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SWF: Bringing The Tradition Back

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[I]No real backstory here. Sorry to all you backstory fiends.[/I] [QUOTE][B]The Cornellverse Report:[/B] SWF officials have been scouting the independent scene in hopes of signing some wrestlers to developmental deals. Officials within the company have been qouted as saying they plan on making RIPW the premier second level league in all of North America. Speaking of which, SWF have sent veteran Enforcer Roberts down to RIPW, with the hopes that he will help train the youngsters. SWF have also sent down Andre Jones and Greg Rayne for some more seasoning. [/QUOTE] ----------- [QUOTE][B]Supreme TV Preview[/B] SWF fans at the Virginia Park Fields will be treated to a huge main event as Jack Bruce defends the SWF World Heavyweight Championship against the brass youngster, Eric Eisen. Eisen has said that he is the future of the company, and that the future begins tonight. Confirmed Matches: Robbie Retro vs. Kurt Laramee The Biggz Boyz vs. The Almighty Dollar Elmo Benson vs. Brandon James Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance SWF World Heavyweight Title: Jack Bruce (c) vs. Eric Eisen[/QUOTE]
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[B]SWF: Supreme TV Results[/B] Location: Virginia Park Fields Attendance: 10,000 Announcers: Peter Micheals, Duane Fry, and Ana Garcia [B]Elmo Benson vs. Brandon James:[/B] Although Benson recieved a huge ovation, he was overmatched from the start. After about 3 minutes of total domination, Brandon James connected with a Brandon Bomb Drop for the win. After the match, James and Emma Chase make out over a fallen Elmo Benson. Rating: B [B]Jerry Eisen Interviews Jack Bruce:[/B] Jerry Eisen is backstage interviewing Jack Bruce about his upcoming match against his brother Eric. Jack says that Eric needs to be taught a lesson about respect, and that he will be the one to give it to him. All of a sudden, a huge right hand comes from off camera and connects with Bruce. Soon the huge frame of Runaway Train is on screen. Runaway Train continues to assault the SWF Heavyweight Champion. Train connects with a Train Wreck through the catering table. Train leaves Bruce motionless as The Guru informs Jerry Eisen that soon Train will be the three time SWF Heavyweight Champion, because at When Hell Freezes Over, it will be Jack Bruce vs. Runaway Train for the SWF Heavyweight Championship. But, only if he can survive Eric Eisen tonight. Rating: B- [B]Robbie Retro Vignette:[/B] We see a video of Robbie Retro at a skating rink. The audience has mild laughter as we see Robbie constantly fall while attemping to skate. Rating: C- [B]Robbie Retro vs. Kurt Laramee[/B] This match was extremely sloppy, as both Robbie and Kurt botched fairly easy manuevers. Although the match only lasted around 5 minutes, the crowd grew restless, and began chanting boring. The ending came when Laramee was attemping a Switchblade Powerslam, but Robbie reversed it into a Disco Ball. Rating: D+ [B]The Biggz Boyz vs. The Almighty Dollar[/B] This was a fast paced match, with The Biggz getting most of the offense in early on. Around the five minute mark, The Almighty Dollar gained control and began to isolate Bart. The Almighty Dollar began to show a wide variety of double team manuevers on Bart, as Brett watched on helplessly. After ducking a double clothesline, Bart was able to make the hot tag to Brett. Brett came in like a wildfire and was able to regain the momentum for his team. Unfortunately, Brett missed a 450 Splash, and Remo was able to connect with a Lumbar Puncture for the win. Rating: C+ [B]Post Match: Smack Talk[/B] After the match, Remo throws Brett Biggz to the outside as Rich Money grabs a mic. The Almighty Dollar lay down a challenge to The Amazing Bumfholes for When Hell Freezes Over. Rating: C- [B]Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance[/B] This match dissintegrated rather quickly. After a few minutes, Vengeance threw Frehley to the outside. Vengeance grabbed a steel chair and attempted to knock Frehley out. Steve ducked and kicked Vengeance in the nuts, and then threw Vengeance into the steel steps. By this time, the ref called for the bell, as both men were counted out. That didn't matter to either men, as they both brawled around ringside before security came down and broke up the melee. Rating: C+ [B]Hype Video:[/B] Rather standard two mintue hype video for the main event of Jack Bruce vs. Eric Eisen. Rating: B+ [B]SWF Heavweight Championship: Jack Bruce (c) vs. Eric Eisen[/B] The crowd was on fire, as they witnessed an exceptional title match. Both men got in an equal amount of offense, and Eisen looked like that at times he would win the title. After a ref bump, Bruce connected with A New York Minute on a fallen Eisen. Runaway Train lumbered down to the ring and connected with a chokeslam on Bruce. The ref woke up, and called for the bell, but that didn't matter as Runaway Train and Eric Eisen began to double team Bruce. The Guru held a fallen Bruce as Eisen connected with a moonsault from the top turnbuckle. Christian Faith ran down for the save and cleared house. The show ended with Train and Eisen on the ramp, Train making motions that he will be champ and Eisen vowing revenge on Faith for getting involved. Rating: B+ [B]Full Results:[/B] Brandon James defeated Elmo Benson Robbie Retro defeated Kurt Laramee The Almighty Dollar defeated The Biggz Boys Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance ended in a Double Countout Jack Bruce defeated Eric Eisen by DQ [QUOTE]Cornellverse News * Last nights SWF show drew a rating of 2.7, which annoyed many officials within SWF. Prior to the show, fans in attendance witnessed Frederique Antonio Garcia defeat Jack Giedroyc in a dark match. * We recieved news that prior to last nights show, Brandon James and Brett Biggz nearly came to blows after James made some disrespectful comments about The Biggz Boyz. * As we reported earlier, SWF has been scouting independent wrestlers in hopes of bolstering their developmental league, RIPW. We can confirm that SWF have signed James Prudence and Nelson Callum. Prudence, most recently with CZCW, may best be known as one half of The Fly Boys with Donnie J. Not much is known of Callum, only that he was apart of Pittsburg Steel Wrestling. * It looks like SWF has approached 4C about some sort of working agreement, as SWF has signed 4C head booker, Joey Poison to a PPA deal. * SWF is building toward their PPV, When Hell Freezes Over, at the end of the month. Here is the confirmed card: SWF Heavyweight Championship: Jack Bruce (c) vs. Runaway Train w/ The Guru Rumored: SWF Tag Titles: The Amazing Bumfholes (c) vs. The Almighty Dollar Rumored: Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen Rumored: Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance * Here are the results from the TCW show: Danny Fonzarelli d. Freddy Huggins The Machines d. Painful Procedure Charlie Thatcher d. Ronnie V. Pain Joel Bryant d. Clark Alexander Wolf Hawkins d. Eddie Peak to retain the TCW International Title Tyson Baine d. Tommy Cornell * ROF filled their vacancy at head booker by naming 31 year old Kevin Jones to the posistion. Jones may best remembered as half of Monkey Buisness in MOSC. [/QUOTE]
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[B]SWF: Supreme TV Preview[/B] Last week saw Runaway Train lay claim to being the number one contender to Jack Bruce's SWF Heavyweight Championship, after first attacking him backstage and then later on during the night. The Guru informed Jerry Eisen that Runaway Train would in fact challenge Bruce at When Hell Freezes Over. During the main event of Jack Bruce vs. Eric Eisen, Tain made his presence felt when he attacked Bruce. Jack Bruce would've been seriously injured at the hands of Train and Eisen, had it not been for Christian Faith, who made the save. This week, we will see the aftermath, as Jack Bruce teams with Christian Faith to take on Runaway Train and Eric Eisen. Also, last week The Almight Dollar challenged The Amazing Bumfholes for a match at When Hell Freezes Over, how will they respond when Zimmy has to take on Rich Money??? Confirmed Matches: Jack Bruce and Christian Faith vs. Runaway Train and Eric Eisen SWF Shooting Star Title Match: Marc Dubois (c) vs. Th Lobster Warrior Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Rich Money Valiant vs. Joe Sexy Enygma vs. Squeeky McClean
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[B]SWF: Supreme TV Results[/B] Location: Louisanna Auditourium Attendance: 9,697 The show opens with highlights of last week's main event between Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen. We then are shown a graphic for tonight's main event: Jack Bruce and Christian Faith vs. Runaway Train and Eric Eisen. [B]Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Rich Money[/B] Rich gains the early advantage by attacking Zimmy before the bell rang. Zimmy was able to reverse a Money Roll, and connected with a Bumfhole In One. Zimmy was about to get the pinfall, but Remo ran into the ring and conected with a Lumbar Puncture, causing the DQ. Before Rich and Remo could do anymore damage to Zimmy, Randy Bumfhole ran into the ring for the save. Randy grabbed a mic, and accepted the challenge for When Hell Freeze's Over. Rating: B- [B]Runaway Train and Eric Eisen, Backstage:[/B] The Guru: Jaaaaaack Bruuuuuuce, let me tell you this, the first time my Runaway Train fought you, I said it would be impossible for you to beat him. I give you credit, you not only beat him-you took HIS Heavyweight Title. IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN!!! Jaaaaaaaack, trust me on this, the next time you beat Train......hehe......Is when hell freezes over!!!!!! Eric Eisen: Christian Faith, I swear to God, you will regret the day you got involved in my buisness. Faith, you seem to have trouble accepoting the fact that you are past your prime. You were changing this buisness when I was in grade school!!! It's time you move over and cash in that retirement plan, because when I'm done with you, you will be nothing more than a cripple. Rating: B- [B]Robbie Retro gives Dawn The Cheerleader dancing tips [/B] Robbie is giving Dawn some disco tips, when Squeeky McClean walks by. Squeeky laughs at Robbie, and tells Dawn that if she wants a real man, he'd be willing to show her some "dancing tips" of his own. Squeeky is looking Dawn up and down, when Robbie interjects. Robbie tells Squeeky that this is a private party, and that no squares are invited. Squeeky cold****s Robbie, and begins to beat the hell out of Robbie. Squeeky connects with the Stain Removal before leaving Robbie in a heap. Rating: A [B]SWF Shooting Star Championship: Marc Dubois (c) vs. The Lobster Warrior[/B] This was the most exciting match of the night, with alot of near finishes. Lobster Warrior even locked in The Lobster Trap, but Dubois was able to get to the ropes, to break the hold. Early in the match Dubois removed the turnbuckle padding, and it played a pivotal part in the match. Lobster Warrior irish whipped Dubois into said turnbuckle, and then Lobster climbed up the turnbuckle, and was throwing down a barrage of punches (or claws), when Dubois pushed Lobster off, he hit the exposed turnbuckle head first, and Dubois rolled him up for the win. Rating: B- [B]Enygma vs. Squeeky McClean[/B] McClean controlled most of this 7 minute match, but things quickly went sour for McClean. After attacking Robbie Retro earlier, Robbie came down looking for some revenge. McClean got distracted, and Enygma was able to connect with an Enygma Variation for the win. Rating: B- [B]Backstage: Steve Frehley confronts Vengeance[/B] Steve Frehley is looking for Vengeance after their wild brawl last week. When Frehley finally finds Vengeance, both men enter into a wild backstage brawl. Chairs, Garbage Cans, and oddly enough a rubber chicken are all used as weapons in the melee. Finally, security seperates both men, and Richard Eisen walks up and says that if both men want each other, they can kill themselves at When Hell Freezes Over, in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Rating: B [B]Valiant vs. Joe Sexy[/B] This was an extremely quick squash match, as Sexy totally dominated Valiant. Sexy connected with the One Night Stand for the win. Rating: C- [B]Jack Bruce and Christian Faith vs. Runaway Train and Eric Eisen[/B] In the best match of the night, all four wrestlers put up great performances. Each guy got in all their signature moves. The ending came when The Guru got involved, and distraced Jack Bruce. Bruce left the ring apron, where Christian Faith desperately needed to tag, to chase The Guru around ringside. This prompted Runaway Train to get involved. With Bruce and Train brawling around ringside, a tired Faith was left in the ring with Eisen. Eisen attempted The Silver Spoon Shock, but Faith reversed it into a Pump Handle Slam. Faith climbed the turnbuckle and attempted a Leap Of Faith, but Eisen moved. Faith crashed down hard and Eisen connect with the Silver Spoon Shock for the win. After the match Eisen and Train handcuffed Faith and Bruce to the ring ropes, and beat them down with belts. The show ends with Train and Eisen laughing as we see close up of the welts on Bruce and Faith. Rating: B QUICK REULTS: Zimmy Bumfhole d. Rich Money by DQ Marc Dubois d. Lobster Warrior to retain the SWF Shooting Star Championship Enygma d. Squeeky McClean Joe Sexy d. Valiant Runaway Train and Eric Eisen d. Jack Bruce and Christian Faith [QUOTE][B]Cornellverse Report:[/B] * The ratings were up for SWF Supreme TV, as the ratings went from a 2.7 to a 2.93. * SWF continued to bolster their developmental league with the signings of Jacob Jett and Spiffy Stan Standish. Jett, considered by many to be a star of tommorow, is famous for his daredevil style. Standish is a 19 year old wrestler from Austrailia, who was being groomed as the next great Austrailian star. * Last night saw two dark matches take place at the SWF show. Apparently, the office wanted Brandon James and Brett Biggz to squash their little stand off from last week, as Brandon James pinned Brett Biggz in a dark match. Also, Fredrique Antonio Garcia pinned newcomer Joey Poison. * SWF's next PPV, "When Hell Freeze's Over" is shaping up. here is the announced card. SWF Heavyweight Title Match: Jack Bruce (c) vs. Runaway Train SWF Tag Team Championships: The Amazing Bumfholes (c) vs. The Almighty Dollar Falls Count Anywhere: Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen * For those interested, here is the TCW card from the week: Randall Hopkirk d. Joel Bryant Clark Alexander d. Freddy Huggins Sammy Bach d. Chance Fortune to retain the TCW All Action Title The Machines went to a double countout with Texas Pete and Robert Oxford Wolf Hawkins d. Eddie Peak to retain the TCW International Title Ricky Dale Johnson d. Sam Keith [/QUOTE]
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[B]SWF: Supreme TV Preview[/B] In just two weeks When Hell Freeze's Over will take place, and the superstars of SWF are gearing up for the historic PPV. SWF President Richard Eisen has booked an exciting Supreme TV from Centerpece Bridge, with Eric Eisen taking on Lobster Warrior. Eric Eisen has claimed to be the future of SWF, and this Tuesday, he'll have to prove it against Lobster. In a non-title match, Marc Dubois will take on former SWF Heavyweight Champion Enygma. Can Enygma impress the boss enough to grant him a title shot at When Hell Freezes Over?? Only time will tell. In the main event, Runaway Train will take on Christian Faith, in what will be a warm up match for both wrestlers going into the PPV. Confirmed Matches: Lobster Warrior vs. Eric Eisen Robbie Retro and The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Squeeky McClean and The Almighty Dollar Non Title: Enygma vs. Marc Dubois Christian Faith vs. Runaway Train w/ The Guru
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