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Tales of a Masochist: Masked Avatar goes European

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Not to sound unoriginal or something. But I'm a pretty strange guy. Imagine if your filthy rich grandparents left you with an incredible amount of money, cash, dinero, what would you do? Would you embark on an adventure to catch Pokemon? Would you try to revive DAVE, or UCR? or would you use it to bribe an owner of a promotion in order to get the job as Head Booker? I did none of that, instead, I went to Spain. Yeah, I actually passed through airport security with my mask intact, wearing a mask in the airport is not as dangerous as wearing a turban . Flash forward a bit. I find myself looking for a job in any of the wrestling promotions in the continent they call Europe, most precisely, in the Mediterranean region, where a small company, UEW, hold monthly shows in Spain, Portugal, France, and Italy, the names they made up are very funny as well: Caesar Smash, sounds like a cheeseburger or a salad to me...anyways, here I am, in a job interview with Ali Bloxsome, the "Demolition Druid" [B]Ali Bloxsome:[/B] I think your style would fit really well with the product we promote, you're a very old school wrestler. [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Ok...um...that's cool, look, I've got 5 million dollars that I'd like to invest, is that ok. Crap, why do I keep doing this? [B]Ali Bloxsome:[/B] 5 million dollars? El oh el... "El oh el"? [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Is that funny? [B]Ali Bloxsome:[/B] We here use Euros, and converting your dollars to euros...pfft, small ammount, very small, we don't need that, what we do need is a new head booker, some fresh new ideas, and I'm wondering, since you were close to a booking legend called Nemesis, would you like to become the new head booker? Wow, he rejected my bribe, and yet wants me to be head booker, I guess I'll spend the 2 euros on something else. [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Sure, why not? Little did I knew that our roster had, like, two people, do I know what I'm getting myself into? Wrestling for an obscure European promotion? Then again, I'm a strange guy (I really need to come up with a new catchphrase though)
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[SIZE="4"][CENTER]Here we go...[/CENTER][/SIZE] My first meeting with the creative team (aka me and Bloxsome) was a very short one, it was held in Ali's house in the suburbs of Madrid, funny thing considering that he doesn't speak a lick of Spanish. [B]Ali Bloxsome:[/B] Now, any ideas for new hirings? [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] You're asking me? I've just arrived here for God's sake! Besides, why did you recommend me a house in Marseilles or whatever when the UEW HQ is in friggin Spain? [B]Ali Bloxsome:[/B] Easy there, I thought you'd like living in Marseilles. What a wrench in his logic, I'd settle myself living in Spain or Portugal, at least it's closer to the HQ, ah screw it, the guy's probably had too many bumps [B]Ali Bloxsome:[/B] Now, since you don't have any ideas, and I suggest you go watch some VCRs of local wrestlers and scout them VCRs? [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] VCRs? [B]Ali Bloxsome:[/B] BETA Max or VDV or whatever you kids call them these days, look, just scout for talent. Now, I'd like to set you some goals: #1, Our financial balance must have increased to at least 200 000 euros in the next two years. Seemed easy enough [B]Ali Bloxsome:[/B] #2, we must not fall under #18 in the Pro Wrestling Hits Promotion Rankings. I'm surprised he read PWH and still couldn't figure out that those little advertisements were about wretling DVDs... [B]Ali Bloxsome:[/B] #3, You can't hire or renew the contract of trouble makers, that is, people with less than a D- in Reputation. #4, you can't hire or renew anyone that can't construct a proper match flow, so people with less than a D- in Psychology aren't going to wrestle for us. And finally, #5 is another restriction: we want people with athletic ability, so whoever has less than a D- in Athleticism is not going to get a paycheck from us, got it? I simply nodded, not so unreasonable goals, this should be easy, time watch past UEW DVDs(!) and take a look at the roster...
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[SIZE="4"][CENTER]Split Jobs[/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Damn our roster is small. That was the first thing I said when I saw the roster sheet, we had three main eventers...3. And although most of them had all the main event requirements (consistency, stamina, psychology, basics), I couldn't help but think how could we possibly fill an entire show boasting only decent talent. Besides, we were at war with EWA, which had a more mainstream appeal, which means more sponsorship money, better talent, and better resources to beat us. [B]Joey Beauchamp:[/B] Hey there boss The clear British accent echoed throughout the small compartment Bloxsome had arranged me, needless to say that working in Madrid and living in Marseilles was not an easy task, and I didn't feel like dealing with politicking crap, so if "Breeze" here is thinking on asking for a lenghtier title reign... [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Hey there Breezy, you don't mind if I call you Breezy do you? Clearly he minded, but I'm the head booker [B]Joey Beauchamp:[/B] Not, not at all. [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] So what brings you here Breezy? [B]Joey Beauchamp:[/B] Well, I came here to warn you that I got a job offer **** [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] From who? [B]Joey Beauchamp:[/B] From Ring of Fire Ahh, that's better, we had a working agreement with them, I doubt they'd try to steal our champ [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Good for you, you can improve your technique there and stuff [B]Joey Beauchamp:[/B] Sort of, well, it's not a regular job offer, besides me becoming a wrestler, they've offered me the spot of Head Booker. ****x2 [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] What? Was Mr Idon'tknowwhataDVDis informed about that? [B]Joey Beauchamp:[/B] No, Bloxsome wasn't informed, in fact, you're the first person to know about it. But don't worry, I'm not leaving UEW, I'm stil wrestling here, and I'll be available this Sunday. And ROF offered a compensation: they're letting one of their main players wrestle here. [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Ok, but I still think it's a bit pushy signing another promotion's top guy as a head booker without warning, besides, do you hav any booking experience. [B]Joey Beauchamp:[/B] Well, do you? The conversation ended right there, I just sighed and made some noise that resembled "whatever". This job wasn't going to be easy, especially considering that I just got verbally destroyed by Beauchamp. OOC- Coming up next is our first show preview, any comments so far on the backstory and the writing? Be kind by the way:D
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/UEW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]UEW Presents:[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Battle in Madrid![/SIZE][/CENTER] UEW visits Estadio de Futbol Terese Rivero to bring to you the best wrestling action in all of Europe! The first show of the year will kick off with a mini tourney to determine who will face Joey Beauchamp in the main event for the prestigious UEW World Title. Ali Bloxsome will taker on Sergei Kalashnov in the first round and Razor Valentine will face Stig Svensson. The winner of these matches will meet and then the winner will face "The Breeze". In other actions, Geoff "Air" Bourne sent out an open challenge to "anyone in the world" to face him for the Nations title, who will answer it? All of this and more, so don't miss the opportunity to watch your favourite stars in living colors. Tickets on sale in the arena's box offices or online in [url]www.uewrestling.uk[/url] Quick Picks: Mini Tourney to determine who will be facing Joey Beauchamp in the main event: Ali Bloxsome vs Sergei Kalashnov Razor Valentine vs Stig Svenson Winner of match #1 vs winner of match #2 Geoff Bourne vs ??? for the Nations Title Joey Breeze vs winner of the Mini Tourney
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[B]Ali Bloxsome[/B] vs Sergei Kalashnov [I]Whilst Kalashnov vs. Beauchamp will undoubtedly be your money-spinner, my thinking is that you want to minimize their encounters so as to avoid the fourth-match rule. So, Ali goes over here thanks to some form of shenanigans[/I] Razor Valentine vs [B]Stig Svensson[/B] [I]Both of these guy are pretty good, but Stig's a face, and therefore a more credible challenger to Joey[/I] Ali Bloxsome vs [B]Stig Svensson[/B] [I]See above[/I] Geoff Bourne vs [B]???[/B] for the Nations Title [I]I'm hoping it'll be Masked Avatar putting himself over the established talent in the approved style[/I] [B]Joey Beauchamp[/B] vs Stig Svensson [I]Joey may be booking ROF now, but he's more than good enough to hold your title for a while yet[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]Pre show motivation[/SIZE][/CENTER] I rallied up all the roster before the show, I hoped to make a decisive impression on them, show who's the boss. [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] So, listen up talentless fools, Mr Bloxsome not included of course. Do you know why you're here? Do you know why you are standing in the locker room of this crappy, half full, stadium? [B]Secret Signing:[/B] To wrestle? [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Some of you yeah, but most important than that, you need to make a good impression, to make these Spanish hicks believe that you always gave your best, and that UEW is the promotion to follow if you want clean, pure wrestling, with small entertaining segments. [B]Otto Hammerschmidt:[/B] Wait, so now we're going to have angles? [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] A few, yeah, nothing for you to worry about, the angles will involve people that aren't as dull as a white wall, a group in which you're not included "Shirley Schmidt" He looked confused at the last joke, guess he didn't get Boston Legal in whatever networks that exist in this continent. [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] To those of you that have a match tonight, I want to see the best out of you. Do you want to win this war and bury those ******** from WEA [B]Otto Hammerschmidt:[/B] EWA [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] What? [B]Otto Hammerschmidt:[/B] EWA, our competing promotion is called EWA [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Thank you "Shirley" [B]Otto Hammerschmidt:[/B] You're welcome Mr Crane Ok, so he knew about Boston Legal, but at least he called me the main character, that's cool right? (Show will be up tommorow, make sure to get your predictions in as well as any feedback about the dynasty so far, thanks for reading)
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[B]Ali Bloxsome[/B] vs Sergei Kalashnov [B]Razor Valentine[/B] vs Stig Svenson [B]Winner of match #1[/B] vs winner of match #2 Geoff Bourne vs [B]???[/B] for the Nations Title [B]Joey Breeze[/B] vs winner of the Mini Tourney
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Mini Tourney to determine who will be facing Joey Beauchamp in the main event: Ali Bloxsome vs [B]Sergei Kalashnov[/B] [B]Razor Valentine[/B] vs Stig Svenson [B]Winner of match #1[/B] vs winner of match #2 [I]Kalashnov to earn the title shot[/I] Geoff Bourne vs [B]??? [/B]for the Nations Title [I]Will be surprised if this is not the Masked Avatar[/I] [B]Joey Breeze[/B] vs winner of the Mini Tourney
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/UEW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Presents...[/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]Battle in Madrid![/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE="3"]Live at the Estadio de Futbol Teresa Riviero![/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/JamieAnderson.jpg[/IMG] Am I lucky or what? My first match booked, my first match in UEW, and I find out that I simply don't click with Jamie Anderson, shame, I though his selling skills could make me come out good. We blowed a lot of spots, including my finisher: Death Grip (a nasty looking Hoshino armbar (OOC- Fujiwara doesn't exist in the CV does he? :p)) even that he managed to screw it up, as I took him down, he sandbagged and stayed up, I needed to legit kick him in the knees to drop him to the floor, applying the hold, I'm glad he didn't botch the tap out, because hitting the mat with a open hand is extremely difficult. [B]The Masked Avatar defeated Jamie Anderson in 7:05 by submission with a Death grip[/B] [B]E+ (don't click)[/B] We roll backstage to the first angle of 2008: a Sergei Kalashnov promo. [B]|Sergei Kalashnov|[/B] Thins in Belarus are tough nowadays...every once in a while I still have my momma yell stuff like: "Во-первых один догадаться, что это выигрывает приз!" And I insist that I'm able to do that and that I can handle business like nobody else can in the ring. Tonight, I'm gonna once again prove to my momma watching back in Belarus and to the rest of the world that the "Prince of Belarus"'s coronation is near. As for me, Я из здесь! [B]Rating:[/B] E+, the crowd isn't very used to angles, even though I think it came out good, and yes, I suggested that he said some wacky stuff in Russian, since no one will ever figure it out. [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/AliBloxsome.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/SergeiKalashnov.jpg[/IMG] This one was a good match. Bloxsome's entrance as always setting the tone to the rest of the match.The Retrocession Druid (as I like to call him) went all out in the early goings even hitting his signature delayed suplex, but Kalashnov's ring savvy quickly gave him the upper hand, managing to finish Bloxsome after an impressive Eastern Block. [B]Sergei Kalashnov defeated Ali Bloxsome in 12:14 by pinfall with an Eastern Block.[/B] [B]C-[/B] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RazorValentine.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/StigSvensson.jpg[/IMG] According to Bloxsome Svensson was the man with the most momentum on the roster, thus leading to many people thinking he'd pick up the win in a easy match, that didn't prove to be the case, as Valentine frustrated all of his attempts to lauch decent wrestling offensive, hitting those stiff kicks that always kept Svensson off bay. But the "Crafty Captain" managed to exploit every open possible, landing some punches and snap suplexes whenever possible. In the end, he spend too much time playing to the crowd, and ended up being a victim of a spinning heel kick that landed right in the kisser, the Avalanche Kick. Valentine's quick reaction proved to earn him the win, while giving Svensson a bruised jaw (believe me, that "snap" sound isn't Valentine slapping his thigh, it's really the sound of the jaw getting hit by Valentine's foot) [B]Razor Valentine defeated Stig Svensson in 10:49 by pinfall with an Avalanche Kick.[/B] [B]C-[/B] A graphic appeared on the small UltimateTron which had nothing worth of the adjective "ultimate", announcing the final of the mini tourney: Razor Valentine vs Sergei Kalashnov the winner getting a title shot in the main event. [B]Rating:[/B] E+, again, the crowd wasn't really expecting angles, but I'm sure that the next show will run better in terms of angles. [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/Generic_Championship01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/GeoffBorne.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/MerleOCurle.jpg[/IMG] Bornes open challenge really sent waves throughout Europe, many smarks thought that I would be the one answering the challenge and winning the title, I have no idea how they came to that conclusion thought...O'Curle was ROF's "compensation" for literally naming our head booker as the champion behind everyone's back, we offered him a PPA deal, he accepted and the rest is history..oh the match? O'Curle basically helped Borne get a lot more flexible, stretching him in many was as possible, the eventually made him submit to the Celtic Wreath, and voilá, a new Nations Champion [B]Merle O'Curle defeated Geoff Borne in 10:27 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle wins the UEW Nations title.[/B] [B]D+[/B] Joey Beauchamp came out from backstage and placed a chair near ringside, bringing along him his newest valet: Marianne (take that Anna Ki), apparently on "scouting duties. [B]Rating:[/B] E+, again another segment harmed by the crowd [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RazorValentine.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/SergeiKalashnov.jpg[/IMG] Another good match. This time Kalashnov wasn't off guard, and put up one hell of a fight from the get go. Everytime Valentine tried one of those kicks, Kalashnov avoided it, I specifically told them to have the match revolve around that story, since I didn't want to risk having Beauchamp defend the title against someone with a broken jaw...oops, I just spoiled the end of this match... Basically Valentine finally had Kalashnov where he wanted in a time where Beauchamp had already left ringside, maybe because he'd seen enough, and as the "Prince" bounced off the turnbuckle, Razor tried the Avalanche Kick, but Kalashnov ducked, bounced off the ropes, big DDT, lifted him up, Eastern Block, we had our main event of the evening set up: Beauchamp vs Kalashnov for the World Title [B]Sergei Kalashnov defeated Michael Moodie in 15:59 by pinfall with an Eastern Block.[/B] [B]C-[/B] Another graphic showed, warning the fans of the main event coming up, Kalashnov didn't even bother to leave the ring, the guy's tuff' I tells ya! [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/Generic_WorldHeavy01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/SergeiKalashnov.jpg[/IMG] And there ya have it, a main event worse than the rest of the matches, Beauchamp had an off night said the road agent, and it hurt the match a little, besides, Kalashnov was a bit tired, but it was a decent match. Beauchamp took advantage of being the fresher man, keeping the pace high, landing surgical shots and suplexes, picking his spot and wearing down the Fresh Prince of Belarus, Kalashnov did mount an incredible comeback, even hitting the Eastern Block, but The Breeze had his foot on the ropes, Kalashnov argued with the ref long enough for Marianne to help with loved one (take that Anna Ki) regain his senses, Joey attacked Kalashnov from behind, and hit his famous Breeze Block, although the name is similar to kalashnov's Eastern Block, it is fairly different, Sergei's is a Uranage, while Beauchamp's is a devastating Backdrop Driver. [B]Joey Beauchamp defeated Sergei Kalashnov in 17:50 by pinfall with a Breeze Block.Joey Beauchamp makes defence number 1 of his UEW World Title[/B] [B]D+[/B] [SIZE="3"]Final Rating: D+[/SIZE] [B]We gained popularity, the show was a sucess, but it could've been better, next show is Lisbon Lowdown in a month, and I hope it turns out better, because if UEW thrives, I might even gain some notority as a booked and get hired by the SWF or something.[/B][/CENTER]
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