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Multi Advance in Multiplayer...does it not work? Adam help...

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OK here is the deal. We started a multiplayer game and put multi-day advance on. However, when we go to skip a few days it still makes up stop each and everyday. Is there some reason for this? I mean is mult-advance not supposed to work on a Multiplayer game? Because this was the main reason I was happy about it being invented... please help
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I'm playing a multiplayer game and we've never really used the multi-advance feature. We just move though the days until one of us has a decision/show, then send it off to the other player. I'm a little confused I guessed - what's the advantage to using that feature?
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Since the game is me a D W W I'll expand. As he said we don't use passwords. One person goes into the other has an important Email, Extreme Eye, Decision or Show. Once that happens we send it off to the person who has things to do and then they go until the next person has thingsto do. It works pretty well. We usually get a show done a day a piece.
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[QUOTE=mikeyg32118;451196]OK here is the deal. We started a multiplayer game and put multi-day advance on. However, when we go to skip a few days it still makes up stop each and everyday. Is there some reason for this? I mean is mult-advance not supposed to work on a Multiplayer game? Because this was the main reason I was happy about it being invented...[/QUOTE] Multi Advance is limited to single player use only, same as with WMMA.
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