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[SIZE="1"]Saturday 21st June 2008[/SIZE] Vince McMahon sits looking through the line up ready for Mondays RAW,the coffee smells strong and makes him tighten his face mucles making him squint, he has been staring at the script, at the draft line up, the ending ware he will kayfabe be crushed by a huge sign with his own face on. He suddenly gets a not in his stomach, its not from the smell of coffee, not from the fact he knows Stephanies booking skills show no true signs of improving, no matter how many chances he gives her, but from the little interest he has in mondays plans, he knows if he has no interest, then the fans definatley will have no interest. The not builds and builds, the vein in his forehead becomes bigger and bigger, he knows his heart is pounding way to fast, he quickly takes is medication which was proscribes illegally in Mexico, but while the heart pain subsides the not grows. In the blink of an eye the calm of Vinces office is broken by flying papers and an angred vince just cursing to the high heavens, the coffee is now on the floor. Vince makes sits and thinks, what can he do, TNA is gaining popularity, his greatest stars have moved on or become to fragile to wrestle full time, he has all ready decided that he must book the shows again, he must try and rebuild from the ATTITUDE ERA hangover, but that era is dead, he decides he can never resurrect ATTITUDE, but he can create a new era, the era of AGGRESSION. [CENTER]Header [SIZE="1"]more to come soon[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Header[/CENTER] [SIZE="1"]Sunday 22nd June 2008[/SIZE] "Vince, i meen if this is the way you wanna go, then just do it, I agree its a risk, but, I for one trust you" Jim Ross had hesitation in his voice, RAW was tomorrow and no one knew what was scheduled to happen yet, McMahon had all ready "relieved" Stephanie of her head booking duties, and decided that he and J.R will be the only two in charge of booking from now on, they had gone through Vinces plans, changed parts, changed parts back again then changed others it was a grueling 5 hour process, but now with there final product in hand, a skeleton of a 3 month test plan they were ready move forward, now it was the case of setting things up at 9pm Sunday night and hoping the talent could cope with the sudden changes. The AGGRESSION era was about to be unleashed on the world, starting with a changed draft.
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[QUOTE=MattitudeV2;451770]Mike Adamle[/QUOTE] I believe he was talking about the other left.....that would be Bam Neely, Chavo's bodyguard. This is looking good though, nice graphics, if your writeups are as good then you'll have something here, good luck.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;451772]I believe he was talking about the other left.....that would be Bam Neely, Chavo's bodyguard. This is looking good though, nice graphics, if your writeups are as good then you'll have something here, good luck.[/QUOTE] sometimes I get my directions ****ed up.
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[CENTER]Header [SIZE="1"]a short video hyping the draft plays The Pyro's explode and the fans go nuts[/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"]J.R[/COLOR] HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMAN AND WELCOME TO A SPECIAL 3 HOUR DRAFT EDITION OF MONDAY NIGHT RAW, TONIGHT THINGS WILL TRULEY CHANGE IN THE WORLD OF SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT!!! [COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR] Thats right JR tonight no one is safe from the draft not evan us!! [COLOR="red"]J.R[/COLOR] You aint kidding King, Our Chairman is in the ring now ready to deliver an anouncment on the structure of this upcoming draft. [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR] Well, Its finally upon us, the WWE DRAFT, one of the most exiting nights on the WWE calander, only this year,,, I dont want to shake things up, OH NO!! I WANT TO ROCK THIS COMPANY DOWN TO ITS FOUNDATIONS!!! AND I STARTED TODAY BY STRIPPING EVERY CHAMPIONSHIP HOLDER IN THE WWE OF THERE TITLES!!!! [COLOR="red"]J.R[/COLOR] WOAA!! THATS HUGE KING! [COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR] YEAAA!!! but how does that affect the brands?? [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR] Now That was just step one, but I hear you ask how could i rock the boat anymore? Ill tell you how by doing this, by delivering this message to all the General managers! YOOUUUUURRRRRR FIRED!!!!! [COLOR="red"]J.R[/COLOR] GOOD LORD!!! ALL THE GENERAL MANAGERS,,,FIRED??? King i think MrMcMahon may have lost it, no Champions no General Managers?!?! [COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR] Surley he must have a plan allready in hand J.R he has to!! I hope [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR] Now to The Draft itself, this year the structere will be different, in this Draft show, we WILL have cross brand match ups, the EX-General Managers all picked there superstars to represent there brand in these match ups, BUT unlike last year, these matches will not decide draft pics! these competitions tonight will be purley for each superstar to showcase themselves, I meen what better time to impress than when all the titles are vacant, plus since I will be deciding the match ups at night of Champions i sugest every superstar taking part tonight gives five hundred percent! [COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR] That sounds reasonable JR [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR] Now to the draft, first we are going to draft 3 new general Managers!! now in these random pic's EVERYONE IS ELLAGBLE!! weather they be wrestler, production worker, anouncer, popcorn seller evan towell boy, if they get a pay check from World Wrestling Entertainment they could be the new General manager of a brand, now after there apointment as a general manager they will get four random draft pics made by the WWE super computer, plus two anouncers will randomley be selected to trade shows! [COLOR="red"]J.R[/COLOR] WAIT A DAMN MINUETE, THIS COULD BE BAD KING, I DONT WANT TO CHANGE BRANDS, IM A RAW MAN!! [COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR] Ditto JR i hope ECW and Smakdown get stuck in that trade, i dont wana be playing tutor on one of those second rate shows!! [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR] Aswell as this the General managers will be picking names from a raffle machine to add to there brand, but to determine how many pics each GM gets is down to our first match of the evening!! THE TRI BRAND ELIMINATION SLOBBER KNOCKER!!! each brand will be represented by 5 superstars selected by there ex General Manager's, 2 superstars start out then they have a match the loser is eliminated and the winner stays in the ring and awaits his next challanger from the next brand, the winning brand gets thirty three pics brand eliminated first gets twenty eight pics, the brand that finishes in the middle gets thirty two draft pics, so theres a lot at hand for the brands to fight for. Now thats all out of the way lets get this show on the road LETS DRAFT US SOME GENERAL MANAGERS!!! [COLOR="red"]J.R[/COLOR] Well here we go the draft is under going to get under way! But who's going to get a new General Manager first King?? [COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR] Well if i have my way not only will RAW get the first pic but everyone around here will have to start calling me King of RAW instead of just King [COLOR="red"]J.R[/COLOR] You really wana be GM dont you King [COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR] Nothing would make me happier Photobucket [SIZE="1"]Fans go nuts and Flairs music sounds he walks onto the ramp and plays up to the crowd[/SIZE] [COLOR="red"]J.R[/COLOR] WELL BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME KING!! BEACUSE OUR NEW GM IS HALL OF FAMER THE NATURE BOY, RIC FLAIR [COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR] Well im disapointed for myself but for RAW this is great! all i can say is WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR] Congratulations Mr Flair, and good luck in the draft and good luck in your new role, now lets see who gets the next job and ware hes going to be running the show!! Photobucket [SIZE="1"]Fans Cheer loudley, not an equal noise to that of flair but still a good pop, he walks out and joins Flair[/SIZE] [COLOR="red"]J.R[/COLOR] WOW!!! thats good news for ECW, I dont know many people who love ECW as much as Tommy Dreamer! [COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR] Thats one hundred percent correct, I may not be the biggest fan of Dreamer or ECW! BUT i have to respect the dedication and passion that he has allways shown for those 3 letters, and that can only be good for those guys over on Sci-Fi [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR] Congratulations to you Mr Dreamer, now it looks liek tehres only one brand left, lets see who replaces Miss Guerrero over on Smackdown! [COLOR="red"]J.R[/COLOR] well lets just say however that pans out it has to be good for the people over on Smackdown [COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR] Yea i dont see how things could get worse for them! Photobucket [SIZE="1"]Fans Boo and Jeer Loudley as Estrada's music sounds and he makes his way to the ramp![/SIZE] [COLOR="red"]J.R[/COLOR] Well maybe we spoke to soon King [COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR] Well maybe thats true J.R, but things couldnt have come out better for us! thats presuming were both still RAW men after the draft! [COLOR="red"]J.R[/COLOR] Thats Starting to scare the hell out of me to King! [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR] Congratulations Mr Estrada! Now lets get this show on the road THE ELIMINATION SLOBBER KNOCKER IS ABOUT TO SET THE STANDARD!!! [COLOR="red"]J.R[/COLOR] AND THAT IS NEXT!!!! [SIZE="1"]-comercial-[/SIZE] ------------------------------------------------ [SIZE="1"]Right People I have to run to work now, I will finish the rest of the show ASAP, would love to know what people think of things so far, also how they think the show will go, predictions etc. I will atatch the rest of the show to this post asap so keep checking back :) Thanks allready for the great coments guys im glad people are liking what they are seeing Also Before anyone says much, i didnt have time to spell check, im a sucky speller, and i will fix it when i post rest of show, happy reading [/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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