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The Awakening of Johnny Kayfabe

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[CENTER][SIZE="6"]Chapter One[/SIZE][/CENTER] [B]Another long day at the office was over. Nicky and I had made a brief detour en route to the tube to grab a quick pint after a long day. The weather outside was miserable and the gray mood translated directly to the interior of the Slug and Lettuce. We cradled our glasses, gazing absent-mindedly at the chubby, unattractive barmaid pulling half-head pints for the grizzled ex-miner clientele. I hadn't known Nicky for long, maybe six months or less; but he and I had become comfortable enough in each others' presence for silence to be acceptable.[/B] I let out a sigh. [I][COLOR="blue"]"Guess I'd better hit the road, things to do, people to see." "Like you've any people to see..."[/COLOR] [/I]he smiled.[I][COLOR="blue"]”What's really happening? You in for another night of scrapping with your wife?"[/COLOR][/I] Lily wasn't my wife and Nicky knew it. It'd take a lot more than one pint to ever see a ring on her finger. Best to make sure he knew though... [I][COLOR="blue"]"She's not my wife... ...and it'd take a lot more than one pint to get a ring onto her finger."[/COLOR][/I] Just driving the point home. [I][COLOR="blue"]“So what is it? What’s so important you’re going to abandon your pal Niko?”[/COLOR][/I] Nobody else in the office referred to Nicky as Niko but we let him get away with it. Being an ex-bouncer on Sheffield’s mean streets meant he got away with a lot. [I][COLOR="blue"]“There’s something on telly I want to watch.”[/COLOR][/I] Nicky raised an eyebrow. [I][COLOR="blue"]“Anything I’d like?”[/COLOR][/I] I was almost certain that he wouldn’t. In fact, I could guarantee he had no idea what I was talking about when I told him. [I][COLOR="blue"]“Just this show I like; Supreme TV, it’s called. It’s Pro-Wrestling...”[/COLOR][/I] I waited for the burly Northerner to pick his poison from the top five things to say to a Pro Wrestling fan. Would he inform me that wrestling isn’t real? Maybe he’d point out that watching half-naked sweaty men snuggle each other could easily be found on the web for free, perhaps he’d offer to wrestle me? Perhaps he’d offer to snuggle [I]me[/I]!? Oh Christ what had I let myself in fo- [I][COLOR="blue"]“You mean the SWF? That’s not on til 10pm! You trying to duck me? Besides, that supreme bollocks is just that – you wanna get with the next gen, man!”[/COLOR][/I] I was stunned. I looked at Nick’s face – his eyebrows were raised. He’d called me on my escape attempt and he hadn’t even shunned me for my love of grown men pretending to fight... hell, he knew who the SWF were! [I][COLOR="blue"]“Um, yeah... I suppose I could stick around a little then...”[/COLOR][/I] Nicky broke into a lopsided grin. He gestured towards the pint glasses on the table: [I][COLOR="blue"]“Right, get another two of these in and then I’ll tell you a little story... ...ever heard of CZCW?”[/COLOR][/I]
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[SIZE="6"][CENTER]Chapter Two[/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]I’d been a wrestling fan about as long as I can remember but what Nicky showed me that night was like nothing I’d seen before. As a kid it was pure SWF – the characters and the drama were exactly what I wanted as a youngster but as I grew up I began to crave something more. I didn’t become aware of the competition until the arrival of TCW but, once I did, there were times during early twenties when I would spend two straight hours switching back and forth between late night TV stations to catch as much of both products as possible. I watched the PPVs from SWF and loved them – at least, I watched them whilst they were still being aired for free on British TV. Once they started charging us I was out, they weren’t that good. TCW never gave us the option, their PPVs were not show in the UK either on PPV or on TV so I had no choice but to miss their big blow-off matches. Cruiserweights were fun; I enjoyed the way their division in TCW was structured, less about the soap opera and more about athleticism. I still liked my characters but it was nice to see a change of pace now and again. As time rolled on I found myself less intrigued, less enthused and less interested. I watched all the backstage segments and entrances; then I would zone out and tap away at my laptop until the pitch of the announcers’ voices indicated that the match was drawing to a close. If a Supreme TV match didn’t end after interference or a wild brawl and double disqualification, I knew it wasn’t important. The epic endings were reserved for Pay-Per-Views, I knew that.[/B] What Nicky showed me that evening was like nothing I’d ever seen. My head may have been clouded slightly by our series of friendly drinks but it was snapped into full focus as I watched what unfolded in front of me. [I][COLOR="Blue"]“OH! How about that!? Let’s see f***ing Sam Strong do that!” [/COLOR][/I]Screeched Nick as some guy with multi coloured hair hit a springboard shooting star press to the outside of the ring (of course at the time, to me, it was merely ‘some crazy moonsault thing.’). Nicky was sat crossed legged next to me on the floor of his flat but seemed as though he were about to topple himself even from there with all his exaggerated swaying and gesticulating. [I][COLOR="blue"]“This is the latest, hot off the press DVD, their last show. The guy with the hair, that’s Remmy Skye and his partner is my boy P-Dawg... there, long, black hair; looks like a legit fighter.”[/COLOR][/I] I had seen the hair guy’s partner referred to during his entrance as Frankie Perez. He really did look legit tough, he was small, much smaller than Sam Keith, but he looked like he kick a hole in you. I could hear the slapping noise from the TV set as this so-called ‘P-Dawg’ snap some evil-looking kicks out at Donnie J. I recognised Donnie from my more mainstream experience of wrestling. It occurred to me suddenly that I never even thought about where wrestlers went after they ceased showing up on TCW or SWF TV, in fact to be truthful; I hadn’t even noticed Donnie go. [I][COLOR="blue"]“I know him, Donnie J – he was in SWF- used to tag with Jimmy P, right? They were the Beach Boys or something?” “Fly boys; and it was TCW.”[/COLOR][/I] Damn, 0 for 2 with the wrestling guru here. Nice try though. [COLOR="blue"][I]“The other bloke from the team”[/I][/COLOR] continued Nicky [COLOR="blue"][I]“Jimmy P, he’s the champ. Works as ‘Platinum’ James Prudence now and he’s come a long way in the ring since then! Heel a-go-go!”[/I][/COLOR] I raised my eyebrows and nodded my head. I was pretty sure a heel was a bad guy but I had no idea what Nicky meant by ‘a long way in the ring.’ Suddenly I spotted another familiar face. [I][COLOR="blue"]“S**t, that’s Matt Sparrow! He was in DAVE! Jesus, I loved them. They used to show Danger Zone TV on some backwater men’s channel on cable back in the day!”[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR="blue"]“Ah, so you have seen the odd bit of quality stuff.”[/COLOR][/I] Nicky’s lopsided grin returned briefly and then faded to a look of deep-rooted regret. [COLOR="blue"][I]“DAVE went under last year. Cracked under the pressure of the industry. Word on the IWC is that Vibert couldn’t afford to pay those guys anymore and just had to shut up shop...”[/I][/COLOR] [I][COLOR="blue"]“I’ll be damned...”[/COLOR][/I] I muttered as Donnie J nailed what I’m sure was called Death on Venice Beach on the hair guy and picked up the three count. As Donnie J and Matt Sparrow celebrated what appeared to be a tag team title win on the TV screen, I started to wonder... [B]...what the f**k was an IWC?[/B]
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[SIZE="6"][CENTER]Chapter 3[/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]For the next six weeks my life revolved around one thing. I had to bring myself up to date. Lily was out of town for the next two months visiting her family in China so I had all the time I needed. I was now Padawan to Nicky. He was a walking encyclopaedia of pro wrestling and I was desperate to absorb as much of his knowledge as possible. Nick was the proud owner of a collection of CZCW, DAVE, PGHW and BHOTWG DVDs stretching back over several years. I watched the Japanese DVDs that he specifically recommended and took in a few more of his DAVE DVDs but it was CZCW that really captured me. As I brought myself up to date with the Coastal Zone I began to understand what Nicky called ‘carnie.’ I researched words like ‘overness’ and ‘blading’, and how the latter differed from bleeding ‘hardway’. I was fascinated by this secret code and by the scene as a whole. I had always watched wrestling as an outsider, a mark, but now I found myself understanding how things worked from the inside. The concept of Kayfabe explained so much to me and I even began to put names to the types of wrestling I liked to watch. I downloaded some lucha libre matches from Mexico and noticed that the Ultimate Phoenix, one of CZCW’s main guys, was incredibly ‘over’ there. I realised that the same Eisaku Kunomasu who won the DAVE brass knucks belt (and my total adoration) a few years ago was a legendary figure in Japan, revered by their fans and the catalyst for some of the better matches I watched on Nicky’s ‘Puro’ DVDs. I watched the Fly Boys debut and thrive on the CZCW DVDs. I watched James Prudence morph into the coolest character I think I’d ever seen in wrestling. Ultra suave, technically proficient and with charisma to spare. I found myself happy when he tied up his former partner in knots en-route to taking his CZCW Title, in spite of his being a heel. [/B] ‘I’m cheering for a heel.‘ I thought to myself. ‘Things will never be the same.’ [B]Perhaps the single most important thing I came to understand was what Nicky had explained to me as ‘ring psychology’. Like the idea of Kayfabe, it suddenly answered so many questions that had been lurking in the back of my mind: What is it that made Kunomasu so absorbing to watch? Why did something not quite sit right with me about Remmy Skye when his aerial acrobatics were undoubtedly impressive? How had a BHOTWG main event between two guys I’d never heard of have me captivated, wide-eyed and open mouthed by its finish 45 minutes in? The idea of psychology answered all of these questions and more. I understood that, despite suspension of disbelief, there had to be some level of realism and limitation in wrestling to truly buy into it! My realisation was like a door closing on my old perception of pro wrestling. True to old adages, not only did a window open, but an entire set of French doors burst asunder, welcoming me to an entire new world of professional wrestling. It was a mid-September Monday when this revelation finally hit me; I had had the day booked as leave for some time now so there was no Nicky until tomorrow. I picked up the phone immediately.[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]“Autographs of Sheffield, Nicholas speaking.”[/COLOR][/I] Nick’s usual answer when picking up his work mobile. We all had to answer our mobiles identically, apparently this was of great significance to the future of the memorabilia auctioning business we helped to run. [COLOR="blue"][I]“Nicky, I’ve done it!”[/I][/COLOR] I spluttered [COLOR="blue"]“I’m smart! I’m a smart mark! I’m a SMARK!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][I]“Glad to hear it, pal.” [/I][/COLOR]Nicky’s usual understated manner in full evidence, [I][COLOR="blue"]“You’ll be pretty chuffed to hear what’s next then...”[/COLOR][/I] My stomach leapt into my throat. It was only two days ago that I’d finished watching CZCW’s August event ‘Wave of Fury’ on DVD, bringing me 100% up to speed with the past three years of the Zone. I was gagging for more, the changes from that show had left me on a huge high but I was desperate to know where it all went from here. I dared to hope that Nicky was about to make my day... [I][COLOR="blue"]“It’s here. The Riptide DVD arrived from the states this morning...”[/COLOR][/I] I could barely speak. I hadn’t been this excited to watch a wrestling event in as long as I could remember. I could practically hear Nicky’s trademark grin over the phone. [I][COLOR="blue"]“You’ve really got the bug haven’t you, pal.”[/COLOR][/I] Nicky's voice tangibly warmed. I could tell he was smiling from ear to ear now. [I][COLOR="blue"]“My place. Nine pm... ...and It’s your turn to bring the beers.”[/COLOR][/I]
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[QUOTE=Jaded;450959]I can't even work out if you're going to get involved booking a fed here, but I REALLY like this start - one of the best I've seen for ages. :)[/QUOTE] Thank you, I'm flattered! Hopefully this dynasty will continue to hold your imagination as it progresses :)
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[SIZE="6"][CENTER]Chapter Four[/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]I arrived at Nick’s flat practically trembling with excitement. I rang the bell and the door angrily buzzed to signify that it was being unlocked form upstairs. I grabbed the two four packs I’d brought with me and ascended the stairs. Nicky’s place was perpetually clean without being tidy. That is to say that his taps, toilet, tables and windows were always clean but he had enough clutter about the place, copies of books on the Second World War and DVD and video cases dotted around his living room in loose clusters. Throughout the DVD and now Blu-Ray revolutions Nick had always kept his VCR. His reasoning, he would later explain to me, was that watching sharp high definition DVDs was tantamount to blasphemy when the alternative was old pirate DAVE videos he had bought from adverts in the back of PW Hits! Any other promotion was ostensibly fine in DVD but Nick said that the grain and shabby picture quality somehow reminded him of the ‘glory days’ of DAVE. He made it sound like ten years, not one, since the promotion closed its doors[/B]. A cracked open a beer and handed it to my host. He nodded his thanks and took a swig. [COLOR="Blue"][I] “So you’re up to speed then?”[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] “Bang up to date, I’m just gutted that Prudence dropped the strap. Good time to join the fun for me though, what with the title changes at the last show and everythi… What?”[/COLOR] I realised that Nick had been wearing a wry smile almost since I began talking. [I][COLOR="Blue"]“Listen to you”[/COLOR][/I] he grinned [COLOR="Blue"][I]“’Dropped the strap?’ – You’ve been reborn, pal. You’re a born-again smart mark, baptised in the holy Zone.”[/I][/COLOR] Another smirk from him and then onto business; [COLOR="Blue"][I]“So, you watched the rest of Wave of Fury then. Where does that leave us?”[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][I]“Well Art Reed finally took the stra- the belt from Prudence.”[/I][/COLOR] [I][COLOR="Blue"] “Cracking match, that was.”[/COLOR][/I] Nicky saying this somehow filled me with pride that he would consider a Prudence match ‘cracking’. [I][COLOR="Blue"]“Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye – what are they called again?”[/COLOR][/I] I’d somehow lost the memory of CZCW’s premiere tag team’s name in with all my new facts and figures… [COLOR="Blue"][I]“Dragon Syndicate.” [/I][/COLOR] Was there anything this guy couldn’t remember? [I][COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah, that’s it; Dragon Syndicate, they lost the Tag Titles to Donnie J and Matt Sparrow.”[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR="Blue"] “Your first ever CZCW match”[/COLOR][/I] Nicky cracked another half grin and faux-gazed into the distance as if recalling the birth of a first child rather than my first taste of the Zone. Nicky considered the show for a moment. [I][COLOR="Blue"]“Didn’t they kick off some kind of program between Ultimate Phoenix and Plague as well?”[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR="Blue"]“Of course! I’m liking the look of that one already. One thing I love about CZCW…”[/COLOR][/I] I broke from the subject briefly [I][COLOR="Blue"]“They don’t go too heavy on the out of ring attacks. I love that when Plague belted Phoenix after that 4-way it really seemed like he had lashed out from a real sense of frustration…”[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="Blue"][I]“It’s great stuff, right? I guarantee you now. Blow off to that feud? Ladder match. I’ve just called it!” [/I][/COLOR]A knowing grin and a nod this time; as though I could take that one to the bank right now and demand whatever the cash equivalent of a ladder match was. Even with my new-found knowledge of the world of wrestling I couldn’t help but wonder how Nicky could so confidently call the final match stipulation in a feud that had barely left the ground... Nicky slapped his hands onto his knees. [COLOR="Blue"][I]“Right! I think we’re ready to rock and roll…”[/I][/COLOR] He popped open the DVD player and dropped the Riptide disc into the tray. Before he closed it he glanced at the back of the DVD case. He began to read the match listing: [I][COLOR="Blue"]“Frankie Perez vs. Art Reed…”[/COLOR][/I] His eyes lit up at the prospect of this one. [COLOR="Blue"][I] “Masked Cougar vs. James Prudence, your boy’s in action…”[/I][/COLOR] He threw his head back and guffawed. [I][COLOR="Blue"]“Donnie J and Matt Sparrow vs. Canadian Dragon and Davis Wayne Newton – Welcome to squash city!”[/COLOR][/I] A squash… A squash was like when Runaway Train used to beat some guy I’d never heard of inside of a minute… [I][COLOR="Blue"]“Ultimate Phoenix vs. Insane Machine – that could be something pretty special; a couple of undercard matches and that’s about it.”[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR="Blue"] “I’m feeling this American Elemental geezer.”[/COLOR][/I] I chimed in [I][COLOR="Blue"]“He’s right up my street.”[/COLOR][/I] Nicky scanned the case once more - [I][COLOR="Blue"]“He’s working Remmy Skye. I wonder what they’ll do there – Elemental’s a prospect but they’ve already invested a lot of time in Skye to get him where he is now." [/COLOR][/I] When Nicky talked wrestling, Keats could take a lesson... [I][COLOR="Blue"]"Regardless, Frankie will be the one to watch tonight, mark my words…”[/COLOR][/I] Nicky loved Frankie Perez. I was a fan but Nicky was on a whole other level with him. Perhaps there was something I couldn’t comprehend that made him spectacular… I hoped that Nicky could teach me these mysterious finer nuances some day. [I][COLOR="Blue"]“Enough talk!” [/COLOR][/I]Nicky could really boom when he needed to - he was perhaps slightly too intimidating some of the time but hell, he had the DVDs. [COLOR="Blue"][I]“Let’s get down to some Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling!”[/I][/COLOR] His eyes seemed aflame as he pushed the disc tray in on his DVD player. Nicky flicked the lights off and the screen darkened. The DVD started up immediately in that way that only home made DVDs do. The CZCW logo faded in on the black screen and underneath it, one word: [I]Riptide.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;451009]Really hoping this won't be a chance encounter followed by a job offer - it's too well written to go that route :) Keep it up.[/QUOTE] No chance job offers here :) Quite the opposite in fact... [QUOTE=d_w_w;451652]This is fantastic. Can't wait for more.[/QUOTE] Thank you kindly. I've been very much enjoying enjoying your HGC diary actually. I considered having a go at a diary with the '97 data but I doubt I'd be able to touch yours. It does seem we're both fond of extended back stories though :D
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  • 2 months later...
[SIZE="6"][CENTER]CZCW Riptide[/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]The screen fades from black to the face of Ultimate Phoenix. He stands in front of a white brick wall in the backstage area. The camera shakes almost imperceivably and it is clear that the audio has been picked up by a mic that can’t quite take the volume.[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Plague! At Wave Of Fury you and I stepped into the CZCW ring and did battle. We did so with two other guys in there as well and when it was all said and done, when Germaine raised a hand to the sky and declared a winner, it was I. The Ultimate Phoenix stood in the ring that day, arm raised, knowing that his next stop would be a shot at that Coastal Zone Championship Belt. You took that away from me, Plague; because as much as I want that belt, as much as I am prepared to die or to kill for that belt, I cannot allow you to go unpunished for what you did after that match. This is CZCW. You should know how things work, Plague, you’ve been here long enough; but you’ve always been different haven’t you? Whilst the other guys in the back got to know each other, bonded, helped build this locker room into the strongest in the world, what were you doing, Plague? You sat in your creepy little mask in your creepy little corner of the creepy little closet you’ve made your home and that was IT! Never did you have any hand in building that camaraderie, that respect that exists in the back. Never have you taken the time to learn anything of your colleagues, your brothers in arms! If I lose, Plague… If I lose a match I go to the back disappointed and I look to my FRIENDS for comfort. When you come up short, like you did against me last month, you slither back into the ring like the serpent you are and blindside ME! Be very aware, Plague, that your time is coming very soon. It may not be tonight at Riptide, it may not be next month at Hardcore Halloween but it will happen. You and me, one on one, and when I’m finished and you are lying broken in the ring, I promise you this; I will extend my hand and I will offer you a chance. A chance to become a better man. A chance to leave your past behind you and step into the future with me. You just consider that.[/I] [B]The camera cuts to a similar shot only this time the gigantic Sayeed Ali and his motor mouthed manager Carl Batch are before the camera. Ali simply stands and glares as Batch begins to cut loose.[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Yeah, Yeah, YEAH! This right here is what Carl Batch is all about, baby! The HOTTEST talents, the BIGGEST up-and-comers and, right here you’re looking at the biggest and the baddest raw talent in this sport, today Haha! Yeah, Yeah, YEAH! I’ve got The East Side Assassin, Sayeed Ali, right here baby. Six feet and four inches, and three hundred pounds of future champ right here.[/I] [B]Ali nods his head and continues to stare directly into the camera.[/B] [I]I’m starting a family up in here right now. My boy Sayeed here is member number one but there’s plenty more talent out there, baby; and let me say this: I’ve seen something here in the Zone that many people may consider a negative. Well, that word don’t exist to Carl Batch, I see an opportunity and you better believe that I’m gonna take full advantage! Yeah, Yeah, YEAH![/I] [B]Batch’s eyes widen to an almost impossible size as he flashes a maniacal grin and steps closer to the camera. [/B] [I]You know Carl Batch brings the goods every time, baby! You just wait and see what I’ve got coming…[/I] [B]Batch throws his head back and cackles as the camera fades to black once again. The camera cuts to the arena and the first match of the night…[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/JeremiahMoose.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/WhippyTheClown.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jeremiah Moose vs. Marc Speed vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Fox Mask © 4-Way for the CZCW Xtreme Title[/B] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/CZCW_Xtreme_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Whippy gets a good reaction on his way to the ring, rivalling the champ’s in fact. Fox Mask bounds to the ring with his usual effervescence and the Xtreme Title around his waist. The match itself was a decent opener although nothing spectacular. Spotty, high flying from the majority with Speed attempting to ground his opponents in order to eliminate their speed advantage (no pun intended.) There was an underlying feeling that the real contest was between Whippy and Fox Mask. About fifteen minutes in, The Clown wiped out Speed on the outside with a suicide plancha, providing the opportunity for Fox Mask’s Shining Wizard, known as the Fox Hunter, to end things with a three count on Jeremiah Moose. [B]Winner by Pinfall:[/B] Fox Mask [CENTER] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/CZCW_Xtreme_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B] Fox Mask clutches the Xtreme Title Belt to his chest as he rolls under the bottom rope and makes his way up the ramp, still the champion. Whippy looks on from the ringside area in frustration.[/B] [B]The CZCW logo flies in to fill the screen before disappearing once again to reveal an empty ring amidst a rabid arena. The crowd seems to know what’s coming next. [CENTER][IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] Insane Machine vs. Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/CENTER] Every bit the spectacle it deserved to be. Multi-time Xtreme and tag team champion Insane Machine never really managed a sustained push the above the CZCW midcard but has been an extremely reliable presence therein for some years. These two men went right at it from the very first bell, brawling initially and then transitioning to some of the most fluid and fast-paced lucha libre visible in the United States today. Ultimate Phoenix is a firm favourite in the zone and had the majority of the crowd behind him for the entire contest. The blistering pace was carefully brought down in the middle of the match to a more chain wrestling focus. Insane machine clearly held the edge at this stage, grounding the spectacular high-flying that Phoenix considers a trade mark. The finish came after more than 25 minutes of action and had the crowd at their fever pitch. Machine had just ascended to the top rope after snapping off a flying head scissors when Phoenix managed to launch himself and score with a forearm in the nick of time. Machine was crotched and collapsed into the corner to recover. Spotting the opportunity Phoenix was able to nail his patented yakuza kick in the corner before scrabbling to the top rope himself. The Phoenix Firebird Splash is, in all ways but its naming, an extremely simple signature manoeuvre. It consists simply of a top rope splash to an opponent on their back. The difference between the Phoenix Firebird and standard splash versions lies simply in the execution of Phoenix himself. After propelling himself from the top rope, Phoenix arches his back and allows his arms to fly behind him with the speed of his movement, creating a ‘C’ shape with his legs, spine and head. This gives the impression upon impact of a pure chest cavity to chest cavity collision with no impact whatsoever between the mat and Phoenix’ arms. The exceptional hang-time he has perfected only serves to reinforce the impact when it finally arrives. This was just the case at Riptide as Phoenix made picture-perfect contact with Insane Machine’s abdomen, ostensibly puncturing a lung or at least breaking a rib. Phoenix earns another three count after a shapely and graceful Phoenix Firebird Splash on Insane Machine. [B]Winner by Pinfall:[/B] Ultimate Phoenix [CENTER] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B] Phoenix can barely get back to his feet following this exhausting showdown. Pee Wee Germaine raises his arm as he lies on his back in the middle of the ring. After some moments he bring himself to a standing position before saluting the fans and walking up the ramp. He turns to wave to the fans in attendance once at the curtain and doesn’t even see Plague coming.[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/BlackEagle_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B] Plague is unrelenting in his assault on the grounded babyface, raining down punches, forearm strikes and headbutts all with an animalistic fury. Plague stands and delivers a final kick to the base of Phoenix’s skull before stalking through the curtain to the back.[/B] [B]A camera cut later and we’re back in the arena after intermission. [CENTER][IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] [B]Davis Wayne Newton & Canadian Dragon vs. Matt Sparrow & Donnie J for the CZCW Tag Team Championships[/B] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/CZCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Donnie and Matt dominate in what is both their first match and first defence since wresting the CZCW Tag Team Titles from the clutches of The Devil Syndicate, the former champions of thirteen months. Donnie mixes his traditional cruiserweight style with a slight nod to the technical mastery adopted by his former tag partner James Prudence after their split. The champions show a little of their inexperience as a team but are still able to spring some impressive double team suplexes and stereo planchas on their opponents. If there was any doubt as to the outcome of the match it was removed at the precise second that Newton’s head impacted with the mat courtesy of Donnie’s Death On Miami Beach (Kudo Driver.) Sparrow kept Canadian Dragon at bay on the outside as the referee made the inevitable three count. [B]Winners by Pinfall:[/B] Matt Sparrow and Donnie J [CENTER] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/CZCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/CZCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B] The champs stand side by side in the ring and raise their belts high in the air. To say they didn’t break a sweat is not particularly fair but the match was certainly only equivalent to a medium workout for the old schoolers. In light of this Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye came prepared.[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B] It took merely a flick of the wrists of the former champions to bring the weight of their folding chairs against the temples of the current champs. The Devil Syndicate each gave their chosen champion an additional shot before laying the Coastal Zone Tag Title belts across the broken bodies of their adversaries in mock celebration. Quick as a flash and fearless; American Elemental comes flying down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope. The element of surprise (no pun intended) and an inverted heel kick conspire to remove the presence of Frankie Perez and it seems that Remmy Skye vs. American Elemental is underway early. [CENTER][IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] Remmy Skye vs. American Elemental[/B][/CENTER] Remmy took a beating for the first six or seven minutes of the bout thanks to the surprise factor. American Elemental pulled out a vast array of high flying and jaw dropping planchas and springboards before a moment of inspiration allowed Skye to counter a ‘rana into a devastating powerbomb. From there Remmy Picked up the pace and seemed at one point to have the match won following a springboard roundhouse kick / somersault senton combination. From there the match moved back and forth with each man earning a brief flurry of offense before finding himself countered and placed on the back foot. In the end it was Elemental who was caught with a tornado DDT after attempting a superplex from the top. From there Remmy followed up with a desperate Skye Diver (corkscrew 450 splash) – remaining motionless over the body of his opponent for some time after Pee Wee Germaine had counted the pinfall. [B]Winner by Pinfall:[/B] Remmy Skye [CENTER] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B] Frankie Perez returns to the ring, draping his partner’s arm around his shoulder and punching the air triumphantly as they make their way to the back. The CZCW logo fills the screen again before flying out and revealing the empty ring. [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] Masked Cougar vs. James Prudence[/B][/CENTER] Prudence made his first appearance since the loss of his Coastal Zone Championship Belt to Art Reed at Wave Of Fury. Suffice to say he was not happy. JP stalked to the ring with a deep set frown on his face and Rita lagging way behind. His customary posturing was nowhere to be found although the same cannot be said for his provocation of the live crowd. As the fans chanted ‘Who’s the champ?’ and ‘Where’s your belt?’ at the former Zone Champion he spat back with the pure vitriol of a man both humiliated and deeply, profoundly angry. Unfortunately for Cougar, his bounding entrance was cut brutally short by a Prudence chop to the throat which saw the masked man flat on his back before even reaching the ring. Once Prudence had dragged his foe back inside and the bell was rung it was almost inevitable what was to follow. The former champ brutalised the masked man with an astonishing array of surfboards, arm and leg locks and stretches for the entirety of this viciously short match. After seven minutes of pure domination, Prudence lifted a near-lifeless Cougar into the rack position and delivered his patented Supernova Driver (Cut-Throat Driver.) Just as the cover and three count seemed academic, Prudence pulled himself up, walked to the feet of his devastated opponent and eyed the room. The crowd expected the Figure Four Leglock, sometimes used by Prudence to embarrass those he deemed ‘lesser’ opponents but what they saw was something else entirely. Prudence tied up Masked Cougar in a perfectly executed and aesthetically stunning Indian Deathlock. Complex and intricate, the hold would be the greatest pride of any boy scout if it were tied with string or rope rather than the limbs of a man. With the apparent addition of two or three joints to his leg, Cougar regained consciousness for long enough to scream, hammer the floor four or five times and subsequently pass out once again. [B]Winner by Submission:[/B] Platinum James Prudence [CENTER] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B] Prudence releases the hold thirty seconds late and rolls Cougar under the bottom rope. He motions that the Coastal Zone Title is coming back to him and storms out of the ring. A short music video plays charting the main event from Wave Of Fury. Art Reed is shown lifting the Coastal Zone Title above his head and emotionally bowing to the fans after his victory over James Pridence.[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/ArtReed.jpg[/IMG] Frankie Perez vs. Art Reed © for the Coastal Zone Championship[/B] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/CZCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Perez entered the ring alone, no sign of his partner in crime Remmy Skye. He stood intense inside the squared circle, shaking out his limbs as he awaited the arrival of the Champion. Art Reed looked every bit a champion as he made his way to the ring. The belt around his waist sparkled under the lights and the perspiration from Reed’s back and arms did the same against his dark skin. As the best wrestler in CZCW stepped onto the ring apron he tossed his dreadlocked head and released a final battle cry before the commencement of the war that was to be the main event. A war it was. From start to finish neither man gave an inch. Perez would throw vicious kicks to the thigh of Reed who would respond with full impact chops and forearms. Frankie would palm strike the side of Reed’s head and Reed would respond in kind, building up in speed and fury until the two men became a wild cloud of devastatingly stiff strikes. After finally winning an advantage and putting the defending champion to his knees, Perez landed a brain-damaging kick directly to the skull for an almost everlasting two-count. Reed used a flying knee strike to ground the challenger before wrapping him up in the Dread Lock (Rings Of Saturn) for what seemed minutes. Frankie escaped by barely grabbing the bottom rope and both men collapsed to the floor, exhausted. The match finally came to an end after nearly a half hour of battle. Frankie’s P-Clutch (Cobra Stretch) was locked in tightly, begging for a tapout and first major title for the P-Dawg when, unbelievably, Reed was able to kick and twist his legs, breaking the lock on his arms. Perez fell to his back as Reed slid onto his belly, snapping up the opportunity to plant his challenger with an Ace Crusher as both men were rising and pounce for the instant follow up. The crowd rose from their seats in anticipation as Reed first grapevined the arm and then wrenched back on the leg of Perez with a half Boston crab. It was all Perez could do to stay conscious under the weight and joint manipulation of the champion. This time it proved too much and after a full sixty seconds in the clutches of the feared Dread Lock the challenger battered the mat with his free arm, signalling the end of the match and the retention of the title for Reed. [B]Winner by Submission:[/B] Art Reed [CENTER] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/ArtReed.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/ljc003/CZCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B] The champion roars and climbs the turnbuckle with his belt held aloft. His plentiful dreads drip with sweat as he postures and screams for anyone (read: James Prudence) to come and take his title from him. The DVD comes to a close with Reed still atop the turnbuckle. The CZCW logo fills the screen before a disclaimer briefly appears at the bottom and the TV jumps back to the main DVD menu. [/B] [SIZE="2"][CENTER] CZCW Riptide Saturday week 3 September 2008 Attendance: 1,461 Overall Rating: C- Match of the Night: Ultimate Phoenix d. Insane Machine (C+) [/CENTER][/SIZE]
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