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Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (Cornellverse)

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Miedo de la Obscuridad: Undisputed Championship: [b]J.D Morgan[/b] vs Teddy Powell Contenders Match: [b]Da Power[/b] vs. Ultimate Phoenix Six Man Battle: UNITY vs [b]Animal Magic & Angel De Mexico[/b] [b]Wave of Violence[/b] vs Heat Magnets [b]Mainstream Hernandez[/b] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith [b]Seriously Funny[/b] vs Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Inky) Jeremiah Moose vs [b]????[/b] Jared Johnson vs [b]Leftie Wilkes[/b]
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Miedo de la Obscuridad: Undisputed Championship: [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Teddy Powell Contenders Match: Da Power vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] Six Man Battle: UNITY vs [B]Animal Magic & Angel De Mexico[/B] [B]Wave of Violence[/B] vs Heat Magnets [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith Seriously Funny vs [B]Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Inky)[/B] Jeremiah Moose vs [B]????[/B] [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes
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Miedo de la Obscuridad: Undisputed Championship: [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Teddy Powell - Give Morgan a few W's before Phoenix takes the strap from him. Contenders Match: Da Power vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] - Huge upset, Phoenix with the clean win. Six Man Battle: [B]UNITY[/B] vs Animal Magic & Angel De Mexico - Nicky R!ot should become C-verse cannon, I'd love to see that become an actual alter ego for Nicky. [B]Wave of Violence[/B] vs Heat Magnets - Love Primus, one of my favorite C-verse characters. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith - Possible show stealer, I'll go with Hernandez though. Seriously Funny vs [B]Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Inky)[/B] - I mark for Messiah and co. Jeremiah Moose vs [B]????[/B] - Question marks usually win. [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes - Both green.. Johnson has a bigger upside though.
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;546549]Miedo de la Obscuridad: Undisputed Championship: [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Teddy Powell - Give Morgan a few W's before Phoenix takes the strap from him. Contenders Match: Da Power vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] - Huge upset, Phoenix with the clean win. Six Man Battle: [B]UNITY[/B] vs Animal Magic & Angel De Mexico - Nicky R!ot should become C-verse cannon, I'd love to see that become an actual alter ego for Nicky. [B]Wave of Violence[/B] vs Heat Magnets - Love Primus, one of my favorite C-verse characters. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith - Possible show stealer, I'll go with Hernandez though. Seriously Funny vs [B]Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Inky)[/B] - I mark for Messiah and co. Jeremiah Moose vs [B]????[/B] - Question marks usually win. [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes - Both green.. Johnson has a bigger upside though.[/QUOTE] My Name is UFC-KING and I agree with these predictions
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Miedo De La Obscuridad[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Tuesday October 26th 2010[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [CENTER]Ricardo Montenez Ball Room, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'527)[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/I][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre- Show[/U][/B] [B]Match #1: Jared Johnson vs Leftie Wilkes[/B] Leftie Wilkes might have got a win last week, but that was against three other jobbers and though Jared Johnson is still a youngster himself, he's already managed to establish a prescene on the main-shows. That being said the match was fairly decent for a rice and beans pre-show offering, with Leftie losing his speed to keep Johnson off balance for a bit, but ultimately making a mistake too many, allowing for Double J to slap on the Carolina Crossface. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Jared Johnson defeated Leftie Wilkes in 4:59 by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]A video is shown of some well tanned dude in sunglasses and a technicolor disco suit. He looks suspicioulsy like some wrestler who 'quit' a few shows back. He does some really bad disco dancing to Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees and then says he is coming to 'Light Up the Dancefloor'[/I] [B]Rating: E-[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [B]Match #2: 'Black Phoenix' vs Island Boy Apollo[/B] The crowd are treated to another unadvertisted match from the mystery masked man a-k-a 'Black Phoenix' against resident local jobber Island Boy Apollo. The Masked man actually manages to carry Island Boy to a decent match but puts an exclamation point on Island Boy's Jobber status when the masked man is able to earn the victory with an Elemental Suplex (Double Arm German Suplex) [B][COLOR=red]Result: 'Black Phoenix' defeated Island Boy Apollo in 3:31 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Lisa Bowen comes out to the crowd, dressed in a black leather catsuit, that happens to be unzipped at the top, so that she can parade her, oh sorry I mean FCW's wares.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]Ultimate Phoenix makes his way to the ring and it looks like he is something to say, he grabs a microphone and steps into the ring. He gets a solid amount of applause from the crowd, which causes the popular masked man to pause before he can speak.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] First of I'd like to say, that despite being dropped on my head last week, I'm ready to do battle once again. I will deal with the coward that attacked me soon enough but first of I have other matters to attend and that's you Senor Power......[/COLOR] [I]The mention of Da Power's name draws out boos and cat-calls from the crowd.[/I] [COLOR=blue]Why Power ? Why did you have to interrupt my title match with J.D Morgan, what is is that you had to gained by interferring in the match, it's not like you were protecting your title, or are you just so consumed with jealousy that it was myself and Morgan battling for the top prize in FCW, that you just had to get in on the.....[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=black]At that point Wave of Violence jump the guard-rail and attack Ultimate Phoenix, Phoenix manages to fend off M.C Speed and Primus but is then clubbed from behind by Da Power, but before too much damage can be done, the Heat Magnets hit the ring, temporarily fending off Power...soon enough the are tied up with Primus and Speed but that allows Phoenix to recover and drop-kick Da Power out of the ring, before launching himself at Power, with a no hands suicide plancha.[/COLOR][/I] [B]Ratings: D+ for Phoenix promo, D for Attack and Save[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley) vs [/B] [B]Wave of Violence (M.C Speed & Primus) w/ Carl Batch[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ArthurDexterBradley.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHocking.jpg[/IMG][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]vs[/B] [/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-WoV.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen_WOV31.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/[B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] The Heat Magnets and Wave of Violence are still brawling, ADB and Speed then enter the ring and referee Brett Graveson calls for the bell, to get their tag match under-way. ADB is able to gain the advantage and bring in Matt Hocking, but Hocking is clubbed from behind by Primus, which allows W.O.V to isolate Hocking in their corner. The usual 'heat' segment follows until Hocking is able to avoid a Rrruuuuusshhhh!! attempt from Primus, and then roll across the ring to get the hot-tag into ADB. ADB cleans house on both Primus and Speed with drop-kicks, before launching himself onto Primus with a slingshot plancha, Hocking then follows up with a dive onto Speed. Hocking then rolls Speed back into the ring and plants the smaller W.O.V man with a rolling cutter, but is told he is not the legal man when he makes the cover. ADB is now perched on top to deliver the Superstar Splash, but Carl Batch gets up on the apron and levels him with a slapjack, Hocking complains at what he just saw to Graveson but that allows Batch to deliver another slapjack shot and for Primus to lift the already dazed off the turbuckle into the Electric Chair position.....M.C Speed then climbs up top, leading to W.O.V finishing ADB off with the Gangsta Device. This was regular tag team fare, as W.O.V got a win back against a team that had been troubling them of late, whilst the feud has been able to establish the Heat Magnets as a viable force in the tag division, I don't feel that I am able to fully put them over Wave of Violence just yet. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Wave of Violence defeated Heat Magnets in 7:41 when M.C Speed defeated Matt Hocking by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]Dane O'Hara makes a comment on how Mr Electricity, seems familiar as FCW's newest arrival dances his way to the ring as Stayin' Alive is blasted over the arena P.A[/I] [I]Mr Electricity then picks up a microphone......[/I] [COLOR=olive][B]Mr Electricity:[/B] Welcome ladeeeez n Gentlemen to the hottest party in town, hosted by your truly Meeeester Electreeeeecciiiiiiiiteeeeeee and you're all invited ! Who wants to get down and boogie, who's up for a some F U N, FUN ![/COLOR] [I]Mr Electricity busts out some atrociously bad disco dancing moves, some members in the audience join in, but a large contingent also start to boo Mr Electricity. Thankfully for Smarky McSmarkerson and friends Jeremiah Moose hits the ring and starts to put the boots to Mr Electricity.[/I] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Mr Electricity vs Jeremiah Moose[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JeremiahMoose.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Mr Electricity is caught totally off guard at the start, as Jeremiah Moose dominates him in the early going. Mr Electricity is able to stop the onslaught with a clothesline, before going for a breather but when the disco dancin' newcomer scoop Moose up on his shoulders for a fire-mans carry, Moose slips off and then nails Electricity with an Enziguri. Moose then spiked Electricity on his head with a brainbuster for a two count, before heading up top but Mr Electricity was able to move out of the way at the last split second. Mr Electricity was then able to stun Moose with a jawbreaker, before nailing Moose with a Discus lariat for a two count. The newcomer then lifted a dazed Moose up and then delivered a Sitout Suplex Slam he calls the Lighnin' Rod and that was enough for Mr Electricity to claim the 'debut' victory. Unfortunately the fans were also treated to a brief celebratory dance and were forced to endure the Bee Gees being blasted over the PA again. This was a pretty good 'debut' for Mr Electricity, letting Jeremiah Moose shine for the bulk of the match before coming back and strong and nailing what looks to be his signature move to pull put the victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mr. Electricity defeated Jeremiah Moose in 6:11 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Six Man Battle: Angel De Mexico & Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) vs [/B] [B]UNITY (Charles Rainier, Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] [/B][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] After a feeling out process between both sides, Nicky R!ot is able to gain the advantage for UNITY when he catches Fox Mask springboarding off the ropes mid-move to deliver a fall-away slam. From there on it's all UNITY for the next few minutes and their appears to be little sign of the communication problems. However Harry Allen mistimes a cross body, crashing into Nicky R!ot. R!ot gets up and starts arguing with his tag partner only to be dropped kicked out of the ring by Fox Mask. Fox Mask then tags into Masked Cougar who takes both Harry Allen and myself (Charles Rainier) down with arm-drags. UNITY then try to regroup on the outside but the masked trio all take us out with dives to the floor. Cougar brings myself back into the ring and plants me into the mat with the I AM COUGAR HEAR ME ROAR ! (Wheelbarrow chickenwing facebuster) but Harry Allen is able to dive back in to make the save. Allen then plants Cougar with a gordbuster and then heads up top, only for Angel De Mexico to bring him crashing back in with a hurracanrana, that he tranistioned into the MEXICAN DEATH ! Armbar....... However Angel was not the legal man and had to let go of the hold. As things settled down Harry Allen found himself isolated in the Animal Magic/Angel corner. The masked trio looked to have victory, when Angel De Mexico flipped Harry Allen into the ring with a hurracanrana, the momentum of which sent Allen into the LAST HUNT (Double Enziguri's) but seeing that Allen was in trouble I dived in to make the save. I was soon sent back out of the ring, but when Animal Magic turned their attention back to Harry Allen, he was able to avoid as second attempt at the Last Hunt causing Cougar and Fox to collide with one another. Angel De Mexico then dived in off the top-rope only for Harry Allen to stop him in mid-flight with a desperation drop-kick. Harry Allen then used all the strength he had left to scramble across to his corner and make the tag, only Nicky R!ot was there, as I was still trying to get my bearings back after Cougar drop-kicked me into a guard-rail. There was a great amount of hesistation on R!ot's part, who looked ready to turn his back on his team, but he made the tag and cleaned house on all three members of the opposite team with a series of Lariat's and Back Body drops. Masked Cougar then stumbeld into the CHARLES PETERSON ! (Exploder Suplex), but Fox Mask was able to break up the pin. R!ot however was able to take Fox Mask out with the SUB POP BOP ! (Crooked Arm Lariat) only for Angel De Mexico to deny R!ot any chance of following up with the springboard missile drop-kick. R!ot then staggered back into the UNITY corner where I made the tag. I was then able to fend off all three members of the opposing team with a series of kick combinations and leg-sweeps, that left myself and Angel De Mexico in the ring, leading to me nailing Angel with the RAINDROP (Dropsault) but the patriotic mexican was able to kick out a two. I then dragged Angel back up to his feet and set up for the C.R Driver but Angel had the move scouted, blocking it and suddenly reversing it into the ACAPULCO TWIST ! (Corkscrew Neckbreaker) seemingly out of nowhere. Allen and R!ot then tried to make the save but they were pulled off the apron by Animal Magic, as I ended up eating the pin to give the trio of masked high flyers the victory. This was a good trio's match, as we were given just enough time to logically build the story in the ring. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Angel De Mexico and Animal Magic defeated UNITY in 13:02 when Angel De Mexico defeated Charles Rainier by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Harry Allen and myself are gracious in defeat, as we shake the hands of Animal Magic but when the match winner Angel De Mexico offers his hand to Nicky R!ot, the former USPW refused the gesture...I try to talk R!ot round but he just walks out the ring, the frustration on his face, visible for all to see.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4 : Mainstream Hernandez w/ Sara Silver vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith w/ Bradford Peverall[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG][B] vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG][B] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandon_alt4.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/CENTER] Given more time, this is the sort of match that could be a potential showstealer but this time round it was just an angle advancement match. The Mainstreamer was able to use his agility to keep BBS off guard in the early going, and when BBS stumbled into a super-kick, Hernandez headed up top for the Apparition #14, however BBS got the knees up and it was all BBS from there on. However despite dumping the Mainstreamer with a series of suplexes, BBS was unable to put Hernandez away, leading to BBS ignoring the pleas of Bret Graveson to back off when BBS had Hernandez trapped against the turnbuckle, that led to BBS shoving Graveson down and then continuing his assault on Hernnadez. Graveson wasn't going to take this blatant disrespect for his authority and promptly called for the bell to DQ BBS [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mainstream Hernandez defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 5:59 by disqualification. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]BBS wasn't having that, and he took Graveson down with a clothesline,before turning his attention back to Hernandez. With Hernandez stomped down to the mat BBS, slid a chair into the ring, and then proceeded to drop Hernandez head first onto the chair with an ATOMIC DRILLER ! (Busting Hernandez open)[/I] [I]Sara Silver who was pleading for BBS to stop, was then dragged over the top-rope by the misogysntic bully, at this point Bradford Peverall climbed into the to hold up the bloody face of Mainstream Hernandez. As if to show what BBS had done to Sara Silver's beloved off as some kind of trophy.[/I] [I]BBS then scooped Sara Silver up, and to the dismay of the fans it looked like BBS was about to deliver an Atomic Driller on Sara Silver, but all of a sudden Bradford Peverall, picked up the chair that BBS brought into the ring, cracking it over the head of BBS ![/I] [I]Sara Silver was able to fall to the mat without too much damage being done, Peverall then delivered another chairshot to BBS, before putting Bulldozer down with a Rock Hard Uppercut.[/I] [I]Peverall then walked out of the ring, leaving his now former assailant flat on his back and everyone else in the arena confused by what just happened, especially Sara Silver, who only a minute or so before, was made to look at the bloodied face of her boyfriend.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Seriously Funny (Eddie Howard & The Great Oxii) vs[/B] [B] The Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & Inky The Squid Boy)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OxKreviazuk_alt31.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_InkyTheSquid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was a poor tag match (it really belonged on the pre-show) that looks be the finally nail in the coffin for The Messiah's Circus. The beginning of the end was a mis-timed Ink Splot from Inky, and that eventually lead to The Great Oxii scoring the 'upset' pin over Leper Messiah with the Ten Ton Splash. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Seriously Funny defeated Messiahs Circus (Leper & Inky) in 5:57 when The Great Oxii defeated Leper Messiah by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]However Seriously Funny's celebration was short lived (well Oxii was celebrating like he had just won the Undisputed Championship) as two men dressed in street clothes, attacked Seriously Funny from behind. Seriously Funny's attackers were a fair bit smaller than the two men they had just attacked, but SF were taken off guard and the pair of 'invaders' were able to continue their assault.[/I] [I]With Seriously Funny down and out, one of them took a microphone, some of the fans seemed to recognise the pair.....[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Marv Statler[/B]: Is this the best FCW's Tag Division has to offer ?[/COLOR] [I]That already draws boos from the crowd[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Dean Waldorf:[/B] Oh come on, what would you rather see a serious, respected tag team like ourselves or a bunch of freaks and geeks ?[/COLOR] [I]Fan's continue to get on The Ring Generals case.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Marv Statler:[/B] Perhaps you're not ready for the tag team greatness, of The Ring Generals, because lets face it we've already shown we can take out the competion ![/COLOR] [I]The fans continue to let the arrogant newcomers exactly what they think of them, especially as all they have done is attack a team that is fairly low in the tag title pecking order, yet are making themselves out to be world beaters.[/I] [B]Ratings: E- for attack, E for Ring Generals self-hype[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]We go backstage where Teddy Powell has a few words to say about his up-coming challenge for the Undisputed Championship[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Teddy Powell:[/B] Tonight I prove the naysayers wrong, by claiming FCW's revered Twin Belts and then I'm outta here, because I'll have nothing else left to prove in this wretched place. Tonight I make all those who doubted me, all those who had me labelled as the other guy eat their words, Teddy Powell is going to be nobodis shadow no more, because Teddy Powell is a winner....did you hear that Teddy Powell is a winner ! [/COLOR] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]We then switch scene to J.D Morgan's dressing room, where th champion has a few words to say in response.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan[/B]: So Teddy Boy the suits gave you shot at the Twin-Belts. Nice of them to do that for you, but the result will be the same as anywhere else you've fought me. When we faced off in DaVE you couldn't get the job done against me, when you've fought me in PSW you couldn't get the job done against me and mark my words sunshine, you wont be getting the job done against me in FCW either.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Undisputed Championship: [/B] [B]J.D Morgan vs Teddy Powell[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This title match between the two former DaVE stars, began very cagily with lots of circling an attempted take-downs, eventually Morgan was able to get Powell down to the mat and then tried to immediately lock on the Cross Atlantic Stretch but Powell managed to slip out and then apply a stretch plum, the champion powered his way out of that and was then able to grapevine Powell's leg. The back and forth on the mat continued for the next few minutes, until J.D Morgan was able to grab the ropes after Powell had caught him in an STF. Powell then tried to get in a cheap shot on the rope-break, but Morgan was able to block and then come back with a flurry of European Uppercuts. Morgan then whipped Powell into the corner and came charging in but Powell waa able to get the boots up, and when Morgan came charging in for a second time, Powell leaped off the turnbuckle to plant Morgan into the mat with a bulldog. Morgan then staggered up to his feet only for Powell to nail Morgan with a drop-kick that sent the British veteran tumbling out of the ring. Powell then launched himself like a missile into Morgan with a suicide dive, that sent Morgan crashing back first against the steel guard-rail. With Morgan dazed Powell quickly pitched Morgan into the ring and immediately went for the cover. One.... Two..... Morgan kicked out and then rose back to his feet, coming back with another flurry of European Uppercuts that put Powell on the back-foot, but Powell was then able to duck one of the Uppercuts and then stun Morgan with a falling double knee backbreaker. Powell then delivered a diving leg-drop and made another cover...... One........ Two....... Morgan kicked out again, and managed to gain control setting Powell up for a suplex but Powell was able to slip out and then plant Morgan down to the mat with a Side Russian Leg-Sweep.... One...... Two...... Thr....... Morgan kicked out again but this time he remained planted to the mat and Powell decided to head up top. Powell was then about to dive off onto Morgan, but at the last split second the champion got back to his feet, sweeping the legs out from underneath the challenger and then setting up for the London Bridge, but Powell managed to fend off the attempt, bringing down some clubbing blows across Morgan's shoulder. Morgan made another attempt to deliver the London Bridge, but Powell was able to foil Morgan once again and as Morgan moved in a third time, Powell launched himself into Morgan with a missile drop-kick. Then as Morgan staggered up to his feet, Powell was there to spike the champion into the mat with a DDT..... One....... Two....... Morgan kicked out again, but Powell kept the pressure on, with a flurry of strikes and kicks that enventually back a dazed Morgan up into the corner. Powell then drilled Morgan with a running missile drop-kick, first part of the MOTION CENSOR completed, the second part looking imminent but Morgan was able to block Powell's attempt at a Fisherman's Suplex, sending Powell face-first into the turnbuckle with a drop toe hold. Powell then staggered out of the corner, into a Half Nelson from Morgan who then promptly dumped Powell on his head with a HALF NELSON SUPLEX !! With the challenger already in a dazed state, Morgan then slapped on the CROSS ATLANTIC STRETCH and with that combination, Powell simply had nothing left to give as Brett Graveson eventually called for the bell. A good match but not quite up to the standards of previous title matches, that might be because the fans didn't really buy into Powell as a threat and being a heel they weren't prepared to get behind him as a under-dog so the atmosphere felt a little bit flat especially with the slow methodical pace they went with in the early going. [B][COLOR=red]Result: JD Morgan defeated Teddy Powell in 17:58 by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]JD Morgan makes retains the FCW Undisputed Championship title. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [I]J.D Morgan gets some time to celebrate his victory and soak in the applause of the crowd, but before he is able to finish his celebration, Da Power and Ultimate Phoenix come brawling through the crowd toward the ring.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Da Power w/ Carl Batch vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPowerWOV.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Phoenix is really taking the fight to Power, as he has the W.O.V man on the backfoot with a flurry of kicks....the masked man then hops up onto the apron and launches himself off with a moonsault press, but that proves to be a mistake as Power catches him mid-move, before sending Phoenix crashing back-first against the apron with a Power Bomb. Power then rolls Phoenix into the ring as the match officially gets under way. Power doesn't immeidiately go for the cover , instead deciding to taunt Phoenix, begging the masked man to get up, before shoving Phoenix back down to the mat. Power then struts round the ring, drawing a chorus of boos from the crowd, but that allows Phoenix to get up, however the masked man is soon put back down to the mat with a clothesline before Power makes an arrogant one footed cover. Phoenix kicks out but Power remains in total control as he stomps away on the popular masked high flier , before lifting Phoenix up for a body-slam but suddenly Power is taken by surpise as Phoenix takes the big man down with a Tilt-A-Whirl Arm Drag. A disorientated Power, then stumbles back up to his feet, as Phoenix tries to regain his bearings. Power still looks to be in better shape though as stalks over towards Phoenix, lifting the masked man up again, only for the former MPWF star to take Power down with a spinning head-scissors that sends Power staggering out of the ring. Phoenix then suddenly kips up back onto his feet, drawing a huge pop from the crowd, before launching himself over the top rope with a no hands somersault plancha. Then as both competitors got back to their feet on the outside, Phoenix sent Power crashing back-first against the ring post with a standing drop-kick. Phoenix then tried to bring a dazed Power back into the ring but was pulled back by Carl Batch, who was then roundhouse kicked in the face, for intefering with the masked man's plans. However that allowed Power to recover just enough to put Phoenix down with a lariat, turning the momentum of the match a full 180 back in his favour. Power then pitched Phoenix back into the ring, before lifting the masked man back to his feet and applying a Full Nelson, Phoenix was able to move his way back to the ropes and force the rope-break before the effects of the Full Nelson were about to really sink in, but on the rope-break Powell did not let go, instead sending Phoenix over head with the SAN JUAN IMPACT (Full Nelson Slam)............. One....... Two........ Thr....... To Power's frustration and to the delight of the crowd Phoenix got a shoulder up just in time. Power argued with Brett Graveson, briefly collaring the ref but thinking better of it, before he would have got himself disqualified. Phoenix then staggered back up to his feet but was met with a roaring elbow to the temple, the atomic drop predictably followed (as the fans began a same old **** chant), Phoenix then stumbled into the Spinebuster as Power then jawed with the fans before moving in to nail Phoenix with the San Juan Rush, but Phoenix caught the leg and the last split second taking Power down with a Dragon Screw Leg-Whip, before turning tying Power up into a STONE HOLD (Sharpshooter)...... Power managed to use his Power to force Phoenix to break the hold, but Phoenix then stunend the big man with an Enziguri, before snapping off a head-scissors take-down, before springing off the ropes onto Power with a quebrada........ One...... Two....... Power kicked out but Phoenix was feeling it and he decided to go up top.........PHOENIX FIREBIRD SPLASH !! but he had gone for it too early as Power managed to move out of the way. Both then began to rise to their feet but Power was up a spit second earlier to deliver the SAN JUAN RUSH !! But ...... [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] 'Black Phoenix' slides into the ring and cracks a steel chair over the head of the former champion, the blatant inteference leading to Brett Graveson calling for the bell and awarding Da Power the DQ victory. Putting this match on as the main event was a smart move, as Power and Phoenix combined to put on an enthralling big man vs little man contest. Power was made to look dominant but Phoenix was given enough hope spots/flurries to make the crowd believe that he could pull off the upset. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Da Power defeated Ultimate Phoenix in 11:38 when Ultimate Phoenix was disqualified when Phoenix Negra ran in and attacked Da Power. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [I]Da Power stays on his feet, but 'Black Phoenix' soon sends him crashing down to the mat with a leg-sweep before heading over to the turnbuckle to climb up top, however a very irate Ultimate Phoenix is back to his feet and the two 'Phoenixes' begin to brawl. 'Black Phoenix' then catches Ultimate Phoenix with a low blow, before spiking Ultimate Phoenix into the mat with a DDT. Black Phoenix then goes over to pick up the chair (Da Power having rolled out of the ring at this point) before smacking several shots over the head of Ultimate Phoenix, leaving the fan favourite in a heap once again.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [I]Great main event supported by an average under-card. To be honest the show met our expectations, especially as there wasn't a People's Title defence this time round, so that was one potential quality match off the card. There's a good reason why Daniels wasn't on the show, which will be reported on in the end of month news and notes posts. Let's just say the People's champ is not in my good books right now. [/I] [I]Attendance was also down for this show, but this appears to be the general pattern when a second show is put on in the same month.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][U]October in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] The shows we put on this month were both solid enough shows, they were never going to surpass Rey De Reyes or Anniversario but they were both solid building block shows, as we begin the run in towards Batalla Final. We lost money running two shows again this month, and we slightly down on the year, but the financial situation's not enough of a concern yet to go into financial cutback mode. Senor Lopez is more concerned about FCW building it's fanbase/reputation, than being satisfied with the status quo and that means taking a few short term finanical hits, in that sense the boss can see the bigger picture, it's just a shame he doesn't always have the same foresight when it comes to putting himself above all others (a select few apart) in the ring. However the financial situation is something that needs to be kept an eye on, and this is the reason we have decided to cancel the rest of Billy Jack Shearers (Soul Krusher's) contract. At $2000 per show, he was on one of the highest paid contracts in the company and for someone who was being pushed as an upper mid-carder at best, this was deemed to be far too much. The feeling also is that the Messiah's Circus stable has run it's course in FCW and with Inky The Squid Boy's and Leper Messiah (Tully Arthur's) contracts also coming up for renewal again soon, it feels like a good time to bring the stable/angle to a close. Teddy Powell has also finished up his dates with FCW, even though he did OK , there is no real desire to bring him back. His superb match with Kazuma Narato at last years Rey De Reyes, just happened to be Powell at his best, and what he got this year was probably the true Teddy Powell, and whilst he put in performances that were nothing to be ashamed of, he doesn't really offer us anything better than what he already have amongst the upper echelons of the card. Speaking of Narato he has become available, after he was released by WLW but frustratingly he's not someone I can bring in as he lacks the required Charisma levels, the boss now finds desirable to compete in FCW. Charisma's his new obsession, as it appears he has finally come to peace over the Mikel Alonso- barfight incident. Alonso himself remains out of work, and whilst he could be a decent hand to bring back in, I'm not sure it would go down too well with the boss and the fact he has probably turned into another 'Stevie Ringrust'. New arrivals include Phoenix Negra (who's true identity will remained hidden) and The Ring Generals Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf. The Generals have been brought in to add a little more depth to our Tag Division and to provide some fresh match-ups, as fans have begun to point out that there are only so many times UNITY can face W.O.V or W.O.V can go up against The Heat Magnets. Eddie Howard also signed a contract extension, tagging with The Great Oxii hardly consitutes a great push but it's enough for what many have always considerd to be the better half of Natural Storm to stick around for a little while longer. One thing fans would have noticed is that People's Champion Dean Daniels was not at the Miedo de las Obscuridad event. Daniels was kept off the show because, unfortunately he has been acting like a prize prick again. Perhaps it's because he has a championship gold round his waist and the fact he has been succesful with it, often being involved in one of the best matches in the show, that he is aware that we would find it very difficult to fire him out right for his infuriating behaviour. Apparently Daniels had been spreading rumours the reason Teddy Powell, is so upset that Sammy Bach left for TCW, is because Powell is in fact in love with Sammy Bach. Playground stuff but apparently Daniels was so persistant with these digs over the few shows Powell had been with us in FCW, that it was enough to irritate the former DaVE star enough to start a fist fight with Daniels in the locker-room and though Powell over-reacted. I told Daniels that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable,especially from a veteran like himself and that he is now walking a very thin line, and if I hear one more incident he is involved in he will be dropping the People's Championship to whoever happens to be his next opponent at the time and then be finished with FCW. However the fact he also works for other companies (WLW being one of them), means that whatever threats we throw his way will never have as much weight behind them, if he was wrestling exclusively for us. [CENTER]________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Rival Promotion Watch[/U][/B][/CENTER] 4C put on their Blood Brothers event and it turned out to be a slight cut above recent shows, rating as a C+ overall. The main event saw Phillip LaGrenier retain the 4C Championship over Lee Rivera in a C+ rated match, whilst in the semi main event Greg Black teamed up with Joey Poison to defeat Nat Johnson and Young Leo in a C+ rated match, that was also Black's final match with the promotion before his return to the SWF. It was a month to forget for CZCW as their Hardcore Halloween event was one of the worst the promotion has put on in a long time, rating a poor (by their recent standards) C-. The major let down was the main event Coastal Zone Championship match between Harry Allen and Donnie J, which was a major let down and rated a D+. Match of the night was in the semi main event where Brendan Idol bested Al Coleman and Masked Cougar in a 3-way. MAW put on the aptly titled Where It All Begins Again event. It was a fairly consistent show all round with most of the matches in the C range, but a slightly disappointing C Rated match between Mean Jean Cattley and Steve Flash for the vacant Mid Atlantic Championship, lead to an overall C Rating for the event. James 'Mainstream' Hernandez and Cameron Vessey actually stole the show with a C+ rated match in the middle of the show. NYCW's Last Gasp event was much like MAW's effort this month, a relatively consistent show all round but with no matches particulary standing out. Headlined by a C rated Tag match that saw American Machine and Land Mass best Whippy and Malilli Umaga, it scored a C rating overall. Cattley and Flash also met for the second time in the same month, as the fought over Flash's Empire title in the main event, but this was even more of a let-down than their match in MAW only scoring C-. Given the talent of these two respected Independent scene veterans, it's a shame they're matches against one another rarely live up to the billling. PSW's Times of Trouble event was actually an improved effort by their lowly standards, headlined by a C- rated Tag match between J.D Morgan and Teddy Powell against Soul Krusher (on loan from FCW) and The Wolverine that ended in a no contest, it was enough for the event to be considered to be rated a C- overall, despite the fact that rest of the show was up to the usual PSW standards. They at least had the fore-sight not to go with the champion vs champion match between Johnny Martin and Tank Bradley in the main event, which gathered a D rating. RIPW's first event as a Regional promotion, RIPW iron rated as a D overall, match of the night saw Kirk Jameson retain the RIPW Championship over Madman Boone in a D+ rated match, but suprisingly was not the main event. Looking at it overall, even if we just put on the one show this month we would have out done everyone else in terms of the quality of shows we are putting on. 4C aren't really direct competion but it's better for the U.S promotions if they remain at the Regional level, however they are fairly close to reaching Cult Size. They only need to reach D level importance in two regions of Canada, currently they have reached that in their homebase of Ontario, but are D- importance in neighbouring Quebec and whilst their shows rarely rise above a C, they are good enough to help 4C build their popularity. The thing is if 4C reach Cult Size, workers who work for that promotion would still be available but they would become more of a priority. I would say right now I most direct competion is MAW, NYCW, whilst CZCW is seen as the benchmark for a Regional based promotion. Whilst relationships with all three promotions are amiacable (we have a working relationship with both MAW and CZCW) our aim is still to become more popular than all three. RIPW who have only just reached Regional status and the poorly booked PSW aren't really seen as a threat. [CENTER]______________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]October News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] The big news in the wrestling world is the rise of WLW. Not only have the Lucharesu promotion established themselves as one of the biggest promotions in Japan, they have established themselves as one of the biggest promotions in the World after rising to Global Size. WLW have consistently been putting on great show over the past few years and it appears that every wrestling fan around the world has taken notice. [B]Worker Signings[/B] BHOTWG have called up Mohamed El Yaagoudi from his development in Hinote Dojo after he impressed in his sole match with the development territory, despite losing to Hirokazu Yamanoue. Masked Cougar best known for his work in CZCW and FCW will take part in the next tour for Japanese Independent Exodus 2010. Arthur Dexter Bradley has joined Hinote Dojo on a PPA contract, the younger brother of Rhino Umaga and Akima Brave is becoming well travelled, adding Japan to his commitments in Mexico (MPWF) and Puerto Rico (FCW) Battle Sakata and British standout Adam Matravers have both signed on for INSPIRE with PPA deals. Ultimate Phoenix will be making his return to Mexico, but not with MPWF, the well respected high flier who has built up a strong reputation in both Mexico and has his native U.S has signed on with OLLIE. Black Eagle, Oleg Dorosklov and in something of a surprise American Machine will all take part in PGHW's up-coming end of year tour. Casey Valentine has added PSW to his list of commitments. RIPW the development territory for SWF have added Jumbo Jackon, Henry Lee and Stevie 'Ringrust' Grayson to their roster on PPA deals following their rise to Regional size last month. Greg Black will be returning to the SWF, one year after his surprise departure from the Sports Entertaiment giants. It appears though that his work in Canada with both CGC and 4C has impressed the SWF scouts, who urged managment to bring the high flier back. It is also likely that Black will return with the more serious gimmick he has been portraying in Canada, instead of the wacky babyface Groucho Bling. USPW have signed former SWF World Champion Engyma, following the masked man's surprise departure from the Eisen run promotion. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extend the contract of Shane Hannigans (Kevin Jones). 4C extend the contracts of Phillipe LaGrenier, Nate Johnson, Chris Flynn, valet Faith and referee Andy Gordy. 5SSW extend the contrats of Etsuko Ariyoshi, Devil Karube, Ochiyo Ijima and Yoko Ikina. AAA extend the contrats of Joanne Rodriguez, Michelle Brendon, Vixxen and Debbie Rose. APW extend the contrats of Lanny Williams, Spiffy Stan Standish, Dingo Devine, manager Sean Quartermaine and commentator Frank Mucciolo. BHOTWG secure several young talents considered to be the 'future' of the promotion to new exclusive written contracts as Seiji Jimbo, Mystic Dragon and Reijiro Hiraki all sign new deals. BSC extend the contracts of Sister Beth Mercy and Jen Neptune. CGC extend the contracts of Damian Carvill, Jesse Gilbert and Hotstuff Marie. Gilberts re-signing comes as something of a surprise following the release of his brother Joe last month. CWWF extend the contracts of Geena Warrior Princess and Roz Larren. CZCW keep their resident road agent Dylan Sidle on board. EWA extend the contracts of Poppa Punisher and retired wrestler turned commentator Arson Wells. Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deals of Stuart Ferdinand and Quick Kick Nakao. INSPIRE extend the contracts of Tasuku Iesada, Tornado Nagai and road agent Gesshin Nishihara. MAW extend the contract of Puerto Rican Power, where he works under the power and paint gimmick of Warlord Power. MOSC extend the contracts of Harley Neill and Dave 'Thug' Cahill. MPWF extend the contracts of Spanish Superfly, Slayyer and Javier Cano. NOTBPW secure Barry Kingman, Michael Haynes and Mighty Cavanagh to new exclusive written contracts. It was a busy month for NYCW as they extended the contracts of Steve Flash, Malilli Umaga (Akima Brave), The Sensational Singh, road agent Black Hat Bailey and announcer Marv Earnest. OLLIE extend the contracts of Velocidad, Asesino De La Espada, road agent/legend Oceano and valet Cuervo. PGHW extend the written contract of secondary announcer Tsuyanoshi Yamamoto. PSW extend the contract of announcer Doc Messing. RIPW extend the PPA deal of Justin Sensitive. SAISHO extend the PPA deals of Gonnohyoe Kada, Hirokumi Saito and Torajiro Sekazowa. SOTBPW extend the contracts of Junior Youth, Magik, Demon Seed (Duberry Excess) and road agent The Gatekeeper. A busy month of contract negotiations for the SWF, as they secure Tom 'Angry' Gilmore, Randy Bumhfole Brett Biggz, Kid Toma, Robbie Retro plus valets Dawn The Cheerleader and Emmy all to new exclusive written contracts. It was also a relatively busy month for TCW as secured former CGC talents Jack and Steve DeColt plus their former nemesis up in Canada Eddie Chandler to new written contracts, whilst blue chip prospect Des Davids and Road Agent Demon Anger who signed new deals. UEW extend the contracts of Joey Beauchamp, Sergei Kalashnov and Geoff Borne. USPW extend the contract of commentator Shane Sneer. WLW secure gaijin Jacob Jett and manager Munemori Umari to new written contracts. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Young Boy Sayuki departs from Hinote Dojo, deciding to concentrate on his commitments to the new Exodus 2010 promotion instead. Kid Toma (who also leaves NYCW) and Mohammed El Yaagoudi depart from INSPIRE after they signed exclusive written deals with SWF and BHOTWG, whilst Kalu Owusu also departs. Craig Green is let go by NOTBPW. OLLIE let go of DeCipher. Dead Bolt and Nelson Callum depart from PSW, after both of their contracts are not renewed. Two suprising departures from SWF as former World Champion Enygma is not offered a new contract as is Darryl Devine who was tipped to be a break out star when he joined them in 2008, but never rose above being a glorified jobber during his near 3 year run with the Sports Entertainment giants. Former World and Tag Team champion Mick Muscles leaves USPW after the fails to come to agreement on terms over a new contract. Kazuma Narato is let go by WLW. Narato had slipped down the pecking order with WLW during 2010, eventually falling all the way down to being perceived a little more than an outright jobber. [B]Injuries[/B] INSPIRE's Tornado Nagai was dealt a cruel blow when he shattered his knee in a match with Mike Watson, and injury that will keep out of action for over a year. OLLIE's Asesino De La Espada suffered a torn rotator cuff, the injury is expected to keep him out of action for about a year. BHOTWG's Eagle Kawasawa will be on the shelf for about a month, after suffering a broken tail bone. GCG's Shotaro Ikina sustained a broken ankle in a Openweight Title defence against Morisma Kato, an injury that will keep him out for two months but more disappointingly for Kato, he was also forced to relinquish the Openweight Title. [B]Retirements[/B] Veteran Puroresu Journeyman Toshiki Shibanumo has decided to hang up the boots at the age of 42. Considered to be a reliable hand, Shibaumo rarely rose above the mid-card/often found himself being used as glorified enhancement talent due to the fact that he had less charisma than a root vegetable. The closest he ever came to a focused push, was when he held one half of the GCG Tag Team Championship alongside Toshinobu Taku in 2002. [B]Media News[/B] TCW will now see their PPV's broadcast in Australia, after they struck a deal with 1-Choice TV [B]Title Changes[/B] Miyamae reclaimed the Burning World Championship from Seiji Jimbo to become a two time champion. Whilst Mystic Dragon defeated Brandon Smith to claim the Openweight Champion, only to lose the belt to Ninja Shunji after only one succesful title defence, like Miyamae Shunji becomes a two time champion of his respective championship. Greg Keith claimed the vacant GCG Openweight Championship, when he defeated Sean Deeley for the Title, after previous occupant Shotaro Ikina was forced to relinquish the title due to injury. Tasuku Iesada's loyalty to INSPIRE was rewarded when he won the King of Fighters title for a second time after he had signed a new contract. Magnifico ended the 8 month reign of Inaugral Champion Swarm I to become the Campeon de Mundo in MHW. Following problems with recent champion's walking out on the promotion, MAW have put the Mid Atlantic Championship back round the waist of one of their loyalist servants as Mean Jean Cattley won the championship for a third time. Meanwhile in the vacant Tag Titles were claimed by Nathan Coleman and Malili Umaga who edged out Billy Russell and Warlord Power for the belts. Cherry Bomb became the new Women's Champion in NOTBPW, ending the four month reign of Jaime Quine. Acid broke up the Ota-Fortune-Huggin's monopoly of the TCW All Action Title, his first championship since joining the Cornell run promotion. Many feel this is a good move by TCW, as Acid is seen as someone who can elevate the All Action belt in the eyes of the fans. Ryu Kajahara ended the 5 month reign of The Great Hisato to claim the WLW Universal Title for a second time, Americana became a 4 time Show Stealer champion, and Haru Karufuji claimed the Tap Out belt for a 3rd reign.
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[CENTER][B][I][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][U]Delorean Driver.com[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B] [B][I][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][U]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] After weeks of attacks on Ultimate Phoenix, Phoenix Negra will be making his official (main show) debut for FCW at Guerra De Los Pares, as FCW return to action at 'the Monty' on Tuesday November 9th. However the mysterious newcomer will be forced to team with a man, he appears to have no firm alliance with, former Undisputed Champion Da Power, as they take on respective rivals J.D Morgan and Ultimate Phoenix. The People's and Tag Team Championships will also be on the line, with Dean Daniels perhaps facing his toughest test yet as champion, when he takes on the previous occupant of the title Angel De Mexico. Meanwhile the UNITY pairing of Harry Allen and Nicky R!ot put the tag belts on the line against Animal Magic of Masked Cougar and Fox Mask. Allen and R!ot have had communication problems ever since Rey De Reyes and Animal Magic may well see this a great opportunity to finally reach the summit of the Tag Division. There will also be a No DQ 3-Way involving Mainstream Hernandez, Bradford Peverall and Bulldozer Brandon Smith. At Miedo De La Obscuridad Peverall saved Hernandez's girlfriend Sara Silver from a probable beat-down at the hands of his assailant Smith. The question of the fans mind's, has Peverall developed a conscience or have the FCW matchmakers placed Hernandez in what could be a handicap match ? Rounding out the card Seriously Funny go up against the team that attacked them last month at Miedo de La Obscuridad, The Ring Generals, Inky the Squid Boy looks to get back on track after what looks to be the implosion of the Messiah's Circus when he takes on Island Boy Apollo and there will be a 4 Corner Survival featuring Arthur Dexter Bradley, Jared Johnson, Mr Electricty and the debut of former SWF star Darryl Devine ! Those who arrive early will get to see Wave of Violence (Speed & Primus) take on Benning & Wilkes in tag team action and Jeremiah Moose goes up against Matt Hocking. [I]Here's a full run down of the card for Guerra De Los Pares[/I] [CENTER][B][U]FCW Guerra De Los Pares[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Tuesday 9th November 2010 at Ricardo Montenez Ballroom in San Juan, Puerto Rico[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Special Attraction Tag:[/B] [SIZE=1]Undisputed Champion-[/SIZE] J.D Morgan & Ultimate Phoenix vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] Da Power & Phoenix Negra[/CENTER] [CENTER]People's Championship: Dean Daniels vs Angel De Mexico[/CENTER] [CENTER]Tag Team Championship: UNITY (Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask)[/CENTER] [CENTER]No DQ 3-Way: Bradford Peverall vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Mainstream Hernandez[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]4 Corner Survival:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Heat Magnets'[/SIZE] Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Jared Johnson vs Mr Electricity vs [SIZE=1]Making his FCW Debut-[/SIZE] Darryl Devine[/CENTER] [CENTER]Seriously Funny (The Great Oxii & Eddie Howard) vs The Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf)[/CENTER] [CENTER]Inky the Squid Boy vs Island Boy Apollo[/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Courier New]Pre-Show Matches:[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Wave of Violence (Speed & Primus) vs Benning & Wilkes[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Matt Hocking vs Jeremiah Moose[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]_____________________________________________________[/FONT][/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Predictions Form:[/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B][U]Guerra De Los Pares[/U][/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Special Attraction Tag:[/B] J.D Morgan & Ultimate Phoenix vs Da Power & Phoenix Negra[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]People's Championship:[/B] Dean Daniels vs Angel De Mexico[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] UNITY (Allen & R!ot) vs Animal Magic[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]No DQ 3-Way:[/B] Bradford Peverall vs BBS vs Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]4CS:[/B] ADB vs Jared Johnson vs Mr Electricty vs Darryl Devine[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Seriously Funny vs The Ring Generals[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Inky vs Island Boy Apollo[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Wave of Violence vs Benning & Wilkes[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Matt Hocking vs Jeremiah Moose[/COLOR][/LEFT] [/quote]
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[B]Guerra De Los Pares[/B] [B]Special Attraction Tag:[/B] J.D Morgan & Ultimate Phoenix vs [B]Da Power & Phoenix Negra[/B] [B]People's Championship:[/B] Dean Daniels vs [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] [B]Tag Team Championship: UNITY (Allen & R!ot)[/B] vs Animal Magic [B]No DQ 3-Way:[/B] [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs BBS vs Mainstream Hernandez [B]4CS:[/B] ADB vs Jared Johnson vs Mr Electricty vs [B]Darryl Devine[/B] Seriously Funny vs [B]The Ring Generals[/B] [B]Inky[/B] vs Island Boy Apollo [B]Wave of Violence[/B] vs Benning & Wilkes [B]Matt Hocking[/B] vs Jeremiah Moose
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Guerra De Los Pares Special Attraction Tag: J.D Morgan & Ultimate Phoenix vs [b]Da Power & Phoenix Negra[/b] People's Championship: Dean Daniels vs [b]Angel De Mexico[/b] Tag Team Championship: UNITY (Allen & R!ot) vs [b]Animal Magic[/b] No DQ 3-Way: Bradford Peverall vs [b]BBS[/b] vs Mainstream Hernandez 4CS: ADB vs Jared Johnson vs Mr Electricty vs [b]Darryl Devine[/b] Seriously Funny vs [b]The Ring Generals[/b] [b]Inky[/b] vs Island Boy Apollo [b]Wave of Violence[/b] vs Benning & Wilkes [b]Matt Hocking[/b] vs Jeremiah Moose
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Special Attraction Tag: J.D Morgan & Ultimate Phoenix vs [B]Da Power & Phoenix Negra[/B] People's Championship: Dean Daniels vs [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY (Allen & R!ot)[/B] vs Animal Magic No DQ 3-Way: Bradford Peverall vs BBS vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] 4CS: ADB vs Jared Johnson vs Mr Electricty vs [B]Darryl Devine[/B] [B]Seriously Funny[/B] vs The Ring Generals Inky vs [B]Island Boy Apollo[/B] [B] Wave of Violence[/B] vs Benning & Wilkes [B]Matt Hocking[/B] vs Jeremiah Moose
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Special Attraction Tag: J.D Morgan & Ultimate Phoenix vs [B]Da Power & Phoenix Negra[/B] People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Angel De Mexico - Mexico isn't the person to dethrone Daniels, even if you don't like the guy Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY (Allen & R!ot)[/B] vs Animal Magic No DQ 3-Way: [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs BBS vs Mainstream Hernandez - Give The Pev The Win... you know, for momentum and stuff 4CS: ADB vs Jared Johnson vs Mr Electricty vs [B]Darryl Devine[/B] - The D-word is an important one in TEW - if he's not on a loan, I expect greatness :p Seriously Funny vs [B]The Ring Generals[/B] Inky vs [B]Island Boy Apollo[/B] [B]Wave of Violence[/B] vs Benning & Wilkes [B]Matt Hocking[/B] vs Jeremiah Moose
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Guerra De Los Pares[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Tuesday November 9th 2010[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [CENTER]Ricardo Montenez Ball Room, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'972)[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/I][/LEFT] [B]Pre-Show[/B] [B]Match #1: Wave of Violence (M.C Speed & Primus) vs Joe Benning & Leftie Wilkes[/B] Primus may be having problems with Da Power of late, but he's still on the same page with his tag partner M.C Speed and they effectively 'squashed' the jobber duo of Benning & Wilkes, putting Benning away with the Gangsta Device. Benning & Wilkes actually put in a brave effort, preventing the match from being over in about a minute but never looked like causing an upset. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Wave of Violence defeated Joe Benning and Leftie Wilkes in 5:14 when Primus defeated Joe Benning by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [B]Match #2: Jeremiah Moose vs Matt Hocking[/B] The fans who arrived early at the show, were actually treated to a pretty decent and evenly contested match with Moose looking capable of causing the mild upset on several occasion, in the end Hocking was able to pick up the win the Shock Drop (Inverted Tornado DDT) [B][COLOR=red]Result: Matt Hocking defeated Jeremiah Moose in 6:21 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]Lisa Bowen comes out dressed in a large over coat, because it's cold outside.....actually she didn't because it doesn't get that cold in Puerto Rico even in the winter months and a bit of chill isn't going to stop Bowen from putting on something that would display her assets.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]Traditional start as Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch welcome us to the show, and then proceed to hype up the main event, the special attraction Tag featuring J.D Morgan teaming up with Ultimate Phoenix to take on Phoenix Negra and Da Power.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Tonight the mysterious masked man who has left Ultimate Phoenix lying in a heap at the end of the last two shows, makes his official debut. What we have now learnt is that he goes by the name of Phoenix Negra, which seems to suggest that he clearly has history with Ultimate Phoenix.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch[/B]: Thanks captain obvious for pointing that out.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] [I](ignoring Lynch's snide remark)[/I] What's more is that Phoenix Negra will make team up with a man he appears to have no affiliation to in Da Power, as they take on Ultimate Phoenix and Undisputed Champion J.D Morgan.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] This is clearly a pathetic and transparent attempt by the FCW management to try and hurt the Title aspirations of Da Power by teaming him with this unpredictable new comer.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] No, I think it's just the case of FCW management giving the fans an intriguing new match up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Like they care what the fans think, but there attemtps to derail Da Power will fail, because he'll find a way to work alongside this Phoenix Negra and together they will bring down golden boys Ultimate Phoenix and J.D Morgan.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Well Phoenix Negra certainly is the wild-card and if he does get the same page as Da Power, they could have the edge over Ultimate Phoenix and Morgan. We all know that Da Power will stop at nothing, be it fair of more often foul to gain victory and to me it looks like Phoenix Negra is cut from the same mould and[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] I don't like the fact that Da Power is being screwed over here, but as I said this pathetic plan will be torn to shreds.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] All of a sudden we seem to be Da Power's biggest fan, don't we Cueball ? Bit hypocritical of you don't you think, considering all you did was spit out vitriol whenever his name was mentioned.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] As I said that was when he was being false to not only you and me, but to himself as Puerto Rican Power. He is a changed man, a man I feel is been unjustly done out of his right as the Undisputed Champion.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] There's always a conspiracy theory with you.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Inky the Squid Boy vs Island Boy Apollo[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_InkyTheSquid.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_IslandBoyApollo.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Inky had the edge for most of the match,mostly keeping a step ahead of the face painted youngster by using underhanded tactics. However Island Boy was able to catch Inky in mid-move as the masked weirdo attempted to take Apollo down with the Ink Splot, transitioning it into the Island Driver to claim his first significant victory in FCW. Inky's contract runs out next month, and more than likely it won't be getting renewed, as we feel there will be cheaper options out there, to fill the sort of lower-mid card glorifed jobber role he has settled into during his time with FCW. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Island Boy Apollo defeated Inky The Squid Boy in 5:59 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]FCW's newest signing Darryl Devine (wearing shades and a smart dress shirt) comes out to the ring, and it looks like he has something to say, he gets a warm reception from most of the crowd who recognise him for his work in SWF. [/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine[/B]: Thanks for the warm reception but did any of you plebs cheer for me when I was in the SWF ?[/COLOR] [I]That catches the crowd a bit off guard, who so wanted to get behind the newcomer, many knowing that SWF had drop the ball with someone who has so much potential.[/I] [COLOR=darkred]No didn't think so, because I'm not here to please a bunch of backwards rice and beans munching dumbasses like you[/COLOR] [I]Some of the fans start to boo, Devine quickly getting the fans to buy into his arrogant jerk act.[/I] [COLOR=darkred]Boo me, cheer me, screw me, get this I don't care. I'll take that last one back, do screw me...that's if you're a beautiful mamacita, but I don't see any of those amongst you bunch of ugly mama's boys.[/COLOR] [I]Arthur Dexter Bradley's music then plays, saving the fans from more verbal abuse from Devine, who are now practically baying for his blood, the former SWF instantly setting himself up near the top of the 'hate' list amongst the FCW fans.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #2: 4CS: Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Darryl Devine vs [/B] [B]Jared Johnson vs Mr Electricity[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ArthurDexterBradley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DarrylDevine_nfalt3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JaredJohnson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Jared Johnson then came out next, followed by Mr Electricity whose Disco Dancin' entrance once again infuriated most of the crowd, thankfully this time they did not have to suffer the Bee Gee's but were forced to listen to Funkytown by Lipps Inc. This was typical 4CS fare, but the action once the 'feeling out process' was over, was fast and furious with near fall after near fall. The closing stretch saw Arthur Dexter Bradley take down Darryl Devine with a missile drop-kick only to be planted into the mat with a Russian Leg-Sweep from Jared Johnson and then locked into the Carolina Crossface. Mr Electricity broke up the submission with an elbow drop, before scooping Johnson up and planting the youngster into the mat with the Lightnin' Rod (Sitout Suplex Slam). ADB then got back up to make the save, before lifting Mr Electricity onto the top-rope and spiking the flamboyant disco dancer with the Cool Dee Tee, however before he could follow up Darryl Devine turned ADB inside out with a springboard lariat, before lifting the Heat Magnet up and planting him face first onto the mat with the Devine Dream Drop (Double Underhook Facebuster) to pick up the debut victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Darryl Devine defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley, Jared Johnson and Mr. Electricity in 9:43 when Darryl Devine defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]UNITY are backstage, where they talking things over about their match with Animal Magic[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] You two need to be on the same page tonight[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Harry Allen:[/B] I'll be ready[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Nicky R!ot[/B]: Look what happened at Rey De Reyes I'm over it[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Harry Allen:[/B] You're over it, there was never any issues in the first place, it was all in your god damn head.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] Harry I don't care who or what started this rift between you two, but you're the Tag Champs damn it and you better be on the same page, because the team you're facing are no mugs.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] Yeah there just a couple of loonies, who think their Animals.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] Peculiar or not, you better be taking them seriously as their wrestling isn't a joke[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] OK, OK I'll be taking them seriously.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Harry Allen:[/B] He better be because I'm always proud to hold Tag Team gold, I was a Tag champ five teams in TCW.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] Who cares, four of them was for the midget Tag Titles.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Harry Allen:[/B] It was the Cruiserweight Tag and what you trying to imply Nicky, that us smaller guys aren't as good as plodding lumps like you ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Will you back me up on this one Charles ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] Will both of you give it a rest, please...enough with the bickering, how the hell you going to keep hold of the gold, when you can barely speak to one another without it ever breaking into some childish game of one upmanship ![/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Harry Allen:[/B] Look I'm not the one who cares about these Tag Belts, I'm the one who's got his head in the game.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Nicky R!ot[/B]: Yeah, yeah put all the blame on me, bet you did that with Stevie Gumbo whenever things went wrong with the Young Guns.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Tag Team Championship:[/B] [B]UNITY (Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs [/B] [B]Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The story of the match was that UNITY could never quite get on the same page, whilst Animal Magic looked like a well oiled tag unit. However despite the fact, that both Allen and R!ot suffered near-falls at the hands of the masked men, their partner dove in at the last second to make the save, the closest of which came when Nicky R!ot was taken down with the assisted Fox Flip off DDT. However neither Animal Magic continued to remain in control after that, isolating Harry Allen after yet another miscommunication between the UNITY pair, that led to Animal Magic finishing Allen off with the LAST HUNT (Double Enziguri's). That should have won the masked pair the match and the titles, but Nicky R!ot made the save, by bringing in a chair and cracking it over the back of Fox Mask....causing an instant DQ but also saving the titles for UNITY. After the match Harry Allen tried to apologise for the actions of his partner, who then told Allen that he thought he 'cared' about the titles on the way back up the entrance ramp. Some of the fans were booed R!ot when he used the chair to save the titles, adding to the general sense that the former USPW prospect might be on the verge of a heel turn. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Animal Magic defeated UNITY. in 8:35 when Nicky R!ot was disqualified while fighting Fox Mask. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=purple]UNITY retain the FCW Tag Team Championship Titles.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: NO DQ 3-Way Battle:[/B] [B]Bradford Peverall vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Mainstream Hernandez w/ Sara Silver[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG][B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandon_alt4.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The storyline played out in the match, was much more intriguing than the action itself, not that the action was poor, but this was definitely more about the emotional ride. It pretty much started as just a one on one contest with BBS and Hernandez going at it, with Peverall standing back. The Mainstreamer got the better of the Bulldozer in the early going, which included taking out BBS with a moonsault press off the apron. However BBS took control, as they fought out in the crowd with a vertical suplex onto a row of chairs. Seeing that Hernandez was in a weakened position Bradford Peverall joined in, much to the disappointment of the crowd. This led to an extended beatdown on Hernandez, where the Peverall and BBS had weakend the Mainstreamer enough to set a table up in the ring. Hernandez staggered into the ring, barely able to get to his feet just as his two opponents finished setting the table up. But all of a sudden Bradford Peverall low blowed BBS from behind and then followed up by knocking the Bulldozer Spark out with a Rock Hard Uppercut. Peverall the placed BBS on the table, before rolling out of the ring. Hernandez now getting his bearings back, was suddenly greeted with the sight of a 'knocked out' BBS laying flat out on the table. The Mainstreamer then proceeed to climb to the top-rope, before delivering an Apparition #14 through the table to pick up the victory as Bradford Peverall applauded the victory of his former tag partner. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mainstream Hernandez defeated Bradford Peverell and Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 8:46 when Mainstream Hernandez defeated Bradford Peverell by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [I]As they get back to their feet though, an incensed BBS levels Mainstream Hernandez from behind with a Northern Lariat, but just as he is about to do more damage Bradford Peverall slides back in with a chair, cracking it over the head of BBS who then scurries away. Hernandez though looks more bemused than grateful of Peverall's actions, quickly requesting a microphone.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] What's this all about Bradford, is this some kind of funny mind games, are you trying to mess with my head.....because I'm sick and tired of your games.[/COLOR] [I]Bradford Peverall requests a microphone himself and begins to speak.[/I] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] No mind games James, just that last week I saw what I had become when BBS was going to lay his hands on your Sara and I didn't like what I saw.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Well you should have thought about that when you decided to bring that oaf in to terrorise the love of my life, you could have ended this months ago Bradford, you could have just you know apologised.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] I know I could have, I know I was wrong, I was jealous but I'd like to make it up to you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] You could make it up to me, by getting out of mine and Sara's faces, how about that Brad ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Come on James, Brad's real sorry...I can see it in his eyes.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Please don't tell me you're buying into this crap , this a guy I called a best friend, but he turned on me and all for what, just because I cared about you more.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] And you're right about that Mainstreamer, but now I can see I was wrong, tragically wrong, I let a succesful partnership, a partnership that took us to tag team gold fall apart, but it was more than that, you were my best friend, and that's what hurts the most...look I'm real sorry, I really am.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Come on James, just accept his apology, even if it's just to draw a line under this whole saga. Lets move on. [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B]: Look he hurt me, he hurt you...it'll take more than a few pathetic words spurted from his dishonest mouth, before I can forgive him for what he has done to us.[/COLOR] [I]Mainstream Hernandez then walks out of the ring, Sara Silver pauses for a bit before somewhat reluctantly following her boyfriend out of the ring, leaving a disappointed and forlorn looking Bradford Peverall standing all on his own.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] The fans are now buying into Bradford Peverall as being a face once again, as his apology, followed by his actions both in and post match, helped the fans buy into the turn. Hernandez by not accepting the apology came across as being a bit of a jerk on this occasion, especially after Sara Silver's pleas that he should just accept the apology to at-least 'draw a line' under the episode.[/FONT] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Meanwhile backstage Da Power is walking down the corridor with Carl Batch, when he bumps into his tag partner for tonight Phoenix Negra, who is hanging upside down off a metal guard-rail.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Here's the damn weirdo fool.....[/COLOR] [I]Phoenix Negra swoops down, landing on his feet[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Yeah that the masked weirdo, I'm being forced to team with. [/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Phoenix Negra:[/B] Believe me I hardly find pleasure in teaming with those who are only guided by the material.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] What the hell you on about damn fool.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Phoenix Negra:[/B] Your tiny minds may not be able to comprehend, but this is not a choice that has been chosen, for my path and destiny is intertwined with the one who calls himself Ultimate Phoenix, but he is only one half of the same puzzle, for I must defeat him or he must defeat me for the destiny to be fulfilled, for the one true Phoenix to ultimately rise to greatness.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Look I don't know what mumbo jumbo you spouting but you better not stuff it up tonight, because if you do, you'll be getting some W.O.V payback to deal with, you got that fool[/COLOR]. [COLOR=indigo][B]Phoenix Negra:[/B] You think I am afraid of you and your band of lackeys ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Everyone is afraid of Wave of Violence, we are the top dawgs in this joint in case you haven't noticed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Phoenix Negra:[/B] From what I've observed, you were, past tense. You no longer hold any of the 'bling' that you desire for, and I believe no one, absolutely no one is afraid of you any more. You have lost your aura, you are a spent force, something one from your brainwashed set of lackeys is perhaps beginning to grasp.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] I could knock your block off right now.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch[/B]: Why don't you champ, no one disses W.O.V like this fool is doin and don't feel no damn payback on his ass[/COLOR]. [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] I would, I really would but I'm being forced to tag with this idiot tonight and I need him to be alive, after that we can do what we want with him.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Phoenix Negra:[/B] You speak as though I'm not here, but I am and now I know of your plans you better be hopeful I turn up later.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] You better up turn fool or they'll be payback...W.O.V style.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Seriously Funny (Eddie Howard & The Great Oxii) vs [/B] [B]T[/B][B]he Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OxKreviazuk_alt31.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarvStatler.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanWaldorf.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] A poor tag match, that was thankfully kept relatively short. Seriously Funny used their size advantage to come out on top in the early going, but some dirty tactics turned the match a full 180 in the favour of The Ring Generals. This included a ref bump which enabled both of the The Ring Generals to pull out brass knucks and crack them over the head of their opponents. Then as Brett Graveson came to he saw Dean Waldorf place Eddie Howard in a Figure Four leg-lock...Graveson then called for the bell, thinking that Howard had 'passed out' from the pressure of the figure four, when he was in fact knocked out with a pair of brass knuckles to the temple. [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Ring Generals defeated Seriously Funny in 4:08 when Dean Waldorf defeated Eddie Howard by submission with a Figure Four Leglock after blatantly cheating. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]The Ring Generals then pick up some microphones.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Dean Waldorf:[/B] As we said last week, we're not here to wrestle jokes , where's the real competition, because if this is the best FCW can offer, then our stay here will be a short one.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Marv Statler:[/B] Next week we expect a top team, and then everyone will really see why The Ring Generals, are destined for greatness.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: E[/B] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Angel De Mexico is getting ready for his People's Title match with Dean Daniels, when he turns to camera to cut a promo.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] Many will feel I am 'stepping down' by challenging again for the People's Belt, but I do not see it like that, for I was very proud when I held the title and like him or not Dean Daniels has had an impressive run, making the belt highly prestigious and a much coveted prize. [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]But I talk to you now Dean, yes your run as champion has been impressive, almost a year but you have not defeated me, for when I lost the title, it was not to you. Tonight we truly prove who is the People's Champion ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Peoples Championship: [/B] [B]Dean Daniels w/ Lisa Bowen vs Angel De Mexico[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Tentative start, as they circle each other. Daniels then manages to take Angel down to the mat with a single leg take down, but Angel gets back up and takes Daniels down with an arm-drag. The chain wrestling continues with neither man gaining much of an advantage, this is followed by a stand off. Daniels gains the advantage with a fore-arm smash whipping Angel into the ropes, only to be taken down with another arm-drag. Daniels gets back to his feet and goes for a lariat but Angel ducks under and then nail Daniels with a standing drop-kick that sends the champion out of the ring. Daniels walks around, briefly consoling with his manager Lisa Bowen. Angel then goes for a plancha, but flips back into the ring, when he sees Daniels move out of the way, but the danger isn't over for Daniels as Angel launches himself through the ropes with a suicide dive, sending Daniels crashing back first into the guard-rail. Angel then pitches Daniels back into the ring, the masked man then climbs up the turnbuckle and goes for a moonsault, but Daniels gets the knees up. Both then stagger up to their feet and it's the champion who gains the advantage levelling Angel with a lariat. That bring Daniels a two count, who then lifts up a dazed Angel onto his shoulders, placing the masked man in the crucifix position before tossing Angel against the turnbuckle after the Human Roulette (Spinning Crucifix Toss). Angel then staggers out of the corner and into a release belly to belly suplex from Daniels. One..... Two..... Thr...... Daniels lifts Angel up off the mat, and sets up for the Raise The Stakes, but Angel holds firm before countering into a Tilt-A-Whirl Arm Drag. Daniels gets back to his feet first, and tries to gain control again, moving in to strike with a running knee drive but Angel is able to block the attempt, catching the leg then taking the champion off his feet with a leg-whip. With Daniels down, Angel headed up top once again....the masked man waited for Daniels to stagger back up to his feet, before diving off, taking down the champion with a Tilt-A-Whirl before applying the MEXICAN DEATH ARMBAR !! Angel wrenched back on the hold, as Brett Graveson asked Daniels if he wanted to give up, but the champion refused to give in to the pain, and eventually managed to manouevre himself over to the ropes to force a rope break. Daniels then rolled out of the ring and tried to shake some feeling back into his arm, but Angel wasn't having any of that, climbing to the top and launching himself off with a diving cross-body. Angel then went to pitch Daniels back into the ring, but Lisa Bowen placed herself in front of Angel. Angel moved the scantily clad manager of Dean Daniels out of the way, clearly undistracted by Bowen's considerable charms, but the distraction was enough for Daniels to get in an eye poke as Angel placed his hands back on the champion. Daniels then drilled Angel with a short arm lariat, before rolling back into the ring to break up Graveson's twenty count. Daniels then turned his attention back to Angel, dropping the challenger back first against the floor with a snap suplex , before rolling back into the ring and demanding Graveson to count Angel out. Angel staggered back up to his feet, climbing up onto the apron only to be knocked off with a fore-arm smash from Daniels. Angel got up again, only to be greeted with a charging Daniels once again, however it proved to be third time lucky, as this time Angel was able to slide through Daniels legs and then drill the champion with a standing drop-kick. Daniels then stumbled forward off the ropes and right into the ACALPULCO TWIST (Corkscrew Neckbreaker)...... One....... Two....... Thr........ Daniels got the shoulder up at the last split second. The challenger kept his cool though, quickly heading up top , but once again Lisa Bowen was there to distract getting up on the apron, and this allowed Daniels to get back to his feet, and start climbing the turnbuckle but Angel was able to shove Daniels off, Angel then steadied himself to dive off once again, but Daniels got back to his feet, levelling Angel with a series of fore-arm smashes, before placing the challenger into the power bomb position....... Daniels then delivered as sit out power bomb out of the corner....... One........ Two....... Angel managed to kick out, which only seemed to make the champion more determined, Daniels quickly trapped the arms of Angel and began to unleash the trapped knees, but the masked man managed to slip out, before nailing the champion with an Enziguri, causing Daniels to stagger into the MEXICAN DEATH ARMBAR ! But Daniels, managed to lift Angel up with his good arm, before powerbombing the challenger against the turnbuckle.....Daniels then nailed the patriotic masked man with a jumping knee strike, who then staggered right into the RAISE THE STAKES (Cradle Piledriver)..... One....... Two......... Three !!! Dean Daniels retains the People's Championship. Daniels has now completed a record 12 defences as champion. This match had the potential to be one of the very best in FCW's history, and whilst it didn't quite live up to that billing, it was still a very good match and one that was worthy of it's semi main-event slot amongst the card. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Dean Daniels defeated Ángel De México in 18:16 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=indigo][COLOR=purple]Dean Daniels retains the FCW People's Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]A video package plays to hype up the main event Tag match that see's J.D Morgan team with Ultimate Phoenix to take on Phoenix Negra and Da Power. It basically recaps the recent history between all four competitors.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Phoenix Negra & Da Power w/ Carl Batch vs [/B] [B]J.D Morgan & Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPowerWOV.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Everyone comes out to their own entrance music and once in the ring Da Power and Phoenix Negra hardly look to be a united unit. Da Power and J.D Morgan started things off, and despite the W.O.V man's size advantage, Morgan was able to take control with a series of European Uppercuts, before forcing Power into his corner and tagging in Ultimate Phoenix. That proved to be a mistake intitially as Power, used his size of over power Phoenix, but the champion got arrogant, telegraphing the roaring elbow, and leading to Phoenix nailing the fallen icon with a drop-kick. Phoenix then followed up with a springboard roundhouse kick, that unbalanced Power, who then stumbled into a kip-up rana from the popular masked man. Phoenix then ignorned the pleas of Morgan, who wanted to tag back in, much to the frustration of the former champion, before heading up top.....the former MPWF and CZCW champion then flew off the top into the spectacular Phoenix Fire-Bird Splash but Power moved of the way. Phoenix then landed on his feet only for Power to level the masked man with a clothesline. Power then looked over towards his corner, but decided against tagging in Phoenix Negra, who wanted in on the match, just so he could get his hands on Ultimate Phoenix. Da Power continued to dish out methodical punishment interspersing it with arrogant, weak pin attemps that infuriated the crowd and Phoenix's tag partner J.D Morgan. However when Da Power whipped Phoenix into one of the turnbuckles, Phoenix Negra made a blind tag, which was spotted by Brett Graveson and not by Power. Negra got between Power and Phoenix, to deliver a kick combination on his arch rival, much to the frustration of Power. Power then shoved Negra out of the way, which allowed Ultimate Phoenix to suddenly leap up to the top turnbuckle and spike Da Power onto his head with a Tornado DDT......... Ultimate Phoenix then laid his exhausted body over Da Power, only for Phoenix Negra to make the save, before both of them shoved Da Power out of the ring ! The two masked men then stared each other down, before locking up....what followed was some of the slickest counter wrestling ever seen in FCW, it's as though they knew each others moves inside out. Eventually it was the fresher Phoenix Negra who was able to gain the advantage, dumping Ultimate Phoenix on his head with an Elemental Suplex for a two count. But as Negra headed up top, a recovered Da Power made the tag, before shoving Negra off, asnd instead of following up on a worn down Ultimate Phoenix, Da Power delivered the SAN JUAN RUSH !! to his own tag partner. Da Power then turned his attention back to Ultimate Phoenix, moving in for another San Juan Rush but Ultimate Phoenix was able to moved out of the way, before unbalancing the former champion with a leg-sweep. Phoenix then hit a desperation drop-kick on Power, creating another space between himself and the W.O.V man to roll back into this corner and get the hot-tag into J.D Morgan. A fresh as a daisy Undisputed Champion, then unleashed a flurry of European Uppercuts on Da Power, who was taken completely off guard. This then lead to Morgan driving Power onto the mat with the Hammerlock Divorce Court, before locking on the CROSS ATLANTIC STRETCH ! Morgan had the feared hold locked on right in the middle of the ring, and instead of trying to struggle his way out of the hold, Da Power quickly decided to tap out ! Handing Morgan a rather convincing victory. A very good but not great main event, this was definately more of a storyline match, with very little in the way of traditional tag team action. Power tapping out so easily to the CAS might make him look a bit weak but Cueball Lynch did a good job on commentary by explaining that it was the smart thing to do. [B][COLOR=red]Result: JD Morgan and Ultimate Phoenix defeated Da Power and Phoenix Negra in 12:39 when JD Morgan defeated Da Power by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [I]The show ends with J.D Morgan standing tall in the ring, as a defeated Da Power looks on with envy and frustration.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] This show had our biggest ever crowd, but unfortunately the extra fans turned up to see our weakest show for a good few months. It wasn't a terrible show but the two very good but not great matches in the main event slots were not enough to make up for a slightly lackluster under card. Next month we will need to come back stronger, especially with two important shows coming up...these are FCW Oro (which will be the 50th show FCW has put on) and of course the 2010 edition of Batalla Final.
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[CENTER][B][U][COLOR=black]November in Review[/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] November 2010 has to be one of the most frustrating months of my tenure as head booker of FCW. The only really positive thing about the month, is that on the back of a record crowd we managed to make a pretty nice profit. The show itself whilst not a disaster, was also our weakest effort since June but that paled in comparison to what I woke up to whilst listening to the local radio station. My boss Senor Wilson Lopez (better known to everyone else as Da Power) was being interviewed about how FCW has really started to grow as a wrestling promotion, and how proud he was that his promotion was beginning to get noticed by wrestling fans not just in Puerto Rico but also mainland America, he was on one big ego trip as he forgot to thank the great job I and the rest of the wrestlers had put in. It was good advertising, but I couldn't help thinking the boss was being of a self centred jerk, especially when he came round to bad mouthing our champion J.D Morgan. Now this was no kayfabe interview, this was Da Power talking as Wilson Lopez not his character, he was saying how self centred Morgan was , when I knew this couldn't be further from the truth. Knowing how Senor Lopez feels about Morgan, I now fear that when Morgan's contract comes up for renewal, the boss will do everything in his power not to renew it. Perhaps it's jealousy that he's no longer the be all and end all of FCW, but sometimes I wonder if the boss has his own interests at heart more than the interests of the promotion itself. It's moments like this when I wonder, why I am stuck here in Puerto Rico working under over-rated egomaniac, who set himself up what could only be described as a Vanity promotion, but you know what I have too much invested in this promotion and with my booking and the talent I have brought in, I have helped this Island based promotion grow and if Senor Lopez was stuck with a yes man, it probably would be as stagnant as PSW. I bumped into J.D Morgan a week after the bosses comments. He had read everything in a transcript on one of the wrestling news sites. He was far from impressed of what the boss thought of him, and felt like quitting the promotion and perhaps heading back to his native U.K. I convinced him to at least stay until the end of the contract, but I now know I will have to get the title off him before it comes up for renewal, thankfully it does not expire for sometime, so I won't have to hot-shot the belt off him. I may have been over exaggerating when the only positive thing this month was the fact we made a profit. Darryl Devine should be a great signing for us, be it long term or short term. He's actually signed on with a proper PPA deal but it wouldn't surprise me if one of the big boys came along to snap him up the end of his contract, he's that good of a talent and SWF really missed the boat with him. Devine's not the only signing this month, as an old face will be making his return to FCW next month, but we'll keep his identity under wraps until he makes his debut. Meanwhile Dane O'Hara, Carl Batch, Crippler Ray Kingman and Masked Cougar all signed new contracts but Tully Arthurs (Leper Messiah) and D.C Rayne have now left FCW, after we decided against renewing their contracts. The level of push Tully Arthurs felt he should have been getting, and the push I felt Tully's skills as as a performer warranted had grown apart by some distance. In Tully's mind he was a main event star, but all I saw was a mid-carder who had been given an admittedly entertaining gimmick. He had the ego of my boss, but with less wrestling talent (and Power's hardly one of the Stone Brothers) and with considerably less overness (though that may be because I didn't give him the MEGA push he felt he deserved). There's only so far a good gimmick can get you, unless you're catering to the USPW fanbase and at the end of the day Tully is and probably always will be a pretty poor wrestler. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Rival Promotion Watch[/U][/B][/CENTER] 4C put on Back to Basics, a show considered to be a little below the standards of recent efforts earning an overall C- grade the main event defence of the 4C Championship by Philip La Grenier over Shane Nelson, rated at C- and was overshadowed by the semi main event match between Young Leo and Joey Poison a C+ rated match. CZCW appear to be in a bit of a funk by their own high standards, and though Showdown at Sundown (Rated C) was an improvement over last months Hardcore Halloween event, it is still below the standards CZCW were setting themselves during the summer. The main event saw Harry Allen retain the Coastal Zone Championship over Whippy the Clown in a C+ rated match, whilst Match of the night was a B- rated Ladder match that saw Plague defend the Xtreme Title against Fox Mask, that match however came in the middle of the show, with fans feeling that the show peaked too early. MAW appear to have settled into a pattern of putting on good but not outstanding shows, as Retribution was their third C rated event in the row, Mean Jean Cattley faced Steve Flash in a title rematch in the main event, a match that earned a C rating. Match of the night however came between two members who are familiar with each other in FCW, as our boss defeated Mainstream Hernandez under his Warlord Power alter-ego in a C+ rated effort. NYCW put on the strongest show of anyone this month, with Desperate Measure earning a B- rating, this was mainly off the back off a MOTYC within their promotion as Steve Flash held onto the Empire Championship against Whippy The Clown in a B rated match, the excellence of this match took everyone by surprise. The rest of the show hovered around being average, though the semi main event between The Mean Machine (Jean Cattley) and Snow Fox was pretty good (rated C). We've take plenty of knocks at PSW, but they actually put on their best show since Alex Braun took over the book, with their Apocalypse Now show rating a C, on the back of a C rated main event Title defence by Johnny Martin against Soul Krusher (who was finishing up his second date of his loan spell from us, despite the fact we had just released him) and a C- match where J.D Morgan defeated Wooton Fitzpaine in the semi main event. An improved effort by the Pittsburgh based hardcore promotion, but it's baffling as to why this event could be considered as good as what we put on this month. RIPW New Horizons event rated as a D+ and saw Kirk Jameson retain the RIPW Championship against Madman Boone in a C- rated main event. At this moment in time, D/D+ events are what are to be expected of RIPW who have only recently made the jump up to being a Regional sized promotion. Overall not great month against our rivals, but it could have been worse. PSW were as good as us, but only in letter grade, we must have been close to a C+, where as they must have barely scraped a C. CZCW had another slight off month, MAW and 4C plodded along at their usual standards and NYCW put on one of their best shows for a good few months. RIPW are at this moment in time are insignificant and seeing as we have a non aggression pact with their parent company SWF, they won't be coming along to poach some of our top talents and sticking them in 'development'. [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]November News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] ROF have risen to Regional size, in the UK. Many see this as a failure on Jeff Nova's part to make 21CW the dominant promotion in the UK, now that both MOSC and ROF are near enough on an even playing field with 21CW. That's not to take anything away from ROF, as the pure wrestling promotion has put on some amazingly strong shows for a promotion of it's humble size and resources, with Walter Morgan consistently putting in strong defences of the Ring of Fire Championship. [B]Worker Signings[/B] Golden Delicious, Kristabel Plum and Zoe Ammis will all be returning to Japan to take part in 5SSW's winter tour. Former USPW mainstay Mick Muscles, has added CGC to his schedule, after signing on with MAW last month. Exodus 2010 have snapped up Evil Spirit on a PPA deal. GCG have signed up a glut of gaijin talent to take part in their next tour, that includes Billy Russell, Cameron Vessey, Nigel Svensson and Kalu Owusu. While Henry Bennett and Mashashi Urogataya sign exclusive written contracts with the ' Wise Old Man' of Japan. Hinote Dojo pick up Rogue Matsuo SF and in a surprise move former back-yarder Xavier Reckless on PPA deals. INSPIRE add veteran Matsudaira Morioka and ROF standout Merle O'Curle on PPA contracts. MOSC boost their roster with the additions of Martin Heath and former 21CW World Champion Jonathan Faust. Erik Strong, recently released by TCW has signed on with NYCW. OLLIE have signed hotly tipped teenage prospect El Heroe Mexicano. PSW boost their roster with the additions of Matt Sparrow and California Love Machine. ROF add veteran talents Pitbull Brown, Eddie Cornell, Rolling Johnny Stones and Ali Bloxsome to their roster, as they rise to Regional Size. SAISHO add veterans Hypnos and Amane Shunsen on PPA deals and also pick up referee Yasuyuki Terakado. Perhaps the biggest news this month is the return of Runaway Train to the SWF. Train left SWF in March, when Train could not come to terms over a contract extension, it appears though that either the SWF bosses have met Train's demands, or what is more likely to be the case, Train lowered his when neither TCW, USPW or any of the big promotions in Japan showed no interest in signing the former World Champion. Though many wrestling insiders say that the more significant bit of business, came in the form of TCW snatching away Steven Parker from rivals SWF. Parker never quite got the chance to shine in the SWF (drawing comparisons to their mis handling of Darryl Devine) and many see the former MAW standout as a future main eventer if handled correctly. USPW snap up youngster Hollywood Brett Starr, this move comes as no surprise, seeing as Brett's father the legendary Micky Starr is the resident road agent for the family friendly Florida based promotion. WLW have gone on another mad signing spree since their sudden rise to Global Size, adding Takuro Matsumoto, Nathan Coleman, Sotatsu Sarumura, Yatsuhiro Atshushi, Barry Griffin, Sofu Ozawa, Spyder Yakuta, Hidekazau referee Tsutome Watnabe, announcer Monzaemon Ouchi and road agent Yoshinaka Toshusai all on written contracts. Whilst Hirokazu Yamanoue, White Samurai and Larry Wood. Many are questioning the wisdom of this latest signing spree, especially the fact that most are over the hill veterans, that will likely just be used as enhancement talent. It's so much the fact WLW have added them to their roster, it's more the fact that they have signed the likes of Atshushi and Yakuta to written contracts, when it probably would have made more sense for WLW to add them on PPA deals. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 4C extend the contracts of road agent Curt O'Malley and valet Katie Cameron 5SSW extend the PPA deals of Amber Allen, Huntress Makiko, Ikuko Temko, Chitose Ariwara and Shiori Jippensha. AAA extend the contracts of Missy Masterson and referee Lois Hudson. APW extend the contract of Big Daddy Horne. Eisaku Hoshino keeps his lucrative PPA deal rolling on with BHOTWG. BSC extend the contracts of Amy Galaxy and Vampella. CHC keep hold of Destiny, his former tag partner turned road agent Chance, Whippy The Clown and Grimm Quibble. A busy month for CWWF, as they retain the services of Grace Harper, Sara Marie York, Joanne Rodriguez, Lauren Easter, Katherine Goodlooks, Zoe Ammis, announce team members Ted Ross and Cueball Lynch and manager Carl Batch. CZCW extend the contracts of Ultimate Phoenix, Remmy Skye and Al Coleman. EWA extend the contracts of The Big Bad, Miss Information, commentator Joan Evans and referee Patrick Garrett. Burning Takash!ta keep his PPA deal with GCG going for another three months. Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deals of Dean Daniels, Munemitsu Senmatsu, Nichiren Amagawa and Ryushi Sato. INSPIRE extend the PPA deals of Oleg Dorosklov and announce team members Seiho Kuroda and Danjuro Konmatsu. MAW extend the contract of color commentator Duke Hazzard. To no one's surpise MOSC extend the contract of Jeffrey McPeterson. MPWF extend the contracts of Arthur Dexter Bradley, Snap Dragon, Cique Jr and Chica De Partido. NOTBPW seal Women's Division mainstay Emma Bitch and Robbie McNamara to new written contracts. A busy month for NYCW as they extend the contracts of Cameron Vessey, Hollywood Brett Starr, Primus Allen, Snow Fox (Fox Mask), Dazzling Dave Diamond, Land Mass, announcer Rock Downpour, retired wrestler turned color commentator Whistler and valet Cheerleader Nikki. OLLIE extend the contracts of Swarm III and Hijo Del Mephisto. PGHW seal Noriyori Sanda to a new written contract. PSW extend the contracts of Teddy Powell, Lazy Joe, Wooton Fitzpaine and color commentator Alex Braun, who also holds onto his position as Head Booker, despite the fact that his tenure with the PSW book has been viewed as a failure by most wrestling observers. RIPW extend the contract of Gigolo Jack Stein (Rodger Dodger). ROF carry of a key bit of business sealing champion Walter Morgan to a new contract, whilst commentator Peaches McCream also signs a new deal. SAISHO extend the PPA deal of Toshinobu Taku. SOTBPW extend the contracts of Nicolas Lopez, Pirata Malvado, El Fuerza, Tijuana Vampire and Mexican Beast. SWF secure Valiant, Knuckles of Death Row, veteran road agent Chief Two Eagles and to no one's suprise commentator Jerry Eisen to new exclusive written contracts. UEW extend the contracts of Scott Van Den Berg and valet Marianne. USPW keep hold of Jumbo Jackson, retired wrestler Peter Valentine (who appears to have been kept on in some kind of personality role) and referee Robbie Sanchez. WLW secure UK Dragon and The Tic to new written contracts, whilst Eisaku Hoshino as with his contract with BHOTWG keeps his PPA deal rolling along. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Greg Black completes his departure from both CGC and 4C, whilst Hollywood Brett Starr also leaves 4C after he told the Regional sized Canadian Promotion he could no longer commit to them, following him joining on with USPW. Tsutomu Watnable leaves 5SSW, as he signs on exclusively with the WLW juggeranaut. Hinote Dojo lose the services of Henry Bennett, Barry Griffin and Hirokazu Yamanoue. Griffin, Bennett and Sotatsu Sarumura also leave INSPIRE after they all sign exclusive contracts with rival promotions. Two former Tag champions depart from MOSC in the form of Jeremy Allen and Buff Martinez. Marv Statler, one half of The Ring Generals has left PSW, frustrated at the lack of focus the Tag Division has received in PSW. Sotatsu Sarumura and Barry Griffin also leave SAISHO as does Yatushiro Atshushi and referee Tsutomu Watnabe. Erik Strong was let go by TCW, after the former MAW star failed to make much impact in his near 3 year run with the promotion. [B]Injuries[/B] There were no major injuries to report of this month [B]Retirements[/B] I what should give many wrestling fans a good chuckle, BSC's Officer Goodhead announced her retirement from active in-ring competition. She remains contracted to the T&A promotion but will no longer partake in 'matches'. [B]Media News[/B] WLW have signed a deal with Seleccion Mexico to broadcast their PPV events in Mexico. More significantly though they have struck a deal with the CBA network to show their weekly television program Combat TV, gaining them further exposure in both the U.S and Canada. TCW's Action Packed moves to America Sports- 1 and SWF will have their Supreme TV shown in Japan on Japanese Sports Vision 2. [B]Title Changes[/B] Most of the belts in BHOTWG changed hands during November, Super Joshuya won the Junior Championship for a fourth time, Nissho Yuasha became a 3 time Openweight Champion, the all gaijin duo of Red Panther and Snap Dragon won the Junior Tag belts and Tadakuni Toshuai and Fakusuburo Inao regained the World Tag Team Titles from Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) to become two time champions. Tasku Shinozuoka regained the Golden Crown in Exodus 2010 from Hypnos and Shirai Yanagawa won the Silver Crown from Tag Team partner Diamond Furusawa. Following the departure of Henry Bennett to GCG the All Japan Title in Hinote Dojo has been left vacant. El Bandito regained the Herencia de Mundo title in MPWF, a year after losing it to Spanish Superfly, following his return to the promotion in July. El Hijo Espada Roja claimed the Campeonde Lucha title, ending the 10 month reign of Hombre de la Energia. MAW find their Tag Titles once again vacated, following the departure of Nathan Coleman who has signed on exclusively with WLW. Cherry Bomb's reign as the NOTBPW Women's champion only lasted a month as Jaime Quine regained the title to become a two time champion. Swarm I, Rafael Ruiz and Phoenix III ended the year and a half reign of Phoenix I and the Montero Brothers to claim the Trios titles in OLLIE, this comes on the back of a shock heel turn from Phoenix III Alexander Robinson became the shock new champion of the Glory Crown in PGHW, ending the five month reign of Nobutaso Tatsuko, in what is seen as as a major upset. The Elite Tag Series also took place this month, and it saw Team Dynasty (Mushashino & Inukai) win the tournament for a record 7th time and for the third year on the trot, defeating the pairing of Bryan Vessey and recently crowned Glory Crown Champion Alexander Robinson in the finals. Team Dynasty 2000 also defeated Chojiro Kotaiji and Oleg Dorosklov an Glory Crown Tag Champions Koiso & Kawashima on their way to claiming the Trophies yet again. Other pairings to take part in the tournament included Miwa & Kwakami, Raymond Diaz & Li Bingci and Team Energy (Tatsuko & Sanda). Hirokazau Yamanoue defeated Toshinobu Taku to claim the Destiny Crown title vacated by Barry Griffin in SAISHO. The Cannoball Kid and Pirata Malvado continue to pass the Campeon de Menor back and forth between themselves. Cannonball Kid won the belt for a third time off Pirata, only to drop it back to Pirata weeks later, to begin Pirata's 7th reign with the belt. Steve Frehley ended the 11 month long reign of Lobster Warrior, to claim the SWF World Heavyweight Championship for a second time, almost five years after his first reign with the belt back in January 2006. James Prudence also regained the Shooting Star Championship for a third time, his third reign with the belt. Eddie Peak ended the seven month reign of Troy Tornado, to become the TCW World Champion, his first reign with the belt. Tornado had a solid run with the belt, helping to rebuild the prestige Title following the disappointing run of Tyson Baine and Baine saw his run as the International Champion brought to an end by Rick Law, who wins the belt for a third time. Ekuma The Hawaiian Strongman defeated Lex Appeal to claim the USPW Intercontinental Title. Ryu Kajahara's latest reign with the WLW Universal Title could only last one month, as Magnum KOBE claimed the title for a fourth time. Awesome Thunder regained the Show Stealer title from Americana to win the title for a third time. UK Dragon defeated Barei Yasujiro to win the Street Fighting Title for the first time and debutant Spyder Yakuta defeated Haru Kurofuji for the Tap Out Title, only to lose the belt weeks later to Tokoyuni Hardcore.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][I]Delorean Driver.com[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][I]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] Three years and three months after they opened their doors, FCW will be putting on what will be their 50th show, with FCW Oro from the historic Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, in downtown San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Friday 3rd December. Considering that some wrestling 'insiders' though that this 'vanity project' of one Wilson Lopez (better known to wrestling fans as Puerto Rican Power) would only last about a year, this is an achievement all those involved with FCW can be proud of. In the main event J.D Morgan will put the Undisputed Championship on the line against an opponent to decided earlier in the night. Four of the very best in FCW will battle it out in a 4 Corner survival with the winner facing off against Morgan for the Twin Belts in the main event. Those competing in the four way will be former People's Champion Angel De Mexico, current People's Champion Dean Daniels, 2010 Rey De Reyes winner Ultimate Phoenix and what now appears to be his arch nemesis Phoenix Negra. Former champion Da Power is said to be livid that he was not included in the four way and has said he will be at FCW Oro to issue an open challenge, and that in doing so he will send 'a message' to the rest of the FCW locker-room. The Tag Team Titles will also be on the line, as the recently troubled champions the UNITY pairing of Nicky R!ot and Harry Allen will put them on the line in a ladder match against the team who defeated them (but did not claim the titles) at Guerra De Los Pares and perennial rivals Wave of Violence (Da Power & M.C Speed). Will UNITY be able to hold it together to see off two of FCW's top teams, or will there be new champions heading into Batalla Final ? Former SWF star Darryl Devine made quite an impression at Guerra De Los Pares both with his contempt for the fans and for his impressive in-ring debut in a 4 Corner Survival that resulted in victory. He will look to continue in the same vein but faces off with a former People's and Tag Team champion in Mainstream Hernandez. 2010 has been a troubled year in FCW for the Mainstreamer but he will be looking to end it on a high note. Meanwhile Bradford Peverall, back in the good graces of the fans if not Mainstream Hernandez will go one on one with the man he now believes was a mistake to bring into FCW, the misogynystic bully Bulldozer Brandon Smith. After making short work of Seriously Funny, The Ring Generals have said they want to face some real competition from FCW's Tag Division and have been given the task of going up against The Heat Magnets. Rounding out the main show UNITY's Charles Rainier takes on Jared Johnson and on the pre-show The Great Oxii goes up against Inky the Squid Boy and Island Boy Apollo takes on Mr Electricity. [I]Here is a full run down of the card for FCW Oro[/I] [CENTER][B][U]FCW Oro[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Fridau 3rd December 2010 at Ricardo Montenez Ballroom in San Juan, Puerto Rico[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] J.D Morgan vs Winner of Contenders 4 Corner Survival[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Contenders 4 Corner Survival:[/B] Angel De Mexico vs [SIZE=1]People's Champion-[/SIZE] Dean Daniels vs Phoenix Negra vs [SIZE=1]2010 Rey De Reyes Winner-[/SIZE] Ultimate Phoenix[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]3-Way Ladder Match for the Tag Team Championship:[/B] UNITY (Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) vs Wave of Violence (Primus & M.C Speed)[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Open Challenge:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] Da Power vs ????[/CENTER] [CENTER]Darryl Devine vs Mainstream Hernandez[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Grudge Match:[/B] Bradford Peverall vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/CENTER] [CENTER]Heat Magnets (Arthur Dexter Bradley & Matt Hocking) vs The Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf)[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing UNITY'[/SIZE] Charles Rainier vs Jared Johnson[/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Courier New][B]Pre-Show Matches:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]The Great Oxii vs Inky The Squid Boy[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Island Boy Apollo vs Mr Electricity[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]__________________________________________________[/FONT][/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Predictions Form:[/B] [/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U][COLOR=purple]FCW Oro[/COLOR][/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] J. D Morgan vs Winner of 4CS[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Contenders 4CS:[/B] Angel De Mexico vs Dean Daniels vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]3-Way Ladder Match for Tag Team Championship:[/B] UNITY vs Animal Magic vs Wave of Violence[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Open Challenge:[/B] Da Power vs ????[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Darryl Devine vs Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Bradford Peverall vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Heat Magnets vs The Ring Generals[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Charles Rainer vs Jared Johnson[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]The Great Oxii vs Inky The Squid Boy[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Island Boy Apollo vs Mr Electricity[/COLOR][/LEFT] [/quote]
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FCW Oro Undisputed Championship: [b]J. D Morgan[/b] vs Winner of 4CS Contenders 4CS: Angel De Mexico vs Dean Daniels vs Phoenix Negra vs [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] 3-Way Ladder Match for Tag Team Championship: UNITY vs [b]Animal Magic[/b] vs Wave of Violence Open Challenge: [b]Da Power[/b] vs ???? [b]Darryl Devine[/b] vs Mainstream Hernandez Bradford Peverall vs [b]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/b] Heat Magnets vs [b]The Ring Generals[/b] [b]Charles Rainer[/b] vs Jared Johnson [b]The Great Oxii[/b] vs Inky The Squid Boy Island Boy Apollo vs [b]Mr Electricity[/b]
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Predictions Form: FCW Oro Undisputed Championship: J. D Morgan vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] Contenders 4CS: Angel De Mexico vs Dean Daniels vs[B] Phoenix Negra[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix 3-Way Ladder Match for Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY[/B] vs Animal Magic vs Wave of Violence Open Challenge: [B]Da Power[/B] vs ???? Darryl Devine vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Bradford Peverall vs[B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] [B]Heat Magnets[/B] vs The Ring Generals [B] Charles Rainer[/B] vs Jared Johnson [B]The Great Oxii[/B] vs Inky The Squid Boy [B]Island Boy Apollo[/B] vs Mr Electricity
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FCW Oro Undisputed Championship: [B]J. D Morgan[/B] vs Winner of 4CS Contenders 4CS: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Dean Daniels vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix 3-Way Ladder Match for Tag Team Championship: UNITY vs [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Wave of Violence Open Challenge: [B]Da Power[/B] vs ???? [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith Heat Magnets vs [B]The Ring Generals[/B] [B]Charles Rainer[/B] vs Jared Johnson [B]The Great Oxii[/B] vs Inky The Squid Boy Island Boy Apollo vs [B]Mr Electricity[/B]
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Undisputed Championship: [b]J. D Morgan[/b] vs Winner of 4CS Contenders 4CS: Angel De Mexico vs [b]Dean Daniels[/b] vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix [i]Daniels is good enough to put on a good match with Morgan, but not enough of a star that it would be wasting a major match.[/i] 3-Way Ladder Match for Tag Team Championship: UNITY vs [b]Animal Magic[/b] vs Wave of Violence [i]UNITY turns on each other.[/i] Open Challenge: [b]Da Power[/b] vs ???? [i]Although ????? usually wins, this is Da Power we're talking about.[/i] [b]Darryl Devine[/b] vs Mainstream Hernandez [i]Devine to get an upset victory and push him up the cards.[/i] [b]Bradford Peverall[/b] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith Heat Magnets vs [b]The Ring Generals[/b] [i]Generals should get at least a bit of a push.[/i] Charles Rainer vs [b]Jared Johnson[/b] [b]The Great Oxii[/b] vs Inky The Squid Boy Island Boy Apollo vs [b]Mr Electricity[/b]
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Undisputed Championship: [B]J. D Morgan[/B] vs Winner of 4CS - He may be on the outs, but you've said you have time - time you'll use to build him up, I suspect. Contenders 4CS: Angel De Mexico vs Dean Daniels vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix - ADM lost to Daniels recently, Daniels is off the boil right now, UP could do it but I can't help but feel that you're holding off on the Morgan/Phoenix match just a little longer... Negra it is, then. 3-Way Ladder Match for Tag Team Championship: UNITY vs Animal Magic vs [B]Wave of Violence[/B] - Why not? I'd like, once, to see a team go through the jealousy/misunderstanding/etc. route without coming apart at the seams, but I have a funny feeling that WOV with the belts could be a part of giving them something to wave in Power's face. AM had their shot last show and didn't win - so an AM/WOV match next show while Allaen and R!ot go at it could be the way to go... Open Challenge: Da Power vs [B]????[/B] - Not a clean win, but I seem to recall you saying that someone was returning. Kirk, maybe? (Please?) Going over Power still means something, after all... [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez - A no-brainer of sorts, given their showings last time out [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith - Either a DQ win or a hellacious pounding and loss. One way or another, Sara needs to get emotionally involved with the possibly-repentant one... Heat Magnets vs [B]The Ring Generals[/B] - It's not easy to write good stories for tag teams, but the Generals could have something going here Charles Rainer vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] - Go, JJ, go! [B]The Great Oxii[/B] vs Inky The Squid Boy - Is that an Oxii singles win I see? I believe it is! Island Boy Apollo vs [B]Mr Electricity[/B] - Singh's one of the most talented men on your roster. With a little push, he could go far.
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[B][U]FCW Oro[/U][/B] I'm still reading Tigerkinney, I'm just not really posting much but since this is the 50th show and the 3 1/2 year vanity project gone aright :) I feel I should make some predictions. I'm enjoying the other stuff going on in the world, it really fleshs out what's going on in the island and the bigger picture. Undisputed Championship: [B]J. D Morgan [/B]vs Winner of 4CS [I]- Only working one match and having been bad-mouthed by Senor Lopez I think Morgan holds it longer as the bookerman shows his displeasure with the boss by booking Morgan strong and to show the lockerroom that he isn't Da Power's puppet.[/I] Contenders 4CS: Angel De Mexico vs [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]- Dean Daniels gets the win here to move up to fight Morgan... and gets pummelled for beign a backstage jerk as Morgan stretches him and tries to force a bit of maturity into him. (Also Negra is too soon, and Ultimate had a shot recently - I think. So too Angel de Mexico.) And it makes a nice face/heel top of the card match.[/I] 3-Way Ladder Match for Tag Team Championship: UNITY vs [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Wave of Violence [I]- The other two teams have been here, done this. Animal Magic is a new option that hopefully will freshen up the tag division. Watching Primus trying to climb a ladder should fun.[/I] Open Challenge: [B]Da Power[/B] vs ???? [I]- The return of... uh... Mike Alenso? Maybe the Lone Wolf? I doubt Gonzalez returns but it would pop the crowd. Whoever it is though, likely gets to lay down for... Da Boss.[/I] [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez [I]- The Mainstream Nation continues to struggle and Devine continues to work himself up the card... and then off the island.[/I] [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith [I]- I think this will be by DQ but I want the face to go over and I think Devine continues his winning ways. Peverall and Smith aren't done yet though, so I think it'll be a bit of a non-conclusive fashion.[/I] Heat Magnets vs [B]The Ring Generals[/B] [I]- So much heat... they might be able to light a candle... if someone brings them a match. Also, the Ring Generals have a potential upside and the Magnets still are an aimless team.[/I] Charles Rainer vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [I]- It's a bad night for UNITY as the booker puts over Johnson to try to freshen up the midcard.[/I] [B]The Great Oxii[/B] vs Inky The Squid Boy [I]- My two favourite gimmicky guys in FCW. The winners are the fans! And the rice and beans sellers. Oxii due to size and loveable luggability.[/I] Island Boy Apollo vs [B]Mr Electricity[/B] [I]I like Singh. I'm not into wrestling right now, but I've always wanted to give him a signature move of the giant Singh Swing![/I]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Oro[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Friday December 3rd 2010[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [CENTER]Ricardo Montenez Ball Room, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'905)[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/I][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [I]Mainstream Hernandez is conversing with Sara Silver, when Bradford Peverall walks in on the scene.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] What the hell do you want ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Come on James gve him a chance.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] He terrorises you for a whole year, and you say give him a chance ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Look Mainstreamer, I don't expect you to be my best friend again right away.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Well you've got one thing right[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] James, this animosity it has to end. Bradford seem's really sorry about he did.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] I can't believe you're falling for this, like I fell for him being a friend.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Can't you just forgive and forget so we can all move on.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Look Bradford's made his bed, so he can lie in it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Look James, Mainstreamer...I am REALLY sorry and I'd like to think we could move on.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Move on ? , You'd like that wouldn't you but it takes more than a few words to make me forgive and forget what you did to us.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] James, people can change you know[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Stop trying to see the good in this.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver[/B]: And you know what James, i'm not sure I particularly like seeing the change in you. You used to be so much fun and full of life, but now are bitter and cynical.....if you were able to forgive Bradford, could I have MY James back, not the James I see before me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] And whose fault do you think that is ?[/COLOR] [I]At that point Bradford Peverall, skulks off looking dejected that Mainstream Hernandez, is still unable to forgive him. [/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Island Boy Apollo vs Mr Electricity[/B][/CENTER] As it's the pre-show no entrance music this time round for Mr Electricity, but more than likely a good number of fans in attenadance will feel that's a good thing. Anyway the Electricity and Island Boy actually combined to put on a fairly decent match, with the disco dancer expectedly coming out top, after he was able to plant the face painted Islander with the Lightnin' Rod (Falcon Arrow). Island Boy is beginning to show signs that he could eventually turn into a decent enough performer if I am willing to give him time to develop and he doesn't ask for too much money when his contract next comes up for renewal. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mr. Electricity defeated Island Boy Apollo in 5:26 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: The Great Oxii vs Inky The Squid Boy[/B][/CENTER] Inky does one last job before his contract runs out, as he falls victim to The Ten Ton Splash, in an expectedly poor match. Sales of Rice and Beans peaked during this match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Great Oxii defeated Inky The Squid Boy in 3:22 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Lisa Bowen comes out dressed in an outfit, where her 'assets' are actually fully covered, but the ultra tight halter neck jumper still shows off her form and oh yeah she also gave out some freebies to the crowd.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch welcome us to the show, they proceed to hype up the 4-way contenders match and inform us that whoever wins the match will go onto face J.D Morgan in the main event.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] One of those times, where I'm feeling lazy.... the O'Hara/Lynch conversations are only fun to write if they are arguing over a particular wrestler (which most of the time is Da Power).[/FONT] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Undisputed Title Contenders 4CS: [/B] [B]Angel De Mexico vs Dean Daniels w/Lisa Bowen vs [/B] [B]Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] So many intriguing match ups between all four contenders, Daniels has history with both Angel De Mexico and Ultimate Phoenix and Ultimate Phoenix appears to be the target of Phoenix Negra. The two faces Angel De Mexico and Ultimate Phoenix start things off, engaging in some fast paced chain wrestling, that ends in a stand off, they were about to lock up again, when Dean Daniels made a somewhat aggressive tag on Angel De Mexico (tagging the patriotic masked man with a fore-arm smash from the apron !), but was drop-kicked by Ultimate Phoenix as soon as he entered the ring. Daniels then staggeed into a roundhouse from Phoenix that sent him out of the ring. Phoenix then built up some momentum for the no hands plancha but was cut off by Phoenix Negra, who doubled over Phoenix with a spinning heel kick. Negra then set tried to set Phoenix up for a Vertebreaker, but Phoenix was able to slip off and take Negra off his feet with a leg-sweep. Phoenix then followed up with a standing moonsault before heading up top, but Dean Daniels slid back into the ring and then launched Phoenix off the top with a superplex ! Daniels then made the cover, only for Negra to make the save but the mysterious masked man was thrown out of the ring by Daniels, who turned his attention back to Ultimate Phoenix. Daniels lifted a limp Phoenix up, setting up for the Raise the Stakes but the 2010 Rey De Reyes winner managed to slip off, before stunning Daniels with an Enzguri, then getting the tag into Angel De Mexico, who took Daniels by surprise with a springboard head-scissors that he immediately transitioned into the MEXICAN DEATH ARMBAR !! Angel had it locked on right in the middle of the ring and it looked as though Daniels was about to tap out, but luckily for Daniels, Phoenix Negra slid back into the ring, and made the save with an elbow drop. Daniels then rolled out out of the ring as Angel De Mexico and Phoenix Negra started to go at it. After some kick and strike exchanges.... Angel De Mexico was able to take control, taking Negra down with a spinning head-scissors, but Negra kipped back up to his feet and took Angel off his feet with a leg-sweep. Negra then lifted Angel up onto his shoulders, but was taken by surprise with a La Magistral Cradle, Negra kicked out, but was met with a spinning heel kick to the mid-section, ACAPULCO TWIST attempt from Angel De Mexico, blocked by Negra.....who then shot Angel off into the ropes, who then sprang off the ropes into a moonsault only to be taken out of mid-flight with a jumping roundhouse from Negra. Negra picks up a dazed Angel De Mexico and sets up for the Elemental Suplex.....Ultimate Phoenix launches himself back in with a slingshot leg lariat, but inadvertantly gives an assist to Negra, who is still able to dump Angel on to his head. One........ Two....... Ultimate Phoenix makes the save. Phoenix and Negra then stare each other down, and then rip into another with rapid strikes and kicks, but every strike appears to be blocked by the other, as if though they have a telepathic understanding of what the other wrestler will do. This sequence of strike/counter strike is soon brough to an end however by Dean Daniels, who takes both down with a double clothesline, but the both Phoenixxes kip back up and send the People's Champion out of the ring with stereo jumping roundhouses. Before turning their attentions back to each other, after more strike-counter strike it is Negra who gains the advantage with an eye poke, before planting Phoenix onto the mat with a reverse STO ! Negra then heads up top but Phoenix is back up to his feet, and tries to bring Negra back in with a superplex....but Negra fights Phoenix off with back elbows, before diving off into a Tornado DDT, but Phoenix blocks and reverses into a FALCON ARROW !! One........ Two...... Thr....... Dean Daniels makes the save by pulling Negra off and out of the ring, before whipping the mysterious newcomer back first into the ring post. Daniels then turns his attention to Ultimate Phoenix delivering several clubbing blows to the back of the masked man, before dumping Phoenix with a release over head belly to belly suplex. Phoenix somehow staggers back up to his feet, but is immediately stunned with a fore-arm smash, before Daniels double under-hooks the arms and begins to fire in the knee strikes. Angel De Mexico seeing that Phoenix was in trouble entered the ring kicking away at Dean Daniels, eventually helping Phoenix to escape the trapped knees. Daniels quickly gained control over Angel though, as an exhausted Phoenix rolled out, catching Angel with a flurry of fore-arms before lifting the masked man up into the crucifix position, but Angel slipped off and then drop-kicked Daniels into the turnbuckle and as Daniels staggerd back Angel De Mexico was there to plant the People's champ into the mat with the ACAPULCO TWIST (Corkscrew Neckbreaker)........ One...... Two......... Thr........ Phoenix Negra dove back in to make the save, before drop kicking Angel De Mexico out of the ring and then spiking Dean Daniels into the mat with a running Tornado DDT. Phoenix Negra then headed up top, before soaring off the top -rope and landing upon Daniels sternum with the Phoenix Firebird Splash....... One..... Two..... Thr....... Only for Ultimate Phoenix to break up the pinfall with a Phoenix Firebird Splash of his own. Ultimate Phoenix then went for the cover on Daniels himself but was pulled off by Negra and the two begin to brawl, their fight eventually spilling to the outside. Dean Daniels then staggered back up to his feet, to now find Angel De Mexico perched on the top-rope, the patriotic masked man dived off, but was swatted out of mid-air with a desperation lariat from Daniels, who then scooped Angel up and drilled him into the mat with the RAISE THE STAKES (Cradle Piledriver)..... One...... Two........ The Phoenixes only had eyes for each other and were unaware of what was happening in the ring..... Three !!! It will be champion vs champion in the main event as Dean Daniels challenges for J.D Morgan's Undisputed Championship. Probably the best opening match in the history of any FCW show, this was non stop action from start to finish, with everyone bringing their A Game. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Dean Daniels defeated Angel De Mexico, Phoenix Negra and Ultimate Phoenix in 17:41 when Dean Daniels defeated Angel De Mexico by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Bulldozer Brandon Smith steps into the ring to a chorus of boos, he's probably the second most despised competitor in FCW behind Da Power at the moment, and unfortunately for the fans it looks like he has something to say.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith:[/B] SHUT UP ! The Bulldozer has something he wants to get off his chest.....Sod this, I ain't a man of words, I'm a man of action, so Bradford Peverall...get your damn ass down here now.[/COLOR] [I]No one walks up the entrance ramp[/I] [COLOR=darkred]Or are you too much of a p*ssy to face me like a real man, because lets face it I'm all man and you a damn mama's boy. Get your ass down here now you damn p*ssy......[/COLOR] [I]Suddenly Bradford Peverall dumps over the guard-rail and catches Bulldozer Brandon Smith with a European Uppercut.......[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Bradford Peverall vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandon_alt4.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] The bell sounds to signal the start of their scheduled match as Peverall tackles BBS to the mat, and just starts raining down close fist punches. Brett Graveson pullls Peverall off , issuing a warning to the former Tag champion but that allows BBS to get up and catch Peverall with a cheap shot and then rake the back of the man who brought him to Puerto Rico. BBS takes control, as he literally pummels Peverall to pillar to post, before lifting Peverall up and slamming his former assailant back down to the mat with a vertical suplex. BBS then made an arrogant one handed cover, that Peverall kicked out of, before BBS dragged Peverall back up to a vertical base. BBS then whipped Peverall into the ropes and went for a clothesline, but Peverall ducked under before making a sudden come back peppering BBS with jabs and then putting the Bulldozer on his backside with the ROCK HARD UPPERCUT ! BBS managed to get his shoulder up just in time, and as Peverall went to follow in he was caught with a low blow. BBS then clubbed the back of the former tag champion, setting Peverall up for the ATOMIC DRILLER !! and that was enough to keep Peverall down for three. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Bradford Peverell in 6:43 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [I]BBS is not done though as he continues to pound away on Peverall, before lifting Peverall up and delivering a Back Drop Driver, some of the fans are chanting for Mainstream Hernandez , hoping he will make the save....but Hernandez does not come and Peverall is left to fall victim to a second Back Drop Driver.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley) vs The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHocking.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ArthurDexterBradley.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarvStatler.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanWaldorf.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This was a solid back and forth contest for the short time that it ran for, but it wasn't really given anytime to develop. The significant moment came up four minutes in, when Eddie Howard suddenly appeared, the Seriously Funny man pulled Dean Waldorf off the apron before delivering a clothesline, that left Marv Statler isolated in the ring and quickly fulled victim to the 2 Hot 2 Handle (Double Lifting DDT) as The Heat Magnets got back on the winning track. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Heat Magnets defeated The Ring Generals in 4:38 when Arthur Dexter Bradley defeated Marv Statler by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] I'll fully admit I've dropped the ball here, because what good is feuding with Seriously Funny going to do anyone, and now the Ring Generals look weak by losing to a middle ranking team like The Heat Magnets in under five minutes, what was I thinking ?[/FONT] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Da Power head out to the ring, Carl Batch in tow as per usual, they then climb into the ring the jeers of the fans ringing in their ears.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ! Da Champ is in da house[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] That's right, except I don't have the bling and why's that Carl ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Cos the damn mofo system screwin' with you brutha[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power[/B]: And I plan to do somethin' bout that, cos if the suits wont give me what I deserve I'lll force my way into getting back whats mine. But seeing as I don't have anything else to do tonight, what else could I do to make those damn fools sit up and take notice.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Well I'm sure we could pay some damn mofo to get their ass kicked W.O.V style.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] No lets cut to the chase, I want J.D Morgan, right here right now.....call yourself the best Morgan, everyone knows I'm the REAL champion....come out here right now you or you too scared of getting your ass whooped.[/COLOR] [I]J.D Morgan doesn't come out, but someone else does[/I] [I]It's Steve Flash (sporting a much overdue haircut), who is greeted with a warm reception from the crowd, returning to the promotion for the first time since he was 'retired' out of FCW by Wave of Violence back in June 2009.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Steve Flash:[/B] J.D's getting ready for his title match with Dean Daniels so he's not going to waste his time with you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Waste his time, do you know who the hell you talkin' to ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Damn it, thought we buried this guy.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Steve Flash:[/B] I know damn well who I'm talking to and that's the biggest jerk in Puerto Rico...actually make it the world.[/COLOR] [I]Crowd laughs along as Power paces about, seething with frustration.[/I] [COLOR=navy]But that's beside the point, the main reason i'm back is that I have unfinished business with that man[I][COLOR=black] (pointing to Carl Batch)[/COLOR][/I] and the goons that sent me packing, and because you're associated with them Power, I'd love nothing more than to take you down a peg or two, on top of the fact that apart from that ego massager Batch, everyone thinks you're a big.....[/COLOR] [I]Hearing enough Power steps of the ring, and the two begin to brawl.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Da Power w/ Carl Batch vs Steve Flash[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPowerWOV.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Power tries to send Flash into the ring-steps but Flash blocks and comes back with a flurry of chops, and is control as the re-enter the ring as the bell sounds to get the match officially underway. Flash continues to drive forward putting Power on the back foot, who then lunges forward in desperation with a clothesline, that Flash avoids before drilling Power with a step up Enziguri. Power stays on his feet but Flash sends the big man down to the mat with a drop toe hold, before turning the former champion over into a Boston Crab. But with the aid of Carl Batch Da Power is able to reach the ropes. Batch then jaws with Flash, taunting the respected indy icon, as he steps up on the apron. Flash who has been wanting to get his hands on Batch for about 18 months takes the bait, which Power takes full advantage clubbing Flash from behind, then pitching the current NYCW champion to the outside. Power continues the assault whipping Flash against the guard-rail, who then staggered into a big boot, before dropping Flash sternum first across the guard-rail after a military press. Power making sure to roll into the ring every so often, to break up Brett Graveson's two count, as he continues his methodical dismantling of the perennial fan favourite. Power that pitched Flash into the ring, taunting the fans before dropping an elbow and casually laying himself over Flash but Flash kicked out, much to the frustration of Power and when Power lifted Flash back up to a vertical base, Flash began another come back, however that was cut off as sneaked in an eye poke and a back rake. Power then dazed Flash with a roaring elbow, the atomic drop then followed, the spinebuster being greeted with a same old **** chant from the crowd....which caused Da Power to pause and give some verbal back....and that gave Flash enough time to get his bearings back and side step the SAN JUAN RUSH, before stunning Power with a super-kick. The despised former champion stayed on his feet but then stumbled into a FLASH BANG ! However the move caused Power to stumble out of the ring and Flash was unable to make the cover. Flash then went to the outside, as he tried desperately to bring Power into the ring to get the pinfall victory, but Brett Graveson had started a twenty count but Flash was focused in his attempt to get Power into the ring, eventually Flash got Power back up to a vertical base but the W.O.V man caught Flash with a flurry of fore-arms. Power then tries to get into the ring to claim the victory but Flash pulled him back, before the two exchanged strikes, neither man able to gain any distance from the other to be able to get back into the ring and to avoid being counted out. A decent mostly brawl based contest, but I was hoping that Flash would be able to pull something a little more out of Power. Perhaps Flash is finally beginning to show his age, but I still feel his return to FCW will make sense in a storyline context. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Da Power drew with Steve Flash in 9:41 following a double count out. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Charles Rainier vs Jared Johnson[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JaredJohnson.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [/B] Even though this was only a relatively short mid-card filler match, I was hoping that myself and Jared Johnson could pull out something a little better. In the end this was an evenly contested but very forgettable encouter, as I was able to outmanouevre Johnson, who went for the Carolina Crossface far too early in the match. By surviving Double J's ground game, I was able to find the opening I needed, to drill the youngster with the C.R Driver. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Charles Rainier defeated Jared Johnson in 6:31 by pinfall with a C.R Driver. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] I've not gone off Johnson, and I do have some long term plans for him but at the moment I'm pushing him as the promising youngster who has the skill, but is lacking the killer instinct to get the job done, eventually he'll find that killer instinct one way or another.[/FONT] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: 3-Way Ladder Match for the Tag Team Championship: UNITY (Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs [/B] [B]Wave of Violence (M.C Speed & Primus) w/ Carl Batch vs [/B] [B]Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-WoV.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen_WOV31.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/ [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG]/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This match was too crazy and chaotic to do a full play by play recap on, but here are the highlights of the match. * Primus hit nailed Fox Mask with the Rruuuuussshhhhh!!! about Six minutes in, W.O.V then brought the ladder into play, using it as a weapon but Cougar was able to save his teams chances of winning knocking M.C Speed off with a Hight Rise Cougar Pounce. * Nicky R!ot took out both M.C Speed and then Masked Cougar with successive Sub Pop Bops, as Harry Allen drop-kicked Primus out of the ring, before launching himself at the big man with a slingshot cross-body. * R!ot then climbed the ladder, but Fox Mask had run up the other side and sent both of them crashing off the ladder with a sunset flip. * On the outside Primus Power-planted Harry Allen onto the ring-steps, at this point W.O.V took over as M.C Speed drilled Masked Cougar with the W.O.V Spike and then Primus clotheslined Nicky R!ot out of the ring, before they turned their attention to Fox Mask, taking out the diminutive High Flier with the Gangsta Device. * Harry Allen getting his bearing back, pulled M.C Speed out of the ring, and the two began to brawl on the outside. Leaving Primus to climb the ladder,but Nicky R!ot gets back up climbs the other side and then sends both crashing back down to the mat hard, with a super 'Charles Peterson' (Exploder Suplex). * Opportunistically Masked Cougar begins to climb the ladder, but Harry Allen after using it as a weapon against M.C Speed sets up another ladder, ringside, and launches himself off it to drop-kick the other ladder and sent Cougar crashing down to the mat. * The original ladder is now propped against the corner, Cougar staggers back up to his feet and then is then cut in half with a Rruuuuuussshhh!!! from Primus, completely breaking the ladder apart in the process. * But Nicky R!ot immediately takes out Primus with the SUB POP BOP. * Meanwhile Harry Allen has positioned the ladder he bought into play in the centre of the ring and is about to climb. But M.C Speed spins Allen round and stuns the UNITY man with a kneeling jaw breaker. But R!ot is there, another SUB POP BOP, but Speed moves out of the way and ends up colliding with Allen......a stunned R!ot then stumbles into the W.O.V spike and Speed begins to climb the ladder. * But Fox Mask nails Speed with the FOX HUNTER (Shining Wizard Enziguri) with Speed on the second rung, Speed is out of it and Fox Mask climbs the ladder to bring down the belt !!! ANIMAL MAGIC ARE THE NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS !! A good but not great spot-fest, there were some impressive 'bumps' but they didn't really come up with anything particularly new/innovative, the first portion of the match could have also been cut down, as until Primus hit his first Rrrruuuuuussssshhhh!!! of the match, it was pretty much just mindless brawling and a few attempts at trying to bring the ladder into play. [COLOR=red][B]Result: Animal Magic defeated UNITY. and Wave of Violence in 3-Wat Tag Team Ladder match in 16:02 when Fox Mask retrieved the item. [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B][COLOR=purple]Animal Magic win the FCW Tag Team titles.[/COLOR] [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Rating: D+[/B][/COLOR] [I]Animal Magic celebrate their victory, as W.O.V look on in frustration and the previous champions UNITY argue with one another, back up the ramp, looking as though they might be at breaking point but not yet coming to blows[/I]. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]We go backstage where J.D Morgan is getting ready for his up-coming title defence against Dean Daniels. He turns to camera, to deliver his thoughts on the man he will be facing later in the night. [/I] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] Well done Deano you got past three of the very best FCW has to offer, and now you'll be facing me for the biggest prize right here.....the Twin Belts, the Undisputed Championship. Hell you'd probably feel you've earnt that shot with your impressive run with the People's Belt and you know what sunshine I wouldn't disagree but remember you're taking on the big boys now, you ain't running rougshod over a bunch of mid-card lightweights and just because you've fought earlier tonight I won't be taking you lightly, but even if you do bring your A-Game, it still won't be enough, believe you me sunshine it still won't be enough[/COLOR]. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER]____________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Darryl Devine vs Mainstream Hernandez w/ Sara Silver[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DarrylDevine_nfalt3.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/[B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] After his promo last month, Darryl Devine doesn't get a warm reception from the fans (though there are still pockets who will cheer him regardless, but they are drowned out, so there chants become insignificant). Devine offers Hernandez a handshake, but the Mainstreamer igores it, and the proceeds to slap the taste out of Devine's mouth, which gets a good pop from the fans. Devine comes right back and the match starts off as an all out brawl, despite the fact they don't have any previous with one another. Devine sends Hernandez into the ropes, only to be taken down with a leg lariat. Hernandez then waits for Devine to get up and goes for the Superkick but the former SWF man ducks under before catching the former People's champ with a jawbreaker. Hernandez stumbles back and Devine takes Hernandez off his feet with a basement drop-kick. Devine then dumps Hernandez with a Leg Hook, Belly to Back Suplex. That earns Devine a two count, who then decides to taunt Hernandez verbally and by paintbrushing the mainstreamer, but that only riles Hernandez into action who unleases a flurry of strikes only to be cut off with a eye-poke from Devine who then plants Hernandez back down to the mat with side russian leg-sweep. Devine then drops down before going old school and applying a chinlock, but Hernandez fights his way back to his feet, eventually forcing Devine to break the hold with elbows to Devine's mid-section. Hernandez then ducks a roaring elbow attempt from Devine before dumping the former SWF man out of the ring with a dropkick then launching himself to the outside with a slingshot cross body. Hernandez then went to pitch Devine back into the ring, but was cut off his an eye poke and then whipped into the guard-rail but Hernandez manages to hop over the advertising hoarding and then take Devine by surprise with a springboard fore-arm smash off the top of the guard-rail. This time Hernandez was able to pitch a dazed Devine back into the ring, he then waited for the former SWF man to stagger back up to his feet and then drilled Devine in the kisser with SUPERKICK !! One...... Two....... Thr...... Devine kicked out, but Hernandez kept his cool and stayed on Devine setting up for the Pontiac to Home, but Devine had the move scouted manouevring his way out, then countering with a desperation kneeling jawbreaker. But Hernandez came right back with a flurry of kicks, before sending Devine into the ropes, Hernandez then went for a spin kick but Devine ducked under and then sprung back off the ropes before dazing the Mainstreamer with a springboard back elbow he calls the Devine Intervention. Devine then picked himself back up off his feet and planted Hernandez with a Northern Lights Suplex, that earned Devine a two count. Who then lifted Hernandez up, double under hooking the arms for the Devine Dream Drop, but Hernandez slipped out and then rocked Devine with an Enziguri, before planting the former SWF man into the mat with a sit-out facebuster !!! Hernandez then headed up top and soared off with the Apparition #14, but all of a sudden Hernandez saw BBS hop off the guard-rail and start getting a little too close to Sara Silver for his liking, despite that Hernandez still decided to come off the top, feeling that he could still get the win and then save Silver from the advances of the misogynstic bully on the outside. But his hesitation allowed Devine to roll out of the way. Devine then Hernandez in the mid-section, doube under hooked the arms and drove the Mainstreamer face first into the mat with the Devine Dream Drop and with that Devine had picked up his second straight victory in FCW. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Darryl Devine defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 10:52 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [I]At this point BBS decides to ignore Sara Silver, hitting the ring to start putting the boots to Mainstream Hernandez, Devine looks as though he is going to leave BBS to it, but then decides to join in on the beat-down. Naturally the commentators speculate whether or not Devine and BBS are forming an alliance. [/I] [I]Suddenly Bradford Peverall appears to a decent pop from the crowd, who then cleans house with a flurry of European Uppercuts, the sheer audacity of Peverall's rescue attempt taking Devine and BBS completely off guard, especially as BBS felt he would have taken Peverall out of action early in the night.[/I] [I]Peverall then picks up a microphone.....[/I] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] BBS you might have put me down, but you wont put me out and neither will you be putting the Mainstreamer out either, and I don't know what your problem is Devine, but I hope you have the same epiphany, yeah I read a dictionary the other day that aligning yourself with that jerk standing next to you is bad news.[/COLOR] [I]At this point Mainstream Hernandez gets up and then jerks the microphone out of Bradford Peverall's hands.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] So you think the whole white knight rescue act is going to win me over now, Peverall I don't know what mind games you think you're playing here but I ain't gonna get pulled in again, so just toddle off and stop bothering me.[/COLOR] [I]Sara Silver suddenly steps into the ring, microphone in her hand ready with something to say.[/I] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] James ! James ! Please stop acting like a jerk, can't you say that Bradford is sorry, can't you say he really wants to make amends. Are you the only one blind to this ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] You're the ones who are blind, blinded by Bradford's act, he wants to worm his way back in and then break us apart again.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Nothing of the sort Mainstreamer, but I wont get angry with you, because anger wont solve anything but I understand why you're still angry with me. I mean I understand if you'll never find it in your heart to truly forgive me, but remember when we were friends those were some great times man.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] And that's what hurt, when you became consumed by jealousy. When you no longer believed in me ![/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] And I was wrong, I deeply regret the path I took but if you wont forgive me, then that's your choice, I'm just sorry we can't move on.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] And so am I, because James if you don't forgive Bradford and move on, and lets this stew inside of you forever, I'm not sure WE have a future.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] So it comes down to this, I have to accept this guys shallow apology and we'll stay together, well how about this......[/COLOR] [I]Hernandez paces round for a bit, is he about to dump Sara, because he still hates Peverall so much.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] How about he apologises to you, because all his sentiment has been directed towards me, but it's you he hurt just as much as me, if not more so. Remember he hit you ![/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] And that's something that has eaten me up inside, from the very day I did it, even then I knew what I had done was wrong but I had become consumed by a jealous rage. I truly am, deeply, deeply sorry for what I did to you Sara and I feel nothing but shame for my actions, I'm surprised you are even willing to be in the same ring as me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] But I can see it in your eyes Bradford, I can see that deep down inside you are a good man, and that you have nothing but regret, so I accept your apology, I just hope James can do the same.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B]: Fine, but I think I am doing this because I like you Bradford, I'm doing this because of my love for Sara. I'm accepting your apology to move on, not to bring back the past, we aren't friends any more, there will be no Totally Einstein reunion. Think of this as closure, so apology accepted but please stop bothering us from now on.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall[/B]: Fine but just remember, how great we were together and how we could be great again just think about that Mainstreamer, just think about that[/COLOR]. [B]Ratings: C- for attack and save, D+ for Bradford Peverall apology.[/B] [I]We then go backstage where Lisa Bowen is standing by with Dean Daniels[/I]. [COLOR=darkred][B]Lisa Bowen:[/B] J,D Morgan, champ, I listened in on your promo earlier, but I can't help but feel that you are taking the wrestling machine that is Dean Daniels lightly. You see Dean here could wrestle all night, because nobody, and I mean nobody will keep him down. It's time for the true dominant force of FCW to take his place at the top of FCW. Tonight Dean Daniels walked in here with one belt, and when he's done with you Morgan, he'll be walking out with three. Your time has expired Morgan, the Dean Daniels era begins tonight ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: Undisputed Championship:[/B] [B]J.D Morgan vs Dean Daniels w/ Lisa Bowen[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Morgan and Daniels stare each other down, after the pomp and ceremony of the introductions, the bell rings and they continue to eyeball each other, until they suddenly explode into action laying into each other with fore-arm smashes, neither one giving an inch. Morgan eventually begins to get up a head of steam, backing up Daniels with a flurry of fore-arm smashes, but when he moves back and charges in with a running European Uppercut, Daniels gets the boots up and comes right back with a fore-arm smash, that backs Morgan up enough for Daniels to tackle Morgan to the mat with a double leg takedown. Daniels then rains down a flurry of fore-arms and elbows but Morgan blocks the onslaught and almost gets Daniels trapped in the Cross Atlantic Stretch only for Daniels to turn it over and apply a seated camel clutch. However Morgan is too near the ropes and Daniels is forced to break the hold, but Daniels keeps the hold locked on for as long as he can, before Bret Graveson's five count expires. Morgan staggers back to his feet, but Daniels keeps the pressure on peppering Morgan with fore-arms until the British veteran staggers into a release belly to belly suplex from the People's Champ. Daniels then picks himself up but instead of going for the cover, he lifts Morgan up and reels off a tri-fecta of snap suplexes. Daniels then goes for the cover, confident he has worn the champion down...... One....... Two...... Thr....... Morgan kicks out much to the disbelief of Dean Daniels, Daniels lifts Morgan up and looks set to deliver the trapped knees but Morgan suddenly counters with a Hammerlock Divorce Court immediately transitioning into the Cross Atlantic Stretch. Morgan has it locked on right in the middle of the ring but Daniels manages to make it over to the ropes, however it looks that working two matches in one night is starting to get to Daniels as he is barely able to get himself to his feet on the rope-break, whilst Morgan now looks refreshed. Morgan peppers Daniels with a flurry of trademark European Uppercuts, backing Daniels into the corner, then lifting the worn out People's champ up onto the turnbuckle, Morgan sets up for the LONDON BRIDGE !! and drives Daniels face first into the canvas....... One...... Two...... Thr........ Noooo !!! Lisa Bowen gets involved placing Daniels foot on the ropes. Naturally Morgan is none to happy about this, as he gets up argue with referee Brett Graveson, demanding a DQ, that allows Daniels to stagger to his feet and as Morgan turns around he is met with a lariat from Daniels !! That sends him tumbling out of the ring. Daniels knowing that he has to pin Morgan to win the title, slowly climbs out of the ring, still looking like he can barely stand. Morgan meets him with a fore-arm smash but Daniels shakes it off, another fore-arm from Morgan see's the champion take control again, and he sets up for a suplex, but Daniels slips out, nails Morgan with a running elbow and then scoops Morgan up to drive the former DaVE star , head first into the floor with the RAISE THE STAKES !! (Cradle Piledriver)........ Daniels thinks quickly immediately rolling into the ring to break the twenty count out on the floor, before he set to rolling J.D Morgan back into the ring. Morgan looks totally out of it and the subsequent pinfall appears to be academic........... One............... Two.............. Thr................ And nine, tenths, we almost had a new Undisputed Champion but not quite. Daniels is livid he gets in Brett Graveson's face, over the count but eventually regains his composure and turns his attention back to J.D Morgan. Daniels lifts Morgan up and looks set to deliver the trapped knees but Morgan suddenly comes back with a European Uppercut, another European dazes Daniels further, Morgan then spins Daniels round applies the Half Nelson and dumps Daniels on his head with the HALF NELSON SUPLEX !!, the impact jolting the neck of the People's champ. One........ Two........ Dean Daniels kicks out at the Half Nelson suplex at two !!, Daniels then levels Morgan with a fore-arm smash and then like a man possessed rains the trapped knees, but despite being on the end of what appears to be an unstoppable onslaught Morgan has enough ring awareness to back up onto the ropes and force the rope break, but Daniels literally is a man possessed refusing to back off, despite the warning of Brett Graveson. Daniels shoves Graveson away, as Graveson tries to get between and continues the onslaught, Morgan barely able to stand. Graveson calls for the bell, as Daniels one track mind gets the better of him and Morgan retains the Undisputed Title by DQ. One of the most intense matches ever seen in FCW, making for a worthy main event. At times the pace dropped considerably, but worked well in the context of the match, with Daniels having to dig down and find a second/third wind as he demands of wrestling two matches caught up and the ageing veteran Morgan had to try and deal with the bursts of intensity from his opponent. Daniels may be a bit of a prat backstage but he delivers the goods in the rings and that is what makes him so frustrating. [B][COLOR=red]Result: JD Morgan defeated Dean Daniels in 19:31 by disqualification. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]JD Morgan retains the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Daniels continues the onslaught before finally shoving Morgan down to the mat. Morgan may still be the Undisputed Champion but he hardly has the look of a winner, as Dean Daniels face expressionless, no emotion to be seen stands over the limp virtually lifeless body of J.D Morgan.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] This was a step back in the right direction, after last month's slighly disappointing event. Overall the show delivered as expected but I was hoping for more from both the Power-Flash and Tag Team Title ladder matches, had those delivered about a grade higher each, then this may have broken into B- territory again.
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[CENTER][B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Delorean Driver.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] FCW return to the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom in San Juan on Friday 24th December with their final show of the year Batalla Final 2010, in what promises to be a real Christmas treat. J.D Morgan will put the Undisputed Title on the line, in the shows headline match against non other than former MMA icon and local hero Billy Russell. Russell has made a name for himself over in Japan with the INSPIRE promotion since his switch from MMA to pro wrestling and the 'Dean of Submissions' may well have met his match, and Russell will fancy his chances after Morgan barely escaped with the Twin Belts at FCW Oro after a gruelling defence against Dean Daniels. Morgan and Russell will meet for a press conference on Sunday 19th December to promote the match , will there be fireworks prior to them hooking it up in the ring ? Dean Daniels who came close to winning the Undisputed Championship at FCW Oro will put his People's Championship on the line against the popular patriotic masked man Angel De Mexico and the talented but arrogant newcomer to FCW Darryl Devine. Will Daniels stretch his impressive run with the belt in to 2011 or does his reign come to an end at Batalla Final ? The Tag Titles will also be on the line, as the newly crowned champions Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) fresh from their ladder match victory at FCW Oro will put the gold on the line against the Heat Magnets. The two other teams involved in that match UNITY and Wave of Violence will be involved in a Six Man Battle with all three members of UNITY (Charles Rainier, Nicky R!ot and Harry Allen) doing battle with all three members of Wave of Violence (Da Power, Primus and M.C Speed) both factions have shown decension in the ranks of late with Harry Allen and Nicky R!ot's relationship almost at breaking point in UNITY, whilst Primus has recently shown disatisfaction with Da Power's role as de-facto leader of Wave of Violence. Which of these two factions will make it out of Batalla Final intact ? In a rivalry that has been building for the last few months, Ultimate Phoenix finally gets to go one on one with the mysterious newcomer Phoenix Negra. Little is known of Negra, but it appears he has history with Ultimate Phoenix and given the times they have hooked it up in the ring, it also appears that they know each other inside out. Who can out-smart the other and claim victory, in the first singles meeting between these two exciting high fliers ? The popular veteran Steve Flash who made his return to FCW, at FCW's 50th show (FCW Oro) takes on one of the most unpopular men on the roster the misogynstic bully Bulldozer Brandon Smith and BBS former associate Bradford Peverall will be involved in tag team action, as there will be a Totally Einstein reunion ! The Ring Generals requested that they get another chance to prove themselves and have put the FCW newcomers up against the former Tag Champions. Bradford Peverall is said to be happy about this development but Mainstream Hernandez who looked as though he wanted nothing to do with a possible reunion with Peverall at FCW Oro (despite finally accepting Peverall's apology) is said to be far from happy with this decision. Rounding out the main show the promising youngster Jared Johnson goes one on one with the coloruful disco dancer Mr Electricity, as both look to get on the winning track and into People's Championship contention. The lone pre-show match will see Jeremiah Moose take on local favourite Island Boy Apollo. Here is the full card for FCW Batalla Final 2010 [CENTER][B][U]FCW Batalla Final 2010[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Friday 24th December 2010 at Ricardo Montenez Ballroom in San Juan, Puerto Rico[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] J.D Morgan vs [SIZE=1]Former MMA Star and Puerto Rican Icon-[/SIZE] Billy Russell [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]People's Championship:[/B] Dean Daniels vs Angel De Mexico vs Darryl Devine[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Grudge Match:[/B] Ultimate Phoenix vs Phoenix Negra[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Six Man Battle:[/B] UNITY (Charles Rainier, Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs Wave of Violence (Da Power, Primus & M.C Speed)[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) vs Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley)[/CENTER] [CENTER]Steve Flash vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/CENTER] [CENTER]The Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf) vs [SIZE=1]Reunited for the first time since Septemeber 2009-[/SIZE] Totally Einstein (Bradford Peverall & Mainstream Hernandez)[/CENTER] [CENTER]Jared Johnson vs Mr Electricity[/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Courier New][B]Pre-Show Matche:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Jeremiah Moose vs [/FONT][FONT=Courier New]Island Boy Apollo [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]_____________________________________________________[/FONT][/CENTER] [quote] [COLOR=purple][B]Predictions Form:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B][U]FCW Batalla Final 2010[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] J.D Morgan vs Billy Russell[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]People's Championship:[/B] Dean Daniels vs Angel De Mexico vs Darryl Devine[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Grudge Match:[/B] Ultimate Phoenix vs Phoenix Negra[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Six Man Battle:[/B] UNITY vs Wave of Violence[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] Animal Magic vs Heat Magnets[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Steve Flash vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]The Ring Generals vs Totally Einstein[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Jared Johnson vs Mr Electricity[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Jeremiah Moose vs Island Boy Apollo[/COLOR] [/quote]
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Undisputed Championship: [b]J.D Morgan[/b] vs Billy Russell People's Championship: Dean Daniels vs [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Darryl Devine [i]He's got to lose sometimes.[/i] Grudge Match: [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs Phoenix Negra [i]Seeing a DQ win here.[/i] Six Man Battle: [B]UNITY[/B] vs Wave of Violence Tag Team Championship: [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Heat Magnets [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith [i]Hard to go against Flash, so I won't[/i] [B]The Ring Generals[/B] vs Totally Einstein [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs Mr Electricity Jeremiah Moose vs [B]Island Boy Apollo[/B]
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FCW Batalla Final 2010 Undisputed Championship: [B]J[/B].D Morgan vs Billy Russell People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Angel De Mexico vs Darryl Devine Grudge Match: Ultimate Phoenix vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] Six Man Battle: UNITY vs [B]Wave of Violence[/B] Tag Team Championship: [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Heat Magnets [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith The Ring Generals vs [B]Totally Einstein[/B] Jared Johnson vs [B]Mr Electricity[/B] Jeremiah Moose vs [B]Island Boy Apollo[/B]
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