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SWF: The Dangerous Years

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[B]The last day of January 2008. The Den, New England[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Ladies and Gentlemen, Richard Eisen! [I]The crowd, tonight made up entirely of press and smarks applaud politely as Richard Eisen takes the podium. As always a few fans jeer, not the man himself, but the character from which they have trouble discerning him.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] Thankyou. I know a lot of you are wondering why you are here tonight. And you are correct in assuming that this isn't a usual SWF press conference. We aren't here to hype our Nothing to Lose Pay Per View which is only two weeks away on Prime Select. The SWF world champion Jack Bruce will not be here tonight to tell you that he firmly believes he can defeat my son Eric in an old school, classic cage match. No, thats NOT why we are here tonight. We are here to address a uh, how do i put it? A void that has been left in our company with the departure of one Sam....Keith. The departure of my old friend Sam was very highly publicized last year and I'm sure you all know the story already, but what many of you may not know is that in his absence, Peter Michaels stepped into the booking chair. It was well known to both he and I though, that this would only be a temporary measure. Which was fine by Peter. And so since what has come to be known as the "SWF Election Fiasco" I, personally have been searching for someone to permanently fill this void that Sam left in our company. Through this search though I realized it is not just the SWF that has a need. Its not just the SWF that has a void in need of filling. Because last year, around the same time as our little problem. Another void was created in the wrestling industry. A specific need that to be quite frank, I don't quite understand. But it seems that wrestling fans everywhere are demanding that this void be filled. Wrestling fans these days have a need for Danger, and Violence. Extreme is what they call it. And there is one man who knows it better than anyone else. So ladies and gentleman of the press, it is my honor to introduce to you, the new head booker for the SWF...PHIL VIBERT!!!!!!!!!!! [I]The crowd applaud as Phil Vibert takes the stage to the old DaVE Danger Zone theme song. He shakes hands with Mr Eisen and the two bow and leave the stage together.[/I]
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[B]Monday Week 1 of February. SWF Head Office, New England[/B] [I]First day on the new job and I'm already off on the wrong foot, way to go Phil, who'd have thought traffic here could be so bad, I'm used to New York fer Christ's sake.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]Sophie:[/COLOR] Mr Vibert, Im not here to tell you how to do your job, but when it comes to business Mr. Eisen is fairly strict and there is ALOT of work to do today. [I]Sophie, the quintessential sexy secretary extraordinaire. She was my P.A in DaVE. For 10 long years she served me well (unfortunately NOT in the way it sounded). When we closed up shop last year she took up a role in the SWF head office's mail room. But good ol Dick let me bring her up as my P.A again. It's good to have familiar faces around.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] How much work we talkin' about Sophie, cos I was hoping to catch a show tonight. [COLOR="red"]Sophie:[/COLOR] Sounds good, but I don't think you'll have time. [I]She placed a thick wad of documents onto my desk and I knew I was in for a long day.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Sophie:[/COLOR] Here we have an overview of our roster, which is a little thin at the moment, it could really use some padding so we should try to get on top of that before Nothing To Lose. [I]She continued to talk but my mind wandered, and as she turned through the pages on the desk my mind turned over thinking of who to call first. I've been in this business for a long time and I have made a lot of friends, and probably even more enemies.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Sophie:[/COLOR] Oh, and Phil....Mr Eisen stated in the meeting this morning, if Mr Campbell's number appears just once on any of the company phone bills you'll be fired on the spot. [I]She turned to leave the room.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Uh what else happened in the meeting this morning [COLOR="red"]Sophie:[/COLOR] He told me not to tell you, just to give you those papers and you could figure it out yourself. [I]Ha, Dick.... hasn't changed a bit.[/I]
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[B]A Few Hours Later. SWF HQ, New England.[/B] [I]BUZZ![/I] [COLOR="Red"]Me:[/COLOR] Hold on John, terribly sorry. Yes Sophie? [COLOR="red"]Sophie:[/COLOR] Uh, Mr Eisen is here to see you. Do you want me to make him wait until you're finished on that call? [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] No thats fine send him in. Uh, John...I gotta go. [I]Just as I was hanging up the phone the door to my office swung open.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Eric:[/COLOR] How are we Phil? [I]ERIC!? I just ditched a conversation with John Campbell for this schmuck! Note to self: Tell Sophie to be more specific when she says "Mr Eisen".[/I] [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Great. Just great. I just got off the horn with C.A.N.N and after I proved to them that I'm no longer calling from DaVE but am actually working for the Eisens we managed to extend the Supreme TV contract, and something I was meaning to talk to your dad about...A second show, on C.A.N.N. [COLOR="red"]Eric:[/COLOR] Look Phil, sorry to cut you off, it sounds thrilling really, but I don't care. That kinda stuff, thats for Jerry, Dad, you and Peter to talk through. I'm here to hear what idea's you have for me heading into Nothing To Lose. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Well uh.... [I]How do I tell this kid that he's NEVER going to hold the belt while I have any say here? [/I] [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] What were you thinking? [I]I guess I'm not as heartless as the smarks say uh?[/I] [COLOR="red"]Eric:[/COLOR] Well, I'm glad you asked. Because I do have one MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR idea to run by you...I don't have time to go into detail cos I'm late for the gym with Scott. We're gonna work on our pythons. [I]Is this kid for real?[/I] [COLOR="red"]Eric:[/COLOR] Basically, I was thinking a "SWF Hero vs DaVE Scum" sorta storyline. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] WHAT? [COLOR="red"]Eric:[/COLOR] No no no no. No offense, just a general term for hardcore crap...look, it'll be beautiful. So I go over Jack on Thursday right? [I]I am speechless.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Eric:[/COLOR] Then...right after the match finishes you hit the ring with Big Money, and a few other old DaVE guys. I dunno that Calfeld guy or uh, WHAT WAS HE CALLED? LSD? Look, whoever you want right? And you beat the crap out of me, [I]Now THAT idea has legs.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Eric:[/COLOR] Talk all this smack about how now that your in charge, no-one like me will ever be champion. [I]Getting better[/I] [COLOR="red"]Eric:[/COLOR] Anyway, long story short. I single handedly defeat the entire roster of DaVE. I mean, I'm the SWF Champ right? And what does that mean...SUPREME baby, YEAH! Then I banish the scum to a different show or something, they can never appear on Supreme TV again, you take charge over there doing your hardcore whatever. And I can take charge of Supreme. [I]Wait...did he just say what I think he said?[/I] [COLOR="red"]Eric:[/COLOR] Thats hot right? Mill it over, think about it, Im late for the gym. [I]And with that....he left...and i pressed the button.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Sophie...vodka...now.
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[B][COLOR="Indigo"]SWF SUPREME TV Preview[/COLOR][/B] Brandon James and Christian Faith are set to face off in a Casket match next thursday at Nothing To Lose, provided they both make it there in one piece. Anxious to get into the ring and settle their dispute both men last week requested the match be moved forward to this weeks Supreme TV and while Richard Eisen refused, the new match maker in town has granted them their wish. Phil Vibert has signed off on a potential massacre this tuesday night when Big Money Brandon James and Christian face off in one on one action. The Casket stipulation will not be in place however as C.A.N.N touted the match too "dangerous" for their network to air. It will go ahead at Nothing To Lose. Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce will be signing their contract live in the ring this coming tuesday, with nothing but a desk and Peter Michaels between them. The result is sure to be explosive. Valiant made his return last week after a brutal assault over a month ago at the hands of the pain alliance, he layed out a challenge for the two men to face him this week. He also cautioned them to be ready, because he bought backup. Who is this mystery partner? And will he be able to help Valiant take retribution into his own hands? In other action Rich Money's 250,000 challenge will take place again this week. And we will see Marc Dubois defend his Shooting Star title against one half of the Samoan Wildboyz Kid Toma. Will his Nothing To Lose opponent Groucho Bling make his presence felt? Will he even make it to Nothing To Lose as champion? As always we are keen to hear your predictions. Leading into Nothing To Lose, ANYTHING can happen, and probably will. So be sure to tun in this Tuesday Night PRIME TIME, for SWF Supreme TV. (Only on C.A.N.N) Confirmed Matches: Brandon James vs Christian Faith Rich Money vs Crowd Member The Pain Alliance vs Valiant and a mystery partner Marc DuBois vs Kid Toma [I]OOC: Predictions Welcome[/I]
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[B]Tuesday Week 1 of February, 2 hours before show time.[/B] [i]I was deep in conversation with Jack Bruce and Brandon James, when my customized DaVE ringtone went off.[/i] [COLOR="Red"]Brandon:[/COLOR] Make sure you send that to me Phil [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Hello? [COLOR="red"]???:[/COLOR]Phil? Phil Vibert? [i]The voice was deep, unfamiliar...[/i] [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Whos askin? [COLOR="red"]???:[/COLOR] A man who wants in. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Excuse me? [COLOR="red"]???:[/COLOR] Can we meet somewhere? I want to discuss the possibility of coming to work for the SWF... [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Sorry, I don't know who you are....and I have a show to run. Goodbye. [I]As I reached for the tiny red button to end the conversation, it dawned on me. I recognized that voice. Not only did I recognize it, but ashamedly...I was a fan of that voice. I placed the phone back to my ear.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Where are you? [COLOR="red"]???:[/COLOR]I'm at the McDonalds just down the road from tonight's arena. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Our arena or yours? [COLOR="red"]???:[/COLOR] Yours. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] I'll be there in 5, we'll see what we can work out.
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Great work! soulztnrv1 was spot on I think: [B]Brandon James[/B] vs Christian Faith [B]Rich Money[/B] vs Crowd Member The Pain Alliance vs [B]Valiant and a mystery partner[/B] [B]Marc DuBois[/B] vs Kid Toma
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[B][U][COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="6"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] The Supreme TV theme song plays as we watch the opening video and the camera pans around a packed house at the V. Thompson arena in California. Fireworks explode and we cut to the announcers booth to kick off the show. [COLOR="Red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] Ladies and gentleman WELCOME to SWF Supreme TV! We are coming to you live from California, the sold out V. Thompson Arena HOME of the California Super Nova's! [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] And the arena is jam packed tonight, and I don't know about you but I can feel it in the air, we are in for a fantastic show tonight. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] No doubt Ana. We are definitely in for a barn-stormer tonight, as we see Big Money Brandon James go one on one with Christian Faith. An image appears on screen of Brandon James and Christian Faith facing off. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] And that is big news, straight from the office of our new SWF President Phil Vibert, and what a way to make a splash. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Speaking of making a splash, one lucky fan will have the chance to make a big splash here tonight, I am of course talking about Rich Money and Remo's $250,000 Challenge, take a look. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]The $250,000 Challenge[/B][/COLOR] A recap video plays showing the announcement of the first $250,000 challenge 2 months ago, and the subsequent domination of every fan who has stepped in the ring with Rich Money. We cut to a more recent video, the caption placing it as footage from earlier today of a line in the lobby of the V. Thompson Arena [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And there we see the young men lining up, to sign that valuable piece of paper. As you all know the $250,000 challenge put forth by Rich Money is very simple. If you think you can defeat him in a standard one on one match, come on down to Supreme TV, sign the paper waiving the right to sue and if your drawn out...and you defeat him, 250,000 dollars is yours. Lil' Wayne "Got Money" pumps through the arena's sound system as Rich Money and Remo emerge from behind the curtain, Remo carrying a large suitcase presumably filled with money. Rich money gets into the ring and is handed a microphone, he takes the suitcase from Remo and holds it above his head. The crowd boo him loudly and its not too long before a You Suck chant is aimed at the SWF's dominant billionaire. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] That, is a terrible way to talk to Remo! Remo looks mad as the crowds jeering intensifies. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Honestly, is this how you people show your appreciation? Who else is coming out here, and offering to give you TWO HUNDRED, and FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [COLOR="red"]Crowd:[/COLOR] Shut the hell up.......shut the hell up...... [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Thats right!!!! No one is! No one, but Rich Money! Here's an idea. Tell me what you think of this Remo. I could just take this suitcase here, fly on my private jet. Go back home to my mansion in Florida, put on my Captains jersey, and take my private yacht out on a REAL beach! The crowd get really fired up as Remo nods in approval. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Remo! Which of these losers am I beating tonight? Remo opens the suitcase. Atop the layers of $100 bills is an envelope, he takes the envelope closes the suitcase and hands it to Rich Money, who gives him the microphone in return. [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] James Neil! A cheer emanates from the upper reaches of the arena and a man begins making his way down to ringside as Rich Money and Remo prepare for battle. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] And it seems like its one of our poorer fans, hes coming down from the nosebleeds. He could really use the money! [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Oh come on now, tickets to Supreme TV always sell fast, just because he's up there doesn't mean he's poor. [COLOR="red"]Ana:[/COLOR] Well either way, this is gonna take a while. So we'll be right back! [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to Supreme TV if you've just joined us we are here at the V. Thompson Arena, Sunny California. And local boy James Neil has answered Rich Money's $250,000 challenge. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Rich Money vs James Neil[/B][/COLOR] [I]The match is short, and brutal. James Neil gets zero offense in on Rich Money, who gets the easy win after 2 minutes with the Bank Roll. After the match Remo joins him in the ring, picks up James Neil and slams him with The Destroyer to the outside of the ring. [/I] [B]Winner: Rich Money[/B] Medics attend to James Neil and we cut backstage to Phil Viberts office. [COLOR="indigo"][B]A FAGs Request[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Frederique Antonio Garcia:[/COLOR] This is an outrage Phillip. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] My names Phil. And uh, whats the problem fag? Do you mind if i call you that? It just seems so much easier than Freder.... [COLOR="red"]FAG:[/COLOR] No! No! NO! You can not call me...THAT. My name...is Frederiiiique Antoniooooooo Garciiiiiiiaaaaaaaa!!!!! And I am too fabulous, Phil Vibert, to sit on the sidelines for an event as important as Nothing To Lose. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Ok then so what do you propose? [COLOR="red"]FAG:[/COLOR] I propose that you involve me somehow in this classic cage deal you have happening between Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen. I mean I am too fabulous, not to get a world title shot. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Hold on there ***...I'm not going to include you in the cage match next thursday at nothing to lose. But if you want a match at Nothing To Lose then you can have a match...with Runaway Train! A look of horror spreads across the face of Frederique Antonio Garcia as we fade to commercial. [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] As we return from commercial Kid Toma's entrance music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Followed shortly by the Shooting Star Champion Marc DuBois. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And here we go, Marc DuBois' shooting star title on the line. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Which Groucho Bling can NOT be happy about Duane [COLOR="Indigo"][B]An Uninvited Guest[/B][/COLOR] "Can you tell me how to get, how to get to.....*loud guitar riff* [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Speak of the devil here he comes! Groucho Bling arrives at ringside much to Marc DuBois dismay and makes his way over to the commentary table. [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Mr Bling its an honor. [COLOR="red"]Groucho:[/COLOR] No need to kiss my ass Ana, I'm just here to make sure nothing happens here tonight that could jeopardize my upcoming match at Nothing To Lose [COLOR="red"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] Groucho, I expected this. Because you and I, and everyone else here in this dump of a town know that you can't beat me. But you need to face the fact that if you want to become champion at next thursdays Pay Per View you WILL need to defeat me. You see I know you Bling, I know how you think, and I admire it. Cheat me out of the title tonight, and you have an easy shot next thursday against this *******. He points at Kid Toma who surges toward him but referee Shane Stones restrains him. [COLOR="red"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] Easy buddy, I'm just speaking the truth. But I know what you have planned Groucho Bling...and I think you need to know that I spoke to Phil Vibert before I came out here and he assured me that if you interfere in my match up here tonight, there will be no title shot at Nothing To Lose for you. The crowd boo as Marc DuBois flashes his signature smirk. [COLOR="red"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] Now watch...and learn. He turns to Kid Toma and smashes him across the head with the microphone, referee Shane Stones wrestles the mic from his hand and the bell rings. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Marc Dubois vs Kid Toma (SWF Shooting Star Championship)[/B][/COLOR] [I]This was a good match with both men getting in a decent amount of offense. Kid Toma took control and had the match all but won when he was lining up the Long Range Headbutt from the top rope, Elmo Benson arrived out of nowhere and shook the ropes knocking him off into a tree-of woe position allowing Marc DuBois to hit the Marc of Excellence for the pinfall.[/I] [B]WINNER: Marc DuBois[/B] After the match Groucho Bling and Elmo Benson retreat to the stage as Marc Dubois remains on his knees in the ring with a shocked look on his face. Groucho points to himself and back to Marc Dubois clearly mouthing the words "me and you, next thursday" [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Sexual Aggression[/B][/COLOR] Joe Sexy is in the ring with a microphone. [COLOR="Red"]Joe Sexy:[/COLOR] Randy Bumfhole. You crossed a line last week in our tag team match when you broke my partner, my friend's collarbone. And I can guarantee, that in 50 years time when you sit at home in your wheelchair with your grandchildren. You will look back on last week's match as a defining moment in not only your career, but your life. Because last week you did something that not many people have the ability to do. But you pissed me off. Angry Gilmore and I, we are a team, we are brothers. And with god as my witness I swear to you Randy Bumfhole. I will come at you, and your pimply little brother and I will not stop until both of you are in wheelchairs. I will not stop until both of you Rue the day that you pissed off Joe Sexy. This goes beyond the championship titles that Gilmore and I care so much about. This is no longer professional Randy, this is personal. Now get out to this ring...and face me like a man! The crowd let out a collective cheer as Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole both make their way down to the ring with Ric Young in tow. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And they've bought SWF official Ric Young with them now, and it looks like we're gonna have an impromptu match. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Randy Bumfhole vs Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] [I]This match was short but sweet. Everything that Joe Sexy threw at Randy he countered seemingly with ease. This led to Joe getting frustrated and sliding out of the ring to grab a chair. Referee Ric Young tried to take the steel chair from him but wound up getting smashed over the head with the chair, resulting in a DQ victory for Randy Bumfhole. [/I] [B]WINNER (By Disqualification): Randy Bumfhole[/B] After the match Joe clobbered Randy with the steel chair, Zimmy ran in to try and stop the attack but met the same fate. Joe Sexy continued the brutal assault until a large number of security and SWF officials stormed the ring and put an end to the massacre. [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Sexual Agression, more than just a name for a tag team it seems. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] I understand that Joe Sexy must be angry, but nothing justifies that kind of beating with an illegal object. He just would not stop. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Ladies and gentleman stay tuned, because coming up right after this break Eric Eisen, and SWF Champion Jack Bruce will be here signing off on their cage match for Nothing To Lose. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] We'll be right back. [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]The Stipulations are in place[/B][/COLOR] Jack Bruce's Music hits and the crowd erupts. He hits the ring and greets Peter Michaels with a handshake before taking a seat on one side of the table. "One Step Closer" by Linkin Park plays as Eric Eisen, ****y as ever, makes his way to the ring. He slides into the ring and without any regard for Jack Bruce or Peter Michaels he signs the contract and makes his way back up the ramp. [COLOR="Red"]Jack Bruce:[/COLOR] Cut the music, cut the music!!! Eric Eisen who is halfway back up the ramp stops and removes his glasses as his song stops playing. He points at Jack Bruce and yells. [COLOR="Red"]Jack Bruce:[/COLOR] It's funny that you are so eager to have this match, that you didn't even read the contract before you signed. Because you see Eric its not as simple as you think. Eric is moving back towards the ring "what? what are you talking about Bruce!?" [COLOR="red"]Jack Bruce:[/COLOR] Because you see Eric, being the bosses son may have its advantages as you well know. But being a worldwide megastar such as myself, also has its advantages. Aside from the sold out arena's, aside from the groupies, and aside from the money, there is one thing above all else that comes to mind right now. Access to the best entertainment lawyers around! I took the liberty of getting my lawyers to look over that contract and well, if you fail to take my title at Nothing To Lose, you will NEVER have another shot at the SWF World Championship as long as it is around my perfectly formed waist. The crowd erupt once more as Eric goes ballistic outside the ring, he charges to the time keepers table knocks over the staff there and grabs the bell. He slides into the ring. [COLOR="red"]Jack Bruce:[/COLOR] Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Hold up there little buddy. Thats another thing, if you lay so much as a finger on me before the bell rings next thursday, there will be no match. You can use your daddy all you want to get title shots Eric, but I will always ALWAYS do everything in my power to keep this title. You cant come near me. With that Jack leaves the ring to celebrate with the fans but his celebration is cut short when Eric attacks Peter Michaels with the bell and leaves him in a bloody heap centre ring. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Jack Bruce putting the swerve on Eric Eisen. And I tell you what Ana, the bosses son must be sweating now. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] But then Eric sending a clear message to the champ. Can we get some medical assistance out here for Peter Michaels? [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] While the medics attend to Peter lets check out what happened last week with Valiant and The Pain Alliance. A recap video plays showing Valiant's return last week to challenge the Pain Alliance emphasizing that he has back up. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] The Pain Alliance go two on two with Valiant, coming up next! [COLOR="Indigo"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] [COLOR="indigo"][B]Justice Will Be Served[/B][/COLOR] When we return from break The Pain Alliance are already in the ring. Before too long they are joined by Valiant. Valiant calls for a microphone. [COLOR="Red"]Valiant:[/COLOR] Scott, Kurt. Last week I told you that I had backup arranged for this week. And for the whole week there has been speculation. Who is it? Who does Valiant know? Valiant is such a loner, Valiant has no friends backstage, Who could it possibly be? I may not have any friends in the back but I do have friends elsewhere, friends who watch this show very closely. Friends who disapprove of your unlawful activity and it's time for you to be bought to justice. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] It couldn't be... Sirens Pierce the air and a voice is heard coming from somewhere inside the arena. [COLOR="red"]Voice:[/COLOR] Pain Alliance, I have been watching you the last few months...and IIIII do NOT APROVE! The camera searches the crowd frenetically settling on a man in a police outfit walking down the stairs towards the ringside area. He is holding the microphone. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] THATS RICK LAW! THATS RICK LAW!!!!! [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Isn't he a TCW Superstar? [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] He certainly is, WHO LET HIM IN!? [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] I think he's Valiant's mystery partner. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Rick Law upholding justice on SWF Supreme TV! I never thought I'd see the day. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] He's not just a cop. He's the entire judicial system. [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]The Pain Alliance vs Valiant and Rick Law[/COLOR] [I]Rick Law makes an impressive debut in the SWF pinning Big Smack Scott after a decent length match dominated by he and Valiant. They leave the ring together arms raised in the air, justice has arrived in SWF.[/I] [B]WINNER: Valiant and Rick Law[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Ladies and gentlemen it is time for our MAIN EVENT. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Christian Faith vs Big Money Brandon James[/B][/COLOR] [I]Christian Faith comes out to the ring first to a huge standing ovation, followed shortly by Brandon James who is met with boo's and ******* chants all round. Christian Faith takes control early and even hits the Leap Of Faith. Brandon James kicks out and soon takes control of the match. They go back and forth and Faith eventually locks in the Test of Faith when "One Step Closer" pumps through the sound system once more and Eric Eisen charges to ringside. Faith drops the hold and focusses on the pending intervention from Eric Eisen when Brandon James completely no-sells the hold and gets straight up. Eisen motions for Faith to turn around, and he does....straight into a Big Money Move for the 3 count.[/I] [B]WINNER: Big Money Brandon James[/B] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]The Massacre[/B][/COLOR] After the match Eric Eisen joins Brandon James and Emma Chase in the ring and they beat down on Christian Faith. Jack Bruce hits the ring. Bruce heads straight for Eisen who ducks out of the ring shaking his finger at Bruce, motioning around his waist region to say "my title" when Brandon James clocks Jack Bruce in the back of the head. Eisen throws a pair of handcuffs into the ring and Big Money uses them to cuff the champion to the corner of the ring. The two men continue their assault on Christian Faith as Emma Chase cheers them on and hands them various weapons for them to use. Eventually they tie him onto a stretcher and carry him out through the crowd. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] This is...this is a sad day for sports entertainment. Where are they taking him? [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Don't go anywhere folks we are going to stay with this we'll be right back, and lets see if we cant get someone out here to put an end to this....this horrible display. [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia (quietly):[/COLOR] We're back on air Duane [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Oh, ladies and gentlemen before the break, we saw Eric Eisen and Brandon James BRUTALLY attack Christian Faith and Jack Bruce, Jack Bruce is still handcuffed in the middle of the ring. They've taken Christian Faith somewhere on a stretcher. Where the hell have they gone. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Wait. I'm getting word know one of our camera crews have found them. They are way above the arena in one of the Private Boxes. The big screen shows the action continue as we see them let him off the stretcher in their private box. Brandon James continues to lay the boots into an unconscious Christian faith as Eric Eisen ties a rope around his ankles. [COLOR="Red"]Duane:[/COLOR] They aren't gonna do what I think they are are they? There's children watching this. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Well there shouldn't be. Put your children to bed. This shouldn't be happening. The door to the private box can be seen shaking... [COLOR="red"]Brandon James:[/COLOR] Hurry up, someone's trying to get in. They pick Faith up and ram his head into the gla.... [COLOR="Blue"]-WE ARE EXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES/C.A.N.N APOLOGISE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE-[/COLOR]
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[B]2 Minutes after the close of Supreme TV. The V.Thompson Arena, California[/B] [I]I was in the locker room with almost half the SWF Roster, the majority of guys didn't know what was going down until it was happening, which was probably my biggest mistake. I stayed in the gorilla position and didn't let anyone through, assuring them that everything happening out there had been cleared by me. Some of the guys though headed straight to the skybox and tried to break down the door. Our perfect closing segment had almost been ruined by my secrecy, but it's the secrecy that makes the moment.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!!????? [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] A masterpiece if I do say so myself... [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] Yeah...TOO BAD NOBODY SAW IT! I have a right mind to fire you on the spot Vibert, get to my office now!
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[B]Just a minute later. Richard Eisen's Office[/B] [I]Unsure of what Eisen was talking about, I made my way to his office. Being that we were on the road his office was simply a little section of the locker room with a desk, a monitor, and a door frame with a sign that said "Eisen". No walls, just a door. And people say I'm weird![/I] [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] Take a seat Phil. [I]He was already seated at the other side of the desk and was rocking gently back and forth. He spoke calmly, but authoritative.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] What the hell are you trying to pull? [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] What do you mean? [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] The skybox...the...th...I don't even want to say it. What are you trying to pull? Why wasn't that run by me? [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Mr Eisen, I came in here to shake things up. You gave me complete creative control. Your words exactly were "SWF needs a change, heres the ball, run with it."...That was me running with the ball. And let me say this Christian Faith is an amazing performer and I'm glad we had a guy like him and Brandon to execute it. [I]He leaned forward, and placed his elbows on the desk his arms forming a triangle as he rested his chin on his closed hands.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] I know. Well as much as I hate to admit it, this is probably my fault. Phil I'm gonna have to let you go. Ill pay out your contract the money will be in by the time you wake up tomorrow. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] What!? The crowd ate it up! This is perfect, this is what you asked me for. Danger, Violence....EXTREME! [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] In ALL the years that I have been running this company Phil, we have never EVER had the plug pulled on one of our prime time shows. Until tonight. As much as i did find that entire segment, intriguing. I can not in good conscious keep you around to have you constantly pulling stunts like that. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] They, they pulled us off the air? They pulled us off the air! FANTASTIC. Mr Eisen, we can spin this, this is great. You like money right? [I]He nodded his head, I think I confused the poor bastard.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Get me a camera crew, I can spin this.
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[B]The Advertisement[/B] [I]A large SWF banner hangs in the background behind an announcers desk. Sitting at the desk is Phil Vibert.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Last tuesday night, C.A.N.N took Supreme TV off the air 5 minutes before it actually ended. And we here at SWF think thats BULL****. For 25 legendary long years the SWF has run this time slot, on this network and various other networks in the annals of television history. Who do this network think THEY are, to throw US off the air? We are the kings of prime time television here in the United States. Here in the land of the free that we call home. But C.A.N.N don't want you to be free. C.A.N.N don't want us to be free. But thank God almighty that there is a place where anything goes. So if you want to see the footage, that this network said you couldn't see. The footage that they said was "too violent" and "too extreme". Log on to SWF.com where exclusively for the next week our Supreme package members can view the massacre UNCENSORED!
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[QUOTE=TheTuckerman;449303]Haha brilliant. I was thinking of doing an SWF Dynasty but it wouldn't be able to compete with this...[/QUOTE] OOC: haha, thanks, and thanks to everyone who's been reading so far, I'm having a blast doing it. And one of the best things about the cornellverse is no two peoples ideas for the characters will be the same. So you can easily do a diary and not even have to compete. People's cornellverse stories can be so vastly different from one another its awesome... The next update will be up soon, so be sure to sign up on SWF.com as a supreme member...for a low fee of course ;)
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[B]What The Network Didn't Want You To See[/B] The action continues as we see Eric Eisen and Brandon James let Christian Faith off the stretcher in their private box. Brandon James continues to lay the boots into an unconscious Christian Faith as Eric Eisen ties a rope around his ankles. [COLOR="red"]Duane:[/COLOR] They aren't gonna do what I think they are are they? There's children watching this. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Well there shouldn't be. Put your children to bed! This shouldn't be happening. The door to the private box can be seen shaking... [COLOR="red"]Brandon James:[/COLOR] Hurry up, someone's trying to get in. They pick Faith up and ram his head into the glass window separating the inside of the box from the rest of the crowd. It doesn't budge so they try a second time. Still the glass doesn't break. Eric lines up and punches straight through the glass window. Glass shatters everywhere and his hand instantly begins bleeding. Brandon James picks up Faith and dangles him from the balcony as Eric ties the other end of the rope to a decorative pole rising from the bar. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Somebody stop this!!! Call security, call the police! Call Someone! [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Is Rick Law still in the building? The door to the private skybox bursts down as Phil Vibert charges in with SWF's resident monster Vengeance at his side. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And here comes the cavalry! Thank God, our new SWF president arriving just in time. Vengeance charges over and pushes Eric Eisen out of the way...he tightens the knot and Brandon James drops Christian Faith. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Oh my God. Is this? What's happening Duane? [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] I'm not getting anything from the back, our new SWF President has abandoned his post, it seems. Surely he didn't set this up. Vibert stands in the window of the skybox with Eric Eisen, Brandon James and Vengeance at his side. He smiles a wicked smile and claps as we fade to the SWF logo.
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