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How do you unlicense TEW?

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[B][U]STRAIGHT from the Frequently asked questions -thread[/U][/B] ""How do I unlicense the game? \ Can I have it on more than one PC?..." You can have the game itself on as many PCs as you want, but it can only be licensed on one at any point in time. Once again, it is important to keep your license code and order details safe, as otherwise you will have problems moving your license. To unlicense, go to Window's Control Panel, and into the ELicense folder (if you are using Vista you may have to switch to "classic view" in order to see the folder). Highlight the TEW08 license, and click Unlicense. Make sure you are connected to the Internet before doing this so that your license will be correctly returned to the servers. To license elsewhere, simply run a copy of the full game, and fill in the license code when prompted." ""I cannot seem to unlicese the game, I can't access the Elicense Control Panel..." Go to the command prompt and type Code: "C:\Program Files\GDS\TEW2007\TEW2007.exe" -unlicense If that does not work, please contact Scott." [url][/url] EDIT: Funny how there's a typo in there. It says Wrestling Spirit license, not TEW08's. :P
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