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[QUOTE=Dublin Sky;449595]Hey I was wondering how to broadcast my TV shows to more networks how does this work? thank you in advance[/QUOTE] On the company screen, click 'Schedule'. From there, click the 'Controls' button under TV Schedule. Then, click 'Negotiate', its the second from the left. Now you will see your TV show or shows on the left at the top. Choose the show you want in the box on the top left, choose the network you want to try and get the show on in the box on the left. Next, click the 'Negotiate' button AT THE BOTTOM RIGHT, above the 'Close' button. NOT the 'Negotiate' button near the top left, that is just to extend the length of the show. You can negotiate with as many networks as you want....in a few day you will either get contract negotiations if they want your show or an email if they dont. Hope that helps :)
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