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Popularity, Size and Importance Analysis Tool (Beta, looking for people to try!)

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One of the things I've noticed since the TEW08 release is the number of folks struggling with the distinction between popularity and importance, and how that relates to size. I've seen some good explanations, but said explanations require a bit of number crunching to fully appreciate. So, I decided to exercise my meager Excel-fu and put together a spreadsheet to help automate the popularity/importance/size calculation process. The intent is for the user to input their promotion's raw popularity along with the Region Importance, and from that, calculate how much extra raw popularity is required to achieve the next Importance grade. The spreadsheet was constructed in Excel 2007, but saved to be Excel 97-2003 compatible. You can download the file from Megaupload [URL="http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K6M31R9C"]here[/URL]. I'd appreciate anyone who has the inclination to try it out and let me know if it's useful, if there are any errors/bugs/miscalculations in the spreadsheet, etc. Once everyone's had the chance to kick the tires on it, and I make any necessary tweaks, I can provide the file to BobInc for permanent hosting. UPDATE: For reference, I used TCW's starting popularity in the default database as the input values for popularity.
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Thanks, good work! :) Had to adjust the font a little bit, but otherwise it looks good. One thing you might want to change is that if you have 0 pop in a region, you get lots of "division by 0" so you don't get a number for how much more pop you need to gain a importance grade and so on. EDIT: I just noticed that you mentioned the 0.0 thing in the notes, my bad. But you still could use an advanced formula for that. ;)
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[quote=Big Dirty;448795]EDIT: I just noticed that you mentioned the 0.0 thing in the notes, my bad. But you still could use an advanced formula for that. ;)[/quote] True enough, like I said, my Excel-fu is weak. But I can at least use an IF function to avoid the DIV/0 error using the condition Popularity > 0, if it returns false I can put in "N/A" or something to that effect. That will be in the next iteration.
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Just to let everyone know that I've polished this up a little bit -- thanks to folks that made comments! The new version of the tool is [URL="http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K6M31R9C"]here[/URL] (and I updated the link in the first post as well). Anyone who would like to host this file has my permission to do so as long as credit is given.
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