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Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (Cornellverse)

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[CENTER][B][U]November in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] We bounced back strong this month with a strong main show at the Monty (the double cage match idea paid off) and a good En Viaje show in Philadephia. However the attendance at the En Viaje show was a little disappointing and it throws up the dilema of deciding to push on with trying to crack a new market or just sticking with our lot as a Regional company in Puerto Rico. A more aggressive strategy would result in more financial loss and is it really a situation that the boss wants to find his company in. Then again I don't think he is satisfied with just being a Regional company and that he has ambitions of growing his promotion to the next level. The 'critical' owner goal of maintaining the promotion at Regional Size comes up in January and it is one I will have reached with ease. No doubt senor Lopez will tell me about his vision for FCW during what should be a crucial meeting. If his plans and goals are reasonable I will be willing to stay on board, if however I feel I can no longer work with the man, I will say goodbye to Puerto Rico and there have been times that I have felt like walking....the J.D Morgan issue for one thing, brought me to the brink of wanting to go but then I realised I had invested too much time and effort in FCW. Dean Daniels, Angel De Mexico and Leftie Wilkes (who continues to employed in a jobber capacity as he works cheap) all signed contract extensions. Daniels actually seems to have finally 'grown up' and his backstage pranks appear to be a thing of a past. Perhaps he has realised that one stupid prank could see his push towards the main event come to a shuddering halt. Now I've said that, he'll probably go out and pull off a stupid prank. [CENTER]__________________________________________________________ [B][U]Rival Promotion Watch[/U][/B][/CENTER] CZCW's Sundown at Showdown was a decidely average affair (Rated C overall) and suffered from the absence of the Coastal Zone champion Ultimate Phoenix. Even though Phoenix is a deservin champion, they may have to think of switching the title to someone else as his priorties seem to lie elsewhere with OLLIE and FCW where he also holds both main singles titles. The main event saw Andre Jones defeat Donnie J, Bobby Thomas and Mick Muscles in a four corner survival (Rated C). Surprisingly a fairly low key looking semi main event between Harry Allen and Masked Cougar really delivered (Rated B- ?!) MAW have suddenly come good and follow up last months amazing show, with an almost equally strong follow up with Retribution (B-) the main event saw Mean Jean Cattley make a strong defence of the Mid Atlantic Championship (B-) against Shady K, that was just slightly overshadowed by the B rated semi main event match between J.D Morgan and Billy Russell. Whilst MAW have suddenly found their groove, NYCW seem to be falling into something of a slump with their second disappointing show in a row (D+) with NYCW desperate as Steve Flash made an uninspired defence of the Empire title against Honest Frank (D+) in the main event. Match of the night came in the mid-card and saw Snow Fox go over Nevada Nuclear (C) The contrasting fortunes of MAW and NYCW over the past few months has just further compounded my frustration with Senor Lopez's (Da Power to those not in the know) egotistic jealously of JD Morgan. Is it no surprise that MAW's rise has come during the period that Morgan has started to take a more prominent role in their shows ? Meanwhile because the boss has got all pally with him, Lopez wants me to push the clearly fading Steve Flash who going in evidence of his increasingly uninspired NYCW Empire Title defences is not really deserving of one. Don't get me wrong I like Flash, he's a good professional but seeing Morgan still 'doing the business' makes you feel why couldn't of it been him that the boss couldn't handle getting a more prominent push. Then again same thing could have happened to Flash if he decided to stick around during his first run. Which come to think of it is another issue I could go into...... But I really need to stop thinking about this subject, otherwise I won't get any sleep. It's bad enough trying to sleep in this dump of a flat I'm now renting in San Juan, what with all the mosquitoes buzzing about. [CENTER][B][U]November News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] Exodus 2010 have jumped back up to Regional Size, lets see if they can sustain it this time. [B]Worker Signings[/B] 11 months after his shock departure, Daniel Black Francis has agreed to returnto 21CW. Gaijin trio Gorgon, Thea Davis and Golden Delicious (a veteran of several tours) will take part in 5SSW's winter tour. APW have brought back Vaughan, six months after he was allowed to leave. Roberto Milano will be making his return to EWA. GCG boost their roster for their up-coming winter tour with the addition of gaijin trio Merle O'Curle, Soul Taker and Insane Machine. MHW filled some roster gaps with the additions of El Mitico Jr, El Toro de Oro Jr and commentator Lorenzo Blanco. Despite the fact that SWF have fallen to Cult Size, Citizen X and Nate Johnson have signed development deals with their feeder league RIPW. Johnson barely had a cup of coffee with RIPW before being called up to the SWF on a written contract of all things. Elmo Benson is the latest former SWF 'star' to join rivals TCW. Benson will be working under the Benny Benson name in TCW due to the fact that 'Elmo Benson' is under copyright with SWF. Crusher Von Steinberg has jumped ship from EWA to UEW. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extend the contracts of Louis Figo Manico, Nightmare, announcer Steve Smith plus referees Jacob Bailey and Karl Dexter. 4C extend the contracts of Shane Nelson, Stan 'The Man' Manna and Young Leo (Trent Shaffer). 5SSW extend the contracts of 13 roster members, included amongst them are past and present World Champions Dragon Assassin & Fuyuko Higa and top resident gaijin Joanne Rodriguez. AAA extend the contracts of Kate Lilly, announcer Jim Lou Freebush, reporter Sue Danes and long time road agent Marcus McKing. APW extend the contracts of New Zealand Pitbull, Switchblade, authority figure Nigel Darling and manager Max Forbes. BHOTWG offer new written deals to Heiachiro Sakai, Yoshii Shiomi, Junior Division legend and road agent Elemental II and announcer Kazutooshi Imoo. BSC hold on to long term key roster member Dharma Gregg. CGC extend the contracts of Bobby Thomas, Trent Shaffer, Nathan Black, Joey Beauchamp, Slim V and Joss Thompson. CZCW extend the contracts of referee Pee Wee Germaine and valet Little Miss Sunshine. EWA continue to employ Stetson Hatt, there loss, everybody elses gain. Shingen Miyazaki, Kimitada Yanagita and announcer Hidetada Kozu sign new exclusive written deals with GCG. Beetle Kimura, Toju Munkata, announcer Danjuru Komatsua and referee Masami Aizama sign extension to their PPA deals with Hinote Dojo. INSPIRE extend the PPA deals of Hypnos, Kadomaro Kamisaka, referee Yosh!tora Shigemitsu and recently retired wrestler Stuart Ferdinand, who will likely be used in a back stage role to help the gaijins. MAW extend the contracts of JD Morgan, Henry Lee, Mr America and Stevie Grayson. MHW extend the contracts of Enrique Merino, Junior Youth, Hijo Del Mephisto and Velocidad. MOSC extend the contracts of Joss Thompson and road agent Tyrone Hughes. MPWF extend the contracts of Magnifico, Asiatico, Daniel Cano and announcer Carlos Moreno. NOTBPW secure Jason O'Connor, Harlem Haynes and announcer Tommy London to new written contracts. NYCW extend the contracts of Andre Jones and Ryan Powell. OLLIE extend the contracts of Gino Montero, Asesino Del Hacha, Championa Jr, Dragon Americano, El Estrella, Hijo Del Relampago, Julio Dominguez, Laberinto Jr, La Sombra Jr and Tigre Salvaje Jr. PGHW secure Eisaku Kunomasu and Lee Bennett to new written contracts. RIPW extend the PPA deals of Mick Muscles, Matt Sparrow and Kentucky Bill. ROF extend the contracs of Merle O'Curle, Stevie Stoat and announcer Justin Blackham. SAISHO extend the PPA deals of Matsudaira Morioka, Simon Flemmingway, Tornado Nagai and Takeshi Umehara. SOTBPW extend the contracts of Pablo Rodriguez, Delirum, El Hijo Del Zonk, El Diamante Azul, Huracan Sandoval Jr, Lobo Blanco and Miguel Marquez. TCW secure Wolf Hawkins, Koshiro Ino, American Buffalo and Genghis Rahn to new exclusive written contracts. UEW extend the contracts of Stig Svensson, Inky the Squid Boy, Otto Hammerschidt and announcer Matthew Morris. USPW extend the contracts of current World Champion The Bandit (Randall Hopkirk), Assasin#2 (Ernie Turner), James Hernandez, Ash Campbell, Primus Allen and Java. WLW secure Emerald Angel, Nariaki Hitomi and road agent Chomei Takizawa to new written contracts. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Nate Manchester was allowed to leave 21CW after his contract was not renewed. Both 4C and CGC were hit with the departures of Elmo Benson to TCW and Nate Johnson who joined SWF on a developmental contract. Alyx Macquarie did not get his contract renewed by APW, given the fact that APW tend to release and bring back alot of their lower card workers. He'll probably be back in an APW in about a years time. BSC have released Nurse Hope Daye, what she had of a wrestling 'career' was always left floundering after the end of her feud with Nurse Darla Night back in 2008. Trent Shaffer decided against renewing his contract with CZCW (where he was working as Young Leo), stating that he wished to concentrate on his commitments in Canada with CGC and 4C. Crusher Von Steinberg leaves EWA for UEW and Super Falcon does not get his contract renewed. Swarm I, Mexican Beast, Mexican Ghoul and commentator Teadoro Nieto all left MHW. MHW seem unable to keep a stable roster together with an open door policy that has seen star names form the three bigger promotions in Mexico pass in and out of their doors on a regular basis. Raphael decided against renewing his contract with RIPW, stating that he wishes to concentrate on his work with 4C in Canada instead. Veteran Tazuku Shinozuka leaves SAISHO, as he looks to lighten his schedule, that also includes commitments to Exodus 2010 and INSPIRE. Michael 'Razor Valentine' Moodie fails to come to agreement on a new contract extension with UEW. Ketsueki Karasu (also known as Blood Raven) is the latest long time employee to leave WLW, following in the foot-steps of Insane Machine. As I suspected some of the workers that have become somewhat lost in the lower end of the mid-card have started to become a little disatisified in WLW, especially those who helped build the promotion prior to the 'big names' coming on board. [B]Injuries[/B] BHOTWG Junior Division mainstay Elemental III sustained a broken ankle that will keep him out of action until the new year. Japanese Youngster Ogai Mikai currently with indy promotion Exodus 2010 suffered a cruel blow when he shattered his knee. The injury will keep him out of action for a whole year. [B]Retirements[/B] Freddie Datsun announced his retirement from in-ring competion at the Age of 42. Datsun who worked for every 'major' company in America during the last twenty years first made his name in DaVE where he held the Extreme Title three times between 1994 and 1996 becoming one of the promotion's key roster members during the period when the East Coast Wars were really starting to hot up. SWF came calling however in the winter of 2007, just when it looked like DaVE were building him up for another run at the Extreme Title. It could well have been Datsun who became the first DaVE Unified champion and not Johnny Martin Though it took Datsun about a year to really establish himself in the SWF he soon became a valuable part of the mid-card where he had a solid six year run with the promotion that included two North American Title reigns. In early 2006 he left SWF for USPW who were beginning to make waves after it was bought by the legendary Sam Strong , where he made an immediate impact by winning their World Title. He completed the USPW Triple crown in reverse fashion by winning both the Television and Tag Team Titles in 2009. Though it was seen as special achievement the fact that Datsun was competing for the mid-card belts also showed he had slipped down from being one of the top men in USPW after his first year with the promotion. Which is why it came as a surprise when TCW decided to come in for him in the summer of 2009, and even though he didn't win any titles during his stay with TCW he did enjoy something of career renaissance during the last two years of his career putting on some of his best matches since his first run with the North American Title in the SWF. [B]Media News[/B] NOTBPW have secured an additional two hours of TV time with NOTBPW Wrestling Tonight to make it's debut on IC-TV from next month. Meanwhile TCW's Action Packed Show will get shown in Japan, after they struck up a deal with J-Network East 2. [B]Title Changes[/B] Trent Shaffer became the CGC World Champion for the first time, ending the reign of Bobby Thomas. Shaffer completes the CGC triple crown having previously held the Canadian and Tag Team Titles. Meanwhile Destiny somewhat surprisingly won the Canadian title from Philip LaGrenier. The Soldier of Fortune now holds both the Canadian and one half of the Tag Team Titles. Speed D and Kiemon Yoshimatsu ended the sixteen month reign of Diamond Furusawa and Shirai Yanagawa, to become Exodus 2010's second Double Crown Champions. Bruce The Giant regained the NOTBPW Canadian Championship from John Maverick to become the champion for the second time, whilst R.K Hayes teamed up with Dark Angel to end the 16 month Tag Title reign of the McWade Brothers. Alexander Robinson somewhat surprisingly defeated Nobuatsu Tatsuko to win the PGHW Glory Crown for a second time. This is perhaps more of a surprise than his first Glory Crown victory, as his first run with the belt was considered one of the worst in the history of the title. It seems that PGHW management are determined to get Robinson over as a main eventer on the level of the 'Big 5'. The Historical Japan Title also fell into gaijin hands as Bryan Vessey defeated Kozue Kawashima for the title. The Elite Tag Team Series took place and it was Mito Miwa teaming up with long term Tag partner Mito Miwa who went all the way defeating Raymond Diaz & Buddy Gardner, Team Toronto of Alexander Robinson & Lee Wright and finally Team Energy (Nobuatso Tatsuko and Noriyori Sanda) to claim the trophies. Other teams to take part were surprise semi finalist Bryan Holmes & Snap Dragon plus Kozue Kawashima & Pride Koiso (who fell in the best first first round match to Team Toronto), Chojiro Kitoaji & Eien Miyamoto and Ryoma Muruyama and Masaru Ugaki. Huracan Sandoval brought to an end the latest Campeon de Menor reign of Pirata Malvado in SOTBPW. Valiant became the new North American Champion in SWF, ending the latest reign of Joe Sexy. It's just a shame for Valiant who is one of SWF's rising stars that his big moment came during on of SWF's down periods. Acid regained the All Action Title from his nemesis Fumihiro Ota in TCW to win the belt for a third time. Acid and Ota have traded the title between themselves four times throughout the year since the end of Acid's first reign with the belt back in February. Jumbo Jackson defeated Puerto Rican Power to become the USPW Television champion for a third time. The Tic regained the Street Fighting Title in WLW from Mr Lucha III to become the champion for the second time and Incredible KOYAMA became the Show Stealer champion for a record equaling fifth time, to go level with Americana.
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[CENTER][B][I][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][U]Delorean Driver.com[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B] [I][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][U]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/I][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] Batalla Final has arguably become the biggest date on the FCW calendar, and this year the Puerto Rican based promotion will present the fourth edition of the show at the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom in San Juan on Thursday 22nd December. Ultimate Phoenix faces perhaps his toughest test yet as Undisputed Champion, since winning the 'twin belts' in April when he faces off against his three most fiercest rivals in a four-way elimination match. Phoenix recently made a successful defence against his nemesis Phoenix Negra in a cage match and many felt that would be the end of Negra's challenge, but Negra's recent win over Steve Flash on the En Viaje show in Philadelphia has convinced FCW management that deserves the final slot in the match. Meanwhile Darryl Devine defeated Dean Daniels in a contenders match that also took place in the confines of a steel cage, but the manner of Devine's victory with inteference from Devine Right has convinced FCW managment that Daniels also deserves his shot. Ultimate Phoenix won the Undisputed Championship by overcoming multiple opponents on one night and he will have to do the same here if he wants to go into 2009 with the 'Twin Belts' still in his possession. The other marquee match up see's Da Power take on fellow veteran Steve Flash. The W.O.V Gold leader has been disatisfied that he has been frozen out of the title picture since he failed to win the title back at Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor during the Undisputed Title match Gauntlet Series but he will be pleased to learn that he will be guaranteed the first title shot of 2009 if he can get past Steve Flash. The People's Championship will be on the line as Bulldozer Brandon Smith takes on rising star K.C Glenn. Glenn recently scored a pinfall victory over the Devine Right enforcer in a Six Man Tag. Will Glenn be able to repeat his success and win the first title of his fledgling career. Meanwhile the duo of Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot, who are now calling themselves X-UNITY following their acrimonious split from Charles Rainier will put their Tag Titles on the line against Totally Einstein. Despite growing tension between Mainstream Hernandez and Bradford Peverall, the pair have managed to string together a winning streak on recent shows to earn themselves a shot at the Tag Team Titles. There will be more Tag Team action as former champions Animal Magic take on the Heat Magnets, with both teams determined to get themselves back in contention for the Tag Team Championship, whilst the Ring Generals go up against the newly formed duo of El Mitico Jr and Capitao Brasil Jr, who will now officially be known as The Sons of Lucha Libre. There will be a 3-way featuring W.O.V Gold's Big Eazy, the former leader of UNITY Charles Rainier and another former UNITY member in Rudy Velasquez, who may or may not have joined W.O.V Gold following his actions at the recent En Viaje show in Philadelphia. Rounding out the main show Angel De Mexico takes on Devine Right's Jared Johnson and everybody's favourite disco throwback Mr Electricity will take on a mystery opponent that will be making their FCW debut. The pre-show will see Primus take on Joe Benning and M.C Speed go up against Captain Morgan. Here is a full run-down of the card for Batalla Final 2011 [CENTER][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][U]FCW Batalla Final 2011[/U][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Thursday 22nd December 2011[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]at [SIZE=2]Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, San Juan, Puerto Rico[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2][B]4-Way Elimination for the Undisputed Championship:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Ultimate Phoenix[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]vs[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]'Representing Devine Right'[/SIZE] Darryl Devine vs Dean Daniels vs Phoenix Negra [B]Winner get first Undisputed Title shot of 2012:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing W.O.V Gold'[/SIZE] Da Power vs Steve Flash [B]People's Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Devine Right'[/SIZE] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs K.C Glenn [B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] X-UNITY (Nicky R!ot & Harry Allen) vs Totally Einstein (Bradford Peverall & Mainstream Hernandez) [B]3-Way Match:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing W.O.V Gold'[/SIZE] Big Eazy vs Charles Rainier vs Rudy Velasquez Angel De Mexico vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Devine Right'[/SIZE] Jared Johnson Animal Magic (Fox Mask & Masked Cougar) vs 'Representing Devine Right' Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley) The Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf) vs The Sons of Lucha Libre (El Mitico Jr & Capitao Brasil Jr) Mr Electricity vs [I]'A mystery debutant '[/I] [B][FONT=Courier New]Bonus Pre-Show Matches: Primus vs Joe Benning [/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=Courier New]M.C Speed vs Captain Morgan[/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=Courier New]___________________________________________________[/FONT][/B] [B][/B] [/CENTER] [LEFT][quote] [COLOR=purple][B]Predictions Form:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][U][B]Batalla Final 2012[/B][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship 4-Way Elimination:[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Ultimate Phoenix vs Darryl Devine vs Dean Daniels vs Phoenix Negra [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=purple]Contenders Match for first Undisputed Title shot of 2012:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=purple]Da Power vs Steve Flash[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]People's Championship:[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs K.C Glenn[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] X-UNITY vs Totally Einstein[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]3-Way Match[/B]: Big Eazy vs Charles Rainer vs Rudy Velasquez [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Angel De Mexico vs Jared Johnson[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Animal Magic vs Heat Magnets[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]The Ring Generals vs The Sons of Lucha Libre (Mitico & Capitao) [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Mr Electricity vs ???[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Primus vs Joe Benning[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]M.C Speed vs Captain Morgan[/COLOR] [/quote][/LEFT]
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[B] Batalla Final 2012 Undisputed Championship 4-Way Elimination:[/B] Ultimate Phoenix vs Darryl Devine vs Dean Daniels vs Phoenix Negra I have no idea. [B] Contenders Match for first Undisputed Title shot of 2012: Da Power[/B] vs Steve Flash [B]People's Championship: Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs K.C Glenn [B]Tag Team Championship: X-UNITY[/B] vs Totally Einstein [B]3-Way Match:[/B] Big Eazy vs Charles Rainer vs [B]Rudy Velasquez[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Jared Johnson [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Heat Magnets The Ring Generals vs [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre (Mitico & Capitao)[/B] Mr Electricity vs [B]???[/B] [B]Primus [/B]vs Joe Benning [B]M.C Speed[/B] vs Captain Morgan Enjoying the diary, and it's nice to see this one go trough the 800 posts -mark ^^
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Undisputed Championship 4-Way Elimination: [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] vs Darryl Devine vs Dean Daniels vs Phoenix Negra [i]When Phoenix loses the belt, I'd rather it was in a 1vs1 situation[/i] Contenders Match for first Undisputed Title shot of 2012: [b]Da Power[/b] vs Steve Flash [i]Can't see him losing against Flash who has become almost a jobber to the stars[/i] People's Championship: [b]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/b] vs K.C Glenn Tag Team Championship: [b]X-UNITY[/b] vs Totally Einstein 3-Way Match: Big Eazy vs Charles Rainer vs [b]Rudy Velasquez[/b] [b]Angel De Mexico[/b] vs Jared Johnson [b]Animal Magic[/b] vs Heat Magnets The Ring Generals vs [b]The Sons of Lucha Libre (Mitico & Capitao)[/b] Mr Electricity vs [b]???[/b] [b]Primus[/b] vs Joe Benning [b]M.C Speed[/b] vs Captain Morgan
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Undisputed Championship 4-Way Elimination: Ultimate Phoenix vs Darryl Devine vs Dean Daniels vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] [i]I wonder how long I can keep guessing Negra winning before I'm right?[/i] Contenders Match for first Undisputed Title shot of 2012: Da Power vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] People's Championship: [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/B]vs K.C Glenn Tag Team Championship: X-UNITY vs [B]Totally Einstein[/B] 3-Way Match: Big Eazy vs Charles Rainer vs[B] Rudy Velasquez[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico [/B]vs Jared Johnson [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Heat Magnets The Ring Generals vs [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre (Mitico & Capitao)[/B] Mr Electricity vs[B] ???[/B] [B]Primus[/B] vs Joe Benning [B] M.C Speed[/B] vs Captain Morgan
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Undisputed Championship 4-Way Elimination: [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs Darryl Devine vs Dean Daniels vs Phoenix Negra Contenders Match for first Undisputed Title shot of 2012: Da Power vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] [I]Really, really doubt it. But I hope. And Steve needs the momentum.[/I] People's Championship: [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs K.C Glenn Tag Team Championship: [B]X-UNITY[/B] vs Totally Einstein 3-Way Match: Big Eazy vs Charles Rainer vs [B]Rudy Velasquez[/B] Angel De Mexico vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Heat Magnets The Ring Generals vs [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre (Mitico & Capitao) [/B] Mr Electricity vs [B]???[/B] [B]Primus[/B] vs Joe Benning [B]M.C Speed[/B] vs Captain Morgan
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[U][B]Batalla Final 2012[/B][/U] Undisputed Championship 4-Way Elimination: Ultimate Phoenix vs Darryl Devine vs [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Phoenix Negra [I]- I can see UP losing this without losing the title. The Phoenixii don't need the belt for their feud, I don't want Devine with the FCW belt. I just don't see him as a long term FCW employee. So Dean Daniels somehow raises the stakes, without getting a victory over UP but holds the Twin Belts.[/I] Contenders Match for first Undisputed Title shot of 2012: Da Power vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] [I]- Based on the fact that Flash is a buddy of Power, therefore Power might lay down for him and Flash's momentum remains strong. Plus if Power wins, it makes the next defence for whoever that much more difficult. (Backstage and in the ring.)[/I] People's Championship: [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs K.C Glenn [I]- I'm not the biggest BBS fan, but Glenn isn't quite ready for a belt. Soon, but not now.[/I] Tag Team Championship: [B]X-UNITY[/B] vs Totally Einstein [I]- Missed out on this, I'll go with the newly heeled X-UNITY, rather than the still dysfunctional TE.[/I] 3-Way Match:[B] Big Eazy[/B] vs Charles Rainer vs Rudy Velasquez [I]- Rice and Bean break for me.[/I] Angel De Mexico vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [I]- With the Mexican legend gaining more and more popularity back home, it makes sense to push the homegrown talent with the newfound killer instinct over the lucha legend.[/I] [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Heat Magnets [I]- Because I still don't feel the Heat Magnets could light up a 20 Watt bulb.[/I] The Ring Generals vs [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre (Mitico & Capitao)[/B] - Waldorf and Stadler get a win as tigerkinney tries to save their... nope changed my mind. The newly named flippy flippys get the win. Mr Electricity vs [B]???[/B] [I]- I never bet against the dreaded and feared ???.[/I] [B]Primus[/B] vs Joe Benning [I]- I didn't know Benning was still employed. Hence my pick.[/I] [B]M.C Speed[/B] vs Captain Morgan[I] - The Captain is here to job... and that's just what he'll do.[/I]
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[quote=Beeker;600758] 3-Way Match:[B] Big Eazy[/B] vs Charles Rainer vs Rudy Velasquez [I]- Rice and Bean break for me[/I][I]. [/I][/quote] Whilst not exactly the most marquee of match ups on the card, surely dismissing this match as being one for the rice and beans break is a bit harsh. Plus that's my user character in this match, so I'm kind of offended :p I almost typed loser character by the way...come to think of it he does do that rather alot. Anyway I'm looking to get the first half of the show up tomorrow and the second half up on Wednesday. So if anyone wants to get some predictions aim to do so in the next 24 hours and I know there are plenty of regular readers/commentators who've yet to throw in their two cents/pennies worth as to who will be heading into 2012 as the FCW Undisputed Champion.
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[U]Batalla Final 2012[/U] Undisputed Championship 4-Way Elimination: [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs Darryl Devine vs Dean Daniels vs Phoenix Negra I just can't see the Phoenix losing. With Da Power winning title shot, it'll be Phoenix/Power III or IV or V. Contenders Match for first Undisputed Title shot of 2012: [B]Da Power[/B] vs Steve Flash Creative control wins the match. People's Championship: [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs K.C Glenn Glenn is coming along quiet well, but BBS isn't going to drop right off to Glenn. Tag Team Championship: [B]X-UNITY[/B] vs Totally Einstein I see the hinting of a Mainstream turn coming very soon. I love Mainstream as a happy-go-lucky face though. I miss that guy. 3-Way Match: Big Eazy vs [B]Charles Rainer[/B] vs Rudy Velasquez Come on. I hate Big Eazy. Rudy is still rusty. So Charles is my choice. [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Jared Johnson Jared's push has seem to have kind of stalled a little bit. [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Heat Magnets I still don't see that the Heat Magnets are up there enough to defeat Animal Magic. The Ring Generals vs [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre (Mitico & Capitao) [/B] Ring Generals just aren't doing anything and this will be a decent win for SoLL. Mr Electricity vs [B]???[/B] I still see the debut guy winning. [B]Primus[/B] vs Joe Benning Joe hasn't done anything in years. Primus gets the win. [B]M.C Speed[/B] vs Captain Morgan Speed wins just because he has done a little bit more in FCW history.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;601158]Whilst not exactly the most marquee of match ups on the card, surely dismissing this match as being one for the rice and beans break is a bit harsh. Plus that's my user character in this match, so I'm kind of offended :p I almost typed loser character by the way...come to think of it he does do that rather alot. [/QUOTE] You use Rainer as a barometer, he trains and tests those on the cusp and gives the Upper Midcarders (and those on the bubble of UM status) a momentum boost. Velasquat has done exactly that since returning. Being rusty and not finding the grove he had in his first run with FCW. Big Eazy is a newer gimmick and Power's current crony-du-jour. That's why it's a 'rice n' beans' break for me.
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][U][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][U][B]FCW Batalla Final 2011[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=black](Part One: Matches 1-5)[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Thursday 22nd December 2011[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, San Juan, Puerto Rico. [/CENTER] [CENTER](Attendance: 2000 -Sell Out !)[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/I][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [B]Match #1: Primus vs Joe Benning[/B] For a straight squash match this probably went about a minute too long, making the some-what off chemistry between these two more noticeable. No prizes for guessing who won, as Primus put Benning away with the running powerslam he calls the Power Plant. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Primus defeated Joe Benning in 3:01 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Angel De Mexico is backstage with a microphone and he is flanked by fellow masked luchadores Capitao Brasil Jr and El Mitico Jr.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] During my time here in FCW I have always tried to fight and win fair. But sometimes the odds are stacked against you and fighting fair gets you nowhere, nowhere at all. Sometimes you must fight fire with fire. [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]And to find my fire, I realised I must find like minded individuals to take up the same cause as I believe in. For I have found those who believe in, what I believe in...the two men that stand beside me the Sons of Lucha Libre, Capitao Brasil and El Mitico. Together we shall fight the good fight against those who believe in taking the shortcut to glory...the likes of Devine Right and W.O.V Gold.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]We are the Lucha Equity Alliance and we have a mission. Our mission is to make FCW free of those who break the rules to get ahead. Those who do will soon learn to play unfair is a path towards failure. [/COLOR] [I]The three then hold their arms up together in the air and shout out the slogan [COLOR=navy]'In Fairness we Trust'[/COLOR][/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Match #2: M.C Speed vs Captain Morgan[/B][/LEFT] M.C Speed has been a bit directionless for sometime now, since the collapse of the original Wave of Violence. He teased re-uniting with Primus a few times but nothing really came of fruition. However the fact that he still went over Captain Morgan here shows that I still feel he could be a valuable roster member when he pulled out the win with the Gang-Sign (Cross Arm Breaker) in what was an OK match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: M.C Speed defeated Captain Morgan in 4:34 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]Sara Silver catches up with K.C Glenn who will b challenging for the People's Championship held by Bulldozer Brandon Smith.[/I] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] I'm here with K.C Glenn who will be challenging for the People's Championship. You must be feeling pretty confident about winning K.C, after your pinfall victory over BBS in Six Man Tag action.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]K.C Glenn:[/B] For sure Miss Silver........[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] You can call me Sara.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]K.C Glenn:[/B] I'd rather not, my Mama used to say you must show respect to your elders.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Elders ? Are you implying that I'm old ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]K.C Glenn:[/B] Not at all, not at all Miss Silver....you're a very fine lady and if you weren't already taken, I'd surely want to be your beau.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Well erm thank you K.C but have you got any more thoughts on your match with Bulldozer.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]K.C Glenn:[/B] Yeah, My mama used to.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Actually come to think of it K.C I have some thoughts of my own, and my thoughts are, that I really hope you go and beat that scumbag Smith. Yeah I know I'm suppsoed to be impartial during these segments, but that jerk terrorised me and James for months and though I've forgiven Brad, I will not forgive Smith ...not once has he apologised for his actions.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]K.C Glenn:[/B] You done ? Mama said it's bad manners to interrupt another....[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Look K.C, who cares what your Mama says..... Just go out and beat that big jerk BBS. That'll make everyone really happy....especially me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]K.C Glenn:[/B] I'll try my best, my Mama taught me to always try me best.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The main show kicks off with an extensive hype video for the main event the 4-way elimination match for the Undisputed Championship between Ultimate Phoenix, Darryl Devine, Dean Daniels and Phoenix Negra. [/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Big Eazy w/ Carl Batch vs Charles Rainier vs Rudy Velasquez[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EddieHowardWOVFIN.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RudyVelasquez_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was supposed to be a three way match, but was more of a singles match as Velasquez just stood on the ring-apron playing no part in the match and letting myself and Big Eazy lay into one another. The W.O.V Gold man used his size advantage to dominate, a Vertical suplex that had me hanging in the air for about half a minute brought a two count and he looked set to finish me off with the Natural Ending until I was able to break free and take him by surprise with the Raindrop (Dropsault)..... But as I made the cover Rudy Velasquez dived in to make the save, Velasquez then spiked me with a DDT and as Big Eazy got up they gave a look to each other and then started to double team me, turning the match into a handicap match and suggesting that Velasquez was now aligned with W.O.V Gold but as Eazy turned me inside out with the Powerline, Velasquez then took the former Eddie Howard down with a leg-sweep, before going up top.....the former King of the Street and UNITY original then soared off the top onto Eazy with the Latino Press to pick up the victory and still leave everyone in confusion as to where exactly his loyalties lie. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Rudy Velasquez defeated Charles Rainier and Big Eazy in 8:33 when Rudy Velasquez defeated Big Eazy by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) vs [/B] [B]Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley) w/ Lisa Bowen[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHockingFin.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ADBFin.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Pretty much the normal pattern from these two teams, whenever they face off against each other. Animal Magic started out hot, until a distraction from Lisa Bowen allowed the Heat Magnets to get a foothold back in the match and isolate Fox Mask. Fox Mask then played 'Spencer Marks' for a good stretch of the match as the Heat Magnets used quick tags and questionable tactics to keep the dimuntive masked man in their corner. However Fox Mask was able to create some breathing room when he countered an attempt at the 2 Hot 2 Handle into a double standing Fox Flip Off DDT. Matt Hocking managed to initially prevent Fox Mask from making the tag into Cougar, but Fox Mask nailed Hocking with an Enziguri, before getting the hot tag into Cougar. Cougar took down Hocking with the Cougar Pounce but the pin was broken up by ADB, who then lifted Cougar up onto the top-rope with a Flapjack before spiking him into the mat with the Cool-Dee-Tee, however before he could make the pin, Fox Mask came off the top rope with a missile drop-kick. Fox Mask then sent ADB out of the ring with a spinning head-scissors take-down, before racing up the turnbuckle and taking out both of the Heat Magnets with a springboard moonsault. Fox Mask then fed ADB back into the ring, for Masked Cougar, who took the dreadlocked haired half Samoan down with a leg-lariat before lifting ADB up for the I Am Cougar Hear Me Roar, but Matt Hocking, who had just sent Fox Mask into the barricade sneaked back in and clipped Cougar from behind with a chop block. That lead to them setting up for the 2 Hot 2 Handle...Cougar managed to work his way out but was taken down with a rolling cutter from Hocking before ADB headed up top and set up for the Supestar Splash but Fox Mask reannounced his arrival in the match, to take ADB down with a springboard cutter. ADB managed to roll out of the ring but Fox Mask then took on an on-charging Matt Hocking down with a drop toe hold. The Animal Magic pair then drilled Hocking with the Last Hunt (Stereo Enziguri's) to pick up the victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Animal Magic defeated Heat Magnets in 8:44 when Fox Mask defeated Matt Hocking by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Darryl Devine is in the Devine Right dressing room, still in his street clothes. As per usual he is wearing a stylish dress-shirt, smart trousers and a pair of shades. He takes off the shades and the begins to speak, his eyes showing an intensity behind the words he is about to spout from his mouth[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] You are looking at right here the number one wrestler in FCW, I may not be the champion right now but I will be at the end of the night, even if they have stacked the odds against me. It should be just me and Ultimate Phoenix in that ring, fighting for the twin belts but those in charge here, seem fit to make it a four way match. Negra had his chance and blew it and Daniels was beaten by me fair and square. Cry about it all you like Deano but I escaped the cage and you didn't. [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]And come to think of it that's probably what you just did, because why else are you in this match and as for Negra why the hell are you in this match ?! [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Actually it's dawned on me because last time I had a fair one on one shot at your so called nemesis you decided to intefere....so actually I'm glad you're in the match because I can beat you from pillar to post, just like I will do with that pathetic mid-carder Dean Daniels and Ultimate Phoenix. [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]I proved at Rey De Reyes that I could beat all three of you, in the same match and this time it'll be even easier, because I know what all of you bring to the table. In fact Negra, Phoenix I will admit you are good and even you Dean Daniels could be a thorn in my side, but one thing none of you are is Devine ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]The Heat Magnets then walk into the dressing room with Lisa Bowen in tow.[/I] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/B]: Darryl, you look intense...been working out ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] No, but it's clear you two need to work out......[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Arthur Dexter Bradley:[/B] We're in top physical shape D-Man.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] For one don't call me D-Man.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Arthur Dexter Bradley:[/B] Sorry D-Man[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] I said don't call me D-Man.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Matt Hocking[/B]: Sorry D-[/COLOR] [I]Devine give Hocking a disapproving look[/I] [COLOR=indigo]Yeah erm sorry[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] Yeah that's all you seem capable of at the moment. Saying sorry that is. I'm really starting to wonder if bringing you into Devine Right was a major mistake, because so far you delivered nothing.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Lisa Bowen:[/B] Give them a chance Darryl, they're good kids.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] Since when was I about supporting 'good kids' , Darryl Devine only associates himself with those who can get the job done.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Matt Hocking:[/B] We'll try to be a bit better.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] Try, try, try.......I want to results and you better start delivering.[/COLOR] [I]Jared Johnson then comes into the picture.[/I] [COLOR=darkred]Now Jared, you're going to show these two clowns how you get the job done, aren't you by taking down Gardening Angel.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Jared Johnson:[/B] Gardening Angel, that's a good one Darryl ![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] I know not only am I a great wrestler, I'm also a truly great wit.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Matt Hocking:[/B] Honestly I don't get it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] Well watch Jared here, and try to 'get' winning.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match # 3: Angel De Mexico vs Jared Johnson w/ Lisa Bowen[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JaredJohnson_nachalt1.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] They start off with some chain wrestling, and Double J basically gets schooled at the beginning by Angel, so he heads out for a powder. Angel's experienced enough not to go for the bait and simply waits for Johnson to get back into the ring. Angel continues to dominate the match in the early going, without really doing much damage to the Devine Right youngster. However seeing that Johnson is in trouble Lisa Bowen gets up on the apron, providing a brief distraction for Double J to work in a low blow. Angel kicked out of the subsequent roll up but Johnson was now in control. Johnson worked over the neck of Angel, before going for swinging neckbreaker, Angel managed to block but Johnson delivered a kick to the mid-section, before dropping Angel with an inverted DDT. Johnson then dropped down and locked on the Carolina Crossface, but Angel began to fight his way out of it, leading to Double J lifting Angel up and then stomping him into the mat with the Tar Heel Stomp ! Johnson then slapped his signature submission back on wrenching back on the neck of Angel. But the leader of the newly formed Lucha Equity Alliance refused to give in, and made it to the ropes. A frustrated Jared Johnson then waited for Angel to stagger back to his feet, a kick to the mid-section then set Angel in position for the MDK Powerbomb but the patriotic masked man put the brakes on and sent Johnson over with back body drop. As they both got to their feet, they both ran the ropes, but it was Angel who would seize the momentum taking down Johnson with a leg-lariat and then as Double J got back up...Angel snapped off a head-scissors take down, that he transitioned into the Mexican Death. But the momentum took them into Brett Graveson and the referee was down. Desperate to make amends for their earlier loss and seeing that their stable mate was in trouble the Heat Magnets sprinted down to the ring, and broke up the submission hold Angel had on Double J. The Heat Magnets then whipped Angel into the corner, and all three Devine Right members charged at Angel as Graveson continued to stay down. Jared Johnson then went up top as the Heat Magnets fed Angel to him, in readiness for a super MDK Powerbomb....but the Sons of Lucha Libre then raced down the entrance ramp and into the ring....attacking the Heat Magnets. Despite that Johnson still had Angel set up, but as he went to powerbomb Angel off the top-rope, the Mexican countered with a 'rana and once again transitoned into the Mexican Death. At that point Brett Graveson had once again come to his senses, to witness Double J tapping out in agony, as Angel De Mexico wrenched back on the arm-bar, to ensure that Devine Right would continue having a bad day at the office so far. These two put on a decent match, even with the ref bump and interference but they were there to further establish the new alliance between Angel, Capitao and Mitico and to be honest the interefence didn't actually factor into the finish of the match, as it was a reversal followed by Angel locking on a submission that has made many an opponent tap before that won him the match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ángel De México defeated Jared Johnson in 11:07 by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]A video is shown to hype up the Tag Team Title match between X-UNITY and Totally Einstein. It shows X-UNITY winning the belts at the Calor Enjauldo show, plus their heel turn at the same show and the fact that Totally Einstein have somehow managed to earn themselves a title shot despite their recent problems with another (yet again !).[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Tag Team Championship: [/B] [B]X-UNITY (Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs [/B] [B]Totally Einstein (Bradford Peverall & Mainstream Hernandez) w/ Sara Silver[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG][B] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/[B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This one turned out to be more of an ‘angle’ than a straight up match. The champions quickly gained the advantage by using short-cuts to isolate Mainstream Hernandez in their corner. Hernandez however managed to use his speed to force an accidental collision between the two and get the hot-tag into Bradford Peverall. Peverall cleans house for a bit but soon finds the numbers game stacked against him, as Hernandez sells recovery. Despite being on the back-foot all match, Totally Einstein look to be on the same page and when Peverall see’s Hernandez back up on the apron he gets a second wind and fends off X-UNITY with a flurry of his trademark European Uppercuts, a clothesline then sends Harry Allen out of the ring and Peverall goes over to make the tag. But when he does the Mainstreamer hops off the apron, leaving Peverall to fend for himself. R!ot clobbers Peverall, who is still in shock from the actions of his tag partner and sets up for the Charles Peterson. Peverall blocks, European Uppercut……TOTALLY TOTALLED ! (Twisting Inverted Brainbuster)…… One…… Two…….. New Tag Champs ? No ! Harry Allen dives in to break it up…..Allen then delivers a boot to the mid-section and plants Peverall with the Rocker Dropper. Allen then heads up top, that sets things up for the Limited Edition (Vertical Suplex/Cross Body combo) to put the seal on a successful title defence for X-UNITY. This was an OK match, considering how one sided it was for most of the match but the real story here was of course Hernandez walking out on his tag partner and effectively costing them any chance of winning the titles. [B][COLOR=red]Result: X-UNITY defeated Totally Einstein in 9:38 when Nicky R!ot defeated Bradford Peverell by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]X-UNITY retain the FCW Tag Team titles[/COLOR]. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Sara Silver tries to calm down Bradford Peverall, who is absolutely livid about Mainstream Hernandez walking out during the match. Meanwhile X-UNITY are celebrating and laughing it up at Bradford Peverall's expense.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]Dean Daniels is warming up by doing press-ups, he then stops his workout and gets up off the dressing room floor.[/I] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Dean Daniels:[/B] It's been a year since I held gold in FCW and that bothers me. I've been trying for a whole year to get my hands on the Twin Belts but thus far they have eluded me. Perhaps I am as Lisa Bowen and Darryl Devine say not good enough to challenge for the top prize and that I should go back to ruling the mid-card.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]Well that's what they want me to say because fact is they fear me, and it took Darryl and all his chronies to deny me a shot at the twin belts. And for your knowledge Darryl I didn't complain about the loss but thankfully those in charge round here saw sense and gave me the opportunity I deserve.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]I wont paint up a rosy picture, this year has been a struggle for me and I've suffered some tough set-backs but that's because I've been striving to become the best and to the best you must beat the best. Devine, Phoenix, Negra you may have all been a step ahead of me in the pursuit of the Twin Belts. But my time will come, tonight I step up to the next level, my time is now.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]A video package is shown to hype the Peoples Title match between Bulldozer Brandon Smith and K.C Glenn. It focuses on BBS winning the title from a few shows back and K.C Glenn's pinfall victory in the Six Man Tag, replaying the 450 splash several times over.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #5: People's Championship: [/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith w/ Lisa Bowen vs KC Glenn[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandon_alt4.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KCGlenn.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] As soon as the bell went BBS tried to level Glenn, but the southern youngster managed to side-step out of the way and then rock the Bulldozer with a standing drop-kick. BBS stayed on his feet but stumbled right into a dragon screw leg-whip from Glenn , who then rolled through into single leg crab. BBS powered out of the hold though and levelled Glenn with a fore-arm, before scooping the youngster up onto his shoulders, only for Glenn to counter into a crucifix bomb ! One..... Two..... BBS kicked out, but Glenn was 'feeling it' and he headed up top for the 450 but the youngster had gotten too carried away and the Bulldozer levelled him with a fore-arm smash before bringing Glenn crashing back into the ring with a Fall-Away slam from the second rope. Glenn then staggered back up to his feet only to be turned inside out with an explosive lariat from the Devine Right enforcer. One..... Two..... Glenn kicked out, but remained in trouble as BBS pulled him back up and then tossed him over-head with a release Belly to Belly suplex....... Once again Glenn got back to his feet and walked straight into another Lariat....... One........ Two....... Glenn refused to stay down again much to the frustration of the Bulldozer, who then whipped Glenn into the corner and then charged in with a running clothesline, flattening the Southern youngster agains the turnbuckle. Glenn then stumbled out of the corner as BBS came off the ropes and levelled the youngster with yet another Lariat........ One........ Two..... Thr...... Glenn kicked out again ! BBS is now seething and lifts Glenn up, before slapping the youngster around the face and daring him to 'bring it'. Glenn comes back with some weak offense, before being levelled with a fore-arm smash. BBS then sets up for the Back Drop Driver, but Glenn fights out with elbows.....BBS stays firm though and takes Glenn over ! But the youngster manages to flip onto his feet and as BBS turns around Glenn rocks him with a step up Enziguri. Glenn then slumps to the mat, simply too worn down to follow up with any sort of offence. BBS still looks to be the fresher man as they get back to their feet, and whips Glenn across the ring, but Glenn uses the momentum to come back with a Leg-Lariat . BBS then gets back up, Glenn ducks underneath another lariat attempt and then as BBS turns around Glenn springboards back in off the apron, onto BBS with flying cross body block. One.... Two.......... BBS powers out of the pin attempt and then levels Glenn with a fore-arm smash, he looks to be setting up for the Atomic Driller but Glenn stays firm and then plants the BULLDOZER into the mat with the LOUISIANA SPIRAL (Complete Shot)........ An exhausted K.C Glenn then slumps on top of BBS to make the pin....... One......... Two...... Thr...... The Devine Right Enforcer powers out of the pin, and then levels Glenn with another stiff fore arm to once again re-take control.....he then lifts the youngster up onto his shoulders into a fire-mans carry and then drops him across the knees with a backbreaker. Glenn bounces off the Bulldozer's knees and then stumbles into another Lariat but Glenn just shakes it off and comes right back with the TUNE UP THE SUNSHINE BAND (Rope rebound, Yakuza Kick !) Great Fighting Spirit from the Louisiana born and bred youngster. One......... Two......... Thr........ No ! A shell shocked BBS just about gets a shoulder up but he remains rooted to the mat and his title is in serious jeopardy. Glenn feels that the opening is there to go for the 450 Splash, but as he sets up.....Lisa Bowen gets up on the apron and starts unbuttoning her blouse...... Glenn can't keep his eyes off her, he's like some lovestruck teenager with a crush. Bowen then gets down off the apron and Glenn suddenly puts his focus back on his opponent but BBS is back up to his feet and the opportunity for the 450 Splash is gone but Glenn thinks quickly and launches himself off onto BBS with a flying cross body........ But BBS catches him mid-flight....and then spikes Glenn into the mat with the ATOMIC DRILLER ! One...... Two....... Three !! Bulldozer Brandon Smith retains the People's Championship after a hard fought match. Providing we can hold onto either or both of them, these two could well be future main eventers because these two put on a very good, well worked match against one another. BBS still came out looking like a bad-ass by dominating long stretches of the match but Glenn got to work in his explosive offence and came across as someone who would keep fighting back no matter what was thrown at him, leading to the crowd believing that he would be capable of pulling off the upset victory right and till the end, where it was basically his inexperience that cost him the match, rather than the unrelenting punishment he had taken from the Bulldozer. If either of these two were a little more over with the fans (especially in the case of the relative new comer Glenn) then this would have garnered an even better, more deserving reaction. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated KC Glenn in 14:38 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Bulldozer Brandon Smith retains the FCW People's Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [LEFT][I]Coming Up in Part Two: Who will be walking into 2012 as the Undisputed Champion. Four men, two belts, one champion.[/I] [/LEFT]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][U][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][U][B]FCW Batalla Final 2011[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=black](Part Two: Matches 6-9)[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]As is now becoming a common practice, Phoenix Negra has perched himself amongst the rafters of the Monty, and from there he has a message for the opponents he will face in tonights main event. [/I] [I]Phoenix Negra: A beaten man, locked inside a cage, a beaten man was I but now I find redemption could be mine another chance to rightfully take what is mine. The symbols that you my brother, Devine and Daniels to very strive for, I care little about. What I care about is your impending destruction...and to take those symbols away then a victory is mine and a victory I shall cherish and hold within my heart, as your heart breaks into a thousand pieces and for the two men who try to come between us then I'm afraid they too will be broken men. Dreams unfulfilled, reoccuring nightmares for all shall face me, the rise of Phoenix Negra becometh. [/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: The Sons of Lucha Libre (Capitao Brasil Jr & El Mitico Jr) vs The Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf)[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CapitaoBrasil.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElMtico.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarvStatler.jpg[/IMG][B] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanWaldorf.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Unsuprisingly this was a formula tag match with the Son's starting out hot in the early going, capped off by Capitao taking out both of the Ring Generals with a Tope con Hilo. However the Generals managed to find a way back into the ring and soon had Capitao isolated in their corner. That lead to Capitao playing Spencer Marks until he made the inevitable hot-tag into Mitico. A Quicksilver Suplex from Mitico on Waldorf brought a two count until it was broken up Statler, who planted Mitico with a swinging neckbreaker. The Ring Generals then set up for the Lesson Learned but Mitico broke free and both of the Ring Generals down with a double clothesline, before taking out Waldorf with a Tilt-a Whirl Backbreaker. Mitico then lifted up Statler onto his shoulders into the Electric Chair position as Capitao then springboarded off the ropes to send Statler crashing to the mat with a hurrucanrana ! (A sequence Dane O'Hara put over as being called the 'Lucha Dreams') Mitico then made the cover to give the Sons of Lucha Libre the victory in their 'official' debut as a tag team. [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Sons of Lucha Libre defeated The Ring Generals in 7:48 when El Mítico Jr defeated Marv Statler by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match 7: Mr Electricity vs Amazing Fire Fly[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmazingFireFly.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/B] Mr Electricity does his usual schtik as he comes dancing down to the ring to 'I Want Your Love' by Chic. He's not getting much love from the fans though, bar for the small section (decked out in Mr Electricity type get up) that have become a sort of cult following for the flamboyant disco dancing Indian. He then proceeds to bust out a few move straight out of Saturday Night Fever in the ring, but is suddenly stopped in his tracks when a small masked man comes leaping off the top rope to send Mr Electricity flying with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors take down. Dane O'Hara immediately identifies the masked man as Amazing Fire Fly, an exciting youngster that has been making waves down in Mexico. A disorientated Mr Electricity then stumbles out of the ring, only for Fire Fly to race up the turnbuckle and take out the flamboyant disco dancer with a springboard turnbuckle moonsault press. Fire Fly then pitches Electricity into the ring to get the match officially underway and immediately goes for the cover. Electricity kicks out but the debutant stays a step ahead and keep Mr Electricity off balance with lighting quick take-downs from all sorts of angles. Eventually though Mr Electricity is able to find an opening when he crotches Fire Fly on the top rope after the speedy high flier went to the well once too often. Electricity then delivered a DDT onto the apron to really take control of the match, but instead of putting Fire Fly away he decided to try and mock the masked man, taunting Fire Fly with dance moves and then making weak pins after some basic body slams. Finally Mr Electricity seemed to get serious setting up for his Move #54 Forward Leg Sweep but Fire Fly had is scouted and took Electricity by surprise with a crucifix pin roll up. Electricity kicked out and then had Firefly in position for the Lightnin' Rod but FireFly flipped out of that and then took Electricity down with a multiple rotation head-scissors take down. Electricity then stumbled into a swinging DDT before Fire Fly headed for the top turnbuckle. Fire Fly then launched himself off, crashing down upon the sternum of Mr Electricity with the Sky High Fire Fly (a spectacular Shooting Star Senton) to pick up the victory on his debut. This was a fantastic debut performance from Fire Fly, who immediately had the fans excited by his lighnting quick offence. Fire Fly has to be the fastest man ever witnessed in an FCW ring, he actually makes the likes of Animal Magic, the Phoenixii and Angel De Mexico look slow in comparison. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Amazing Fire Fly defeated Mr. Electricity in 7:31 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]Da Power comes out to the ring flanked as always by Carl Batch. As per usual they are greeted by a chorus of boos.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ! Give it up for Da Champ.[/COLOR] [I]More boos from the crowd, Batch lets the heat die down a bit before passing the mic over to the fallen National icon.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] You can boo me all you want, because I ain't going anywhere and I certaintly wont be until I get back what is rightfully mine, the Undisputed Championship. I'm being screwed out of opportunities here to get back what belongs to me., they're telling me I have to earn it....the greatest wrestler this damn Island has ever seen...has to earn a title shot ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] That ain't right playa.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Damn sure it ain't right, at the very least I should be in that four way.[/COLOR] [I]Just as the fans are about to let Power know just what they think of his whining, Steve Flash comes out onto the entrance ramp to decent pop[/I]. [COLOR=navy][B]Steve Flash:[/B] I'm pretty sure everybody's fed up of your complaining Power..[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] No one interrupts me, I'm......[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Steve Flash:[/B] Well I just did, but unlike you Power, I'm not all hot air and no action, so lets have our match now and yet the best man win. You know all you have to do is beat me and the title shot is yours, a one on one title shot at that. I mean surely that's better than being in the four way.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Flash don't get cute with me....[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Steve Flash:[/B] I wasn't getting cute just laying out the facts in a way that your braincells might be able to handle.[/COLOR] [I]Da Power now seething with anger comes charging out of the ring and towards Flash....leading to two engaging in an instant brawl.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: Da Power w/ Carl Batch vs Steve Flash[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPowerWOVFIN.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] They brawl into the ring and the bell rings to begin the match. Power despite his size advantage is suddenly on the backfoot as Flash despite his advancing years uses his superior agility to stay a step-ahead. Flash unbalances Power with a jawbreaker, before heading up top and diving off to plant the W.O.V Gold man into the mat with a bulldog. Power, powers out of the pin attempt, but Flash keeps Power grounded with a chinlock as he tries to wear the big man down. Power eventually uses his strength to his rise back to his feet, but is taken down with a leg-sweep from Flash. Power gets back up to his feet but is nailed with a drop-kick from the respected veteran, before rolling out of the ring for a powder. Flash being the wily veteran that he is doesn't take the bait and literall waits for Power to get back in the ring. They lock up again and Flash takes Power down to the mat with a double leg take-down, before turning the former Undisputed champion over onto his stomach for the Boston Crab. But Power isn't worn down nearly enough and he makes it to the ropes. Flash is told to back off on the rope break but Power uses that to his advantage and gets in a cheap shot himself, he then follows up with a eye poke and clothesline, before collapsing to one knee to get his breath back. Flash is back up first, but gets turned inside out with another clothesline, Power then lifts Flash up into military press and launches the veteran onto the top-rope. Flash landing chest first on the top-rope bounces off the steel cable and into a powerslam from the W.O.V Gold 'leader'. One..... Two...... Flash manages to kick out but Power now feeling that he is in control, stomps away on Flash and begins to taunt his opponent. The usual Power sequence of basic low key offence, taunting and arrogant pin attempts follows, as the crowd get behind Flash. A scoop body slam from Power leads to a two count, before he sets up for the four moves of doom......inevitably leading to the crowd starting a same old s*** chant. Flash gets clocked with the roaring elbow, stumbles into the Atomic Drop and is then planted with the spinebuster. Power then jaws with the crowd a little more and comes charging in with the San Juan Rush but Flash has it scouted, catches the leg and sends Power down to the mat with a Dragon screw leg-whip. Flash keeps hold of the leg and turns Power over into the Boston Crab, but Power manages to use his size and strength to escap the hold. Power then decks Flash with another clothesline and then lifts Power up for the San Juan Impact (Full Nelson slam) but Flash counters with a FLASH BANG ! Flash then slumps himself upon Power and Graveson counts the cover....... One......... Two....... Thr....... Power manages to kick out. Both then stumble back to their feet and it's Power who regains the advantage with a roaring elbow, he applies the Full Nelson then takes Flash over with the SAN JUAN IMPACT......... One....... Two........ Thr......... Flash kicks out, Power lifts Flash back up to a vertical base.....he whips Flash into the ropes....Flash avoids the roaring elbow and goes for the Flash Bang.....Power blocks the Flash Bang, then clocks Flash with the roaring elbow at the second time of asking. But Flash shakes it off, and the nails Power with a super kick. Power stays on his feet but Flash follows up with a second super kick and Power slumps to the mat...... Flash then grabs the legs of Power and turns the W.O.V Gold man over once again into the Boston Crab. Power tries to edge his way over to the ropes but Flash stays firm and pulls him back into the middle of the ring........ Power is an whole world of agony right now as Flash wrenches back on the hold......... Da Power taps ! Da Power is forced to tap ! Steve Flash will get the first Undisputed Title shot of 2012. A solid enough semi main event, but what it did most to highlight was that outside of the four in the main event, we perhaps need a new injection of main event level talent. Power is a carriable worker, who can have good matches given the right opponent, otherwise he begins to perform on auto-pilot, which he did in stretches of this match. Even just a couple of years back Flash would have been the sort of worker to carry Power to a good match, rather than a merely OK one but he's clearly not the worker he once was. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Steve Flash defeated Da Power in 13:07 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [I]A jealous Da Power then clocks Steve Flash from behind, with a slapjack. He then proceeds to start a beat-down on Flash, until Rudy Velasquez comes out with a steel chair. Velasquez pauses for a bit...as Power dares Velasquez to clock Flash with the chair, it looks like Velasquez is going to hit Flash with the chair, but all of a sudden he digs the chair into the mid-section of Da Power, before taking a swing at the W.O.V Gold man.....Velsquez then drops the chair and leaves the ring. To leave everyone even more confused as to just exactly where he stands[/I]. [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]______________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Ultimate Phoenix is almost ready to head out to the ring for his up-coming title defence against Darryl Devine, Dean Daniels and Phoenix Negra in a four way elimination match, but before he does he has a message for his opponents.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] Tonight is perhaps my toughest test yet as champion, as I face not only one, not only two but three of the best FCW has to offer. Negra I knew you would be back, as you will not rest until you destroy me, Devine you need to the gold I hold upon my shoulders to legitimize your claims and Daniels you know that a victory over me will make you feel complete.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]Three very motivated opponents, all gunning for me, all gunning for the prize I hold but I will not make it easy for any of them, for tonight may be my toughest defence but they shall find out that it will be just as tough for them to take these belts away from me. Tonight everyone faces the Ultimate test, tonight only one man passes that test, tonight that man will be me.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #9: 4-Way Elimination for the Undisputed Championship: [/B] [B]Ultimate Phoenix vs Phoenix Negra vs [/B] [B]Dean Daniels vs Darryl Devine w/Lisa Bowen[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [B][/B] [SIZE=3][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DarrylDevine_nfalt3.jpg[/IMG][/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/CENTER] During the pomp and ceremony of the introductions, the defending champion gets the biggest pop and even gets the streamer treatment from the fans who have come to truly respect and admire the current Undisputed Champion. Rules of the match state that two men start out and others can enter the match, if someone is tagged out or sent out of the ring there is no twenty count out on the floor, but wrestlers can be eliminated at the referees discretion, if the referee feels they are not able to return to the match). Ultimate Phoenix starts things off with Darryl Devine, and the champion gets the better of the opening exchange. Devine gets cheesed off and the tags in Phoenix Negra. Negra and Phoenix go at it and read each others moves like a book they have read a thousand times, until Dean Daniels makes a blind tag on Negra and goes right after the defending champion. A Tilt-A-Whirl backbreaker seems to give Daniels the advantage but Phoenix snaps off a head-scissors take down that sends Daniels out of the ring and he sets up for his trademark no hands plancha but Devine comes across the apron and clocks Phoenix with a fore-arm smash. Devine then stuns Phoenix across the rope throat first, before taking the champion down with a springboard fore-arm smash. Devine delivers a boot to the mid-secton and sets up for the Devine Dream Drop but Phoenix blocks and counters with a back body drop. Phoenix then takes Devine down with a leg-lariat and winds up tagging out to a now recovered Dean Daniels. Devine however wants no part of Daniels and tags out of Phoenix Negra. Negra uses his speed to keep Daniels off balance for a bit but eventually Daniels catches Negra coming off the ropes and uses the momentum to dump the mysterious masked man with a release German suplex. Negra pops straight back up though and clocks Daniels with a leaping enziguri but Daniels shakes it off and ends up levelling Negra with a lariat. Negra manages to stumble back though and tags Devine (who is somewhat reluctant to get into the ring) back into the match. Devine then tries to tag out of the match, but Negra nails him with a drop-kick, that sends the Devine Right man into the corner. Negra then spikes Devine with a DDT and drops down to apply the LAST CHANCERY....but Devine is too near the ropes and forces Negra to break the hold. Devine then gets in a cheap shot and then pitches Negra out of the ring with a back body drop. Ultimate Phoenix re-announces his arrival back into the match though and he takes Devine down with a springboard leg-lariat. Devine gets back up but Phoenix snaps off a head-scissors take down and immeditely heads for the corner to set up for the Phoenix Firebird Splash but Devine is back to his feet and he clubs Phoenix from behind, before scooping the champion onto his shoulders....... Devine looks to be going to a Death Valley Driver, but Phoenix slips off and drills the Devine Right man with an Enziguri. Phoenix then takes Devine down with a leg-sweep and springs off the ropes into a quebrada but Devine gets the knees up. Luckily for Phoenix he manages to roll out of the ring, so that brings in Daniels who goes right after Devine, but Devine uses Daniels aggression to take the former long reigning Peoples champion down with a drop toe hold, that sends Daniels landing throat first onto the bottom rope. Devine then charges into Daniels back, before applying the DEVINE DREAMS (Sleeper hold).......... Daniels looks to be fading, but somehow uses enough energy to work his way into the corner and back Devine up against a turnbuckle. Negra then tags in, much to the chagrin of Devine, who felt he had Daniels just where he wanted him. Negra delivers a series of kicks to Daniels, further softening up the former People's champion, the mysterious masked men the sets up for the CERTAIN DEATH (Vertebreaker) but Daniels has is scouted and manages to block. Daniels then shoots Negra off into the ropes and is then able to level the masked man with a vicious lariat. Before slumping to the mat out of sheer exhaustion. Negra then comes charging back at Daniels but is levelled with another explosive lariat. Daniels lifts Negra up and reels off his trademark Tri-Fecta of snap suplexes...that leads to a two count. As Daniels lifts a dazed Negra back up and sets up for the Raise The Stakes......Negra slips out, and then tries to catch Daniels with a roundhouse kick, Daniels ducks under and then manages to get in position to dump Negra with a German Suplex...... One...... Two..... Thr...... Negra manages to kick out, Daniels sets up for the RAISE THE STAKES (Cradle Piledriver) and then drills Negra into the mat.......but Lisa Bowen gets up on the apron causing Brett Graveson to take his eyes off the pin attempt......Devine then sneaks in with a chair and waffles Daniels over the head, before placing a still groggy Negra on top of Daniels........ One........ Two...... Three Dean Daniels is the first to be eliminated from the match as Darryl Devine gets one over on him yet again. [B]Elimination #1: Dean Daniels @ 17:59[/B] Devine then stalks Negra, waiting for the masked man to get back to his feet, he then goes to lock on the Devine Dreams but Negra fights out with elbows and then stuns the Devine Right leader with a roundhouse kick, Negra then looks set to go for a leg-sweep, but Devine points to Ultimate Phoenix and the two suddenly comes to an agreement to go after the defending champion. Devine and Negra then double teamed Phoenix , but the champion was relatively fresh and countered with a head-scissors/DDT combo that sends the heel pair out of the ring. Phoenix then came soaring over the top and crashing down upon both Negra and Devine with his trademark no hands somersault plancha. Phoenix then pitched Devine back into the ring, and then drilled the Devine leader with a springboard missile drop-kick. Devine got back up but staggered right into the FLAMING DRIVER ! One..... Two..... Thr..... Devine managed to kick out but remained rooted to the mat, so Phoenix headed up top to set up for the PHOENIX FIREBIRD SPLASH.....but Devine manages to roll out of the way as Phoenix came off the top rope. Phoenix managed to land on his feet only to get clocked with the Devine Intervention (springboard back elbow from Devine). Devine then took Phoenix over with the Devineplex (Northern Lights Suplex) planting the champion onto the mat....... One..... Two......... Phoenix got the shoulder up, and Devine lifte the champion up and double under hooked the arms, but Phoenix knew what was coming and managed to block but Devine re-applied the butterfly lock and took the champion over with a double underhook suplex. That brought another two count for the Devine Right leader who then headed up top and set up for the DFA elbow drop but just as he was about to deliver it Negra reannounced his arrival into the match and sent Devine crashing back into the ring with a springboard rana. All three men got back to their feet, as Negra spiked Devine into the mat with a DDT only for Phoenix to take him down with a head-scissors take-down. Phoenix then made the cover on Devine........ One.... Two..... Devine kicked out and then managed to double underhook the arms of Phoenix, DEVINE DREAM DROP...... But Negra then clocks Devine with a roundhouse kick.......before drilling Devine into the mat with the CERTAIN DEATH ! Negra opts to cover Devine........ One...... Two...... Three !! Darryl Devine has been eliminated, leaving the Phoenixii to battle it out for the Undisputed Championship. [B]Elimination #2: Darryl Devine @ 25:08[/B] Negra then immediately goes for the cover on Phoenix....... One..... Two..... Thr........ No ! Phoenix is still alive and kicks out. Negra lifts a still dazed Phoenix back up to his feet and sets up for the Certain Death, but Phoenix slips out and then takes Negra down with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Negra immediately pops back up and tries to take Phoenix down with a leg-lariat, but Phoenix ducks under and then nails Negra with a roundhouse kick that has Negra dazed enough for Phoenix to dump his nemesis with the ELEMENTAL SUPLEX (Double arm German Suplex)........ One....... Two........ Thr..... Negra manages to get his shoulder up, but remains planted to the mat so Phoenix heads up top.......Negra however starts to get to his feet so Phoenix dives off the tope and then drills Negra back into the mat with a Tornado DDT. Instead of going for the cover, though Phoenix sets Negra in place and heads to the turnbuckle once again ......PHOENIX FIREDBIRD SPLASH...... Phoenix comes crashing down upon the sternum of his rival and the match surely looks to be over....... One...... Two...... Thr....... No !!! The crowd can't believe it and before Phoenix can think of his next move, Negra applies a front facelock and all of a sudden has Phoenix locked into the LAST CHANCERY submission........ Phoenix starts to power out of the hold, so Negra starts to deliver knee strikes to the the top of the head....but Phoenix still refuses to give in.....Negra then tries to lift Phoenix up a brainbuster but Phoenix blocks and then takes Negra off his feet with a leg-sweep but Negra pops right back up and drills Phoenix with a kick to the head.......he then follows that up with the Brainbuster and immediately re-applies the LAST CHANCERY !!! Phoenix looks to be out of it and Brett Graveson goes to check on his condition........ No response from Phoenix on the first check...... Graveson lifts the arm up again....... Still no response from Phoenix........ One last look from Graveson.......... ................................. .................................. .................................. Graveson calls for the bell ! Phoenix is completely out of it. Phoenix Negra is the new Undisputed Champion !! Thankfully these four put on an absolutely fantastic match as expected and to be honest kind of saved the show from being a bit of a let-down. I think most people would have thought Phoenix would either retain or Devine would win the title, so Negra's win came as something of a shock to quite a few of the fans in the Monty. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Phoenix Negra defeated Darryl Devine, Dean Daniels and Ultimate Phoenix in 31:56; the order of elimination was Dean Daniels first, then Darryl Devine, and finally Ultimate Phoenix. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Phoenix Negra wins the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Phoenix Negra, stares at the fallen body of his rival Ultimate Phoenix, before accepting the twin belts and then falling to his knees, cradling the two straps of leather and gold. [/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] This was a decent show but we probably put too many eggs in one basket with the 4-way main event, leaving us with a weak semi main event. I was hoping that Power/Flash would step it up but they didn't manage to do that and though the main event delivered, the slightly lacklustre semi main event, meant that the show wasn't quite as good as we hoped for. A C+ though still increases our popularity and there were other positives such as a good (C+ rated )People's title match between BBS and K.C Glenn. With a little more overness, especially in K.C Glenn's case, they could have pulled that into B- territory.
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My man Glenn bringing the noise! And Amazing Fire Fly as well! All that, and a heel Phoenix - this is starting to look like a tribute act :p In all seriousness, I thought this was a decent show. Interesting to see Capitao and Mitico together, as I had an inkling that's how you'd end up using them. But whatever happened to the Ring Generals? They started out like they were going to make some noise, and then it seemed they just vanished off the radar. I'm amazed Flash went over the Boss, but I guess friendship counts for something. How he'll do in the main is another matter - Flash might have his working boots on, but equally it seems you may be the first person to have found a Flash who [I]can't[/I] work past his fiftieth birthday :p As for the rest, well, the Heat Magnets continue to draw X-Pac heat from myself - as any tandem with ADB in will. The low quality of the X-UNITY match surprised me, although I guess the shenanigans must have hurt it. Allow me to reiterate my call for Mainstream and Bradford to settle their differences amicably - either that, or Bradford to turn again. I just can't buy the Mainstreamer as a heel. Oh - and more Dean/Devine. For some reason, I'm really digging this feud.
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Hey TK, long time reader, first time commenter. Can i be the first to say OH. MA. GAWD. at Negra finally winning the Twin belts. Can I also say that I'm so hoping Batch will rejoin MC Speed, as i've been marking out ever since Speed and Primus were turned defacto face by Da Power, and lead him to a People's championship reign one day (I know, I know, even though he's got good skills he doesn't have the matches nesscary...but a guy can dream...for God's sake I'm even starting to go crazy for his Gang sign finisher...it's Puntastic!). I'd also like to ask a question about a worker: Did you ever consider bringing Sayeed Ali into FCW, especially as he would have been an excellent fit for WOV? And why please :)
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Thanks for the feedback, and I'm pleased to see you enjoyed the show. Going to comment on some of it, mostly from Mr Casey, who I really believe does look his Avatar picture. [quote=James Casey;602292]My man Glenn bringing the noise! And Amazing Fire Fly as well! All that, and a heel Phoenix - this is starting to look like a tribute act :p [/quote] It is a bit isn't it ? But I've generally got a weakness for flippity floppity guys anyway. [quote] But whatever happened to the Ring Generals? They started out like they were going to make some noise, and then it seemed they just vanished off the radar.[/quote] I'll admit to making a mis-step with the Ring Generals. I signed them to boost the tag division, intended to push them at first, got some other ideads crop up in my head and then their push got killed/never got off the ground and they've struggled to make it out of the glorified jobber position since. [quote] I'm amazed Flash went over the Boss, but I guess friendship counts for something. [/quote] Flash is one of the people Power wants me to push, as in he wants me to reach B momentum. Seems like a flaming impossible task to me, as a fading Flash is no longer really main event calibre material in my opinion. I've got ten months to reach the goal, so I better start laying the groundwork. [Quote] Oh - and more Dean/Devine. For some reason, I'm really digging this feud.[/quote] There will be plenty more Dean/Devine going into 2012 as it will be one of the central feuds of FCW. [quote=The Celt; 602696] I'd also like to ask a question about a worker: Did you ever consider bringing Sayeed Ali into FCW, especially as he would have been an excellent fit for WOV? And why please [/quote] Very much so, as he would have been an ideal fit for Wave of Violence. I think with Ali they would have been an even more effective stable. Unfortunately NOTBPW snapped him up on a written contract, making it impossible for me to sign him. The other two out of the 187's Slim V and Hardcore Killah didn't interest me, as neither of them are a good worker in my opinion. [quote=Foolinc; 602716] Negra won the twin belts? Negra won the twin belts!! :D [/quote] I actually laughed when in your predictions, you mentioned about guessing how long it would take you to guess Negra winning, before it finally came right. :D
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[CENTER][B][U]December in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] Even though Batalla Final 2011, was a good show I couldn't help feel disappointed with it, especially compared to the efforts CZCW and MAW had put on this month. These two promotions had begun to refind in CZCW case/find in MAW's case their groove, whilst we appear to have stalled. We put too many eggs in one basket by having our four top workers in the main event and the Flash-Power semi main event only seemed to further highlight the need for another legit main eventer to make up for the enforced loss of J.D Morgan. Money wise it was a successful month as we made just under $20,0000 profit. However the plan is to take January off. There will be no attempt to bring back the admittedly half baked 'touring' idea but the extra month off, we help us recupperate some of our losses. The plan is then to continue with the three shows in 2 months model for now, but with at least one of the shows being outside in Puerto Rico, the Tri-State region where we have at least some kind of foothold we'll be the likely location for these shows. As you would have seen at Batalla Final Amazing Fire Fly has joined the promotion. Whilst he's probably not an essential addition to the roster, he is someone I have had my eye on for a while and should provide some fresh match-ups for the mid-card. Meanwhile Bradford Peverall, Nicky R!ot, Arthur Dexter Bradley, Lisa Bowen, Cueball Lynch and Joe Benning all signed new contracts. R!ot's contract signing went better than expected, he's still amongst our top earners (there's talent higher up the card on less money) but at least he did not demand another title run this time. If he did, I would have hot-shotted the belts back off him and Allen and sent them on there merry way. Allen might still yet demand a title run, and if he does it'll be the end of his stay in FCW. Island Apollo meanwhile, was released. He might have been a local boy, but sentimitality can only count for so much and as worker he wasn't really making any progress. The reason Joe Benning keeps getting re-signed over several other jobbers in FCW, is that he is actually a decent/solid worker and he works cheap. Island Boy on the other hand was a considerably less solid worker and was asking for about 200-250 more just because of the fact he is Puerto Rican. It appears that Fox Mask and Masked Cougar's professional relationship as a Tag Team has blossomed into a proper friendship. The Animal Magic pair really have become the best of friends backstage, as well as in the ring. [CENTER]______________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Rival Promotion Watch[/U][/B][/CENTER] CZCW's were back on top form with Christmas Cage Chaos (Rated B) mainly off the back of an incredible main event defence of the Coastal Zone title by Ultimate Phoenix against Donnie J (B+) it was ably supported by a solid undercard but it was the Phoenix- Donnie J match that everyone was talking about. MAW have really found their groove, producing their second B- show in a row with Epidemic of Hate, this followed a similar pattern to CZCW's effort a solid undercard and then topped off with a blow away main event that saw Mean Jean Cattley make a succesful defence of the Mid Atlantic Title against Darryl Devine (B+). NYCW have appeared to hit a slump though, as their Battle Lines show (D+) was their third sub standard offering in a row and the Empire Title switch from Flash to Honest Frank (D+) shows desperation. Match of the night saw Snow Fox go over the departing Nevada Nuclear (C). Both MAW and CZCW seem to have hit form at the moment, and though I still feel we are producing good shows...these two promotions have suddenly stepped it up a notch. NYCW on the other hand have hit a slump and they appear to be at odds with trying to push some of the younger talent, leading to perhaps some of the veterans who were holding up their main event beginning to outstay their welcome. [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]December News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] And just like last time Exodus 2010 have dropped back to being a small size company. The problem with Exodus 2010 is that there touring schedule means that they can never quite maintain enough popularity in one region. Long term though (if they can stay in business) the plan might work out for them as they are gradually picking up popularity across the whole of Japan, as to opposed to just one region. Meanwhile former DaVE owner Phil Vibert as announced his attention to return to the wrestling business after a five year hiatus. It will be interesting to see if he decides to join an existing promotion or try to start a new venture himself. [B]Worker Signings[/B] APW add Blitz Simpson to the roster. Does anyone outside of Australia, really care ? BSC add genuienly talented wrestler Lauren Easter to their roster. Saying that she does have the sort of looks to fit in at the Las Vegas based T&A promotion. CGC have picked up SWF's James Prudence on a PPA deal. EWA have added Danny Patterson to their roster. Veteran Hirokazu Yamanoue, plus seasoned gaijins Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Nigel Svensson will take part in INSPIRE's next tour. Phoenix II is the latest lucha libre star to expand his schedule by joining the up-start MHW promotion. Buff Martinez returns to MOSC 13 months after leaving the promotion. It appears that SWF want to give John Greed and Nevada Nuclear another shot at making it, as both have signed developmental contracts with RIPW. Meanwhile Citizen X has been recalled to the SWF main roster from development in RIPW. WLW will have the usual suspects going on tour with them (you know who they are by now) plus K.C Glenn and Burning EXILE will also be taking part in the next tour. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extend the contract of Jay B 4C extend the contracts of Philip LaGrenier, Panda Mask II, valet Faith and referee Andy Gordy. 5SSW extend the contracts of DEVIL Karube and Tomoko Nagatsuka. AAA extend the contracts of Joanne Rodriguez, Michelle Brendon and Debbie Rose. APW extend the contracts of Dingo Devine, The Brisbane Devil, Lanny Williams, Spiffy Stan Standish, manager Sean Quartermainne plus long time commentary team Mitch Y.Bryson and Frank Mucciolo. BHOTWG secure Eagle Kawasawa, Nisso Yuasha, referee Okura Umeki to written contracts, whilst Eisaku Hoshino continues with his lucrative PPA deal. BSC extend the contracts of Sister Beth Mercy and Kathy Neptune. CGC extend the contract of referee Coach Norman. CZCW extend the contracts of Andre Jones, Joey Poison, Matt Sparrow and road agent Dylan Sidle. Exodus 2010 extend the contracts of Sozen Ishinomori and JOJI. GCG secure Naonubu Murkani,Sean Deeley, Silver Shark and Julian Watson to new written contracts, whilst Burning Takash!ta continues with his PPA deal. Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deals of Kazuma Narato and Quick Kick Nakao. Burning Takash!ta also keeps his PPA deal going with INSPIRE, who also extend the contrats of Tasuku Iesada, Battle Sakata and road agent Gesshin Nishihara. MAW extend the contract of Edd Stone. MPWF extend the contracts of Electrico, Spanish Superfly, Slayyer and Luchador Original. NOTBPW extend the PPA deal of Joey Poison and secure Robbie McNamara to a new written contract. NYCW extend the contracts of Steve Flash, The Sensational Singh, road agent Black Hat Bailey and referee Michael 'No BS' Bull. OLLIE extend the contracts of road agent Oceano, valet Cuervo and referee Domingo Castillo. PGHW secure Li Bingci and Kazuhige Matsuki to new exclusive written contracts. RIPW secure the PPA deals of Avalanche (Jumbo Jackson), Henry Lee and Stevie Grayson. SOTBPW secure the contracts of Junior Youth, Samuel 'The Cannoball Kid' Pratt, Demon Seed (Duberry Wilkes) and road agent The Gatekeeper. SWF re-sign referee Ryan Holland and manager Adrian Garcia to PPA deals. TCW secure John Anderson, Tyson Baine, Mikey James and legend turned color commentator Sam Keith to new written contracts. UEW extend the contracts of Sergei Kalashnov, Joey Beauchamp and Jamie Anderson. USPW extend the contracts of Ricky DeColt and Wanda Fish. WLW secure Haru Kurofuji, Eguchi The Amazing and Tokoyuni Hardcore to new written contracts. Whilst Dean Daniels and Eisaku Hoshino have their PPA deal extended. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Philip Cooper and Mister King are both deemed surplus to requirements at 21CW, as both fail to get their contract renewed as the London based Sports Entertainment promotion makes some winter budget cuts. Nevada Nuclear leaves behind his commitments with CGC and NYCW as he looks to once again make it in the SWF after signing a developmental deal with RIPW. CZCW also seem to be making some budget cuts over the winter, letting go Justin Senstitive and The American Flash. Wasichi 'Fire Fox' Inao has been let go by GCG. Soul Taker has departed from INSPIRE, deciding instead to concentrate on his commitments with MPWF and GCG. Billy Russell leaves MAW after he fails to come to agreement on a new contract, whilst Dazzling Dave Diamond also leaves. MHW were let again deserted by their main event champion as Genio Verde failed to come to terms on a new contract. This is an on going problem for MHW, as it seems that whenever someone wins the title...they up their contract demands and it appears that their owner Don 'Black Hat' Richards isn't prepared to meet those demands. It was an even crueller blow this time, as Verde was not only the Campeon de Mundo but also one half of the Campeones de Parejas. Daniel Black Francis leaves MOSC, deciding to opt for a return to 21CW instead. Heavy Metal Anarchy is released by MPWF. Philip LaGrenier leaves RIPW, stating that he wishes to concentrate on his commitments in Canada with CGC and 4C. [B]Injuries[/B] PSW mainstay The Wolverine, suffered Knee ligament damage, fortunately (or in many fans views unfortunately) he will only be out for a month. APW's Harry Simonsen suffered a hernia and will be out of action for around two months. [B]Title Changes[/B] Rolling Johnny Stones ended the seven month reign of Leo Price to become a two time United Kingdom Champion in 21CW. Chitose Ariwara and June Butler won the 5SSW Tag Team Titles together for a third time. Raven Nightfall ended the 18 month reign of Wanda Fish to become the AAA Femme Fatale champion for a second time. Boo Smithson regained the APW Australian Title to win the belt for a second time. It took them almost a whole year to do it, but the Soldiers of Fortune are back on top of CGC's Tag Division, with the Fate/Destiny incarnation of the team now holding the title on 4 occasions, only 1 title reign away from matching the original Fate/Chance incarnation of the team. Sozen Ishimori ended the 3 month reign of JOJI to become the new Silver Crown champion in Exodus 2010. Namboku Makuda and Toshiharu Hyobanshi struck back for the home grown talent in GCG to win the Tag Titles for a third time. The MHW Campeon de Mundo and Campeones de Parejas titles have now been left vacant following the departure of Genio Verde. Steve Flash's latest reign with the NYCW Empire Title was finally brought to an end by Honest Frank after 21 months. Flash's previous reign with the title lasted 25 months. Save for American Flash's brief 3 month reign inbetwween Flash has held the title for almost four years uninterrupted. Erik 'Dark Star' Strong ended the near half year long reign of Bart Biggz to win the SWF Shooting Star Championship for a second time. ___________________________________________________________ [B][U]2011 Pro Wresting Hits Awards[/U][/B] [I]Pro Wrestling Hits had their annual awards ceremony, here is a list of this years winners.[/I] [B]Wrestler of the Year: Dan Stone Jr (NOTBPW)[/B] The second straight year an NOTBPW wrestler has won this accolade. Stone Jr may have come up short in regaining the NOTBPW Canadian Title but he was involved in many classic matches throughout the year (8 A* matches in all !) with a variety of opponents with a series of matches with Owen Love being particularly memorable. [B]Young Wrestler of the Year: Matthew Gauge (GCG)[/B] The second straight year Gauge (who works under his adopted ring name of Matthew Keith) has won this award. Already a three time World Champion with GCG, many already feel he will go on to surpass the career of his father, the revered Sam Keith. [B]Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Jeremy Stone[/B] A Stone double in the year end awards, as older brother Jeremy continues to show even at the ripe old age of 45, he is as good as he has ever been and like his brother Dan that he can keep reeling out those classic matches [B]Female Wrestler of the Year: Fuyuko Higa (5SSW)[/B] Unsurprisingly the winner of this award once again came from 5SSW. Higa who is the protege of Thunder Hike is already a two time World Champion and many feel that she will be figure-head to take 5SSW adn Joshi Puroresu in general into a new era. [B]Promotion of the Year: World Level Wrestling[/B] The second straight year WLW have won this award. They were probably run a bit closer this year, due to the continued improvement of TCW and some of the mis-steps they made with their booking over the summer (KOKI Ishibasi Universal champ run) but in the end they probably did enough to hold on to the accolade. [B]Most Improved Promotion of the Year: Total Championship Wrestling[/B] Could have perhap even had a case as promotion of the year. TCW really found their groove in 2011 as rivals SWF were left floundering
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I think tigerkinney meant $20 000 profit, not $200 000. And TK, I've had an epiphany. Da Power and... Da Flash! Lump them together so you can try to get the B momentum on the backs of tag matches. Then if (when) it doesn't work, you can tell Senor Lopez he has to shoulder much of the blame. :D
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I did mean twenty thousand profit of course, a rogue 0 just slipped in at the end. [QUOTE=FlameSnoopy;602950]I know I just had to post that :) Btw. what size MAW or CZCW are?[/QUOTE] I was going to just answer this straight off the bat, but I'm going to be posting a general 'state of the game world' post next, so the answers you are looking for will be in there. [quote=Puglsy34;603121] i've never posted but i've been reading since the begining and this is great and great last show even tho i was puling for Daniels to win the title [/quote] Thanks, glad to know that you are enjoying the diary. :) Daniels may yet win the title one day.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;603149]I did mean twenty thousand profit of course, a rogue 0 just slipped in at the end. I was going to just answer this straight off the bat, but I'm going to be posting a general 'state of the game world' post next, so the answers you are looking for will be in there. [/QUOTE] Rogue 0? Sure. Wishful thinking, perhaps? Seriously, though, looking forward to the "state of the world" update. I love those in diaries. I think just because it shows how diverse different games can be. Plus, it helps if said update is well-written, which I can safety assume yours will be.
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