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SWF: The Dangerous Years

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[B]Friday Week 1, February. SWF HQ[/B] [I]Its been one hell of a week so far. I'd say as far as first impressions go, I've made a lasting one here in the SWF. I thought I was going to lose my job. But I've proven that I can create interest and turn it into money. The SWF website received more hits this week alone than the entire second half of 2007, and its no small number. Which is why I was fairly confident when I was called into Dick Eisen's office this time.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] Take a seat Phil. [I]I shook his hand, he has a strong grip, I never noticed that before. But what I did notice today is that, the hand was not overturned. He shook my hand as an equal.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] Okay. Now, I have second guessed myself this last week. And it's rare that I ever second guess myself. Even rarer that I would second guess my second guessing. Which you have caused me to do so first off, congratulations on that. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Thank you. [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] However, this can not happen again. Because that was a HUGE gamble, and yes it paid off...this time. We might not be so lucky next time, people get offended and people are the ones who really run this business. You need to be more careful Phil. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] With all due respect sir, pushing the envelope is all I know. [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] I understand that Phil, and you have my blessing. It works. Care for a drink? [I]He poured himself a scotch on the rocks, and another for me despite my not having yet responded.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Uh, yeah sure. [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] The riskiness works for you. You do it well. DaVE did it well, lets see if it cant work in the mainstream for us. On a smaller scale. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] A smaller scale? [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] No more hanging people. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] But its fun [I]He let out a short powerful laugh and took a sip of his scotch.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] I know it is. But it can't be done without asking me first. You have my blessings Phil, but from now on I need to know everything your planning ahead of time. We'll do a short creative meeting like this after our business meetings on fridays and as long as you run everything by me ahead of time so I can prepare myself for the ramifications and the endless press dealings. We can make this work. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Okay. [I]It sounded fair, I mean it was his company after all I was just here to run it. He raised his glass in the air and smiled.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] To the dangerous years! [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] To the dangerous years! [I]He likes me...Dick really likes me[/I]
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF Supreme TV Preview[/B][/COLOR] After last weeks shocking events reigning SWF President Phil Vibert has confirmed that he and all those involved in the hanging of Christian Faith will be present to explain their actions. One of the main culprits, Christian Faith's opponent for Nothing To Lose will be in a one on one "warm up" match with former SWF World Heavyweight Champion Enygma. Enygma has been on a downhill slide in recent months and will be looking to turn his fate around against Big Money this tuesday. Another amazing development last week in California was the arrival of Valiant's mystery partner, TCW Superstar Rick Law. Due to a contractual dispute over the number of remaining performances owed to TCW, Rick Law will not be present in Louisiana this tuesday as he will instead be meeting with TCW lawyers at another venue somewhere in the Tri-State region, we will however hear from him live via satellite and get his thoughts on everything from the ongoing contract dispute through to the reasoning behind his arrival in SWF. His friend and partner Valiant WILL be in Louisiana however facing off in hardcore action with Big Smack Scott. We will also see Runaway Train face off against Lobster warrior in a match announced last night on SWF.com by President Phil Vibert. Another fan will step up to the plate and try to claim Rich Money and Remo's $250,000 challenge. Joe Sexy faces off against the Bumfholes sometimes ally Greg Rayne. And the number one contenders to the tag team gold The Samoan Wildboyz face off against High Concept. All this and more this tuesday on SWF Supreme TV live from the Louisiana Auditorium ONLY on C.A.N.N. Confirmed Matches: Brandon James vs Enygma Runaway Train vs Lobster Warrior Valiant vs Big Smack Scott-Hardcore Rules Rich Money vs Crowd Member Joe Sexy vs Greg Rayne Samoan Wildboyz vs High Concept [I]OOC: Whoever is able to make the most correct predictions this week will receive a special prize at Nothing To Lose. [/I]
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[B]Brandon James[/B] vs Enygma [B]Runaway Train[/B] vs Lobster Warrior Valiant vs [B]Big Smack Scott[/B]-Hardcore Rules [B]Rich Money[/B] vs Crowd Member [B]Joe Sexy[/B] vs Greg Rayne Samoan Wildboyz vs [B]High Concept[/B] Looks like a good show. I'm hoping Christian Faith turns up but what condition is he in after last week?
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[B]Brandon James[/B] vs Enygma [B]Runaway Train[/B] vs Lobster Warrior [B]Valiant[/B] vs Big Smack Scott-Hardcore Rules [B]Rich Money[/B] vs Crowd Member [B]Joe Sexy[/B] vs Greg Rayne [B]Samoan Wildboyz[/B] vs High Concept
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[B]Sunday Week 1 February. SWF HQ[/B] [I]What a whirlwind week it has been. A good friend of mine had told me for years what a nightmare of a place SWF was to work for. I don't think he was lying. But I do think a lot has changed. And even more changes will be occurring throughout my stay here. But boy is it hard work. So hard that I have to work Sundays! In the aftermath to the hanging of Christian Faith there was A HEAP of work to be done. And I had to prioritize. First thing on the list. Mend the relationship with C.A.N.N. This step, both Dick and I had imagined to be the hardest, but when we pitched to them the idea of a rebellious show on a decent upstanding network they were in the palm of our hands.A fictitious rivalry between an increasingly risky show and a TV Network with morals, where neither wanted to remain but for legal reasons were forced to continue their professional relationship. Such a thing had never been done, and if done right, would spell big money for all involved. They loved it. And before we knew we had signed on for that second show. SWF Saturday Night Superstars, which for now, would showcase the talent who weren't being used often enough on Supreme TV. Second step, with the network on board record the commercial and spin the now infamous plug pulling episode into an uncensored media package on SWF.com complete with exclusive content made just for the fans. Still a work in progress it has been a huge success, with close to 200,000 fans signing up in the first 2 days of the package being available. Logistically thats everyone who viewed the show on C.A.N.N, and our UK fans who viewed the show ALREADY in its entirety on UK Broadcasting Secondary and then some. At $2.99 a week, we better start churning out some new content to really justify what these people are paying. And that we will. Third step, capitalize on this renewed interest heading into Night Of Champions with a stellar Supreme TV and a hot PPV. And don't stop there. The ball is all mine now, time to run. But I was about to encounter what could be a major hurdle.[/I] [B]3:30pm[/B] [I]I was packing up my things to head back to the hotel when the intercom buzzed, and was followed by a familiar voice.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]Sophie:[/COLOR] Phil Mr. Bruce here to see you? [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Mr. Bruce? As in Jack Bruce? [COLOR="red"]Sophie:[/COLOR] The one and only. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] What a pleasant surprise. Sure let him in. [I]The door opened and in came Jack Bruce. If his hair and headband combo that he wore even on his one day off a week didn't make him instantly recognizable, his swagger did. I immediately shook his hand and sat down. He followed suit.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] What can I do for you Jack? [COLOR="red"]Jack:[/COLOR] Its simple Phil. Last night at the house show in Michigan, I took a chair shot from Brandon James that broke some of my ribs. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Yeah I was meaning to call you, how are you feeling? [COLOR="red"]Jack: [/COLOR]Look man, I'm easy. I can work through it, I'm not in too much pain or anything like that. But, obviously I don't wanna risk any further injury. And so I just want it to be known. That I don't wanna be getting into the ring with Brandon James any time soon. [I]****! **** **** **** ****![/I] [COLOR="red"]Jack:[/COLOR] And I know that you and he are tight, that he was one of the prime players towards the end of DaVE. Please understand that this isn't a power play. I know that he is probably in your mind, and a lot of other people's minds here, a big contender for the SWF title. Hell, in my mind the guy is THE contender for the SWF title. But at least until I'm fully recovered, maybe a month or two. I just don't wanna be in the ring with him. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Jack I understand your concern. But realistically this could have happened with anyone, Brandon isn't an unsafe worker by any means. [COLOR="red"]Jack:[/COLOR] I know. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Are you trying to worm your way into a longer title reign? [COLOR="Red"]Jack:[/COLOR] No, and if you need me to I will hand the title to him on air on tuesday night to prove it to you. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] That's good enough for me. Your word I mean, not the handing of the title thats just ridiculous. I'll keep this on the low, we don't need any trouble, and I'll keep you out of the ring with him. Until I deem you to be suitably healed. Fair play? [COLOR="red"]Jack:[/COLOR] Definitely...thank you very much Phil. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] No problem, see you on Tuesday. [I]And with that, the problem left the office. Jack Bruce, a manipulative power player. I never would have thunk it. You know I used to be a fan of that guy. But he is one of the big names here, and someone that I know Dick is very fond of, and I need to keep him happy. So I guess he leaves me no choice. Brandon will have to wait.[/I]
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[COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="6"][B]SWF Supreme TV[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] The opening theme song for Supreme TV Plays and we are treated to a new intro clip. Once the clip plays there is a fireworks display as the camera pans across the crowd and we end up at the announcers table with Duane Fry and Ana Garcia. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Welcome to Supreme TV, LIVE from the Louisiana Auditorium, we are just days away from Nothing To Lose and things are really heating up. [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] For those of you who may not have tuned in last week we saw a shocking turn of events when a bloody Christian Faith was hung feet first from the window of a private skybox in the upper reaches of the V. Thompson Arena. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Of course C.A.N.N have refused to air the brutal attack that we witnessed here live but you can access highlights of the entire show including the hanging of Christian Faith with our brand spankin' new SWF Supreme Package on SWF.com [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] And if you ask me, our new president has a lot to answer for. [B][COLOR="Indigo"]You Want An Explanation?[/COLOR][/B] The old DaVE theme song fills the air, as SWF President Phil Vibert arrives on the stage, sporting the same smug smile that ended last weeks show. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well he did promise that he and all those involved in the incident would be here tonight to explain their actions. And if there is one thing I know about Phil Vibert Ana, as much of a smug evil man that he may be he is and always has been a man of his word. The newly appointed president saunters toward the ring, soaking up the hatred from the fans. He steps between the ropes and calls for a microphone. The music stops and he stands in the ring for a moment soaking up the heat. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] YOU PEOPLE SHOULD THANK....ME! The crowd are really on Viberts case tonight. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] I haven't heard a crowd this angry in a long time Ana [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] I don't blame them one bit, we want answers! [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] You people should get on your knee's and praise me for what I did to Christian Faith last week. Because you see, I am saving the SWF. I am updating the SWF. Modernizing the entire wrestling industry. And that began last week with Christian Faith. That man personifies everything that is wrong with the world of wrestling today. For so long, he has been the face of the SWF. And it's time for that to change. So let me, at this time, introduce you to the NEW faces of the SWF! The faces of danger! The faces of violence!! They are the faces of EXTREME!!! The DaVE music hits again and Viberts 3 accomplices from last week step out onto the stage, to a chorus of boo's. Brandon James accompanied by Emma Chase, Eric Eisen and Vengeance all carry a casket down the ramp to ringside before entering the ring to join their leader. Phil first hands the microphone to Eric Eisen. [COLOR="red"]Eric Eisen:[/COLOR] Why Eric? Why??? Why did you help them do that Eric? Why would you join forces with the degenerates, the hardcore scum of DaVE? It's all I've heard for the last week and I'm getting pretty damn sick of it! A "why Eric why" chant erupts from the 10,000 in attendance. He stands in the middle of the ring with the microphone by his side glaring out at the crowd, waiting for silence. [COLOR="red"]Eric Eisen:[/COLOR] If you SHUT UP for even a second I'd be able to tell you......that you people don't deserve an explanation from me! I am the son of the most powerful man in wrestling. Wait, sorry no the SECOND most powerful man in wrestling because this man, the man standing right here beside me, Phil Vibert has a contract allowing him to go above and beyond my fathers control. Phil Vibert is the top of the pecking order and he is my friend! So do I have to explain myself to any of you? No, I don't! But I will tell you this. When I took my bare hand, balled it up into a fist and broke that skybox window. When I saw my own blood dripping from my hand and staining the carpet of the V. Thompson Arena forever. I finally felt alive. So to Jack Bruce. The SWF "Champion". Be warned. I'm coming for you, and I am not the Eric Eisen that you have defeated before. I am a new man, and this thursday at Nothing To Lose, after I pin your ass in the centre of this ring I WILL be the NEW SWF CHAMPION! He soaks up the jeers of the angry crowd before passing the microphone back to Phil Vibert. [COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] And just while were on the topic of the Heavyweight Championship. I have given Jack Bruce the night off tonight so that he can prepare himself for the carnage that will be Nothing To Lose, enjoy your last night's with the title Brucie. Because at Nothing To Lose...It's coming...with us! He passes the microphone to Brandon James now and the crowd are really against Big Money. [COLOR="red"]Brandon James:[/COLOR] Speaking of Nothing To Lose Phil, Eric aren't the only one here with a big match scheduled this thursday. In fact, the man that I'm scheduled to face at Nothing To Lose is right now laying in a hospital bed somewhere, wishing he never heard the name Brandon James. Unfortunately though I've received word that he's been medically cleared to wrestle me this Thursday. But rest assured, at nothing to lose I will finish what we started last week. I will end Christian Faith. There is a big cheer at the mention of Christian Faith and Emma snatches the microphone from Brandon James, he stands back and smiles. [COLOR="red"]Emma Chase:[/COLOR] Do not cheer for that man! Weren't you paying any attention. Christian Faith is everything that is WRONG with the wrestling industry. And this thursday at Nothing To Lose, my client Brandon James is going to lock him inside this casket and bury his legacy. Christian Faith I know you aren't here tonight. Your in some crappy hospital room nursing your wounds. But I know your watching. So pay close attention tonight when my client faces off against Enygma, pay close attention to the hell that awaits you. Brandon James is going to show you tonight, and then again first hand at Nothing To Lose, exactly why he is worth BIG....MONEY... The Microphone is handed to Vengeance now who climbs over the ropes onto the apron and steps onto the casket. He stands there looking around the Arena. [COLOR="red"]Vengeance:[/COLOR] And when Brandon James buries Christian Faith inside this casket. He won't just be burying the legacy of one man. But the legacy of an entire company. As has already been stated tonight, Christian Faith...to us... represents the SWF as a whole, he represents everything that is wrong with the wrestling industry. And we will put all of that to rest, at Nothing To Lose. And so will begin the new era. Of Danger and Violence Extreme!!!! [COLOR="red"]???:[/COLOR] Not on MY watch! The crowd cheer loudly as the camera cuts to the stage where Steve Frehley is standing, microphone in hand. [COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley:[/COLOR] You guys may be happy to turn your back on the company that made you into who you are today! But I REFUSE! I am man enough to acknowledge that I am nothing without the SWF. I love this company. I love these fans. And I love kicking ass! And I'm not going to stand by and watch the three of you gang up to take out Christian Faith. I'm going to do something about it. Eric, here's a little dose of reality for you, this thursday my boy Jack Bruce is gonna beat you within an inch of your life... Plain and simple! But that still leaves YOU Vengeance. Me and you! This Thursday! [COLOR="red"]Vengeance:[/COLOR] You want a match with me? [COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley:[/COLOR] Not just any match! I want to make sure that when Christian Faith hits the ring to take on your boy Brandon that there is no way you will be interfering. [COLOR="red"]Vengeance:[/COLOR] Name the game Steve. [COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley: [/COLOR]LAST MAN STANDING!!!!! The crowd erupt! Vengeance's DaVE partners yell their disapproval and try to convince him there's no point taking the match. He remains calm and stare's Frehley down. He slowly raises the microphone to his mouth. [COLOR="red"]Vengeance:[/COLOR] Your on! The crowd go mental as we cut to commercial [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] You are watching Supreme TV! Welcome back, and if you've just joined us, what an interesting development we just witnessed. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Yes indeed. Phil Vibert out here with Vengeance, Brandon James, and Eric Eisen of all people. Claiming that they are going to usher in a new era in wrestling. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Thats right, seemingly they plan on destroying the SWF and re-forming DaVE in its place. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Let me tell you though Duane, its going to be a lot harder than they think. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well with Steve Frehley defending the honor f the SWF I have to agree with you there Ana. So we have now Steve Frehley vs Vengeance in a Last Man Standing match, Christian Faith vs Big Money Brandon James in a Casket match, and of course the reigning SWF World Heavyweight Champion defends against Eric Eisen in a Cage match where the only way to win is via pinfall, or submission. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] What a night Nothing To Lose is shaping up to be, but first we have to get through tonight! "Can you tell me how to get, how to get to...." The familiar guitar tune plays over the P.A system as Groucho Bling and Elmo Benson make their way to the ring. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And kicking things off tonight High Conept, Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling will be taking on the number one contenders for the Tag Team gold the Samoan Wildboyz. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] This match, stemming from last weeks Shooting Star Title match and there is some bad blood brewing between these two teams, let me tell you. A short recap video plays of Elmo Benson costing Kid Toma the title last week. Just as it finishes The Samoan Wildboyz song hits and an angry Kid Toma charges the ring, with Akima Brave and BJ O'Neil hot on his heels. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Elmo Benson of course protecting his partners title shot. Groucho wasn't allowed to get involved so Elmo did the dirty work and now, the Samoan Wildboyz are looking to get even. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]The Samoan Wildboyz vs High Concept[/B][/COLOR] [I]A good opening match. High Concept took control early by isolating Kid Toma who eventually got a break with a single dropkick taking both men and making the tag to Brave. Brave took control for a few moments before Bling made the tag to Benson, unable to keep Bling Grounded he eventually managed to tag out to Kid Toma who matched Benson's Speed and eventually took control long enough to go up for the Long Range Headbutt, when in a repeat from last week Marc DuBois appeared from out of nowhere and knocked him off the top rope allowing Benson to hit the Shockwave From Next Year, Bling blockes the break-up attempt and High Concept get the pinfall.[/I] [B]WINNERS: High Concept[/B] After the match Marc DuBois quickly leaves the ringside area, BJ O'Neil helps a confused Kid Toma out of the ring and they made their way to the back when Phil Vibert appears onstage holding two contracts. [COLOR="indigo"][B]Only One Match[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Groucho Bling, Elmo Benson. Well done! Congratulations. I'm not sure if you two were aware of this, but you just pinned the number one contenders to the tag team titles. Which by default makes you the number one contenders for Nothing To Lose. Both men, still in the ring look shocked, Elmo gets excited and starts jumping around and sliding onto his knee's like a deranged soccer player. [COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Which means that YOU Groucho Bling have a big choice to make. You see, I can't in good conscience have you wrestling two matches it just wouldn't be safe. The crowd interrupt at this point with a "let him wrestle" chant. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Oh, I will let him wrestle. But he has to choose. Either High Concept will face the Bumfholes and attempt to become 3 time SWF Tag Team champions. Or Groucho Bling will go one on one with Marc DuBois to challenge for the Shooting Star title. Your choice Groucho. I look forward to hearing your decision. He drops the contracts for Groucho on the stage and leaves. Groucho and Elmo make their way out of the ring, Elmo holding up three fingers in the air, talking animatedly with Groucho Bling who has slightly less bounce in his step than usual. He picks up the contracts and looks at them as he disappears behind the curtain. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] A more thoughtful Groucho Bling there, than I think we've ever seen. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Go for the Tag Team Gold Groucho...THREE TIME CHAMPION! [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] I don't think it's that clear cut Ana, this may be Groucho's only shot at singles glory. But in any case we'll be right back after the break with Rich Money and Remo's $250,000 challenge. A brief video is seen of the young men signing the sign up sheet for Rich Money's challenge and we fade to commercial. [COLOR="blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]The $250,000 Challenge[/B][/COLOR] "Got Money" Blasts through the speakers as Rich Money and Remo make their way to the ring for the $250,000 Challenge. [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia: [/COLOR]This 250,000 dollar challenge is becoming a staple here on Supreme TV. I don't know if we'll ever see someone actually claim the prize. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Defeating Rich Money is no easy task thats for sure. Especially with the powerhouse Remo in his corner. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Remo, open the envelope I don't wanna be in this backwater town any longer than I have to be. Not wasting any time tonight, Remo takes the envelope from the suitcase and opens the envelope. [COLOR="red"]Remo: [/COLOR]Ben Williams, get your ass down here, and see what happens when you TRY to take our money! The camera focusses on a man making his way from his seat down to the ring when Jack Giedroyc's Music hits. Jack comes out to the stage looking focussed. [COLOR="red"]Jack Giedroyc:[/COLOR] Rich Money, for two and a half long months I have waited patiently for my title shot. You haven't made a single defense since you won that damn title and I think it's about time you man up, stop picking on our fans and get in the ring with a qualified opponent. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Jack, I would love to, I REALLY would. But I made a promise to our fans that I would bestow upon one of them an amazing gift. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! And as I've told you two, maybe even three times now...I will not accept a challenger to the North American Title until I am defeated and give away some of my very own money. I've just got too much money, but I only have ONE North American Title, and I'm not willing to let go of that, just yet. So you my friend will have to wait. Ben Williams has made his way to the ring now and is talking to referee Ric Young who is going over the rules of the match with him. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Now if you'll excuse me Jack, I have a fan's dream to crush! Jack Giedroyc stares down Rich Money for a few moments before turning to leave, he turns back around though at the last moment... [COLOR="red"]Jack Giedroyc:[/COLOR] Good luck Ben And with that Jack leaves the stage and the match gets underway. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Rich Money vs Ben Williams[/B][/COLOR] [I]Another squash match here as Rich Money easily defeats the outmatched fan with the Bank Roll not long after the bell rings.[/I] [B]WINNER: Rich Money[/B] After the match Rich Money and Remo taunt the crowd as we fade out to another commercial. [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]An Unexpected Visitor[/B][/COLOR] We return from commercial to a shot of the announcers desk. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And at this time ladies and gentleman we would like to welcome LIVE via satellite from Trenton New Jersey the newest member of the SWF Roster Rick Law! The crowd let out a moderate cheer, obviously still unsure of what to make of the situation. As Rick Law, in full uniform appears on the Mega-Tron complete with earpiece and two second delay. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Rick good to have you on the show. [COLOR="red"]Rick Law: [/COLOR]I'm just sorry I couldn't actually be there in front of all you wonderful people tonight. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] That's okay Rick we understand that it is out of your hands. What exactly is the situation there? [COLOR="red"]Rick Law:[/COLOR] Well apparently my contract, even though it had ended time-wise. Still called for another pay per view appearance. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] So then you were in the wrong for showing up here last week on Supreme TV. [COLOR="red"]Rick Law:[/COLOR] I'm sure that I am not in the wrong here. As any and all of my fans could tell you Duane, I may have the privilege of enforcing our great country's laws but I am by no means above those laws. I know this and at all times I do abide by the laws of our country. A contract IS legally binding and I would never do anything to break that. I am entitled to make as many Supreme TV appearances as I like, but unfortunately I will not be able to be at Nothing To Lose, as the contract does specify I can not make a PPV appearance for another company as long as I am owing PPV appearances to the TCW. And thats what I'm doing here to clear up tonight Duane. I am here outside the Evanovich Riverside Arena in Trenton, New Jersey. I have a meeting with TCW's lawyers in about half an hour where I will be pointing out to them exactly where in the contract these things are specified. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] So you WILL be back on Supreme TV next week? [COLOR="red"]Rick Law:[/COLOR] Most definitely Duane I can not wait to return. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] So, the question on everyone's lips is of course, why the switch? [COLOR="red"]Rick Law:[/COLOR] Well Duane, it's really quite simple. When I first arrived here in TCW there were promises ma-uuuh. A baseball bat swings from off screen and connects with Rick Law's upper back. He turns around and a second shot this time to the head floors the big man. The shot widens and we see Kurt Laramee holding the bat. He continues to lay into Rick Law as he lay writhing in pain on the cement outside the arena. A crowd of passers by gradually starts surrounding the scene when Big Smack Scott walks into the shot wearing casual street clothes and a backpack. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Hey doesn't he have a match tonight? [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] He sure does he's meant to be fighting one on one with Valiant in our next match up. Big Smack Scott walks up to the camera and takes off his glasses, glaring straight down the lens. [COLOR="red"]Big Smack Scott:[/COLOR] Valiant! Sorry I couldn't be there tonight buddy, but when a friend of mine told me that Rick Law and the TCW were going to be in New Jersey, Kurt and I. Well we just couldn't resist the call of our old stomping grounds. But V....I will still be here when you get here for Nothing To Lose, and I have no problem beating you 1...2...3 in the middle of that ring. See you then! He laughs and looks down at the bruised and beaten Rick Law, without warning he snaps and starts screaming and laying the boots into the already unconscious do-gooder. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] That coward! Kicking Rick Law while he's already down and out. They just attacked that man with a baseball bat. Big Smack Scott just doesn't want to face Valiant like a man. Kurt approaches the camera now smiling maniacally. [COLOR="red"]Kurt Laramee:[/COLOR] Yeah, sorry Valiant. Hope your having a great time there in Louisiana. But we're up here in Jersey. Not just to take care of our little problem with the Law, but because we need to let TCW know that the REAL competition has arrived. Big Smack Scott takes some spray-paint out of his backpack and begins spraying on the ground outside the Evanovich Riverside Arena. [COLOR="red"]Kurt Laramee:[/COLOR] But don't worry. We arranged for a guy we know to take Scott's place. And I hope your ready Valiant because this guy is no stranger to hardcore rules! Sirens blaze and that is The Pain Alliances cue to exit, they drop the baseball bat and the backpack and run into an awaiting getaway vehicle. As the camera zooms in on the graffiti Big Smack Scott left behind. [COLOR="Indigo"]DaVE wuz hurr, 08 ps. TCW SUX[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] The Pain Alliance are in the DaVE camp aswell!? [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Who's going to replace Big Smack Scott in the match tonight? [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry: [/COLOR]Well that match is up next so we'll find out after the break! [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Welcome back to Supreme TV. Here we see Valiant already in the ring and he has to be worried here. He doesn't even know who he's facing. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Well he THOUGHT he was facing Big Smack Scott, but of course as we just found out both he and Kurt Laramee are sleeping with the enemy so to speak. They've joined forces with Phil Vibert's DaVE. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And one of their friends is going to take his place? An unfamiliar song plays as Eric Tyler makes his way to the ring. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Thats 5 time DaVE Unified Champion Eric Tyler, what the hell is doing here. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia: [/COLOR]These DaVE guys are crawling out of the woodwork! [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] That Damn Phil Vibert is going to kill the SWF as we know it! [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Valiant vs Eric Tyler[/B][/COLOR] [I]Valiant and Eric Tyler did a tremendous job of telling a story in the ring while still brutally destroying each other with various weapons. Early in the match Valiant tried to take down the newest DaVE warrior without weapons but once Eric Tyler involved weapons the match descended into a wild weapons based brawl spreading throughout the Arena. Valiant managed to gain the pinfall after a modified V-Split into the metal structure holding up the Mega-Tron[/I] [B]WINNER: Valiant[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Valiant with an impressive victory over the debuting Eric Tyler. That was one of the most violent matches I think I've ever seen here in my time with the SWF. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] A strong debut from that man as well, Eric Tyler arriving here for his first match with the SWF and he put up one hell of a fight against one of our best guys. And as violent as that match was Ana, I have a feeling things are just getting heated up. Nothing To Lose looks set to be one of the most brutal events in the entire history of this company. A graphic is shown on the Mega-Tron of Runaway Train vs Lobster Warrior [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] And that man Runaway Train will be there facing off against Frederique Antonio Garcia, but first he has to get through Lobster Warrior. And its up next! [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Watch And Learn[/B][/COLOR] Phil Vibert is sitting in his office when there is a knock at the door. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Come in. Frederique Antonio Garcia enters the room with Andre Jones slightly hiding behind him. [COLOR="red"]FAG:[/COLOR] You wanted to see me? [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Yes, yes I did. Not your lackey though, Get the hell out of my office. Eric Eisen who was sitting idly by on a couch gets up and throws Andre Jones out of the office, roughing him up in the process. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Now, see that flat screen TV there FAG? Garcia twitches angrily at the pronunciation of his initials as a word of their own but decides to shrug it off. [COLOR="red"]FAG:[/COLOR] Yeah... [COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Sit, watch your opponent in action, Learn. We return to the ring for our next match. [B][COLOR="indigo"]Lobster Warrior vs Runaway Train[/COLOR][/B] [I]Early in the match Lobster Warrior is able to avoid much of the significantly larger Runaway Train's attacks. Out maneuvering him and targeting his legs. It doesn't work for long however and once Runaway Train takes control there was no miraculous comeback for the Lobster Warrior. Runaway Train eventually took the match to the outside and hit an almost botched looking Train Wreck onto the steel steps with Lobster Warrior coming down on his head pretty hard. Runaway Train returned to the ring and referee Shane Stones made the ten count.[/I] [B]WINNER (via count-out): Runaway Train[/B] After the match Lobster Warrior still lay unconscious on the outside of the ring, sprawled partly over the steel stair leading into the ring. Runaway Train exits the ring arrogantly stepping over the lifeless body of Lobster Warrior, we briefly cut backstage to see Frederique Antonio Garcia looking on in fear, then to the outside of Vibert's office where Andre Jones sits alone. We zoom in on his tear stained face as we fade to commercial. [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] We return to a solemn looking Duane Fry and Ana Garcia. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Ladies and Gentlemen in the break Lobster Warrior was stretched out of the arena and taken to a local medical facility. And one has to ask themselves, when will all this brutality end. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Well as far as we know Christian Faith is still in hospital, now Lobster Warrior is in hospital. Before we know it our entire roster are going to be in medical facilities across the nation. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Don't forget Angry Gilmore. He is currently recovering from a broken collar-bone suffered at the hands of the Bumfholes a few weeks ago. And well, obviously our new President doesn't care much about all this carnage. But one man who does, is Angry Gilmore's partner Joe Sexy. A video is shown highlighting various moments in Joe Sexy's SWF career, focussing on his time teaming with Angry Gilmore, and ending with a recap of last week's beating of the Bumfholes. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Well one thing that works is vigilante justice but I'm not sure I agree with this. Greg Rayne had nothing to do with the injury that his partner suffered weeks ago. But just because he is known to sometimes be aligned with the Bumfholes, The Sexy One has challenged him to a match here tonight. Greg Rayne is already in the ring when..."Im SEXY!" Joe Sexy's music hits and he makes his way to the stage with a microphone. He walks to the ring while addressing Greg Rayne. [COLOR="red"]Joe Sexy:[/COLOR] Cut my music, GREG RAYNE! You may not have been present when your friends the Bumfholes injured my partner. But you were seen backstage after the match, congratulating them. CONGRATULATING THEM!? For injuring MY FRIEND. You have sealed your fate my friend. I'm going to destroy you and it's going to be sexy! [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Joe Sexy vs Greg Rayne[/B][/COLOR] [I]Joe Sexy slides into the ring and Greg Rayne wastes no time, booting into him before he gets up. Joe trips him up and takes control of the match with little resistance for the next 4 or 5 minutes. He gets the pinfall after the One Night Stand. And gets back on the microphone.[/I] [B]WINNER: Joe Sexy[/B] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]The Warning[/B][/COLOR] Joe Sexy: RANDY! I hope your back there watching this. You better hope to god that Groucho Bling decides to take the tag team title shot at Nothing To Lose, because if he doesn't I'm going to finish what I started last week and its going to be....SEXY! [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well Joe Sexy appears to be slightly back to his normal self here tonight. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] I'm not sure if I like him better this way or last week. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Hahaha well Ana it appears that Joe Sexy is about to find out, as are the rest of us. I'm getting word that Groucho Bling has made his decision, lets cut backstage to President Vibert's office. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Groucho Can Only Have ONE Title Shot[/B][/COLOR] Phil Vibert is sitting behind his desk flicking through a contract, while Groucho Bling and Elmo Benson stand beside the desk both with huge goofy smiles on their face. [COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Well Groucho you made the right choice, I''d hate to see you abandon your buddy here like that. And Marc's been bugging me for the night off ever since I arrived here. Wa...wait, that's not your signature. [COLOR="red"]Groucho Bling:[/COLOR] No it's not. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news for Marc, oh wait...no I don't I LOVE it! The two High Conept members high 5 each other. [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] He's not going to be getting the night off. [COLOR="red"]Phil:[/COLOR] What? [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] Well, that contract's a little vague Phil, you need to get a better lawyer. In lament's terms III made the pinfall tonight, meaning myself and a partner of my choice in a team named High Concept will be able to face for the gold this thursday. And thank YOU very much for the opportunity. High Concept WILL accept the match. The two laugh as Groucho pulls another contract out from down his shirt and flops it on the table. [COLOR="red"]Groucho Bling:[/COLOR] But I wont be. I think you'll find the contract is all in order. Signed, Sealed and now delivered. I'm officially locked in for my Shooting Star Title Match. [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] O-RITE! They high 5 again and leave the office bouncy as ever. With a dazed, confused and angry looking Phil Vibert left alone in his office. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Don't go away, Brandon James, Enygma...UP NEXT! [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Brandon James vs Enygma[/B][/COLOR] [I]A GREAT main event match, Enygma got huge cheers throughout despite being on a terrible losing streak at the moment. The end of the match came after about 16 minutes When Brandon James hit the Money Pounce from nowhere and got the pinfall. At Various stages throughout the match Enygma's music played randomly and he was highly distracted throughout.[/I] [B]WINNER: Brandon James[/B] After the match Eric Eisen and Vengeance hit the ring with steel chairs and join Brandon James. Brandon picks up Enygma and his two accomplices smash the chair against either side of Enygma's head. They continue the beatdown until Jack Bruce's music hits. Jack Bruce, Christian Faith, and Steve Frehley charge the ring. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] It's Steve Frehley, Jack Bruce, and Christian Faith!!! [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Isn't he in hospital? [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well he's meant to be and I thought Jack Bruce wasnt even in the state tonight! [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Well we were wrong and they have come to the defence of the SWF! And Enygma. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And look at those traitors, backing out of the ring. The three DaVE turncoats are taken totally by surprise and high tail out of the ring heading to the back. The three men stand on the stage looking back at the ring, which is occupied by their 3 Nothing To Lose Opponents and an unconscious Enygma as we fade to the SWF logo.
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[B]The Next Day, SWF Headquarters[/B] [I]A day after Supreme TV, and a day before Nothing to Lose, tragedy strikes. Okay okay, maybe not tragedy, but a few bumps in the road none the less. Just finished the pre-ppv creative meeting and everything went off without a hitch, I returned to my office where Sophie immediately alerted me that Pat Deacon had been trying to get in touch with me. I picked up the phone and dialed.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]Me:[/COLOR] Pat, you called? [COLOR="red"]Pat:[/COLOR] Yeah Phil, a few things. I just got the results back from last night's random drug testing. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Uhuh? [COLOR="red"]Pat:[/COLOR] Scott showed up positive [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] What a surprise. [COLOR="red"]Pat:[/COLOR] You want me to deal with it? [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] No, no thats fine. I'll have a talk to him tomorrow before the show. How's Japan? [COLOR="red"]Pat:[/COLOR] It ain't Texas. Haha you know what though? Kinda smells funny over here. Not really used to it. But it aint a bad funny. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Funny haha? [COLOR="red"]Pat:[/COLOR] Can something smell funny haha? I don't even know, but that's the other thing I was callin about. I just left the meeting with your boy and well, he can't do it. He's locked into an iron-clad contract with one of them touring companies over here. But he'd love to come over when he's finished the tour. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] The tour doesn't finish tomorrow does it? DAMN! He told me he could do it! Now what? I'm left with ONE day to find a replacement!!!! Alright, well thanks Pat. I gotta go make some calls. [COLOR="red"]Pat:[/COLOR] Hey, if you have any trouble I may know someone who'd be willing to help out. Hell, it'd benefit him too I suppose. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] I'll call you if I need you. [COLOR="red"]Pat:[/COLOR] Alrighty, Bye. [COLOR="red"]Me:[/COLOR] Bye. [I]Aaaaah Pat Deacon, one of the most lovable guys in the history of wrestling. Cant really shoot the messenger but ****! **** **** **** **** ****!!!!!!!!!!! 1 day before my first pay per view with the company. And one of the guys I was really getting behind is on dick shrink juice. And the guy, whose career I MADE by the way, who was meant to come in and save our tag title scene just dogged us for some bloody jap touring company. [/I] [I]****![/I] OOC: Thanks for the praise guys, I'm glad to see other people are enjoying it, I'm having a real good time booking and writing these up so much more to come =)
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[B][url]www.swf.com/corporate/jobsearch=results+133.htm[/url][/B] [I]Are you a fan of the Supreme Wrestling Federation? Do you have good knowledge of current storylines within the company? Are you up to date with internet trends? Are you just generally an awesome person with awesome ideas? Because we want you! SWF is currently looking for a highly motivated, creative and energetic individual to fill the role of Director of Online Content here at SWF.com! Ability to brainstorm well with others, meet tight deadlines and work under pressure are a must. Experience within digital media is a plus but not essential. Forward your applications to [email]careers@swf.com[/email] and you could land the job of a lifetime![/I] OOC: Anyone interested in this position can apply directly to me, hit me up with a PM and more information will follow. ;)
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B]Nothing To Lose Preview[/B][/COLOR] With Nothing To Lose just two days away things really heated up in Louisiana last night. Phil Vibert and the new incarnation of DaVE kicked things off claiming that they were ushering in a new era for the Supreme Wrestling Federation. They were joined at ringside by former world heavyweight champion Steve Frehley who challenged DaVE's big man Vengeance to a Last Man Standing match at Nothing To Lose. Vengeance much to his partners chagrin accepted and the match is locked in! Of course Vengeance is not the only turncoat in action this thursday, as we see Big Money Brandon James go one on one with SWF's Christian Faith in a casket match. Can he make good on his promise to bury not just the man, but the legacy of Christian Faith and the entire SWF? Will Faith's current injuries hinder his ability to defend the company he loves? And the big one. Eric Eisen vs Jack Bruce in a cage match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. The title can only be decided via pinfall or submission and anything goes inside the huge steel infrastructure. Will Jack Bruce be able to defend not only the gold but the pride of the entire SWF locker room? Or will Eric Eisen take the gold from his own fathers company and use it to usher in a new era for DaVE. In other action we will finally see Valiant get his retribution against the man who took him out over a month ago when he goes one on one with Big Smack Scott in a hardcore rules match. Groucho Bling will fight for singles gold for the first time in his career when he takes on Marc DuBois for the Shooting Star Title. Meanwhile his partner Elmo Benson, along with an as yet unnamed third member of High Concept face off against The Bumfholes for tag team gold. And North American Champion Rich Money accepts yet another challenger for his $250,000 challenge. You can watch it all LIVE as it happens, only on Prime Select! Confirmed Matches Eric Eisen vs Jack Bruce* (Cage Match) Steve Frehley vs Vengeance (Last Man Standing) Big Money Brandon James vs Christian Faith (Casket Match) Groucho Bling vs Marc Dubois* High Concept vs The Bumfhole Brothers* Valiant vs Big Smack Scott (Hardcore Rules) Rich Money vs Crowd Member Runaway Train vs FAG
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Eric Eisen vs [B]Jack Bruce*[/B] (Cage Match) - gotta give the good guys a win Steve Frehley vs [B]Vengeance [/B](Last Man Standing) - kinda just a "give them something to do" match [B]Big Money Brandon James [/B]vs Christian Faith (Casket Match) - Big Cat gets the win, probably doing more damage to Faith [B]Groucho Bling [/B]vs Marc Dubois* - Groucho takes singles gold here High Concept vs [B]The Bumfhole Brothers*[/B] - High Concept fail, giving Elmo a good reason to blame Groucho for deserting him. [B]Valiant[/B] vs Big Smack Scott (Hardcore Rules) - revenge is sweet Rich Money vs [B]Crowd Member[/B] - maybe it's a month too soon to introduce a "crowd member" to the roster, but Rich is going to be taken out eventually, and it should be at a PPV [B]Runaway Train[/B] vs FAG
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Eric Eisen vs [B]Jack Bruce*[/B] (Cage Match) [B]Steve Frehley[/B] vs Vengeance (Last Man Standing) [B]Big Money Brandon James[/B] vs Christian Faith (Casket Match) Groucho Bling vs [B]Marc Dubois*[/B] [B]High Concept[/B] vs The Bumfhole Brothers* [B]Valiant [/B]vs Big Smack Scott (Hardcore Rules) Rich Money vs [B]Crowd Member[/B] ;) hahah
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Eric Eisen vs [B]Jack Bruce* [/B](Cage Match) Steve Frehley vs [B]Vengeance[/B] (Last Man Standing) [B]Big Money Brandon James[/B] vs Christian Faith (Casket Match) Groucho Bling vs [B]Marc Dubois*[/B] [B]High Concept [/B]vs The Bumfhole Brothers* [B]Valiant [/B]vs Big Smack Scott (Hardcore Rules) [B]Rich Money [/B]vs Crowd Member
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Eric Eisen vs [B]Jack Bruce[/B]* (Cage Match) Steve Frehley vs [B]Vengeance[/B] (Last Man Standing) [B]Big Money Brandon James[/B] vs Christian Faith (Casket Match) Groucho Bling vs [B]Marc Dubois[/B]* High Concept vs [B]The Bumfhole Brothers[/B]* [B]Valiant[/B] vs Big Smack Scott (Hardcore Rules) [B]Rich Money[/B] vs Crowd Member [B]Runaway Train[/B] vs FAG
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