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[LEFT][COLOR=purple][B][U]Anniversario II[/U][/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=Black][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] Da Power vs J.D Morgan vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=Black][B]Peoples Championship:[/B] Dean Daniels vs [B]Electrico[/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=Black][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] [B]UNITY (Allen & R!ot)[/B] vs Heat Magnets[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=Black][B]San Juan Death Match:[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Bradford Peverall[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=Black][B]Wave of Violence (Speed & Primus)[/B] vs Animal Magic[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=Black][B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs The Sensational Singh[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=Black][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs Charles Rainier[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=Black][B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs Teddy Powell[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=Black][B]Messiah's Circus[/B] vs Seriously Funny & Island Boy Apollo[/COLOR][/LEFT]
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Anniversario II Undisputed Championship: Da Power vs J.D Morgan vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] Peoples Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Electrico Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY (Allen & R!ot)[/B] vs Heat Magnets San Juan Death Match: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Bradford Peverall Wave of Violence (Speed & Primus) vs [B]Animal Magic[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs The Sensational Singh [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/B]vs Charles Rainier [B] Jared Johnson [/B]vs Teddy Powell [B] Messiah's Circus[/B] vs Seriously Funny & Island Boy Apollo
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Anniversario II Undisputed Championship: Da Power vs J.D Morgan vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] Peoples Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Electrico Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY (Allen & R!ot)[/B] vs Heat Magnets San Juan Death Match: Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] [B]Wave of Violence (Speed & Primus)[/B] vs Animal Magic [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs The Sensational Singh [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs Charles Rainier Jared Johnson vs [B]Teddy Powell[/B] [B]Messiah's Circus[/B] vs Seriously Funny & Island Boy Apollo
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Anniversario II[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Thursday September 16th 2010[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [CENTER]Ricardo Montenez Ball Room, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'626) [I][SIZE=1]Not a Sell Out !! but finally a bigger venue !![/SIZE][/I][/CENTER] [LEFT][SIZE=1][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][/I][B][SIZE=2] & [/SIZE][/B][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/I][/SIZE][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre- Show[/U][/B] [I]Heat Magnets are in the locker room, when they turn to camera and start cutting a promo[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Arthur Dexter Bradley: I[/B] hear W.O.V have been calling our win over then a fluke, because Matt here defeated Speed with a roll up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Matt Hocking:[/B] Truth is we out-smarted, we out-wrestled W.O.V you see there's more ways to win than just flat out beating someone to a pulp, something those neanderthals seem to have forgotten.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]ADB:[/B] In contrast tonight we face W.O.V's long time rivals UNITY for the tag straps, and whilst there not looking all that United right now, they'll be facing the hottest ticket in FCW......[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Both:[/B] US ![/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Matt Hocking:[/B] You see UNITY, W.O.V you've had your time....it's the Heat Magnets time to stand a top FCW and it starts tonight when we are crowned the Tag Team Champions.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Dean Daniels is milling around the backstage area with Lisa Bowen and Daniels mouthpiece has a few words for his opponent tonight, because since he became a machine like bad-ass Daniels is now a man of few words.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Lisa Bowen:[/B] So Electricman or whatever your name is, you're back for more. You couldn't get the job done against J.D Morgan, so what makes you think you can get the job done against the most dominant champion in FCW history. You may be a legend down in Mexico, but tonight you'll be just another victim.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [B]Match: Seriously Funny (Eddie Howard & The Great Oxii) & Island Boy Apollo vs The Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah, Soul Krusher & Inky the Squid Boy)[/B] Even at just under seven minutes, this was way over long considering who was involved but I wanted to give them some extra time to try and help build up their skills. Just want they were going to learn from one another is open to debate. For those who care The Messiah's Circus were able to sort of get back on track when Island Boy Apollo fell to the Gutwrench Lankyplex, after Inky was launched like a missile onto Howard & Oxii. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Leper Messiah, Soul Krusher and Inky The Squid Boy defeated Eddie Howard, The Great Oxii and Island Boy Apollo in 6:44 when Soul Krusher defeated Island Boy Apollo by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Lisa Bowen is back out again wearing a gold mini-dress, that shows off alot of cleavage. If anything her prescence helps to re-awaken the crowd who were probably bored stiff by the previous match.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]Before O'Hara and Lynch can even welcome us to the show, Bradford Peverall and Mainstream Hernandez come brawling through the crowd, eventually they reach the ring and Brett Graveson comes running down the entrance ramp to get their San Juan Deathmatch, that was to be scheduled for later in the show under way.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1: San Juan Death- Match: [/B] [B]Bradford Peverall vs Mainstream Hernandez w/ Sara Silver[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] w/[B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Hernandez manages to take Peverall down to the mat with a leg-sweep and starts to rain down some mounted punches, but Peverall turns it over and they end up rolling out of the ring. Peverall gains the advantage back out on the floor, sneaking in low blow and then cracking a chair over the back of Hernandez. Peverall then further takes control by sending Hernandez back first into the ring-steps, before getting a table out from underneath the ring. Peverall starts to set it up but in doing so allows Hernandez to recover who comes back with a flurry of kicks, before spiking Peverall onto the floor with a PONTIAC TO HOME (Swinging Reverse STO). It's falls count anywhere, so Hernandez makes the pin on Peverall and waits for Graveson to make the ten count. The count reaches eight but Peverall is back up to his feet, who then blatantly uppercuts the mainstreamer in the balls (but there's nothing Graveson can do about that as it's all legal. With Hernandez doubled over in pain Peverall delivers a series of chair shots to the back and head, before delivering one big swing, that sends Hernandez tumbling over the guard rail and into the front-row and as the Mainstreamer stumbles back up it is clear he has been busted open. Peverall then climbs over the guard-rail before staggering Hernandez with a series of jabs and then sending his former friend/tag partner crashing onto a pile of chairs with a snap suplex. This time Peverall makes the pin and waits for Graveson to count Hernandez out........ Eight...... Nine....... Much to Peverall's disbelief Hernandez makes it up to his feet. Peverall moves in to try and finish the job but is suddenly met with a SUPER KICK ! from Hernandez, who then collapes back to the floor himself, too worn down from the blood-loss to follow up. Both stagger back up to their feet and it's Hernandez who starts to take the advantage backing up Peverall with a flurry of chops and kicks but with one of his trademark European Uppercuts Peverall appears to turn things round before pitching Hernandez back over the guard-rail and into the ringside area. Peverall then decides to pitch Hernandez into the ring, before teeing off with a combination of punches that leave the Mainstreamer lying in a heap on the mat. Peverall decides against going for the pin and decides to go to the outside before throwing severall chairs into the ring. But Hernandez staggers up to his feet, grabs one of the chairs and creams Peverall over the head with one of them. Peverall staggers back up to his feet but is then nailed with a spin-kick, before being spiked onto another chair with a DDT. Hernandez rolls Peverall over, who has now been busted open and makes the cover....... Peverall easily beats the ten count, getting up at five but in getting up so early he may have done so too quickly and he is soon sent back down to the mat with a leg-sweep from Hernandez, who then heads up top but Peverall staggers back up to his feet and follows Hernandez up onto the top-rope....Peverall tries to bring Hernandez in with a superplex but the Mainstreamer then counters that into Tornado DDT! spiking Peverall on his head again. Hernandez decides against making the cover and goes to the outside instead, pitching the table that Peverall has started to set up on the outside , before pitching in into the ring and standing it up near the corner. That allows Peverall to stagger back up to his feet but any rally from Peverall is soon cut off when Hernandez tosses a chair at his former tag partner and then roundhouse kicks it into Peverall's face. With Peverall 'out of it' Hernandez then places Peverall onto the table and heads up top......APPARITION #14 through the table !! But before Hernandez can make the cover, Bulldozer Brandon Smith sneaks up behind the Mainstreamer and dumps him with a BACK-DROP DRIVER !!. The crowd errupt with boos but there's nothing Brett Graveson or anyone can do as it's no DQ. BBS then stands up two chairs before drilling the Mainstreamer into them with the ATOMIC DRILLER !! (Texas Piledriver) BBS then drags Peverall over Hernandez, before telling Graveson to count the pinfall. Graveson counts the pinfall and then makes the ten count.............. Seven........... Eight............ Nine.................. Not like this, not after BBS got involved..... NOOOO !! Ten Hernandez is completely out of it, as the Bulldozer robs Hernandez of what was going to be certain victory. These two put in a great effort but the screwy finish was probably a let down for some of the fans, who were probably looking for a conclusive end to the Hernandez- Peverall feud with this match, but this long running feuding is going to gradually head in a new direction over the next few shows. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Bradford Peverell defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 15:55 when Mainstream Hernandez was pinned and could not beat a ten count. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B]- [I]With Hernandez down, BBS grabs Sara Silver and drags the love of Mainstream's life into the ring, all a groggy Mainstream can do is look on helplessly, as it looks like BBS is about to deliver a beat-down to Silver but suddenly Peverall pleads with his associate to back of, saying that 'It's Over and just leave her' relunctantly BBS shoves Silver down to the mat, with no real damage done. Did Peverall just show some compassion towards Sara Silver[/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [I]We then join Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch at the announce table who then proceed to start shilling the rest of the show and in particular the main event.[/I] [CENTER][I]____________________________________________________________[/I][/CENTER] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Wow what an explosive start to Annivesario II and there's more great action to come as Da Power (massive boos ring out in the Ricardo Montenenez Ball-room) at the mention of his name puts the Undisputed Championship on the line against JD Morgan and this years Rey De Reyes winner Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Now where's the fairness in that Da Power has to defend the belt against two men and he doesn't have to get pinned to lose the title.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Power's only got himself to blame for this situation and besides when did you start pitching up in support of his cause.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] I'm coming round to the guy, ever since he started being more honest[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] You mean blatantly cheating[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] No you see who he was before, was blatantly cheating, he was blatantly cheating the fans but now what they see is the real Power.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] So you think blatantly cheating in every match is being honest.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Did I even say that ? [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] You may as well have done, but lets hope Power's chronies don't get involved and we see the champion decided by fair means.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] And what makes you think Power can't win by fair means ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] I didn't say that and what disappoints me most about Power, is that we all know he is capable of winning by fair means but he now needs 'help' in near enough every match and we all that both his opponents tonight J.D Morgan and Ultimate Phoenix are capable of going home tonight with the Twin Belts.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] That's your opinion, because I believe come the end of the night neither of those two wannabes will be champion.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Wannabes ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Yeah I said wannabes.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Charles Rainier vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandon_alt4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] BBS is back out to big boos from the crowd following his actions in the Hernandez- Peverall match. Before the match can get under-way, I have a microphone with me...... 'Brandon, your attitude stinks, what kind of a man would...' But before I could finish what I was going to say, BBS levelled me with a fore-arm smash, before laying into me with a flurry of strikes, before sending me over with a release belly to belly suplex. BBS then picked up the microphone ' Hey Unit, go screw yourself !' (BBS playing he braindead misogynistic oaf to perfection, by coming back with a really lame line). BBS continues the assault, before tossing me into the corner and following up with a shoulder barge. I then staggered out of their corner and into another release belly to belly. I kicked out of the subsquent pin attempt, before BBS set me up for the back-drop driver, but I managed to slip out before stunning the former college football star with an Enziguri. I then delivered a series of kicks to BBS knees, that sent the misogynstic oaf, crumbling to the mat spotting the weakness, I then turned BBS over into a STONE HOLD (Sharpshooter) but BBS managed to use his power to rise back to his feet, but as he did, I put him back down to the maty with a spin-kick to the head.....before deciding to head up top. I flew off with a Moonsault but the Bulldozer moved out of the way at the last split second, then as I staggerd back up I was met with a running boot to the head and then drilled into the canvas with the ATOMIC DRILLER ! and once BBS nails that on anybody, it's extremely rare they'll be getting back up and it wasn't going to be one of those occassions for me. Solid filler match, this was basically there to further get over BBS bully character. A good marker of whether or not someone is going to get a push (be it a big or small one) in FCW, is is they can beat me, if they do then they'll have at least cemented their spot in the midcard. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Charles Rainier in 6:54 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Ultimate Phoenix is warming up in his dressing room, when he turns to camer and guess what starts to cut a promo.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] It's time, all I can say is that it's time.[/COLOR] [I]Phoenix pauses for a bit, contemplating his thoughts before delivering the next line.[/I] [COLOR=navy]I proved last month that I can win the big one by defeating six other men to win the Rey De Reyes but it's the twin belts of the Undisputed Championship I must claim to see my time here as a success, otherwise I have failed myself and the trophy I won will have counted for nothing, it would have been a hollow victory.[/COLOR] [I]Phoenix pauses again, looking down at the ground to gather his thoughts, before delivering the final part of his message. [/I] [COLOR=navy]Tonight their shall be no hollow victories for the Phoenix, the Ultimate Phoenix shall rise, shall rise to the top ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Tag Team Championship:[/B] [B]UNITY (Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs [/B] [B]Heat Magnets (Arthur Dexter Bradley & Matt Hocking)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHocking.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ArthurDexterBradley.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] With the Tag Titles on the line, the fans were wondering if Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot would be able to get along following their melt-down in the finals of the Rey De Reyes. There was no signs of that rift as the UNITY pair came out on the same page, quickly taking control of the match and isolating Matt Hocking. However a mistimed attempt at the Limited Edition (Vertical Suplex/Flyinh Cross Body combo) allowed for Matt Hocking to get the tag into Arthur Dexter Bradley, who cleaned house with a series of drop-kicks. Soon enough the Magnets had Harry Allen isolated in their corner but the former TCW star was able to turn things back in his favour with a DDT/Enziguri combo but when he went to make the tag Nicky R!ot was not there at the turnbuckle. At that point Primus of Wave of Violence hits the ring and spears Harry Allen halfway across the ring leaving Brett Graveson no choice but to ring the bell for a DQ. Basic tag team fare, this more about building on the tension between Harry Allen and Nicky R!ot that came about during the Rey De Reyes match and having W.O.V exact revenge on Heat Magnets by costing he young duo the chance to win the tag titles. [B][COLOR=red]Result: UNITYdefeated Heat Magnets in 8:45 via Disqualification. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]UNITY retain the FCW Tag Team titles.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]Primus continues his attack on Harry Allen but the Heat Magnets make the save, clearing the ring of the 'rookie monster' with a double team drop-kick. Heat Magnets help Harry Allen back up to his feet, carrying the UNITY man to the back who can be heard saying 'where the hell were you Nicky !' [/I] [I]But as the Heat Magnets help the groggy tag champion up the entrancer ramp, we can see that Nicky R!ot is just getting back to his feet after it appears he had been 'taken out' at ringside.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Jared Johnson vs Teddy Powell[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JaredJohnson.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] Teddy Powell gained the early advantage in this one with an eye poke, followed by a Russian Leg-sweep for a two count. The outsider from PSW continued to maintain control jawing with the fans, and cutting off any comeback from the Carolina born youngster with a simple kick or fore-arm strike, before making weak c0cky covers. However Powell's faffing about, allowed Johnson to take him by surprise with a roll-up and then place the veteran in the Carolina Cross-Face, with little damage done to Powell the former DaVE man was able to reach the ropes but Johnson had just scored a psychological point and the youngster was able to keep up the pressure on a suddenly out of sorts Powell, stunning the PSW man with a jawbreaker then taking Powell over with a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Johnson continued to maintain control, delivering a boot to the mid-section and planting Powell into the math with a Russian leg-sweep of his own, before going to lock on the Carolina Crossface once again, but Powell managed to slip out and then lift Johnson up for a DDT, spiking the youngster on his head. But Johnson managed to kick out.....Powell then whipped Johnson into the corner and followed up with a running drop-kick...Johnson then staggered out but managed to avoid the second part of the motion censor, side steppign out of the way at the last split second, and sending Powell face first into the bottom turnbuckle with a reverse STO. Johnson then dropped down to lock on the Carolina Cross-Face but Powell managed to roll through and then place his feet on the bottom rope for extra leverage. Graveson then counted the pinfall, not spotting Powell's feet on the ropes and unfortunately for the young Double J he was unable to escape the pin. A short but really well wrestled match, the fans really got behind Johnson, as Powell really got the fans to dislike him and with that win now under his belt in FCW, will Powell be back for more ? [B][COLOR=red]Result: Teddy Powell defeated Jared Johnson in 7:52 by pinfall after using the ropes for leverage[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Just like Ultimate Phoenix earlier, J.D Morgan cuts one of those I'm warming up/get ready in my dressing room and hey looks here's a camera promos.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] Ultimate Phoenix I've got to congratulate you sunshine, you out-lasted me in the Rey De Reyes and I could use Power's involvement as an excuse, but I'm not going to. But you see Phoenix, you haven't won the big one here in FCW, the Undisputed Championship, I know what it takes to topple Mr Power, thing is Mr Phoenix do you ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]OK you scored a pinfall victory over Power not so long ago, a match where we teamed up together but that wasn't with the title on the line, and believe you me sunshine; Power will do anything to keep hold of those twin-belts. But then so am I, you see J.D Morgan is a winner and J.D Morgan will do anything to win, are you Ultimate Phoenix prepared to do anything to get your hands on the Twin Belts. I'm not sure you are.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Animal Magic (Fox Mask & Masked Cougar) vs [/B] [B]Wave of Violence (M.C Speed & Primus) w/ Carl Batch[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=black]&[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-WoV.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen_WOV31.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Formulaic stuff as the masked duo start out on top, but Speed with the help of Batch being a distracting prescence at ringside turn things round and gets the tag into Primus, who destroys Animal Magic without actually putting either of them way. Fox Mask then gets to play face in peril for a bit, Wave of Violence miscommunicate on a double team manouevre and Fox Mask gets the hot-tag into Masked Cougar, who takes Primus down with a High Rise Cougar Pounce and then takes out M.C Speed with a regular Cougar Pounce. Speed kicks out of the subsequent pin attempt but is then set up for and downed with the assisted Fox Flip Off DDT. Primus manages to make the save at the last second, and then lariats Cougar out of the ring and plants Fox Mask onto the mat with the Powerplant (Running Powerslam). Fox Mask gets his shoulder up just in time, but is then set up for the Gangsta Device as M.C Speed makes his way up to the top turnbuckle. But just as Speed is about to fly off ADB of Heat Magnets creams Speed with a steel chair, as Carl Batch is dropped with an inverted DDT from Matt Hocking. Fox Mask then snaps off a head-scissors take down on Primus. Masked Cougar then rejoins Fox Mask in the ring to deliver the Last Hunt (Double Enziguri's) to pick up the victory. Slightly disappointing, as I was hoping for a D+ rated match at-least from these two teams, it's not like they are incapable of doing that but they're afraid to move away from 'the formula' and I think the crowd want to see something new in these tag matches. Perhaps that was why the unique 4-way at the Camino De Reyes event was considered our best tag match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Animal Magic defeated Wave of Violence in 9:05 when Fox Mask defeated Primus by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Angel De Mexico vs The Sensational Singh[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] [/B][B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Advantage Angel De Mexico at the start, as the patriotic masked man completely out manouevres the flamboyant Indian. Singh frustrated at being able to get any sort of foot hold in the match goes out for a powder....so Angel De Mexico launches himself through the ropes taking Singh down with a tope con hilo. However as they get back to their feet Singh sneaks in a low blow and then drops Angel chest first across the guard-rail before pitching the masked man into the ring. From there on it's Singh in control but instead of focusing on putting Angel away he makes the mistake of jawing with the crowd, who are really getting on Singh's case, heckling him taunts such as 'Sensational Jobber and KASHMEEEERR !!! KASHMEEEEERRR !!!' Singh manages to remain in control though with a series of scoop power-slams before dropping the bicep kiss elbow drop, but he misses and Angel De Mexico scoops Singh up from behind rolling up the flamboyant Indian. Singh manages to kick out after an eye poke and a back-rake, send Angel De Mexico into the ring-ropes and delivers the Simply Fabulous (Slingshot Power-Bomb) Angel De Mexico gets his shoulder up at the last split second. Singh can't believe it and goes over to argue with Bret Graveson, telling the ref in no uncertain terms that he though the count was slow. However that allows Angel to recover, who spins Singh round delivers a spinning heel kick to Singh's mid-section and plants the flamboyant Indian onto the mat with the Acapulco Twist, which was enough to earn Angel the expected victory against the struggling Singh. If there's one thing you can never put into question it is Singh's professionalism, others would have thrown a paddy during this losing streak out angle but he's still gone out there and performed to the best of his abilities and has been able to given the right opponent put on some pretty solid matches in the mid-card. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Angel De Mexico defeated The Sensational Singh in 8:37 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [I]The Sensational Singh staggers up to his feet and demands a microphone.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Sensational Singh[/B]: I have had....[/COLOR] [I]A shut the **** up chant starts up[/I] [COLOR=darkred]You will listen to me, and I'll tell you why. Because the Sensational Singh has had enough, I am being screwed over in every match and they want to keep me down. They are afraid that the Sensational Singh will become more famous and more popular than their ramshackle organisation can hande.[/COLOR] [I]Crowd are still getting on Singh's case.[/I] [COLOR=darkred]You'd love for me to leave wouldn't you, and as much as I want to deny all you morons that pleasure, I have decided that my place here in FCW has now been made untenable by the corrupt officials that feel it is their duty to hold me back. Well the Sensational Singh is being held back no more, because I QUIT ![/COLOR] [I]The Sensational Singh then leaves the ring to na-na-na hey hey goodbye ringing in his ears.[/I] [B]Rating: E-[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] The plans I had in mind for Singh wasn't him leaving the company, as believe it or not despite the amount of times he has been jobbed out, I do value him as a solid midcarder. But this is the end of the road for The Sensational Singh character, who to be honest I never quite got a handle on, despite being a good character on paper, perhaps it was because the gimmck was one of Shawn Gonzalez's creations and not one of my own. [/FONT] [B]Rating: E-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Peoples Championship:[/B] [B]Dean Daniels w/ Lisa Bowen vs Electrico[/B][/CENTER] [B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER][B][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Elctrico.jpg[/IMG][/B][/B][/B][/CENTER] Electrico's making his magnificent/pretentious entrance when the champion comes out from behind the curtain and jumps Electrico from behind. Daniels then sends the Lucha star back-first into the guard-rail before rolling Electrico into the ring. The bell sounds and Daniels stomps away on Electrico, before lifting the masked man up and butterflying the arms to set up for the trapped knees, but Electrico slips out and counters into a La Magistral Cradle for a two count. Daniels gets back to his feet but Electrico takes him down with a legsweep. Electrico springs up the turnbuckle and comes down with the HYPERCHARGE (Split Legged moonsault) One........ Two........ Thr........ It was probably a bit too early for Electrico to go for his finisher as the champion is able to kick out. Daniels staggers back up to his feet and Electrico tries to stun him with a step up Enziguri but Daniels manages to duck under and levels the masked man with a Lariat. Electrico kicks out of the subsequent pin attempt but Daniels then slows the pace of the match down placing Electrico in a stretch plum hold, digging his knee into Electrico's back. Electrico starts to get back to his feet so Daniels flings Electrico over with a German Suplex. That earns Daniels a two count, who maintains control and then raises the intensity again taking over the MPWF star with a tri-fecta of Snap Suplexes. Electrico kicks out again, to the frustration of the champion, who stalks Electrico and then delivers a clubbing blow, before setting up for the Raise The Stakes but Electrico counters into a head-scissors take down. Daniels gets back up to his feet but Electrico kips up and nails Daniels with an Enziguri, an arm-drag follows, then another, then another....Daniels staggers up again and is nailed with a drop-kick that sends him out of the ring. Electrico gives the champion no time to refind his bearings as he launches himself over the top taking Daniels down with a slingshot plancha ! The momentum of which sends Electrico into the crowd. Electrico then springboards off the guard-rail onto Daniels. Daniels catches him but Electrico immediately uses the momentum to spike the champion into the floor with a DDT ! Electrico breaks the twenty count and then proceeds to work on getting a groggy Dean Daniels back into the ring......... With Graveson's double count reaching 15, Electrico finally gets the champion back into the ring. Electrico goes for the cover...... One....... Two...... Thr...... Daniels gets a shoulder up just in time, enough time had elapsed on the outside for Daniels to recover just enough to get his bearings. Electrico lifts the champion back up to his feet who still looks a dead-weight, Electrico tries to lift Daniels up for the Electric Shock (Sit Out Death Valley Driver) but Daniels holds firm and then starts to come back with a flurry of elbows to the side of Electrico's head. Daniels then delivers a boot to the mid-section, scoops Electrico up, cradles the leg and drives the masked man into the mat with the RAISE THE STAKES (Cradle Piledriver) !! One..... Two..... Three Dean Daniels see's off another challenger for his People's Championship title, is tenth succesful defence since winning the title last December. Electrico has done nothing but impress in his two guest apperances, playing a huge part in helping Daniels to one of his best title defences. Even though we don't have any plans for him, Electrico like Ultimate Phoenix two years ago has not done his chances of another guest run any harm. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Dean Daniels defeated Eléctrico in 15:57 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=purple]Dean Daniels retains the FCW People's Championship title. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Da Power walks out to the ring with Carl Batch in tow and it looks like as per usual they have something to say.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ! Da champ is in Da House.[/COLOR] [I]Predictably a chorus of boos follows that statement[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Show the champ some damn respect fools[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] These ungrateful losers show me about as much respect as the idiot's who run this promotion. They've seen me destroy everyone one on one so what do they do, they put me in three way....well their plan is going to backfire when I take out two of their golden boys and then who am I left to beat.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] No one , no one at all[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Exactly because [/COLOR] [I]He pauses a bit before mockingly pulling out his old catchphrase when the fans adored him.....[/I] [COLOR=red]I HAVE THE POWER ![/COLOR] [I]The crowd let him know exactly what they think of him with chorus of boos, until they turn to cheers with the appearance of the first challenger J.D Morgan, Ultimate Phoenix then comes out to even bigger cheers from the fans.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: Undisputed Championship: [/B] [B]Da Power w/ Carl Batch vs J.D Morgan vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPowerWOV.jpg[/IMG] w [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] The match starts off as a two one handicap as Morgan and Phoenix both take shots at Power, not that the fans care, they're just loving the fact that the two challengers are just teeing off on the hated champion. Power then tries to respond with a double clothesline but both Phoenix and Morgan and duck under. Phoenix then goes for a roundhouse kick, aiming it at Power but the champion manages to sidestep out of the way, Phoenix's boot instead connecting with the jaw of JD Morgan. An incensed Morgan then comes right back with a European Uppercut (as the champ goes out for a power). The British veteran then unleashes a flurry of Europeans , before sending Phoenix into the corner. Morgan then sets up for running European but is cut off with a clothesline from Da Power. Power scoops Morgan up for a powerslam but Phoenix comes off the top rope with a missile drop-kick, but Morgan lands on top of Power and has the champion pinned..... One...... Two...... Phoenix break up the pin with a kick to the head on Morgan. Morgan is staggered as Power then gets back to his feet and nails Phoenix with a fore-arm smash, Power then delivers a clubbing blow to the back of the masked man, before delivering a power-bomb, But Morgan is back up and he rocks Power with a European Uppercut, before planting the champion into the canvas with a Hammerlock Divorce Court, leading to Morgan locking on the CROSS ATLANTIC STRETCH. Power starts to power his way up to his feet but Morgan counters that with a series of clubbing blows to the back of Power's head before pulling Power further into the middle of the ring and applying his feated submission hold once again. Power really starts to fade..... But Phoenix is back up, he springs off the ropes into a quebrada , crashing down upon J.D Morgan, forcing the former DaVE start to break the hold. Morgan however catches Phoenix in a half Nelson, and takes the masked man over with the Half Nelson suplex, but Phoenix lands on his feet and then nails Morgan with a springboard roundhouse kick, with Morgan down Phoenix heads up top, but Morgan gets back to his feet and clubs Phoenix from behind before draping the 2010 Rey De Reyes across the turnbuckle, Morgan then send Phoenix crashing first onto the canvas with the LONDON BRIDGE ! But before he can make the cover, he is clubbed from behind by Da Power, who then locks on the ATOMIC FULL NELSON. But just as it looked like Morgan was going to pass out, Ultimate Phoenix re-announced his arrival back into the match with a spring-board fore-arm smash, forcing Power to break the hold. But the momentum also caused Power to stagger back into Bret Graveson, who hit the mat like a sack of potatoes. Suddenly the rest of Wave of Violence hit the ring, Primus turned Phoenix inside out with the Rruuuuuusssshhh !! But before the rest of W.O.V could much more damage to the two challengers, Charles Rainer and Harry Allen hit the ring armed with chairs, chasing Primus and M.C Speed from the ring (though conspicuous by his absence was Nicky R!ot). However both Morgan and Phoenix were still down, as Power went over to revive Bret Graveson, before making the cover on Phoenix. One..... Two..... Thr..... Phoenix kicked out, causing the fans to errupt in celebration, that only seemed to make Power more determined though to finish the job as the champion immediately levelled Phoenix with a roaring elbow, the atomic drop followed (as the fans started a same old sh!t chant), then came the spinebuster. Power then moved in for the SAN JUAN RUSH, but J.D Morgan then levelled Power with a European Uppercut, before spiking the champion into the mat with a DDT, but before Morgan could follow up, Phoenix kipped back up and nailed Morgan with a standing drop-kick sending the British veteran tumbling through the ropes to the outside. With Morgan on the outside and Power planted to the canvas Ultimate Phoenix headed up top. However Phoenix seemed to spot something/someone in the crowd, that caused him to delay his next move...Power remained planted to the spot though and Phoenix came crashing down upon the defending champion with the Phoenix Firebird Splash. One...... Two...... Thr....... J.D Morgan clubs Phoenix from behind, HALF NELSON SUPLEX !! One...... Two...... Three !!! J.D Morgan is the NEW FCW UNDISPUTED CHAMPION !! snatching victory from the jaws of defeat and denying Ultimate Phoenix what lookd to be a certain first reign with the Twin Belts. Had Phoenix not delayed on delivering the Phoenix Firebird Splash he would have been the champion, just who or what caused Phoenix to make such a costly error ? What a match, with many fans coming away from the event saying that it was FCW's best ever. Everyone had their working boots on (Power included) in match that had the entire 1'600 plus audience in the Ricardo Montenez ball room on their edge of their seats from beginning to end. [B][COLOR=red]Result: JD Morgan defeated Da Power and Ultimate Phoenix in 17:43 when JD Morgan defeated Ultimate Phoenix by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=purple]JD Morgan wins the FCW Undisputed Championship title. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [I]J.D Morgan celebrates in the ring, with many of the fans giving him respectful applause for becoming a two time Undisputed Champion, though many are equally disappointed to see Phoenix denied once again. [/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]J.D Morgan lifts Phoenix up to his feet, and offers his hand as a sign of respect, it looks as though Phoenix nursing his head is going to refuse the handshake, briefly turning away but then turning back to shake Morgan's hand, then raising the arm of the new champion, as Da Power and Carl Batch look on in frustration at having lost the title once again and the Anniversario event to J.D Morgan.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] We follow up a superb last show at the Gynasium with an equally fantastic first show at what we hope will be our new home for the forseeable future the Ricardo Montenez Ball-room.
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[CENTER][B][U]September in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] Anniversario II was seen as a great success, as we put on a great first show in the Ricardo Montenez Ball-Room. Even though the venue is now over 50 years old, it oozes class compared to the run-down Gynasium Aguada and though it was a risk to move to the venue, we still managed to make a profit despite not selling out the venue. Once we start to fill out the 500 seats available on the upper tier (All 1'500 of the lower tier were sold out for Anniversario II) we should be able to make more money off ticket sales, at the moment because we aren't selling out the venue we are making around the same amount of profit (about $13-15'000) in a one show month (we lose back about the same amount if we run two shows) as we were with the smaller venue as despite the extra ticket sales, it is off set by the increased costs of hiring a bigger venue. But it was felt that the Anniversario event was as good a time as any to move away from the Gynasium, and we are hoping that more fans will come to the shows, in the knowledge of the fact we are now running in a bigger and better building. It was a pretty quiet month in terms of contract negotiations as we re-signed The Great Oxii, Matt Hocking and Sara Silver to new contracts. Ox is a talentless lump in the ring but he's a good backstage guy and it's why he's managed to keep a job. I see Hocking as a long term personal project and I've let him know that, especially as if Senor Lopez totally had things his way Hocking would have been gone last year (for not being tough enough)....Hocking did respond to that by toughening up. But he's someone that will be getting the slow build treatment, starting off in the tag divison before we pull the trigger on an eventual singles push. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Rival Promotion Watch[/U][/B][/CENTER] 4C's Demolition Derby event was up to their usual C Rated standard with Philip LaGrenier making a C Rated defence of the 4C Championship against Young Leo in the main event, but it was overshadowed by C+ matches that saw Joey Poison defeat Nate Johnson and Greg Black beat Shane Nelson. CZCW returned to their best form with the B- rated Reach for the Sky event, headlined by a B- rated 3-way match for the Coastal Zone Championship between Harry Allen, Ultimate Phoenix and Bart Biggz that ended in a 30 minute time limit draw, but that was outshone by a tremendous B rated Tag match in the semi main event which saw Whippy the Clown and James Hernandez get the better of Matt Sparrow and Fox Mask. Bart Biggz was involved in another championship match this month but as with CZCW could only draw with his opponent as neither himself nor Steve Flash were able to claim the vacant Mid Atlantic Championship in a C+ rated main event, that was equallly matches by C+ matches between James Hernandez and Shady K and Mean Jean Cattley and The Sensational Singh, that coupled with an uninspiring first half of the show resulted in an overall C rating for their Face The Hangman event. NYCW's In and Out event was headlined by a C+ rated special attraction tag match that saw the Island Boys of Rhino Umaga and Malili Umaga (better known as Akima Brave) defeat the duo of Rick Sanders and Jean 'The Mean Machine' Cattley, whilst Steve Flash retained his Empire title in a C+ rated match against Kid Toma, resulting in an overall C+ rating for the event that was seen as a slight improvment over recent offerings. PSW continue to stink it up as their D+ rated Deadlock event saw Johnny Martin retain the PSW Championship against The Wolverine in an uninspiring D+ rated main event and JD Morgan and Teddy Powell phoned it in, in a D rated semi main event. Match of the night was actually a C- rated defence of the National Title by Tank Bradley against Nicky R!ot who had come over in the trade for Teddy Powell. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]September News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] RIPW the development territory for the SWF that has been the breeding ground for the kikes of Nevada Nuclear, Valiant and Paul Huntingdon amongst others has now been officially recognised as a Regional promotion. [B]Worker Signings[/B] CZCW bolster their roster with the additions of former SWF talent Andre Jones, FCW's Primus Allen and former PSW youngster Nelson Callum. Bart Biggz also signed on for one appearance before signing a new written contract with the SWF. EXODUS 2010 snap up JOJI the dreadlocked haired protege of Eagle Kawsawa. BHOTWG have stolen Mohammed El Yaagoudi away from INSPIRE, placing him under development with Hinote Dojo. Hinote Dojo also add former WLW talent Beetle Kimura and youngster Toju Munkata on PPA deals. INSPIRE sign up a glut of gaijin talent for their upcoming autumn tour that includes SWF's Kid Toma, lucha star Soul Taker, Rhino Umaga and hotly tipped youngster K.C Glenn. Whilst Stuart Ferdinand Sotatsu Sarumara sign PPA deals with the shoot-fight influenced promotion. MAW add Billy Russell, Mick Muscles and Dazzling Dave Diamond to their roster. Former champion Joss Thompson returns to MOSC, the american born star is now working for all three UK based promotions. Stevie Stoat is another UK wrestler going back to his roots, as he rejoins ROF. SAISHO add veteran Tornado Nagai on a PPA deal James 'Mainstream' Hernandez best known for his spells in MAW and his runi n FCW has signed up with USPW. WLW sign the usual suspects for their next tour Antono Maxi Marquez, Extraordinario Jr, Mr Lucha III and Nathaniel Ca$ino (why don't they just sign them on written deals, as it's near enough impossible to get these guys during the off season as once they sign the tourning contract, you can't sign them) and Dean Daniels returns to WLW on a PPA deal. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extend the contracts of Philip Cooper, Mister King, Nightmare and announcer Steve Smith. 4C extend the contracts of Shane Nelson and Young Leo (Trent Shaffer) A busy month of negotiations for 5SSW as the resign a dozen roster members to new contracts, amongst those are current world champion Fuyuko Higa, Kit Hatoyama, Dragon Assassin and Joanne Rodriguez. AAA extend contracts of Kate Lilly, commentator Jim Lou Freebush, backstage reporter Sue Danes and road agent Marcus McKing. APW extend the contracts of New Zealand Pitbull, Switchblade, Vaughan, announcer Mitch Y.Bryson and authority figure Nigel Darling. BHOTWG secure young lion Taro Shionoya to a written contract and Eisaku Hoshino continues to extend his lucrative PPA deal. BSC extend the contract of long time roster mainstay Kathy Neptune. CGC extend the contracts of Bobby Thomas, Nate Johnson, Trent Shaffer, Nathan Black and referee Coach Norman. CZCW were busy as they secured Matt Sparrow, Snap Dragon, Hollywood Brett Starr, Whippy The Clown, The American Flash, referee Pee Wee Germaine and valet Little Miss Sunshine to new PPA deals. EWA extend the contract of manager Stetson Hatt Burning TakaSh!ta rolls on his short-term PPA deal with GCG for another three months and does the same with INSPIRE Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deal of announcer Danjuro Komatsu MAW extend the contract of Nathan Coleman MPWF extend the contracts of Electrico, Luchador Original, Asiatico, Daniel Cano, Heavy Metal Anarchy and commentator Carlos Moreno. NOTBPW secure Omar Brown and womens division mainstay Melody Cuthill to new written contracts NYCW extend the contracts of Rhino Umaga and referee Michael 'No BS' Bull. OLLIE extend the contracts of Gino Montero, Asesino Del Hacha, Championa Jr, La Sombra Jr, Hijo Del Relampago and referee Domingo Castillo. PGHW secure prospect Goemon Komiya to a new written contract. PSW extend the contract of Primal Rage. RIPW extend the contracts of champion Kirk Jameson and Jim Force who will be telling everyone to buy his merchandise. ROF extend the contracts of Merle O'Curle, Eric Future, Martin Heath and announcer Justin Blackham. SAISHO sign Simon Flemmingway to a new PPA contract SOTBPW extend the contracts of El Hijo Del Zonk, El Diamante Azul, Lobo Blanco and Tje Cannoball Kid (remember when he worked in FCW as Samuel ?) SWF secure Remo Richardson, Bart Biggz and John Greed to new written contracts, whilst Eric Tyler signs a new PPA deal. UEW extend the contracts of Inky The Squid Boy, Jamie Anderson, Otto Hammerschmidt and announcer Matthew Morris. USPW extend the contracts of Java, The Bandit (Randall Hopkirk), Assassin # 2 (Ernie Turner) and Wanda Fish. Manager Shiroshima Ezakiya signs up exclusively to WLW on a written deal, and Eisaku Hoshino also sees his rolling PPA deal extended with WLW. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Gorgon has departed from 5SSW, rumour has it that 5SSW management feel that she disgraced herself by signing up with T&A promotion BSC. Vance Sturt departs from APW, and as they're the only game in town Australia, it probably wasn't of his choice. Joe Gilbert does not have his contract renewed by CGC and many are tipping twin brother Jesse to follow him out of the promotion. James 'Mainstream' Hernandez finishes up with CZCW after signing for USPW and deciding to also concentrate on his commitments to FCW and MAW. Marc Speed also departs, after his contract is not renewed, it was felt that his time in CZCW had run it's course and Jake Idol is let go as a cost cutting measure. [B]INSPIRE release veteran Hajime Sugisata.[/B] Bart Biggz departs from MAW after signing a written contract with SWF, and Buldozer Brandon Smith who was also working as The Masked Patriot also departs (that came as a bit of blow and Smith was on half of the tag champs) , whilst Ricky Douglas fails to see his contract renewed. Geordie Jimmy Morris is let go by MOSC. Dean Waldord has departed from PSW, after the failed to agree a new contract with the struggling Tri State based promotion. Dean Daniels departs from SAISHO, after signing a PPA deal with WLW. Primus Allen leaves USPW (where he was horribly misused, despite his potential to be a break out star for that promotion) as does Big Smack Scott who returns to SWF on an exclusive basis. [B]Injuries[/B] GCG were dealt a blow when Yasuhide Tayama Shattered his Knee in a match where he was challenging for the Tag Titles along side long term tag partner Shotaro Ikina. The injury has been examined to be bad enough to keep him out for other a year. Suffering a worse case of misfortune is 5SSW's Huntress Makiko who broke her neck in what should of been a run of the mill six women tag match, after a botched suplex from Megumi Nakajima. Nakaijma is thought to be distraught about causing an injury that could well force Makiko to retire from active in ring competition. [B]Retirements[/B] Despite recently signing a new contract with 5SSW, Kit Hatoyama hung up her wrestling boots at the end of the month. Considered to be amongst the best women's wrestlers never to have held the 5SSW World Title, Hitoyama went out on a high note with a win over Chitose Ariwara. [B]Lets Call It Love[/B] It appears that Joseph Loeb (better known as PSW's Lazy Joe) has managed to win the heart of Nicole Kiss, yes you did read that right the same Nicole Kiss who only last month took it all off for a centrefold spread in Renthouse magazine. Nicole Kiss has also been getting friendly with Doc Messing, but Joe needn't worry as Doc is more likely to eye up the wrestlers themselvs than Nicole. [B]And Finally....[/B] European wrestling circuit jobber Evil Henchman #2 (real name: Wayne Keane) has been jailed for Six months after being convicted for assault. The down on his luck wrestler, randomnly started a pub brawl after having a few too many to drink and put one of his fellow punters in the hospital, who unfortunately for Mr Keane decide to press charges. [B]Title Changes[/B] Devil Karube teamed up with Shiori Jippenensha to claim the 5SSW Tag Team Championship from June Butler and Chitose Ariwara. But Butler gained revenge when she took the All Asian Title from Jippensha. Lanny Williams regained the APW Australian Title from New Zealand Pitbull to become a two time champion. Sister Beth Mercy ended the near year long Queen of the Ring title reign of Alison Capone to become a two time champion. Brandon Smith made an instant impact in BHOTWG winning the Openweight Championship from Ninja Shunji in his debut match for the Japanese giants. The Awesome Kiyaru won the Junior Championship for a fifth time ending the reign of Black Cobra (Duane Stone) and VENOM and Reijiro Hiraki claimed the Junior Tag Team Titles, as Ninja Shunji lost both the titles he was holding in the same month. Ricky DeColt became CGC World Champion for a third time ending the 10 month reign of Bobby Thomas, and Damian Carvill became the Canadian Champion, ending Trent Shaffers 5 month reign. Hypnos defeated Tasuku Shinozuoka to become the new Golden Crown champion in Exodus 2010. The MAW were left vacated following the departure of Brandon Smith and after Hell's Bouncer did the same thing last month, and the Mid Atlantic Championship remained vacated as the SWF bound Bart Biggz and Steve Flash fought to a double count out draw. Bruce The Giant won the NOTBPW Canadian Title for the first time, ending the half year long reign of Jeremy Stone. Bruce has now won major titles in the U.S, Japan and now Canada. El Critico regained the Campeon de Universal in OLLIE from Phoenix I to become a two time champion and Tigre Salvaje Jr ended the nine month reign of Asesino De La Espada to win the Campeon de Mexico title. The Destiny Tag Titles in SAISHO have been left vacant yet again following the departure of yet another incumbent of the title, with Dean Daniels deciding to leave SAISHO this time. The Bandit won the Television title in USPW, in a controversial/farcical match that saw Giant Redwood lay down for his tag partner following a finger poke to the chest. Somehow USPW is the third most popular promotion in the US with this sort of wrestlecrap.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;542803]Rough month for MAW - what's Jean thinking? And a very nice show indeed. Good to see JD getting some love, and the result was a major shock. Now all we need is a Phoenix turn... :cool:[/QUOTE] What would ever make you think that Phoenix is going to make a heel turn? ;)
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[CENTER][B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Delorean Driver.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] J.D Morgan was crowned the Undisputed Champion at FCW's awesome Anniversario II event as he regained the belt from Da Power, in an incredible 3-way with Rey De Reyes winner Ultimate Phoenix. Now Morgan will defend the title against Phoenix, who was only seconds away from his first reign Undisputed Title reign in what will be the main event of Sa Gana El Respecto, to take place at the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom in San Juan on Tuesday 5th October. Can Phoenix repeat his success over Morgan at Rey De Reyes or will the British veteran embark on another impressive title reign ? Former champion Da Power is said to be livid, that he is not getting the first title shot, as he was not the one who was pinned for the title. Da Power has said he will be at the show to 'address the morons about this injustice'. Another man looking to earn a title shot is PSW's Teddy Powell, who now feels he deserves on after proving he has what it takes to be a success on this 'stinking island' . Thing his win last month came against Jared Johnson, and no disrespect to the talented youngster but Johnson is a long way off from being Undisputed Title material. So the FCW officials have told the arrogant Powell, that he must beat one of FCW's best to earn a shot at the Twin Belt, with Angel De Mexico chosen as his opponent. There will also be a champion vs champion match as one half of the Tag Team champions Nicky R!ot challenges Dean Daniels for the Peoples Championship. R!ot's relationship with his tag partner Harry Allen has looked to be on shaky ground since the Rey De Reyes match, but perhaps focusing of adding the People's Championship will refocus R!ot, though that will be easier said than done as he goes up against the most dominant People's champion in FCW history. Meanwhile R!ot's UNITY stable mates Harry Allen & Charles Rainier will be in tag team action as they take on Seriously Funny (the odd couple of Eddie Howard & The Great Oxii) in a non title match. Whilst two of FCW's most prominent tag teams The Heat Magnets and Wave of Violence will take on one another in a series of singles matches as Arthur Dexter Bradley takes on Primus and Matt Hocking goes up against M.C Speed. Rounding out the show Bradford Peverall goes one on one with Jared Johnson and there will be more tag team action as Animal Magic take on the Messiah's Circus duo of Leper Messiah & Soul Krusher. The bonus pre-show match will be a 4 corner survival featuring D.C Rayne, Island Boy Apollo, Joe Benning and Leftie Wilkes. Here is a full run -down of the card for Sa Gana El Respecto [CENTER][B][U]FCW Sa Gana El Respecto[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Tuesday 5th October 2010 at Ricardo Montenez Ballroom in San Juan, Puerto Rico[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] J.D Morgan vs Ultimate Phoenix[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]People's Championship:[/B] Dean Daniels vs [SIZE=1]'Representing UNITY'[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Tag Team Champion-[/SIZE] Nicky R!ot[/CENTER] [CENTER]Angel De Mexico vs [SIZE=1]'From PSW'[/SIZE] Teddy Powell[/CENTER] [CENTER]Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) vs The Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & Soul Krusher)[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing Heat Magnets'[/SIZE] Arthur Dexter Bradley vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] Primus[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing Heat Magnets'[/SIZE] Matt Hocking vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] M.C Speed[/CENTER] [CENTER]UNITY (Charles Rainier & Harry Allen) vs Seriously Funny (Eddie Howard & The Great Oxii)[/CENTER] [CENTER]Bradford Peverall vs Jared Johnson[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][FONT=Courier New]Bonus Pre-Show Match:[/FONT][/B] [SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]D.C Rayne vs Island Boy Apollo vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]________________________________________________[/SIZE][/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][COLOR=purple]Predictions Form:[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][U][COLOR=purple]Sa Gana El Respecto[/COLOR][/U][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] J.D Morgan vs Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][COLOR=purple][B]People's Championship:[/B] Dean Daniels vs Nicky R!ot[/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][COLOR=purple]Angel De Mexico vs Teddy Powell[/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][COLOR=purple]Animal Magic vs Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Krusher)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][COLOR=purple]ADB vs Primus[/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][COLOR=purple]Matt Hocking vs M.C Speed[/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][COLOR=purple]UNITY (Allen & Rainier) vs Seriously Funny[/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][COLOR=purple]Bradford Peverall vs Jared Johnson[/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][COLOR=purple][B]4CS:[/B] [SIZE=2]D.C Rayne vs Island Boy Apollo vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [/SIZE][/quote]
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Undisputed Championship: [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix People's Championship: Dean Daniels vs [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] [B] Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Teddy Powell Animal Magic vs [B]Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Krusher) [/B] ADB vs [B]Primus[/B] [B]Matt Hocking[/B] vs M.C Speed [B] UNITY (Allen & Rainier)[/B] vs Seriously Funny [B]Bradford Peverall [/B]vs Jared Johnson 4CS: D.C Rayne vs [B]Island Boy Apollo[/B] vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes
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Sa Gana El Respecto Undisputed Championship: [b]J.D Morgan[/b] vs Ultimate Phoenix [i]Let's face it, he's not likely to lose it on his first defence[/i] People's Championship: [b]Dean Daniels[/b] vs Nicky R!ot [i]I think Daniels will retain again.[/i] [b]Angel De Mexico[/b] vs Teddy Powell [i]Powell has done pretty well in his few matches but I don't see him beating Angel[/i] [b]Animal Magic[/b] vs Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Krusher) [i]Neither team really seems to have much momentum going at the moment, so I'll go with the two who probably have a more long-term future[/i] ADB vs [b]Primus[/b] [b]Matt Hocking[/b] vs M.C Speed [b]UNITY (Allen & Rainier)[/b] vs Seriously Funny [b]Bradford Peverall[/b] vs Jared Johnson 4CS: [b]D.C Rayne[/b] vs Island Boy Apollo vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes
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Sa Gana El Respecto Undisputed Championship: [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Nicky R!ot Angel De Mexico vs [B]Teddy Powell[/B] Animal Magic vs [B]Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Krusher)[/B] ADB vs [B]Primus[/B] [B]Matt Hocking[/B] vs M.C Speed [B]UNITY (Allen & Rainier)[/B] vs Seriously Funny [B] Bradford Peverall[/B] vs Jared Johnson 4CS: [B]D.C Rayne[/B] vs Island Boy Apollo vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes
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Undisputed Championship: J.D Morgan vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] - Someone has to pick him, and it'd make for a heck of a storyline... People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Nicky R!ot Angel De Mexico vs [B]Teddy Powell[/B] [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Krusher) ADB vs [B]Primus[/B] [B]Matt Hocking[/B] vs M.C Speed [B]UNITY[/B] (Allen & Rainier) vs Seriously Funny [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs Jared Johnson 4CS: [B]D.C Rayne[/B] vs Island Boy Apollo vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes - Wow, battle of the jobbers? I'll be amazed if this scores above an E-
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[B]Sa Gana El Respecto[/B] [B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] J.D Morgan vs Ultimate Phoenix Double DQ/Stoppage, something like that when Power comes to interfere. [B]People's Championship:[/B] Dean Daniels vs[B] Nicky R!ot[/B] It's time. [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Teddy Powell [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Krusher) ADB vs [B]Primus[/B] [B]Matt Hocking[/B] vs M.C Speed [B]UNITY (Allen & Rainier)[/B] vs Seriously Funny [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs Jared Johnson [B]4CS: D.C Rayne[/B] vs Island Boy Apollo vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes
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I'll be honest: I haven't been reading and, frankly, there's so much of it I probably won't bother to read everything that you've written so far. But I have skimmed a few shows and everything looks good. I'm trying to read more dynasties these days, so I might as well read one of the most popular. With that said: Undisputed Championship: [b]J.D Morgan[/b] vs Ultimate Phoenix People's Championship: [b]Dean Daniels[/b] vs Nicky R!ot Angel De Mexico vs [b]Teddy Powell[/b] [b]Animal Magic[/b] vs Messiah's Circus ADB vs [b]Primus[/b] Matt Hocking vs [b]M.C Speed[/b] [b]UNITY[/b] vs Seriously Funny [b]Bradford Peverall[/b] vs Jared Johnson 4CS: [b]D.C Rayne[/b] vs Island Boy Apollo vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes
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Sa Gana El Respecto Undisputed Championship: J.D Morgan vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Nicky R!ot [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Teddy Powell Animal Magic vs [B]Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Krusher)[/B] ADB vs [B]Primus[/B] Matt Hocking vs [B]M.C Speed[/B] [B]UNITY (Allen & Rainier)[/B] vs Seriously Funny [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs Jared Johnson 4CS: [B]D.C Rayne[/B] vs Island Boy Apollo vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B][U]FCW Se Gana El Respecto[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Tuesday October 5th 2010[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [CENTER]Ricardo Montenez Ball Room, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'645)[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B][SIZE=2] & [/SIZE][/B][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/I][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre- Show[/U][/B] [B]Match #1: Mystery Masked Guy vs Jeremiah Moose[/B] An unexpected unadvertised bonus match for the live crowd, as Jeremiah Moose took on a mystery masked guy, which incidently looked like the same mystery guy that distracted Ultimate Phoenix. This was a good extended squash/showcase for the mystery man, and there was more Phoenix significance when MMG put away Moose with the Phoenix Firebird Splash. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Phoenix Negra defeated Jeremiah Moose in 6:10 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Match #2: 4CS: D.C Rayne vs Island Boy Apollo vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes[/B][/LEFT] This battle of the jobbers 4-way was kept mercifully short, so it was better than expected, had it got longer than four and a half minutes it ran for, then the fans would have been heading for the rice and beans (mind you most of them actually did). Shock result too as Leftie Wilkes picks up his first win with a Boston Whiplash (Front Flip Neckbreaker) on D.C Rayne. It's a shock in itself that Wilkes got to use his finisher and by jobbing to Wilkes, it shouldn't be too hard to work out where D.C Rayne's future lies. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Leftie Wilkes defeated Island Boy Apollo, Joe Benning and D.C. Rayne in 4:34 when Leftie Wilkes defeated D.C. Rayne by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]_[/B]______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Lisa Bowen does her usual schtik before show officially gets under way. As I said last time out, it gives the horny males a lift, who may have fallen asleep during the pre-show jobber matches.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B] [B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]Da Power flanked by Carl Batch makes his way down to the ring to a chorus of boos from the fans in the Ricardo Montenez Ball-room. Da Power looks far from happy as he enters the ring[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Apart from the fact I was screwed out of MY title, the damn fools that run this company, seem to think that masked idiot Phoenix deserves the next title shot. I was the damn champion for 8 months, I should be getting my re-match ![/COLOR] [I]At this point J.D Morgan appears on the entrance ramp, to a relatively good pop from the crowd (some of them aren't completely sold on him being a babyface)[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] Calm down Sunshine, I'm sure you'll get a chance at this belt someone down the road, but to be honest I'm getting a bit bored of beating you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Da Champ can beat you anytime[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan[/B]: Da Champ ?! It might not have occured to you Mr Batch that I hold the belt, so what you're saying is that I can beat that thick lump sulking round the ring, anytime.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] OK very clever Morgan but I should be getting that title shot[/COLOR]. [I]Suddenly Ultimate Phoenix appears amongst the crowd with a microphone.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] Power I believe you have tried and failed to beat our British friend on several occasions, but I you see have recently beaten him in the Rey De Reyes.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Yeah so what masked fool you beat Morgan in some insignificant tournament.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] Be in denial all you want Power and you can say you were screwed out of the title all you like but I had you beat, and then Morgan stole the glory away from me. It is I who should be complaining about being screwed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan[/B]: Don't know about you being screwed Phoenix, perhaps you were just beaten by the better man. [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] Perhaps so, but the score shall be settled tonight.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Da Power:[/B] Who cares, that still doesnt answer why, I da real champ ain't gettin' my good damn re-match.[/COLOR] [I]At this point 'Crippler' Ray Kingman comes out.[/I] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Ray Kingman:[/B] That's because Mr Power you forgot to demand an automatic re-match, perhaps a case of your arrogance getting the better of you ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] What ?![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Ray Kingman:[/B] You heard me, you never demanded an automatic re-match.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] He's lyin' champ, he tryin' to screw with us man [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] You may be big Power, but you sure ain't clever[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Shut up your limey prick ![/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] Bit tetchy aren't we[/COLOR] ? [I]Da Power is seen seething with rage, Carl Batch calms him down, before Power turns his attention back to Ray Kingman [/I] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] OK Old man , I'm fed up with you and your chronies little games, I want my god damn re-match.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Ray Kingman:[/B] No re-match, because YOU didn't sign or rather[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Signature or not, I deserve the title shot, I'm the most worthy. Those are MY Belts and you know it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Ray Kingman:[/B] OK then if you're so worthy, at our next event you will face whoever loses the title match between Mr Morgan and Mr Phoenix, then you will really have earned your title shot.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Da Champ doesn't have to earn anything fool.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Ray Kingman:[/B] All I can say is that accept what's on offer, or kiss your chances of another title shot good bye. All it takes Mr Power is a bit of co-operation.[/COLOR] [I]Da Power and Carl Batch then drop their microphones in disgust, and walk back up the ramp, Power staring a hole in both J.D Morgan and Ray Kingman, as Ultimate Phoenix looks on from his position amongst the crowd. Interestingly though the mystery masked man is seen watching the events unfold from a different position in the crowd. Phoenix appears to lay eyes on him, before the mystery man suddenly disappears.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) vs [/B] [B]Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & Soul Krusher)[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyJackSheareralt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Animal Magic used their speed and flying ability to keep their considerably larger opponents off guard at the start of the match, but the combination of the Messiah's Circus considerable size advantage and the emergence of Inky the Squid Boy to cause distractions came into play. The former tag champs then went for the Gutwrench Lankyplex but Cougar managed to flip back onto his feet and nail a double drop-kick on both Circus members before getting the tag into Fox Mask who planted Soul Krusher into the mat with a Tornado DDT. Leper Messiah then seemed to grab Fox Mask for The Prophecy but the diminutive high flier slipped out and staggered Leper with an Enziguri. Inky the Squid Boy seeing that his team were in trouble then got up on the apron and tried to take Fox Mask down with a springboard version of the Inky Splot but Fox Mask was able to move out of the way and Inky ended up colliding with Leper Messiah. Referee Bret Graveson ignored the inteference as Soul Krusher then clubbed Fox Mask from behind only for Masked Cougar to knock the big man down with a High Rise Cougar Pounce. Krusher then staggered back to his feet but Animal Magic followed up immediately with The Last Hunt (Double Enziguri's) to pick up what could be considered a slight upset, given the size of their opponents. Decent enough for what it was, what it lacked in logic, it made up for in the energy provided by Animal Magic. If anything it recements Animal Magic's Tag Title credentials whilst this looks to be the beginning of the end for the Messiah's Circus. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Animal Magic defeated Messiahs Circus in 6:45 when Fox Mask defeated Soul Krusher by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Bradford Peverall w/ Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Jared Johnson[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandon_alt4.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JaredJohnson.jpg[/IMG][/B][/B][/CENTER] Peverall gained the early advantage jumping on the youngster early with a flurry of uppercuts, with Johnson reeling Peverall then set up for the Totally Totalled, but double J was playing possum as he slipped out and planted Peverall into the mat with a Side Russian Leg-sweep before dropping down an applying the CAROLINA CROSSFACE ! Peverall managed to make it over to the ropes, but Johnson kept the pressure on as he caught Peverall with a jawbreaker, before taking Peverall down with a drop toe hold. Peverall staggered back up to his feet and was nailed with a drop-kick from Johnson, that sent Peverall stumbling into the corner. Johnson then followed with a flying double knee attack before spiking Peverall into the mat with a DDT. Peverall managed to save himself by getting a foot on the ropes before rolling out of the ring for a Powder. Johnson then stepped out of the ring to keep the pressure on, Peverall then pull out some brass knucksf from his trousers which caught the attention of Brett Graveson and with the referee distracted Bulldozer Brandon Smith clubbed Jared Johnson from behind before dropping the youngster onto the floor with a Backdrop Driver. BBS then pitched Johnson into the ring as Peverall discarded of the brass knucks, pleading to Brett Graveson that he wasn't going to use them and with Johnson lying on the mat Peverall made the cover. Johnson managed to kick out much to the frustration of Peverall but any chance of a comeback from the youngster was short lived as Peverall drilled him with the Rock Hard Uppercut to put Johnson down for three. A short but very well put together match. At this stage I'm pushing Johnson as a blue chipper youngster who puts in a good showing but ultimately gets out-smarted by the heels. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Bradford Peverell defeated Jared Johnson in 5:41 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]The camera's pan backstage where Wave of Violence are getting ready for their matches.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch[/B]: Wave of Violence may be down, but we most definately ain't out. It's time for the top dawgs rounds here to make a statement again.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power[/B]: Besides I don't want to be associated with those who can't get the job done.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] No need to doubt champ.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] I do doubt them. Because in the not too distance past these two here weren't good enough to take care of those damn jabronis the Heat Magnets.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkolivegreen][B]M.C Speed:[/B] Because we were screwed , just like you were last month Power.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] You're comparing the injustice that happened to me last month, to you failing to beat the damn Heat Magnets.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkolivegreen][B]M.C Speed:[/B] I wasn't doing any of the sort, I was just saying we both got screwed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] But losing to the Heat Magnets, damn disgrace, that ain't W.O.V domination.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Primus:[/B] Since when were you boss round here Power ? Because if I seem to remember rightly you joined us, we didn't join you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Is there no damn respect anymore, do you know who you're talking to ? [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Lets chill, I'm sure Primus didn't mean what he said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Primus:[/B] Did I not ? Just fed up with Power here being the big I am, if he was still champ, then I might take his words to heart, but I don't see him carrying much bling around with him, Do you ?[/COLOR] [I]It looks like Power and Primus are about to come to blows, but Batch and Speed manage to pull them apart before the come to blows.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Primus w/ Carl Batch[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ArthurDexterBradley.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen_WOV31.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/ [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Primus seething from his argument with Da Power rushes the ring and pounds ADB into the mat. A quick cover leads to a two count, before Primus lifts the Heat Magnet up and pounds away some more, before delivering a power bomb. ADB kicks out much to the frustration of the W.O.V man who then, whips ADB into the ropes and sets up for the Rrruuussshhh!!! but ADB counters with a drop-kick, the impact snapping Primus head back. ADB is too worn down from Primus relentless onslaught at the beginning to take advantage. Both stagger up to their feet and Primus re-takes controls with some clubbing blows, he lifts ADB up for another powerbomb but the Heat Magnet counters into a victory roll. Primus kicks out but ADB puts the big man back down with a knee-drive, before following up with a senton. Primus powers his way out of the pin attempt and then puts ADB down with a lariat, ADB gets back up but staggers right into a release belly to belly suplex. Primus decides against going for the cover and lifts ADB up onto his shoulder for the Power Plant but the Heat Magnet manages to slide off and then rock Primus with an Enziguri, before planting the W.O.V man into the mat with a bull-dog. ADB then goes up top but Primus staggers back up to his feet, only for ADB to put him back down with a missile drop-kick. ADB heads back up top but Carl Batch gets up on the apron, ADB shrugs Batch off but the distraction is enough for Primus to climb up to the turnbuckle. Primus attempts to bring ADB in with a superplex but ADB manages to shove the W.O.V man off but Primus comes back again and this time sends both of them crashing back into the ring with a superplex. The subsequent cover from Primus is weak (more out of exhaustion than arrogance) allowing ADB to kick out. They both stagger up to their feet, a lariat from Primus gives the big man the advantage, who then whips ADB into the ropes before colliding with the Heat Magnet with the Rrruuuussshhhh !!! Primus goes over to make the cover but ADB saves himself by putting his feet on the ropes. An announcement is then made that there is under a minute left until the time limit expires. Primus picks up ADB, and attempts to whip the Heat Magnet into the ropes but comes up against alot of resistance, so he changes tactic, delivering some clubbing blows to the back and then planting ADB onto the mat with a Powerbomb....... ADB somehow manages to kick out, Primus remains in control scooping ADB up and the driving the Heat Magnet onto the canvas with the Power Plant. Primus goes for the cover....... One....... Two....... Ring ring ring The Ten Time Limit has run out, just as Primus had ADB pinned for what looked to be an inevitable three count. The good chemistry between these two throughout was noticeable and that really lifted what was on paper a mid-card filler match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Arthur Dexter Bradley drew with Primus in 10:00 when the time limit expired. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Frustrated at being able to put ADB away Primus looks to continue the punishment post match but Matt Hocking comes out armed with a baseball bat to chase Primus off. Why Primus would run away from Matt Hocking (even if Hocking did have a weapon) is a little hard to comprehend.[/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Matt Hocking vs M.C Speed w/ Carl Batch[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHocking.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-WoV.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] M.C Speed slides into the ring and clubs Matt Hocking from behind , Hocking drops the bat but the referee calls for the bell before Speed can use the bat as a weapon. Speed immediately sets up for the W.O.V Spike but Hocking manages to slip out and starts to fire back with a series of fore-arm smashes. Speed stops the comeback with an eye gouge and then takes Hocking down with a single leg takedown, the W.O.V man then goes for the heel hook but Hocking manages to turn onto his back and kick Speed off. Speed then stumbles into a jawbreaker from Hocking, who then takes Speed off his feet with a baseball slide. Speed staggers back up to his feet and is then planted back onto the mat with a fisherman suplex. That earns Hocking a two count who then heads up top, Speed gets up to his feet though and stuns Hocking with a palm strike before attempting to bring Hocking crashing back in with an iconoclasm but Hocking blocks that counters into the SHOCK DROP ! (Inverted Facelock Tornado DDT) Hocking goes for the cover but then Da Power enters the ring picks up the same baseball bat that Hocking brought to the ring and smashed it over Hocking's back, leaving Brett Graveson with no choice but to call for the DQ. A very short match, but the action that was there was pretty good. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Matt Hocking defeated M.C Speed in 2:59 when M.C Speed was disqualified when Da Power ran in and attacked Matt Hocking. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]Da Power continues his assault on Matt Hocking, delivering the four moves of doom, as the former champ takes his frustrations out by destroying the Heat Magnet before leaving the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]The camera's then manage to pick up a heated discussion amongst the members of UNITY.[/I] [COLOR=indigo][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] It's not me who has the problem, it's you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Harry Allen:[/B] I'm not the one who walked out of our match at Anniversario.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] I was taken out.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Harry Allen:[/B] Ok I believe you, but thousands wouldn't[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] What's that supposed to mean[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] Hey guys, this squabbling is getting you nowhere...come on we're UNITY. You both had a shot of singles gold and went it to your heads.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] Went to my head ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Harry Allen:[/B] Yeah it did Nicky.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier[/B]: And it did yours too Harry. [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Harry Allen[/B]: But.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] I don't want to hear any more, what's done is done. You've seen that cracks are starting to appear in W.O.V, do we want to go the same way....with the tag titles in our grasps and Nicky going after the People's belt tonight we have a chance to become the premier group in FCW[/COLOR]. [COLOR=blue][B]Harry Allen:[/B] Yeah and why the hell is Nicky getting that title shot and not me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] Because the powers that be, think I'm more capable of beating Dean for it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] Oh please, this one upmanship between you too, it's not healthy.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Harry Allen:[/B] But he started it.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier[/B]: I don't care who started it, I just want you to get behind Nicky tonight and when he brings home that People's Title...he'll he doing it for all of us isn't that right Nicky.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Nicky R!ot[/B]: Sure Charles, doing it for UNITY as always.[/COLOR] [I]But R!ot sounds unconvincing in that he's doing it for UNITY as opposed to just himself, as the camera pans away from the conversation.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #5: People's Championship: [/B] [B]Dean Daniels w/ Lisa Bowen vs Nicky R!ot[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] The match starts with a slow pace with Daniels and R!ot feeling each other out. R!ot begins to overpower Daniels, so the champion begins to fire back with strikes, following a rope break but the UNITY man drops Daniels with a clothesline. Daniels gets up and staggers into another clotheslines for a two count. R!ot now in complete control lifts Daniels up into a vertical suplex, holding the champion up for half a minute before sending Daniels crashing back onto the mat. That earns R!ot another two count, but before he can follow up Lisa Bowen gets up onto the apron, which distracts the Tag Champion, allowing Daniels to sneak in a low from behind. Daniels then plants R!ot into the mat with a DDT, before turning the UNITY man over into a Boston Crab. R!ot starts to make it to the ropes, but Daniels pulls him back, releases the hold and just stomps away on the back and neck of R!ot. Daniels then lifts up a limp R!ot, and tries to set up for the Raise The Stakes but R!ot drops to one knee, blocking the attempt, Daniels tries again but R!ot manages to shoot the champion off into the ropes, before launching the champion overhead with a back body drop. Daniels staggers back up to his feet, R!OT catches Daniels with a fore-arm smash and then plants Daniels onto the canvas with a Powerslam. That earns R!ot a two count, who then lifts Daniels up, whipping the champion into the corner. R!ot then rushes towards the corner but Daniels moves out of the way, only for R!ot to hop up onto the second turnbuckle and come crashing down upon Daniels with a flying double axe handle. A dazed Daniels then staggers into the 'CHARLES PETERSON' ! (Exploder Suplex)....... One...... Two..... But Brett Graveson is distracted by a commotion on the outside involving Lisa Bowen and R!ot's UNITY stable mate Harry Allen. R!ot realising that no one is making the pin gets up but is then nailed from behind by Dean Daniels, who then clotheslines R!ot over the top-rope. Daniels goes out to follow up but is dumped with a clothesline from R!ot, who then starts to argue with Harry Allen, blaming Allen that he just cost him victory, Allen pleads innocence saying that Bowen was about to interfere. Meanwhile Graveson's making a twenty count on both Daniels and R!ot. R!ot finally turns his attention back to Daniels but the champion manages to knee R!ot in the groin, Daniels then DDT's R!ot onto the floor...the count is now at 16, Daniels thinks about rolling back into the ring but then manages to lifts a dazed R!ot up for the RAISE THE STAKES ! (Cradle Piledriver)........ Graveson counts 19......... Daniels rolls into the ring........ But R!OT has been counted out. Dean Daniels retains the People's Championship by count out. They tried something a bit different here with the count out victory, but ultimately it felt a bit forced and led to a bit of a disjointed match. It was still decent and at times R!ot looked like he could be the one to end Daniels run with the belt, but there was the feeling throughout that the match could have been better. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Dean Daniels defeated Nicky R!ot in 10:51 by count out. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Dean Daniels retains the FCW People's Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [B]Match #6: UNITY (Harry Allen & Charles Rainier) vs [/B] [B]Seriously Funny (Eddie Howard & The Great Oxii)[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG][B] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesAvatar.jpg[/IMG][/B][/B] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OxKreviazuk_alt31.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Despite the considerable size advantage of Seriously Funny, they couldn't handle the quickness and slickness of the UNITY pairing of myself and Harry Allen, as we put this match to bed in about four minutes, when Harry Allen pinned The Great Oxii with a Flying Fist Drop, following a moonsault from myself. [B][COLOR=red]Result: UNITY defeated Seriously Funny in 4:02 when Charles Rainier defeated The Great Oxii by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]PSW's Teddy Powell comes to the ring and requests a microphone [/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Teddy Powell:[/B] I beat one of FCW's very best last month in Jared Johnson and the suits that run this ramshackle promotion tell me I have to earn a shot at their piece of trash championship, by beating another of their own. Would I have been treated with the same amount of disrespect had my name been made up of the words Sammy and Bach ?[/COLOR] [I]A shut the **** up chant starts to echo round the 'Monty' (That's the affectionate nickname for the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom).[/I] [COLOR=darkred]You'd love me to shut up, but's it's time people listened to Teddy Powell. But actions speak louder than words, and I'Il make you 'listen' by taking out that masked ponce Angel De Moron and then you, and I'm talking to everyone here, you WILL take notice of TEDDY F'IN' POWELL.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Angel De Mexico vs Teddy Powell[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Powell goes to block Angel off from entering the ring before the bell has even sounded but the masked man slides through Powell's legs, drop-kicks the PSW man and then launches himself onto Powell with a slingshot cross body block. Angel springs back up to his feet to the cheers of the crowd, before pitching Powell back into the ring and slingshotting himself back in crashing down upon Powell with an elbow drop. Powell kicks out but Angel remains in control pulling Powell back up to his feet, and then snapping the PSW's man's head back with a drop-kick, following an irish whip. That earns Angel a two count, who then follows up with a standing moonsault to earn another nearfall. Angel then lifts Powell back up and goes for the Acapulco Twist, but Powell manages to block and comes back with an eye poke and a knee to the groin. Powell then rains down some elbows to Angel De Mexico, softening up the masked man for a swinging neckbreaker. Angel kicks out of the subsequent pin attempt, but Powell is able to slap on a stretched plum, slowing the pace down. Angel tries to struggle free but Powell keeps the hold on, which starts to take the energy out of both Angel and the crowd. But just as it looks like Angle is going to fade, he starts to rise back to his feet digging several elbow shots into he gut of the PSW man, eventually forcing Powell to release the hold. But any chance of an Angel eflurry is cut off by an eye poke from Powell, who then sends Angel back down to the mat with a drop toe hold, before locking on an STF. Angel makes it to the ropes but Powell retains control, jumping on Angel before the masked man can free himself from the ropes. Powell then whips Angel into the corner, stomping away on the masked man, then placing Angel in the tree of woe position. Powell moves away and then goes for the running drop-kick but Angel pulls himself up onto the top turnbuckle, before launching himself off and taking Powell down with a moonsault press. Powell however rolls through on the pin attempt, only for Angel to flip it back for a two count. Angel gains the advantage as they get back up to their feet taking Powell down with an arm-drag then nailing the PSW man with a drop-kick, that send Powell stumbling out of the ring. Angel with the adrenalin now rushing through his veins, gives Powell no respite as he launches himself to the outside with a tope con hilo. Angel then pitches a dazed Powell into the ring and decides to head up top, but Powell staggers back to his feet, only for Angel to launch himself off the top to take Powell down with the flying armbar he calls the MEXICAN DEATH !! Angel has it locked on right in the middle of the ring but just as it looks like Powell might tap out he makes it over to the ropes, Powell then tries to sneak in another eye poke but Angel moves out of the way and takes Powell down with a leg-sweep, before deciding to head up top again. But Powell manages to manouevre Brett Graveson between himself and Angel De Mexico , causing the masked man to hesistate, Powell then stumbles into the ropes causing Angel to crotch himself on the top rope. Powell then rocks Angel with a standing drop-kick that causes Angel to stumble into he ring and into the MOTION CENSOR ! (Fisherman Suplex)...... One...... Two....... Three Did Teddy Powell just earn himself a shot at the Undisputed Championship ? Like the Daniels- R!ot match, these two put on a decent match against one another but I was hoping for a little better. All in all Powell's been solid in this extended guest run (and it's obvious with this victory he'll have at least one more match) but he hasn't quite lived up to his match from last year with WLW's Kazuma Narato. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Teddy Powell defeated Angel De Mexico in 13:31 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]A video package is show to hype the main event, the Undisputed Title match between J.D Morgan and Ultimate Phoenix. Really well put together package, that puts over Morgan's credentials as a two time champion and Ultimate Phoenix recent victory over Morgan to claim this years edition of the Rey De Reyes.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: Undisputed Championship: [/B] [B]J.D Morgan vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] After the pomp and ceremony of the introductions they show respect to one another with a handshake, perhaps something Morgan might not have done when he initially arrived in FCW but it appears that Phoenix has earned his respect. They lock up and Morgan appears to over Power Phoenix, only for the masked man to take Morgan down with an arm drag. Morgan powers out of the subsequent arm-lock and reverses into one of his own only for Phoenix to slip out of that and almost steal a pinfall. The mat wrestling continues, which on paper should suit the old school technician in Morgan but Phoenix is more than holding his own, which begins to frustrate the champion, who rolls Phoenix over and begins to rain down fore-arm smashes. Phoenix manages to block the fore-arms and kicks Morgan off, Morgan then staggers back towards Phoenix who attempts to take Morgan down with an arm-drag but the British veteran is able to block and then drill Phoenix with a boot to the head, before lifting the popular masked man up and then crashing back down with a vertical suplex. Phoenix staggers back up to his feet, but is met with a European Uppercut, which is then followed by a flurry from J.D Morgan, backing Phoenix up into the corner. A running European from Morgan leaves Phoenix 'dead on his feet' with Morgan then planting Phoenix onto the mat with a Hammerlock Divorce Court. Morgan then goes to apply the Cross Atlantic Stretch but Phoenix still has enough ring awareness to quickly make it over to the ropes. But Phoenix is still too dazed to come back with any sort of offence, so Morgan places the former MPWF star onto the top rope and sets up for the London Bridge, but it appears that Phoenix was playing possum as he reverses the attempt into a Tornado DDT ! spiking Morgan on his head. However that appeared to be a last ditch move from Phoenix, as he is unable to immediately make the cover, eventually Phoenix does make the cover but Morgan is easily able to kick out as too much time had elapsed between Morgan being spiked on his head and Phoenix making the cover. Morgan seems to take control again with several fore-arm smashes, before setting up for the Half Nelson Suplex but Phoenix fights out with elbows and forces a standing switch, Phoenix tries for an Elemental Suplex but Morgan stands firm and gets the standing switch himself only for Phoenix to take him by suprise with an inside cradle, Morgan kicks out, but is immediately taken back down to the mat with a leg-sweep. Before Phoenix takes Morgan and the crowd by surprise, by turning the British veteran over into a STONE HOLD (Sharpshooter)....... Morgan is able to reach the ropes but Phoenix then delivers a basement drop-kick to the knees off the former DaVE star, causing Morgan to lose his balance and fall back down to the mat. Phoenix then follows up by springing off the top-rope and crashing down upon Morgan with a quebrada. But Morgan gets his knees up, sacrificing his own damaged body part to prevent Phoenix from crashing down upon his sternum. Both then stagger back up to their feet, but with Morgan clearly hobbled Phoenix is able to take advantage, planting Morgan back down to the mat with a leg-sweep and then launching himself onto Morgan with a standing moonsault...... One........ Two..... Morgan kicks out and then staggers back up to his feet only to be putt back down with a spin kick from Phoenix. Morgan is now firmly planted to the mat, as Phoenix heads up top to set up for the Phoenix Firebird Splash, but just as he is about to deliver the move, Da Power pulls Bret Graveson out of the ring, before throwing the ref into the guard-rail. [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPowerWOV.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Power then power bombs Phoenix off the top rope to a chorus of boos from the fans. J.D Morgan then stumbles back up to his feet only to stumble right into a SAN JUAN IMPACT (Full Nelson slam) from the former champion. With Morgan out of it, Power turns his attention back to Phoenix, knocking the masked man back down with a roaring elbow, to trigger the four moves of doom sequence but just as it looks like Power is about to deliver the San Juan Rush, the mystery masked man is seen perched on the top rope... [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] He then dives off, spiking the hated former champion on his head with a Tornado DDT ! Up close the masked man has a mask just like Ultimate Phoenix, except the colours are black and red. Ultimate Phoenix staggers back up to his feet, shocked to see that the 'Black Phoenix' has just helped him out ....... But all of sudden the 'Black Phoenix ' boots Ultimate Phoenix in the mid-section and then drills the popular masked man into the mat with a VERTEBREAKER !! As this point Graveson regains conciousness to witness J.D Morgan in a heap on the outside, Da Power the same and the Black Phoenix standing over the fallen body of Ultimate Phoenix, leaving Graveson with no choice but to throw the match out. Until the inteference from Power and 'Black Phoenix' there was the feeling that Ultimate Phoenix and J.D Morgan were putting on something really special here. However as much as the interference deflated the crowd in the end, it was always going to be the mechanism to introduce what looks to be a new rival/nemesis for Ultimate Phoenix. [B][COLOR=red]Result: JD Morgan drew with Ultimate Phoenix in 17:08 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=purple]J.D Morgan retains the FCW Undisputed Championship Title[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B][/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Not as good as the Anniversario and Rey de Reyes shows, but I wasn't expecting it to be, so overall i'm pretty satisified with the C+. For a show where the emphasis was more on building storylines, the match action itself was still pretty good.
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*Plays [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVoCChsjStE"]Darkside Hayabusa theme[/URL]* :rolleyes: Nice show as always and it would have been really hard to top Anniversario and Rey de Reyes.. Not every event can be a the biggest of the year, there's always room for those events in between :)
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[CENTER][B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Delorean Driver.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B] [U][I][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/I][/U][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] What everyone wants to know in FCW right now, is just who is the man in the Black and Red Ultimate Phoenix mask and what business he has with Ultimate Phoenix. After Da Power has disrupted the Undisputed Title match between Phoenix and J.D Morgan, 'Black Phoenix' appeared to save Ultimate Phoenix from a beating at the hands of the most hated man in Puerto Rico only to attack the popular Phoenix himself. Now FCW return to action on Tuesday 26th October at the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom with Miedo De La Obscuridad. Headlined by a double main event that see's PSW's Teddy Powell challenge J.D Morgan for the Undisputed Championship and Da Power go one on one with Ultimate Phoenix to determine the Number one contender. Just what condition will Ultimate Phoenix be in when he faces Da Power and will Black Phoenix make his prescence known yet again ? There will be a Six Man Battle as all three members of UNITY team up to take on Animal Magic and Angel De Mexico. The Championship commitee have informed the competitors, that If the Animal Magic/Angel trio win, Animal Magic will earn a tag title shot and Angel De Mexico will earn a shot at the People's Championship. If UNITY win they all earn shots at the People's Championship currently held by Dean Daniels. There will be more tag team action as Wave of Violence take on the Heat Magnets and Seriously Funny (Eddie Howard & The Great Oxiii) go up against the Messiah's Circus duo of Leper Messiah & Inky the Squid Boy. Heat Magnets will be looking to continue their good form over Wave of Violence of late, whilst the Messiah's Circus are looking to bounce back from a loss to Animal Magic. In singles action Mainstream Hernandez takes on the misogynistic bully Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Jeremiah Moose will face off against a Mystery opponent, will 'Black Phoenix' be making his main-show debut or will Moose's opponent be someone else ? The pre-show for those who get to the arena early will feature Jared Johnson take on Leftie Wilkes. [I]Here's a full run down of the card for Miedo de la Obscuridad....[/I] [CENTER][B][U]FCW Miedo de la Obscuridad[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Tuesday 26th October 2010 at Ricardo Montenez Ballroom in San Juan, Puerto Rico[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] J.D Morgan vs [SIZE=1]'From PSW'[/SIZE] Teddy Powell[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Contenders Match:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] Da Power vs Ultimate Phoenix[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Six Man Battle:[/B] [SIZE=1]* For Tag Title/People's Championship Contention[/SIZE] UNITY (Charles Rainier, Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) & Angel De Mexico[/CENTER] [CENTER]Wave of Violence (M.C Speed & Primus) vs Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley)[/CENTER] [CENTER]Mainstream Hernandez vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/CENTER] [CENTER]Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & Inky The Squid Boy) vs Seriously Funny (Eddie Howard & The Great Oxii) [/CENTER] [CENTER]Jeremiah Moose vs ????[/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Courier New]Pre-Show Match:[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Jared Johnson vs Leftie Wilkes[/FONT] _______________________________________[/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Predictions Form:[/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B][U]Miedo de la Obscuridad:[/U][/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] J.D Morgan vs Teddy Powell[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Contenders Match:[/B] Da Power vs Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Six Man Battle:[/B] UNITY vs Animal Magic & Angel De Mexico[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Wave of Violence vs Heat Magnets[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Mainstream Hernandez vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Seriously Funny vs Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Inky)[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Jeremiah Moose vs ????[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Jared Johnson vs Leftie Wilkes[/COLOR][/LEFT] [/quote]
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Predictions Form: Miedo de la Obscuridad: Undisputed Championship: [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Teddy Powell - He may have jumped past the People's title, but Powell's not ready for this. Contenders Match: Da Power vs Ultimate Phoenix - Draw, another three-way, and then [I]finally[/I] Morgan/Phoenix... Or Morgan/Firebird ;) Six Man Battle: UNITY vs [B]Animal Magic & Angel De Mexico[/B] - More dissension in the ranks? Given the calibre of the masked team, it wouldn't take much to throw UNITY into DISARRAY [B]Wave of Violence[/B] vs Heat Magnets - You must be close to a booking penalty for this match. These guys just seem to be treading water, and while WOV could benefit from dumping PRP, they can't be turned face (I think) and it's too soon for PRP to repent, so... [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith - Mainstream doesn't seem to have done much of anything lately. I don't think this will be a clean win, but he could do with a victory of some description. [B]Seriously Funny[/B] vs Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Inky) - The beginning of the end for the Circus? Jeremiah Moose vs [B]????[/B] - Booking 101 [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes - You gave Leftie a win last time. Won't happen again :p
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Undisputed Championship: [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Teddy Powell Contenders Match: Da Power vs [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] [i]It's time![/i] Six Man Battle: UNITY vs [B]Animal Magic & Angel De Mexico[/B] [i]UNITY isn't so united is it?[/i] [B]Wave of Violence[/B] vs Heat Magnets [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith Seriously Funny vs [B]Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Inky)[/B] Jeremiah Moose vs [B]????[/B] [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes
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Miedo de la Obscuridad: Undisputed Championship:J.D Morgan vs [B]Teddy Powell [/B] Contenders Match: Da Power vs Ultimate Phoenix DRAW Six Man Battle: UNITY vs [B]Animal Magic & Angel De Mexico[/B] [B]Wave of Violence[/B] vs Heat Magnets [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith [B]Seriously Funny[/B] vs Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Inky) Jeremiah Moose vs [B]????[/B] [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes
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Miedo de la Obscuridad: Undisputed Championship: [b]J.D Morgan[/b] vs Teddy Powell [i]Powell has been impressive, but he's not winning the belt[/i] Contenders Match: [b]Da Power[/b] vs Ultimate Phoenix [i]Courtesy of Black Phoenix interference[/i] Six Man Battle: [b]UNITY[/b] vs Animal Magic & Angel De Mexico [i]Allows more opportunity to buils friction between UNITY when all three go up against Daniels.[/i] [b]Wave of Violence[/b] vs Heat Magnets [b]Mainstream Hernandez[/b] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith [i]Via DQ I'd imagine[/i] Seriously Funny vs [b]Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Inky)[/b] Jeremiah Moose vs [b]????[/b] [b]Jared Johnson[/b] vs Leftie Wilkes
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