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SWF: The Dangerous Years

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[B]Angry Gilmore[/B] vs Vengeance and Big Money Brandon James Valiant and Enygma vs [B]The Pain Alliance[/B] [B]Marc DuBois [/B]vs Enforcer Roberts [B]Rich Money[/B] vs Crowd Member What will be the Main Event for DaVE's first DangerZone TV? 2 points Vengeance vs. Jack Bruce (my pick for who the mystery man is) Will the mystery man make another appearance? If so, when? 1 point Interfering in the main event to help Gilmore win.
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[QUOTE=TheTuckerman;475002]Where's the next show, Greg?[/QUOTE] sorry guys...between a few issues keeping me away from writing plus the fact that I was unhappy with the writeup I had it's taking a little longer than usual...should be up around lunch time tomorrow though as I have set some time tomorrow morning to knuckle down on the next two shows... =) so around 24 hours from now at the latest. Again sorry about the delay for those eagerly awaiting to see the show ;)
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B][SIZE="6"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="indigo"][B]Invitations[/B][/COLOR] The Supreme TV opening runs and fireworks go off, before we are even welcomed to the show the DaVE DangerZone music plays and Phil Vibert makes his way to the ring surrounded by private security. He enters the ring and grabs a microphone as security surround the ring. The crowd begin to chant "Skull De Bones, Skull De Bones" Phil raises a hand to silence the crowd but the chant only intensifies. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Ok, ok. I understand. And I will get to that in just a moment. But first there are some other issues that need to be addressed. For example JACK BRUCE!!! The crowd stop their chanting and scream at the mention of their hero's name. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Will not be here tonight. The cheers quickly turn to extremely loud boo's. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] My army of private security will make sure of that. He motions to the large amount of security around the ring and smiles. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] You see Jack, I wasn't joking when I said I have a strong team of lawyers on standby. And I certainly wasn't joking when I told you that should you get involved in our little ceremony last week charges would be pressed. I am going to sue your ass for everything you have. Your mansion in L.A, your penthouse apartment in New York, your tour bus, hell all your studio equipment while we are at it. It will all belong to me by the time my lawyers are done with you. But you see Jack, I am a forgiving man. And I am willing to give you ONE CHANCE to avoid the legal hell I can rain down on you. Anyone who frequents SWF.com knows that this week I will be extending invitations for certain superstars to appear at the re-birth of DaVE this saturday in the DangerZone. And I would like to take this opportunity to extend the first invitation, to YOU Jack Bruce. I am going to give you an opportunity to step into this ring, and apologize to me, and apologize to the most deserving SWF World Heavyweight Champion in the history of this company, Vengeance. I want you to apologize to us for ruining our moment in the sun last week. And I want you to apologize on behalf of the entire SWF because YOU are a perfect example of everything we hate. You haven't earned a damn thing in this world Jack. Everything you have has been handed to you on a silver platter, because you have "the look" and you have "the charisma" and because you got on your knees and sucked your way to the top of the wrestling world! The crowd's jeering intensifies and a "Jacky" chant breaks out. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] So this saturday Jack Bruce I am going to give you an opportunity to EARN your way in the wrestling world, after you apologize to me, and after you apologize to Vengeance. I want you to get down on your knees, just so you can be comfortable as you beg me for your job back. You do that Jack, and no guarantees about the job, but you have my word right now I will not sue you for everything your lousy ass has in this world! He pauses as the crowd begin to calm down. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert: [/COLOR]Now, moving onward... "Skull De Bones, Skull De Bones" [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] I WILL GET TO THAT IN JUST A MINUTE! Steve Frehley, you come out here week in and week out and you fight for everything you have. For a short while here in the SWF you were actually UNDEFEATED. And I respect that. So while I do not have an invitation for you for this saturday. What I do have for you is a match at Awesome Impact against the one, the only Big Money Brandon James, should you win Steve... Congratulations, another strike in the win column on your record. Should you lose? You will be joining your buddy Jack Bruce in the unemployment line. Because wether I respect you or not is irrelevant. You do not interfere with a Phil Vibert celebration without facing the consequences. Now... "Skull De Bones, Skull De Bones" [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] SKULL DE BONES! The crowd roar their approval, cheering louder than they have in months. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert[/COLOR]: IDENTITY THEFT IS A CRIME! You are not Skull DeBones! Vengeance used to be Skull DeBones. Until he wizened up to the fact that bringing justice and honor to a place like the SWF is not only impossible with the amount of **** suckers like Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley around, but it is a thankless task. So I do not know who you are! But what I do know is you are not an employee of mine. And you can not now, or ever... Vibert's mic cuts out as the lights dim, he bgins freaking out and orders the security into the ring. They surround him as the arena slowly descends into darkness and the old Skull De Bones music plays. The crowd erupt as the stage fills with smoke and a single spotlight shines on the middle of the stage. Up from the smoke rises Skull DeBones, the man from the rafters last week. He has with him a crowbar in one hand and a microphone in the other. Seeing him up close for the first time it is clear that he is slightly smaller than the original Skull DeBones but no less menacing in the trench coat and mask as the original. He raises the microphone to his mouth as he walks slowly towards the ring. He speaks in a low booming distorted voice that sounds as though it is being digitally altered somehow. [COLOR="red"]Skull DeBones:[/COLOR] Enough! You are correct Vibert. The original Skull DeBones I am not. But Skull DeBones, I very much am. You do not know the tortures that I have been subjected to in the name of justice. Or maybe you do? Maybe Vibert you know who I am under this mask. Or at least you have your suspicions. But there is no one under this mask. There is only Skull. Skull DeBones is not a bodily form. Skull DeBones is a tortured soul. Skull DeBones has come back, once again to SAVE the SWF from the likes of you. He steps up onto the ring apron and Viberts security force ready themselves. As the lights come back on throughout the arena he steps over the ropes and the security charge at him. He throws three of them simply by ducking and lifting again, using his shoulders to throw them over the ropes to the outside. He begins taking out the others with his crowbar as Vibert retreats into a corner with his two head security guards protecting him. Skull DeBones isn't phased by the wave of security guards and before long the only people left standing in the ring are Skull himself and Vibert's two security guards. Vibert is cowering in the corner behind them. Skull DeBones calmly approaches the two guards who simultaneously throw punches at him only to be caught around the throat by Skull DeBones who lifts both men up into chokeslams. Vibert tries to crawl out of the ring but Skull grabs him by the feet. He raises the microphone to his mouth again. He lifts Vibert up so that they are face to face. [COLOR="red"]Skull DeBones:[/COLOR] Give me VENGEANCE!!! [COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Ok, ok. You've got it. At Awesome Impact. Ok? Let me go. Skull DeBones drops Vibert and the lights go off. When they come back on a moment later Skull DeBones is gone and Brandon James, Chris Caulfield and Eric Tyler are running to the ring to help Vibert as we cut to commercial. [COLOR="Blue"]-Commercial Break-[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Ladies and gentleman welcome to Supreme TV, and what a turn of events to open up the show. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Phil Vibert invited Jack Bruce to be a part of the inaugural DaVE broadcast this saturday. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And what about the return of Skull DeBones? [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Who is behind the mask? [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] I have about as much of an idea as the next guy. But whoever it is, he is claiming to be Skull DeBones. Saying that Skull DeBones is in the spirit. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Whatever that is supposed to mean but he absolutely dismantled Vibert's security force and he's going to be facing Vengeance, the man we originally knew as Skull DeBones at Awesome Impact. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And will that match be for the title? Time will tell I suppose but now, it's time to kick things off here LIVE from President's Hall here in Puerto Rico, with Cruise Control. Cruise Control's music plays as they make their way to the ring for the opening contest. The crowd are fairly strongly against them but their are a smattering of cheers mostly from the females present. Once they hit the ring an unfamiliar tune plays over the speakers and The Montero Brothers make their way to the SWF ring for only the second time. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Well Duane, The Montero Brothers put on a strong showing last week against our tag team champions but they were unable to walk away with the victory. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well tonight they'll definitely be looking to cement their position within our tag team division by taking home a victory against the number one contender's Cruise Control. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Cruise Control vs The Montero Brothers[/B][/COLOR] [I]Zach and Gino start things off and take turns flying around the ring like mad men. Gino pulls out some amazing aerial moves never seen before in the SWF almost getting the three count after a corkscrew leg lariat from the top rope. He tags in Luis who tries to ground Zach but to no avail. Zach takes control for a while before Luis breaks away and manages to tag in Gino. Gino and Zach circle each other for a while before Gino motions for Zach to tag in Randy, Zach hesitates but walks toward the corner to tag Randy in before turning at the last moment and dropkicking Gino in the head. He then tags in Randy who proceeds to dominate Gino with various takedowns and suplexes. Out of nowhere Akima Brave and Kid Toma charge the ring. Akima pulls Zach off the apron and begins beating into him on the outside of the ring while Toma locks up with Randy inside. The referee calls for the bell and awards the match to Cruise Control. [/I] [B]WINNERS (Via DQ): Cruise Control[/B] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Overlooked[/B][/COLOR] After the bell rings the Samoan Wildboyz continue to beat down Cruise Control. Akima Brave grabs a chair from the timekeepers table and lays Zach out with it on the outside of the ring. He slides into the ring and warns the Montero Brothers to stay away. As the Montero's leave the ring Akima flattens Randy with a chair shot as-well. Kid Toma leaves the ring to get another chair and slides back in. He places the chair beneath Randy's head and Akima smashes his chair down onto Randy's head, sandwiching it between the two steel chairs. [COLOR="Red"]Kid Toma:[/COLOR] Phil Vibert! We have been overlooked for too long! Week in and week out we bust our asses so that we can get a shot at glory. Week in and week out we prove ourselves worthy of gold. We are the number one contender's not these a**holes. So we will continue to beat them down, and hospitalize them if necessary, until we get the title shot that we deserve! "Can you tell me how to get. How to get to..." The fast paced guitars kick in and High Concept appear on stage, all three men wearing their tag team titles. [COLOR="red"]The Divine Mumford:[/COLOR] Hey! Toma, you want a shot at the titles? No problem? I mean, you won the number one contendership fair and square right? Phil Vibert can not take that away from you. He did however make the match for Awesome Impact...Cruise Control and High Concept in a ladder match. The team who retrieve the titles walks away as the Tag Team Champions. But I'm one half... Groucho gives him a light tap on the chest... [COLOR="red"]Mumford:[/COLOR] Sorry, one third of the SWF Tag Team Champions, and I say...the more the merrier. So you can have your title shot. At Awesome Impact. We will face Cruise Control, but we will face you as-well in a three team Tag Team Title LADDER MATCH! Akima Brave and Kid Toma appear satisfied with this as Elmo takes the mic. [COLOR="red"]Elmo Benson: [/COLOR]And you'll be in for a long night woo! We are three time cheezies and we are HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH!!!!! Groucho takes the microphone [COLOR="red"]Groucho Bling:[/COLOR] Concept! The three men high five and retreat to the back. Kid Toma and Akima Brave leave the ring as EMT's run down to check on Cruise Control. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well while the EMT's check up on our former tag team champions we are going to take you back to last week. When tragedy struck for Runaway Train and The Guru... [COLOR="Indigo"][B]The Law[/B][/COLOR] A short video airs showing the Biggz Boyz and Jessie coming across the unconcious and bleeding bodies of Runaway Train and The Guru. They are loaded into an ambulance and drive away as the video fades out and we cut to backstage to Rick Law. [COLOR="Red"]Rick Law:[/COLOR] This is the part of the show where Duane Fry usually says "Jerry Eisen is standing by in the back with Rick Law" But Jerry Eisen is not standing by in the back with Rick Law. I am here alone because Jerry Eisen suffered injuries at the hands of Runaway Train a few weeks ago. And before Jerry it was Frederique Antonio Garcia. And before that it was Lobster Warrior. And despite all of these people Runaway Train has injured, and despite the carnage that Runaway Train tends to leave in his wake. No one deserves to be jumped from behind and laid out, left on the floor a bleeding broken wreck. Trust me I know, it has happened to me and it is not pleasant. I came here to the SWF to return justice and peace to this locker room. And that is exactly what I intend to do. So I am urging anyone who may have information about the whereabouts of Lobster Warrior to come forward, he has not been himself lately and being a victim of Runaway Trains prior transgressions he is number one suspect at the moment. That said, anyone who has ANY information at all, if there were any witnesses to this brutal attack now is the time to step forward. I will return order to the SWF because I am the law. In that vein...Tonight, I will be at ringside when my friends Valiant and Enygma take on the Pain Alliance. Kurt, Scott, be prepared. Because you found yourself on the wrong side of the law, and the law ALWAYS prevails. After the promo airs we cut back to the announcers desk where we see Duane Fry and Ana Garcia. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Rick Law with a stern message for The Pain Alliance [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] And of course he is on the case in regards to Runaway Train and The Guru, again anyone who may have information regarding that incident we urge you to come forward now. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] In the recent weeks we have seen things really heat up in the tag team division obviously earlier tonight we learnt that at Awesome Impact we will see a THREE TEAM Ladder match for the gold. I do believe that is a first in SWF history Ana. A[COLOR="red"]na Garcia: [/COLOR]Thats right, The Samoan Wildboyz finally getting their chance at the gold when they go up against not only the tag team champions High Concept, but also former 2 time Tag Team Champs Cruise Control. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And thats not all. We also have the Montero Brothers really heating it up in the ring, they haven't picked up any victories but they are definitely impressing here in the SWF. The Biggz Boyz, a mainstay in the tag team division here are always on the cusp of a fifth title reign, Anything can happen. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] And of course one man who has picked up on the heat our tag team division is building is Marc DuBois, he made a name for himself in the Shooting Star Division where he is STILL the Shooting Star Champion and now...He's set his sights on tag team gold. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] His search for a tag team partner has seen him take on a new attitude of "if you can't beat me, you can't join me" and so far Robbie Retro and Squeeky McClean have failed to meet the requirements. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Can longtime SWF superstar Enforcer Roberts live up to the challenge? We'll find out, after the break! [COLOR="Blue"]-Commercial Break-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Enforcer Roberts vs Marc DuBois [/B][/COLOR] [I]Marc DuBois makes his way to the ring but before he gets there he is attacked from behind by Enforcer Roberts. Roberts rolls him into the ring and the match begins. Roberts dominates the first half of the match demonstrating his obviously superior technical abilities. He goes to work thoroughly on Marc Dubois left shoulder but despite his best attempts DuBois will not tap out. After a few minutes DuBois lands a perfectly times Shining Wizard out of nowhere and both men are down centre ring. Marc barely makes it to his feet first and the two men go blow for blow, Roberts whips Marc into the ropes which proves to be a mistake as he comes flying off with a huge cross body for the 2 count. DuBois uses his speed to his advantage getting some flashy looking moves in on Roberts before finally hitting the Marc of Excellence for the three count. Some fans in the front row start a chant of "That Was Awesome"[/I] [B]WINNER: Marc Dubois[/B] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Looking in all the wrong places[/B][/COLOR] After the match is done Marc Dubois and Enforcer Roberts shake hands and Roberts head towards the locker room. DuBois calls for a microphone. [COLOR="red"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] Roberts, that was one hell of a contest. For the first time, in a long time, I felt evenly matched when meeting YOU in the squared circle. Not everyone here in the SWF can keep up with the excellence of SWF's true shooting star. So I commend you. But unfortunately not even you, one of the greatest superstars in SWF history were able to defeat me. And you know what Roberts, I don't want you to feel too bad about it. Because realistically speaking. I don't think ANYONE can beat me. So with that in mind I want you to know, that at this point in time, you are the front runner on my list of potential partners. Just as he leans over to hand the microphone to the ringside stage assistant the DaVE music hits he returns to the centre of the ring as Emma Chase, longtime manager of Brandon James, appears on stage. [COLOR="red"]Emma Chase:[/COLOR] Marc, you have an exceptional amount of talent when you step between those ropes. You would have had what it takes to make it in the original days of DaVE if you weren't underage. And thats a compliment. But here's the thing. DaVE is back, and here you are week in and week out on "Supreme TV" defeating one by one every single member of the SWF roster who steps into that ring with you. If your looking for a worthy tag team partner. If your philosophy is they can't join you until they can beat you. Then Marc, baby. You are looking in ALL the wrong places. Because as far as I can see there IS no one in the SWF who can defeat you. And that is why I am here, on behalf of the SWF President, and owner of DaVE, himself PHIL VIBERT! The crowd boo heavily and Marc DuBois looks intrigued. [COLOR="red"]Emma Chase:[/COLOR] To invite you to be a part of the inaugural DangerZone TV Broadcast this saturday LIVE from the home of extreme NEW YORK CITY! [COLOR="red"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] So if I show up? You have a challenger for me. [COLOR="red"]Emma Chase:[/COLOR] A challenger? No Marc, we have an EQUAL for you. We have a future partner for you, who is just as hungry for the Tag Team Gold as you are. [COLOR="Red"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] Ok, I'll be there. Emma Chase smiles and drops her microphone, she lifts her clipboard off and marks something down before returning to the back. Marc DuBois follow, making his way to the back while rubbing his shoulder obviously still in pain. [COLOR="Blue"]-Commercial-[/COLOR] We return from the break to see a huge fight backstage. Enygma, Valiant and Rick Law are all being eaten down mercilessly by The Pain Alliance, Chris Caulfeild, and Eric Tyler before long referee Darren Smith joins the foray. And signals for a bell, it seems the hardcore tag match is going to take place right now, backstage. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Enygma and Valiant vs The Pain Alliance[/B][/COLOR] [I]Although this is supposed to be a tag team match The Pain Alliance bought along Chris Caulfield and Eric Tyler to the party so thankfully Rick Law was standing by ready to defend the SWF with Valiant and Enygma. Even with Rick Law on their side the SWF heroes are outnumbered 4 to 3 and the DaVE warriors are dismantling them. Eric Tyler lines Valiant up for a chair shot to the head but he avoids it at the last moment and hits a swinging neck-breaker onto the cement floor of the building's backstage area. He takes the chair and begins dismantling his DaVE opponents and just as team SWF gain the advantage, Lobster Warrior enters the fray, he lays some boots into a grounded Rick Law before spear tackling Enygma and leaving the scene, Rick Law recovers and runs after him. Left to their own devices now the numbers really catch up with Valiant and Enygma, Enygma is being choked out with a chain by Caulfield and Tyler while The Pain Alliance take it in turns laying the punches into Valiant. Out of nowhere Angry Gilmore arrives with a crowbar and takes out Caulfield and Tyler, he proceeds to destroy The Pain Alliance as well and rolls Valiant on top of Big Smack Scott for the three count.[/I] [B]WINNERS: Valiant and Enygma[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]-Commercial-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Whatever it takes[/B][/COLOR] We return from commercial to see Phil Vibert in his office, he is on the phone and does not look happy. Phil Vibert: Listen to me Jack! There is only so much that I can do! He pauses for a moment listening to the voice on the other end of the line. Phil Vibert: Ok, not a problem, there will be no one else at ringside. Of course, whatever it takes to get you there. Okay then...See you on saturday Jack! He hangs up the phone and smiles as we return ringside. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR]Was...Was that Jack Bruce? [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] It sure sounded like it! I guess its confirmed! He's going to be at the DangerZone! [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Ladies and gentlemen two breaks ago The Pain Alliance along with Chris Caulfield and Eric Tyler came out of nowhere and attacked Valiant, Enygma and Rick Law. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] That match wasn't scheduled until later tonight but being a hardcore rules match obviously it can take place anywhere and so the match begun with a cowardly sneak attack by the DaVE warriors! [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Cowardly is right but Angry Gilmore, the man responsible for banding together the SWF locker room against this imminent threat saved the day when he arrived with a crowbar. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia: [/COLOR]And what about Lobster Warrior? I didn't even know he was in the building tonight! [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry: [/COLOR]Rick Law in hot pursuit of Lobster Warrior now but in any case, it's time for Rich Money and Remo's FINAL 250,000 dollar challenge. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]The Final Challenge[/B][/COLOR] "Got Money" Plays through the speakers as Rich Money and Remo make their way to the ring. Rich Money gets on the microphone as usual. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Hellooooo Puerto Rico! The crowd boo. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Are you all ready for tonight? Are you all ready for the LAST EVER $250,000 Challenge? You see, now that Jack Giedroyc is no longer number one contender for my beautiful North American Championship. There is no need to keep this up at all but I figured, what the hell? It's been a LOT of fun beating up these 2 bit losers. Why not do it in Puerto Rico ONE MORE TIME and then let it be done with. Which of these loser's am I fighting tonight Remo? Remo pulls out the envelope and reads the name. [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] Looks like we've got a local celebrity in the house. James Hernandez!? I've never heard of him but whatever come on down! The crowd cheer heavily for their hometown hero as he makes his way down to the ring from the corwd. Before he can get there though the DaVE music hits once more and Phil Vibert appears on stage with a microphone. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Rich! Sorry to interupt you, love your work. I really do. But you see, this is not going to be the final $250,000 challenge. Rich Money and Remo both look angry and confused as the crowd let out a slight cheer for Vibert's announcement. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] That's right. Although it WILL be the last $250,000 Challenge on Supreme TV. You see Rich, what this is? Right now? Im out here to invite you to be a part of DangerZone TV this saturday. Because if it's good enough for the SWF Fans, then its good enough for the DaVE fans. So regardless of wether you win or lose tonight Rich. You WILL be bringing the 250,000 Dollar challenge to DaVE's first ever DangerZone TV this saturday. And as I'm sure you are well aware. EVERY SINGLE MATCH in the DangerZone is contested under extreme rules so just to warm you up I figured I'd make tonights match, NO DQ!!!! Rich Money looks as though he's about to have a fit when James Hernandez slides into the ring carrying a steel chair. Rich Money turns and is met with a chair shot straight to the face. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Rich Money vs James Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] [I]Hernandez then turns his attention to Remo who also get a chair shot straight to the face before Hernandez covers Rich Money for the three count.[/I] [B]WINNER: James Hernandez[/B] James Hernandez grabs the suitcase from ringside and exits into the crowd, he celebrates with the fans throwing $100 bills into the air as fade to another commercial. [COLOR="Blue"]-Commercial-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Going it alone[/B][/COLOR] We return from comercial to see Angry Gilmore in his locker room lacing up his boots, a hurt Valiant comes into the room [COLOR="Red"]Valiant:[/COLOR] Hey, Gilmore. Thanks alot for before. [COLOR="red"]Gilmore:[/COLOR] Don't mention it. We've gotta band together right now. [COLOR="red"]Valiant: [/COLOR]Yeah, alright well. Me and Enygma, we have your back tonight. [COLOR="red"]Gilmore: [/COLOR]No, I need to do this alone. No interference ok? No matter what happens. It's a No DQ, No disqualification handicap match. I can handle myself, and I intend to prove it here tonight. Anyone who interferes is going to have a problem with me. Clear? Valiant nods as Gilmore stands to leave the locker room he is stopped at the door by Eric Eisen. [COLOR="Red"]Eric:[/COLOR] Gilmore, we really need to... [COLOR="red"]Gilmore:[/COLOR] Eric, just stay out of my way. Eric moves and lets Gilmore pass before entering a staredown with Valiant as we return to the ring as Big Money Brandon James music hits and he begins to make his way to the ring. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Angry Gilmore telling Valiant, NO INTERFERENCE tonight. He's going to take on DaVES two biggest warriors...on his own? [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia[/COLOR]: And we thought Lobster Warrior has been acting crazy lately! [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Angry Gilmore vs Big Money Brandon James and Vengeance[/B][/COLOR] [I]Vengeance comes out next and is met with chants of Skull DeBones before Angry Gilmore hits the ring to a huge ovation. He charges straight into the ring and the match gets underway. Gilmore throws Brandon over the ropes early and goes toe to toe with Vengeance. But before too long Brandon gets back into the action and ones again the SWF faithful goes down to the numbers game. They hit him with a variety of powerful high impact moves but never manage to get more than a 2 count. The announcers play off the fact that he just will not quit. Vengeance signals for Brandon to take a break so he retreats to one corner and sits down. Vengeance attempts the Skull Krusher but Gilmore slips out of it and nails a twisting neck-breaker. Brandon gets up and charges at Gilmore who side steps and locks in a cross face. Vengeance gets back to his feet and breaks the hold and the double teaming starts all over again. After a few more minutes the lights in the arena go out and Skull DeBones music begins to play. The lights come back on as the music continues to play and Vengeance and Brandon James ready themselves for Skull DeBones, he never comes however and Gilmore manages to roll Brandon up for a 2 count. The music stops and the match continues. Gilmore slips to the outside of the ring followed by Brandon James who now signals for Vengeance to take a break. On the outside Gilmore takes this opportunity to blindside Brandon with some stiff looking punches and whips him into the steel steps when once again the lights dim and Skull DeBones music plays, the stage fills with smoke. Vengeance makes his way out of the ring up towards the ramp as Skull DeBones rises from the smoke. Gilmore rams Brandon's head into the steps a few times for good measure before chasing after Vengeance despite being obviously hurt. He hits Vengeance from behind and drags him back towards the ring. Vengeance breaks away however and lifts Gilmore onto his shoulder before throwing him face first into the turnbuckle. Gilmore lands akwardly half on the stairs and half on the unconscious Brandon James. Being a falls count anywhere match the referee makes the count.[/I] [B]WINNER: Angry Gilmore[/B] As Angry Gilmore and Brandon James lay unconscious on the steel steps Skull DeBones and Vengeance come face to face on the stage when DaVE's music hits. Phil Vibert makes his way onto the stage but neither man seem to notice as they are face to face looking almost read to come to blows. Phil Vibert gets between them and pushes Vengeance a little further away from Skull DeBones. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Vengeance, no! Now is not the time. The time is at Awesome Impact. Skull! How dare you make your presence felt in this Main Even match after I gave in to your demands. I forgot to mention to you though. This Saturday on DangerZone TV. Your going to have a match. One on one, with the man you inadvertently helped tonight. Angry Gilmore! The crowd go crazy as Phil Vibert drops his Microphone and returns to the back followed by Vengeance leaving Skull DeBones standing on the stage looking at the carnage at ringside as we fade out to the SWF logo.
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Ok so the prediction results as of Supreme TV Week 1 of March are in and looking like this. First Place with 7 points is a three way tie: Hyde Hill Rathen4 LazorBeak Second Place with 5 points: Tuckerman Dragonmack And coming in lucky last position (keep in mind he has only redicted on show) Smurphy on 2 points. So as you can see it's still reeeeeeally close. And it makes me smile to realise that no one picked the Rich Money challenge correctly. With only 2 more shows until Awesome Impact the bonus questions are becoming more important and will probably decide wether there will be clear cut winners or not so give em a go ;)
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B]DaVE DangerZone TV Preview[/B][/COLOR] Welcome back to the DangerZone!!!! With Awesome Impact just under a week away all of your favorite DaVE warriors will be returning to the already sold out DangerZone for LIVE TV this saturday night. As well as a number of SWF superstars who received special invitations this last tuesday on Supreme TV. One such superstar is Rich Money, who concluded his $250,000 challenge for the SWF on tuesday night with a loss to local Puerto Rican star James Hernandez shortly after Phil Vibert's announcement that win or lose, he would be bringing the challenge to DaVE this saturday. Although Rich Money would usually have a distinct advantage over the fans in this challenge, all matches contested in the DangerZone are held under Extreme Rules and to further even the playing field Remo has NOT received an invitation to the DangerZone. Emma Chase made a rare appearance away from the side of Brandon James this last Tuesday to invite Marc DuBois to the DangerZone, where he will continue his search for a partner going up against a secret opponent from DaVE's past. In a shocking turn of events Jack Bruce has been given the opportunity by SWF President, and owner of DaVE, Phil Vibert to beg for his job back this saturday night on LIVE television from his home town of New York. Will Jack Bruce show up? Or is his pride more important than his job? And in the Main Event we will see the mysterious Skull DeBones in action for the first time against the self made figurehead of the SWF Angry Gilmore. As always in the danger zone all these matches take place under extreme rules and are sure to be dangerous so be sure to tune in and check out the carnage this satuday night ONLY on C.A.N.N. Confirmed Matches Rich Money vs DaVE fan Marc DuBois vs ??? Skull DeBones vs Angry Gilmore OOC: Ok so theres the preview and the quick puicks...Bonus Questions: 1: Who will be Marc DuBois opponent? 1 point 2: Will Jack Bruce show up? 1 point 3: If so, will he apologize? 1 point 4: Will the rest of DaVE make their presence felt during the match between 2 of the most popular SWF Defenders? 2 points
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Rich Money vs [B]DaVE fan[/B] As money gets lambasted by the Dave stable. Marc DuBois vs [B]???[/B] Give him a partner already! [B]Skull DeBones [/B]vs Angry Gilmore Love gilmore but not in Dave country OOC: Ok so theres the preview and the quick puicks...Bonus Questions: 1: Who will be Marc DuBois opponent? 1 point Hmmm im sensing another TCW steal so Joey 'Freaking' Minnesota and he is also ex DAVE. 2: Will Jack Bruce show up? 1 point Yes kinda an anti climax if he didnt 3: If so, will he apologize? 1 point Yeah but not in a way vilbert likes. 4: Will the rest of DaVE make their presence felt during the match between 2 of the most popular SWF Defenders? 2 points Yes
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[B]Rich Money[/B] vs DaVE fan Marc DuBois vs [B]???[/B] - I have a feeling the mystery will win. [B]Skull DeBones[/B] vs Angry Gilmore - Keeps Skull hot. OOC: Ok so theres the preview and the quick puicks...Bonus Questions: 1: Who will be Marc DuBois opponent? 1 point - Vengeance! 2: Will Jack Bruce show up? 1 point - Yes, but not as Jack Bruce. 3: If so, will he apologize? 1 point - Only if by apologise you mean "Spike Vibert's head into the canvas" 4: Will the rest of DaVE make their presence felt during the match between 2 of the most popular SWF Defenders? 2 points - I dunno, you wouldn't ask this if they weren't going to! So yes!
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;478560][B]Rich Money[/B] vs DaVE fan 4: Will the rest of DaVE make their presence felt during the match between 2 of the most popular SWF Defenders? 2 points - I dunno, you wouldn't ask this if they weren't going to! So yes![/QUOTE] or would i? bwahahhaahaha Supreme Package content up soon...keep the predicts coming guys =)
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Confirmed Matches Rich Money vs [B]DaVE fan[/B] [I]I have a feeling Rich Money will get a hardcore beating.[/I] [B]Marc DuBois[/B] vs ??? Skull DeBones vs [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] [I]Vengeance to interupt and cost Skull DeBones the match.[/I] Bonus Questions: 1: Who will be Marc DuBois opponent? 1 point [I]Big Smack Scott[/I] 2: Will Jack Bruce show up? 1 point [I]Yes[/I] 3: If so, will he apologize? 1 point [I]No [/I] 4: Will the rest of DaVE make their presence felt during the match between 2 of the most popular SWF Defenders? 2 points [I]Yes[/I]
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  • 1 year later...
Wow, I can't believe people miss my diary. To be perfectly honest I have always intended to get back into diary writing. Rathen and I were going to start one not long ago but my life continues to get in the way. Im looking at returning sometime mid september so. Ill keep you guys posted. In the meantime thanks for making me feel wanted lol And yeh if there is enough interest in the dangerous years I may just continue it as opposed to starting a new project. As I really do have a blast writing some of these characters =)
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