike Quackenbush vs. Bryan Danielson, and Doug Williams vs. Davey Richards. We would like to announce a few more of the matches on this Sunday's card: Oren Hawx, Chuck Taylor, and Tyler Black are going to mix it up in a three way dance. The New Wave will make their tag team debut against Cheech and Cloudy. We'll also be seeing the debut of someone hoping to make waves in TIGER. Plus will Kevin Steen and El Generico be on hand to respond to The New Wave? We spotted NWA Director Robert Trobich at TIGER HQ today. Are there talks going on between the NWA and TIGER? Finally we have the first details on TIGERS third card, a tournament to decide the first TIGER Tag Team Champions. The event titled: Tag Team Supremecy: Finding Champions will take place at the historic New Alhambra in Phillidelphia PA. The teams signed so far for the eight team one night tournament include: The New Wave, The Naptown Dragons, Cheech and Cloudy, Los Luchas, and Steen and Generico. The yet to be revealed teams are some that fans are going to love. TIGER is bringing in two west coast based teams and one from Japan. [I]Next event will be up later tonight followed by the poster annoucning all the teams for the tag show.[/I]
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The Hara Arena is full of Hero supporters tonight as they get ready for his first title defense against KENTA. TIGER has a new set up for the entrance way with a ramp and lots of lights. A single light that shines the TIGER logo fades in as the house lights turn off. The fans start banging the guardrails and clapping rhythmically as the show begins. [B]Arik Cannon, "Big Rig" Brodie Lee, and "The Russian Bear" Alex Koslov vs. MASADA, Sterling James Keenan, and Kenny Omega[/B] [QUOTE]Interesting teams here for sure but six guys that really want to prove themselves. MASADA is making his debut tonight, you might know him from his time in ROH or the bloody battles he's had in Japan with BJW. He certainly isn't a stranger to doing whatever it takes to win. Each man got some time in the ring tonight the mash up of styles showed that they can work with whoever and it doesn't matter. The crowd popped huge after a big chain of moves starting with Brodie Lee nailing that signature [B]big boot[/b] of his into the face of Kenny Omega, Kennan then hit Lee with a big dropkick, Koslov rolled in and [b]german suplexed[/b] Kennan, MASADA ran and kicked Koslov in the face with both feet as he was getting up, Cannon came out of nowhere and hit the [b]glimmering warlock[/b] on MASADA and got the cover for his team.[/QUOTE] [B]Player Uno vs. Austin Adkisson[/B] [QUOTE]Two men making their debuts tonight. Player Uno is known for working a comedy style but don't be surprised to see him hit some great moves. Austin Adkisson comes from the Von Erich family, will his pedigree transfer into wins? Uno starts off the match quickly trying to catch Adkisson by surprise. Big enzugiri takes Adkisson out of the ring. Uno gets ready, runs full speed, [b]front flip senton over the top rope[/b]. Both men go crashing into the guardrail knocking fans out of chairs. For the first time a "TIGER" chant breaks out. The fans are loving this match as both guys are going all out. Adkisson starts rocking Uno with punches, knocking him into the ropes. Uno comes back through with a lariat. Uno climbs the rope, comes off looking for the [b]double stomp[/b]. Adkisson rolls out of the way and Uno crashes down to the mat. Adkisson runs over, hooks Uno's legs. [b]Texas Cloverleaf[/b]. Uno taps out.[/QUOTE] [I]A camera man catches up with Adkisson after his match.[/I] [QUOTE]You can say what you want about Player Uno, that he's a comedy wrestler, that he's a joke. I'll tell you the truth, he's a damn hard worker and gave me one hell of a match. He couldn't take the cloverleaf though and he's just the beginning of my time here. One day soon, I'll be on top. You look out for the Cloverleaf.[/QUOTE] [B]Ace Steel vs. "The Impact Bully" Brandon Thomaselli[/B] [QUOTE]These two guys were impressive at Crowning A Champion but both failed to get the titles. Steel started the match working Thomaselli's arm, trying to wear him down. He knocked down Thomaselli with a forearm and started driving his knee into Thomaselli's shoulder. Later in the match Thomaselli started to come back but spent a little too much time worrying about what the fans were saying. Steel grabbed Thomaselli from behind and locked in a half nelson and took him over with a [b]suplex[/b]. Thomaselli rolls out and gets back up as if it didn't faze him but Steel puts him right back down with a lariat. Cover only gets a two. Steel wants to finish him off with the [b]Twist Of Cain[/b] but can't get it. Thomaselli butterflies Steels arms but can't get him up. Steel gets shoved by Thomaselli into referee Brian Hebner. Thomaselli hits a [b]low blow[/b] on Steel and rolls him up. Hebner gets over to make the cover. Thomaselli steals one. [I]After the match Thomaselli blindsides Steel while he's pleading his case to the ref. Thomaselli gets Steel back up and butterflies the arms, lifts him straight up, and crashes him down onto both knees. Steel is laid out after the McGillicutty.[/I][/QUOTE] [B]The New Wave vs. Cheech and Cloudy[/B] [QUOTE]The New Wave make their way out to a chorus of boos. These know what they did to their beloved El Generico. Cheech and Cloudy come out to a nice reaction. The match starts with all four men battling in the ring. Eventually two spill out to the floor and keep brawling. Cross and Cloudy are left in the ring. Cross starts off with some nice arm drags and takes Cloudy down with a [b]Deju Vu[/b], two spins around the body before the headscissors. Abercrombie throws Cheech into the guardrail and runs back towards the ring. He Hops up on the apron and springboards into the ring. What a [b]springboard legdrop[/b] from Abercrombie onto Cloudy. The New Wave play up towards the crowd and just get booed. Cheech comes back into the ring and meets the Matt with a DDT from Cross. Abercrombie goes back towards Cloudy and picks him up. Cross and Abercrombie look at each other and nod. Abercrombie drills Cloudy with the [b]Abercrombie N' Flinch[/b] and Cross hooks Cheech in a front facelock looking for another DDT but instead runs backwards up the turnbuckles and [b]flips forward with a DDT[/b]. I've never seen that before, it's almost like a DDT version of the Canadian Destroyer. Both men cover their opponents. One two and Three.[/QUOTE] [I]Matt Cross grabs a mic.[/i] [quote][i]"In two weeks, Abercrombie and I are taking those tag belts. Seven other teams are coming but those seven teams will fail. The New Wave has risen, we control the fates on that night. We control our destiny, those tag titles. We... OH ****" Steen and Generico have run out from the back into the ring and start trading punches with Cross and Abercrombie. Steen hooks Cross and hits a Steenalizer into the turnbuckle. He might have a broken neck. Generico splats Abercrombie's head over the mat with a brainbuster. Steen and Generico climb the tunbuckles as a "Steen and Generico" chant breaks out. Steen grabs a mic.[/i] "Two weeks guys, two weeks and this **** ends." [/QUOTE] [B]"The Southern Saint" Oren Hawx vs. Chuck Taylor vs. Tyler Black[/B] [QUOTE]Oren Hawx and Tyler Black met in the first round of the championship tournament, a fast paced match that Hawx felt was stolen from him. Taylor has found himself back on the right path after beating Alex Koslov two weeks ago. These three are certainly the future of this company, young and hungry. The match started off at a relaxed pace, no one really wanted to pull out anything big in fear of having the match won from under them. Black got things going with a [b]double suplex[/b] on both men. He quickly tried to capitalize with a Phoenix splash but missed and hit hard. Taylor took control of Hawx and impacted him hard with a [b]running jumping piledriver[/b]. That set him up for trying to end things with the Omega Driver but couldn't get it done. Elbows from Hawx broke it up. Hawx put Taylor up on the ropes and tried to superplex him off. Taylor pushed him off and took flight with a flying press. Instead of going for the cover he sprung to his feet in time to miss a Black lariat. Kick to the gut... [b]Omega Driver[/b] on Black. That's gotta be it. Hawx comes out of literally nowhere with a [b]missile dropkick to the back of Taylors head[/b]. Covers him and gets the pin. Hawx went undetected to the top rope while Taylor hit the Omega Driver on Black. Oren Hawx steals this one. Something tells me it's not over between these three.[/QUOTE] [B]Davey Richards vs. "The Human Torture Device" Doug Williams[/B] [QUOTE]Doug Williams could still be feeling the effects of his absolute wars two weeks ago. By the end of the night he could barely walk. Richards had a tough contest last weekend but he seems to be at 100%. Short match between these two. Richards dominated through most of it. His kicks to the legs, mid section, and head of Williams wore him down for sure. he focused on the legs to take advantage of Williams wear and tear. A [b]single leg crab[/b] looked as if that was the clincher for Richards but Williams got to the ropes. Richards went right back to the leg though with a low dropkick. Williams slammed to the mat and yelled out in agony. Richards picked him up and hit the [b]DR Driver[/b]. Couldn't pin him though. Williams still has some left in the tank. Richards tries for another DR Driver but this time he can't get it. Williams uses all of the strength in his weakened legs to flip Richards over. He locks on the [b]Iron Maiden[/b]. He can't cinch it in though. His legs are to weak to get the leverage he needs. Instead Williams suplexes him over with a [b]Cobra Clutch Suplex[/b]. Davey Richards is out. Cover... 1 2 and 3.[/QUOTE] [I]Williams kicks Richards out of te ring and demands a microphone.[/i][QUOTE]"Steve Corino, where are you? I'm standing right here. Instead of getting you I have to deal with this nobody. I know exactly where you are, sitting at home. Too scared to come face the man who broke your jaw. From what I hear you'll be ready to go next month. So how about it? Four weeks time, after the Tag show. I'll do more than break your jaw pal."[/QUOTE] [I]Backstage we see Chris Hero taping up his wrists getting ready for his title match with KENTA.[/I] [QUOTE]"Everyone wants to know what I'm going to do about Bryan Danielson, what I'm going to say about him. I'm not going to say anything. This isn't the time. I've got one of the biggest matches in my career tonight. This gold around my waist shows that I'm the best this company has to offer. KENTA, you've come a long way, and so have I. You gave me a hell of a fight two weeks ago. Tonight it's just one on one. I expect your best, because your getting mine. Good luck."[/QUOTE] [B]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush vs. "The Self Proclaimed Best In The World" Bryan Danielson[/B] [QUOTE]Bryan Danielson comes out to a massive amount of boos. No one even sings along with his entrance music. Quack comes out to a big pop and a "Lets go Quack" chant. These guys have met before in great matches, tonight would be no different. Danielson shook his probation out of his mind and focused on Quackenbush. Quack went toe to toe with Danielson and matched him move for move with his deep arsenal of counters and takedowns. Quack locked Danielson up tight with a [b]hurricanrana[/b] but couldn't get the pin. Danielson countered with a tight small package but he couldn't pin Quack. Back to their feet Quack started raining down open hand palm strikes and leg kicks. Danielson countered with a roaring elbow that sent Quack to the corner. Monkey flip by Danielson lead to a [b]running knee strike[/b]. Danielson is looking for Cattle Mutilation but can't get it, Quack wrapped his legs around the bottom rope. Danielson decides instead of hit [b]elbows[/b] forcing Quack away from the ropes. Quack uses his agility to kick Danielson in the face to stop the elbows. Looking for the [b]CHIKARA Special[/b], can't get it. Danielson slides out. Looking for a [b]Dragon Suplex[/b]. No. Quack lands on his feet. [b]Lariat[/b] attempt by Danielson missed. Quack tries for a [b]leg lariat[/b], misses. Danielson hits hard with a [b]super kick[/b]. Quack is down. [b]Cattle Mutilation[/b]. Quack taps. Danielson picks up a hard fought win.[/QUOTE] [I]Danielson has left the ring as Quack gets up and the fans cheer for his effort. "Quack, Quack, Quack". Roderick Strong starts walking down to the ring with mic in hand. [/I] [QUOTE]Mike, wow. What a match. These fans obviously love you here. Me on the other hand, I flat our hate you. You represent everything I hate. You're a cartoon character. This isn't comic books, this is wrestling. [/QUOTE] [I]Quack stands looking confused at Strong trying to reason with him.[/I] [QUOTE]"I'm sorry Quackenbush but you've gotta leave."[/QUOTE] [I]Strong hits Quack with a boot to the gut and butterflies him. OW what a backbreaker. Strong snaps Quackenbush's surgically repaired back over his knee. Strong leaves the ring with a wide grin on his face.[/I] [B]Chris Hero vs. KENTA[/B] [i]"The following match is your main event and it is for the TIGER Pro Championship. This match is scheduled for one fall with a 60 minute time limit and is sanctioned by the TIGER Championship Committee. The man in charge is TIGER Head Referee Bryce Remsburg. Bryce Remsburg takes the belt and presents it to both KENTA and Hero before presenting it to the four sides of the crowd. Standing to my left, the challenger. From Soka, Saitama, Japan. He stands at 174cm, and weighs in tonight at 81kg. He is KENNNNNNNNTAAAAA. And standing to my right, the champion. From Metropolis. He stand at six feet five inches tall and weighs in tonight at 240lbs. He is Chrissssssss Heeeeeroooooooo."[/i] [QUOTE]The match begins with both Hero and KENTA shaking hands. Both men trade holds and work a nice ground game. Every time the get back to their feet the crowd erupts in applause. The match picks up as KENTA hits a very nice series of [b]snap suplexes[/b]. While Hero is down on the mat KENTA kicks him in the face and struts away. The fans love his ****iness. Hero gets back to his feet and heads towards KENTA who has his back turned. Hero locks in a [b]cravate[/b] and the fans go ballistic. Hero snaps KENTA over with a cravate-plex and grapevines his leg [b]twisting KENTA ankle[/b]. KENTA is trying to wiggle free but Hero scoots back towards the middle of the ring. KENTA finally rolls over on his stomach, tuning Hero as well. He uses this oppertunity to kick down with his free foot at the hands of Hero breaking the hold. KENTA tries to shake some feeling back into his leg but Hero keeps up the pace with a big forearm smash. Hero DDT's KENTA but brins him right back up only to put him right back down with a Cravate-Buster. Hero pulls KENTA towards the apron and leaves him laying on his back with his head just outside of the ropes. Hero stands above KENTA and flips over the top rope in a [b]front flip manner and double stomps right on KENTA's head[/b]. Hero plays to the crowd on the outside who burst into a "Chris is awesome" chant. Later on back in the ring things get really heated. KENTA and Hero are trading open hand slaps that fade into punches that fade into forearms that fade into elbows that fade into elbows. KENTA connects with a massive elbow that starts his signature rush. Hero is on wobbly legs as KENTA runs past him and back. [b]BUSAIKU KNEE KICK[/b]. Hero is down. Cover 1...2...no. Hero kicks out. Back to his feet Hero blocks a high kick by KENTA and lifts him up on his shoulders. Hero is looking for go to sleep but can't get it. KENTA frees himself and looks for another kick. Block again by Hero. [b]Hero's Welcome[/b]! He doesn't cover him. He drags KENTA to the corner and climbs up. Hero must be looking for a double stomp to put the nail in the coffin. KENTA rises up from the dead and runs up the turnbuckles. [b]AVALANCHE FALCON ARROW[/b]! KENTA can't cover him. Hero hit the mat so hard he fell out of the ring. KENTA is laying down trying to regain his breath. Bryce Remsburg is starting his ten count. Hero rolls back into the ring around the count of eight. Both men are on their knees striking one another. Both men are rocking the other with punches. They finally get back to their feet and KENTA cuts off Hero with a knee and rack him up on his shoulders. Is KENTA going for a burning hammer? [b]INVERTED GO TO SLEEP[/b]! KENTA drove his knee into the back of Hero's head. Cover... 1... 2... NO! SHADES OF HIS LAST MATCH HERO KICKS OUT! KENTA is furious. He's looking for another Go To Sleep. He can't hit it. Hero locks onto KENTA throat and whips him over his hip. Hero rolls over KENTA's back and locks in the [b]Hangmans Clutch II[/b]. Kenta is refusing to tap. Remsburg is checking on KENTA's condition. He's still not tapping. Hero is wrenching back but how strong can the hold be with the fatigue set in. Hero breaks the hold and locks in the original [b]Hangman's Clutch[/b]. KENTA still not tapping out. He's fading fast though. Remsburg is trying to get a response from KENTA but he seems to be out. Remsburg has called the match. Hero retains his title.[/QUOTE] [I]Danielson steps out from the back and stands at the entrance way. [quote]"Chris Hero... I may not be able to get my hands on you right now but soon. Four weeks, I suggest you get ready. I just got word in the back. It's me and Doug Williams against you and Steve Corino. And if Corino isn't healed up by then, guess your on your own. Your end is near. You'll tap out just like the rest of them."[/quote][/I]
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Photobucket [SIZE="5"][B]TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT LINE UP, DEBUTS, AND UPCOMING SHOWS[/B][/SIZE] The eight teams for the tournament to crown the first TIGER Tag Team champions have been decided upon. They are: The New Wave - Josh Abercrombie & Matt Cross Kevin Steen - El Generico The Naptown Dragons - Scotty Vortekz & Dustin Lee Los Luchas - Zokre & Phoenix Star SoCal Dream Team - B-Boy & Super Dragon Joey Ryan & Karl Anderson Taiji Ishimori & Kota Ibushi Cheech & Cloudy Many of these teams have been champions before including the current NWA World Tag Team Champions Los Luchas. The team they beat for those titles, Karl Anderson & Joey Ryan will be making their debut for TIGER. Also debuting are B-Boy and Super Dragon. These two have crushed opponents from the west coast to east coast and every where in between. Taiji Ishimori and Kota Ibushi are making their way to TIGER from Pro Wrestling NOAH. Ishimori and TIGER star KENTA are the current NOAH Jr. Heavyweight Champions. Ibushi made his U.S debut earlier this year doing very well against the U.S competition. Ishimori will be making his U.S debut at the tournament. Matt Cross and Josh Abercrombie faced a harsh beating last weekend at the hands of Steen and Generico. If these two teams meet in the tournament things will get violent, that's for sure. TIGER will be making it's PA debut with Tag Team Supremecy at the historic New Alhambra Arena. Judging from the amount of pre sale tickets sold, it's looking to be a packed house. The following show is entitled: Showdown In Beantown and will be taking place at the Boston University Gym. This will be TIGER's first trip to Boston and it's looking like it will be a memorable one. Headlining the show will be Steve Corino and TIGER Champion Chris Hero taking on Bryan Danielson and Doug Williams in a tag team war. Finally, at the Boston show we will see a special challange match between Japanese rising star Taiji Ishimori against a man making his debut for TIGER, Austin Aries. It's going to be a wild night in Boston. ------------------ Photobucket
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Photobucket [B]FINAL NEWSBLOG LEADING INTO TAG TEAM SUPREMECY[/B] With the tag teams set for this Sunday's show you know it's going to be a crazy night. One question is, will any of the new teams making their debut stick around after the tournament is done? After the tag tournament is done this weekend a special exibition match will take place to be taped for the tag tournament dvd. It'll appear as a bonus feature. KENTA will take on Roderick Strong. The Showdown In Beantown is shaping up to be our most loaded show yet. We've just signed a grudge match between Roderick Strong and Mike Quackenbush. Strong attacked Quack after his match at our last show. Quack had some strong words for Strong when we talked to him about the incident. Ausin Aries is said to be very excited about making his TIGER debut against Taiji Ishimori. He said it's a great oppertunity to show that he can hang in there toe to toe against the best international talent. Will Aries stick around to face the best TIGER has to offer? The new tag team champions, to be decided this Sunday night, will defend those titles at the Boston show. Finally, as an update to a story we've been following TIGER Pro owner Steven Richards said he will make an announcement regarding the questions surrounding the NWA talks.
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The New Alhambra Arena is totally sold out tonight. The fans are rabid in anticipation for the matches tonight. The house lights dim, the TIGER logo appears on the wall. It's time. [I]The New Wave of Matt Cross and Josh Abercrombie make their way to the ring. Abercrombie has a microphone.[/I] [QUOTE]Two weeks ago Kevin Steen and El Generico you saw fit to come after us when we told you not to. You just don't listen. I can't tell if you're deaf or just plain stupid. Stupidity is the only reason why you would want to come after us. When we finally meet in the ring, your careers won't ever be the same again. Cross and I plan on ending them tonight.[/QUOTE] [B]First Round Match SoCal Dream Team vs. Cheech and Cloudy[/B] [QUOTE]Super Dragon and B-Boy are making their TIGER debuts tonight coming from the west coast. Neither man is a stranger to this building though. They've had some epic battles here. Super Dragon got things started off hot by raining down chops and elbows on Cheech. He beat him around like a rag doll. Dragon grabs hold of Cheech's head and starts kicking him in the face. He throws him to the ground and proceeds to [b]stomp the life out of him[/b]. Cloudy enters the ring to stop it but B-Boy runs forward and nails Cloudy in the face with a forearm. The ref restores order and Cloudy is the legal man for his team, B-Boy for his. Cloudy starts to swing things in his favor with a dropkick followed by a dragon kick to the spine of B-Boy. Cloudy suplexes him and presses him with a [b]standing moonsault[/b]. Cover only gets a two. B-Boy backs up to the corner and makes a tag to Dragon. Low dropkick takes out the legs of Cloudy. Dragon climbs the ropes and comes off with a wicked [b]double stomp[/b] to the back of Cloudy's head. Cheech has regained himself and comes running at Dragon taking him down with lariat. He keeps running and knocks B-Boy off the apron. B-Boy lands hard on the guardrail and might be out of this match. Cloudy and Cheech pick up Dragon and take him over with a nice double suplex. The ref makes Cheech leave the ring as he's not the legal man. Cloudy hooks Dragon with a front face lock and backs into the corner. Tag by Cloudy and Cheech comes in. Cheech takes over the front facelock and Cloudy climbs the ropes looking to end the match. Dragon breaks the hold and shoves Cloudy [b]off the top rope to the floor[/b]. The fans break into a "Holy ****" chant. Dragon with a kick to Cheech's face. Grabs hold of him and [b]PSYCHO DRIVER[/b]! Cover. 1..2..3. [I]B-Boy throws Cloudy back into the ring and hits him with an exploder. Dragon takes down Cloudy with another Psycho Driver. These two have made an impression with this match.[/I] [/QUOTE] [B]First Round Match The New Wave vs. Los Luchas[/B] [QUOTE]The New Wave come out looking as confident as can be. Los Luchas follow with the NWA Tag Team title around their waists. Could they become dual champions tonight? The match starts off with Zokre and Matt Cross in the ring. The exchange strikes and take downs, nothing really comes of it. A nice moment comes when Cross gets whipped into the corner and Zokre gets down on all fours in front of him when Phoenix Star comes running forward, launches himself off his partners back and lands a beautiful [b]dropkick to the face[/b] of Matt Cross. The tide turns though when Josh Abercrombie chop blocks the leg of Pheonix Star. He starts stomping away before locking in a sleeper hold. He's trying to end things right now by taking away the air in Star's lungs. All of a sudden he releases the hold and that's when Cross falls from the sky with a [b]shooting star press[/b]. He pops up and runs towards the ropes, dives over, and takes out Zokre with a plancha. Abercrombie brings Phoenix Star to his legs and drills him with the [b]Tom Selleck[/b] driver, a move he's renamed The Rising Tide. Cover gets the victory. After the match the New Wave calmly leave the ring as their opponents lie beaten down. Abercrombie and Cross grab hold of the NWA belts and pose with them before tossing them on the bodies of Phoenix Star and Zokre.[/QUOTE] [I]Karl Anderson and Joey Ryan are back stage.[/I] [QUOTE]Tonight we face "Japans Best". They might be the best in Japan, but your new American heroes are the best in the U.S. And when it comes to wrestling, being the best in the U.S is all that matters. You'll see that tonight, no doubt about it. Magnum and the Machine Gun don't lose often, and don't lose easily.[/QUOTE] [B]First Round Match Taiji Ishimori & Kota Ibushi vs. "The Machine Gun" Karl Anderson and "Joey "Magnum" Ryan[/B] [QUOTE]Two teams making their debuts here in TIGER. Anderson and Ryan are former NWA World Tag Team champions while Ibushi and Ishimori usually find themselves on opposite ends of the ring in Japan for Pro Wrestling NOAH. They seemed to really click tonight as they brought the fight to Ryan and Anderson. Anderson hit a big powerbomb on Ibushi to keep him down but it wasn't for long as he got back to his feet and snap a [b]big kick[/b] off against Anderson's head. Ibushi comes in after the tag, runs forward and lays out with a big senton across the chest of Anderson. Ryan tries to get in but the ref stops him. Ibushi picks up anderson and delivers some [b]stiff forearms[/b] to his jaw. Kicks follow and they send Anderson out of the ring. Ibushi grabs hold of the rope, jumps over, springboard, [b]asai moonsault[/b]. TIGER operates under lucha rules so Ryan and Ishimori can come in the ring legally. Blows trade between the two before Ryan takes out the legs of Ishimori. Legdrop misses. Standing moonsault misses. Elbow drop misses by Ryan. Elbow drop misses by Ishimori. Both men back to their feet and the fans cheer. Ishimori runs forward, Ryan misses and pushes him in the corner. Ishimori runs up the turnbuckles and comes off with a [b]big kick to the the back of the head[/b]. Cover but can't get the pin. Ibushi and Anderson are back on the apron in their respective corners. Ishimori whips Ryan to his corner. Runs forward, and grabs the ropes. Goes high up and comes back down with a dropkick but it connects with Anderson sending him flying to the floor. Ryan whipped to Ishimori's corner. DDT by Ishimori plants Ryan on the mat. Tag made and Ibushi climbs the turnbuckles and comes off with a high angle [b]moonsault[/b]. Cover. 1 2 and 3. Ishimori and Ibushi take the match with impressive double team skill.[/QUOTE] [B]First Round Match Steen and Generico vs. The Naptown Dragons[/B] [QUOTE]This match was over before it began. Steen and Generico were too focused to let another team stop them from getting to the New Wave. Scotty Vortekz was brutalized and stretchered out of the arena after Steen hit a [b]steenalizer[/b] on him that saw his body floor over the top rope to the floor. Dustin Lee faired a little better getting in some offense on Generico. Hit his own brainbuster almost as a taunt to him. Steen ran in and broke up the pin. Lee gets planted with a [b]package piledriver[/b], Steen rolls him back right into the arms of Generico. [b]Brainbuster[/b] ends it. Steen and Generico move on. [I]Steen grabs a mic "Cross... Abercrombie it's ****ing on tonight baby. Generico and I are going to rip through everyone we have to to get to you guys. You better run for your lives because the first chance I get, I'm breaking both your necks. Come on Generico... I need some Gatorade.[/I] [/QUOTE] [B]Second Round Match The New Wave vs. Kota Ibushi & Taiji Ishimori[/B] [QUOTE]The New Wave make their way to the ring followed by Ibushi and Ishimori. Match starts out a good pace. Abercrombie trying to get a feel for Ibushi. Some good striking going on by Ibushi. His signature style is shining through in this match. He takes Abercrombie down with a hurricanrana whip. Follows up with a running back elbow. Knocks Abercrombie foward, Ibushi hops on the turnbuckle flips forward and snaps Abercrombie down with an [b]ace crusher[/b]. Cover but can't lock the match up. Tag brings in Ishimori. Abercrombie is trying to get to Cross but is cut off when Ishimori drops down with a double legdrop. Ishimori waits for Abercrombie to get to one knee and hits a big [b]kenka kick[/b]. Abercrombie's eyes rolls back in his head. Cover but Cross breaks it up. The ref pushes him back but he argues with him. Ishimori gets in the ring and he and Iibushi drag Abercrombie back to their corner. Suplex brings down Abercrombie. Ibushi gets on the apron, Ishimori gets on the top rope. [b]Diving legdrop and springboard elbow connect[/b] at the same time. Ibushi yells for the ref but can only get a two count. Big elbow to the knee of Ibushi slows him down. Abercrombie hits another. He slides under a super kick attempt and gets to Cross. Tag made and Cross rushes over to hit Ibushi with both arms. Cross backflips and hits Ishimori off the apron with a dropkick. Cross racks up Ibushi on his shoulders and plants him with a [b]death valley bomb[/b]. Looking for the shooting star press. Hits it. Cover... no. Ishimori breaks it up. He got back in the ring at the last second. Abercrombie comes running in the ring and blows right past the ref. Kick to the face of Ishimori sends him back outside. Abercrombie climbs up the turnbuckles, [b]twisting body press[/b] and his body crashes onto Ishimoris. Back in the ring a [b]low blow[/b] by Cross on Ibushi, and another, and another. Rolls him up and gets the cover. Cross and Abercrombie steal this one and head into the finals.[/QUOTE] [B]Second Round Match Steen & Generico vs. SoCal Dream Team[/B] [QUOTE]The crowd was majorly in favor of Generico and Steen for this one. All four men started off the match brawling. Steen with Dragon and B-Boy with Generico. Steen hits a [b]pumphandle neckbreaker[/b] on Dragon, B-Boy with an exploder into the corner on Generico. Dragon is able to hang on to Steen's leg when B-Boy runs forward trying to hit the shining wizard. Steen ducks and stomps on the face of Dragon. Steen grabs hold of B-Boy and hits a big [b]german suplex[/b]. Generico comes running forward and hits a [b]massive yakuza kick[/b] on Dragon. Steen and Generico climb the turnbuckles as the fans go nuts. Back to the action the ref has pretty much given up on getting these men going to a standard tag format. Generico looks to hit the BRAINBUSTAAAAH on Dragon but can't get it. Dragon pushes him off, [b]shining wizard[/b] connects. [b]Double stomp[/b] connects. Cover... No. Steen breaks it up. Dragon hits a spinning solebutt on Steen. B-Boy hits him with a dragon suplex. Dragon grabs hold of both arms. [b]CURBSTOMP[/b]! Generico stops the cover. Punches by Generico and he has B-Boy rocking. Knee to the gut... [b]BRAINBUSTER[/b]. Steen is up... [b]package piledriver[/b] on Dragon. Double cover... they get it.[/QUOTE] [B]Tournament Finals[/B] [I]The following match is scheduled for one fall and has a 60 minute time limit. It is for the TIGER Pro Tag Team Championships. In charge is TIGER Pro head referee Bryce Remsburg. This is your main event. Standing to my left from Cleveland, Ohio and Kalamazoo Michigan respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 374lbs... Matt Cross, Josh Abecrombie... the New Waaaaave. And standing to my right from Tijiuana Mexico and Marieville Quebec respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 400lbs... The Generico Luchador El Generico and Mr. Wrestling Kevin Steeeeeeen. Bryce Remsburg shows the title belts to both teams before presenting it to the four sides of the crowd. Both teams come together in the middle of the ring as a photo is taken. They seperate back to their corners and the bell rings.[/I] [QUOTE]It's Generico and Cross starting things out. Generico is working a headlock before transitioning into a hammer lock. Cross flips him over and dropkicks him in the back of the head. Standing moonsault misses. Generico with a big forearm. he locks hands with Cross and runs up the turnbuckles... [b]tornado DDT[/b]. Cover only gets a two. Generico tags out to Kevin Steen who clubs the back of Matt Cross, sending him to the floor with every hit. He goes right for the package piledriver but Abercrombie spring boards in pushing Cross onto Steen. Cover gets a two but Steen presses Cross off of him. Abercrombie gets a few shots in before Remsburg forces him back to the corner. Steen whips Cross into his corner, Generico holds him in place. Steen hits a [b]running splash[/b]. Tag and Generico is in, he hits a top rope splash. Cover again only gets a two. Later on it's Abercrombie and Generico in the ring. Abercrombie looks to finish him off with the Abercrombie N' Flinch but Generico counters into a snap suplex. Another suplex. And another. Three in a row and the fans are getting into it. Cross comes in the ring and blasts Generico from behind. He holds his legs in a wheelbarrow position, Abercrombie with a [b]legdrop to the back of the head and Cross sits out[/b]. Cover but Steen breaks it up. Generico is shaking it off and Steen throws Cross to the outside. Generico points up in the air and the crowd starts cheering. generico [b]springboards from one top rope over the turnbuckle to another and leaps off with a front flip senton[/b]. Matt Cross is down. Generico destroyed him. Steen looking for a running package piledriver but can't get it, Abercrombie wiggles free. Abercrombie starts laying in rights and lefts to the gut of Steen. Abercrombie hits a back body drop that sends Steen over the ropes. Cross is on the outside starting to get up. Steen grabs a chair from the crowd. Abercrombie tells Cross to do the same. Cross and Steen hit the ring with chairs. The Remsburg is trying to plead with them but to no avail. [b]Steen and Cross crush Remsburg with chairs[/b]. They go after each other but it dissolves into a fist fight between the four men... [I]These two teams keep going at it even though the match has stopped the match. Both teams are in the crowd now smashing chairs over each others heads. Generico throws Cross into a wall splattering his head over it. Abercrombie hip tosses Steen onto a stack of chairs. Generico and Cross are over at the concession stand. Generico grabs a tub of pop corn and dumps it out over cross. He puts the bucket on his head... YAKUZA KICK! Generico has decapitated Cross. Popcorn is everywhere. Abercrombie and Steen find their way over. Abercrombie shoves handfulls of popcorn down Steen's throat. Abercrombie throws Steen over the counter into the back. He's trying to press his face into the grill. He's trying to perminetly scar Kevin Steen. Security is pressing through the crowd to stop them. Security breaks them all up with about three men per wrestler to hold them apart.[/I] [/QUOTE] [B]Bonus Match Taped for DVD KENTA vs. Roderick Strong[/B] [QUOTE]Strong and KENTA square off in the middle of the ring but it soon turns to blows. Strong gets the advantage and tries to [b]cave in KENTA's skull with forearms[/b]. He must have hit at least ten in to the side of KENTA's head. He continues to land blows on KENTA. Stomping on his arms, chest, and stomach. He tries for the Strong Hold but KENTA uses his leg strength to roll him forward. KENTA gets to his feet and starts hitting open hand slaps ending with a big elbow. KENTA jumps in the air and comes down with [b]both knees[/b]. Strong rolls in pain but lifts himself up in the corner. KENTA rushes forward but Strong lifts him over his head. KENTA lands on the top rope. He jumps off with a cross body press. Strong catches him though. [b]Double knee gutbuster[/b] lands. Strong immediately goes back on the offense trying to get the [b]Strong Hold[/b] again. He locks it in and begins to clamp down on KENTA. Strong has really got it locked in. KENTA is trying to move to the ropes. He's getting closer. Strong stands up and walks back towards the middle of the ring. He's almost sitting down on KENTA's spine. KENTA crawling again towards the ropes. He gets to them this time. The ref forces Strong to break the hold. Strong gets KENTA back on his feet and looks for a backbreaker. KENTA slides out. [b]High kick[/b] connects with Strongs face. Another. Another. Another. KENTA has snapped. His [b]drilling his foot in to Strong's head[/b], Now knees. 5, 10 of 'em. Elbows to the back of the head now. Strong tries desperately to hit KENTA with a lariat. Can't get it. KENTA grabs hold... [b]OH BABY GO TO SLEEP[/b]. KENTA picks up a big win.[/QUOTE]
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket [SIZE="5"]FALLOUT FROM TAG TEAM SUPREMECY, BEANTOWN SHOWDOWN PREVIEW, SCOTT HALL, DEBUT IN CT[/SIZE] The tag team tournament last night did not end the way TIGER had planned on it. With a tournament to crown champions one would expect a team to hold those titles at the end of the night. Instead we saw our finalists The New Wave and Steen and Generico get themselves disqualified after referee Bryce Remsburg was hit in the head by two chairs. TIGER officials have decided that in four weeks these two teams will meet in a no disqualifications match. There must be a winner that night. We at TIGER would like to send our condolences to the family of Scott Hall. Hall passed away last week at his home in Florida. The Showdown in Beantown is just 13 days away. Headlining the event is a tag team match between Steve Corino and Chris Hero against Bryan Danielson and Doug Williams. Tensions have brewed between these four since our very first show. Expect this one to be a hard hitting match. More matches to be announced this week. Roderick Strong attacked Mike Quackenbush two weeks ago and no one seems to know why. These two are facing each other in Boston and we're all hoping the match will answer our questions. A special international challenge match is taking place in Boston between Austin Aries and Taiji Ishimori. Aries is looking to make an impact here in TIGER and Ishimori wants to bounce back after failing to capture the tag titles this past weekend. We don't know is Aries is sticking around as an active roster member or not but he would certainly be a welcomed addition to our roster. Finally, TIGER Pro makes their debut in CT in four weeks. Uncrowned is the name of the event and will be headlined by Steen and Generico vs. The New Wave. More matches to be announced in the coming weeks. Signed for the event so far are: Chris Hero, Bryan Danielson, Doug Williams, Tyler Black, Oren Hawx, Steve Corino, Chuck Taylor, Austin Adkisson, Kota Ibushi.
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket Just released the poster for Showdown In Beantown. Photobucket In other news we've signed some big matches for the upcoming show in CT, Uncrowned. In addition to the tag team title main event between Steen & Generico vs. The New wave, we'll also be seeing Steve Corino vs. Bryan Danielson, and Austin Aries vs. KENTA. The card is shaping up to be a big one top to bottom. You won't want to miss it. TIGER Pro owner Steven Richards has told us that his announcement about the NWA will be taking place at Showdown In Beantown. Finally, we here at TIGER would like to congratulate B-Boy in becoming the PWG World Champion.
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[B]SHOWDOWN IN BEANTOWN[/B] [I]The crowd is getting ready for TIGER Pro's debut in Boston. The Boston University Gym is sold out tonight. Instead of the normal show start, TIGER owner Steven Richards makes his way to the ring mic in hand.[/I] [QUOTE]Some of you may know that I own this company. Some of you may also know that members of the NWA board have been coming to our shows and talking to me. There have been a lot of rumors going around about what all of this means. Well I'm here to put the rumors to rest. Robert Trobich, the director of the NWA approached me and offered us here at TIGER a spot within the NWA. Representing the tri state area. It would have made us the largest member of the NWA and made us the sole owners of the NWA World Tag Team championships. I thought about his offer long and hard and I'm here to give you my response Mr. Trobich. My response is no Mr. Trobich. TIGER is my creation and it will remain that way. The NWA doesn't deserve to take my company away from me. Take my hard work and turn it in to another low level promotion. So you all sitting here, in this building, TIGER is here to stay. Lets get this show started.[/QUOTE] [I]The lights dim and the TIGER logo shines on the wall... the fans pop huge and it's time for the Showdown to begin.[/I] [B]"The Southern Saint" Oren Hawx vs. Player Uno[/B] [QUOTE]Oren Hawx is coming off a big win at our last event over Tyler Black and Chuck Taylor. The tension seems to be brewing between those men as they all want to elevate themselves to championship contention. Uno is making his second appearance here in TIGER. Hawx used his speed to get around Uno's strikes. Uno was able to grab hold of him and take him down with a nice DDT. He followed it up with a stiff kick to the back of Hawx's head. Uno has him down and is looking for that M. Bison. Hawx [b]dropkicks him out of the air[b]. Uno lands hard. Hawx is playing up the crowd stalking Uno... waiting for him to stand... Uno is up... [b]SAINTS HOLLOW[b]! A whipping flatliner. Hawx gets the win.[/QUOTE] [I]Tyler Black is running down to the ring, he spins Hawx around and unloads on him with punches. Whips him into the ropes, big dropkick. Black is on fire. Hawx is out of it. Black grabs hold... GOD'S LAST GIFT! Black has laid Hawx out. He climbs the turnbuckles as the fans chant his name.[/I] [B]The Naptown Dragons vs. Ryan and Anderson[/B] [QUOTE]Lee and Ryan start the match off in the ring. Both of these teams are disappointed in not winning the titles two weeks ago. Wins are crucial at this point. Lee takes control of the match for his team with a nice [b]headsicssors takeover[/b]. Follows it up with a sliding dropkick to the side of Ryan's head. Ryan goes outside to catch his breath and the bigger Anderson steps in. Anderson comes towards Lee and Lee backtracks to his corner. Tag and Vortekz springboards over the top rope, lands on Lee's shoulders and [b]dives forward with a shoulder block[/b]. The fans start pounding and clapping away. Ryan runs into the ring and pushes Vortekz away from his partner. Lee dropkicks Anderson bumping into Ryan sending him back to the floor. Finish comes when Vortekz kicks away at Anderson's legs keeping him on the mat. Vortekz tags in Lee and rushes over to Ryan [b]tackling him through the ropes[/b]. Lee comes off with a doublestomp to Anderson's shoulders. Wraps him up in a [b]sharpshooter[/b] and Anderson taps.[/QUOTE] [I]After their match Dustin Lee and Scotty Vortekz are backstage.[/I] [QUOTE]You see what we did out there? We might have come up shot at the tag tournament but you better believe we're going to be number one contenders soon enough. We've got more heart than any team in this company, just stick around and see what we're capable of.[/QUOTE] [B]"The Cloverleaf" Austin Adkisson vs. "The Impact Bully" Brandon Thomaselli[/B] [QUOTE]The Cloverleaf Austin Adkisson makes his way down to the ring followed by Brandon Thomaselli. Thomaselli had a rough match with Ace Steel a few weeks back. Ace is in the building and he might have something to say to The Impact Bully. Adkisson starts off the match on the offense, the youngster is looking good in there. He takes down Thomaselli with a nice back elbow. Whips him into the ropes and [b]charges with a knee[/b]. Thomselli hits so hard he flips over Adkisson's knee and lands hard on his back. Adkisson is looking for the cloverleaf but can't get it. Thomaselli brings down Austin with a [b]lariat[/b], picks him up and drops down crashing Adkisson's face into his knee. Thomaselli is looking to hit The Deal but Adkisson counters with a back body drop. Thomselli gets to his feet and runs forward, Adkisson ducks and Thomaselli collides with the ref knocking him down. Ace Steel comes out of the crowd with a chair. He slides in the ring and [b]blasts Thomaselli with chair to the head[/b]. Adkission locks in the [b]cloverleaf[/b] as Steel retreats to the back. The ref comes to and sees that Thomaselli is out and calls the match.[/QUOTE] [B]Kota Ibushi vs. Davey Richards[/B] [QUOTE]These two have met before in an explosive matchup and tonight would only top it. Ibushi and Richards showed their stiff sides by starting the match with teeing off on each others heads with forearms and elbows. Richards landed a [b]brutal kick[/b] to Ibushi's knees that brings him down. He follows it up with quick hard kicks to the chest. Ibushi's chest is starting to turn red and purple from the shots. Chops exchange between the men. Ibushi gets the advantage and hits a big kick to Richards head. He whips him into the corner, Richards pops up and over Ibushi, rolls out and comes back with a big forearm. Ibushi is slumped in the corner. Richards charges from the opposite end and [b]smashes Ibushi in the face with a forearm[/b]. Later on Ibushi slams Richards and locks in a [b]dragon sleeper[/b]. Richards is fighting to get out. He rocks forward and is trying to get his leg to the ropes. He finally gets a hold of the ropes and Ibushi breaks the hold. Richards gets up and as soon as he turns around Ibushi blasts him with a super kick. Richards falls to the floor. Ibushi is pumping himself up, the fans are clapping along... Ibushi rushes forward. [b]Spaceman plancha[/b] to takes out Richards. Ibushi pops up and the fans start chanting his name. Back in the ring and they're back to trading blows. Big swing by Ibushi misses and Richards grabs hold. He takes him down to the mat... [b]KIMURA[/b]. Richards has it locked in. Ibushi is thrashing on the floor trying to get out of it. Ibushi is trying to use his flexibility to brings his knees into Richards head. Ibushi is pushing hard to get to the ropes... he gets there. His foot hits the ropes. Richards is furious. Ibushi to his feet and starts kicking away. [b]Enzugiri[/b] brings Richards down. That kick was heard throughout the building. Ibushi climbs to the rope looking to hit that moonsault. He dives off... Richards rolls out of the way. Ibushi hits hard. Richards grabs hold and tosses him to the corner. He props Ibushi up. There fighting back and forth to get control. Richards gets pushed off. He comes back before Ibushi can react. Big blow by RIchards. Here it comes... [b]AVALANCHE DR DRIVER[/b]! Cover.. 1...2...3. Davey Richards pulls out a big big win tonight.[/QUOTE] [I]The camera catches up with Steve Corino and Chris Hero in the locker room getting ready for their tag match.[/I] [QUOTE]Doug Williams tonight you're getting what you deserve. You broke my jaw and tonight I'm going to do whatever I can to break yours. You can claim to be the most vicious, or most aggressive or whatever it is you think you actually are, I don't care Williams. The King of Old School is back. Bryan Danielson... the best in the world. Funny though... you don't seem to understand that having this belt makes me the best in the world. You've attacked me, you've taunted me, you've done whatever you could to get a reaction out of me. Your not getting to me Bray and that just eats you up doesn't it. See you out there.[/QUOTE] [B]Matt Cross vs. El Generico[/B] [QUOTE]The heat between these two can be felt miles away. Their respective teams have been battling for the Tag Titles. Two weeks ago champions should have been decided but the match turned into chaos and was thrown out. Generico, as fast as he is couldn't keep up with Cross' pace in this matchup. Generico cut him off when he caught Cross and DDT'd him hard into the mat. Generico goes up top and flies off with a [b]cross body block[/b]. Cover only gets two. Cross comes back with a dropkick, irish whip, big flying double axe handle knocks Generico down. Generico gets back up and kicks Cross in his gut, hooks him looking for the brainbuster. Cross pushes back trying to break the hold. Generico is pressed up against the ropes and tries to suplex Cross over the ropes. Cross blocks... he lifts Generico up and [b]dumps him over the ropes[/b]. Generico lands chest first on the floor below. Cross jumps up on the top turnbuckle, he waits for Generico to get up... [b]shooting star press[/b] from the turnbuckle to the floor! Cross rolls him back in the ring looking for the cover. Generico kicks out. Generico gets back to his feet and Cross is looking to finish him off with that new DDT of his. Generico punches his way out of Cross' grip. Whip to the corner... [b]YAKUZA KICK[/b]! Generico rocks Cross. Generico places Cross in the tree of woe. He's looking for the front flip coast to coast. Generico climbs the opposite turnbuckle and poses for the fans. Josh Abercrombie comes running from the back and [b]shoves Generico from the top rope[/b] to the outside. [b]Generico crashes through the announcers table[/b]. The fans break out in a "Holy ****" chant. Referee Brian Hebner has thrown the match out. Abercrombie comes in the ring and throws the ref outside. He grabs a mic.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Steen... you've seen what we can do and what we have done. In two weeks we meet again and there aren't any rules. I tried to burn the skin off your face the last time you involved yourself in our business. Your partner is laying broken on the floor next to me. I suggest you forfeit so you don't end up the same way. Those titles belong around our waists and you and everyone in this hellhole knows it.[/QUOTE] [I]Austin Aries is backstage getting ready for his debut match with TIGER.[/I] [QUOTE]TIGER can know claim to have the best roster in the world because now Austin Aries has arrived. They decided to have an international exhibition, the best from the U.S against one of the best from Japan. They chose me because they know I can get the job done. So Ishimori, get ready for something you've never experienced before.[/QUOTE] [B]Taiji Ishimori vs. Austin Aries[/B] [QUOTE]Austin Aries made his way to the ring with his name echoing through the building. The fans love him here in Boston. Ishimori followed looking very good. Aries is making his debut here and Ishimori is making his singles debut in this match. He and Kota Ibushi competed in the tag tournament two weeks ago but came up short. The match starts off with a hand shake. Aries takes control working a headlock, Ishimori breaks it and comes off the ropes with a big forearm. Aries return the favor with one of his own. Blows exchange between the two before ishimor slips between Aries legs, waist lock, takes him over. Works forward and applies an [b]STF[/b]. Ishimori rolls over on his back and starts to [b]choke out Aries[/b]. Aries breaks the hold and hits a dropkick before Ishimori could get to his feet. Aries comes down with his signature elbow drop. Ishimori rolls away to catch his breath. Both men back on their feet and blows trade again. Ishimori grabs hold of Aries arms and turn it in to a hammerlock. Ishimori rolls out with a cartwheel and takes Aries with him bringing him to the mat. Ishimori is changing his style tonight to throw Aries off. Aries gains control again though when Ishimori misses a jumping high kick. Looks for a brainbuster but can't get it. Ishimori springboards off the middle rope but misses the back elbow. Aries runs forward and looks for another elbowdrop, Ishimori rolls out of the way. Dropkick by Ishimori knocks Aries back. Ishimori runs forward but Aries sits down. Ishimoi crashes in to the turnbuckle. Aries runs forward and turns back hitting a [b]big running dropkick[/b] to the face of Taiji Ishimori. Aries locks hold of Ishimori and starts driving his knee into his head. He grabs hold of Ishimori's arm and head... bridges over... [b]HORNS OF ARIES[/b]...ISHIMORI TAPS! Aries picks up the win in his TIGER debut. The fans applaud both men as they head to the back.[/QUOTE] [I]Backstage Danielson and Williams grab a camerman.[/I] [QUOTE]Hero... Corino... You two can act tough all you want but when it comes down to it we've come out on top every time. Corino, not only did Williams beat you he broke your jaw. Hero... you're scared to face me. You have to have Corino protect you. Stop hiding and face me one on one. Corino, I don't even have to say anything. You know whats in store for you.[/QUOTE] [B]Roderick Strong vs. "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush[/B] [QUOTE]One month back Roderick Strong came out to the ring after a Quack match and attacked him. No one seems to know why especially Quackenbush. Both men start off the match just going nuts on each other. Blows trading until Strong gets the upper hand with a [b]big elbow[/b]. Quack locks up Strongs legs and brings him down. Quack locks up Strong's legs and pulls back stretching out his back. Strong wrestles free and they go back to trading blows. Quack hits a nice dropkick and runs forward to hit another as Strong gets up. Later on Strong has Quack in the corner and starts [b]raining down with elbows[/b]. Quack finally sneaks under and pushes Strong in to the corner. Quack [b]unloads with chops and open hand palmstrikes[/b]. Quack props up Strong on the turnbuckle and brings him down with a hurricanrana. Quack looks for the lightning lock but can't get hit. Strong goes off and starts attacking Quack's back. Big [b]half nelson backbreaker[/b], followed by getting Quack in to a powerbomb position and bringing him down over one knee. Quack is rolling around in pain. Strong gets the [b]Strong Hold[/b] in. Quack is trying to get to the ropes. He's close. He's reaching as fa as he can. He finally gets to them. Strong breaks the hold finally after the ref threatens to DQ him if he doesn't break it. Strong brings Quack to his feet and tries for another backbreaker. Quack locks his legs around Strong's head and brings him over with a headscissors takedown. Quack hits a big high [b]dropkick to the face[/b] of Strong to bring him down. Quack gets the black tornado slam. [b]Quackenlock Omega[/b]! Strong might tap. He gets to the ropes. Strong tackles Quack and jackknifes him and puts is feet up on the ropes for leverage. He gets the win. The fans fill the arena with boos. [/QUOTE] [I]Quack snaps after the match and starts throwing hard punches at Strong. We've never seen this side of Quack before. He's teeing off on the back of Strong's head. Security has hit the ring and broken it up.[/I] [B]"The King Of Old School" Steve Corino & TIGER Pro Champion Chris Hero vs. "The Human Torture Device" Doug Williams & "The Self Proclaimed Best In The World" Bryan Danielson[/B] [QUOTE]Hero and Corino are making their way to the ring when Williams and Danielson run behind them attacking them. All four men are brawling around the ring. Corino lariats Williams over the guardrail. Danielson throws Hero [b]head first in to the steel steps[/b] at ringside. Corino and Williams are in the crowd brawling away. Williams gets slammed on to the floor. Corino makes his way back to ring side as Danielson is stomping away on Hero. Corino turns Danielson around and pops him in the mouth with a big right hand. Left hand jabs follow before another big right sends him down. Williams has made is way back to ringside and grabs Corino and tosses him in to the steps. He hit hard. Corino is down. Danielson and Williams toss Hero in to the ring and finally the bell rings and the match has started. Hero is getting beaten down by both men. Corino has slid back in to the ring and drives his [b]elbow in to the back of Williams knee[/b]. Hero is fighting back and now it's Hero and Corino on the offensive. Both men are rocking their opponents with punches. Hero hits a roaring elbow on Danielson and Corino blasts Williams with a kick followed by an [b]STO[/b]. Corino is on Williams punching away trying to break his jaw. Hero goes to the outside but gets met with Danielson's boot. Hero finds himself being [b]thrown hard in to the guardrail[/b]. For four highly technical wrestlers this has become a total brawl. Referee Bryce Remsburg is trying to pull Corino off of Williams as Williams is in the ropes. Danielson and Hero are back in the ring now. With the ref trying get Corino and Williams separated Danielson [b]boots Hero low with a kick[/b]. Danielson tosses Corino off of Williams and to the floor. Williams follows. Danielson goes back to the downed Hero and starts [b]blasting him with elbows[/b]. Remsburg sees that he can't defend himself and calls for the bell. This one ends in controversy.[/QUOTE] [I]Corino hears the bell ring and decides to screw it. He grabs a chair and goes off on Williams. Three shots to his head and more to his back. He runs in to the ring and gets Danielson once in the back before he runs to the back. Corino gets Hero to his feet and you can hear him yell out "This isn't over".[/I]
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket We're just a few days away from our debut in Wallingford, CT with Uncrowned. The main event of The New Wave vs. Steen and Generico is highly anticipated. The match will be the first No DQ match in TIGER history and with the way these teams beat on each other it's going to be beyond crazy. Josh Abercrombie tried to burn Kevin Steen and you know Steen is looking for revenge. Last week Abercrombie pushed El Generico off the top rope through a table almost ending his career. Steen and Generico are looking for blood. Chris Hero will be missing Uncrowned to heal from some nagging injuries. Those injuries became real problems after the match he at in Boston last week. When Hero was slammed in to steel steps his shoulder came out of place and he wrestled the rest of the match with a partially dislocated shoulder. Steve Corino tells us he has a message for Doug Williams at Uncrowned. These two seem to be speeding towards a singles matchup and only time will tell when that happens. Corino has to face Bryan Danielson this weekend which will prove to be quite the challenge as Danielson isn't above cheating to win. Finally, At Uncrowned we will be having a four way tag team match to determine the number one contenders for the tag titles. The participants are: The Naptown Dragons, The SoCal Dream Team, Cheech and Cloudy, and Los Luchas. The Naptown Dragons have made it clear that they feel like they can be an elite team in TIGER. Winning this match will certainly back those claims up. TIGER
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i'm really loving this, and mad props for bringing in Uno. I like the fact that this isn't just like RoH-lite, and you're bringing in some really quality people from the smaller promotions who aren't usually initially thought of when people think of US indy wrestling. People like Cheech & Cloudy, the Naptown Dragons, Quack, and Chuckie T. The graphics are all fantastic, the write-ups are great, and I'm really enjoying this. Can I suggest that, if you extend out the Strong/Quack feud, that we have a Teacher/Student tag match? Possibly Quack/Kingston vs. Strong/Stevens? I think that match would be SO sick. Two thumbs up though man, keep up the amazing work.
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Thanks man I appreciate it. Stevens has been signed by the WWE in my game so I doubt that'll happen plus thats a big FIP/ROH thing, I want to do my own feuds for the most part. The WWE has actually signed a lot of guys including Jimmy Jacobs. The roster is pretty much set right now as I have lots of guys to use when I need a random guy or keep them on the backburner to figure something out. I've got a good idea on the 2nd wave of feuds after these finish up. You'll probably find some of the write ups are better than other because some matches are more fun to write. Writing the New Wave and Doug Williams is quite fun.
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Converted T-Zone with some changes to update things. I also took out a TON of companies so the game would weigh down too much. The WWE didn't release anyone but signed about 25 people to developmental deals and at least half have gotten called up. They signed a lot of ROH guys and some international guys like Ricky Banderas. One company, ICWA is going to close soon I imagine as on the news screen they keep talking about their financial problems. Also OVW keeps trying to sign all my guys.
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