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WCW - Rewriting History. Building Empires

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[B][I]((I'd like to start off by saying that I'm using the newly released 92 mod for this. Thanks to D16 and anyone else who worked on it.)) [/I][/B] I stood in the office of one of the richest men in the world. To be honest I didn't really know what to expect. Nervous was not the word I'd use for it. I was sure I had blown my chances as soon as I walked into his office. He was weari ng a nice suit and I was wearing one that I think the last time I wore it was at my grandfathers funeral in the 80's. I'm not a suit type of person. "So, Mr. Douglas, why do you think that this job should go to you? I mean I have people working in this company that are FAR more experianced than you in this industry that are salivating at the mouth for this job. What makes you think you could do it better?" I was shocked. I mean I didn't think I'd get the job, but, this is the first question he asks me? Ah, man. It was over before it began. "Well, sir, I think the problem with letting anyone currently in the company be in control of the creative process is that they already have friends there. With me you don't have to worry about me putting my friendships and rivialries above the product. Simiply because I don't have any..." The man stared at me for a moment. Then a smile crept upon his face. "You've got balls, son. If anyone that worked down there heard you say that you'd be a dead man. You see buisness weather it be the rasslin' buisness or sellin' shoes is all about balls. And you've impressed me. So, against my better judgement I'm gonna give you a shot. But, don't get too happy yet, son. I'm not giving you the keys to castle without a few guidelines. Let me talk to my boys down there and I'll get back to you on those soon. Until then welcome to World Championship Rasslin'!!" He stood up and extended his hand I was shock. Complete and utter shock. Tomorrow I will be making descisions for my favorite wrestling company in the world. Oh where to go from here... ((TBC later))
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[B][I]((Note: I'm doing this strictly how I would book this era. I can't forget what I know about the REAL world of wrestling. So, some feuds ect. might not have been done in the real world. But, I'm going to have fun with this doing matches/feuds I'd like to see as a fan. Please read and enjoy and feel free to contribute,))[/I][/B] Wow. Today was one of the hardest days of my life. I had to invite men into my new office and fire them. While I hold no ill will towards anyone who was let goand think it's whats best for the company. I still found it hard. Most of them weren't recieving any kind of push any way, but, they have put their bodies and lives on the lines to be a part of this buisness. I won't list their names. Most that were released weren't above lower midcard status. [B]((Note: Most were the jobbers/enhancment wrestlers on WCW's LARGE roster.))[/B] Also after spending time talking to some of the people from my roster and talking to Mr. Turner I was able to convince him that Jim Herd was doing more harm than good in his role as Vice President. Letting him go might have very well made more than a few wrestlers happy. And I think I may have gained some respect from the boys. My excitment about that cannot be described in words. After my secound meeting with Mr. Turner I returned to my office to find a memo about the guidlines he mentioned to me when I was hired. A few things he stressed to me were as follows... He wants to make sure we gain popularity in America before my contract expires or else I could be out of a job. Sting and Arn Anderson are to keep playing big parts in my shows and keep their momentum with fans up. I cannot hire anyone that doesn't know how to work safely. And I cannot hire anyone who doesn't atleast have the basics down about the psychology of working a match. It might be hard, but, I think I can accomplish all these things! Wish me luck!! Tomorrow is my first day actually booking a show so I'm taking this as an oppourtunity to show the world the talent we have here. Tomorrows card looks like this... [B]Main Event: For The WCW World Title[/B] Sting vs Lex Luger(c) [B]For The WCW United States Title[/B] Rick Rude(c) vs Shane Douglas [B]For The WCW Television Title[/B] "Stunning" Steve Austin(c) vs "Flyin'" Brian Pillman [B]For The WCW Tag Team Titles[/B] Vinnie Vegas & The Diamond Studd vs Dustin Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat(c) Lord Steven Regal vs Scorpio Scotty Flamingo vs Marcus Bagwell Big Van Vader vs Arn Anderson Mick Foley vs Abdulla The Butcher Also expect more of our undercard wrestlers to be featured and more matches!!! [B][I]((Please feel free if anyone is reading this to speculate on who will/should win! Card will posted sometime later tonight!!))[/I][/B]
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Main Event: For The WCW World Title Sting vs [B]Lex Luger[/B](c) For The WCW United States Title Rick Rude(c) vs [B]Shane Douglas[/B] For The WCW Television Title [B]"Stunning" Steve Austin[/B](c) vs "Flyin'" Brian Pillman For The WCW Tag Team Titles Vinnie Vegas & The Diamond Studd vs [B]Dustin Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat[/B](c) [B] Lord Steven Regal [/B]vs Scorpio [B] Scotty Flamingo[/B] vs Marcus Bagwell Big Van Vader vs[B] Arn Anderson[/B] [B] Mick Foley[/B] vs Abdulla The Butcher
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Main Event: For The WCW World Title Sting vs [B]Lex Luger(c)[/B] For The WCW United States Title [B]Rick Rude(c)[/B] vs Shane Douglas For The WCW Television Title [B]"Stunning" Steve Austin(c)[/B] vs "Flyin'" Brian Pillman For The WCW Tag Team Titles Vinnie Vegas & The Diamond Studd vs [B]Dustin Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat(c)[/B] [B]Lord Steven Regal[/B] vs Scorpio [B]Scotty Flamingo[/B] vs Marcus Bagwell [B]Big Van Vader[/B] vs Arn Anderson [B]Mick Foley[/B] vs Abdulla The Butcher
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[SIZE="7"][B]WCW Saturday Night![/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]"I'll see you later!"[/B][/SIZE] After being welcomed to the show by our NEW three man announce team of Gordon Solie, Jesse Ventura, and Jim Ross some familiar music starts to play in the arena. STING makes his way to the ring. He starts to cut a promo hyping himself up only to be inturupted by The World Champ himself, Lex Luger! Lex says that Sting needs to hit the bricks. He teases a surpise, but, Sting is having none of it. They agree to a match and tonight main event is set in stone! [B]Segment Rating: A[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Cactus Jack vs. Abdullah The Butcher[/B][/SIZE] This match, as expected, was a straight up brawl. Some hard hitting action. Jack takes the victory here with a Double Arm DDT. [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Eric Watts[/B][/SIZE] These two didn't click in the least. Watts does the job here as I just wanted to feature Liger on the show. [B]Segment Rating: D- [/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Introducing The High Rollers..[/B][/SIZE] DDP is back stage with The Diamond Studd and Vinnie Vegas. He talks about how the three of them just won REAL big in Vegas. Studd and Vegas stand in the background holding large sums of cash. He says that after winning big at the tables tonight they would win big in the ring. The Tag Champs better be ready because they are the High Rollers! [B]Segment Rating: C- [/B] [SIZE="4"][B]WCW Tag Title Match:The High Rollers vs Dustin Rhodes/Ricky Steamboat[/B][/SIZE] This match was average at best. Ricky Steamboat being the stand out star as expect. Steamboat picks up the win for his team with a top rope crossbody on Vegas. [B]Segment Rating: C-[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Lord Steven Regal vs Scorpio[/SIZE][/B] This match dissapoints as Regal wins with The Regal Stretch. [B]Segment Rating: D-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]"It's my time.."[/B][/SIZE] Shane Douglas is backstage he spends a moment hyping himself up before Rick Rude walks in. He tries to take the mic from Douglas. Rude claims Douglas isn't important enough to have any TV time devoted to him. Douglas disagrees much to the amusment of Rude. Rude agrees to give Douglas a shot at his United States Title later tonight. [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Arn Anderson vs Big Van Vader[/B][/SIZE] This match turned out to be a treat for everyone. Anderson took a beating for awhile before starting to make a comeback by picking on the legs of the big man. Vader becomes frustrated and nails Anderson with a chair while the two are brawling at ringside. Causing a DQ. [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]WCW TV Title Match: Flyin' Brian Pillman vs Stunning Steve Austin[/B][/SIZE] This match hurt me the most as the two just didn't do what I expected from them. Austin uses a handful of tights to retain. Pillman, however, did take him to the limit. [B]Segment Rating: C[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Back For More[/B][/SIZE] After the match Austin almost makes it backstage before running backdown and laying Pillman out yet again. [B]Segment Rating: D+[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]WCW Us Title Match: Shane Douglas vs Rick Rude[/B][/SIZE] This was a good match. Douglas almost had the match, but, he stopped to play to the crowd allowing the wiley vetran to roll him up for the quick 1-2-3! [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]WCW World Title Match: Sting vs Lex Luger[/B][/SIZE] Another good bout. At the end Sting hits The Stinger Splash on Luger, but, then out of no-where Paul E Dangerously appears on the apron distracting Sting. When Sting turns around Luger nails him with The Running Forearm for the win. [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Aftermath[/B][/SIZE] After the match Paul E. jumps in the ring and starts shouting at Sting. He looks at Luger and points at Sting yelling "Do it!!" Luger lifts Sting up into the Torture Rack and doesn't let go as we fade to black.... [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [B]Overall Show Rating: B[/B] [I]Notes: The Flamingo/Bagwell match was cut at the last minute due to not having the time for it once I tweaked the card a bit. To be honest Austin/Pillman really upset me because I expected more. I might continue running with it or I may let it fizzle. I'm unsure. Please feel free to leave feedback. I also notice that my roster is a very heel heavy affair. Expect some turns in the coming shows. [/I]
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[SIZE="7"][B]WCW Power Hour![/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Questions Answered[/B][/SIZE] Luger and Paul E Dangerously make their way to the ring. They reveal their new alliance and warn Sting to stay out of their buisness. Paulie says that if he dosen't that it could mean the end of his carrer. [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Terry Funk vs Kevin Sullivan[/B][/SIZE] My luck seems to be running low making one-off matches that click. Terry Funk picks up the W with a Spinning Toe Hold. [B]Segment Rating: C-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]The Diamond Studd vs. Dustin Rhodes[/B][/SIZE] Despite that my road agents tell me these two have good chemistry this match didnt deliver much besides filler. Studd picks up the win after getting help from his partner Vinnie Vegas. [B]Segment Rating: D+[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Helping Hand[/B][/SIZE] Arn Anderson makes his way to the ring and grabs a mic. But, before he can say a word Vader slides in the ring. Anderson meets him head on, but, The Big man is too much for him. Anderson gets powerbombed to the mat. Vader drags him over to the corner and begins to set up for the Vader bomb.. Cactus Jack is here! He pulls Anderson from the ring and exchanged words with Vader. Cactus Jack turns face and manages to ake a new enemy in the process. [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]"You Haven;t seen the last of me.."[/B][/SIZE] Next a pretaped interveiw with The Stinger plays. He warns Luger that what started on Saturday was not the end. He says that Luger and Paul E better grow eyes in the back of their heads because he's coming from them both and that in the process he will become World Champ. [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Jushin Thunder Liger vs Ricky Steamboat.[/B][/SIZE] This match I totally expected more from. While the action was above average it wasn;t the blockbuster I was expecting. Liger picks up the win cleanly. [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Main Event Tag Match. Brian Pillman /Shane Douglas vs Steve Austin and Rick Rude.[/B][/SIZE] This was the perfect choice for the main event of the matches I had planned. Some very good action that saw Pillman pick up the win on Austin using a Missle Dropkick. [I]((Don't forget this take place in 1992 folks. LOL))[/I] [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [B]Overall Show Rating B-[/B] [I]Notes: I'm not pulling in as high of rating as I would like, but, feel that I'm off to a good start. There where a few things I had to deal with at last night's show. Terry Funk suffered a blown ear drum in his match with Kevin Sullivan so I have to decided that I will rest him up a bit before continuing with any plans with him. Also, Abdullah The Butcher showed up late which caused me to scrap his match as a slap on the wrist. He seemed to understand and told me he would try harder to be on time.[/I]
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;448688]Any info on why Austin/Pillman was so flat from the road agents?[/QUOTE] Surpisingly no. They got no negative or postive chemestry notes and no one was off their game. I'm hoping as the angle continues the reaction from the crowd will get better and bring up the rating to any future matches they might have.
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[QUOTE=DarrenDouglas;448695]Surpisingly no. They got no negative or postive chemestry notes and no one was off their game. I'm hoping as the angle continues the reaction from the crowd will get better and bring up the rating to any future matches they might have.[/QUOTE] Yeah, it's probably an overness thing. They definitely had a chemistry TEAMING with each other a few years later
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;448697]Yeah, it's probably an overness thing. They definitely had a chemistry TEAMING with each other a few years later[/QUOTE] Yeah thats what I figure. Honestly, if it wasn't for the amount of heels already on my roster Pillman might have been turned heel and I would have jump started my own version of The Blondes. It may well still happen down the road, but, for now they will be left to sink or swim as singles.
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[SIZE="7"][B]WCW News[/B][/SIZE] After much debate I have decided to remove the WCW/Japan Supershow from the schedual as Clash of The Champions also takes place this month. The show may very well return in the future should I raise in popularity. Another factor behind this descision was that I have only ran two shows and feel it is a little bit early to jump into a Big event. I want to give my guys time to develope more interesting storylines and I think my best approach would be to give them more time. This may turn around and bite me as it takes away a chance for me gain some popularity by showcasing my guys. Time will tell on that one. I also have my eye on a few guys from the indys. While I haven't signed any new talent just yet I expect to soon. There is one tag team in paticular that has caught my eye. After watching a few of their matches they are high on my list. Also I have my eye on a star from another company who's contract may be ending soon. While not the biggest star I suspect that if signed he could really cause some of my roster to sing the blues. Expect more news and next weeks card to be posted throughout the coming hours/days.
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[SIZE="7"][B][CENTER]WCW Saturday Night![/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"]Dark Match #1: Christain Cage vs Dean Malenko[/SIZE][/B] The crowd hated my dark matches, but, I'm just trying to get exposure for my new talent. Cage picks up the win here! [B]Segment Rating: E-[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Dark Match #2: Adam Copeland vs Christopher Daniels[/SIZE][/B] Once again hated. It seems it will eb awhile befdore these guys see any action again. Hopefully I can get some development soon. [B]Segment Rating: F[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]There will be blood![/B][/SIZE] The show opens with Sting in the ring. He calls out Luger saying he doesn't have the guts to come out. Luger and Paul E. come out, but, stand at the top orf the ramp. As Sting continues to challenge Luger to come down he is attacked from behind by VADER!!. In the end they end up cuffing The Stinger to the ropes and beating him bloody! [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Vinne Vegas vs Junkyard Dog[/B][/SIZE] This match was unspectacular as one might guess. Was hoping to get lucky and get some Chemestry here but didn't. In The End DDP interfeared and cost JYD the match! [B]Segment Rating: D-[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]WCW Tag Title Match: Rhodes & Steamboat vs. The Miracle Violence Connection.[/SIZE][/B] Wow. This match bombed. Apparently my crowd though jobbers where involved Rhodes wins and retains for his team. things aren't looking good for me tonight! [B]Segment Rating: E[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Unexpected...[/B][/SIZE] Sting stained with blood and his facepaint all, but, gone stands backstage. He says doctors have told him not to wrestle tonight, but, he doesn't care. He says that he has found a partner tonight and he will see Luger and Vader at the end of the show. Cactus Jack walks onto the screen replying simply with "BANG BANG!!" [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]DDP vs Chris Benoit[/B][/SIZE] Average match between two heels. Benoit takes the win here with a Dragon suplex. [B]Segment Rating: C[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Arn Anderson and The Steiners vs One Man Gang and The Blue Bloods[/B][/SIZE] I wasn't expecting much from this match, but, it seems my booking meter is off tonight. Anderson rolls up gang for the win! [B]Segment rating: B-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Cryin' Brian[/B][/SIZE] Pillmans music hits, but, instead Steve Austin comes out dressed like Pillman. He impersonates Pillman acting like a Crybaby complaing about his recent loss to Austin. Pillman comes out and runs him off staying in the ring because he has a match next....! [B]Segment Rating: C-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Brian Pillman vs Jushin Thunder Liger[/B][/SIZE] Once again I'm left with my jaw on the floor as this match turns out to be just a little above the norm. Pillman wins with a crossbody. [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Shane Douglas vs Scotty Flamingo[/B][/SIZE] Tonighthas been a bad night for me. This match is a mess. Douglas wins with a Belly-to-Belly. [B]Segment Rating: D+[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Simply...Champion?[/B][/SIZE] After the bout Rick Rude hits the ring and lays Douglas out with his title belt. [B]Segment Rating: C[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Main Event Tag Match: Sting and Cactus Jack vs. Lex Luger and Big Van Vader[/B][/SIZE] Well this match didn't dissapoint, but, I think it's too little too late to save the show. The end saw Sting make Luger tap after Jack and Vader disappeared brawling into the crowd. [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [B]Overall Show Rating: C+[/B] [I]Notes: It's painfully clear to me that I must re-word my strategy as nothing seems to go the way I think. There where a few pleasant surpises, but, overall I'm underwhelmed byy this show. Felt like playing so didn't allow for perdictions. Sorry if this threw some of you off. Any feedback? [/I]
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I dont know you seem like your pulling in pretty good show ratings to me, and your booking is logical. Televison was really used as nothing more then a vehicle to advertiseme events and pay per views back in this era, if you happened to catch a really good TV match, you were fortunate.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;448938]I dont know you seem like your pulling in pretty good show ratings to me, and your booking is logical. Televison was really used as nothing more then a vehicle to advertiseme events and pay per views back in this era, if you happened to catch a really good TV match, you were fortunate.[/QUOTE] Yes this is thew era i started watching. It just seems like things I expect to work don't and things I book that make me cringe seem to be working. LOL
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[SIZE="7"][B]WCW POWER HOUR[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"]"It Ain't Over...[/SIZE][/B] We start with the camera backstage with Cactus Jack. He tells us and Big Van Vader that what started on Saturday will continue tonight. And thus our main event is set in stone! [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]The High Rollers vs Scorpio and Bagwell[/B][/SIZE] The High Rollers win this bout. Nothing exciting, but, not dreadful. [B]Segment Rating: D[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Arn Anderson vs One Man Gang[/B][/SIZE] This match was pretty good for what it was. The gang refuses to break a chokehold causing a DQ. Gang and Anderson don't click. [B]Segment Rating C+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Quit while your ahead.[/SIZE][/B] Wow. This segment while not horrible isn;t anywhere near what these guys have been doing. Basic war of words with Dangerously trying to get Sting to stop coming after Luger. Of course it doesn't work. [B]Segment Rating: C-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]The Steiners vs The Blue Bloods[/B][/SIZE] This match delivers as The Steiners win via Frankensteiner. I have a feeling that this isn;t the last team we see these teams in the ring together! [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Non Title Match: Stunning Steve Austin vs. Shane Douglas[/B][/SIZE] Match went back and forth until Brian Pillman distracts Austin allowing Douglas to roll him up for the win! Austin is far from pleased! [B]Segment Rating: C[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Main Event: Cactus Jack vs Big Van Vader[/B][/SIZE] Match turns into a wild brawl! Back and forth action all the way with Jack showing no fear and pulling out everything in his arsenal to put the big man down. End see's Vade ruse the ropes to get the pin fall! [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [B]Overall rating: C+[/B] [I]Notes: I just can't figure out what to do with Arn Anderson usually I'd just sit on him until the time was right, but, Mr. Turner wants to make sure he stays on TV. This show wnet a lot like I had figured it would, but, I think I really need to step it up and really pull away from the pack when it comes to action. Not having any luck what-so-ever when it comes to chemistry![/I]
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[SIZE="7"][B]Wrestling News[/B][/SIZE] It seems that the biggest two promotions in America WCW and WWF are both in danger of losing their TV shows. It could be the first time in a long time that neither promotion has a TV show in the USA? More on this as we get it...! [I]Note: Ugh. This is going to make it hard to keep anyone on my roster. I'm nbot sure what I'll do if this happens. It still could leave me on level playing ground with the WWF. Could this be a bug...?[/I]
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;449075]Would be a shame to see this come to such a premature end. If WCW loses TV, surely they will be done for...[/QUOTE] If this does happen don't worry because I will come back. Perhaps I'll travel back in time a year and do 1991. But, I'll fight till the bitter end!
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;450615]So goes life as a WCW booker in the early 90's[/QUOTE] Yeah Im considering doing a 1991 diary. But, I don't know if I wanna stick with WCW. Whatever I decide I'll probably be starting something very soon. I've booked a month on a WWF game for 91. Suppose I could recap to catch everyone up and keep going with that as I'm really enjoying playing that.
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