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Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (Cornellverse)

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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW En Viaje[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [SIZE=1]Monday April 4th 2011[/SIZE] Weston Gynasium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Tri State (253) [I]Da Power strides out to the ring to a chorus (well as much noise as 250 or so Philly wrestling fans can make) of boos. He calls out J.D Morgan, saying that the Undisputed Champion is ducking him and generally claiming that the former DaVE star is afraid of him. For some reason that actually manages to draw Morgan out, but the champion is jumped from behind by M.C Speed[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Match #1: Non Title: J.D Morgan vs M.C Speed w/ Carl Batch[/B] Speed's surprise attack gave him an early advantage on Morgan, but after the Undisputed Champ was able to block an attempt at by Speed to look in the Deadly Heel Hook, he was able to level the W.O.V man with a European Uppercut. From there on it was all Morgan, as the British born veteran finished Speed off with the Cross Atlantic Stretch following the Half Nelson Suplex. [B][COLOR=red]Result: JD Morgan defeated M.C Speed in 3:53 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Da Power then tries to jump Morgan from behind but is blindsided himself by Primus and the two former allies brawl all the way to the backstage area[/I]. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Match #2: Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Eddie Howard[/B] This was a short but fairly decent power match up, as Howard was able to go toe to toe with the enforcer of the Devine Right Stable and it looked as though he might gain the upset (given both of their recent form) when he levelled BBS with the Powerline but BBS managed to kick out and after levelling the Seriously Funny man with a lariat of his own he then dumped Howard with the Back Drop Driver to pick up the win. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Eddie Howard in 5:47 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Match #3: Mainstream Hernandez w/ Sara Silver vs Arthur Dexter Bradley w/Matt Hocking [/B] The Mainstreamer pushed the pace in the early going but was tripped up by Matt Hocking who came out to 'support' his tag partner, turning the match in the favour of the newly heel Heat Magnet. ADB then took over, as he amped up the c0ckyness to really put over his heel turn. However he got over confident and missed his target on the Superstar Splash. Hernandez then drilled ADB with a Superkick for a two count and then headed up top however Hocking got involved again, getting up on the apron to waffle Hernandez with a chair shot, leaving Brett Graveson with no other choice but to call for the bell. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mainstream Hernandez defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley in 6:57 when Arthur Dexter Bradley was disqualified. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Matt Hocking then pitches the Totally Einstein man back into the ring and the pair proceed to beat Hernandez down, finishing off with the 2 Hot 2 Handle, before posing in the front of the fans looking very pleased with themselves.[/I] [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Match #4: The Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf) vs Capitao Brasil & Island Boy Apollo[/B] To be honest Capitao Brasil deserves better as he had to do most of the leg work for his team, playing face in peril for much of the match. Eventually the Brazilian patriot did get the tag into Island Boy Apollo , but the Ring Generals tag experience was too much for the face painted youngster and Apollo fell victim to the Lesson Learned (Assisted Wheelbarrow Suplex). [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Ring Generals defeated Island Boy Apollo and Capitão Brasil Jr in 5:13 when Dean Waldorf defeated Island Boy Apollo by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Lisa Bowen helped hype up the chances of Dean Daniels & Phoenix Negra, in their tag match against Ultimate Phoenix and Angel De Mexico. Bowen tells Negra he better not cost Daniels the victory and that Daniels is being forced to tag with the masked man. Negra is totally unfazed and says that he is 100 per cent focused. Bowen tells Negra he better be one hundred per cent focused on winning the match or he will feel the wrath of the Dean Daniels.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B][COLOR=black]Match #5: Dean Daniels & Phoenix Negra w/ Lisa Bowen vs Angel De Mexico & Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR][/B] Given their history's with one another there were some notable exchanges between Daniels and Mexico to start the match and then Daniels and Phoenix. Phoenix then tagged Mexico back in after a stale mate and it was Negra who managed to take control of the match up against the patriotic masked man after being tagged in. Angel then played 'Spencer Marks' for a bit but was able to cause a miscommunication between Negra and Daniels that lead to them almost coming to blows with each other as they argued Mexico got the tag into Phoenix, who then drop-kicked both Daniels and Negra out of the ring with a no hands plancha. That lead to the match moving up a gear when the two Phoenixes got back in the ring, to engage in a superb chain wrestling sequence that saw them counter one another's offence and then exchange a series of near falls. Negra then took to using dirty tactics, sneaking in a low bow and then got a close two count by dumping Phoenix on his head with an Elemental Suplex only for Angel to make the save. Inevitably things broke down with Graveson struggling to keep track of who was the legal men and it lead to a plethora of near-falls as the match headed into the home straight. With Ultimate Phoenix seemingly down and out Phoenix Negra set up for the Phoenix Firebird Splash on his nemesis only for his nemesis to get back up from the canvas and climb to the top himself. However Negra managed to shove Phoenix off and spiked his rival into the mat with a Tornado DDT, but he did not spot Angel De Mexico sneak into the ring to down Negra with the Acapulco Twist, only for Dean Daniels to have the best timing of all of them , as he made the save levelling Angel with a lariat and then drilling the patriotic Mexican into the mat with the Raise The Stakes (Cradle Piledriver) to pick up the victory as Negra managed to hold off Ultimate Phoenix. This was a good match, it did feel like four singles guys who just happen to be in a tag format alot of the time, but all four are talented enough to overcome that and they got the crowd into the match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Dean Daniels and Phoenix Negra defeated Ángel De México and Ultimate Phoenix in 18:48 when Dean Daniels defeated Ángel De México by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Ultimate Phoenix and Phoenix Negra continue to brawl with one another even after the bell has sounded.[/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [I]Darryl Devine comes out and as per usual he has something to say about his two favourite subjects himself and how Devine Right are going to become the dominant force, are the present and the future of FCW. Devine is one of the best talkers on the roster though and elicits the right sort of reaction from the fans, one of true venom toward his arrogant character, than that of the sort of heat where the fans just wouldn't want to hear him speak at all.[/I] [B]Rating: C [/B] [B]Match #6: People's Championship: Darryl Devine vs Fox Mask[/B] Devine controlled the early portion of the match, often using questionable tactics to keep the diminutive high flyer grounded but Fox Mask weathered the storm and turned the match round after he was able to duck under the Devine Intervention and take the arrogant champ down with a swinging DDT. Fox Mask then got near-falls with a couple of roll up variations, before Devine went out for a powder. Fox Mask then went for an Arabian Press but was caught by Devine and power-bombed against the apron, turning the match back in the favour of the champion. Devine then got a two count off the Devineplex (Butterfly Suplex) and headed up top but took too long jawing with the crowd and he missed with the flying elbow drop. Fox Mask then nailed Devine with the Fox Hunter but the former SWF man managed to kick out at the last split second. Fox Mask then went for the Fox Flip off DDT but Devine managed to block the attempt and almost stole the victory with a pin whilst using his feet on the ropes. Fox Mask then sprang off the ropes with an Enziguri but Devine managed to duck under and nailed the Animal Magic man with a jumping knee strike, that then left Fox Mask open for the Devine Dream Drop (Double Underhook Facebuster) as Devine managed to find a way to keep hold of the People's Title yet again. This was a really good main event for one of these lesser touring shows. Fox Mask more than held up his end of the bargain to make the crowd believe he could pull off the surpise win. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Darryl Devine defeated Fox Mask in 15:26 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Darryl Devine retains the FCW People's Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=red][B]Rating: C+[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [I]Out of all the non Puerto Rico shows, this is the one I've been most satisfied with, with the two main event matches delivering what was expected of them.[/I]
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A B+! :eek: I knew the man behind the Negra mask was good, but I've never got a match that good out of him! The stars were aligned and JD Morgan is very awesome, clearly. Also didn't see the Heat Magnets turn as I was barely even noticing them. I'm really intrigued to see where the Einstein/Devine feud goes, because it's defied my predictions a few times already...
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[CENTER][B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Delorean Driver.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] FCW return to the Ricardo Montenenz Ball room in San Juan on Tuesday 26th April to present Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor II, their final show before they go on a mid year break. The main event will see J.D Morgan defend the Undisputed Championship in a first ever Gauntlet Series. The other participants who will try and prize the Twin Belts away from Morgan will be Ultimate Phoenix, Steve Flash, Da Power and Dean Daniels. Phoenix, Flash and Power all came through tough tests at the Tiempo de Decision show in March, as they all put themselves in title contention. Dean Daniels lost his match to Ultimate Phoenix but FCW officials felt he deserved a place in the Gaunlet series, as if it wasn't for the inteference of Ultimate Phoenix rival Phoenix Negra Daniels may have scored a first ever singles victory over Phoenix. Phoenix Negra will feel somewhat agrieved that he is not part of the Gaunlet Series after taking J.D Morgan to the limit, but thay may be due to his inteference in the Phoenix- Daniels match. However he does have a chance to put himself right back in title contention when he takes on Angel de Mexico, who himself will see this match against his fellow masked high flyer as an opportunity to put himself right back in title contention. At the En Viaje show earlier this month in Philadelphia Darryl Devine saw off the challenge of Animal Magic's Fox Mask, now Fox Mask's tag partner Masked Cougar will be hoping he can be the one to end the reign of the arrogant Devine Right leader. The Tag Team Championship will be on the line as the UNITY pairing of Nicky R!ot and Harry Allen face the challenge of Totally Einstein, who following their brief taste of success at winning the tag titles during the Round Robin at Ninunga Entrega are looking 'united', which begs he question has Mainstream Hernandez finally forgiven Bradford Peverall and is willing to move on from their very personal falling out. Other matches on the show will see Primus (who claims tp represent the Real Wave of Violence) go up against Dean Waldorf of the Ring Generals, Capitao Brasil takes on Mr Electricity and finally their will be a Six Man Battle as Charles Rainier of UNITY teams up with Fox Mask of Animal Magic and debutant K.C Glenn to take on the Devine Right trio of Jared Johnson and the Heat Magnets. Glenn is the protege of TCW star Joey Minesota and is one of the most talked about new talents in the business. The Pre-show will see The Great Oxii face off against Marv Statler and there will be a 4 corner survival featuring Captain Morgan, Joe Benning, Leftie Wilkes & M.C Speed. Here is a full run down of the card for Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor II [CENTER][B][U]FCW Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor II[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Tuesday 26th April 2011 at [SIZE=2]Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, San Juan, Puerto Rico[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Gauntlet Series for the[/B] [B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] J.D Morgan vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] Da Power vs Dean Daniels vs Steve Flash vs Ultimate Phoenix[/CENTER] [CENTER]Angel De Mexico vs Phoenix Negra[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]People's Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Devine Right'[/SIZE] Darryl Devine vs 'Representing Animal Magic' Masked Cougar[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] UNITY (Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs Totally Einstein (Mainstream Hernandez & Bradford Peverall) [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Six Man Battle:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Devine Right'[/SIZE] Jared Johnson & The Heat Magnets (ADB & Matt Hocking) vs Charles Rainer (UNITY), Fox Mask (Animal Magic) & K.C Glenn[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing the Real Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] Primus vs [SIZE=1]'Representing The Ring Generals'[/SIZE] Dean Waldorf[/CENTER] [CENTER]Capitao Brasil Jr vs Mr Electricity [B][FONT=Courier New]Bonus Pre-Show Matches:[/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=Courier New]The Great Oxii vs Marv Statler[/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=Courier New]4CS: Captain Morgan vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes vs M.C Speed[/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=Courier New]___________________________________________________[/FONT][/B][/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Predictions Form:[/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][U][B]Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor II[/B][/U][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship (Gauntlet Series):[/B] J.D Morgan vs Da Power vs Dean Daniels vs Steve Flash vs Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Angel De Mexico vs Phoenix Negra[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]People's Championship:[/B] Darryl Devine vs Masked Cougar[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship[/B]: UNITY vs Totally Einstein[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Six Man Battle:[/B] Jared Johnson & Heat Magnets vs Charles Rainier, Fox Mask & K.C Glenn.[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Primus vs Dean Waldorf[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Capitao Brasil Jr vs Mr Electricity[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]The Great Oxii vs Marv Statler[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]4CS:[/B] Captain Morgan vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes vs M.C Speed[/COLOR][/LEFT] [/quote]
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Undisputed Championship (Gauntlet Series):[B] J.D Morgan[/B] vs Da Power vs Dean Daniels vs Steve Flash vs Ultimate Phoenix Angel De Mexico vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] People's Championship: [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs Masked Cougar Tag Team Championship: UNITY vs [B]Totally Einstein[/B] Six Man Battle: [B]Jared Johnson & Heat Magnets[/B] vs Charles Rainier, Fox Mask & K.C Glenn. [B]Primus[/B] vs Dean Waldorf Capitao Brasil Jr vs [B]Mr Electricity[/B] [B]The Great Oxii[/B] vs Marv Statler 4CS: [B]Captain Morgan[/B] vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes vs M.C Speed
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Predictions Form: Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor II Undisputed Championship (Gauntlet Series): J.D Morgan vs Da Power vs Dean Daniels vs Steve Flash vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] Angel De Mexico vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] People's Championship: [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs Masked Cougar Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY[/B] vs Totally Einstein Six Man Battle: [B]Jared Johnson & Heat Magnets[/B] vs Charles Rainier, Fox Mask & K.C Glenn. [B]Primus[/B] vs Dean Waldorf [B]Capitao Brasil Jr[/B] vs Mr Electricity The Great Oxii vs [B]Marv Statler[/B] 4CS: Captain Morgan vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes vs[B] M.C Speed[/B] I'm particularly hopeful for M.C. Speed. He's blossomed into a useful player even to an International fed for me before now.
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Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor II Undisputed Championship (Gauntlet Series): [b]J.D Morgan[/b] vs Da Power vs Dean Daniels vs Steve Flash vs Ultimate Phoenix [i]Tough one to call between Phoenix, Morgan and Power, so I'll go with Morgan retaining for now[/i] Angel De Mexico vs [b]Phoenix Negra[/b] [i]Angel seems to be almost a jobber to the stars at the moment, and there's no way he's winning here[/i] People's Championship: [b]Darryl Devine[/b] vs Masked Cougar Tag Team Championship: [b]UNITY[/b] vs Totally Einstein Six Man Battle: [b]Jared Johnson & Heat Magnets[/b] vs Charles Rainier, Fox Mask & K.C Glenn. [b]Primus[/b] vs Dean Waldorf Capitao Brasil Jr vs [b]Mr Electricity[/b] The Great Oxii vs [b]Marv Statler[/b] 4CS: Captain Morgan vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes vs [b]M.C Speed[/b]
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Undisputed Championship (Gauntlet Series): [B]J.D Morgan [/B]vs Da Power vs Dean Daniels vs Steve Flash vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]Champ retains here!![/I] Angel De Mexico vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] [I]Besides the loss to JD, PN's been dominant.[/I] People's Championship: [B]Darryl Devine [/B]vs Masked Cougar [I]DD already defeated MC's tag partner so this is simple.[/I] Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY [/B]vs Totally Einstein [I]Although TE are totally awesome (tee hee!), UNITY seems more like a actual tag team to me.[/I] Six Man Battle: [B]Jared Johnson & Heat Magnets [/B]vs Charles Rainier, Fox Mask & K.C Glenn. [I]Everyone who has been reading this diary since Jared Johnson came onto the scene knows that I will never vote against Double J!!![/I] [B]Primus [/B]vs Dean Waldorf [I]RRRRRRuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssshhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/I] Capitao Brasil Jr vs [B]Mr Electricity[/B] [I]Can't get over the Indian Macho Man Randy Savage.[/I] [B]The Great Oxii[/B] vs Marv Statler [I]Cult favorite of mine as well (I know, shoot me!).[/I] 4CS: Captain Morgan vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes vs [B]M.C Speed[/B] [I]Former WOV man gets the duke.[/I]
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[B]Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor II[/B] [U]Undisputed Championship (Gauntlet Series)[/U]:[B] J.D Morgan[/B] vs Da Power vs Dean Daniels vs Steve Flash vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]Can't see Morgan dropping the belt in a match like this, so if someone else wins, it won't be clean. [/I] Angel De Mexico vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] [I]Think the Negra build-up continues.[/I] [U]People's Championship[/U]: [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs Masked Cougar [I]Feels too early for Devine to drop the belt. [/I] [U]Tag Team Championship[/U]: UNITY vs Totally Einstein [U]Six Man Battle[/U]: Jared Johnson & Heat Magnets vs Charles Rainier, Fox Mask & K.C Glenn. [B]Primus [/B]vs Dean Waldorf Capitao Brasil Jr vs [B]Mr Electricity[/B] The Great Oxii vs [B]Marv Statler[/B] 4CS: Captain Morgan vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes vs [B]M.C Speed[/B]
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Undisputed Championship (Gauntlet Series): [B]J.D Morgan [/B]vs Da Power vs Dean Daniels vs Steve Flash vs Ultimate Phoenix This is what I call the trademark Tigerkinney-Unpredictable-Many-Possibilities-Match. This is not a bad thing. For once I'm quite confident in Morgan walking out the champion, but I'm more interested in the other happenings in the match. Could we see Dean finally defeat Phoenix, only to be immediately upended by someone else? Would he be willing to count that as a victory? Many questions... [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Phoenix Negra I'm not sure on this one at all, but see Ultimate interference deciding this. I think Mexico needs a few high profile wins to keep him relevant, because he does seem dangerously close to JTTS territory. Besides, I think Negra is talented enough to take the loss without it really having much effect on him. People's Championship: [B]Darryl Devine [/B]vs Masked Cougar I think DD's reign won't be quite as long as, uh, the [I]other[/I] DD's, but it doesn't end here. I think Devine defends successfully against both TE members and someone else rises up to beat him for it. Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY[/B] vs Totally Einstein Part of me thinks that the Tag Titles are going to stabilize after a period of hot-potatoing, but that simmering UNITension (Hah) has reared up again, so who knows? Could the tag titles be what TE need to bring them truly back together? I say not yet... Six Man Battle: [B]Jared Johnson & Heat Magnets[/B] vs Charles Rainier, Fox Mask & K.C Glenn. Hmm, heel stable on the receiving end of a push or bunch of 'other guys' with nothing else to do? [B]Primus [/B]vs Dean Waldorf Sssqqquuuaaaaassshhh!!! Also, colour me intrigued in The Real WoV... Gang war ahead? Capitao Brasil Jr vs [B]Mr Electricity[/B] Singh is higher on the totem pole. Not by much. The Great Oxii vs [B]Marv Statler[/B] It's a toss-up, really, but Statler is worth a lot more of your time. 4CS: Captain Morgan vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes vs [B]M.C Speed[/B] I think Speed might be the only one of the four to have won a televised match. Well, Joe will have at some point, but I doubt even he remembers it..
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B][U]FCW Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor II[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Tuesday April 26th 2011[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Ricardo Montenez Ball Room, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'638)[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B][SIZE=2] & [/SIZE][/B][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/I][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre- Show[/U][/B] [LEFT][B]Match 1: 4CS: Captain Morgan vs Joe Benning vs Leftie Wilkes vs M.C Speed[/B][/LEFT] A short sprint of a 4Cs where everyone actually got to hit some of their signature manoeuvres but in the end it was M.C Speed who was left standing tall when he was able to synch in the Deadly Heel Hook on Captain Morgan. Speed's not officially left Wave of Violence, though admittedly he looks a little lost (in terms of storyline direction) without his former regular tag team partner Primus. [B][COLOR=red]Result: M.C Speed defeated Captain Morgan, Joe Benning and Leftie Wilkes in 5:54 when M.C Speed defeated Captain Morgan by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B]Match 2: The Great Oxii vs Marv Statler[/B] A match that was kept mercifully short, because Oxii is awful in the ring. The fun loving turban headed big man dominated with his lumberign power moves but some ill timed 'inteference' from his tag partner Eddie Howard, gave Marv Statler the opening to roll Oxii up and steel the win. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Marv Statler defeated The Great Oxii in 3:49 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Eddie Howard helps his partner to his feet and then delivers the Powerline. Howard then stomps away on Oxii and then berates Oxii as a big joke, cementing a heel turn[/I]. [B]Rating: F+[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Ox's contract comes up for renewal in the next month and I've decided not to renew it this time. The Oxii character had long run it's course and though he apprently had 'chemistry' with Howard he was just holding Howard back. I'm looking to repackage Howard, who I feel does have potential but is going nowhere first as a bland babyface.[/FONT] [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch welcome us to the show and proceed to hype the Gauntlet Series of the Undisputed Championship. Lynch pretty much slates everyone in the field, apart from Da Power, as ever O'Hara pulls Lynch up on being a hypocrite, because at one point Lynch was staunchly anti-Power. O'Hara says the match could be a tough test for Morgan depending on how the draw is made, and whoever is drawn in the first pairing faces an extremely tough ask of walking out of the 'Monty' with the Twin Belts.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Capitao Brasil Jr vs Mr Electricity[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CapitaoBrasil.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Mr Electricity comes out to yet another disco classic ' Everybody Dance' by Chic. He tries to get the fans to dance along but all he gets is a load of jeers and a bunch of middle fingers waved in his face. The match itself was solid but too short for either of them to really bring out their A-Game. The finish saw Capitao Brasil go upstairs after spiking the former Kashmir Singh with a swinging DDT. However the flamboyant disco dancer got the knees up, to counter the Fall From Rio (Swanton) and as they both got to their feet, Electricity caught Capitao with a elbow smash, leading to the Lightnin' Rod (Falcon Arrow). [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mr. Electricity defeated Capitão Brasil Jr in 5:55 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Charles Rainier, Fox Mask & K.C Glenn vs [/B] [B]Jared Johnson & Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KCGlenn.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JaredJohnson_nachalt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHockingFin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ADBFin.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This was basic Six Man Tag fare, with the heels controlling a large portion of the match. We held Glenn's arrival into the match back as both myself and Fox Mask played 'Spencer Marks', eventually the hot tag was made into the teenage sensation, who cleaned house with a double springboard clothesline on both members of the Heat Magnets before taking all off the Devine Right trio out with a dive to the outside. Glenn then pitched Hocking back into he ring, ending with the new-comer levelling the Heat Magnet with a springboard Yazuza Kick , he somewhat bizarrelly calls 'Tune Up the Sunshine Band'. That almost brought the face trio victory but ADB dove in to make the save at the last split second. Unsurpisingly the match began to break down with several pin attempts from either team being broken up and the closing stages saw me drill ADB into the mat with a C.R Driver, only for it to be broken up by Matt Hocking, who then took me up and then down for the Shock-Drop, Fox Mask broke that up with Fox Hunter, only for Jared Johnson to make the save. Johnson then looked as though he was about to deliver the Tar Heel Stomp but was clubbed from behind by K.C Glenn. Glenn then took Johnson down with the Louisiana Spiral (Complete Shot) for a two count and then went up top, but he was shoved off by recovered ADB, and that led to a recovered Jared Johnson taking the debutant down to the mat to lock in the Carolina Cross-Face. The Heat Magnets then managed to keep both myself and Fox Mask at bay and Glenn was forced to tap. Even though Glenn ended up doing the job, he made a relatively impressive debut and was perhaps the stand out performer in the match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Jared Johnson and Heat Magnets defeated Charles Rainier, KC Glenn and Fox Mask in 9:21 when Jared Johnson defeated KC Glenn by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Totally Einstein are backstage with their manager Sara Silver in mid conversation[/I] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver[/B]: Come on James, you've got to admit you and Bradford make a great team together.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B]: Look winning the Tag Straps for a nano second, doesn't change a thing I still don't like the guy.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall[/B]: Fair enough, I don't expect you to me my best friend again over night but I'm glad we've buried the hatchet so to speak.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] And what makes you think I still don't want to knock your block off ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall[/B]: Because you could walk away from this thing we've got going on again any time, but you've chosen not to, and that's because deep down, deep down you know we're great together.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Bradford's right James and I think you know that.[/COLOR] [I]Hernandez doesn't respond and the three head to the ring together, as their Tag Team Title match against UNITY is up next.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Tag Team Championship: [/B] [B]UNITY (Nicky R!ot & Harry Allen) vs [/B] [B]Totally Einstein (Bradford Peverall & Mainstream Hernandez) w/ Sara Silver[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG][B] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/[B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] After some quick paced opening exchanges the match soon settled into a pattern where the tag champs slotted into the roll of quasi-heels, isolating Mainstream Hernandez in their corner. Hernandez however managed to use his speed and agility to help him get the tag into Bradford Peverall, who cleaned house on the Tag champs with a series of European Uppercuts leading to a near-fall after the Rapid Eye Movement (Jabs/Discus Lariat) sequence on Harry Allen. That was broken up by Nicky R!ot and the power man of UNITY and Peverall engaged in a solid brawl that ended with R!ot levelling Peverall with the Sub Pop Bop, only for Hernandez to make the save. Hernandez then nailed R!ot with a superkick and then went up top only to be cut off by Harry Allen who brought both of them crashing back into the ring with a superplex. However as both men got to their feet the Heat Magnets hit the ring and levelled both of them with chair-shots, Peverall and R!ot then came in to try and save their respective partners but both of them also ate the steel wielded by the newest members of Devine Right leaving Brett Graveson with no choice but to throw the match out to the disgust of the fans. More of an angle advancement than a match, but the match that was there was a decent sprint up and until the Heat Magnets chair wielding inteference. [B][COLOR=red]Result: UNITY drew with Totally Einstein in 7:48 following a double disqualification. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]UNITY retain the FCW Tag Team Championship Titles.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: People's Championship: [/B] [B]Darryl Devine vs Masked Cougar[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DarrylDevine_nfalt3.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]Masked Cougar manages to take the early advantage with a drop-kick following a quick paced exchange to begin the match but is unable to follow up as Devine decides to roll out of the ring for a Powder. Cougar doesn't let up though and manages to take Devine off his feet with a slingshot rana !. [/LEFT] Cougar then pitches the champ into the ring but Devine manages to kick out. The Animal Magic man then tries to maintain a fast pace, using a variety of arm-drags, leg-lariats and roll ups to keep Devine off balance but just as it looks like he is about to step it up a gear and put Devine away, the People's champ manages to squirm out and goes out for another Powder. Eventually Cougar takes the bait and sets up a dive only to be levelled with a stiff forearm from Devine. Devine then drives Cougar throat first against the top-rope before taking the Animal Magic member of his feet with a springboard fore-arm smash. That lead to a two count, before Devine applied a body scissors, slowing the pace down, squeezing the energy out of Cougar. Cougar managed to make it over to the ropes but Devine maintained control stomping away on Cougar, before picking the masked man up and dumping Cougar onto his back with a belly to back suplex. Devine the went up to the second rope, to deliver an elbow drop that lead to a two count. Devine then followed up with a snap mare and a kick to the back, as he looked to methodically work over the back off his masked opponent. That only seemed to fire up Cougar though who began to fight back, taking Devine by surprise with a strike and kick combination, however Devine then levelled Cougar with a fore-arm smash and then whipped Cougar into the turnbuckle and then came charging in but Cougar managed to get the boots up and then skipped up the turnbuckles before diving off to attempt to bring down Devine with a swinging DDT but the Devine Right leader caught Cougar in a Fire-man's carry and then dropped the Animal Magic man across his knees into a backbreaker. That lead to a two count as Devine then began to taunt Cougar to get back to his feet. Cougar responded with some shots to Devine's mid-section but that was cut off with a Pat Deacon Knee Lift, leading to Devine butterflying the arms of the masked man but Cougar managed to block the attempt at the Devine Dream Drop by dropping to his knees, Devine then lifted Cougar back to a vertical base only for Cougar to to back drop Devine and reverse into a pin attempt. Devine managed to kick out and then tried to catch Cougar with a knee strike but Cougar caught the leg and dumped Devine with a leg hook belly to back suplex. Both men then got back to their feet and began to exchange strikes, Darryl Devine then tried to take Cougar off guard with the Devine Intervention (Springboard Back Elbow), but Cougar had it scouted and took Devine out of mid-air with the COUGAR POUNCE ! One..... Two.... Thr...... Devine kicked out and then staggered back up to his feet, right into the I AM COUGAR HEAR ME ROAR ! (Wheelbarrow Chicken Wing Facebuster). One..... Two..... Thr...... Somehow Devine managed to get his shoulder up at the last split second. Cougar then paced around for a bit wondering what he had to to to put Devine away before heading up to the top turnbuckle. Howevever the Heat Magnets were coming back up the entrance ramp again and that took the attention of Brett Graveson away from the match in hand. Cougar then waited for Devine to get back to his feet but with Graveson tied up with the Heat Magnets. Devine produced a steel chain out his trunks and levelled Cougar in mid-air as the former Tag champ came off the top-rope in an attempt to put the match away with the High Rise Cougar Pounce. Devine then threw away the steel chain just a Graveson turned back around, butterflyed the arms of Cougar and then drove the Animal Magic face first into the canvas with the Devine Dream Drop for the academic three count. This had 'routine' defence written all over it on a paper but these two showed pretty good chemistry working together and for a brief Cougar had the crowd believing he could pull off the upset win over Devine. In the end though the numbers game of Devine Right came into play and the arrogant leader of what is quickly becoming FCW's top heel faction following the implosion of Wave of Violence was able to escape with the People's Championship still around his waist. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Darryl Devine defeated Masked Cougar in 12:27 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Darryl Devine retains the FCW People's Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Flanked by the Heat Magnets, Darryl Devine celebrates his victory to a chorus of jeers from the fans. [/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Angel De Mexico vs Phoenix Negra[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] The match actually starts off at a fairly low key pace, but then begins to quicken as their strikes intensify, eventually Angel De Mexico takes Negra off his feet with a leg- lariat only for Negra to kip up and take Angel down with a head-scissors that sends the former Peoples champ out of the ring. Negra then decides to go for the no hands plancha but Angel manages to move out of the way and then nails Negra with a drop-kick out on the floor. Angel then pitches Negra back into the ring, and goes for quick cover. Negra easily kicks out and Angel brings the mysterious rival of Ultimate Phoenix back up to a vertical base. Angel then whips Negra into the ropes and pulls off another drop-kick sending Negra staggering back into the turnbuckle. Angel then comes charging in but Negra nails the patriotic Mexican with a step up Enziguri. Angel then staggers back before being dropped onto his back with a missile drop-kick from Negra. Angel kicks out of the subsequent pin attempt, but Negra begins to take control delivering a series of clubbing blows to the back of Angel, before sending the patriotic masked man into the ropes and using the momentum to deliver a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker, that then lead to Negra dumping Angel onto his head with the Elemental Suplex...... One..... Two.... Thr..... Angel managed to kick out but Negra was beginning to become confident that he would have the match in the bag and headed up top. But he has underestimated the resolve of Angel who suddenly kipped back up to his feet to send both himself and Negra flying back into the ring with a hurracanrana and that wasn't the only bad news for Negra as Angel managed to apply the Mexican Death Arm Bar in mid-flight and as they hit the canvas, the man who took J. D Morgan to the limit last month was in a whole heap of trouble. Negra looks a though he might be on the verge of tapping but manages to manouevre his way over to the ropes to force a rope break. Angel then tries to immediately follow up but Negra rolls out of the ring, only for Angel to go out onto the apron and takes Negra down with an Arabian press. Angel then goes to pitch Negra back into the ring, but the 'evil twin' Phoenix rakes the back and then drills Angel with a DDT onto the apron, turning the match a full 180 in his favour. Negra then pitches Angel under the bottom rope and brings himself back in with a slingshot double stomp. Angel kicks out of the subsequent pin attempt but Negra simply waits for Angel to get back up to a vertical base before nailing Angel with a roundhouse kick, Negra then delivers a back heel kick to the mid-section setting Angel up for the Certain Death (Vertebreaker) but Negra can't quite get Angel up (his right arm giving him trouble) and the former People's champ suddenly counters with a roll -up....... That leads to a quick paced roll up exchange that eventually leads to Negra going for desperation standing moonsault only for Angel to move out of the way at the last split second. Negra then staggered back to his feet, leaving him open for the ACAPULCO TWIST (Corkscrew Neckbreaker)........ One....... Two..... Thr...... Negra somehow managed to get his shoulder up just in time, much to the disbelief of Angel. Angel then decided to head up top waiting for Negra to get back to his feet, before diving off but this time he was swatted out of mid-air with a drop-kick from Negra, taking the wind right out of the former Peoples champ. Negra then headed up top himself, to come crashing down upon Angel with the Phoenix Firebird Splash...... One....... Two...... Three A well wrestled, even contest between two talented high flyers. They pitched it just right too by making it a good match, but not making it so good that it might end up over-shadowing the main event. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Phoenix Negra defeated Ángel De México in 11:31 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Primus vs Dean Waldorf[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen_WOV31.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanWaldorf.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Essentially an extended squash. Primus was on top in the early going but mistimed a Rruuuusshh attempt and ended up going shoulder first into the turnbuckle, allowing Waldorf to take control and slow the match down by keeping the big man grounded, leading to Walford locking on the Figure Four after he worked over the legs of the man who claims to represent the 'Real W.O.V'. But Primus managed to use his power to turn it over and force the Ring General to make it to the ropes. From there on it was all Primus who reeled off a series of power moves Lariat, Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex, Snap Powerslam, Rruuuuuussshhh !!! (High Speed Shoulder Tackle) to put Walforf away. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Primus defeated Dean Waldorf in 7:13 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]A video is then shown to hype the Gauntlet Series for the Undisputed Championship. This was a well put together package that put over the credentials of all the participants.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7.1: Undisputed Championship Gauntlet Series: [/B] [B]Ultimate Phoenix vs Da Power w/ Carl Batch[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPowerWOV.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The first two out are 2010 Rey de Reyes winner Ultimate Phoenix and a rather peeved looking Da Power, who is clearly unhappy at being drawn in the first two. In fact Da Power takes out that frustration by jumping Phoenix from behind before the masked man has even made it into the ring. Power continues the assault on Phoenix as the bell rings to officially start the match. It's all Power in the early going and he becomes so confident that he starts to jaw with the crowd, telling them that he IS the champ. However when Power looks to put Phoenix away going for the roaring elbow (step 1 in the four moves of doom), Phoenix has it scouted ducks under and then springboards back off the rope nailing Power with a springboard roundhouse kick, the momentum sending the W.O.V man tumbling over the ropes. Phoenix doesn't let up as he launches himself over the tope with a no hands plancha that wipes out both Power and his manager Carl Batch. On the outside Phoenix attempts to bring Power back into the ring but the big re-takes control with a clubbing blow and sets Phoenix up for a Power-bomb but the former MPWF star reverses into a DDT, spiking the former two time Undisputed Champion on the floor. Phoenix then rolls into the ring and simply waits for Power to be counted out. To the frustration of all the fans in the 'Monty' however Da Power manages to make it into the ring but is immediately taken back off his feet with a basement drop-kick and Phoenix decides to head up top to go for the Phoenix Firebird Splash....but Power moves out of the way at the last split second and then levels Phoenix with the SAN JUAN RUSH !! One...... Two...... Thr...... Phoenix gets the shoulder up just in time. Power and Batch are seething with frustration, and the W.O.V pair get in the face of referee Brett Graveson insisting that it was a three count. Eventually Power turns his attention back to Phoenix , clubbing away on the back of the masked man. Power then sends Phoenix into the ropes and nails him with the roaring elbow but Phoenix shakes it off this time and comes right back with a leg-lariat. They get back up and another leg-lariat takes Power off his feet. All of a sudden Phoenix Negra jumps the guard-rails and goes to nail Ulitmate Phoenix with what looks to be a singapore cane, but Phoenix ducks under and Power ends up getting the cane snapped across his mid-section.....Power then stumbles back and is rolled up by Phoenix into a school boy roll-up. One...... Two..... Three !!! Phoenix has just beaten Da Power and advances to the next match up ! A good match but the botched interference took a bit away from the match, but it was the only way Phoenix was going to advance because Power was too pig-headed to put him over clean. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ultimate Phoenix defeated Da Power in 8:28 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Da Power looks well an truly p*ssed off at the result, he shrugs off the ring attendants who helped him back to his feet and then picks up a chair, and his intentions are clear for all to see, however that is soon stopped by Primus and the former allies brawl with one another all the way to the back as the next participant Steve Flash makes his way out to face Ultimate Phoenix. Phoenix Negra meanwhile has been intercepted by security and thrown out of the building on the orders of FCW management representative Crippler Ray Kingman.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7.2: Undisputed Championship Gauntlet Series: [/B] [B]Ultimate Phoenix vs Steve Flash[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Respectful handshake between the two at the start. Flash could have jumped right on Phoenix but he's a babyface so he believes in Sportsmanship. They have a nice chain wrestling exchange and it's Flash who manages to come out on top eventually taking Phoenix down with a single leg take-down and transitioning it into the Boston Crab. Phoenix easily makes it over to the ropes but Flash stays on the masked man delivering a knee to the gut and then catching Phoenix with a Pat Deacon Knee Lift coming off the ropes, that then sets things up for a DDT. That brings a two count for Flash, who then applies a front face lock and lifts Phoenix up for a vertical suplex. Flash holds the masked man up for around 15 seconds before bringing Phoenix crashing back down to the mat. That bring another two count for Flash, but Phoenix remains planted to the mat and Flash decides to head up top but Flash isn't quite as sprightly these days at racing up the turnbuckles and Phoenix gets back up to his feet to springboard off the ropes and flings Flash half way across the ring with a hurracanrana. Phoenix is too worn down though to immediately follow up with the pin and they both lay on the mat as Brett Graveson begins a double ten count (if both are counted out it will be Morgan- Daniels for the title). They both get up, and it's Flash who is up first but Phoenix lured him in him taking Flash down with a leg-whip and then following up with a standing moonsault, crashing down upon the sternum of Flash. The veteran kicked out and then as Phoenix brought Flash back up to a vertical base, Flash fought back with a series of fore-arm strikes.....Flash then caught Phoenix coming in off the ropes and looked set to plant the masked man into the canvas with the Flash Bang but Phoenix countered into a Crucifix Bomb ! Phoenix then headed up top and went for the Phoenix Firebird Splash but Flash moved out of the way at the last split second, Phoenix lands on his feet but gets nailed with a Super-Kick ! One........ Two........ Thr...... Phoenix kicks out, Flash then tries to turn Phoenix over for the Boston Crab but gets kicked off......Flash now showing frustration being able to put Phoenix away paces around for a bit, before picking Phoenix up an aggressively whipping the masked man into the corner. He follows up with a running fore-arm smash before bringing Phoenix out of the corner and planting the 2010 Rey De Reyes winner with a bull-dog. That brings Flash a two count, who then lifts Phoenix up onto the top-rope, he appears to be going for some sort of rope assisted Flash Bang but Phoenix clubs away at Flash freeing himself from the predicament. Flash then charges at Phoenix who is on the apron but Phoenix ducks out of the way and then nails Flash with a step up Enziguri. Flash staggers back and then Phoenix springboards back in to take Flash down with a rana. They both get up but Phoenix takes control with a back heel kick to the mid-section setting Flash up for the Flaming Driver (Sunset Driver)...... One...... Two...... Three !! Phoenix has survived two other challengers, who will be out next ? Flash's best match since his return to FCW, though you have to say alot of that was down to Ultimate Phoenix. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ultimate Phoenix defeated Steve Flash in 9:40 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7.3: Undisputed Championship Gauntlet Series: [/B] [B]Ultimate Phoenix vs Dean Daniels w/ Lisa Bowen[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] w/[B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/CENTER] The next man out is Dean Daniels and he wastes no time in trying to gain the early advantage jumping Phoenix before the bell has even sounded. Daniels delivers a relentless flurry of strikes on Phoenix, sending the masked man slumping into the corner before backing away and then charging in with a running knee strike. The former Peoples champion then taunts a worn down Phoenix to get back to his feet before levelling the masked man with a roaring elbow, then launching Phoenix overhead like a rag doll with an overhead belly to belly suplex. That leads to a two count to Daniels, who then applies a front facelock to Phoenix and reels off a series of snap suplexes. That brings Daniels another two count, with Phoenix still planted to the mat Daniels decides to go up to the second rope and delivers a diving knee drop but Phoenix moves out of the way and then takes Daniels down with an arm-drag. Both then get back up to their feet at the same time and it's Phoenix who shifts the momentum in his favour with a standing drop-kick, that sends Daniels staggering into the corner. But a determined Daniels comes charging right out, only for Phoenix to duck under his running clothesline and then launch himself off the turnbuckle to take Daniels down with a moonsault press. Daniels kicked out of the pin attempt and soon took back control with a fore-arm smash. He then delivered a Uranage Backbreaker on Phoenix before lifting the masked man onto his shoulders into the crucifix position (to set up the Human Roulette) but Phoenix managed to slide off and take Daniels down with a Dragon screw leg-whip. With Daniels down Phoenix then raced up the top turnbuckle, but the former People's champ wasn't worn down anywhere near enough and Daniels joined Phoenix on the top. Daniels then tried to bring Phoenix crashing back in with a superplex but the 2010 Rey De Reyes winner managed to shove Daniels off and then dove off to take Daniels down with a Tornado DDT but Daniels managed to block and countered into the RAISE THE STAKES (Cradle Piledriver) !! One...... Two........ Thr...... Daniels made the cover too near the ropes, as Phoenix got as foot underneath the bottom rope at the last split second. An enraged Daniels then paced around, before lifting a lift Phoenix back to his feet and setting up for the Trapped Knees but Phoenix was playing possum and suddenly rolled Daniels up out of nowhere into a small package...... One.......... Two......... Three !! Ultimate Phoenix had gotten the better of Dean Daniels again but more importingly he had somehow managed to make it to the final match and would be the one challenging J.D Morgan for the Undisputed Championship. These two always put on good matches against each other and this one was no different and are building a good (if somewhat one sided in terms of results) competitive rivalry with one another. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ultimate Phoenix defeated Dean Daniels in 10:52 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7.4: Undisputed Championship Gauntlet Series: [/B] [B]J.D Morgan vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] J.D Morgan comes to the ring full of confidence, and who can blame him, he's lucked out on the draw and the man he will defend the Undisputed Championship against has already faced three other men. Morgan shows a bit more respect to Phoenix than Daniels, and lets the popular masked man get back to his feet. As soon as the bell rings however Morgan soon takes control levelling Phoenix with a flurry of European Uppercuts , one of them puts Phoenix back down to the mat and Morgan goes for a quick cover. Phoenix manages to kick out but Morgan remains in control, taking Phoenix over with a German suplex into a bridge...... One..... Two.... Thr...... Phoenix manages to get his shoulder up just in time....Morgan looks desperate to finish Phoenix off in quick order, whipping the masked man into the corner and then following up with a running European. Morgan then lifts a dazed Phoenix onto the top turnbuckle and sets up for the London Bridge but Phoenix manages to club at the chest in desperation to free himself. Morgan then decides to climb up to the top turnbuckle himself and then applies a front-face lock as he looks to bring Phoenix in with a superplex but the 2010 Rey De Reyes winner manages to reverse it into a DDT in mid-flight ! Both of them are down and Brett Graveson starts a ten count...... It looks like both might be counted out, Morgan from being spiked on his head and Phoenix from being too exhausted to continue. Morgan gets up first and comes charging at Phoenix but the masked man suddenly catches the champion with a 'Pele' kick out of nowhere, before rolling Morgan up with a La Magistral Cradle..... One.... Two....... Morgan powers out of the pin attempt and looks to lock on the Cross Atlantic Stretch but Phoenix manages to escape, gets hold of front-facelock and spikes Morgan into the mat with a leaping DDT, before springing off the ropes into a quebrada....... One....... Two........ Morgan kicks out, and then haults Phoenix' flurry with another series of European Uppercuts.....Morgan then goes for a running Uppercut but Phoenix suddenly nails him with a standing drop-kick and as Morgan comes back off the ropes, the British veteran is then taken down with a spinning head-scissors from Phoenix. Morgan gets back up to his feet but Phoenix sends him tumbling over the top-rope with a roundhouse kick before the masked man (with the adrenalin suddenly flowing his body) launches himself over the tope with a no hands plancha. that sees him take down Morgan but land on his feet ! Phoenix then pitches a suddenly shell-shocked Morgan into the ring, he waits for the champion to get back to his feet and then sends Morgan back down with a springboard missile drop-kick. He then scrambles across to make the cover.... One......... Two......... Thr...... All of a sudden Morgan has Phoenix trapped in the CROSS ATLANTIC STRETCH, right in the middle of the ring. It looks like Phoenix has nowhere to go but he is refusing to tap..... Brett Graveson checks on Phoenix, raising the arm of the masked man....... Phoenix arm drops down........ Graveson checks again........ Still no response, it looks like Morgan will have this one in the bag...... One last look from Graveson........ Phoenix is still alive. The masked man is refusing to give in, as he loses every last drop of energy to make it over to the ropes and force the rope-break. Morgan is becoming increasingly frustrated that he has been unable to put Phoenix away. But the 2010 Rey de Reyes winner looks limp and lifeless as Morgan lifts him up to a vertical base........... Morgan then looks to finish Phoenix off for good and delivers the HALF NELSON SUPLEX !! But Phoenix somehow manages to right himself onto his feet and as Morgan turns around the former DaVE star walks right into a back heel kick to the mid-section, setting him up for the FLAMING DRIVER !! One..... Two....... Thr....... Morgan kicks out but remains planted to the mat and Phoenix head for the top turnbuckle, but as he steady himselfs Morgan gets back to his feet and looks to bring Phoenix in with a superplex....Phoenix shrugs Morgan off with a series of back elbows but the champion is determined and rejoins Phoenix on the top as they exchange strikes to gain the advantage....all off a sudden Phoenix takes Morgan down with a SUNSET BOMB !! One....... Two....... Thr........ Morgan kicks out again but Phoenix can feel the momentum shifting in his favour and he heads for the top turnbuckle again....he steadies himself for the Phoenix Firebird Splash........ PHOENIX NAILS IT !! One..... Two..... Three !!! NEW CHAMPION !! WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION !! It wasn't quite as good a match as Morgan's match against Negra last month but the crowd did pop huge for Ultimate Phoenix triumph. Despite the fact Morgan has earned the respect of the fans, Phoenix was the clear babyface in this final match up, especially after the fact he had to overcome three other competitors to get to Morgan. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ultimate Phoenix defeated JD Morgan in 17:46 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Ultimate Phoenix wins the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] I always intended Phoenix to come out as the winner but the stumbling block was always Power and his pig-headed Creative Control. However I read somewhere on these boards that a way to get round 'creative control' was to not book a winner and add botched inteference. Cheap, but it worked. It still doesn't give Phoenix a totally clean win over Power but it's a win. I also did the Gauntlet series as seperate matches as I didn't want to be stung with the note of either Da Power or Steve Flash being too exhausted. Total match time of the Gauntlet Series was 46:46.[/FONT] [I]After the match it looks like Morgan might turn heel as he hesitates to shake Phoenix hand, and it's clear he looks angry at the loss but in the end he is more angry with himself and accepts that Phoenix is the better man shaking the hand of the new champion. Morgan then departs from the ring clearly looking disappointed to leave Phoenix to soak in the cheers of the fans.[/I] [I]It's an emotional moment as the fans chant Phoenix ! Phoenix ! Phoenix ! In unison. The Popular masked man then goes out into the crowd to celebrate with his people and it looks like it might be a party that could go on all night.[/I] [B]Ratings: C+ for Handshake, B for Celebration.[/B] [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [I]Another great show and overall the Gauntlet Series proved to be a succesful way to crown a new champion. I'm just hoping that after two well received shows in a row, the crowds can start rising back up again as to be honest attendances have been a little disappointing of late and it's hard to place a finger as to why that is the case[/I].
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[quote=Mtm2k6;577035]PHOENIX! He seems unbeatable now, he just went through all your main eventers! Coincidentally, what's his overness like in P.R. now?[/quote] Well I wouldn't say Ultimate Phoenix looks unbeatable but to be four of the other top guys in the promotion to claim the title is nothing to be sniffed at. Power can blame his loss on the inteference of Phoenix Negra and Dean Daniels had the better of his match-up yet again against Phoenix only for Phoenix to find a way to get one over on him. However boht Steve Flash and more signifcantly J.D Morgan did put Phoenix over clean. Phoenix is now rated B- in Puerto Rico and is my most popular guy in the home territory. Next most popular are J.D Morgan and Da Power both rated C+. I am well aware that I've wittled away Power's once mega popular A rated overness, but it was a question of carrying on with Power miles above everyone else in popularity (and not willing to put over anyone) or to make for a more competitive main event. I'd like for my main eventers to be a little more popular, but in some ways it's good they are not mega over (B rated or above), as I'm not suffering from the 'we're too big for you' syndrome.
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[CENTER][B][U]April in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] The frustrating thing at the moment is that we are consistently putting on better shows than our any of rivals, yet our attendance levels seemed to have stalled. It's making me think that the 'touring' schedule isn't really working. May will still be a month off, as we could use it to recuperate back some money by not putting on a show. But I feel I either have to go for broke and switch to a full touring schedule or just go back to a regular schedule where we put on one or two shows a month. I'm leaning more to going back to the regular schedule as soon as June rolls round. You will noticed that we signed K.C Glenn, who made his debut at Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor II. Trained by Joey Minnesota Glenn is a great prospect and has the tools to become a star performer. Contract extensions were offered to (and signed by) Bradford Peverall, Arthur Dexter Bradley, Lisa Bowen, color commentator Cueball Lynch and Joe Benning.However we decided to yet Jeremiah Moose's contract run it's course, Benning just does the whole bland jobber thing for less money. [RIGHT]___________________________________________________________[/RIGHT] [CENTER][B][U]Rival Promotion Watch[/U][/B][/CENTER] 4C's Wrestling Showcase event was perhaps their weakest event in a good few months (C-). Headlined by a decent but not great (C Rated) defence of the 4C Championship by Damian Carvill against Joey Poison. The major disappointment of the night came in the semi main event a lacklustre (D) match that saw Nate Johnson defeat Shane Nelson. CZCW appear to be going backwards, with their Spring Break Bash event rated a disappointing (C-). The main event saw Andre defeat Harry Allen for the Coastal Zone Championship in a C- rated match. There were actually some good matches on the show Fox Mask defeated Matt Sparrow and Remmy Skye in a C+ rated match and Donnie J got the better of Ultimate Phoenix in a B- rated semi main event. But the show lacked flow and it ended on a low note with yet another lacklustre Coastal Zone Title match. At least they've done one thing right by finally ending Harry Allen's poor run with the title. MAW put on the their second good show in a row with their Out Of Control event (C+). A generally consistent card of matches in mostly in the C Range was boosted by a strong (B-) main event that saw Mean Jean Cattley successfully defend the Mid Atlantic Championship against Darryl Devine. The second best match of the night came near the start of show and saw James Hernandez defeat Stevie Grayson (yes that Grayson, Mr Ringrust himself) in a C+ rated match. Either Grayson has shook off his ringrust or this is just some kind of one off fluke. NYCW are up and down this year, and NYCW's Phoenix Rising was met with a lukewarm response (C-). The main event saw Steve Flash succesfully defend his Empire Title against Andre Jones in a C- rated match. Match of the night was the opener, a good C+ rated match that saw Whippy The Clown defeat Jared Johnson. And in a rarity the Tag Title match overshone the Empire Title match as the Cyber Squad (Snow Fox & Singh) put on a good (C rated) first defence of their belts against Casey Valentine & Sergeant West. PSW Supremacy was yet again another D+ rated event, and guess what the main event was and guess what the match was rated as ? I don't even have to mention this match in writing as they've done this same match about a zillion times. Joint match of the night's saw J.D Morgan team with Tank Bradley to defeat Henry Lee & Ryan Powell, whilst Remmy Skye bettered Matt Sparrow (both rated C-) RIPW's Raining Blood event, rated at a mediocre D and saw Henry Lee defeat Madman Boone in a not particularly well received D rated main event. One has to wonder about the logic about two hardcore icons, wrestling a non hardcore match for the companies top title. Apart from MAW, I would say all of our Regional fed 'rivals' had a poor month this month. Right now in terms of being able to put on quality shows we are consistently bettering the other promotions. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]April News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Worker Signings[/B] 21CW have managed to persuade European Wrestling legend Louis Figo Manico to come to the U.K. Panda Mask has returned to Canada ! Well 4C have brought in Panda Mask II to be exact. Both Joss Thompson and Joey Beauchamp big names on the UK/European wrestling circuit have decided to try their luck in Canada with CGC and 4C Alumnus Slim V has also joined Canada's leading sports entertainment promotion. EWA have signed Crusher Von Steinberg. INSPIRE add Soul Taker, Hynos and Kadonamaro Kamisaka to their roster on PPA deals. MAW have added veterans Henry Lee and American Machine to their roster. Lately they've been moving further and further away from Rip Chord's original philosophy of the promotion being a breeding ground for the stars of the future. MHW boost their ranks with the additions of Genio Verde and Enrique Merino. Former 21CW UK and Tag champion Daniel Black Francis has added MOSC to his schedule. NYCW add Andre Jones and Ryan Powell to a roster that has overgone quite a make-over during the past few years. RIPW add Philip LaGrenier and Matt Sparrow on PPA deals. SOTBPW appear to be building for the future adding young talents Delirium, Hurucan Sandoval Jr and Miguel Marquez to their roster. Former SWF World champion Engyma has joined rivals TCW but in perhaps a bigger coup, TCW have poached away Rich Money from the rivals, a man tipped by many to win the SWF World Title within the next year. It appears that the war between the two biggest promotions in North America is well and truly back on. USPW have decided to give Primus Allen another chance, as his first spell with them is not exactly what you would have called succesful. To be honest it might be Primus willing to give USPW a chance again, as it was down to him being mis-used that his first spell was such a disaster. Ash Campbell also signs on with the promotion and has built himself a decent portfolio of promotions to work for, since he escaped from PSW. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] A busy month of negotiations for 21CW as they extend the contracts of Philip Cooper, Nightmare, Mister King, announcer Steve Smith and referees Karl Dexter and Jacob Bailey. 4C extend the contracts of Young Leo (Trent Shaffer), Shane Nelson and Stan Manna. 55SW extend the contracts of ten workers, most notable amongst them are current World Champion Dragon Assassin, former champion Fuyuko Higa and international star Joanne Rodriguez. AAA extend the contracts of Kate Lilly, backstage reporter Sue Danes, announcer Jim Lou Freebush and road agent Marcus McKing. APW extend the contracts of New Zealand Pitbull, Switchblade, announcer Mitch Y Bryson and authority figure Nigel Darling. BHOTWG seal Miyamae and Elemental III to new written contracts and no surprise here Eisaku Hoshino signs yet another extension to his lucrative PPA deal. BSC extend the contracts of Dharma Gregg and Kathy Neptune. CGC extend the contracts of Bobby Thomas, Nate Johnson, Trent Shaffer and Nathan Black. CWWF extend the contracts of Missy Masterson and road agent Chance. CZCW extend the contracts of Andre Jones, Justin Sensitive, The American Flash, Whippy The Clown, valet Little Miss Sunshine and referee Pee Wee Germaine. EWA extend the contract of manager and (insert expletive here) Stetson Hatt. JOJI signs an extension to his PPA deal with Exodus 2010. GCG extend the written deal of KAZ and the PPA deal of Burning Takash!ta (who also extends his PPA deal with INSPIRE) Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deals of Beetle Kimura, Toju Munkata, referee Masami Aizawa and announcer Danjuro Konmatsu. INSPIRE extend the PPA deal of Stuart Ferdinand. MAW extend the contracts of Billy Russell and Dazzling Dave Diamond. MHW extend the PPA contract of Hijo Del Mephisto. MOSC extend the contract of Joss Thompson. MPWF extend the contracts of Asiatico, Electrico, Daniel Cano, Heavy Metal Anarchy, Magnifico and announcer Carlos Moreno. A busy month of contract renegotiations for OLLIE as they extend the contracts of Asesino De Hacha, Championa Jr, Dragon Americano, El Estrella, Gino Montero, Hijo Del Relampago, Laberinto Jr, La Sombra Jr and Tigre Salvaje Jr. Akinori Kwakami signs a new exclusive writtne contract with PGHW. ROF extend the contracts of Merle O'Curle, Stevie Stoat and announcer Justin Blackham. Simon Flemmingway and Tornado Nagai sign extensions to their PPA deals with SAISHO. SOTBPW extend the contracts of El Diamante Azul, El Hijo Del Zonk and Lobo Blanco. SWF offer a new written contract to valet B.J O'Neill. TCW secure Danny Fonzarelli and road agent Arnold Westberry to new written contracts. UEW extend the contracts of Inky the Squid Boy, Otto Hammerschmitt and announcer Matthew Morris. USPW extend the contracts of The Bandit (Randall Hopkirk), James Hernandez, Assasin #2 (Ernie Turner), Java and Wanda Fish. WLW secure Dark Eagle, Mokuami Maita, manager Mr Miwa and referee Kitahachi Sonada to new written contracts. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] 21CW appear to be struggling to keep hold of some of their bigger names at the moment, with Joss Thompson and Joey Beauchamp the latest pair to leave the promotion. The recent signing of Louis Figo Manico can't hide the fact that their appears to be problems with Jeff Nova's promotion at the moment. Shock news coming out of Canada....as Ricky DeColt is the latest of the family to fly the nest leaving Alex as the only one of the sons left to fly the flag in CGC. Engyma also finishes up his commitments with CGC after putting pen to paper on a written deal with TCW (surely that wont help his strong 'friendship' with SWF supremo Richard Eisen) and Jason 'Too Hot' Evans is released. Wanda Fish has decided not to renew her contract with CWWF. Primus Allen has left CZCW. EWA have decided not to renew the contract of Mr Evilness. Antonio leaves MAW, complaining that he was finding opportunities to rise up the ranks increasingly difficult with the constant influx of veteran talent. Gino Montero has decided to concentrate on his OLLIE career, taking the decision to leave MHW and Heavy Metal Anarchy also departs. Philip Cooper does not renew his contract with MOSC. Former long time (and I mean long, as in about four years too long) Tag champ The Masked Mauler has been let go by NYCW. Jerry Martin has decided to leave RIPW. Gonzalo Rubio fails to come to terms on a new contract with SOTBPW. As reported in the roster signings SWF were dealt a Hammer blow, when Rich Money turned down a new contract to defect to bitter rivals TCW. Enygma finishes up with USPW, Tribal Warrior fails to come to agreement on a new contract and Lex Appeal is released. [B]Injuries[/B] It was a horrendous month for major long term injuries this time round. First off NOTBPW's Sean McFly shattered his knee, after landing awkwardly in what should have been a routine Six Man Tag. It is said that he will have to stay away from the ring for over a year, this is a bitter blow to both McFly himself and NOTBPW. Out in Japan the legendary Eisaku Kunomasu has suffered a torn rotator cuff and PGHW will be without his services for a year. PGHW have the roster depth to cope with his loss, but his loss will still be felt. Perhaps the worst injury of all came to SOTBPW's Axxis Jr, who suffered a major concussion after he was the victim of a botched power-bombed from Mexican Ghoul. Ogai Mikai of Exodus 2010 will be out of action with a ruptured spleen. However 45 Days seems nothing compared to the preceeding injuries we've reported on. [B]Retirements[/B] Micky Starr officially announced his retirement from the wrestling business. Starr was arguably wrestling's biggest star during the 1970's, you could say he was the fore-runner to Sam Strong. A two time SWF champion, his dominant Six Year long reign helped give SWF the foundation to become the most dominant promotion in North America. He continued to be a major contender into the 80's and won a second SWF World Title in 1985, though that was a considerably more brief four month reign. He began to wind down his schedule after that and he had become a 'part time' attraction by the late 80's. Though he did wrestle on and off into the nineties, officially announcing his retirement from the ring in 1994. After that he helped out the SWF in a variety of roles both on camera (commissioner/color commentator) and off camera as a road agent. In 2006 he left the promotion he had called home for 35 years to help his friend (and the man that surpassed him as wrestlings biggest star) Sam Strong to take on the road agent duties at USPW. 5SSW's Kiko Sakakibara is the latest of her generation to hang up her wrestling boots, as they pass the torch to the new guard of Joshi wrestling. Sakakibara noted for her pink wrestling attire, was one of 5SSW's most consistent workers and a fixture in their upper mid-card for a number of years winning the All-Asian Title 5 times (her final albeit brief reign was this month) and the Tag Belts 3 times. However she never quite made it into the main event and the World Title always eluded her. [B]Scandal[/B] Former 21CW and MOSC Tag Team champion Ivan Ivanoff (real name Edwin King) was caught in possession of a bag of Cocaine during a police raid on a Night Club in Luton. Question is what was he doing in a dump of a place like Luton, let alone being caught in possession of a bit of 'blow' ?! [B]Title Changes[/B] Pitbull Brown teamed up with Leo Price to defeat the Extreme Corps (Philip Copper and Nightmare) to claim the vacant 21CW Tag Team Titles. All change in 55SW as all three titles changed hands. First off Dragon Assassin ended Etsuko Ariyoshi's four month reign to become a two time champion. Devil Karube lost the 5SSSW All Asian Title to Kiko Sakakibara. However Sakakibara immeidiately announced her retirement from active competion and the belt was vacated. Karube was rewarded for letting the veteran to have one last 'title reign' and she beat out Yuma Maruya to take back the newly vacant title to become a two time champion. However Karubes eight month long Tag Title reign alongside Shiori Jippensha was brought to and end by the unlikely duo of rugged gaijin veteran June Butler and cutesy high flyer Chitose Ariwara. Yasunobu Masuno ended the half year long reign of Miyamae to claim the Burning World Championship for the first time in his career. Even though it is no longer THE belt in Japan with PGHW's Glory Crown perhaps surpassing it in terms of importance, and WLW's Universal and the GCG World Title now thought to be on the same level (who would have though that, only a few years ago ?) It is still a major moment for Masuno. Elemental III also ended the latest (and unsurpsingly disappointing) Junior Title reign of Super Joshuya to become a three time champion (at this rate he will pass both Elemental's I and II for Junior Title reigns). Just why BHOTWG continue to push Super Joshuya as a force in the Junior Division, when he is clearly past his best is an unfathomable mystery. Finally in new of title changing hands in BHOTWG the latest incarnation of the Masked Patriot defeated Nisso Yuasha to become the new Openweight Champion. You'd think that a gaijin with an overtly American gimmick would be pushed as a heel, but no he's being pushed as some kind of ironic babyface. Harry Allen's overlong and disappointing reign as the Coastal Zone Champion was finally brought to an end at the hands of former SWF'er Andre Jones. We saw our first title change in ELPF (officially the world smallest promotion) as Scott Van Den Berg defeated Beast Bantom for the International Title. Tasuku Shinozuoka regained the Exodus 2010 Golden Crown from Shirai Yanagawa to become the champion for a record setting third time. Yanagawa however did manage a consolation claiming the Silver Crown from Hypnos. Jimmy Cox regained the GCG World Heavyweight Championship from Matthew Keith to become a two time champion and Toshiharu Hyobanshi teamed up with Namboku Makuda to end the Tag Title reign of Sean Deeley and Nigel Svensson. In a battle of Hardcore Icons (in a non Hardcore fed) Henry Lee bested Madman Boone to claim the vacant RIPW Championship. Pablo Rodriguez ended the ten month reign of El Fuerza to become the Campeon de Mundo in SOTBPW for a third time and Pirata Malvado is the Campeon de Menor again (his eighth reign with the belt). [SIZE=2]Joe Sexy ended the reign of Paul Huntingdon at just one month to become the SWF North American Champion for a third time. Ryu Kajahara became the WLW Universal Champion for a third time, ending the 7 month reign of Magnum KOBE. Nathaniel Ca$ino became the Show Stealer champion for the first time only to lose the belt to Golden Scorpion after only two defences. Takuro Matsumoto defeated Tokoyuni Hardcore for the Tap Out Title, but Hardcore regained the belt from Matsumoto at the end of the month. [/SIZE]
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[CENTER][B][U]May in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] Not much to report, as we had no show this month. The month off provided exactly what we looking for as we gained a not too unwelcome $56'000. However the decision has been made to return to a regular schedule for the forseeable future as from next month. Thomas Morgan and Capitao Brasil both came through their trials relatively succesfully and have been offered more long term contracts. Both aren't exactly going to be in line for a push but provide competent competition at the lower end of the roster. Matt Hocking and Sara Silver both sign contract extensions. [CENTER]_____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Rival Promotion Watch[/U][/B][/CENTER] 4C returned to better form this month with their No Limit's event (Rated C+), it saw Damian Carvill succesfully defend the 4C Championship against Young Leo (C+) and that was ably supported by a C+ semi main event that saw Nate Johnson fall to Joey Poison. CZCW's Welcome to the Coastal Zone was a relative return to form (C+) and saw Ultimate Phoenix defeat Andre Jones, Whippy The Clown and Remmy Skye in a B rated 4-way elimination match to become the new Coastal Zone champion. Rather bizarrely though that wasn't the main event, instead CZCW made the mistake of putting on a reasonably good but hardly main event worthy C rated tag match that saw Harry Allen team with Donnie J to defeat Fox Mask and Matt Sparrow. California Love Machine also gained the Xtreme title in another 4-way that earned a reasonably well received C Rating. MAW's Goin Crazy' (overall C Rating) saw a generally lacklustre undercard saved by a good (C+) main event that saw Darryl Devine come up short once again of prizing the Mid Atlantic Championship away from Mean Jean Cattley. NYCW's Genesis event was a return to better form (C+) and saw Steve Flash retain the Empire Title against Ryan Powell in a C+ rated main event, however that was overshadowed by the B- rated semi main event that saw The Mean Machine get the better of Whippy The Clown. PSW Powerslave saw the usual main event of Johnny Martin versus The Wolverine, resulting in the usual rating for that match and the overall event itself (D+). However there was a different outcome this time round as The Wolverine was able to defeat Martin for the title. One hopes PSW can move on from this tediously long drawn out feud but I wouldn't bank on it. RIPW Into the White was yet another mediocre effort (D), and saw Avalanche team with Mick Muscles to defeat Stevie Grayson and Matt Sparrow in a D rated main event. Henry Lee defeated Madman Boone in a re-match over the RIPW Championship in the semi main event. It was actually marginally better than their first encounter and rated D+. 4C, CZCW, MAW and NYCW all produced good quality events in our month off and PSW and RIPW continue to struggle compared to everyone else at the Regional level in North America. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]May News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Worker Signings[/B] 21CW sign former MOSC Tag champion Jay B. APW add the Brisbane Devil to their roster. Raven Nightfall adds CWWF to her schedule. CZCW have boosted their roster with the additions of Joey Poison and Nevada Nuclear. Exodus 2010 add Sozen Ishinomori to their roster. Kazuma Narato has joined Hinote Dojo after he looks to rebuild his career after his release from WLW last year. Tanyu Toshusai (the nephew of legend Yoshinaka Toshusai) plus gaijins Bob Casey and Willie York will all take part in INSPIRE's upcoming summer tour. Edd Stone returns to America, after his suprising tour of Japan with Exodus 2010, joining the MAW promotion. James Justice returns to the big leagues (USPW may think they're big league but they're not there yet) signing on with the SWF. USPW did however manage to fill the roster hole left by the departing Justice in the form of the latest DeColt to try his luck south of the border, former 3 time CGC World Champion Ricky DeColt. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extend the contract of Shane Hannigans (Kevin Jones). 4C extend the contracts of Philip LaGrenier, referee Andy Gordy and valet Faith. 55SW extend the contracts of Devil Karube, Yoko Ikina and Tomoko Nagatsuka. AAA extend the contracts of Joanne Rodriguez, Michelle Brendon and Debbie Rose. APW extend the contracts of Lanny Williams, Dingo Devine, Spiffy Stan Standish, commentator Frank Mucciolo and manager Sean Quartermainne. Eiji Hamacho, Kenko Takemitsu, Mohammed El Yaagoudi and Hachigoro Maeda all sign new exclusive written contracts with BHOTWG. BSC extend the contracts of Sister Beth Mercy and Jen Neptune. CGC extend the contracts of Jesse Gilbert and referee Coach Norman. CWWF extend the contract of Geena The Warrior Princess. CZCW extend the contracts of Matt Sparrow and road agent Dylan Sidle. EWA extend the contract of manager and (insert expletive here) Stetson Hatt. Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deals of Quick Kick Nakao and Arthur Dexter Bradley. INSPIRE extend the PPA deals of Tasuku Iesada, Battle Sakata, Tornado Nagai and road agent Gesshin Nishihara. MAW extend the contract of Puerto Rican Power (who works under the Warlord Power alter-ego in the Rip Chord owned promotion). MOSC extend the contracts of Harley Neill and Dave 'Thug' Cahill. MPWF extend the contracts of Spanish Superfly, Luchador Original and Slayyer. NOTBPW offer new written deals to Harrison Hash, Dean McWade, women's division worker Cherry Bomb and commentator Tom Townsend. NYCW extend the contracts of Steve Flash, The Sensational Singh, road agent Black Hat Bailey, referee Michael Bull and announcer Marv Earnest. OLLIE extend the contracts of road agent Oceano, valet Cuervo and referee Domingo Castillo. Mito Miwa and Washi Heat sign new written deals with PGHW. PSW extend the contract of announcer Doc Messing. RIPW extend the PPA deals of Avalanche (Jumbo Jackson), Stevie Grayson and current champion Henry Lee. SOTBPW extend the contracts of The Cannoball Kid, Junior Youth, Demon Seed (Duberry Excess) and road agent 'The Gatekeeper'. SWF secure 'project' Marshall Dillon to a new written contract. Brent Hill signs a new exclusive written contract with TCW. UEW extend the contracts of Sergei Kalashnov, Jamie Anderson and Joey Beauchamp. USPW extend the PPA deal of color comentator Shane Sneer. The Great Hisato and Yuki Horigoshi sign new written contracts with WLW and Eisaku Hoshino signs let another extension to his PPA deal. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Vaughan is released by APW. Nelson Callum is released by CZCW and Hollywood Brett Starr is not offered a contract extension (after the failed to fit in at the California based promotion). Mick Muscles leaves MAW, after they fail to come to agreement over a new contract. Primal Rage has been let go by PSW. Martin Heath and Eric Future are both the victims of budget cuts at ROF and are released from their contracts with the old school pure wrestling promotion. Bear Bekowski is released by the SWF. James Justice (the wrestler formerly known as Liberty) leaves both USPW and CGC after signing an exclusive written contract with SWF. [B]Injuries[/B] As if losing Eisaku Kumomasu last month wasn't bad enough, PGHW were dealt a further hefty blow when the man many consider to be the best of the best Yoshimi Mushashibo tore his rotator cuff in a match against Buddy Garner. With Kunomasu and Mushashibo out with long term injuries now could be the time for someone outside of PGHW's Big 5 to really step up. [B]Media News[/B] TCW have struck a deal with UK Broadcasting Prime to show their Action Packed show in the UK. SWF's Supreme TV will now be shown on the Arcadia Channel and WLW's Combat TV will be shown in Mexico on Canal Uno. [B]Title Changes[/B] Shane Hannigans (Kevin Jones) became the new 21CW World Champion ended the four month reign of Rolling Johnny Stones and Leo Price added the United Kingdom title to the Tag Title he won last month. Devil Karube's latest reign with the All-Asian belt only lasted a month, as it was brought to and end by Chitose Ariwara who becomes a three time champion. Yasunobu Masuno's reign with the Burning World Championship was only a transitional one, as Kinnojo Horri defeated him for the title to become the champion for a third time and Masked Cougar defeated The Masked Patriot to become the Openweight Champion. Andre Jones reign on top of CZCW only lasted a month, as Ultimate Phoenix became the Coastal Zone Champion for the second time. This completes an incredible two months for Phoenix who won the FCW Undisputed Title last month. The Xtreme title also change hand as California Love Machine came out on top in a 4-way elimination to take the title away from Brendan Idol. Shotaro Ikina defeated Masutaro Kataoka to become the GCG Openweight Champion for a third time. Joss Thompson ended the 17 month long reign of Danny Patterson to become the MOSC UK Champion for the second time. Masked Patriot teamed with Stevie Grayson to defeat The Sensational Singh and Nevada Nuclear to win the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles, which had layed vacant since the end of last year. American Machine ended the five month reign of Land Mass to become the Tri-State Regional champion for a second time. After 15 laborious months of trying The Wolverine was finally able to regain the PSW Championship from Johnny Martin to become a two time champion. PRIDE Koiso ended Alexander Robinnson's reign with the PGHW Glory Crown, however Koiso's long awaited first reign with the belt was only a transitonal belt losing the title to Notbuatso Tatsuko in only his second defence. This is a record setting fifth reign with the belt for Tatsuko. Joe Sexy ended the two month reign of Paul Huntingdon to become the SWF North American Champion for a third time. Rocky Golden and Troy Tornado (collectively known as Malicious Intent) are the new TCW World Tag Team Champions ending the 13 month reign of Cult of Adrenaline (Sammy Bach & Tyson Baine). Your New Heroes (Mokuami Maita & The Tic) became the WLW Tag Team Champions for a fifth time, ending The Avalanche Effect's latest reign with the belts. UK Dragon became the Show Stealer Champion for second time and Jacob Jett lost to and then regained the Street Fighting Title from KOKI Ishibashi.
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[CENTER][B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Delorean Driver.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B] [U][I][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/I][/U][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] FCW return to action at the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom in San Juan on Friday 10th June to present their Momento Crucial show. The show will be headlined by a double main event as Ultimate Phoenix puts the Undisputed Championship on the line against former two time champion and Wave of Violence leader Da Power. Will Power regain the title for the first time since last September or will the popular masked high flyer Phoenix start his long awaited title run off on a winning note ? The other featured attraction is a 3-way elimination for the #1 Contendership, that see's the man Phoenix defeat for the title at Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor II J.D Morgan go up against former People's champion Dean Daniels and the man that has proved to be a thorn in the side of the newly crowned champion, the mysterious Phoenix Negra. Will Morgan earn himself a re-match or will one of Daniels or Negra step up and become the one who will challenge Ultimate Phoenix next month ? The People's and Tag Team Championship's will also be on the line. Devine put's his People's title on the line against Totally Einstein's Mainstream Hernandez. Hernandez has had plenty of run-in's of late with the Devine Right Stable and could well be battling against the odds, to win the People's belt from the arrogant but admittedly impressive Devine. Meanwhile the latest addition to the Devine Right Stable the Heat Magnets get their opportunity to add more gold to Devine's group when they challenge UNITY for the Tag Team Championships. Can Hocking & ADB finally make that step up and truly establish themselves as one of the top tandems in FCW by taking the gold from the two time champs ? Other matches will see Primus face off with former Wave of Violence Tag partner M.C Speed. Jared Johnson goes up against Capitao Brasil Jr. Eddie Howard (fresh from turning on The Great Oxii) will face the test of veteran Steve Flash and there will be a 4-Corner Survival featuring Angel De Mexico, Bradford Peverall, Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Charles Rainier. The Pre-show will see former Tag Team champions Animal Magic take on Benning & Wilkes, whilst K.C Glenn faces off with Captain Morgan. [I]Here is a full run down of the card for Momento Crucial[/I] [CENTER][B][U]FCW Momento Crucial[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Friday 10th June 2011 at [SIZE=2]Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, San Juan, Puerto Rico[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] Ultimate Phoenix vs 'Representing Wave of Violence' Da Power[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]#1 Contenders (Elimination Rules):[/B] J.D Morgan vs Dean Daniels vs Phoenix Negra [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]People's Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Devine Right'[/SIZE] Darryl Devine vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Totally Einstein'[/SIZE] Mainstream Hernandez[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] UNITY (Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Devine Right'[/SIZE] Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley)[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing The Real Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] Primus vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] M.C Speed[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]4 Corner Survival:[/B] Angel De Mexico vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Totally Einstein'[/SIZE] Bradford Peverall vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Devine Right'[/SIZE] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [SIZE=1]'Representing UNITY'[/SIZE] Charles Rainier[/CENTER] [CENTER]Eddie Howard vs Steve Flash[/CENTER] [CENTER]Capitao Brasil Jr vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Devine Right'[/SIZE] Jared Johnson[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][FONT=Courier New]Bonus Pre-Show Matches:[/FONT][/B] [FONT=Courier New]Animal Magic vs Benning & Wilkes[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]K.C Glenn vs Captain Morgan[/FONT] _________________________________________________[/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][B][COLOR=purple]Predictions Form:[/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][U][B][COLOR=purple]Momento Crucial[/COLOR][/B][/U][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship[/B]: Ultimate Phoenix vs Da Power[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]#1 Contenders (Elimination):[/B] J.D Morgan vs Dean Daniels vs Phoenix Negra[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]People's Championship[/B]: Darryl Devine vs Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] UNITY vs Heat Magnets[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Primus vs M.C Speed[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]4CS:[/B] Angel De Mexico vs Bradford Peverall vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Charles Rainier[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Eddie Howard vs Steve Flash[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Capitao Brasil Jr vs Jared Johnson[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Animal Magic vs Benning & Wilkes[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]K.C Glenn vs Captain Morgan[/COLOR][/LEFT] [/quote]
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Undisputed Championship: [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs Da Power #1 Contenders (Elimination): J.D Morgan vs Dean Daniels vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] People's Championship: Darryl Devine vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Tag Team Championship: UNITY vs [B]Heat Magnets[/B] [B]Primus[/B] vs M.C Speed 4CS: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Bradford Peverall vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Charles Rainier Eddie Howard vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] Capitao Brasil Jr vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [B]Animal Magic [/B]vs Benning & Wilkes K.C Glenn vs[B] Captain Morgan[/B]
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[B][CENTER]-Momento Crucial-[/CENTER][/B] Undisputed Championship: [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs Da Power #1 Contenders (Elimination): J.D Morgan vs Dean Daniels vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] People's Championship: Darryl Devine vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY[/B] vs Heat Magnets [B]Primus[/B] vs M.C Speed 4CS: Angel De Mexico vs Bradford Peverall vs [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/B]vs Charles Rainier Eddie Howard vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] Capitao Brasil Jr vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Benning & Wilkes K.C Glenn vs [B]Captain Morgan [/B]
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Predictions Form: Momento Crucial Undisputed Championship: [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] vs Da Power #1 Contenders (Elimination): J.D Morgan vs Dean Daniels vs [b]Phoenix Negra[/b] People's Championship: [b]Darryl Devine[/b] vs Mainstream Hernandez Tag Team Championship: UNITY vs [b]Heat Magnets[/b] [b]Primus[/b] vs M.C Speed 4CS: [b]Angel De Mexico[/b] vs Bradford Peverall vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Charles Rainier Eddie Howard vs [b]Steve Flash[/b] Capitao Brasil Jr vs [b]Jared Johnson[/b] [b]Animal Magic[/b] vs Benning & Wilkes [b]K.C Glenn[/b] vs Captain Morgan
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Predictions Form: Momento Crucial Undisputed Championship: [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs Da Power #1 Contenders (Elimination): J.D Morgan vs Dean Daniels vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] People's Championship: [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez Tag Team Championship: UNITY vs [B]Heat Magnets[/B] [B]Primus[/B] vs M.C Speed 4CS: Angel De Mexico vs Bradford Peverall vs [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/B]vs Charles Rainier Eddie Howard vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] Capitao Brasil Jr vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Benning & Wilkes [B]K.C Glenn[/B] vs Captain Morgan
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Undisputed Championship: [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs Da Power - [I]Phoenix to retain... somehow[/I] #1 Contenders (Elimination): J.D Morgan vs Dean Daniels vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] - [I]Time for some Phoenii fun[/I] People's Championship: [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez - [I][U]Not[/U] time for Mainstream to go solo[/I] Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY[/B] vs Heat Magnets - [I]I like the way the storylines are intertwining here...[/I] [B]Primus[/B] vs M.C Speed - [I]Could we be about to see WOV red and white squads? Power's lot vs. Primus' lot?[/I] 4CS: Angel De Mexico vs Bradford Peverall vs [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs Charles Rainier - [I]If in doubt, pick the beast[/I] Eddie Howard vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] - [I]Howard has talent, but Flash is Flash[/I] Capitao Brasil Jr vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] - [I]Try again when you've had promo time, Cap... :p[/I] [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Benning & Wilkes - [I]Keep them happy[/I] [B]K.C Glenn[/B] vs Captain Morgan - [I]Simple enough choice[/I]
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Undisputed Championship: [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs Da Power #1 Contenders (Elimination): J.D Morgan vs Dean Daniels vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] People's Championship: [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY[/B] vs Heat Magnets [B]Primus[/B] vs M.C Speed 4CS: Angel De Mexico vs [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Charles Rainier Eddie Howard vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] Capitao Brasil Jr vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Benning & Wilkes [B]K.C Glenn[/B] vs Captain Morgan
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