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Nemesis Returns to Wrestling

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[SIZE="5"][B]Weekday Early Afternoon[/B][/SIZE] "Hey John it's me Mitch." "Oh hi. It's been a couple months but I told you I have no interest in working for you." Mitch sighed, "look you are one of the best bookers around. You could really help these guys. Wrestling needs you." John responded seemingly annoyed, "wrestling may need me but none of the opportunities are appealing to me. I want something that has a little more to offer. Something on a bigger scale. What does your promotion have to offer me?" "Look we may not have the stars from DaVE but we have young guys like your son who I feel can become great. With you booking you could make these guys the next superstars in this business." "Yeah my son can be great but not with me booking. The smart fans will think I am the only reason he gets big wins. I feel that my son is best without me. He needs to flourish in an environment without my direct influence. Besides I am training a new set of kids to bring into the business. They need me. These kids are more motivated than I have ever seen. They come in 4 days a week and bust their butts for 5 hours a day. A few of them got an apartment together just down the street. If I joined your company they would feel like I sold them out. They know they have room to grow still and they want to be great before debuting." Naess studdered to get the next bit out. "That's very admirable and I can promise you that they can continue to train here while getting time on our shows." "Look! What do you not understand? I am not taking your position. PSW will do well and serve its purpose without me behind the scenes. If you want to call me for some criticism every now and again I am fine with that but I am not going to work for you." John hung up the phone with an adrenaline rush like he hasn't felt in awhile. [SIZE="5"][B]Later That Night In the Gym[/B][/SIZE] [I]*Phone Ringing*[/I] "Go work on your trademarks." Nemesis waked to his cell phone. "Can I work on my new one? The Texas Cloverleaf" one student asked. "Yes, but it's called the Reaper Submission when you do it. Isn't that what you named it?" Nemesis shrugged his head not only because of his student but because of who was calling. John answers his phone, "Hello Phil." "We need to meet up. I will be flying into Detroit Metro tomorrow. Will you pick me up from the airport so we can discuss some things? I was the one that told Mitch to call you." John with respect agreed. The small talk was kept to a minimum and the conversation only lasted another couple minutes before they hung up. [B][SIZE="5"]The Following Day at the Airport[/SIZE][/B] [I]John Campbell waits in his car at the correct terminal when Phil comes out with his rolling luggage. Campbell doesn't even get out of the car he just unlocks the car and pops the trunk for Phil. Phil gets in the car and the two exchange their greetings after not seeing each other for some time now.[/I] Phil cuts to business first. "John you are the one that told me last week you wanted back in the wrestling business. I told Mitch you would make a huge impact for his company and that is why he was so pushy. He knows you want back into wrestling as more than a trainer. You won't get a job with TCW they are doing well now with DaVE's closing. All of our old stars have really helped TCW. So really what are you going to do? Work for MAW? CGC? USPW? I mean seriously none of those are really where you want to be. You and I both know that PSW is the only company that is even close to the style you like to book. So what's it going to be? John grins and suddenly his mannerisms resemble his old Nemesis character in his prime. "Nemesis will start his own company right here in the Great Lakes Region." Viberts jaw drops. "You do realize you won't be able to steal guys from TCW and SWF right? Those companies have too much money." "Phil I have the next batch of stars and they are loyal to me. PSW and I can have a non hostile relationship. I am gonna run things how I want to as owner. First deal though is I am bringing in this kid I know to help me book. If you are interested I could definately use your help Phil. I will make it worth your while too." Pondering what's been asked Phil looks torn. "Mitch would never forgive me. I even turned his promotion down." "Yes, but you did show up on their shows a couple times. We can sit down with Mitch and discuss some things." [I]They arrived at Johns wrestling school. John quickly sent Mitch Naess an e-mail requesting him to come into town. John even said he would pay for the plane tickets and hotel.[/I]
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[B][SIZE="5"]Naess Arrives to Nemesis' Wrestling School[/SIZE][/B] [I]Naess walks in and the students all stop their training.[/I] Naess speaks, "John! It is a pleasure to see you. My lawyer is on his way in. He brought much more than me and is looking for his papers." Vibert walks out of the office looking through an old photo album. He looks up, "Hey Mitch. It was very important that you showed up." "Well then let's sit down and talk." Mitch was always quick to talk about the issue at hand. John Campbell spoke up, "my students have a little longer to train and then we can sit down. Feel free to watch them work though." Campbell stood next to Mitch and began a run down of who everyone was. "That there is Grim Reaper. He is 6'4 280 pounds and a workaholic. That guy over there is FDA. He is good on the mic but doesn't usually say very much. Thats JaKKeD he loves this movie star/rock star type gimmick and can make anyone look good in the ring. The big guy over there is Raine. He is a natural monster heel due to his size and look. The girl right there is Linz. She works really hard and is JaKKeD's girlfriend. She isn't the best in the ring but she will serve someone well as a valet or manager someday. The other guys are still coming up and don't have characters yet." Naess looks very intently with Vibert at the students. Vibert comments, "from what I have seen today most the kids in here have it. They will all have steady jobs if they just stick with it. The talent is there." Mitch nods in approval before Nemesis speaks up. "Ok guys practice is over. Tomorrow same place same time you know the drill. Now shower up and I will see you tomorrow. If you have any questions think about them over night and I will answer them before practice if you show up early." Nemesis turns and signals for Vibert and Naess to follow him to the conference room. [I]They go to the conference room and sit at the round table. About a minute later one of the students directs Naess' attorney to the conference room.[/I] Vibert speaks, "I don't know if Mitch will need you sir." The guys looks shocked. "I thought we were here to sign Nemesis to the PSW." Mitch agrees while also looking a little confused. "Well, I meant what I said when I said that I didn't want to work for PSW. What I want is to start my own company and to have Phil work for me." John pauses waiting for a response. Mitch looks down at the pen in his hand and seemingly is upset. "Phil you turned me down because you claimed that you didn't want to be in wrestling anymore and needed a break." "I know I did Mitch. However John is on to something big and offers a different product than anything out there right now and his big name behind a promotion as owner will bring in the hottest free agents and independent stars. You saw his students they have a loyalty to him like I haven't seen in years. Plus the kid he is going to have booking has some interesting ideas." Mitch slams his fist down. "You flew me out here to tell me face to face you are going to compete against me?" "Hold on one second Mitch. It isn't like that. I am going to run this promotion out of Michigan. I will try not to come over to Pittsburgh. Mitch you are a friend of mine in this business and those are hard to find. You know that. I don't want to ruin our relationship. I mean **** my son works for you." "Look John if you are going to tell me that we won't compete thats bull and you know it. Every company regardless of the relationship between them is competing. It is all politics. Your son is one of my best up and comers and I am sure you want him in your company." Mitch's face is bright red. "Do you remember what I said to you? I can't have my son working for me. It ruins his credibility. Mitch I would like for us to be friends still though. I will not bad mouth your company. I want us to be able to work together and take on SWF within a couple years." "John you and I know it will take a long time to be on that level. You have some rookies that nobody knows in that gym and who possibly can you get that you wouldn't be stealing from me?" "Ok Mitch I don't like the way you are talking to me right now. If you disrespect me anymore I will kick you out of here so fast." "Look here" quotations marks with fingers... "NEMESIS, but we can't be friends if you are opening a company. I will not promote your business venture and I sure as hell will not be calling for your input anymore. Phil if you are going to be joining Nemesis promotion then I don't know if we are going to be able to be as close anymore either." Vibert acting as if he knew Mitch would wine like this "you know that Nemesis helped me when I was down and out many times. Besides I really can't pass this opportunity up. Together he and I can turn this promotion into the 3rd best company in America behind SWF, and TCW. He has already began doing the little things that I didn't do. He has learned from my mistakes. Besides the fans are hurting for a hardcore promotion like DaVE once was." "The fans will see that you two turned on me. You guys have no idea what can of worms you just opened but I guarantee it will ruin you in the long run." "Hey Mitch, just don't take it out on my son. He doesn't know that I am opening my own company." [I]Mitch looks at John and then storms out with his attorney behind him.[/I] Vibert looks at John. "That went worse than I actually expected. I thought he would be all about having two of us working together. He just didn't see the opportunity in it for him to promote his promotion with yours." "It's ok I just wish he and I could have settled this. He has always been such a baby when not getting his way. Good thing he wasn't a wrestler. He would get hurt in that ring if he talked to people that way and then went out to do a show with them. I hope he comes around eventually." Phil shruggs unknowingly. "John I have no choice but to work with you as an announcer now. Have you thought of a name for this promotion?" "I have been tossing ideas around but nothing has stuck with me yet. Do you have any ideas?" [I][U][B]OOC:[/B] I really don't know what to call the company. The product is going to be Heavy Hardcore though. Heavy Traditional, and Medium Mainstream. If you have any ideas let me know.[/U][/I]
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[B][SIZE="5"]A PROMOTION IS BORN![/SIZE][/B] [I]Nemesis worked very hard for a couple of weeks to get his attorneys together. After that he began looking for workers who could come work for his new promotion. He also got the company name trademarked as well as some gimmicks that would be debuting. Some contracts were signed and a meeting with some of the new roster was scheduled. Nemesis paid everyone for their time and asked everyone involved to help him train some of the rookies for a little bit.[/I] [B]New Workers Arrive[/B] [I]The rookies arrived to the training facility for one of the biggest announcements they would ever recieve.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/Nemisis.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] "I am glad you are all here. Today your lives change forever. Today you will be offered a wrestling contract to work for a new company. A company that I own. You were all wondering why Mitch, and Phil were in here a few weeks ago. Well today you meet people that will help mold you into the future and you get your contracts to work for my new wrestling promotion. If you do not sign the contract that is fine. I will continue to train you while you work for me. If you do not sign these contracts you will have to pay me to get trained by me and I will not be here at the facility most of the time. You will learn more actually wrestling in front of a crowd from this point forward. Other workers in this business will teach you more than any one person can. So without further delay walk up here and get your contracts if you are interested. You will have 48 hours to read over your contract and sign it. At that point if you do not sign then you may not be offered a contract by me for awhile." Nemesis set the stack of contracts on the table to the side of the training room and stepped away. Every student came up and grabbed one. "Ok it looks like you are all excited about this but that is just part of the news. Now lets meet some of the guys who have already signed with me." Nemesis looks to the locker room door and out comes a woman with dark hair parted on one side of her head. "You may know her as Queen Emily. She will be our colour commentator along side Phil Vibert as our announcer. Imagine her talking about you in the ring. She used to work for the SWF and after a long time she is back in wrestling with a common goal of mine. To compete against Richard Eisen." [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/QueenEmily.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Then out comes lightweight guy with long green, blue, and black hair. His finger nails are painted black and he has a little goatee just under his bottom lip. He appears to be a little out of it. "This here is Remmy Skye. He is known for his daredevil style of wrestling. He is also known as the King of the Ladder Match." Skye just shruggs like it's not a big deal. [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Then out comes a ghostly pale heavyweight wrestler who looks very familiar to most the students. He is carrying a bat covered in barbed wire while wearing a DaVE shirt. "This is the brother of the former DaVE Champion. This is Dangerous Doug Peak. If you slip up against him you will get hurt so be prepared when you get in the ring with him." [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/DougPeak.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The lights flicker. The students don't realize that it is Phil Vibert messing with the cirtcuit breaker from the conference room.[/I] "That can only mean one thing. Our next guest who will be in my promotion is..." Out walks a masked man wearing a black ninja like outfit. One student shouts, "OH MY GOD IT'S FUMIHIRO OTA!" With that the wrestler quickly grabs the kid and slams him face first into the ground before giving him a quick kick to the ribs. He lays there gasping for air. "You would be incorrect Kyle. That there is Acid. He is one of the most loyal workers who worked with me and Phil in DaVE. He has a lot of potential to go on and do great things for our new promotion. You guys have great potential too and I believe in you. If I didn't believe in you I never would have began this business venture. That is why you have the contracts." [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/Acid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kyle regains his breath and tries to get back to his feet. Before he does though Acid is in his face snarling. Doug Peak grabs Acid "hey let the kid be until he gets in the ring with us." Acid nods and stands with Doug, Queen Emily, Remmy Skye, and Nemesis. One student speaks up and asks, "Mr. Campbell what is the name of your promotion going to be?" Phil Vibert walks out of the conference room holding a flag that is rolled up. It is black and not much else can be seen. Phil responds for John, "we figured that would be asked. We already have our logo and it is on this here flag." Phil hands the flag to Doug Peak, Remmy Skye, and Acid. [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/PhilVibert.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Doug Peak sets up a ladder by the wall. Acid hands the flag to Remmy as he climps up the ladder and hooks the flag on four hooks. He waits for Nemesis to signal. Phil grabs the digital camera to take a photo of the occasion. Nemesis gives a thumbs up and Remmy Skye drops it revealing the new logo.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/XHW.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] "That there is X-Treme Hardcore Wrestling!" The students and everyone begin clapping except Nemesis and Phil Vibert. [I][B]OOC:[/B] I have more obviously on the roster but I wasn't ready to put them all in this diary just yet.[/I]
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[B][SIZE="5"]Restless[/SIZE][/B] [I]Time had been going by too fast over the previous couple months. A lot of work was still to be done and it was draining Nemesis. He tossed and turned unable to sleep for awhile now. The press conference as well as the websites launch were only a couple days away. Most of the roster was in tact but there were still some loose ends.[/I] [I]Nemesis had been thinking a lot about what made DaVE crumble. He thought about it so much he even blamed himself for a little bit. Then after he rethought it, the doubt in himself went away. It was that damn SWF who ran DaVE out. They were always cutting down DaVE on air. Taking cheap shots almost on a weekly basis. Any talent that was developed in DaVE was signed up by the bigger promotions and that certainly didn't help.[/I] [I]Who could make this promotion shine Nemesis thought to himself. What big signings could prove most useful in the run towards taking out the SWF? Nemesis looked around and talked to many men in the past weeks about who would be available but hardly any big names were available. This is going to be harder than expected he thought.[/I] [B]The Following Morning[/B] [I]Nemesis arrived to the facility a little later than normal. Phil approached John almost immediately.[/I] "John you have to come check this out." Phil walked a little quicker than normal with John trying to keep up. "This here is how we will get over. We will have a weekly show and air it all across the internet." John looked at Phil with a look of dissappointment. "What happened to our connections in the television industry?" Nemesis grunted and began to walk away and then stopped. "Phil I am so stressed out. We are only a few days away from our official press release to the internet and magazine writers. We also need to get the website done and finish up the last few contracts. On top of that we seem to be lacking any real star power. Phil who can you get me? I need a big name to help this company. Someone I can slap the franchise name on and they can represent this company. A poster child if you will." Phil thought for a minute. "You know I have tried everyone I could think of. You have more contacts in this business than me. You were the one who got the stars to come and stay in DaVE." John picks up the binder with all of his scouting reports in it. "Nobody can carry a promotion in this binder. We don't have a Big Cat Brandon, Tommy Cornell, Runaway Train, Dan Stone, or even a Mean Jean Cattley." He paused, "we have a Acid, Doug Peak, and a Remmy Skye. They are good but not great. I see guys out there training that have potential but will that turn into something amazing? Will we even last long enough to give those guys a chance?" Phil tried to calm John down. "I know this is a lot of stress on you. We will work things out. This is our fresh start and I promise you that we will develope into a strong promotion. You are already a few steps ahead of where I was with DaVE. You have the loyalty of your up and comers and that is special. Champion Checkmate, and Pedro the Spanish Giant already look like they could be special. Those guys have a lot of potential. Don't worry things will fall into place. I was talking to your booker Jack Avatar and he says he can climb in the ring and wrestle if we need him to also. I picked his brain some and he has some good ideas too." Phil then begins talking about some of the trainees. "Grim Reaper, FDA, JaKKeD, and Linz are all turning out great. All of the guys you have been training will end up being amazing wrestlers John. I can see this batch being one of the best batches of wrestlers to ever come into wrestling." John knows Phil is probably right. "You are right Phil. Completely right and I need to learn how to calm myself down." John then heads towards the locker room to change and train the workers. [I][B]OOC:[/B] The next post will be the press conference where I list the wrestlers in the promotion. I will also give promotion details and such. After that I should have a card posted and be ready to rock and roll.[/I]
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[B][SIZE="5"]The Day of the Press Conference[/SIZE][/B] Phil called Nemesis on the phone while John was heading to the facility. "Hey, John it's me Phil. I am just wondering who all turned you down on our final contract offers? I am dieing to know." "Well I spoke with Brett Fraser, Biff the Bruiser, Blackjack Robbins, Hombre De la Energia or whatever, Alpha Female, Dragon Assassin, Dragon Power, and Susan Lee this week and they all shot my offer down. However there are still a few surprises for you. I'm not going to tell you who we did manage to bring in. The two key positions that signed this week were an announcer, and a referee though. What do you think the media will ask us? What will they ask our booker?" Phil seemed very intelligent and was always good with the media. "Since we are a new promotion I am sure they will ask what they can expect to set us apart from our competitors." "That's an easy one. Think they will ask about the titles we don't have yet? How do I explain that we don't have any yet?" Phil thinks for a second, "just be honest. Tell them that currently we are looking into getting a World Title, Womens Title, and Lightweight Title." [I]Nemesis finished up what he had been working on and began to get ready for the big event. Out back wrestlers arrived and pulled through the privacy fence in limos. The media couldn't see any of the wrestlers as they drove right past them and to the back.[/I] [B]The Press Conference[/B] [I]The podium was set up facing the media in front of the wrestling ring. The ring had black apron all around it and a dark grey mat in the center of the ring. The flag was rolled up on the wall behind the ring with strings hooked up to it.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/Nemisis.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Slow Drain by the Exies begins to play as Nemesis comes out wearing a black suit and a black tie. He sets a few papers up on the podium and waits for the flashes to stop. He looks at the media which seems to be packed into the facility about 40 deep.[/I] "First off I want to thank all of you for being here. Phil Vibert and I began working on this project a few months back. It was in January 2008 that we really got serious about this business venture. We have reached everyone we are friends with in this business for input, and possible business partnerships." John took a sip of water. "Now I must admit while it seemed as though most people never thought this ball would get rolling very far it is almost to complete fruition which is why you are all here. We have our roster, logo, and our plan for the future. We have all spent many hours working on this. I have talked to friends over in Japan, down in Mexico, across the Atlantic in the UK and Europe. I even went over to Australia before coming back to the US and traveling up north to see what Canada had to offer." "After my travels I had put together this portfolio right here. It has all of my scouting reports. I sat down with my booker who I will introduce you all to in a minute, and Phil Vibert. We all chose the men we felt fit what we wanted. Then we narrowed it down to what we ended up with. Now back in that locker room is our whole roster as of right now, our booker, and Phil Vibert." "Phil will be introducing our roster but right now let me introduce you to our new head booker. Please welcome Jack Avatar!" John steps back and begins clapping as Snow in Hollywood by Halifax begins playing. [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/JackAvatar-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Out walks Jack Avatar a very young looking guy wo seems to be in great shape. He shakes hands and poses with Nemesis for some pictures before stepping to the podium. "Thank you very much. So you all probably want to know why I was hired. I have been booking for years. The biggest show I ever booked had about 70 people at it I think. That would explain why you guys don't know who I am. John and I have been friends for years and he has worked a couple of my shows under a mask. Sorry Phil I know you just found out a few days ago that he was breaching your contract with DaVE." Jack had a big smile on his face about what he had previously said. "Ok I haven't been booking for any big promotions and haven't had the best talent but most people think I have unique ideas. I develope good relationships with my roster and have a tendency to get the most out of the fans in attendance once I know my guys in the locker room pretty well." "I think that's about it. Any questions for me before I turn it back over to John?" He doesn't wait long and then stands off to the side of the ring. John steps back to the podium. "He is going to help take this company far. Next out is a man who needs no introduction. He is the man who single handedly made DaVE the promotion it was in its prime! He is Phil Vibert!" [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/PhilVibert-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The old DaVE music plays. Phil walks out with a big smile holding his hands in the air for a moment. The flashes go from the cameras and Vibert soaks it all up before walking around the ring and up to John Campbell to pose for a couple photos. Then he steps up to the podium. Jack Avatar and John Campbell stand behind him as he seems very enthusiastic.[/I] "This is it. The moment you guys have been waiting for. Time to be introduce to our roster. I will begin with our behind the scenes workers. Crippler Ray Kingman will be our road agent, Marty Papin, will be our announcer, Dewey Libertine will be our referee, Queen Emily will do colour commentary, and Linz who was trained by Nemesis and will be a manager. We feel with this core group we have a solid foundation." [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/CripplerRayKingman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/MartyPapin.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/DeweyLibertine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/QueenEmily-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Everyone walks out and stands in front of the ring as they are introduced. Linz got in the ring and stood in the corner closest to the podium but off to the right.[/I] "Next up will be our womens division. Mary Beth Chase, April Appleseed, Agent 69, Eve Grunge. and Nene Ebina. These will be the women of our promotion. They all are just as talented as they are beautiful." [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/MaryBethChase.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/AprilAppleseed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/Agent69.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/EveGrunge_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/NeneEbina.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]All of the ladies walk out and enter the ring. The tension is there among the girls. It almost appears as though they are going to begin fighting each other.[/I] Phil looks at the ladies in the ring before turning around and facing the media again. "Next up is the rest of our roster. The big boys who are coming to play in the squared circle. Please welcome JaKKeD, FDA, Grim Reaper, Rashid Lawal, Rahabad Rawal, Haiti Voodude, Verdugo Estupundo, Pyromaniac, Super Sonic, Fearless Blue, Sgt. Bubba Lee West, our giant Pedro the Spanish Giant, Champion Checkmate, Brimstone, Extreme Deluxe, Remmy Skye, Joey Poison, Champage Lover, The Darkness Warrior, The Big Problem, Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Doug Peak, Larry Wood, Jack Griffith, Vin Tanner, Stink Grunt, Madman Boone, Jungle Jack, Eisaku Hoshino, and Acid!" [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/RashidLawal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/RahabadLawal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/HaitiVoodude.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/VerdugoEstupendo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/Pyromaniac-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/SuperSonic.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/FearlessBlue.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/SgtBubbaLeeWest.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/Brimstone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/ExtremeDeluxe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/RemmySkye-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/ChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/TheDarknessWarrior.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/TheBigProblem.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/LeadBelly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/DougPeak-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/VinTanner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/Stink.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/Grunt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/MadmanBoone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/JungleJack_alt2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/EisakuHoshino.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/Acid-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The men come out and enter the ring. Vin Tanner gets in Madman Boones face once they are in the ring. Boone steps away and then Acid and Eisaku Hoshino get into a shoving battle. Grunt and Stink break them up.[/I] "HEY! You guys knock that off. You can fight in a couple of weeks when we begin our shows." Phil then steps away from the podium. Nemesis walks right up to the podium. "Sorry for that. They are all just as pumped up as us about this opportunity. Apparently they want to fight now. Anyways the last order of business is that flag up there. When that is lowered you will be the first to see our logo other than some of our roster. So with that said unveil the X-Treme Hardcore Wrestling logo!" [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/XHW.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Once again the flashes from the cameras go off as the flag drops revealing the logo to the media now.[/I] [I][B]OOC:[/B] I would have posted pictures but photobucket is lagging really bad. I will have to add pictures at a later time. *edit* Pics are up now. Sorry for making you wait. I will post part 2 tomorrow if I don't go to the fireworks.[/I]
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