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WWF - The Road Less Traveled (1991)

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It was a month ago I started here. You see I've worked in the wrestling buisness for close to 10 years. I started out as an in-ring performer, but, found that I was more interested in the creative end of things. You see I wasn't excatly very charismatic in the ring. I would say that my in-ring work was soild. It'd be described unspectacular at best. So, I took a long look at myself and realized that it was time to step back and let the true stars shine. So, I started working backstage at events. At first I was merely one of those guys that show up before an event and help put the ring up. Then it happened. I was working a indy show for a promotion in Kentucky that is barley even know in their homestate let alone anywhere else in the world. It was there that I was bitten by the creative bug. You see the booker of this fed decided that it was more important to party with the boys than actually book the show. And when we found him passed out under the bleachers just hours before the show, well, it didn't look good. That's when I decided to step up. I took controll. It probably wouldn't have worked if I didn't know most of the gentlemen in the fed. But, being that nothnig had been booked and we were mere hours from showtime the boys feel in line and put their trust in me. To be quite frank I didn't have a lot to work with, but, the paying fans deserved something. You see I've always been more of a fan of action that was more competitive in nature than the typical sqaush matches that the big boys where putting out. So, the show went on without a hitch. I deleveried a product that the fans weren't used to seeing. A lot of back and forth matches. The fifty people in attendance wer eon the edge of their seats. Too bad for me that most time the wrestling buisness is more about egos than anything else. When the real booker had found out what I had done with the assistance of some of the less talented guys that considered themselves to be Superstars. Well, I was fired and told my days in the wrestling buisness were done. I went home proud of what I had accomplished, but, jobless. But, life is funny. The next day a promotion a little bigger than the one I had just worked with called me up. They liked what I had done and one of my friends that worked the show had given them my number. My carrer was ressurected before anyone had time to put a toe-tag on it. Years passed and I worked my way up to bigger and better promotions. Finally settling in a new promotion Smokey Moutain Wrestling. They liked my style and let me help set up shows. I worked there for a few months before the phone rang yet again. To say I was unperpared for what was about to happen would be an understatment. \ [I]"Hello."[/I] [I]"Please hold for Vince McMahon"[/I] the voice on the other end responded almost immediatley. I was in utter disbelife. [I]"Mr. Douglas, This is Vince McMahon.[/I] I sat there unable to find the words for a moment. [I]"Well, hello sir, how can I help you?"[/I] [I]"Well, the real question might be how can I help you. You see Mr. Douglas the wrestling world is a tight-knit community. And latley some accquinteces of mine have spoken very highly of you and what your doing down south. I was wondering if you thought you were ready to be called up to the big leagues?" [/I] What in the world had just happened? Did Vince really just offer me a job? Was I dreaming? [I]"Hello, are you there?"[/I] [I]"Yessir! I do think I'm ready. Hell, I'm more than ready I was born for this!"[/I] [I]"Ha! That's the kind of attitude I liek in my employees. How soon can you be here?[/I] Needless to say I was on the NEXT plane out of town. It was decided that I would start booking shows at the first of January. That was a month ago....
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A lot of things have happened that have changed the way the WWF will be forever. And I'm proud to say that I had more than a little to do with it. And while I won't run-down every little thing that has changed. I will let you know about all the big things that have occured. This will not only serve as a tool for myself to remember what I have accomplished here, but, perhaps someday someone will stumble across it and actually be interested in what all has happened. When I first met with Vince he say me down and told me what was expected of me. #1 I was not to let the WWF fall from the number one promotion in the world. #2 Vince informed me that Earthqauke was not on good terms with him. And I was not to push him at all. #3 Vince says that their is a superstar waiting to emerge in a wrestler that goes by the name of Shawn Micheals and that I had to keep his momentum strong because he could break out any day now. #4 and #5 I wasn't allowed to hire anyone the scouts belived where below average when it came to Resilience or Toughness. Fair enough I suppose. I mean I was just given a job with the biggest wrestling promotion in the world! First thing I did was trim the fat off the roster. You probably wouldn't even notice any of the men that were let go. So, I won't go through the trouble of listing them. [SIZE="5"][B]Notable Events[/B][/SIZE] It turned out that as soon as I took the reigns Dusty Rhodes contact was on the verge of expiring. I told Vince some of my ideas for him, but, in the end Vince didn't think he was valuable to keep around. So, I used him to put over young talent. Namley Shane Douglas and the newly signed Steve Austin! Speaking of Austin he has risen through the ranks faster than anyone, even myself, could have thought. He is currently a Midcarder and with the backing of Bobby Heenan shows no signs of slowing down. I'm also a firm believer in giving back to those who gave to you. So, I somehow convinced Vince that it would be a good idea to form a realationship with Smokey Mountain Wrestling. I told him that it would be a good place to send future stars to develope and luckily he agreed. Man, who knew working with such big stars would be such a big hassle. It seems everyday I'm getting phonecalls about problems with our wrestlers. Drugs seeming to be the biggest problem. Hulk Hogan, Road Warrior Animal, and Hercules Hernandez are among the few who have tested positive for steroids. Road Warrior Hawk and succesful tag team wrestler Marty Janettey have also tested positive, but, they seem to favor hard drugs opposed to steroids. Talking with Janettey, Hawk, and Hernandez seemed to do wonders for them as they promised it wouldn't happen again. Hulk Hogan and Animal , however, seemed less than interested in my speeches/pleas to quit. And if the steroids weren't bad enough Hulk Hogan seems to have an altercation with fans outside every arena we visit. He also doesn't think any of that is of my concern. [SIZE="5"][B]On-Screen Events[/B][/SIZE] So, far I think I'm off to a good start. I've had three really hot feuds. Most of which ended at last nights Royal Rumble. First off, The Ultimate Warrior and The Undertaker had some really bad blood. These two threw everything they had at each other and last night at the PPV they had their blow-off match. It ended questionably, but, right now our WWF Champion is....THE UNDERTAKER!! What's next for the deadman? Secoundly, Mr. Perfect and The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith showed our fans what real compition is all about. These two tore it up all over the country wether they were facing each other or just talking smack. Their fued ended when Perfect pinned Bulldog cleanly in a two out of three falls match. What's on the horizon for the IC champ? Last, but, not least. Mr Pain in my ass Hulk Hogan has been waring with The Million Dollar Mab. Too bad, however, that Vince had to give Hogan creative control in order to get him to sign his last contract. He refuses to lose to anyone. So, this feud, despite being a hit with fans, is doing nothing for Dibiasi than keep him on the card. Hogan won Clean last night. And I'm thinking of ending this one on a high note since with Hogan refusing to lose I don't think their is much else these guys can do. Also note that Randy Savage won The Royal Rumble last night and is the new number one contender. He with the help of Queen Sherri (taking liberties with this) eliminated Kerry Von Eric to win. The tag title scene has been interesting as we've had two of our most popular teams The Hart Foundation and The Rockers competing for the titles. Both teams have taken each other to the limit wrestling more than once ending in a time limit draw. Last Night at The Rumble the Hart Foundation took the win and their title back to Canada. [SIZE="5"][B]In Closing..[/B][/SIZE] I would like to thank anyone who might read this and I should have a new card posted soon...
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[SIZE="7"][B][CENTER]WWF WRESTLING CHALLENGE[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][B]Gorillia Monsoon:[/B][/CENTER] [I]Welcome, once again, fans to another installment of WWF Wrestling Challenge! I'm Gorilla Monsoon. Joined as always by Jesse "The Body" Ventura and a true legend of the sport.....Gordon Solie![/I] [CENTER][B]The Body:[/B][/CENTER] [I]A true legend of the sport? Your crazy Monsoon the only legend sitting here is me. And you know it![/I] [CENTER][B]Solie:[/B][/CENTER] [I]Gentlemen, these fans didn't tune in to hear us bicker! They are here for wrestling action of the highest caliber! And the only place they can find that is here! In the WWF![/I] [B][I]**The opening video plays as fireworks go off in the arena. The music of Steve Austin starts playing. And we are underway![/I][/B] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Not Today. Not Ever![/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]Heenan:[/B] For all you morons that haven't figured it out by now. The man standing beside me is the future of professional wrestling! His name is Steve Austin. He is the true "Stand-out" of this industry. And there is no one in this arena that can beat him! [B][I]**Bret Hart's music hits as he makes his way to the ring. A ref follow him and it seem's we have a match.**[/I][/B] [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Match is decent back and forth action. The end sees Hart win with a roll-up leaving Steve Austin in disgust! [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Rockin Days Gotta End[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [B][I]**The music of The Rockers hits. As they make their way down. Janettey grabs a mic. He turns to his partner and begins to speak.** [/I][/B] [B]Janettey:[/B] Shawn you and I have traveled these roads together for awhile now. We've been the life of many parties and the dreams to a lot of women. Man, we've been through some battles and I have to say last night was the first time I've ever been ashamed to call you my partner. We had the WWF Tag Team Titles won. But, you blew it. And, man, I'm just not sure I can live with that! [B][I]**Shawn motions for the mic with a bewildered look on his face.**[/I][/B] [B]Shawn:[/B] Marty, I had an off night and next time it will be different. Next time we will be the new WWF.... [B][I]**Before Shawn can even finish Janettey shoots a fireball right into his apparent former partners face! Shawn hits the ground rolling around screaming in agony. Janettey exits the ring showing no emotion what so ever.**[/I][/B] [B]Solie:[/B] These men have always been friends and I just don't think any of us saw that coming! [B]The Body:[/B] I gotta say, Solie, that I'm surpised. But, it's about Janettey shed the dead weight. He tried to be nice about, but, that Micheals kid just didn't get it!! [B]Segment Rating: D+[/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Main Event:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs Tito Santana[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] In a short, but, entertaining matchSavage ends it with an Elbow Drop. [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]The Real King[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [B][I]**After the match Savage calls for the mic**[/I][/B] [B]Savage:[/B] Last nightr I proved once and for all that I am The TRUE "Macho King". Because last night I defeated 29 other men to become the #1 contentder at an event named for the occasion The Royal Rumble. So, at Wrestlmania, you all on notice because The King begins his true reign!!! OHHHHH YEAAAH! [B]Segment Rating B[/B] [B]Show Rating: C+ [/B] [I]Notes: Martys turn went over pretty well and I'm happy to see Hart and Austin getting pretty good rating. While they showed no chemsitry either good or bad. I'm sure in a few years these men will carry the banner for the WWF in the future! But, for now I have other plans for both men. Randy Savage is really building moment and has yet to dissapoint me. Will he be facing Taker at Mania? Or will someone else emerge as a Champion. Also afte rthe show Jim Neidhart informed me that he would now be wrestling as more of a Brawler. [/I]
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[SIZE="7"][B][CENTER]WWF: Primetime Wrestling [/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [B][CENTER]Solie:[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Ladies and gentlemen, I am Gordon Solie and this is WWF: Primetime Wrestling. I'm joined by the most controversial commentating team in professional wrestling Jesse Ventura and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper! [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Ventura:[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]If by controversial you mean we tell it like it is! Your right! Isn't that right Roddy?[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Piper:[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Ah, Jess, you know it is. But, enough about us. Tonight we have a show that's jampacked with action! Expect the unexpected and forget the expected!! Cause Primetime Wrestling is on the air![/CENTER] [B][I]**The pyro goes off in the arena and the opening video plays and we are off!**[/I][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]The End is Here![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] The Undertaker along with Brother Love are shown in a pretaped interview. thet tell The Warrior they are not done with him. Brother Love tells him that tonight he will be involved in the first ever casket match!! [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Pay Big Time[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] The Million Dollar Man is shown arriving. He looks into the camera and tell us all to stay tuned because he ends Hogans carrer tonight! [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Steve Austin vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Huggan[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] This match is pretty bland and sees Austin pick up the win after just a little more crafty than the veteran expected. [B]Segment Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Rockers Quit Rockin'[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] A video is shown replaying the events between Shawn Micheals and his former partner Marty Janettey. [B]Segment Rating: D+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Non Title Match: THe Hart Foundation vs. The Legion of Doom [/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] LOD prove to be just too much for champs and they are lucky this match was non-title! [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Sgt. Slaughter vs. Shane Douglas[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Slaughter and Douglas just don't click and the match is less than stellar. Slaughter picks up the win here by cheating. [B]Segment Rating: C-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]All on the line![/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The Million Dollar Man is backstage. He calls Hogan out saying that if tonight he doesn't win. He'll retire! He then adds on that the match will take place inside a steel cage. [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Non-Title Match: Mr Perfect vs. Tito Santana[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Santana has another Impressive showing, but, continues to be a jobber to the stars!. PerfectPlex, puts this on in the book! [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Cage Match: Hullk Hogan Vs. The Million Dollar Man[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] This match is huge and the two men perform well as always. MDM tries everything and anything to win ther match. But, Hogan just won't stay down! The end see's Hogan finally escape the cage for the win! [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Main Event: WWF Title Casket Match The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Undertaker[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] The announcers reveal to us that in order to get this casket match sanctioned The Undertaker had to agree to put his newly won WWF Title on the line! The end of the match see's the Undertaker use a foreign object to knock out The Warrior and put him in the casket! [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Savior Snake[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] After the match The Undertaker tries to wheel the casket with him to the back. The announcers speculate that he's trying to rid the WWF of The Warrior forever. Just as he makes it to the stage Jake Roberts comes out and somehow delivers a DDT onto the stage. He is able to get Warrior out of the casket and backstage. But, The Undertaker does his trademark sit up looking more angry than hurt. [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [B]Show Rating: B- [/B] [I]Notes: At the show The Ultimate Warrior and Road Warrior Animal about came to blows over a prank played by Animal that was mean spirted. Animal once again blows me off. [/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"]WWF Superstars[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Monsoon: I am Gorliila Monsoon and I'm joined tonight by The Rowdy One Roddy Piper and Gordon Solie for another edition of WWF Superstars.[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]Piper: And Monsoon you know that as always the WWF is ready to provide the best action in the wrestling world. So without further ado lets get down to the ring and our first bout![/CENTER][/B] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Dustin Rhodes vs. Hercules Hernandez[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Pretty bland bout here. That see's Rhodes pick up the win with a bulldog! [B]Segment Rating D[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]I still can't believe it[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Shawn Micheals in pre-taped interview has bandages over his eyes and talks about the attack by Janettey for the first time ever. He says soon he will be healed and then Janettey will pay for what he has done! [B]Segment Rating: D+[/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Marty Janettey vs Tito Santana[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Janettey gets the win in this one. He shows a new side of himself cheating to get the win. [B]Segment Rating: D[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]"Standout" Steve Austin & Mr Perfect vs. Shane Douglas and Kerry Von Erich[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Austin and Perfect pick up the win here. The bout had a lot of good action and saw Austin pin Kerry. [B]Segment Rating: C [/B] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]The Standout stands Out[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] After the match Hennan cuts a promo for both men. He spends more time hyping and singing Austin's praises than Perfects and you could tell by the look on Perfects face that he noticed. [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Snake has no Bite[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Brother Love and The Undertaker are backstage. They talk about Roberts saving The Warrior. Warning him that he may have just dug his own grave. [B]Segment Rating: D-[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Hulk Hogan vs Sgt. Slaughter[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Pretty good match actually. Hogan picks up a clean win after The Legdrop. Good last match for the show. [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Not Fooling Anyone[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] After the match Hogan is attacked by a masked man. The announcers are certain that the masked man in none other than The Million Dollar Man. He even ends the segment by putting him in The Million Dollar Dream. [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Don't Forget About Me[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Backstage Randy Savage reminds us all that he is still the number one contender and that we shouldn't forget it. OHHHH YEAAAAH! [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [B]Show Rating: C[/B] [I]Notes: Overall not one of my best shows. I'm pretty sure it might be time to find a new mouthpeice for The Undertaker as I'm just not ready to start letting him speak. I always thought he was more the silent, but, deadly type. Also thinking about giving Janettey a mouth peice as I'm pretty sure he's uncapable of getting himself over. Also Hercules Hernandez is in trouble once again as he tested positive once again for steroids. He was fined this time, but, once again promised it wouldn't happen again. I'm not buying it! Also backstage Randy Savage started an argument with Steve Austin. Savage was given a slap on the wrist by me. And seemed pretty cool about it.[/I]
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[SIZE="7"][B][CENTER]WWF All American Wrestling Challenge[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [I]((Just doing quick results here as I'm headed to work Soon))[/I] [B]Jake Roberts cuts a promo on The Undertaker. Rating C Bret hart defeats The Model in a decent Match. Rating C+ Steve Austin continues to be pushed as Heenan cuts another promo about him. Rating C Janettey is making his way to the ring for a match when Micheals attacks. Revealing that only one of eyes was actually injured. Rating: D- Davey Boy Smith and The Leigon of Doom defeat Sgt Slaughter, Earthqauke and Col Mustafa. Davey Boy shined as the star. Rating C+ The Undertaker attacks Jake Roberts backstage to end the show. Rating C[/B] [B]Show Rating C+[/B] [I]Notes: Shawn Micheals and Jimmy Hart get into an argument backstage. Shawn seemed to be the focal point. And I'm unsure if he really payed attention to me or not. Hawk once again fails a drug test. He also promises it won't happen again after a fine.[/I]
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;451125]this is starting to get good. I'm lovin all these 1991 1992 dynasties.[/QUOTE] Glad your enjoying it. Febuary I'm doing a Saturday Night Main Event. Might possibly turn it into a ppv. Trying to sign a new ppv deal as the one I started with wouldnt allow cage or casket matches. Which is why I did them on Primetime instead of a ppv. I know it takes away some of the realism from the era giving those matches away on free tv, but, I really had no choice. Any ideas/suggestions from anyone reading?
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[SIZE="7"][B][CENTER]WWF All American Wrestling Challenge[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [I]((Note: More Quick results as I get ready for work))[/I] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]WWF Tag Title Match The Hart Foundation vs. The Legion of Doom[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] A good opening bout that see The Legion of Doom capture The WWF Tag Titles. [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]This is Below Me[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Randy Savage cuts a promo about his match with The Big Bossman. Basically saying that he is the number one contender and this match is a waste of his time. [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Tito Santana vs. Paul Roma[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] In a below average match Santana finally ends his losing streak picking up the win with the flying forearm. [B]Segment Rating: D-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Main Event The Big Bossman vs. Randy Savage[/B][/SIZE] The match see's Savage have to result to underhanded tatics to get the win. Much to the displeasure of The Bossman. [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Cuffed![/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] After the match Bossman grabs Savage and cuffs him. He leaves Savage bound with this hands behind his back furious as the show goes off the air! [B]Segment Rating:B-[/B] [B]Show Rating: C[/B] [I]Notes: Nothing to note this show everything went off without a hitch. The real question is what to do with the Tag Titles now that I've put them on the hottest tag team in the company. Any suggestions![/I]
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