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WWF 1992: The Congressional Fallout

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[img]http://uk.geocities.com/oldskoolwwf/wwflogo.gif[/img] The year: 1992. The World Champion: Vacant. WWF was at a crossroads leading up to the 1992 Royal Rumble. The Rumble itself, was setup to crown the new WWF Heavyweight Champion. The possibilites were endless. Hulk Hogan: The face of WWF, and the number one draw. But, the attendances were dropping as the fans tired of Hogan. Ric Flair: The Natureboy. Flair recently defected to WWF from WCW, after being told to cut his hair and rename himself The Gladiator. Flair was perhaps the most hated man on the roster, and a good choice to win it all. The Ultimate Warrior: Many thought they saw the last of him at the pervious Summerslam. After a dispute over money, Warrior left the WWF, but has recently agreed to return to the ring. Sid Justice: Another defectee from WCW, Justice is seen as a legitamate threat to the title. Bret Hart: The IC Champion, many people within WWF are claiming that it's time for Hart to make the next step up the ladder. As WWF were getting ready to produce their biggest PPV of the year, all **** hit the fan. [QUOTE][B]Congress releases names of WWF wrestlers linked to illegal drugs!!![/B] AP: After a year long of covert information gathering, the United States Congress released a report about the underbelly of professional wrestling, and more specifically, the WWF. After an unsucessful attempt to jail WWF owner, Vince Mcmahon, members of the Congress began a year long report about the dealing of WWF wrestlers. Here is an excerpt of the report: * Terry Bollea (Hulk Hogan) has recieved shipments of anabolic steroids to his Clearwater, Florida home. And, reportedly, injected numerous wrestlers with the steroids. * James Hellwig (The Ultimate Warrior) has recieved 6 month supplies of anabolic steroids every three weeks. * Between the years of 1990-1992, Ed Leslie (Brutus Beefcake) was recorded buying coccaine and anabolic steroids from an undercover DEA agent. * Bret Hart was seen with hookers, snorting massive amounts of coccaine. Hart also bought GHB from undercover DEA agents. * Micheal Hickenbottom (Shawn Micheals) bought 7 grams of coccaine and 2 vials of GHB from an undercover DEA agent. Hickenbottom also reportedly pressured other wrestlers to buy him pain medicine. * The Iron Shiek bought crack coccaine from an undercover DEA agent. * John Laurinatias (Animal) and Micheal Hegstrand (Hawk) recieved anabolic steroids from 1987-1992. * Roderick Toombs (Roddy Piper) was seen on video smoking crack with Kerry Adkinsson, and recorded buying coccaine from an undercover DEA agent. * Kerry Adkinsson (Kerry Von Erich) recieved anabolic steroids from 1988-1992, and was seen smoking crack with Roderick Toombs. * Ted Dibiase has been recorded buying coccaine and marijuana from an undercover DEA agent. * David Smith (Davey Boy Smith) has recieved anabolic steroids from 1985-1992. * Jimmy Snuka has recieved anabolic steroids from 1987-1992. In addition, Snuka was recorded buying heroin from an undercover DEA agent. * Curt Hennig (Mr. Perfect) was recorded snorting 3 grams of coccaine after purchasing it from an undercover DEA agent. * Jake Roberts was recorded buying heroin, crack coccaine, and painkillers from an undercover DEA agent. * Percy Pringle (Paul Bearer) was taped buying coccaine from an undercover DEA agent. * Marty Gianetti (Marty Jannetty) was seen buying coccaine from an undercover DEA agent. * Wayne Ferris (Honky Tonk Man) was taped buying illegal painkillers from an undercover DEA agent. * Dino Bravo recieved anabolic steroids from 1989-1992. * Paul Roma recieved anabolic steroids from 1987-1992 * Ray Hernandez (Hercules) recieved anabolic steroids from 1987-1992. As a result of the embarrasment caused by the Congressional Report, WWF has decided to suspend all parties named in said report for a total of 28 days. WWF will also adopt a drug testing program. This leaves the upcoming PPV, The Royal Rumble in shambles, as most of the named wrestler were to take part in the event. WWF officials have also confirmed that Col. Mustafa, Jimmy Snuka, and Louie Spicolli have all been fired from the company after the fallout. Reportedly, the three wrestlers showed no remorse for causing undo embarrasment to the company. [/QUOTE]
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[B]WWF Primetime Preview:[/B] On the road to the historic Royal Rumble, WWF superstars will unleash their fury on the USA Network, with Primetime Wrestling!!! The Big Bossman will be in action as he takes on the debuting Cactus Jack Manson. Not much is know about Manson, other than he is absolutely crazy. The Beverly Brothers will also be in action as they take on High Energy!!! In a true main event, "The Macho Man" Randy Savage will do battle with The Mountie!! We will also hear from Ric Flair, as he prepares for the Royal Rumble. Confirmed Matches: The Big Bossman vs. Cactus Jack High Energy vs. The Beverly Brothers Jim Powers vs. The Undertaker Tito Santana vs. The Repo Man Randy Savage vs. The Mountie
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[B]WWF: Primetime Results[/B] Announcers: Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan Location: Landover Capital Center Attendance: 15,000 [B]Dark Match: Jim Niedhart vs. The Berserker w/ Mr. Fuji[/B] The Berserker won after Fuji distracted the ref, and The Berserker nailed Niedhart with the horned helmet. Rating: C+ [B]Dark Match: The Bushwackers vs. The Orient Express w/ Mr. Fuji[/B] The Bushwackers got the win in this entertaining, yet sloppy match, after a battering ram on Tanaka. Rating: D- The Show Starts!!!!! [B]BANG!!!! BANG!!!![/B] Sean Mooney is backstage looking scared for his life as he interviews the debuting Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack says that he is here for one reason. Long ago, he was friends with Sid Vicious, but now Vicious is blinded by the fans. Cactus Jack claims that he puked when he saw Sid Vicious in the WWF as Sid Justice. He says that he is here to wake Justice up from his coma. Bang Bang!!!! Rating: B [B]Oh Yeah!!!!!![/B] Randy Savage is backstage with Gene Okerlund. He says that tonight he will have a tough match with The Mountie. He respects his opponent, but make no mistake, he will come out of the match the winner.......OOOOOOHHHHH Yeah!!!! Rating: B- [B]High Energy vs. The Beverly Brother w/ The Genius[/B] In a very dissapointing match, The Beverly Brothers came out on top. Owen Hart screwed up the skinning the cat routine, and accidently fell off the apron. Koko whiffed on a dropkick, which Blake Beverly sold. And, Beau just looked lost the entire match. Very dissapointing. The Beverly;s won with a Shakerhieght Shakedown on Koko. Rating: D- [B]Crime and Punishment[/B] We cut to the back, where the camera's have found The Undertaker beating the dog crap out of The Big Bossman. 'Taker makes Bossman pass out after choking him with the nightstick. Rating: B- [B]Jim Powers vs. The Undertaker[/B] Monsoon informs us that Paul Bearer will be away for a month, as the funeral buisness is picking up. Taker wins easily after a Tombstone Piledriver. Rating: C+ [B]Scott Taylor vs. Haku[/B] Taylor gets a modicum of offense, in the form of a puch and a dropkick. Haku tears Taylor's head off with a sweet savat kick. Taylor passes out to the deadly Tongan Death Grip. Rating: D- [B]....He Always Gets His Man[/B] The Mountie is backstage and says that he will win his match with Savage, because he's The Mountie and he always gets his man. He then tries to reference The Village People, by saying that after the match, The Macho Man will be living at the YMCA. Rating: C+ [B]El Matador vs. The Repo Man[/B] Solid, if not spectacular match between two ring veterans. Santana picks up the win after the Flying Forearm. Rating: C [B]Big Boss Man vs. Cactus Jack[/B] Another dissapointing match, as these two wrestlers just didn't gel. After a horrendous 6 minutes, The Undertaker ran into the ring and continued his assault of Bossman. During the assault, Cactus Jack grabs a chair, and Monsoon worries that he will use it n Boss Man. Instead, Jack uses it on himself, as he slams the chair onto his head while screaming "Vicious!!!!!" Rating: D [B]A WWF Hall Of Fame????///Royal Rumble News Desk[/B] Vince McMahon is at the Royal Rumble News Desk. He goes over the rules of The Royal Rumble, explaining that this years winner will be crowned the new WWF Heavyweight Champion. McMahon announces that 3 wrestlers are confirmed for the Rumble and they are: Ric Flair Randy Savage The Undertaker He also announces that at The Royal Rumble, Andre The Giant will be honored as the first ever induction into the brand new WWF Hall Of Fame. Rating: B+ [B]Randy Savage vs. The Mountie w/ Jimmy Hart[/B] The fans went home happy as they witnessed a 13 minute barn burner. After a ref bump, Jimmy Hart tried to nail Savage with the Megaphone, but it had no effect. Savage chased Hart around the ring, but got blindsided by The Mountie. The Mountie had Savage in place for a Superplex, but Savage pushed The Mountie to the ring, and nailed the Elbow Drop for the win. After the match, Ric Flair ran into the ring and attacked Savage. Flair held Savage up as The Mountie tasered Savage. Rating: B Quick Results: Randy Savage d. The Mountie The Big Bossman d. Cactus Jack by DQ El Matador d. The Repo Man Haku d. Scott Taylor The Undertaker d. Jim Powers The Beverly Brothers d. High Energy
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[B]WWF Superstars Preview[/B] On WWF Primetime, The Mountie and Ric Flair brutally assaulted Randy Savage, after Savage had picked up a victory over The Mountie. This Saturday, Savage sits down with Gene Okerlund to discuss the attack. In the main event, Sid Justice must do battle with the monsterous Barbarian. Will Cactus Jack make his presence known in this exciting bout? Tune in this Saturday to find out. Confirmed Matches: "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs. "Iron" Mike Sharpe Bob Backlund vs. Papa Shango Jim Brunzell and Max Moon vs. The Nasty Boys w/ Jimmy Hart Virgil vs. IRS Sid Justice vs. The Barbarian
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