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I usually tend to ditch him right away in TCW as i find him quite useless. This year though I got a developmental deal with MAW. I sent him to MAW and now 6 months in his is actually getting pretty decent. He's improved his brawling, psychology, and stamina quite a bit. Must be my trainer Steve Flash. [url]http://home.insightbb.com/sabataged/charlie.JPG[/url] [IMG]http://home.insightbb.com/sabataged/charlie.JPG[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=sabataged;451182]I usually tend to ditch him right away in TCW as i find him quite useless. [/QUOTE] This was one of the the things that annoyed me when the 08 CVerse arrived. In 07, I had a ready use for him. I had plans of making him my interview guy/talk show host since he has so little to offer in the ring. Then the new data comes around and I'm looking at someone named Jasmine Saunders being shoved in that role truly making Thatcher surplus to requirements.
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[QUOTE]I usually tend to ditch him right away in TCW as i find him quite useless.[/QUOTE] Which he is. [QUOTE]I only keep him around to make RDJ happy. [/QUOTE] Which I do also and I send him down to FCW (with Oxford or Bryant as the trainer, one is at FCW and the other is MAW). That is a good display of improvement. Not enough to be of any use to me though. Maybe in 6 more months. [QUOTE]I had plans of making him my interview guy/talk show host since he has so little to offer in the ring. [/QUOTE] But he isn't very entertaining either. Then again Jasmine doesn't light the world on fire either (at least in the booth). I hire Phil Vibert to be the colour guy and Fonzarelli has the talk show ("The Love Shack"). I commend you for trying to get every last drop out of your roster. I just fire a bunch of people the first day. The Charlie Thatcher Show, thats quite a mental image there.
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[QUOTE=rufas2000;451225] But he isn't very entertaining either. Then again Jasmine doesn't light the world on fire either (at least in the booth). I hire Phil Vibert to be the colour guy and Fonzarelli has the talk show ("The Love Shack"). I commend you for trying to get every last drop out of your roster. I just fire a bunch of people the first day. The Charlie Thatcher Show, thats quite a mental image there.[/QUOTE] Well, if we could gimmick stuff like talk segments up, I'd envision it being more of a gym or shooting range setting since we're talking about a bodyguard type. And I thank you for the commendation. But it's as much fear as loyalty to my roster. One of the things that has always bugged me when playing higher level promotions is firing guys on written contracts. Those buyout deals scare me. I prefer to let guys work their contracts out and just not renew them unless something extreme happens. I will say I like The Love Shack idea though.
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Here's how I envision it. (Warning: extreme silliness ahead). Theme music, think 60s schtick or some other form of easy listening. Kyle Rhodes: Welcome to the Charlie Thatcher Show. Nice to see you Charlie. Charlie Thatcher: Great to see you Kyle, looking good sir. KR: Thanks Charlie. OK, what about them gas prices huh? CT: (shouting) I am Charlie Thatcher DAMNIT! I do not get the respect I deserve! I will beat anyone's ass. Come get some you sons of bitches!!! Tyson Baine comes out and quickly dispatches Charlie. Next Week: Same theme music. KR: Hello and thanks for tuning in to the Charlie Thatcher Show. Charlie? CT: Yeah Kyle, our fans are great. And thanks for being here sir. KR: No prob. So will Republicans play the racial card during this election? CT: (shouting) I am Charlie Thatcher DAMNIT! I do not get the respect I deserve! I will beat anyone's ass. Come get some you sons of bitches!!! Freddy Huggins comes out and quicly dispatches Charlie. Rinse, repeat. Keep going down the food chain until Jasmine Saunders quickly dispatches Charlie. Potential face turn: Charlie does his schtick, A big baddie comes out and hits Kyle Rhodes and Charlie goes gangsta on big baddie. Sorry that's the mental picture I got. I would never do it in TCW because there is no way to do something so ridiculous that it becomes popular because it is so ridiculous. Of course it would only have a .01% chance of getting over in real life.
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[QUOTE=soulztnrv1;451323]But that is WWE, and this is sanity.[/QUOTE] And that's where you lose me. I don't think anybody's ever accused me of sanity. I may not be one of the monkey with typewriters over at WWE Creative but I definitely march to the beat of my own drummer.
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I prefer to let guys work their contracts out and just not renew them unless something extreme happens. Remeber guys Charlie may be crap in the ring but he has at least c- overness at the start hes great as a jobber, just job the hell out of him without pissing him off too much then wait til his contract ends so RDJ wont be pissed. Same for Pain, Hopkirk, Shearer.
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Hopkirk's another I see greater use in than he's given credit for. Pain and Shearer yeah you want to work them out the door as soon as you can. But I see a potential face manager in Hopkirk. Someone who can mentor the newcomers in their early jobber days and can be turned on to spark heel turns.
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[QUOTE]Remeber guys Charlie may be crap in the ring but he has at least c- overness at the start hes great as a jobber, just job the hell out of him without pissing him off too much then wait til his contract ends so RDJ wont be pissed. Same for Pain, Hopkirk, Shearer.[/QUOTE] Problem is with those four I always get the dreaded "match quality suffered because not enough selling was shown" message. It always seemed that any overness I gained (to the people beating Charlie & Co.) was negated by the poor match quality these guys generate. Point taken though as I probably underestimate the value of C- overness. Wouldn't they make a great stable? Just add someone who looks like they could sing. Sammy Bach perhaps and he comes complete with his own dark emo groupie. So they would be Painful Procedure mach 3 (kinda like Deep Purple but not up to Rainbow levels of personnel turnover). Thatcher could be their business manager / bodyguard. Phil Vibert could be their manager so they have someone who can speak. Smell the ratings!* * On your shows. Pain, Hopkirk and Shearer will be quickly disposed of still in my fed. Charlie can go to development. BTW: what is the best way to improve their entertainment skills in development?
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[QUOTE=rufas2000;451381] Wouldn't they make a great stable? Just add someone who looks like they could sing. Sammy Bach perhaps and he comes complete with his own dark emo groupie. So they would be Painful Procedure mach 3 (kinda like Deep Purple but not up to Rainbow levels of personnel turnover). Thatcher could be their business manager / bodyguard. Phil Vibert could be their manager so they have someone who can speak. Smell the ratings!* [/QUOTE] Been there. Done that. Bought the t-shirt. Donated it to Goodwill. Jack Bruce was the original lead singer. Then Troy Tornado. And that festering load Floyd Goldworthy was their business manager. Really I want to know what Goldworthy has on Tommy Cornell that he manages to stay employed. I was really disappointed he wasn't kicked out with the Nation of Filth when this last update happened.
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You did Mach 1 (Bruce) & Mach 2 (Tornado). You never did Mach 3. You've heard the saying "three times is the charm, especially when Charlie Thatcher is involved". Well, I might have made the second part up. If you don't like Floyd don't wait for adam to do it, just fire him. Trust me, it won't break you. I actually find him to be a slightly useful manager (perhaps of Charlie Thatcher) or authority figure. Of course with Nemesis & Vibert on the market ...
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[QUOTE]Isn't it mark three?[/QUOTE] I suspect there is a joke there I'm missing but in case there is not: Mach is a unit of speed (the reader can look it up for more info if interested). I assume over time the term was used to denote new models of stuff, probably starting in the plane industry (being a unit of speed and all). It is also used with rock bands and their lineups. Deep Purple is the perfect example. Since I'm not sure of all the players I'll focus on vocalists: Mach 1: Rod Evans lead vocals. Pretty sure Ritchie Blackmore, Roger Glover and Jon Lord were in it also. Not sure about Ian Price. Biggest hit "Hush". Mach 2: THe classic lineup with Blackmore, Glover, Lord and Price joined by Ian Gillan on vocals. Most of their big hits came during this period. This incarnation of the group reunited in 1984 Mach 3: David Coverdale (vocals formerly Gillan) and Glenn Hughes (bassist, I assume he replaced bassist Glover) join the band. Don't know much about this period of their career. Blackmore was still there. One of the famous songs during this period was "Mistreated". And I really have too much time on my hands. :o
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[QUOTE=rufas2000;451409]I suspect there is a joke there I'm missing but in case there is not: Mach is a unit of speed (the reader can look it up for more info if interested). I assume over time the term was used to denote new models of stuff, probably starting in the plane industry (being a unit of speed and all). It is also used with rock bands and their lineups. Deep Purple is the perfect example. Since I'm not sure of all the players I'll focus on vocalists: Mach 1: Rod Evans lead vocals. Pretty sure Ritchie Blackmore, Roger Glover and Jon Lord were in it also. Not sure about Ian Price. Biggest hit "Hush". Mach 2: THe classic lineup with Blackmore, Glover, Lord and Price joined by Ian Gillan on vocals. Most of their big hits came during this period. This incarnation of the group reunited in 1984 Mach 3: David Coverdale (vocals formerly Gillan) and Glenn Hughes (bassist, I assume he replaced bassist Glover) join the band. Don't know much about this period of their career. Blackmore was still there. One of the famous songs during this period was "Mistreated". And I really have too much time on my hands. :o[/QUOTE] No joke, it really is Mark Three, or Mark Two or whatever. Incidentally, this thread reminds me of the time I ran a pretty sweet battle of the bands storyline in TCW, with Jack Bruce leading the face band and Troy Tornado leading the heel band.
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[QUOTE=rufas2000;451440]Google Deep Purple Mach 2. also on the liner notes for one of their CDs (not sure which one) they discuss the Mach 2 lineup.[/QUOTE] Courtesy of merriam-webster.com: "trademark (2)capitalized —used with a numeral to designate a particular model of a weapon or machine " Haha! The day is mine! Incidentally, this is a stupid thing to argue over. Maybe Deep Purple was deliberately using a play on words? Your idea for Charlie Thatcher's talk show, by the way, is brilliant. I could see it getting over with an Al Snow or Eric Young type.
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I have seen several references to Mach 2 also (just google it, you'll see :)) but I have to concede to the power of Merrian Webster. My explanation flipped Mach & Mark (but I did say I suppose) so I wear the dunce cap there. But I like Mach 2 better for rock bands. That whole power of speed thing and all. Unfortunately I did not see either mark or mach in a quick perusal of the liner notes on my Purple CDs It wasn't an argument anyway, just a discussion. Thanks for the kind words on the idea. I envisioned a big guy doing it as it makes me laugh although Eric Young & Al Snow can make anything funny.
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[QUOTE]Problem is with those four I always get the dreaded "match quality suffered because not enough selling was shown" message. It always seemed that any overness I gained (to the people beating Charlie & Co.) was negated by the poor match quality these guys generate.[/QUOTE] Use Script as a road agent note and/or use your talents with at least decent psychology skills. Aaron Andrews prime example, or even bettwer clarck alexander and chance fortune who have decent psychology/selling. Alos use him to be beat up by your higher rankers once in a while. With selling and psychologie if one has it pretty high then your ok also make sure hte matches dont last too long. The longer they last the more psychology and selling is needed.
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