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Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (Cornellverse)

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Undisputed Championship: [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs Darryl Devine [i]Too soon.[/i] K.C Glenn vs [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] [i]Can't let the kid get too big of a head.[/i] Dean Daniels vs [B]Malilli Umaga[/B] People's Championship: [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs Jared Johnson Tag Team Championship: [B]Mainstream Nation [/B]vs The Sons of Lucha Libre Fox Mask vs Masked Cougar - [B]Draw[/B] People's Contenders: Amazing Fire Fly vs [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Speed Machine Primus & Matt Hocking vs [B]BBS & ADB[/B] Gut-Check 4CS: Big Eazy vs Joe Benning vs Remmy Honeyman vs [B]???[/B] [B]Mr Electtricity[/B] vs Captain Morgan Edit: Congrats on hitting 1,000 posts!
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[quote=Bigpapa42;641300]Let me be the first to congradulate you on hitting the golden mark of 1,000 posts in the thread, TK! May we get a thousand more![/quote] Comment's like that will spur me on to seeing this carry on for another 1000 posts[I].[/I] :)
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[B]Anniversario V[/B] Undisputed Championship: Ultimate Phoenix vs [B]Darryl Devine[/B] [B]K.C Glenn[/B] vs Phoenix Negra [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Malilli Umaga People's Championship: [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs Jared Johnson Tag Team Championship: [B]Mainstream Nation[/B] vs The Sons of Lucha Libre Fox Mask vs [B]Masked Cougar[/B] People's Contenders: Amazing Fire Fly vs Angel De Mexico vs [B]Speed Machine[/B] [B]Primus & Matt Hocking[/B] vs BBS & ADB Gut-Check 4CS: Big Eazy vs Joe Benning vs Remmy Honeyman vs [B]???[/B] [B]Mr Electricity[/B] vs Captain Morgan
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;641356]Comment's like that will spur me on to seeing this carry on for another 1000 posts[I].[/I] :)[/QUOTE] We can hope. There are plenty of diaries on this board that I read and enjoy. When you get right down to it, there are precious few that I would truly miss reading if they ended. This is most definitely one I would miss. The booking, writing, all of that is obviously solid. What has always stood out to me are the match write-ups. So very good. Probably the best on the board in that regard. As detailed as they are, I never get the feeling of "oh, I've read this one before" because you did a really similar match between the two workers before... So basically, keep up the great work, TK.
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[quote=Bigpapa42;641532]We can hope. There are plenty of diaries on this board that I read and enjoy. When you get right down to it, there are precious few that I would truly miss reading if they ended. This is most definitely one I would miss. The booking, writing, all of that is obviously solid. What has always stood out to me are the match write-ups. So very good. Probably the best on the board in that regard. As detailed as they are, I never get the feeling of "oh, I've read this one before" because you did a really similar match between the two workers before... So basically, keep up the great work, TK.[/quote] Thanks BigPapa...I do have to return the compliment and say that your SWF diary is one I would truly miss. As for the match write-ups, I always try to work in wrestlers signature spots but try to find ways to make the spots remain feeling fresh. The better the match-rating the more inspired I am, for the wrestlers to come up with something that feels 'new'. Anyway, first half of the Anniversario show should be up tomorrow and the second half probably Thursday.
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Anniversario V Undisputed Championship: [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs Darryl Devine [B]K.C Glenn[/B] vs Phoenix Negra Dean Daniels vs [B]Malilli Umaga[/B] People's Championship: [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs Jared Johnson Tag Team Championship: [B]Mainstream Nation[/B] vs The Sons of Lucha Libre [B]Fox Mask[/B] vs Masked Cougar People's Contenders: Amazing Fire Fly vs Angel De Mexico vs [B]Speed Machine [/B] Primus & Matt Hocking vs [B]BBS & ADB[/B] Gut-Check 4CS: Big Eazy vs Joe Benning vs Remmy Honeyman vs [B]???[/B] [B]Mr Electricity[/B] vs Captain Morgan
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Undisputed Championship: Ultimate Phoenix vs [B]Darryl Devine[/B] I just see it time that Devine gets his title victory. [B]K.C Glenn[/B] vs Phoenix Negra Devine-Glenn title match seems right to me. [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Malilli Umaga People's Championship: Charles Rainier vs Jared Johnson Double DQ/Count Out/Draw. Stable Wars. Tag Team Championship: [B]Mainstream Nation[/B] vs The Sons of Lucha Libre Fox Mask vs [B]Masked Cougar[/B] People's Contenders: Amazing Fire Fly vs Angel De Mexico vs [B]Speed Machine[/B] [B]Primus & Matt Hocking[/B] vs BBS & ADB Gut-Check 4CS: Big Eazy vs [B]Joe Benning[/B] vs Remmy Honeyman vs ??? [B]Mr Electricity[/B] vs Captain Morgan
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B][U]FCW Anniversario V[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=sienna](Part One: Matches 1-5)[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Tuesday 18th September 2012[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, San Juan, Puerto Rico [/CENTER] [CENTER]Attendance: 2000 (Sell out !)[/CENTER] [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B][SIZE=2] & [/SIZE][/B][I][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/U][/I] [U][B]Pre-Show[/B][/U] [I]Lisa Bowen is backstage with fellow Devine Right member Jared Johnson and it appears they have something to say regarding Johnson's People's Title match with Charles Rainier[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Jared Johnson:[/B] Rainier you managed to luck out against BBS and ADB, but your luck will run out against me, I'm bringing that title home to where it belongs with Devine Right.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Lisa Bowen:[/B] Do you think Mr Rainier you can compete with the Technical prowess of Double J, do you really think Mr Rainier that once Double J gets you in the Carolina Crossface that you wont be tapping out or more likely knowing how foolish you are passing out.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Jared Johnson:[/B] Rainier I'm a future legend in the making, I've trained with the very best and it's time I realised my potential. You're just some self righteous punk with no pedigree and it's time you made way [/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [B]Match: Mr Electricity w/ Bradford Peverall vs Captain Morgan[/B] Peverall is out to support his tag partner Mr Electricity. This one was played for laughs with Mr Electricity and Morgan engaging in a disco dance off, which helped to hide the fact that Morgan is still rustier than a bag of nails. The Captain desperate for a win though tried to take advantage of Electricity having his guard-down and low blowed the flamboyant disco dancer, leading to quick roll up. Unfortunately for Morgan that wasn't enough for him to pick up the upset win and all it did was fire up Electricity, who fired back and then put Morgan away with his 'Lightnin' Rod' Falcon Arrow. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mr. Electricity defeated Captain Morgan in 5:32 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]Bradford Peverall then join Mr Electricity in the ring for a celebratory dance before picking up a micropjone.[/I] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] You know what we suffered a set back last month, but we ain't going to let us worry us, because win or lose everday is party.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Mr Electricity[/B]: You got that right Bradford...but come on we're Dance2Win not dance to lose. [/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall[/B]: That we may be, but we ain't going to become a bunch of cry-babies if someone betters up, we'll just brush ourselves off and live to Dance another day....[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Together:[/B] Because Dance2Win are Here to Stay ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]Sara Silver is standing by backstage with the Lucha Equity Alliance to cut an interview with the masked trio.[/I] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Thus far since aligning together, you have had lets say mixed fortunes.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] You could say that, but in the end we will triumph over adversity. Tonight The Sons of Lucha Libre; El Mitico, Capitao Brasil shall realise their god given potential and claim the gold they strive for.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] I do have to say they do face a rather strong test in Mainstream Nation, featuring Soul Krusher and Mainstream.....[/COLOR] [I]All of a sudden Sara Silver has a bit of a breakdown as the very thought of mentioning the name of her ex-boyfriend obviously has her coming over all emotional[/I] [COLOR=darkslategray]Oh I can't, I can't , I can't do this......[/COLOR] [I]Sara Silver then wanders off, leaving the LEA looking a little confused at what just happened.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show begins with Darryl Devine standing in the ring, with the Rey De Reyes trophy...there for support are the rest of Devine Right. Devine has something to say, not that the fans particularly want to hear it.....[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine[/B]: Last night I made history....I helped laid out an icon of this promotion......[/COLOR] [I]Nicky R!ot has a grin across his face as Devine says that, whilst the crowd boo even though the 'icon' they laid out was a man they once booed and jeered as much as Devine. Unfazed Devine carry's[/I] on. [COLOR=darkred]But more importingly I became the first man in FCW history to retain this trophy that stands before me. No one else has been able to match that sort of greatness, because everyone else you see is just good, even the man who holds the twin belts is just good....I'm Devine ![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Ultimate Phoenix you keep saying that you are the Ultimate Test but tonight you will face your Ultimate Test. Me....one on one, no one else to get in the way...me and you finally one on one for those twin belts of yours and when it's all over, I'll be making history once again.[/COLOR] [I]Devine's confident bragging brings Ultimate Phoenix out on to the entrance ramp.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B]: Well done on winning the Rey De Reyes two years in a row, it's quite an achievement.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] Don't patronize me masked man....I know how big an achievement it is, something you failed to do....[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B]: I do not patronize you Devine, unlike you I am gratious enough to recognise the achievements of others.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] Think you'll find Phoenix that the boys in the ring here find me very gratious.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] That may be the case, but only they have decided to drink your Kool-Aid.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] Drink my Kool-Aid ? The only one's drinking the Kool-Aid is these moronic fans, and that Kool-Aid is YOU. Worshippinig you like you're the next coming of the Messiah, just as they did Power and when I beat you for that title watch the fickle thousands turn on you, because once their heroes are fallen they'll treat you like a piece of garbage. [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] I hint jealousy Devine.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] What could I the Devine one possibly be jealous of ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] Deep down you are jealous of the fact that the fine people who attend these shows, cheer me and not you. Deep down you want the adulation, in fact you want to be the only one who is adored, your arrogance is a defence mechanism.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] Thanks Dr Phil.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] In time you will realise that arrogance does not pay, that time may very well be tonight.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] The only thing happening tonight Phoenix, is the fact that i'll be taking those Twin Belts from around your waist.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] I cannot deny that may be the case, but in doing so you will have to be at your very best to beat me.......Devine this will be your Ultimate Test.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] No Phoenix it will be your Ultimate Fail ![/COLOR] [I]The two then stare-each other down......Devine making a belt motion towards Phoenix, as the masked man fixes his glare upon Devine. They don't come to blows, but the importance of tonights' main event has certainly been put other to the fans.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]______________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Fox Mask vs Masked Cougar[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Given the fact that they knew each other so well from working with each other as partners and as opponents in this battles against one another in CZCW (though that's not really acknowledged in FCW) this one began rather tentavily with the Animal Magic pair feeling one another out. Eventually they started to quicken the pace and engaged in some chain wrestling that led to several attempts at quick pin-falls from either man, resulting in several stand-offs. All very nice and civilized so far, but both of them wanted to prove they were the better man and soon the competitive spirit had them putting more force behind their strikes. Fox Mask looked to have taken control with a jumping back heel kick to Cougars mid-section to set up an attempt at the Fox Flip Off DDT but Cougar manageds to block and countered into an inverted atomic drop, before taking Fox Mask over with Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex for a two count. Cougar then waited for Fox to get up and lined up for the Cougar Pounce but Fox managed to move out of the way stun Cougar win an Enziguri and then drill Cougar into the mat with a swinging DDT. Cougar managed to kick out of that ...but remained rooted to the mat and Fox Mask lined up for the Fox Hunter....but Cougar saw it coming, moving out of the way and then sweeping Fox's legs out from underneath.....Cougar then lifted Fox Mask up for the I Am Cougar Hear Me Roar....but Fox managed to counter into victory roll. Fox Mask managed to perfectly pin Cougar's shoulders to the mat to just about edge the match up between the two Animal Magic Tag partners. Whilst this was a solid match, I was hoping for a little better between these two. Perhaps the lack of a face/heel dynamic, met that the match lacked the edge/spark it needed to take it to that next level. For now given the way this match turned out, we probably won't be pursuing an actual series for the forseeable future. So expect AM to return to their Tag Division duties. [B][COLOR=red]Resut: Fox Mask defeated Masked Cougar in 10:33 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Masked Cougar looks frustrated with his loss, and looks as though he is about to walk out of the ring without acknowledging Fox Mask, but in the end he thinks better of it and congratulates Fox Mask on being the better man. The two masked men, then embrace and celebrate together. Given how average the match was, the angle got a luke warm reception from the fans[/I] [B]Rating: E[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2 : Matt Hocking & Primus vs [/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Arthur Dexter Bradley w/Lisa Bowen[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHocking.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllenF5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandon_alt4.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ADBFin.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This one followed the usual Formula for Tag matches, faces start off hot...heels use questionable tactics to turn the tide in their favour, the smaller face plays Spencer Marks....but the crowd were into this one, as Hocking did a good job of getting the crowd to sympathize for his plight and anticipate the hot-tag into Primus. After several false starts Hocking did manage to get the tag into the explosive big man, leading to Primus sending ADB out of the ring with a clothesline. Primus then went toe to toe with BBS, with his freshness giving him the edge to avoid the Back Drop Driver from the FREEDOM-5 enforcer and counter with a belly to back suplex.....Primus then waited for BBS to get up before knocking the Bulldozer half way across the ring with the Rrruuuusssshhh !! (High Speed Shoulder Tackle) unfortunately for him ultra clumsy ref Brett Graveson managed stumble into BBS path..... Queue Nicky R!ot and Jared Johnson hitting the ring....but Primus was able to fend them off but ADB then re-entered the ring armed with the Green Box....Primus however saw ADB coming, ducked out of the way, and it was BBS who was cracked over the head with the item instead..... Primus then scooped up ADB, planting the former partner of Hocking into the mat with the Power Plant.......before turning the match over to Matt Hocking. ADB managed to scramble out of the ring...leaving a groggy BBS at the mercy of Hocking, who drilled the Devine-Right enforcer with a kick to the side of the head...to set up the Shock Drop (Inverted Tornado DDT) to pick up what could be considered a mild upset victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Primus and Matt Hocking defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Arthur Dexter Bradley in 7:49 when Matt Hocking defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: People's Championship: [/B] [B]Charles Rainier vs Jared Johnson w/ Lisa Bowen[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesRainierF5.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JaredJohnson_nachalt1.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/[B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Double J gets in my face and talks trash before the bell rings, before pie-facing me, all that does is piss me off and come back with a flurry of strikes, leading to Johnson running out of the ring like a big baby. Here we get an attempt at 'comedy', as Johnson gets some consolation from Lisa Bowen by burying his head in...well you can guess where. I patiently wait for Johnson to come back in and this time we lock up. The Carolina youngster seems happy about this, given his technical training but I manage to outmanouvre him throughout the exchange of counter-holds and after almost rolling him up with a crucifix pin, Johnson goes out for another powder. Once again I don't bite, but wrestlings dumbest ref (ain't they all) Brett Graveson gets distracted by the protestations of Lisa Bowen, that allows Double J to clip me from behind and thus turn the momentum of the match in his favour. With Double J in control, he actually smartly works over my neck to soften me up for the Carolina Cross-Face, including dumping me with a Dragon Suplex that gets him a two count. However when he does go for his signature submission...I feel it coming turning over onto my stomach and then monkey flipping the Devine Right man into the corner. I then take Johnson off his feet with a Dragon screw leg-whip before turning Johnson over into a submission of my own , the Boston Crab but Johnson was able to reach the ropes. Double J desperate to get the belt back to Devine Right by any means necessary regained the advantage with a thumb to the eyes, before taking me over with a Fisherman's Suplex for another two count. Johnson then tried to turn me over for the Tar Heel Stomp but I managed to fend him off and take him by surprise with quick roll-up...... Double J managed to kick out and roll through into a pin attempt of his own, but I rolled through again managed to get control with a front-facelock and drill the Devine Right man into the mat with a Brainbuster. With Johnson planted firmly to the mat, I headed up top before launching myself off the turnbuckle to land a beautiful moonsault. Johnson was unable to kick out and despite Bowen's best efforts to distract Graveson, this time the referee wasn't going to fall for her tricks and he was able to make the three count that confirmed I had made another succesful defence of the People's championship. It's not quite the heady days of when this belt was round the waists of Dean Daniels or Darryl Devine (who would almost steal the show with their title defences) but this was another solid defence of the title and I feel that I'm putting together a nice run with the belt. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Charles Rainier defeated Jared Johnson in 11:11 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: People's Contenders 3-Way:[/B] [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs Angel De Mexico vs Speed Machine[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmazingFireFly.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG][COLOR=white]_________ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-SubZeroFIN.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/CENTER] The action as expected in this one was fast and furious, with some neat spots throughout the match such as FireFly scoring with the Inferno DDT on Speed Machine only for Angel De Mexico to snap off a spinning head-scissors that he transitioned into the Mexican Death Arm-Bar. Infact everyone managed to get their signature submissions locked on at some point in the match, only for the extra man to break things up at the last moment. The finishing sequence saw FireFly take down Mexico and Speed Machine with a head-scissors/DDT combo that put him firmly in control of the match, with Speed still in the ring Fire Fly headed up top and went for the Sky High Fire Fly but Speed got the knees up and then turned Fire-Fly over into the ankle-lock....but Angel sprang back into the ring breaking up the submission with a springboard drop-kick that not only caused Speed to break the hold but also sent him stumbling out of the ring.....Mexico then waited for a weary Fire Fly to get up before planting the speedy youngster with the Acalpulco Twist (Corscrew Neckbreaker) to pick up the victory and a shot at the People's Championship. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ángel De México defeated Amazing Fire Fly and Speed Machine in 10:52 when Ángel De México defeated Amazing Fire Fly by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: K.C Glenn vs Phoenix Negra[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KCGlennF5.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] There's a good reason why we put this match on in the middle of the card slot, which I'll come to at the end of the match...... The match began somewhat tenatively, engaging in some low key chain wrestling with neither really gaining much of an advantage........a roll up exchange the lead to them becoming entangled in the ropes, which lead to Negra getting in a cheap shot with a kick to Glenn's mid-section....that only seemed to fire the Louisiana born youngster up though, as he fired back with a rapid flurry of fore-arms that drove Negra all the way into the corner, before Glenn backed off and then came charging in with a leaping fore-arm. Negra staggered out and into a Twisting Neckbreaker from Glenn for a two count. Glenn feeling the momentum in his favour, then headed up top as Negra remained rooted to the mat but in all honestly he got over-excited and Negra stumbled back to his feet and rather conveniently into the ring ropes causing Glenn to become crotched on the top turnbuckle. Negra then tried to bring Glenn back in with a hurrucanrana only for Glenn to block. Glenn then came flying off the turnbuckle but Negra was a step ahead again, as met the FREEDOM-5 man with a leaping roundhouse kick that knocked Glenn right out of mid-air. Glenn staggered back to his feet but was met with a boot to the mid-section, which left him open to the Brainbuster......... One...... Two...... Glenn managed to kick out but Negra immediately applied the Last Chancery submission. Fortunately for Glenn, ring positioning was in his favour though and he managed to make it over to the ropes. Negra remained in control on the rope-break and set up for another Brainbuster, but this time Glenn was able to block, hook Negra's leg and counter with a Fisherman's suplex..... The cover from Glenn was weak however enabling Negra to easily kick out. Both staggered back to their feet at around the same time, and proceeded to exchange strikes, Glenn then sent Negra into the ropes , only for the former Undisputed Champion to launch off them and go for the springboard roundhouse but Glenn was able to duck under and then sweep the legs out from underneath Negra...Negra then stumbled back to his feet only for Glenn to snap off a head-scissors take-down that sent Negra tumbling out of the ring...... Glenn then picked himself up off the mat and then came crashing down upon the disorientated Negra with a springboard flying fore-arm...... that sent both men tumbling into the front-row. Glenn had just taken a huge risk in trying to wipe out Negra, a risk that probably saw him do some damage to himself as Graveson started a twenty count. ....... Glenn managed to beat the count at 15, but Negra still remained in the crowd at this point... but Negra did manage to make it back into the ring and Glenn immediately went for the cover...... One....... Two...... Negra was playing 'possum' as not only did he kick out he also got Glenn trapped in the Last Chancery.....but Glenn was able to work his way out of the move...Negra then tried to gain the advantage with a kick to the mid-section but Glenn caught the foot and then took Negra off his feet with a Dragon screw.....Negra then staggered back to his feet, only to be nailed with a leaping Enziguri from Glenn...who then planted the dazed Negra into the mat with the LOUISIANA SPIRAL (Leg Hook Reverse STO) One...... Two...... Thr...... Negra manages to kick out. Glenn then paces around for a bit, before deciding to lift Negra back up to a vertical base and try for second successive Lousian Spiral but Negra manages to block and then sneak in a knee shot to Glenn's groinal area, causing the FREEDOM-5 man to double over...that sets things up for the Certain Death but Glenn counters with a desperation back body drop, knowing that if Negra was able to pull off that move, then there would be no way back. Negra leaps back up to his feet, but Glenn fends him with off with a back elbow that sends Negra into the ropes....Negra rebounds back but Glenn catches with another elbow shot......that sets things up nicely for Glenn to almost take Negra's head off with the TUNE UP THE SUNSHINE BAND (Rope Rebound Yazuza Kick) ...... One....... Two....... Thr...... Negra somehow manages to kick out of another one of Glenn's signature moves and the young man from New Orleans is wonderign what he has to do to put the masked man away..... Glenn drags Glenn over to the corner and heads up top...... 450 SPLASH !! But Negra gets the knees up, winding Glenn in the process. Glenn is back to his feet first but Negra clips him from behind with a chop-block.....and as Glenn tries to get back to his feet again, he is met with a punt to the head.....that then sets up the Brainbuster and this time Negra heads up for the top-rope....... PHOENIX FIREBIRD SPLASH........ One....... Two.......... Three !!! As expected these two put on a good contest against one another, in what will regrettably be K.C Glenn's last match for FCW. Quite simply Glenn, grew too big, too fast for us as he gained Worldwide exposure through his tours with WLW. Frustratingly the whole angle with him being the 'difference maker' for the FREEDOM-5 stable became a bit of a waste of time in the end, and knowing what I know now, a few months back...I would have got behind someone else in that role. But I'm not going to be too bitter about how things ended with Glenn and in his all too brief run in FCW, it was a pleasure to work with such a gifted in-ring talent. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Phoenix Negra defeated KC Glenn in 21:32 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]After picking himself up off the mat, K.C Glenn grabs a microphone......In his thick southern accent he thanks the fans and puts over the rest of the talent in the FCW locker-room, most of which come out on to the entrance ramp to see him off...in what was in all honestly a kayfabe breaking segment (only Devine Right are noticeable by their abscence, as we try to keep a small part of the illusion alive) . Even though we are a Traditional fed and try to keep 'kayfabe' alive as much as possible, we also know our fans aren't idiots and we thought it was right to give Glenn, who had worked hard and gave the fans a lot of good matches during his all too brief time in FCW a proper send off.[/I] [I]As Glenn says his goodbyes to FCW, he does say that it is goodbye for now but don't rule out seeing him back in an FCW ring in the future...but for now he must pursue his dream of making it in Japan. The fans then give Glenn generous applause as he heads up the entrance ramp one last time, whilst fellow FCW wrestlers shake his hand, the FREEDOM-5 guys even going so far as giving him hugs[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B][U]FCW Anniversario V[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=sienna](Part Two: Matches 6-9)[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Gut-Check 4CS: [/B] [B]Amo Del Gato vs Big Eazy w/ Carl Batch vs [/B] [B]Joe Benning vs [/B][B]Remmy Honeyman[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmoDelGato.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EddieHowardWOVFIN.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RegularJoe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RemmyHoneyman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/B] Well the returnee turned for this match turned out to be Amo De Gato, who came out to a relatively indifferent pop from the fans in the arena. Well he was who the fans on the FCW forums decided to vote in, though I will admit he was a slight shock choice. The match itself was run of the mill 4CS fare with many of the fans in the arena deciding it was a good time to get some Rice and Beans/Buy Merchandise, in all honestly it probably belonged on the pre-show. The significant thing of course was the finishing sequence that would ultimately decide the fates of two men in FCW. Big Eazy looked to have earned the win by turning Remmy Honeyman inside out with the Powerline, but before he could make the cover Joe Benning came off the top-rope and took Eazy off his feet with a missile drop-kick, Benning then waited for Eazy to stagger to his feet and then mustering up all his strength took Eazy over with the Fisherman's Suplex. It looked as though Benning was about to score a major upset win and send the former Eddie Howard packing out of FCW....but Amo Del Gato desperate to secure a full contract with FCW, broke up the pin before planting Benning into the mat with the Ninth Life (Corkscrew Flipping Neckbreaker) to pick up the win and to condemn Benning to the unemployment line. As Gato celebrated, Joe Benning cut a forlorn figure in the middle of the ring....Benning had been with FCW since it's inception, he may have had the worst win-loss record in FCW history but he was part of the furniture and now it appears he was gone. I was genuinely surprised that Amo De Gato won the vote, as I felt there were other options in there with more obvious storyline potential but seeing as he has been voted in, I'll try to do a bit more with him than in his first run where he was basically the fall guy for the first incarnation of the Messiah's Circus stable. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Amo Del Gato defeated Remmy Honeyman, Joe Benning and Big Eazy in 8:04 when Amo Del Gato defeated Joe Benning by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]A video is shown hyping the Tag Team Title match between Mainstream Nation and the Sons of Lucha Libre.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Tag Team Championship: [/B] [B]Mainstream Nation (Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher) vs [/B] [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre (El Mitico Jr & Capitao Brasil Jr)[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandezEmo1.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyJackSheareralt1.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CapitaoBrasil.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElMtico.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The champions tried to sneak attack the Sons of Lucha Libre by coming through the crowd but the masked duo were ready for that, with Mitico launching himself on to Krusher with a slinghshot cross body and Capitao wiping out the Mainstreamer with a tope con hilo. That gave the challengers an early advantage, who soon had Hernandez isolated in their corner but just as it looked like the Sons were getting into a groove...Krusher pulled Mitico down off the apron before slamming the second generation luchadore against the ring-steps, that drew the attention of Brett Graveson who issued a warning to Krusher and allowed Hernandez to sneak in a low blow on Capitao to turn the match a full 180 in the favour of the champions. As is par for the course Capitato then played Spencer Marks, as the Mainstream Nation duo looked to methodically wear down the 'Brazilian', often using illegal tactics such as choking Capiao with a chain.... somehow they always managed to keep such tactics out of view of Graveson, which drew the ire of Mitico and whose protestations probably only made the situation for his partner worse. Looking to put the match away Krusher then placed Capitao on his shoulders in the Electric Chair position, in readiness for the champions to deliver the Death to the Mainstream but Capitao managed took Krusher by surprise with a victory Roll.... Capitao then nailed Krusher with a basement drop-kick, before picking himself up off the mat to deliver a brilliant defensive standing drop-kick that knocked Hernandez out of mid-air before slumping to the mat out of sheer exhaustion...... Just as it looked like Krusher was about to prevent Capitao from making the long awaited hot tag to El Mitico, he was able to get the tag into his partner. Mitico climbed to the top turnbuckle and knocked Krusher down with a flying shoulder block. Mitico then turned his attention to Hernandez, taking the Mainstream Nation mastermind down with a clothesline and then scooping the Mainstreamer up for the Mitico Driver but Krusher was back up to club Mitico from behind, before planting the masked man into the mat with a sidewalk slam.Hernandez then headed up top onyl for Capitao Brasil to come across the apron and send the Mainstreamer crashing into the ring with a springboard bulldog. Mitco then picked himself back up off the canvas, ducked under a clothesline from Krusher and then delivered a basement drop kick that unbalanced the big man, that sent Krusher tumbling into a Leaping DDT from Capitao who then neutralized Krusher with the A Prayer For Mercy (Inverted Figure Four Leg Lock). Mitico then turned his attention back to Hernandez but just as he was about to delvier the Mitico Driver.....a masked figure in leather trenchcoat got up on the apron, armed with a barbed wire kendo stick... [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EvilSpirit.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The mystery mans prescence drew the attention of Brett Graveson and the distraction was enough for Hernandez to slip out of the Mitico Drive attempt and catch the silver masked luchador with a low blow....before planting Mitico into the mat with the Pontiac to Home....... Capitao then realised that his partner was in trouble and let go of his submisison on Soul Krusher, but it was too late, Graveson had already slapped his hand to the canvas three times ensuring that the Mainstream Nation had made a succesful defence of their Tag Titles. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mainstream Nation defeated The Sons of Lucha Libre in 9:41 when Mainstream Hernandez defeated El Mítico Jr by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Mainstream Nation retain the FCW Tag Team titles.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Mainstream Hernandez then picks up a microphone, noticeable is the prescence of the mysterious masked man who has now joined Hernandez and Krusher in the ring.....[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B]: Nothing can stop the Mainstream Nation we are growing, we are expanding...we are everywhere......we will not be stopped. Spirit is only one lost soul, for he is not Evil, the society that shuns him deems him to be Evil...he is with family now and that family will grow stronger. We have saved, many more will come...many more will believe ! [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Hernandez then drops the mic after his cryptic rant, with Soul Krusher, 'Spirit' and of course the Tag Titles in Tow to a chorus of jeers and boos from the fans...[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]______________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: Malilli Umaga vs Dean Daniels[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AkimaBrave.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDanielsF5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The match started slowly as they circled one another before locking up, that lead to them taking things to the mat where Daniels was constantly a step ahead, which lead to Umaga becoming frustrated and eventually going out for a powder....... Daniels waited patiently for Umaga to get back in the ring, and when the ex SWF man did decide to get back in he was subjected to more of the same as the FREEDOM_5 leader kept him grounded with a variety of holds that almost lead to a couple of near-falls when Daniels had Umaga's shoulders pinned to the mat. Frustrated that he was unable to get a foot hold in the match Umaga rolled out of the ring and then began to head up the entrance ramp. Daniels however had not built his reputation in FCW on winning cheaply (even when he was a ruthless heel, he would win by beating his opponent) and Daniels gave chase...predictably though this was of course a trap, as Umaga lured Daniels out of the ring and then was able to sneak in a cheap shot to the FREEDOM-5 leaders lower regions out on the entrance ramps, before picking up a chair and smashing it over Daniels back. Umaga then drove Daniels back-first into the hard-frame of the ring apron, before breaking up Graveson's Twenty count and following up with a snap suplex on the hard floor to do further damage to Daniels back........ Umaga then stepped back into the ring, a grin of satisfaction etched across his face as Graveson started the Twenty Count on Daniels..... Daniels managed to suck it up and clambored back into the ring but Umaga was on him right away and put the boots in, before lifting Daniels up and planting him across his knees with a Uranage Backbreaker......... Daniels kicked out of the subsequent pin attempt but Umaga remained in control and continued to stomp away on Daniels, before making a somewhat arrogant and lax cover than Daniels easily kicked out of....but the FREEDOM-5 leader remained rooted to the mat and Umaga taunted Daniels to get back to his feet, before booting Daniels back down to the mat and going for another quick cover...... Daniels once again kicked out but Umagha looked to be in total control, and after lifting Daniels back to his feet , appeared to be setting up for the Samoan Suplex but Daniels was playing possum, suddenly coming back with a fore-arm smash that stunned Umaga and then tossing the Samoan into the corner with a release Belly to Belly Suplex.... That took a bit out of Daniels though who slumped to his knees to catch some air...... Both staggered to their feet and then caught each other with simultaneous fore-arm smashes, they then continued to lay into each other, until Umaga went to the eyes and then scooped Daniels up onto his shoulders, but Daniels managed to slip off and then dump Umaga on his head with a German Suplex......... One........ Two....... Umaga kicked out but Daniels lifted Umaga up to vertical base, trapped the arms and then began to unleash the lethal flurry of knee strikes that had put so many opponents in FCW away...thankfully for Umaga ring positioning was kind to him and he was able to shuffle across to the ring ropes and force the rope break. Umaga then playing the cowardly heel got Graveson to make sure that Daniels backed off and allow him to catch a breather.....and when Daniels was allowed to come in Umaga got in a cheap shot...with a thumb to the eye. With Daniels temporarily blinded, Umaga scooped Daniels up onto his shoulder and drove Daniels down onto the canvas with the Samoan Drop...... Umaga then headed up top, playing to the crowd as if he had the match won but Daniels sprung back to his feet, raced up the turnbuckles and sent Umaga crashing into the ring with a superplex.......However with the damage that was done to his back earlier in the match the desperation move also took quite a bit out of Daniels and he was unable to follow up with an immediate cover..... When they got back to their feet though Daniels retained the momentum catching Umaga with a roaring elbow. The FREEDOM-5 leader then reeled in the former SWF man and then drilled Umaga into the canvas with the RAISE THE STAKES (Cradle Piledriver)..... One........ Two......... Three Daniels had just picked up a big win to strengthen his own claims as a contender for the Undisputed Championship, whilst Umaga must be wondering where it all went wrong after two straight losses. These two put on a competent match against one another, but it was a little disappointing and if I'm being honest, was hoping for better. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Dean Daniels defeated Malili Umaga in 16:02 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [I]Daniels is celebrating his victory when all of a sudden a monsterous Pacific Islander, who must be about 6 Ft 10 and around 375 Ibs appears behind the FREEDOM-5 leader......[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Java.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]It's former USPW star Java....the Indonesian wild man delivers a series of clubbing blows to Daniels before...lifting slamming Daniels down to the mat with his 'Greeting from the Islands' Two Handed Choke-Bomb.[/I] [I]A self satisified grin can be seen etched across the face of the defeated Malilli Umaga , who is sitting up right in the corner as Jave stands over the fallen body of Dean Daniels, suggesting that Umaga may well have something to do with Java's arrival in FCW. [/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] This segement went over really well with the fans in attendance and Java came across like a wild unstoppable monster.[/FONT] [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]A video is shown to hype the Undisputed Title match between Ultimate Phoenix and Darryl Devine. It shows previous battles involving the two participants, some of Phoenix' latest title defences and Darryl Devine's triumph in this years Rey De Reyes.[/I] [CENTER][B]Match #9: Undisputed Championship: [/B] [B]Ultimate Phoenix vs Darryl Devine[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DarrylDevine_nfalt3.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] On instructions of the FCW Championship comittee Brett Gravesons sent Lisa Bowen and anyone else from his Devine Right entourage to the back..... After the pomp and ceremony of the ring introductions that saw the fans show their undying support for Phoenix and an equal amount of vitriol for Darryl Devine, both champion and challenger just stared each other down as the bell rang. As the tension mounted, they drew nearer to each other and then unloaded on one another. Neither of them backed down and the brawl soon spilt out to the floor.....Phoenix began to take control with a kick combination but Devine covienently stumbled near a chair and then using the foreign object drove the edge of the chair into the mid-section of Phoenix before planting the champion onto the floor with a forward leg-sweep. Devine keen to do more damage to the popular masked man out of the floor, broke up Graveson's floor count before stomping away on Phoenix and then whipping the champion into the guard-rail...Devine keen to not only do damage but also humiliate his opponent placed Phoenix in chair and then delivered a face wash before backing off and then charging in with a running kick but Phoenix was playing possum and moved out of the way, causing Devine to get caught up in the guard-rail...Phoenix then stunned Devine with a spin kick to the back of the head, causing Devine to tumble into the crowd........Phoenix then hopped up onto the apron before springboarding off the top-rope and into the crowd, wiping out Devine in the process with a spectacular Arabian Press. Phoenix managed to scramble back into the ring first, with Devine then just about managing to beat Gravesons twenty count... Phoenix kept the pressure on with a kick combination...before dropping down to make a cover...... One..... Two...... Devine kicked out, and then tugged at the mask of the champion drawing a warning from Graveson but his tactics, allowed Devine to take a breather and when Phoenix stepped forward again to keep the pressure on, Devine was able to sneak in a cheap shot, before catching the champion with the Pat Deacon Knee Lift....Devine then looked for the Devine Dream Drop but Phoenix was savvy to that and managed to block the attempt, so Devine lifted Phoenix back up to a vertical base delivered another Pat Deacon Knee Lift and then took Phoenix over with the Devineplex (Northern Lights Suplex) One..... Two........ Thr....... Phoenix kicked out but remained rooted to the mat and Devine was now in control of the match. Feeling he was in total comand, the Devine Right leader strutted round the ring to, as the fans let their feelings known, before stomping away on Phoenix (many of his blows specifically targetting the neck) and taunting the popular champion to get up.....as expected with Phoenix never say die attitude he did come back with a flurry of strikes but they had little oomph behind them and Devine was able to cut the flurry short with another Pat Deacon Knee Lift..... The two time Rey De Reyes champion then spun Phoenix round and applied his sleeper variation the Devine Dreams...... Already worn down Phoenix began to fade... Graveson went to check on Phoenix ..... No response from the champion........ Another look from FCW's resident man in the zebra stripes..... Still no signs of life from Phoenix...... One more look from Graveson........... The champion is about to give up possession of the twin belts just yet and begins to fight his way out of the hold....eventually Phoenix manages to drag Devine over to the ropes as he tries to struggle free, forcing a rope break. Graveson warns Devine to back off but the Devine Right leader just blatantly ignores Graveson to attack Phoenix before he was even made it off the ropes..... That draws a warning from Graveson, but Devine just arrogantly brushes it off telling the referee that he has until five. A forward Russian Leg-sweep from Devine then plants Phoenix face first into the mat and the Devine Right leader decides to head for the top rope.....but Phoenix was in fact playing possum and as Devine was about to launch himself off onto Phoenix with the DFA Flying Elbow Drop....Phoenix sprang back up to this feet and then sent Devine crashing back into the ring with a hurrucanrana...... Phoenix was too worn down though to immediately follow up and Graveson began a double count....... Devine staggered up to his feet first, and knowing that the had to defeat Phoenix by a decisive fall lifted Phoenix back up, but the champion caught Devine by suprise with a quick roll up....... One...... Two...... Devine kicked out of that, before both rose back to their feet and exchanged strikes.....Devine seemed to take control with a fore-arm smash and set up for a Devineplex only for Phoenix to slip out and then nail Devine with a spin-kick......Phoenix then delivered a kick to the mid-section doubling Devine over to set things up for the Flaming Driver but the Devine Right leader managed to block that and took Phoenix over with a back-body drop but Phoenix landed on his feet and as Devine turned around he was nailed with a roundhouse kick and then dumped on his head with an Elemental Suplex....... One...... Two....... Thr....... Devine managed to get a shoulder up at the last split second. Phoenix then lifted Devine back up and looked to finish the match with the Flaming Driver once again but Devine managed to block again and then caught Phoenix with a clubbing blow before setting up for the Devine Dream Drop, this time time Phoenix blocked before Devine sent Phoenix into the ring-ropes......Phoenix used the momentum to spring off and try to nail Devine with the springboard roundhouse but this time Devine saw it coming ducked under and then caught Phoenix on the rebound with his 'Devine Intervention' springboard back elbow....... Phoenix then staggered back to his feet and was met with a boot to the mid-section......DEVINE DREAM DROP......... One....... Two........ Thr......... Phoenix kicked out, much to the disbelief of the arrogant champion.....determined to put Phoenix away though Devine dragged Phoenix up to the top-rope , as he looked to finish off the masked man with the Devine Nightmare Drop.... But Phoenix managed to block the attempt and then reverse into a front facelock, it looked as though the masked man was about to send Devine crashing into the ring with a superplex only for Devine to shove him off but Phoenix sprung right back up to his feet and then nailed Devine who was still perched on the top turnbuckle with a springboard Enziguri........ Devine then tumbled back into the ring, before Phoenix who went out onto the apron launched himself back into the ring to spike Devine into the mat with a Tornado DDT. Feeling the momentum quickly swing in his favour Phoenix headed up top, but as he was about to deliver the Phoenix Firebird Splash he spotted an interested observer on the entrance ramp.....his nemesis Phoenix Negra........ Despite the prescence of Negra Phoenix launched himself of the top-rope but the split second delay to prove costly.....as Devine was able to get the knees up....and as Phoenix staggered to his feet Devine caught the champion with a Pat Deacon Knee Lift, double underhooked the arms and delivered his second DEVINE DREAM DROP of the match...... One...... Two........ Was Phoenix going to kick out again and save his reign with the twin belts...... Not this time, Three !!! Darryl Devine had become the new Undisputed Champion much to the disdain of the fans...... Not quite up there with the very best matches in FCW history, this was however still an excellent main event and though Devine was a credible challenger with plenty of momentum behind him after the Rey De Reyes victory....much of the crowd were left in a state of shock over his victory. [COLOR=red][B]Result: Darryl Devine defeated Ultimate Phoenix in 22:45 by pinfall. [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B][COLOR=purple]Darryl Devine wins the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [I]Devine is celebrating in the ring, as the fans boo and jeer the fact that he is the man now in possession of the twin belts, when Phoenix Negra steps into the ring and levels the Devine Right leader with a steel chair....Negra then drills Devine into the canvas with the Certain Death (Vertbreaker) an action that actually sees him get many cheers from the fans despite Negra being a heel and such actions not exactly being particularly honourable. [/I] [I]The show then ends with Negra standing over the fallen body of Devine, holding the twin belts.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]____________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Frustratingly we can only get another C+, probably should have gone with Negra-Glenn in the semi main spot but I was hoping that Daniels-Umaga would be a little stronger. Despite the disappointment of not getting a higher grade, like Rey De Reyes the show was good enough to ensure that Anniversario rose in importance.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;643676]Darn... I'll miss KC. Hope you can get him back. Where's he working in Japan?[/QUOTE] Well KC was already working in Japan on a touring basis with both WLW and PGHW...he was getting over and with WLW's International exposure it's what caused him to become too big for us to re-sign (He's B+ across the board in Japan, C+ across the board in the U.S) . The whole making it in Japan thing, was just his way of softening the blow of his loss to the fans. Anyway answering that question, worked as a nice bump to say that the second half of the show is now up....
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Sucks that you lost Glenn but that's the biz baby. About Amo Del Gato, I voted for him because of his black and white mask simple as that. Plus, I figured he could join up with Angel Del Mexico's stable in the vast stable wars you have going on.
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[QUOTE=critical-23;644281]Sucks that you lost Glenn but that's the biz baby. [b]About Amo Del Gato, I voted for him because of his black and white mask simple as that[/b]. Plus, I figured he could join up with Angel Del Mexico's stable in the vast stable wars you have going on.[/QUOTE] Snap! Me too :P
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[CENTER][B][U]September in Review[/U][/B] [/CENTER] Anniversario was another good show, but one like last month's Rey De Reyes we felt could have been even better. There's a feeling right now in FCW that we may have 'plateaud' and try to grow a little too quick in our first few years. Looking back we should have reigned back the ambition for at least a year and concentrated more on building a strong financial base and whilst we will turn a profit by the end of the year, we haven't made enough money to push on. Right now we aren't quite big enough to keep hold of or attract star names to the promotion, yet the fans now expect a certain degree of quality and if we started to cut back too much, the fans would turn away. There is no question that FCW will survive with the current model we are running but we aren't going to move forward either and if we do try a move aggressive strategy than what we are going with right now then we will probably go the same way as 4C and possibly APW. It's why we haven't pursued TV yet, even though the feeling is that we could now be popular enough on our home turf to strike a deal with someone. Right now we have $336,600 in the bank and though we are not in debt, it's not a strong enough financial base to 'push on' with. The loss of K.C Glenn was a blow but we have survived other perhaps even more important losses (J.D Morgan, Shawn Gonzalez, Kirk Jameson) before and we have managed to move on and find someone capable of enough of stepping up. There were three new arrivals this month (well two new arrivals and one a returnee). Amo Del Gato was the surprise winner of the second chance poll, he's a solid worker who didn't really get a great rub if I'm to be honest with his first run and even though he's unlikely to be challenging the top of the card anytime soon...it is hoped he can make more of an impact in his second run. The other new additions, are Java and Evil Spirit who both made their debuts at Anniversario. In terms of the roster members we managed to retain the most important was Phoenix Negra, who has been integral to our title picture and has had a great personal rivalry with Ultimate Phoenix since his arrival in the autumn of 2010. Also due to his relative popularity in Canada, he also makes for a great bargaining tool with NOTBPW, if we ever want to bring in some talent on loan from them. Also putting pen to paper on new contracts this month were Arthur Dexter Bradley, Capitao Brasil Jr, Matt Hocking and color commentator Cueball Lynch. There will come a time when O'Hara and Lynch will probably need to be replaced at the announce table but for the size we are currently at, they do a credible enough job for a reasonable amount of money. [CENTER]______________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Rival Promotion Watch[/U][/B][/CENTER] CZCW should have had in theory continued their great form this month with their Reach for the Sky show (C+). What should have been the main event saw Bobby Thomas end Ultimate Phoenix 16 month reign as Coastal Zone championship (B+) but for reason that was only the semi-main and instead the main event was an average (C) Tag match that saw Ernesy Youngman team with Donnie J to defeat Ekuma and Mick Muscles. I respect Cliff Anderson as an owner, but sometimes you wonder if he should give someone else the CZCW book, because not putting the title match on as the main event, especially with the HUGE title change was frankly dumb beyond belief. MAW Face the Hangman (C) was a step back in the right direction following last months disaster of the show, the main event saw Jay Chord team with Henry Lee to defeat JD Morgan and Johnny Martin (C+), the other three being able to hide Lee's obvious short-comings. Match of the night though saw James 'Mainstream' Hernandez fight to a draw with Cannonball Kid, in what was a great match (B). NYCW seemed to have found a level of consistency lately in putting in solid but not exactly eye catching shows and In and Out (C) continued that trend. The main event saw Andre Jones go to a Time Limit draw with Snow Fox (C). A pretty even contest between all four 'High End Regional' promotions this month. [CENTER]______________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]September News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] SWF failed to maintain their popularity levels and have once again fallen back to Cult Size after only a month of rising back to Global Size, confirming that they are still a distant Number 2 right now to TCW in the U.S. It might seem unthinkable but Exodus 2010 the up start promotion in Japan is now considered to be the same size (Cult) or promotion as the once dominant SWF. In reality the SWF are an Internationally known promotion who can't quite maintain enough popularity in their home country, whilst Exodus 2010 are a promotion that now appears to have gained enough of a following in Japan to be considered more than a Regional sized promotion. Whether or not Exodus 2010 have the resources to exist at that level remains to be seen, as reaching 'Cult Size' seems to be the nadir of many promotions rather than the stepping stone to success, as APW, Australia's biggest...erm only promotion are the latest cult sized promotion heading into financial difficulty. Should they go the way of 4C, they're will be alot of talent looking for work. [B]Worker Signings[/B] CGC add Robbie Retro, Akima Brave (Malilli Umaga) to the roster, bring back Jason 'Too Hot' Evans and former voice of 4C Terry Smith joins the announce team. CZCW fill some roster gaps with the additions of Lenny Brown, Zeus Maximillion, Erik Strong and Matt Hocking. In something of a shocker Tom 'Angry' Gilmore has decided sign a PPA deal with INSPIRE, after rejecting a contract extension with SWF, whilst many wrestling insiders were unsurprised by Gilmore's decision to leave SWF after years of not quite breaking through to the main event, they are surprised that INSPIRE was his choice of promotion on his return to Japan. INSPIRE also bring over Axxis Jr, Crusher Von Steinberg and Willie York for their up-coming autumn tour. MAW add to their roster with the arrivals of current NYCW Empire champion Andre Jones and SWF lower carders Knuckles and Paul Huntingdon. Jack DeColt rejects a contract extension with TCW to return to his native Canada with NOTBPW ! The Canadian giants also pick up ex SWF worker Kid Toma. NYCW seem prepared to put up with the backstage hassle as they sign the talented but controversial Edd Stone. OLLIE went on a signing spree , as they looked to fill some roster gaps with the addtions of Apprentica Jr, El Orgulluso, Fray Valiente Jr, Heavy Metal Anarchy, Hexx, Mexican Beast and Tigre Salvaje Jr. Last time OLLIE did this though they pretty much released all of the talent they had just required soon after and it'll be interesting to see if all these men have just been brought in as enhancement talent again. Matt Sparrow returns to PSW, after leaving the promotion earlier in the year. PSW also bring in Brendon Idol and Citizen X. SOTBPW add La Sombra Jr, once of OLLIE to their roster. In something of a shock move PSW owner Mitch Naess has joined the announce team of SWF, whilst MAW owner Jay Chord has also decided to join the SWF. It appears the SWF are wanting to work alongside the independent promotions , whilst they are clearly no longer in the position to challenge TCW. Valiant is the latest SWF 'star' to defect to rivals TCW. K.C Glenn will now be making USPW his home promotion whilst he is in America, whilst the Strong Family owned promotion also bring in Philip LaGrenier and Nevada Nuclear. William Hayes has signed a written deal with WLW and Bulldozer Brandon Smith will take part on their next tour. And yeah the usual lot who are inexplicably not yet on written contracts have signed to go on another tour. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 5SSW extend the contracts of Amber Allen, Chitose Ariwara and June Butler. AAA extend the contracts of Raven Nightfall, Dharma Gregg, Stephanie Wade, referee Lois Hudson and backstage hand Miss Mexico. APW extend the contract of Big Daddy Horne. BHOTWG extend the written contract of Kenko Takemitsu and the PPA deal of Eisaku Hoshino. BSC extend the contracts of Tracy Brendon and Vampella. CGC extend the contracts of Dan DaLay, Mick Muscles and manager Captain USA. A busy month for CWWF as they keep hold of a good portion of their roster, extending the contracts of Suzanne Brazzle, Jessica Bunny, Katherine Goodlooks, Lauren Easter, Sara Marie York, Joanne Rodriguez, Grace Harper, commentator Ted Ross and manager Carl Batch. CZCW complete the important contract extension of Ultimate Phoenix and also keep hold of Panda Mask II and Gigolo Jack Stein. EWA extend the contracts of Jake Panic, referee Patrick Garrett and commentator Joan Evans. Exodus 2010 extend the contracts of Tasuku Shinozuka, Stealth-Z, Jin Miyamoto, announcer Teruihi Inoue and managers Ryu Sugiyama and Seishiro Hiraga GCG secure Matthew Keith, Hiroyasu Gakusha and KAZ to new written contracts and keep the PPA deal of Burning Takash!ta going. Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deals of Munemitsu Senmatsu, Dean Daniels, Ryushi Sato, Nirichen Amigawa and Rogue Matsuo SF. INSPIRE extend the Tasuku Shinozuka, Matsudaira Morioka and announce team Seiho Kuroda and Danjuro Komatsu. MAW extend the contract of manager Ernest Forthdyke-Hume. MHW extend the contract of Luis Montero Jr. MOSC extend the contract of Jeffrey McPeterson, Danny Patterson, valet Emma Evans and announce team Bernie Evans and Lawrence Young. MPWF extend the contracts of Arthur Dexter Bradley and valet Chica de Partido. NOTBPW secure monster heel Gargantuan and referee Clarence Garcia to new written deals. NYCW extend the contracts of Billy Russell, Greg Rayne and commentator Rock Downpour. OLLIE extend the contracts of SWARM I, Mayan Idol and announcer Ignacio Soto. . PSW extend the contracts of JD Morgan and California Love Machine. RIPW extend the PPA deals of manager Ernest Forthdyke-Hume. ROF extend the contracts of Walter Morgan, Joss Thompson and Keith Adams. SAISHO extend the PPA deals of referee Yasayuki Terakado. SOTBPW extend the contracts of Nicolas Lopez, Marcos Flores, Tijuana Vampire and commentator Eduardo Prieto. Shady K and valet Dawn 'The Cheerleader' sign new PPA deals with SWF. Unlike his brother Steve DeColt does decide to stay in the U.S with TCW. Annouce team member Shawn Doakes and road agent Arnold Westberry also sign new written deals. UEW extend the contracts of Louis Figo Manico and Christopher Lister. USPW extend the contracts of Jumbo Jackson, valet Seduction and referee Baby Jamie. WLW secure Rhino Umaga, Nathan Coleman and White Samurai to new written contracts. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] DJ Reason fails to come to agreement on a new contract with 21CW. 55SW decide against offering a new contract to Ochiyo Ijima. White Samurai departs from INSPIRE after securing a written deal with WLW Stevie Grayson finishes up with MAW, whilst Bulldozer Brandon Smith also departs, to concentrate on his commitments with FCW and in Japan. MPWF let go of Cique Jr. Honest Frank finishes up with NYCW (Frank also departs from PSW), after this shock move to SWF last move, and Dazzling Dave Diamond also departs. William Hayes departs from PGHW, after opting to sign with rival promotion WLW instead. Hirokumio Saito departs from SAISHO. Mexican Beast leaves SOTBPW, deciding instead to opt for a fresh start with OLLIE. Valiant departs SWF, the latest talent to defect to TCW. UEW decide against offering a new contract to Geoff Borne. Burning EXILE finishes up with WLW and announcer Monzaemon Ouchi is let go. [B]Injuries[/B] NOTBPW suffered a major blow when roster mainstay Johnny Bloodstone sustained a broken neck, whilst working a Tag match against Dallas McWade and Owen Love. Bloodstone is expected to be out of action for over a year and it is feared he won't come back the same wrestler.However if one promotion has proven it can cope with major talent going down to injury then it's NOTBPW. To complete a bad month on the injury front for NOTBPW current Women's Champion Etsuko Ariyoshi is suffering from chronic back pain. [B]Worker Retirements [/B] Journeyman wrestler Rodger Dodger (sometimes known as Gigolo Jack Stein) has decided to hang up his wrestling boots at the Age of 39. Dodger who has worked for many promotions including NYCW, USPW, CGC, RIPW, PSW and some what suprisingly CZCW was never seen as a great in-ring talent but his natural charisma and good mic skills kept him in work. In fact it's those mic skills that could see him make a natural move across to the announce both or as a manager. Considering the fact that he was never seen as a great wrestler, many fans would say he should have made the move sooner. British Journeyman Frank Simmons (who only worked small indepedent shows in the latter half of his career) has hung up the boots at 36 and probably no one noticed the 'retirement' from wrestling of forrmer Bodybuilder Susan Lee. [B]Title Changes[/B] Pitbull Brown became the 21CW United Kingdom Champion for the second time in his career. Yuma Maruya became a two time 5SSW All Asian Champion but saw her Tag Title reign alongside June Butler come an end at the hands of Culture Shock (Joanne Rodriguez and Tsuki Kawamata) who become four time champions. Seiji Jimbo defeated Miyamae to claim the vacant Burning World Championship to become a two time champion, Elemental III became a four time Junior Champion ending the reign of Senational Dragon and Pavel Vanzycha defeated Red Panther for the Openweight Title. Ultimate Phoenix run as CZCW Champion came to and end at the hands of Bobby Thomas. Jake Panic teamed with Scheming Behemoth to defeat the tandem of Frank De Pain and Poppa Punisher to claim the vacant EWA Tag Team Titles. Young Boy Sayuki defeats Stealth-Z to become the Exodus 2010 Silver Crown champion for the first time. Kiminobu Kuroki became a four time Openweight Champion in GCG. The dominant two year long Triple-Crown reign in Hinote Dojo of Munemitsu Senmatsu was finally brought to an end by Kazuma Narato. Mexican Ghouls MHW Nacional reign could only last a solitary month, as it was brough to an end by Mayan Idol. Inca Jr, Ultra Spark Jr and Payaso Jr became the new Trios champions in MPWF, it is the second time this year Ultra Spark and Payaso have won the titles. Warlord Power teamed with Willie York to defeat Brandon Smith and Knuckles for the vacant MAW Tag Team Titles. Super Apprentica ended the near half year long reign of Hijo Del Mephisto to claim the Campeon de Mexico title in OLLIE. James Prudence defeated Casey Valentine to claim the vacant PSW National Title. whilst Paul Huntingdon teamed with Tank Bradley to defeat Citizen-Z and Henry Lee for the vacant PSW Tag Titles. Trent Shaffer defeated Ernest Youngman for the vacant RIPW Championship ROF finally decided to end the seemingly endless Tag Title reign of Billy Robinson and Don Hendersn, as Kevin Jones and Rolling Johnny Stones became the new champion. Despite the length of their reign (31 months) it couldn't be called dominant as they would only defend the belts once in a blue moon. Ryan Powell ended the four month reign of 'Dark Star' Erik Strong to become the SWF Shooting Star Champion for the first time. Former World Champion Joey Minnesota defeated Brent Hill for the TCW International Title. Darryl Devine completed a fantastic month for himself as he defeated Robbie Retro for the vacant USPW World Title and Jumbo Jackson defeated Jay Chord for the vacant Televsion Title.
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Those montly reviews are always fun to read. I consistently find it facinating to see what's on going around the CornellVerse in other people's games. I also realize that putting that together probably takes a bit of time, so just a thanks for that from me. Also - you never have said who Phoenix Negra is, have you? I've tried to figure it out a few times based on the hints you gave when you brought him and just after, but I've quite been sure.
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[quote=Bigpapa42;644848]Those montly reviews are always fun to read. I consistently find it facinating to see what's on going around the CornellVerse in other people's games. I also realize that putting that together probably takes a bit of time, so just a thanks for that from me. Also - you never have said who Phoenix Negra is, have you? I've tried to figure it out a few times based on the hints you gave when you brought him and just after, but I've quite been sure.[/quote] The monthly review usually takes a couple of hours to put together, the order it is presented in, is actually the reverse to how I write it. I do the gameworld stuff first and the 'internal review' last. As for never revealing the true identity of Phoenix Negra, I want to keep a bit of 'kayfabe' alive with my diary. Some people are great at writing about the 'backstage' goings on, I personally don't see that as a 'strength' of mine and have instead decided to keep a bit of mystique about certain wrestlers. Anyway a few clues that have been dropped already about who is behind the Phoenix Negra mask.... * He's relatively popular in Canada * Is a Lightweight wrestler, with a good level of skill. * Is at current time in this game (2012) in his early thirties. To be honest he's got over and delivered better than expected and is a gamble that has paid off. What is good about him is that he has got good popularity in Puerto Rico (C+) but isn't so popular in other area's that he'll play the 'I'm too big for you' card.
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Yeah, a couple hours on something like that doesn't surprise me. That's a lot of time, but as a reader, I feel it really helps flesh out the rest of the game world and what's going on. Unless you keep running notes of stuff as you play through, going through the game to look up everything takes awhile. I know that from experience. As for Negra, I do definitely appreciate keeping a bit of mystery like that. At the same time, I'm gonna go check the game again as soon as I can... Mysteries are fun... but so is solving them... I'll PM you if I can find a good candidate...
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;644886]The monthly review usually takes a couple of hours to put together, the order it is presented in, is actually the reverse to how I write it. I do the gameworld stuff first and the 'internal review' last. As for never revealing the true identity of Phoenix Negra, I want to keep a bit of 'kayfabe' alive with my diary. Some people are great at writing about the 'backstage' goings on, I personally don't see that as a 'strength' of mine and have instead decided to keep a bit of mystique about certain wrestlers. Anyway a few clues that have been dropped already about who is behind the Phoenix Negra mask.... * He's relatively popular in Canada * Is a Lightweight wrestler, with a good level of skill. * Is at current time in this game (2012) in his early thirties. To be honest he's got over and delivered better than expected and is a gamble that has paid off. What is good about him is that he has got good popularity in Puerto Rico (C+) but isn't so popular in other area's that he'll play the 'I'm too big for you' card.[/QUOTE] I think I might have an idea who it is. I'll drop you a PM and see if I'm on the right lines. I think all my previous guesses may have been way off.
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I wonder now if Devine's ego will fit in the arena :rolleyes: I assume part of your financial difficulties are caused by your home base being the smallest wrestling market in the US. Not easy to breach out if you can't make a lot of money at home.
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[quote=MrOnu;645192]I wonder now if Devine's ego will fit in the arena :rolleyes: I assume part of your financial difficulties are caused by your home base being the smallest wrestling market in the US. Not easy to breach out if you can't make a lot of money at home.[/quote] I feel you may have a good point there, it does feel like I've hit a 'ceiling' with the amount of People I can attract to shows in my home area. I'm selling out the Montenez for every show, but aren't attracting enough fans yet to justify running in a bigger venue. No one should look at this diary, as a sure fire way to suceed with FCW. In hindsight I should have riden Power's popularity for another year with him beating off various monster heels and had the People's Title play the same sort of role the X-Division title played in the early days of TNA (as in the real 'talent' would compete for that title, whilst the 'names' would fight over the Puerto Rican Title). You can do alot of things with hindsight :rolleyes: Even though I feel like I've hit a bit of a 'brick wall', I'll be carrying on and seeing if I can break through the 'brick wall' so to speak.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;645298]I feel you may have a good point there, it does feel like I've hit a 'ceiling' with the amount of People I can attract to shows in my home area. I'm selling out the Montenez for every show, but aren't attracting enough fans yet to justify running in a bigger venue. No one should look at this diary, as a sure fire way to suceed with FCW. In hindsight I should have riden Power's popularity for another year with him beating off various monster heels and had the People's Title play the same sort of role the X-Division title played in the early days of TNA (as in the real 'talent' would compete for that title, whilst the 'names' would fight over the Puerto Rican Title). You can do alot of things with hindsight :rolleyes: Even though I feel like I've hit a bit of a 'brick wall', I'll be carrying on and seeing if I can break through the 'brick wall' so to speak.[/QUOTE] So when you look back at what you could've/should've/would've done, does it actually make you want to start over? I find I get that temptation with my diary every so often, when I look back on what I did and what I would change. As I said a page or two ago, this would be a diary I would genuinely miss if and when it does end. That said, if it means you moving on to another new project, then I guess it would have a bit of upside... But I do hope you keep going with FCW...
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