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"Bret is Back"

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I've been finding it hard to get into a game in the 08 version of TEW, so I'm starting a diary so I can really visualise what's happening. I'm playing with the Montreal data. I had an idea for a game where rumours were circulating around the web that Bret Hart was returning to the WWF a year after he quit. They may or may not be true, but I wanted to see how these rumours could be incoorporated into WWF programming to make for compelling TV -- always hinting at Bret's return, seeing how Owen acted, how Shawn responded. Anyway, it's a personal diary that probably wont be great, but I'm gonna post it on here as I wanna lay it out with graphics and stuff. If you want to read then by all means do so. If you wanna comment, or even throw ideas at me for angles or storylines, then that's good too. It's something to do during the summer, eh? I'll throw up first RAW in coming days. UPDATE: Right, Gang, I thought I'd upload this entry, but it's rediculous. Here's the first half hour of the show, and it's already a thousand words long. The whole show stretches out to 14 pages of 10pt type in Word. I'm going to tackle this again after I get back from a little break in Scotland, and i'm going to cut down the amount of words I use. anyway, thoughts are welcome on this first chunk, if you want.
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RAW, Monday, Week One, January 1998 [CENTER][IMG]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/5555/wwfrawtvkq5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] (Cut to JR and King at commentary table) [IMG]http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/255/jimrossuz5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/8417/jerrylawleriy0.jpg[/IMG] JR: “Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. We thank you for joining us tonight for Monday Night Raw!” King: “Like they had a choice, JR, have you heard the news?!” JR: “Well, I've certainly heard the rumours, King.” King: “Rumours? Wait, is what's being said actually true?” JR: “I don't know either way.” King “What use are you? I want to know right now if...” JR (Interrupting): “Woah, King, be careful. We don't want to get sued. For now, let's just call him a 'well known wrestling talent'.” King: “Whatever you say, JR, but I'm still excited about the show and hearing more about this 'well known wrestling talent'!” JR: “I think every single person in the building and around the world is excited watching RAW, too!” [I] Raw intro plays. We then return to a shot of the arena.[/I] [IMG]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/5980/owenhartjb2.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/5482/dlobrownpy8.jpg[/IMG] Owen Hart's music plays. The fans cheer loudly, knowing his close relationship with the 'well known wrestling talent'. He struts to the ring as fans pat him on the back and shout “Bret is back!” In the ring already is D'lo, who gets little attention. The bell rings to begin the match. Quickly, a loud “We want Bret” chant breaks out in the crowd. King: “You hear what they are saying, JR?” JR: “I hear it, but I dare not say it.” In the ring, the pair engage in a fast-paced, aerial contest demonstrating their athletic ability. Owen takes the advantage in the beginning though, as he nails D'lo with a drop-kick which sends him to the outside. JR: Great move from Owen, himself a talented young wrestler. King: So is D'lo, though. If I were him I'd be trying to get some of that patented Hart technical skill into the match, that's how he can take advantage of this. [I]4 minutes.[/I] Owen has D'lo in a headlock outside the ring. He show boats to the crowd by slapping D'lo's head, before 'unleashing' some comic, over-exaggerated offence. In return, D'lo rakes his eye. King: You can't play around with a guy like D'lo, he will do anything he needs to win. [I]7 minutes.[/I] D'lo continues to control Owen, slamming his head into the announcers' table. He then takes the Black Heart, and throws him into the barricade. He then shouts into the crowd. King: He certainly looks 'the real deal', JR. D'lo charges at the hurt Owen, who ducks his clothesline and flips him into the crowd! JR: Oh my! In my view, Owen is looking pretty good too, King. Owen drags him back over the barricade and rolls him into the ring. He mounts the ropes and delivers a knee drop to D'lo, before attempting a cover. JR: 1, 2...no! King: Not close to a three, and that's because D'lo is a very underrated wrestler, JR. People need to realise the threat posed by him and all the members of the Nation of Domination. JR: Undeniably, D'lo Brown is a talented performer, as is Rocky Maivia, Ahmed Johnson, and Kama. If they want to be thought of with higher regard, though, maybe they themselves should stop relying on thuggish, gang-attacks and start wrestling. [I]12 minutes. [/I]Owen has been in control, but has not yet been able to get a three count on D'lo. Owen whips his opponent to the corner, but D'lo counters. Hitting the corner chest-first, the Black Hart is stunned for a moment – allowing his opponent to hit a running clothesline that sandwiches him into the corner. As Owen falls from the impact, D'lo rolls him up. JR: Only a two there. D'lo attempts to keep control of Owen with a punch as his opponent regains his vertical base, but it's a sluggish attempt and it's avoided. Owen ducks under his opponent's arm and catches him with a series of arm drags. He attempts one too many, though, as D'lo hits a surprise Sky High on Owen and quickly covers him. JR: Out of nowhere! King: He's got him! 1, 2, no! Nearly a 3! Stay on him! D'lo questions the referee a moment, but decides he will finish Owen off with a Low Down. He ascends the rope, but spends too much time taunting the crowd, as Owen gets to his feet. For his troubles, though, the Black Heart takes a Double Axe Handle to the neck. King: From nowhere, D'lo has got Owen reeling. [I]16 minutes.[/I] Owen's in serious trouble, as D'lo continues to dominate. However, Owen manages to reverse an Irish Whip and sets up for a Back Body Drop. D'lo rattles his teeth, though, as he kicks Owen in the face. He drags him into a power bomb position. JR: Oh, no. It looks like D'lo could be looking for some Powerbomb variation, much like his Sky High. King: Look out! From nowhere, Owen brings the Sharpshooter back to the WWF, as he takes D'lo's legs out and applies the hold. The crowd pops hugely for the move. D'lo is in agony, waving his arms and reaching for the ropes. Soon, he taps out and Owen has his hand raised. JR: Woah, King, the Sharpshooter! King: It's a sign, JR! I'm telling you now... Owen spends a minute in the ring, pandering to the “we want Bret” and “welcome back” chants that emerge.
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[IMG]http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/255/jimrossuz5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/8417/jerrylawleriy0.jpg[/IMG] [I]Camera cuts to back. Vince McMahon is seen getting out of his limo. [/I] King: Here he is, JR. JR: And I'm just being told that he's got something to say later tonight! [I]A promo video plays, hyping the Royal Rumble.[/I] JR: That's the Royal Rumble, coming to you live in four weeks on Pay Per View. King: Every year I look forward to this match, JR. It's a whole bunch of guys fighting it out in the roughest multi-man endurance test in the WWF. Yes, it's very tough, but for that lockeroom there's nothing they want more then to walk out to compete in the main even at the biggest show of them all: Wrestlemania. JR: You're right there, King, and in my opinion the Texas Rattlesnake is one of the front runners to win this match. Here's what he had to say about the upcoming Royal Rumble. [I] Cuts to video package of Stone Cold Steve Austin seated, talking to the camera about the Royal Rumble.[/I] “You know, for the past two years all I have heard about is Shawn Micheals – the Heart Break Kid. He's won the Royal Rumble twice, two years running. Well Stone Cold Steve Austin has never been in a Royal Rumble match, and Shawn Micheals has never had to face me in one. All I see is 29 other pieces of trash ready for whoopin' that they ain't never going to forget. One by one, Stone Cold is going to look them in the eye, beat the crap out of them, give 'em a Stunner, and send 'em over that top rope. And then, when it's all said and done, when Stone Cold has kicked the crap out of every single person in that match, has drank a beer or two, and flipped the bird to Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Degeneration X, Nation of Domination, Mankind, or anyone else that's tried and failed to stop me, I'm going to be coming after the “Heart Break Kid” Shawn Micheals. And at Wrestlemania, you can bet your ass that Steve Austin is going to become the World Champion for the very first time.”
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